From: 'John Marchington' Date: Mon Aug 26, 2002 11:08 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Nideggen concert review Saturday August 24th (very long & boring ;-) Thanks for the review, Heiko. I must say I was surprised to note that your wife hadn't accompanied you to previous TD concerts. It sounded like a great evening was had by all. Incidentally, when are we likely to hear Part 2 of 'Inferno'? ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Heiko Heerssen' To: Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 9:41 PM Subject: [tadream] Nideggen concert review Saturday August 24th (very long & boring ;-) > After having to drive around 450 kilometres with our car my wife > (yes!..her first TD concert :-) and I arrived at the hotel in a small > village near Nideggen, the town where the 'Eifel Festival' and the > Inferno concert was taking place. TD had already performed the first of > their two gigs and I was told that it was a great and sold out concert > (ca. 600-700 seats). When we arrived at the hotel the lady at the > receiption desk asked if we also wanted to see Tangerine Dream, it seems > she was surprised that her hotel was almost fully booked ~lol~ She told > me that she couldn't believe that people from all over the world (like > Graham from Australia) come to Nideggen just to see them play. Little > did she know.. > > There still was a couple of hours left before the start of the show, and > so my wife and I decided to check out what is going on in the small town > of Nideggen, and found a parking place near the castle. The town itself > is relatively small but has a nice medieval touch, an apt scenery to > what was lying in front of us. We went around the stage and had a look > at the menu card of the restaurant that was on the opposite site, and > once again I got the impression that since we have the new curreny some > restaurant owners just replaced the Deutschmark with the new Euro sign, > making it twice as expensive as before ;-) After having a look about > what was going on we decided to drive back to our hotel, but before that > a couple I hadn't recognized before asked me if my name was Heiko. It > turned out that it was tadream list member Vincent Guerenne & his wife > from Belgium (Hi Vincent! :-) . On our way back to the car we talked > with them for a while and then drove back to the hotel. There we met > British list member Alan Miller, and an hour later we were walking > through the streets of Nideggen again, and I assume that half of the > people there were TD fans wanting to see the concert. I noticed a couple > of TD diehard fans (the usual suspects ;-) that were sitting outside of > a pub, and so we joined them for a drink. A while later the Heerssens > and Alan went up to the castle and met list member Volkmar Friauf and > his wife. The five of us entered the restaurant and were lucky to catch > a table (somehow I forgot that it would have been better to reserve some > seats) We really had a great time there and all of sudden there was only > half an hour left until the start of the show. So we headed out and all > took our seats. Like all the other TD diehards I managed to get a ticket > for the first row, and from there we had an excellent view of the stage > setup. > Meanwhile the sun had disappeared and it was becoming a bit colder. > > The concert started at 9.05 pm..but not with Tangerine Dream! Instead > there was some kind of prologue, a recitation (sp?) of two verses from > Dante's 'Inferno' , spoken in Italian language by Mara Redighieri. > Unfortunately most of the audience (including yours truly) didn't > understand the meaning of her words, and although this was a really > unusual beginning to a TD concert she was greeted with warm applause. > She talked for about 15 minutes. Soon after she ended the 'Inferno' crew > walked in and the crowd gave them all a big roar. > Edgar was sitting on the left, Iris Kulterer standing in the middle, and > Jerome sitting on the right, and the choir singers were standing behind > them (just like it was in Bernau and Berlin). Compared to the last > 'Inferno' concert in Berlin the stage was relatively small, but then > again this was no stage diving show with people jumping around like > madmen ;-) > > There is not much for me to say about the music, it was very similar to > what they played in Bernau & Berlin. But I noticed that since the 'world > premiere' last October in Bernau a couple of tracks have undergone > slightly different arrangements, and also Iris had some additional > percussion instruments that she used for the first time. As always she > was really 'into the groove' and smiling almost all of the time, and it > was a real pleasure to look at her performance. Once again the female > choir singers were excellent, and lead vocalist Jayney Klimek was always > on the spot..I really like her voice! > The lightshow was much better than the last time in Berlin, very > colourful and full of effects..magnificent! Towards the end of the show > they even had some stage firework (which at one point caused some > problems because one of it accidently landed just a few feet away from > Jerome, still burning) > The sound was very 'fat', much louder than the Berlin concert, Iris' > percussion sounds sent some shockwaves through my body and sometimes I > was wishing for the sound to become a bit more quieter (it's funny that > I am saying this because I often listen to TD music extremly loud under > headphones ~lol~) > After 80 minutes the show ended and almost the whole audience gave TD a > standing ovation, and applauded for a couple of minutes. The TD crew > looked overwhelmed by the reaction and I noticed a big grin on Edgar's > face. Some were yelling for an encore but of course there none (next > time I'd love to hear some passages of Inferno Part 2 as encore :-) > I asked my wife if she liked the concert and to my surprise she said > 'yes'..could it be we have a new TD fan here :-) > > After the show ended lots of fans waited outside, some of them went to > the merchandise counter while others (incl. me) were hoping to see the > band for a meet & greet. I had a 'Tangerine Tree 2' box for Martin (the > TD manager), and also some replacement discs for Edgar which I wanted to > give him since the ones I gave him after the Berlin concert were more or > less different from the actual release in terms of sound quality & track > indexing, Thanks to Martin (you wouldn't believe what a nice chap he > is! :-) my wife and I were invited into the backstage area which was > extremly small (I think even our living room is bigger) The room was > crammed full with people, incl. the choir singers which I also met in > Berlin. I saw Edgar and gave him my little 'tree' package and explained > to him the reason why. > After a couple of minutes it was time to go, and a few of us TD fans met > again in the pub I mentioned before. The booze did flow and about 1pm we > decided to drive back to the hotel. A perfect finish to what turned out > to be a perfect day. Although I have seen the 'Inferno' show for the > forth time now it was really worth it, and it was a good opportunity for > me to see some new & familiar faces. > > Heiko > > P.S.: in the tour program of the 'Eifel-Festpiele' (Eifel Festival) > there is also a six-page article about TD, and there it says 'that for > this concert two additional keyboardists will also perform (John Malcolm > and Barry Thompson, both from the UK)' erm..did anybody see them play or > did they hide somewhere where no-one could see them? :-0 > > P.P.S.: I have four of these tour programs to give away, since they were > for free I only ask to cover my postage cost. Anyone who is interested > in having a copy please send me an email (off-list preferred ;-) > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: Heiko Heerssen Date: Mon Aug 26, 2002 11:25 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Nideggen concert review Saturday August 24th (very long & boring ;-) > Incidentally, when are we likely to hear Part 2 of 'Inferno'? As far as I know the world premiere of Part 2 will be performed in Atlanta/Georgia sometime in 2003, but this has not been confirmed yet. I really hope they will also play a couple of 'Inferno 2' concerts in Europe (only Germany would also be ok for me ;-)) Heiko From: Wade Gordon Date: Mon Aug 26, 2002 1:07 pm Subject: RE: [tadream] Digest Number 1469 Yes, it works. Wade --- Daniel Hobrecht wrote: > > > > > > Greetings, > > This is NOT a spam, but has any one heard or tried > this device. Right > now, I run the output from my soundcard into my > receiver and use the > main stereo speakers for listening. This device uses > a USB connector to > a stereo and claims to improve the sound. Please, > respond if you know if > this is fact or fiction. > > Also, thanks to Herbert, who got me off MP3 and into > shn. What a > dramatic difference. > > Regards, > DPH > > > > Subject: see to improve sound of MP3 files > > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes From: 'maggior' Date: Mon Aug 26, 2002 4:45 pm Subject: Plans for Tangerine Tree 3 yet? I've finally managed to carve out time to really listen to everything in the TT 2 set. This stuff is brilliant, brilliant, brilliant. My favorite concert recording from TD has been Logostypes. The early 80's stuff in TT 2 goes beyond Logostypes in both performance and recording quality - wow. My favorite of the bunch is the Paris show from '81. The 70's stuff is great too! It was cool to hear melodies from Peter Baumann's Romance '76 in the 3rd part of the Manheim (sp?) show. I was curious to know if anybody is aware of any planning that has started for the 3rd installment of the Tangerine Tree. Tree #1 was 70's centric, Tree #2 was early 80's centric...does it follow that Tree #3 will be late 80's centric? Not trying to rush things, just curious to know if there has been any planning. Like one of my leaves said - 'It's too bad the TT isn't like the fruit of the month club!'; you just wish you could have a steady stream of this stuff. Thanks! Rich Maggio Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35719 Re: Plans for Tangerine Tree 3 yet? Heiko Heerssen td_freak Tue 8/27/2002 3 KB 35720 Re: Covers of TT2 Marko Marin rubyconist Tue 8/27/2002 2 KB 35722 Re: Covers of TT2 John Vertical omegatransfinito Tue 8/27/2002 3 KB 35730 Re: Covers of TT2 Gustavo Jobim gustavojobim2 Tue 8/27/2002 2 KB 35723 Re: Covers of TT2 Heiko Heerssen td_freak Tue 8/27/2002 3 KB 35727 Re: Covers of TT2 Administrator dale1kay Tue 8/27/2002 4 KB 35728 Re: Covers of TT2 Administrator dale1kay Tue 8/27/2002 4 KB 35742 AW: [tadream] Plans for Tangerine Tree 3 yet? Herbert gae232 Tue 8/27/2002 3 KB 35746 Re: AW: [tadream] Plans for Tangerine Tree 3 yet? Heiko Heerssen td_freak Wed 8/28/2002 2 KB From: 'Craig Cordrey' Date: Mon Aug 26, 2002 7:16 pm Subject: New Address It seems that my ISP has decided that I've had a trouble-free life for too long, and so has decided to suspend my email address. So, I now have a new address, very similar to the previous one: craig.cordrey1@b... Note the '1' at the end of the name. Sorry for the off-topic post. Craig Cordrey From: Morgan Feldon Date: Mon Aug 26, 2002 8:49 pm Subject: Tangerine Tree 3 >Rich Maggio said: > >I was curious to know if anybody is aware of any planning that has >started for the 3rd installment of the Tangerine Tree. Tree #1 was >70's centric, Tree #2 was early 80's centric...does it follow that >Tree #3 will be late 80's centric? I hope I am not overstepping my bounds by giving an opinion on what I think the Tangerine Tree is. The Tangerine Tree is not just the best recordings available, but better recordings which have not previously been available to the public in a certain quality. I would imagine even the casual collector of concert tapes or CDs will have the 'Me-Rad' bootleg. But how many of them have a copy of the original audience tape which has been remastered in a studio. That, to me, is the difference in the Tangerine Trees. I think it is recognized that only 1-2 recordings are necessary (especially in the early Tangerine Tree releases) for concert tours from 1980 and beyond, since the songs and playing were virtually identical in ALL shows within each tour. for more information: Tangerine Tree #2 covered these bases quite nicely: January-February 1981 tour October-November 1981 tour October-November 1982 tour For the Australia summer 1982 tour, I don't think a Tangerine Tree is a high priority because one only needs to acquire 'Strange Attractions (Melbourne 82)' and 'The Real Sohoman (Sydney 82)' both recorded from FM radio to have that base covered. They are both likely the best quality recordings we will ever get. To my knowledge, most people have not heard the 3N recording of the legendary Warsaw Dec 10th, 1983 shows, so I'd be on the lookout for these, as well as a great representative of the 1983 summer Japan tour, the Osaka show. For 1988, we already have the Spherical Harmonics/At the Mountains of Madness June 9th, 1988 show from a mixing board tape. For 1986, 90, 92, and 95, I do think future Tangerine Trees may tackle these tours. Which brings us back to 1970-1978. Every show on these tours was unique. And many of the 'official' bootlegs and recordings out there are quite a few generations removed from the master tapes. Let's just say that I would be surprised if there is EVER a Tangerine Tree which does not have at least one 1976 show. :) I'd be happy if TT3 were *all* 1976 shows, but I can tell that Heiko is trying to keep it fresh with a variety of shows. -Morgan Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35712 Tangerine Tree 3 Morgan Feldon Mon 8/26/2002 2 KB 35714 Re: Tangerine Tree 3 Jim Moore moxica93 Tue 8/27/2002 3 KB 35715 Tangerine Tree 3 Morgan Feldon feldon23 Tue 8/27/2002 4 KB 35724 Re: Tangerine Tree 3 Jim Moore moxica93 Tue 8/27/2002 3 KB 35716 Tangerine Tree 3 Morgan Feldon feldon23 Tue 8/27/2002 2 KB 35717 Re: Tangerine Tree 3 Jeffrey Au Yeung tangram80 Tue 8/27/2002 4 KB 35734 Tangerine Tree 3 Morgan Feldon feldon23 Tue 8/27/2002 3 KB 35736 Re: Tangerine Tree 3 goozergrafx goozergrafx Tue 8/27/2002 3 KB 35741 Tangerine Tree 3 Morgan Feldon feldon23 Tue 8/27/2002 2 KB From: Morgan Feldon Date: Mon Aug 26, 2002 8:53 pm Subject: Tangerine Tree 3 Two more things re: my post about the Tangerine Tree since I hit SEND too early. One, I hope the entire Brussels 1980 show is released soon. (Some may be familiar with the excellent but abridged Nostragram CDR) And two, I've asked in a few different venues, never with any straight answer. If you could have 20 tapes, and only 20 tapes from the TD vaults, would all 20 tapes you pick be tapes for which a fantape already exists? Or would you gamble and, say, grab one of the 1973 Klaus Schulze + TD collaboration shows, or perhaps, a few 1976 shows which nobody has heard for twenty-five years? I don't know if I have an answer for that question. Assume you would not be able to listen to the tape first. -Morgan From: 'Daniel Hobrecht' Date: Tue Aug 27, 2002 12:51 am Subject: RE: [tadream] Digest Number 1470 -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 1:02 PM To: Subject: [tadream] Digest Number 1470 ----------------------------------------------------_- To unsubscribe: ----------------------------------------------------_- Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at Tangerine Tree info at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are 12 messages in this issue. Topics in this digest: 1. Bulletin From: 'fozziebear' 2. RE: Digest Number 1469 From: 'Daniel Hobrecht' 3. USB 'Sound Card' From: Morgan Feldon 4. USB Sound Card From: Morgan Feldon 5. Nideggen concert review Saturday August 24th (very long & boring ;-) From: Heiko Heerssen 6. Re: sleeping From: Marko Marin 7. Re: Nideggen concert review Saturday August 24th (very long & boring ;-) From: René Brenner 8. Re: Nideggen concert review Saturday August 24th (very long & boring ;-) From: René Brenner 9. Re: Nideggen concert review Saturday August 24th (very long & boring ;-) From: 'John Marchington' 10. Re: Nideggen concert review Saturday August 24th (very long & boring ;-) From: Heiko Heerssen 11. RE: Digest Number 1469 From: Wade Gordon 12. Plans for Tangerine Tree 3 yet? From: 'maggior' ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 1 Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2002 20:59:01 +0100 From: 'fozziebear' Subject: Bulletin I've just got back from a month in Poland and Prague, floods permitting, so please bear this in mind when reading my comments. I've got loads of emails to catch up with and I have been reading some of the debate about forums / bulletins. I am way behind with the thread and I have not read all of them or any conclusions to the debate yet I like Marion's observations. My view - If there can be something like there is now with extras for people to 'forum' as much as they want I am for that. I like the present emails system in plane text. I usually read all the emails and delete quickly those that are not of particluar interest. I am very pleased that this community is growing. It shows that there is interest for people to stick around. All credit to the organisers and contributors. I am pleased there is input from TDI. This list is growing up. I am for change if we can have 'access' to and use of what we have now got, independence from Yahoo and freedom to talk of taboo subjects. My 2 zlotys worth David [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 2 Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2002 17:20:21 -0600 From: 'Daniel Hobrecht' Subject: RE: Digest Number 1469 Greetings, This is NOT a spam, but has any one heard or tried this device. Right now, I run the output from my soundcard into my receiver and use the main stereo speakers for listening. This device uses a USB connector to a stereo and claims to improve the sound. Please, respond if you know if this is fact or fiction. Also, thanks to Herbert, who got me off MP3 and into shn. What a dramatic difference. Regards, DPH Subject: see to improve sound of MP3 files ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 3 Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2002 19:36:34 -0500 From: Morgan Feldon Subject: USB 'Sound Card' >From: 'Daniel Hobrecht' >Date: Sun Aug 25, 2002 6:20 pm >Subject: RE: [tadream] Digest Number 1469 > >This is NOT a spam, but has any one heard or tried this device. Right >now, I run the output from my soundcard into my receiver and use the >main stereo speakers for listening. This device uses a USB connector to >a stereo and claims to improve the sound. Please, respond if you know if >this is fact or fiction. > > >(corrected URL) Well, it sure sounds attractive from what I've read on their website. And my video card (GeForce 2 Xtasy Everything) has audio input, so I could completely forego by audio card. :) I really do need to replace my Creative Labs sound card (which has never had perfect results under Windows 2000 or XP) with something, whether it's a Turtle Beach or the device reviewed above. Oh, here's Creative Lab's full-blown USB option (a whole external sound card, vs the Xitel device which is playback only). >Also, thanks to Herbert, who got me off MP3 and into shn. What a >dramatic difference. An mp3 encoded with the typical mp3 software will definitely lose to SHN. An mp3 encoded with LAME at 192-224kbps quality after being captured with EAC should be completely indistinguishable from SHN. I am listening on Sennheiser phones. -Morgan [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 4 Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 00:36:15 -0500 From: Morgan Feldon Subject: USB Sound Card Replying to my own e-mails. I think I am getting senile... >Oh, here's Creative Lab's full-blown USB option (a whole external sound >card, vs the Xitel device which is playback only). I was talking about the Extigy. It's an external complete sound card solution. -Morgan ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 5 Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 11:41:20 +0200 From: Heiko Heerssen Subject: Nideggen concert review Saturday August 24th (very long & boring ;-) After having to drive around 450 kilometres with our car my wife (yes!..her first TD concert :-) and I arrived at the hotel in a small village near Nideggen, the town where the 'Eifel Festival' and the Inferno concert was taking place. TD had already performed the first of their two gigs and I was told that it was a great and sold out concert (ca. 600-700 seats). When we arrived at the hotel the lady at the receiption desk asked if we also wanted to see Tangerine Dream, it seems she was surprised that her hotel was almost fully booked ~lol~ She told me that she couldn't believe that people from all over the world (like Graham from Australia) come to Nideggen just to see them play. Little did she know.. There still was a couple of hours left before the start of the show, and so my wife and I decided to check out what is going on in the small town of Nideggen, and found a parking place near the castle. The town itself is relatively small but has a nice medieval touch, an apt scenery to what was lying in front of us. We went around the stage and had a look at the menu card of the restaurant that was on the opposite site, and once again I got the impression that since we have the new curreny some restaurant owners just replaced the Deutschmark with the new Euro sign, making it twice as expensive as before ;-) After having a look about what was going on we decided to drive back to our hotel, but before that a couple I hadn't recognized before asked me if my name was Heiko. It turned out that it was tadream list member Vincent Guerenne & his wife from Belgium (Hi Vincent! :-) . On our way back to the car we talked with them for a while and then drove back to the hotel. There we met British list member Alan Miller, and an hour later we were walking through the streets of Nideggen again, and I assume that half of the people there were TD fans wanting to see the concert. I noticed a couple of TD diehard fans (the usual suspects ;-) that were sitting outside of a pub, and so we joined them for a drink. A while later the Heerssens and Alan went up to the castle and met list member Volkmar Friauf and his wife. The five of us entered the restaurant and were lucky to catch a table (somehow I forgot that it would have been better to reserve some seats) We really had a great time there and all of sudden there was only half an hour left until the start of the show. So we headed out and all took our seats. Like all the other TD diehards I managed to get a ticket for the first row, and from there we had an excellent view of the stage setup. Meanwhile the sun had disappeared and it was becoming a bit colder. The concert started at 9.05 pm..but not with Tangerine Dream! Instead there was some kind of prologue, a recitation (sp?) of two verses from Dante's 'Inferno' , spoken in Italian language by Mara Redighieri. Unfortunately most of the audience (including yours truly) didn't understand the meaning of her words, and although this was a really unusual beginning to a TD concert she was greeted with warm applause. She talked for about 15 minutes. Soon after she ended the 'Inferno' crew walked in and the crowd gave them all a big roar. Edgar was sitting on the left, Iris Kulterer standing in the middle, and Jerome sitting on the right, and the choir singers were standing behind them (just like it was in Bernau and Berlin). Compared to the last 'Inferno' concert in Berlin the stage was relatively small, but then again this was no stage diving show with people jumping around like madmen ;-) There is not much for me to say about the music, it was very similar to what they played in Bernau & Berlin. But I noticed that since the 'world premiere' last October in Bernau a couple of tracks have undergone slightly different arrangements, and also Iris had some additional percussion instruments that she used for the first time. As always she was really 'into the groove' and smiling almost all of the time, and it was a real pleasure to look at her performance. Once again the female choir singers were excellent, and lead vocalist Jayney Klimek was always on the spot..I really like her voice! The lightshow was much better than the last time in Berlin, very colourful and full of effects..magnificent! Towards the end of the show they even had some stage firework (which at one point caused some problems because one of it accidently landed just a few feet away from Jerome, still burning) The sound was very 'fat', much louder than the Berlin concert, Iris' percussion sounds sent some shockwaves through my body and sometimes I was wishing for the sound to become a bit more quieter (it's funny that I am saying this because I often listen to TD music extremly loud under headphones ~lol~) After 80 minutes the show ended and almost the whole audience gave TD a standing ovation, and applauded for a couple of minutes. The TD crew looked overwhelmed by the reaction and I noticed a big grin on Edgar's face. Some were yelling for an encore but of course there none (next time I'd love to hear some passages of Inferno Part 2 as encore :-) I asked my wife if she liked the concert and to my surprise she said 'yes'..could it be we have a new TD fan here :-) After the show ended lots of fans waited outside, some of them went to the merchandise counter while others (incl. me) were hoping to see the band for a meet & greet. I had a 'Tangerine Tree 2' box for Martin (the TD manager), and also some replacement discs for Edgar which I wanted to give him since the ones I gave him after the Berlin concert were more or less different from the actual release in terms of sound quality & track indexing, Thanks to Martin (you wouldn't believe what a nice chap he is! :-) my wife and I were invited into the backstage area which was extremly small (I think even our living room is bigger) The room was crammed full with people, incl. the choir singers which I also met in Berlin. I saw Edgar and gave him my little 'tree' package and explained to him the reason why. After a couple of minutes it was time to go, and a few of us TD fans met again in the pub I mentioned before. The booze did flow and about 1pm we decided to drive back to the hotel. A perfect finish to what turned out to be a perfect day. Although I have seen the 'Inferno' show for the forth time now it was really worth it, and it was a good opportunity for me to see some new & familiar faces. Heiko P.S.: in the tour program of the 'Eifel-Festpiele' (Eifel Festival) there is also a six-page article about TD, and there it says 'that for this concert two additional keyboardists will also perform (John Malcolm and Barry Thompson, both from the UK)' erm..did anybody see them play or did they hide somewhere where no-one could see them? :-0 P.P.S.: I have four of these tour programs to give away, since they were for free I only ask to cover my postage cost. Anyone who is interested in having a copy please send me an email (off-list preferred ;-) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 6 Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 02:59:56 -0700 (PDT) From: Marko Marin Subject: Re: sleeping Not in any particular order... From TD: Alpha Centauri (the title track only) Zeit (the whole album ;-) Atem (Fauni Gena only) Phaedra (the whole album) Rubycon (first six minutes from Part One) From Oldfield Amarok (don't ask why it works for me but it did when I took a short nap :-) Regards, Marko Marin ===== __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 7 Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 12:56:40 +0200 From: René Brenner Subject: Re: Nideggen concert review Saturday August 24th (very long & boring ;-) Hello Heiko... err Hallo Heiko! Vielen Dank für deinen ausführlichen Report. Ich wäre an einem Tour Programm interessiert, da ich sehr gerne an dem Konzert gewesen wäre... OK wäre diesmal näher als Berlin gewesen aber immer noch etwas zu weit oben, dass es zeitlich in den Rahmen gepasst hätte! ;-) Viele Grüsse René -- René Brenner Schachenmattstr. 21 CH-8953 Dietikon Schweiz ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 8 Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 12:59:11 +0200 From: René Brenner Subject: Re: Nideggen concert review Saturday August 24th (very long & boring ;-) oops... should have gone off-list! I apologize! On Mon, Aug 26, 2002 at 12:56:40 +0200, René Brenner wrote: > Hello Heiko... err Hallo Heiko! > ... ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 9 Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 23:08:39 +1200 From: 'John Marchington' Subject: Re: Nideggen concert review Saturday August 24th (very long & boring ;-) Thanks for the review, Heiko. I must say I was surprised to note that your wife hadn't accompanied you to previous TD concerts. It sounded like a great evening was had by all. Incidentally, when are we likely to hear Part 2 of 'Inferno'? ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Heiko Heerssen' To: Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 9:41 PM Subject: [tadream] Nideggen concert review Saturday August 24th (very long & boring ;-) > After having to drive around 450 kilometres with our car my wife > (yes!..her first TD concert :-) and I arrived at the hotel in a small > village near Nideggen, the town where the 'Eifel Festival' and the > Inferno concert was taking place. TD had already performed the first of > their two gigs and I was told that it was a great and sold out concert > (ca. 600-700 seats). When we arrived at the hotel the lady at the > receiption desk asked if we also wanted to see Tangerine Dream, it seems > she was surprised that her hotel was almost fully booked ~lol~ She told > me that she couldn't believe that people from all over the world (like > Graham from Australia) come to Nideggen just to see them play. Little > did she know.. > > There still was a couple of hours left before the start of the show, and > so my wife and I decided to check out what is going on in the small town > of Nideggen, and found a parking place near the castle. The town itself > is relatively small but has a nice medieval touch, an apt scenery to > what was lying in front of us. We went around the stage and had a look > at the menu card of the restaurant that was on the opposite site, and > once again I got the impression that since we have the new curreny some > restaurant owners just replaced the Deutschmark with the new Euro sign, > making it twice as expensive as before ;-) After having a look about > what was going on we decided to drive back to our hotel, but before that > a couple I hadn't recognized before asked me if my name was Heiko. It > turned out that it was tadream list member Vincent Guerenne & his wife > from Belgium (Hi Vincent! :-) . On our way back to the car we talked > with them for a while and then drove back to the hotel. There we met > British list member Alan Miller, and an hour later we were walking > through the streets of Nideggen again, and I assume that half of the > people there were TD fans wanting to see the concert. I noticed a couple > of TD diehard fans (the usual suspects ;-) that were sitting outside of > a pub, and so we joined them for a drink. A while later the Heerssens > and Alan went up to the castle and met list member Volkmar Friauf and > his wife. The five of us entered the restaurant and were lucky to catch > a table (somehow I forgot that it would have been better to reserve some > seats) We really had a great time there and all of sudden there was only > half an hour left until the start of the show. So we headed out and all > took our seats. Like all the other TD diehards I managed to get a ticket > for the first row, and from there we had an excellent view of the stage > setup. > Meanwhile the sun had disappeared and it was becoming a bit colder. > > The concert started at 9.05 pm..but not with Tangerine Dream! Instead > there was some kind of prologue, a recitation (sp?) of two verses from > Dante's 'Inferno' , spoken in Italian language by Mara Redighieri. > Unfortunately most of the audience (including yours truly) didn't > understand the meaning of her words, and although this was a really > unusual beginning to a TD concert she was greeted with warm applause. > She talked for about 15 minutes. Soon after she ended the 'Inferno' crew > walked in and the crowd gave them all a big roar. > Edgar was sitting on the left, Iris Kulterer standing in the middle, and > Jerome sitting on the right, and the choir singers were standing behind > them (just like it was in Bernau and Berlin). Compared to the last > 'Inferno' concert in Berlin the stage was relatively small, but then > again this was no stage diving show with people jumping around like > madmen ;-) > > There is not much for me to say about the music, it was very similar to > what they played in Bernau & Berlin. But I noticed that since the 'world > premiere' last October in Bernau a couple of tracks have undergone > slightly different arrangements, and also Iris had some additional > percussion instruments that she used for the first time. As always she > was really 'into the groove' and smiling almost all of the time, and it > was a real pleasure to look at her performance. Once again the female > choir singers were excellent, and lead vocalist Jayney Klimek was always > on the spot..I really like her voice! > The lightshow was much better than the last time in Berlin, very > colourful and full of effects..magnificent! Towards the end of the show > they even had some stage firework (which at one point caused some > problems because one of it accidently landed just a few feet away from > Jerome, still burning) > The sound was very 'fat', much louder than the Berlin concert, Iris' > percussion sounds sent some shockwaves through my body and sometimes I > was wishing for the sound to become a bit more quieter (it's funny that > I am saying this because I often listen to TD music extremly loud under > headphones ~lol~) > After 80 minutes the show ended and almost the whole audience gave TD a > standing ovation, and applauded for a couple of minutes. The TD crew > looked overwhelmed by the reaction and I noticed a big grin on Edgar's > face. Some were yelling for an encore but of course there none (next > time I'd love to hear some passages of Inferno Part 2 as encore :-) > I asked my wife if she liked the concert and to my surprise she said > 'yes'..could it be we have a new TD fan here :-) > > After the show ended lots of fans waited outside, some of them went to > the merchandise counter while others (incl. me) were hoping to see the > band for a meet & greet. I had a 'Tangerine Tree 2' box for Martin (the > TD manager), and also some replacement discs for Edgar which I wanted to > give him since the ones I gave him after the Berlin concert were more or > less different from the actual release in terms of sound quality & track > indexing, Thanks to Martin (you wouldn't believe what a nice chap he > is! :-) my wife and I were invited into the backstage area which was > extremly small (I think even our living room is bigger) The room was > crammed full with people, incl. the choir singers which I also met in > Berlin. I saw Edgar and gave him my little 'tree' package and explained > to him the reason why. > After a couple of minutes it was time to go, and a few of us TD fans met > again in the pub I mentioned before. The booze did flow and about 1pm we > decided to drive back to the hotel. A perfect finish to what turned out > to be a perfect day. Although I have seen the 'Inferno' show for the > forth time now it was really worth it, and it was a good opportunity for > me to see some new & familiar faces. > > Heiko > > P.S.: in the tour program of the 'Eifel-Festpiele' (Eifel Festival) > there is also a six-page article about TD, and there it says 'that for > this concert two additional keyboardists will also perform (John Malcolm > and Barry Thompson, both from the UK)' erm..did anybody see them play or > did they hide somewhere where no-one could see them? :-0 > > P.P.S.: I have four of these tour programs to give away, since they were > for free I only ask to cover my postage cost. Anyone who is interested > in having a copy please send me an email (off-list preferred ;-) > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 10 Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 13:25:13 +0200 From: Heiko Heerssen Subject: Re: Nideggen concert review Saturday August 24th (very long & boring ;-) > Incidentally, when are we likely to hear Part 2 of 'Inferno'? As far as I know the world premiere of Part 2 will be performed in Atlanta/Georgia sometime in 2003, but this has not been confirmed yet. I really hope they will also play a couple of 'Inferno 2' concerts in Europe (only Germany would also be ok for me ;-)) Heiko ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 11 Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 06:07:27 -0700 (PDT) From: Wade Gordon Subject: RE: Digest Number 1469 Yes, it works. Wade --- Daniel Hobrecht wrote: > > > > > > Greetings, > > This is NOT a spam, but has any one heard or tried > this device. Right > now, I run the output from my soundcard into my > receiver and use the > main stereo speakers for listening. This device uses > a USB connector to > a stereo and claims to improve the sound. Please, > respond if you know if > this is fact or fiction. > > Also, thanks to Herbert, who got me off MP3 and into > shn. What a > dramatic difference. > > Regards, > DPH > > > > Subject: see to improve sound of MP3 files > > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 12 Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 16:45:45 -0000 From: 'maggior' Subject: Plans for Tangerine Tree 3 yet? I've finally managed to carve out time to really listen to everything in the TT 2 set. This stuff is brilliant, brilliant, brilliant. My favorite concert recording from TD has been Logostypes. The early 80's stuff in TT 2 goes beyond Logostypes in both performance and recording quality - wow. My favorite of the bunch is the Paris show from '81. The 70's stuff is great too! It was cool to hear melodies from Peter Baumann's Romance '76 in the 3rd part of the Manheim (sp?) show. I was curious to know if anybody is aware of any planning that has started for the 3rd installment of the Tangerine Tree. Tree #1 was 70's centric, Tree #2 was early 80's centric...does it follow that Tree #3 will be late 80's centric? Not trying to rush things, just curious to know if there has been any planning. Like one of my leaves said - 'It's too bad the TT isn't like the fruit of the month club!'; you just wish you could have a steady stream of this stuff. Thanks! Rich Maggio I've finally managed to carve out time to really listen to everything in the TT 2 set. This stuff is brilliant, brilliant, brilliant. Well said,Rich. Also thanks Wade , I will give the thing a try. Regards, DPH ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to From: 'Jim Moore' Date: Tue Aug 27, 2002 1:29 am Subject: RE: [tadream] Tangerine Tree 3 From: Morgan Feldon [mailto:feldon@f...] >For 1988, we already have the Spherical Harmonics/At the Mountains of Madness June 9th, 1988 show from a mixing board tape. Unfortunately, both of these show have the guitar solo interrupted in the middle. Is there a good recording (better than Ardem 'O) with an intact guitar solo? >For 1986, 90, 92, and 95, I do think future Tangerine Trees may tackle these tours. Don't forget some of the 'One Off' shows (like Berlin 1987, Berlin 1990 and the LA Fashion show '95)! >Which brings us back to 1970-1978. Every show on these tours was unique. And many of the 'official' bootlegs and recordings out there are quite a few generations removed from the master tapes. Let's just say that I would be surprised if there is EVER a Tangerine Tree which does not have at least one 1976 show. Listening to the 'Virtual Files', I noticed that the concert sets actually started to crystallize in 1977. While they're certainly not as formulaic as the post 1980 shows, you get an idea what's coming down the road for each of the shows after a while. >I'd be happy if TT3 were *all* 1976 shows, but I can tell that Heiko is trying to keep it fresh with a variety of shows. I like the variety, too. Here's my wish list for the next tree (I can't be more specific with places and dates as I've already packed up my books and CDs): 1974 Reims Cathedral -- A Classic! 1980 East Berlin -- One or both complete shows 1977 Detroit -- 1986 Hammersmith Odeon 1990 Berlin Concert -- debut of Linda Spa! 1976 Brussels (Danger Live Sets) 1983 Tokyo 1988 Complete! - jim From: Morgan Feldon Date: Tue Aug 27, 2002 1:59 am Subject: Tangerine Tree 3 Jim Moore replied to my message: > >Which brings us back to 1970-1978. Every show on these tours was >unique. >And many of the 'official' bootlegs and recordings out there are quite a > >few generations removed from the master tapes. Let's just say that I >would >be surprised if there is EVER a Tangerine Tree which does not have at >least >one 1976 show. > >Listening to the 'Virtual Files', I noticed that the concert sets >actually started to crystallize in 1977. While they're certainly not as >formulaic as the post 1980 shows, you get an idea what's coming down the >road for each of the shows after a while. The first set of most 1977 shows was very similar. A variation of Cherokee Lane and Monolight. The second set was highly improvised. Seattle is my favorite 77 show, but they all have charm. Each one has ~40 minutes of unreleased music. 1978 was mostly Madrigal Meridian and bits of Bent Cold Sidewalk stretched over 2 hours. Not the most exciting shows on Earth. >I like the variety, too. Here's my wish list for the next tree (I can't >be more specific with places and dates as I've already packed up my >books and CDs): > >1974 Reims Cathedral -- A Classic! Live! Improvised! is already a perfect 2 disc set of this show. There's no need for a Tangerine Tree. >1980 East Berlin -- One or both complete shows Despite my insanity-induced exuberance a few months back, I have yet to hear a tape of the Afternoon show. As for the evening show, Lifted Curtain is the best recording out. It has dramatically better sound quality than any of the prior recordings: White Cloths Beyond the Wall Electronics Don Quixotte Staatsgrenze West >1977 Detroit -- For now, the best is 'Snackbar Dreamer in Detroit.' >1986 Hammersmith Odeon Previously planned for TT2. >1990 Berlin Concert -- debut of Linda Spa! The Werner-Seelenbinderhalle show of 1990 already has a decent fantape out there. I don't know if it can be improved upon or not. >1976 Brussels (Danger Live Sets) The best tape for this has not been released yet. >1983 Tokyo The best tape for this has not been released yet. >1988 Complete! I need to listen to the audience tape from this show to see if the guitar solo is intact. If not, I doubt you will see a Tangerine Tree that pastes the guitar solo from a different show in. -Morgan Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35724 Re: Tangerine Tree 3 Jim Moore moxica93 Tue 8/27/2002 3 KB From: Morgan Feldon Date: Tue Aug 27, 2002 2:10 am Subject: Tangerine Tree 3 >Jim Moore posted: > >Don't forget some of the 'One Off' shows (like Berlin 1987, Berlin 1990 >and the LA Fashion show '95)! Berlin 1987 is already well-represented by Antarktis + 20th Century Serenades. I don't know that either of these could be improved upon. -Morgan From: 'Jeffrey Au Yeung' Date: Tue Aug 27, 2002 3:45 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Tangerine Tree 3 Morgan, >One, I hope the entire Brussels 1980 show is released soon. (Some may be >familiar with the excellent but abridged Nostragram CDR) I totally agree that this one should be offered in full. >And two, I've asked in a few different venues, never with any straight >answer. > >If you could have 20 tapes, and only 20 tapes from the TD vaults, would all >20 tapes you pick be tapes for which a fantape already exists? Or would you >gamble and, say, grab one of the 1973 Klaus Schulze + TD collaboration >shows, or perhaps, a few 1976 shows which nobody has heard for twenty-five >years? > >I don't know if I have an answer for that question. Assume you would not be >able to listen to the tape first. Nice game ;-) my approach is: given the restricted no. of tapes you are to maximize among the following: 1) the no. of NEVER HEARD or LITTLE KNOWN concerts (e.g. 1973 with KS, Chichester 1974) 2) known well-performed concerts which already exist as fan tapes but of not-so-satisfactory sound quality or incomplete fragments of a full concert (e.g. Berlin Phiharmonic 76 already released as 'Soundmill') 3) missing concerts of a given tour that can provide variations of largely known music from other concerts of the same tour (e.g. 1975 UK tour - assume 6 concerts unavailable yet out of a total of 16) for 1), this can basically satisfy musical interests and curiosity for 2), better listening enjoyment is better assured for 3), this will complete a full tour and provides much interests for inter-concert comparisons I believe different fans have different preferences. As for myself, my priorities are as follows: 1st priority: NEVER heard (or even known) compositions: this largely means the early concerts (pre-Phaedra). 2nd priority: shows that help complete full tours from 1974-77 ;-) 3rd priority: better sounding concerts than available fan tapes Actually I would like to add one more category: music that was prepared for a concert or tour but later got cancelled for various reasons. e.g. 1979 German tour. Wonder if something like this exists though (probably not as it is not performed or realized). Jeffrey >-Morgan _________________________________________________________________ Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. From: 'losmara' Date: Tue Aug 27, 2002 4:26 am Subject: Re: TD & Lovecraft >From: 'Scott' >Date: Mon May 20, 2002 1:55 pm >Subject: TD & Lovecraft >> Yes, and a few years ago, one fan gave me crap when I >>suggested that a boot be named after a Lovecraftian reference, >>yet since then, another fan went and gave a TD boot a >>Lovecraftian name, so the cat's out of the bag. ;) > >TD & HPL: Two of my faves! Which boots were those? Well, there's At the Mountains of Madness (aka Spherical Harmonics), for one. >Scott Steven Feldman From: Heiko Heerssen Date: Tue Aug 27, 2002 8:03 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Plans for Tangerine Tree 3 yet? > I've finally managed to carve out time to really listen to everything > in the TT 2 set. This stuff is brilliant, brilliant, brilliant. thank you, thank you, thank you :-) > The 70's stuff is great too! It was cool to hear melodies > from Peter Baumann's Romance '76 in the 3rd part of the Manheim (sp?) > show. the 3rd track of Vol.13 (Mannheim 31 October 1976) is also one of my favourite pieces ever. TD could have used this as one side of an official live album, without re-recording or remixing anything. > I was curious to know if anybody is aware of any planning that has > started for the 3rd installment of the Tangerine Tree. Tree #1 was > 70's centric, Tree #2 was early 80's centric...does it follow that > Tree #3 will be late 80's centric? For TT#3 I can choose from quite a variety of concerts, however most of them haven't been remastered yet. And since I am on vacation for almost the whole of September things will have to wait a bit. Some people already asked me when TT#3 is going to get released, and I told them that there won't be another tree edition this year. But let's just wait and see.... Heiko Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35720 Re: Covers of TT2 Marko Marin rubyconist Tue 8/27/2002 2 KB 35722 Re: Covers of TT2 John Vertical omegatransfinito Tue 8/27/2002 3 KB 35730 Re: Covers of TT2 Gustavo Jobim gustavojobim2 Tue 8/27/2002 2 KB 35723 Re: Covers of TT2 Heiko Heerssen td_freak Tue 8/27/2002 3 KB 35727 Re: Covers of TT2 Administrator dale1kay Tue 8/27/2002 4 KB 35728 Re: Covers of TT2 Administrator dale1kay Tue 8/27/2002 4 KB 35742 AW: [tadream] Plans for Tangerine Tree 3 yet? Herbert gae232 Tue 8/27/2002 3 KB 35746 Re: AW: [tadream] Plans for Tangerine Tree 3 yet? Heiko Heerssen td_freak Wed 8/28/2002 2 KB From: Marko Marin Date: Tue Aug 27, 2002 8:00 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Covers of TT2 I have noticed that the cover art of Gustavo and Maff are much 'brighter' compared into my covers... from the technical point of view that is. It seems that Corel does pictures more better and sharper (in a good way) than Adobe, which has more grainier look. But fortunately I have obtained Corel as well so I will use both in the future, because Adobe is more easier to use IMO. Regards, Marko Marin ===== __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35722 Re: Covers of TT2 John Vertical omegatransfinito Tue 8/27/2002 3 KB 35730 Re: Covers of TT2 Gustavo Jobim gustavojobim2 Tue 8/27/2002 2 KB 35723 Re: Covers of TT2 Heiko Heerssen td_freak Tue 8/27/2002 3 KB 35727 Re: Covers of TT2 Administrator dale1kay Tue 8/27/2002 4 KB 35728 Re: Covers of TT2 Administrator dale1kay Tue 8/27/2002 4 KB From: 'richter_arne' Date: Tue Aug 27, 2002 8:19 am Subject: Re: Digest Number 1469 --- In tadream@y..., 'Daniel Hobrecht' wrote: > Greetings, > > This is NOT a spam, but has any one heard or tried this device. > > I had one of those and used it to connect my living-room PC (I have a special PC without CPU fan, with external fanless power supply and noiseless hard disk) to my stereo. The sound quality was indeed *much better* than with any soundcard. But then I sold it and went for the digital version of the same device which converts the USB-Audio data to a S/PDIF Signal which I can feed directly into any receiver with digital input, or in my case, via the D/A Converters of a DAT machine. This improved the sound again (only slightly, but noticeably), as I am now using the very good D/A converters of my DAT. In fact, I have done some A/B listening tests (well, not scientifical ones with double-blind, just switching back and forth) and can no longer tell the difference between the same music coming from CD and from MP3, provided that I used 'lame' with high VBR bitrates of 200 and up. I am now encoding my entire CD collection into MP3 and use the great eJukebox Winamp Plugin ( to browse and play my collection. Only one word of warning: USB Audio is not trivial and consumes a lot of CPU power - many users of slower systems are experiencing dropouts and glitches. Also there are many bugs in almost every Windows Version regarding USB-Audio, so you may have to spend a few hours on the Microsoft support pages getting patches. Finally, if your USB- port is driven by a VIA Chipset (most PC makers use Intel), you can probably forget the whole thing. Have a look at for help and tips! Arne From: 'John Vertical' Date: Tue Aug 27, 2002 8:38 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Covers of TT2 >I have noticed that the cover art of Gustavo and Maff >are much 'brighter' compared into my covers... from >the technical point of view that is. It seems that >Corel does pictures more better and sharper (in a good >way) than Adobe, which has more grainier look. But >fortunately I have obtained Corel as well so I will >use both in the future, because Adobe is more easier >to use IMO. > >Regards, >Marko Marin Also, I've noticed that Gustavo's covers' back cover layout differs from the ones of your and Maff... they don't have the typical darkened column to put the tracklist in. Another thing. I noticed that Heiko isn't credited anywhere in the covers! This should IMHO be fixed. I bet his efforts have been at least equal to your & the remasterers'... 33 sets of 14 disks apiece even only for the 2nd series? Not many would be capable of doing that, let alone the organization of the thing. Who will remember him after some 30 years? John Vertical _________________________________________________________________ Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35730 Re: Covers of TT2 Gustavo Jobim gustavojobim2 Tue 8/27/2002 2 KB From: Heiko Heerssen Date: Tue Aug 27, 2002 10:11 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Covers of TT2 > Another thing. I noticed that Heiko isn't credited anywhere in the covers! > This should IMHO be fixed. I bet his efforts have been at least equal to > your & the remasterers'... 33 sets of 14 disks apiece even only for the 2nd > series? Not many would be capable of doing that, let alone the organization > of the thing. The people responsible for doing the 'tree' artwork are not to blame. My name does not appear in the credits because I wanted it this way...mostly because I didn't know how best to describe my part in the making of the 'Tangerine Tree' (there would not have been enough space for it in the credits section anyway ~LOL~ ;-)))))) > Who will remember him after some 30 years? maybe the company where I used to order 200 blank cdr's every two weeks? :-) What I will remember though are the backstage meetings with Edgar Froese, it was always a special moment for me when I was able to give him the newest Tangerine Tree box. And since I was told that he so far has listened to each and every Tree disc and liked it a lot I feel very happy about this project. From: 'Jim Moore' Date: Tue Aug 27, 2002 1:17 pm Subject: RE: [tadream] Tangerine Tree 3 From: Morgan Feldon [mailto:feldon@f...] >Seattle is my favorite 77 show, but they all have charm. Each one has ~40 minutes of unreleased music. Maybe a collection of second sets? >1978 was mostly Madrigal Meridian and bits of Bent Cold Sidewalk stretched over 2 hours. Not the most exciting shows on Earth. Yeah, if there was one complete concert from 1978, I'd be happy. >Live! Improvised! is already a perfect 2 disc set of this show. There's no need for a Tangerine Tree. Are high-quality boots going to be excluded from the Tree? I know it's just as easy to make copies for anyone who wants, but I was wondering about that. >Despite my insanity-induced exuberance a few months back, I have yet to hear a tape of the Afternoon show. As for the evening show, Lifted Curtain is the best recording out. It has dramatically better sound quality than any of the prior recordings: I've got White Cloths, and was impressed, so I'd be interested in hearing Lifted Curtain. >>1988 Complete! >I need to listen to the audience tape from this show to see if the guitar solo is intact. If not, I doubt you will see a Tangerine Tree that pastes the guitar solo from a different show in. I'd hope not, but I was wondering if there was a soundboard-level recording with a complete solo. Wasn't there a vinyl single RIO of the guitar solo some time ago? - jim From: 'Owens, James' Date: Tue Aug 27, 2002 3:32 pm Subject: RE: Morgan's tape vault question That's an easy one for me. First off would be the REAL AFTERNOON SHOW from East Berlin 1980 (the Quichotte/Pergammon venue). Then, I would definitely be grabbing all the 73 Schulze/TD stuff. I'd like to have any 74 stuff that isn't available elsewhere, and any 75 stuff with Michael Hoenig (other than Royal Albert Hall, which is wonderful, but already in my collection). IF I had any tapes left, I'd like to hear the infamous Pinball machine concert (from 72?) and something from one of TD's performances for Salvador Dali. And if I just happened to have a tape or two left, I'd pick an unavailable show from 1978. Funny thing is, I typically like 80's TD better than 70's TD... James -----Original Message----- From: Morgan Feldon [mailto:feldon@f...] If you could have 20 tapes, and only 20 tapes from the TD vaults, would all 20 tapes you pick be tapes for which a fantape already exists? Or would you gamble and, say, grab one of the 1973 Klaus Schulze + TD collaboration shows, or perhaps, a few 1976 shows which nobody has heard for twenty-five years? Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35737 Re: Morgan's tape vault question John Vertical omegatransfinito Tue 8/27/2002 4 KB From: 'Administrator' Date: Tue Aug 27, 2002 3:34 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Digest Number 1469 >>>>>>>Finally, if your USB- > port is driven by a VIA Chipset (most PC makers use Intel), you can > probably forget the whole thing. You are dead on with VIA. For what ever reason, most of the boards with VIA seem to have a problem with USB, Audio and so forth with any multimedia apps that I run. SIS seemed to do a better job with less problems for me. VIA seems fine for normal stuff but push it and it just isn't up to it. 600 MHz PIII or better would do for this type of job. dale ----- Original Message ----- From: 'richter_arne' To: Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 1:19 AM Subject: [tadream] Re: Digest Number 1469 > > Only one word of warning: USB Audio is not trivial and consumes a lot > of CPU power - many users of slower systems are experiencing dropouts > and glitches. Also there are many bugs in almost every Windows > Version regarding USB-Audio, so you may have to spend a few hours on > the Microsoft support pages getting patches. From: 'Administrator' Date: Tue Aug 27, 2002 3:35 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Covers of TT2 I put a note on my stuff giving him credit. I saw the oversight too but I figured he might have wanted it that way. Dale ----- Original Message ----- From: 'John Vertical' To: Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 1:38 AM Subject: Re: [tadream] Covers of TT2 > >I have noticed that the cover art of Gustavo and Maff > >are much 'brighter' compared into my covers... from > >the technical point of view that is. It seems that > >Corel does pictures more better and sharper (in a good > >way) than Adobe, which has more grainier look. But > >fortunately I have obtained Corel as well so I will > >use both in the future, because Adobe is more easier > >to use IMO. > > > >Regards, > >Marko Marin > > > Also, I've noticed that Gustavo's covers' back cover layout differs from the > ones of your and Maff... they don't have the typical darkened column to put > the tracklist in. > > Another thing. I noticed that Heiko isn't credited anywhere in the covers! > This should IMHO be fixed. I bet his efforts have been at least equal to > your & the remasterers'... 33 sets of 14 disks apiece even only for the 2nd > series? Not many would be capable of doing that, let alone the organization > of the thing. Who will remember him after some 30 years? > > John Vertical > > _________________________________________________________________ > Join the world's largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: 'Administrator' Date: Tue Aug 27, 2002 3:36 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Covers of TT2 see if I read more ahead I can stop commenting. dale ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Heiko Heerssen' To: Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 3:11 AM Subject: Re: [tadream] Covers of TT2 > > > > Another thing. I noticed that Heiko isn't credited anywhere in the covers! > > This should IMHO be fixed. I bet his efforts have been at least equal to > > your & the remasterers'... 33 sets of 14 disks apiece even only for the 2nd > > series? Not many would be capable of doing that, let alone the organization > > of the thing. > > The people responsible for doing the 'tree' artwork are not to blame. My name > does not appear in the credits because I wanted it this way...mostly because I > didn't know how best to describe my part in the making of the 'Tangerine Tree' > (there would not have been enough space for it in the credits section anyway > ~LOL~ ;-)))))) > > > Who will remember him after some 30 years? > > maybe the company where I used to order 200 blank cdr's every two weeks? :-) > > What I will remember though are the backstage meetings with Edgar Froese, it was > always a special moment for me when I was able to give him the newest Tangerine > Tree box. And since I was told that he so far has listened to each and every > Tree disc and liked it a lot I feel very happy about this project. > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: 'tei waz' Date: Tue Aug 27, 2002 3:52 pm Subject: LoaRT longest version.... Recently had a request for the longest running version of Love on a Real Train--any ideas where I could find this? Variants, too. --T _________________________________________________________________ Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35731 Re: LoaRT longest version.... Phil White blancmanuk Tue 8/27/2002 3 KB 35732 Re: LoaRT longest version.... Owens, James yxalag2 Tue 8/27/2002 2 KB 35738 Re: LoaRT longest version.... John Vertical omegatransfinito Tue 8/27/2002 3 KB From: Gustavo Jobim Date: Tue Aug 27, 2002 11:16 pm Subject: Re: Covers of TT2 John Vertical said: > Also, I've noticed that Gustavo's covers' back cover layout differs from the ones of your and Maff... they don't have the typical darkened column to put the tracklist in. Well, those differences in the design were just some tweakings of mine :) > Another thing. I noticed that Heiko isn't credited anywhere in the covers! This should IMHO be fixed. (...) Yes! I totally agree. I have noticed that myself some time ago, but never remembered to talk about it here. Gustavo Jobim gustavojobim@n... From: 'Phil White' Date: Tue Aug 27, 2002 4:31 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] LoaRT longest version.... Hi, For the most excellent rendition IMO of this, one of my favourite tracks, is to be found on the album '76:14' by Global Communication released in1994. Brilliant track,brilliant album. ATB Phil NP: As above! ----- Original Message ----- From: 'tei waz' To: ; Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 4:52 PM Subject: [tadream] LoaRT longest version.... > Recently had a request for the longest running version of Love on a Real > Train--any ideas where I could find this? Variants, too. > > --T > > > > _________________________________________________________________ > Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > From: 'Owens, James' Date: Tue Aug 27, 2002 4:31 pm Subject: RE: [tadream] LoaRT longest version.... If variations include cover versions, then you need to get the Global Communications covers. I believe one of them is a bit longer than the RB soundtrack version. I really like the 3 O'Clock High versions, but they're no more than 1:30... James -----Original Message----- From: tei waz [mailto:teiwazbarana@h...] Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 10:52 AM To:; teiwazbarana@h... Subject: [tadream] LoaRT longest version.... Recently had a request for the longest running version of Love on a Real Train--any ideas where I could find this? Variants, too. --T From: 'tei waz' Date: Tue Aug 27, 2002 4:34 pm Subject: re: 20 fan tapes question... I like both Jeffrey's and Jim's answer--I'd love to hear the early years (pre-Phaedra) and that which has not been available. Another twist could be the complete concerts from the Antique Dreams 'sampler'--this would of course include the music in the movies one-off from November 1986 (not the year stated in the liner notes) or perhaps TTXX 'the real antique dreams'..... --T _________________________________________________________________ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35735 Nideggen Pictures and more: HAVE FUN!!!! Rainer Rutka rainerrutka Tue 8/27/2002 3 KB From: Morgan Feldon Date: Tue Aug 27, 2002 4:41 pm Subject: Tangerine Tree 3 >Jim Moore replied with: > >I've got White Cloths, and was impressed, so I'd be interested in >hearing Lifted Curtain. White Cloths blew me away when I got it. (as I'm sure it does most people). So you can imagine my surprise when Lifted Curtain sounds dramatically clearer, especially with the encore. It's amazing what going to the master tape does for the sound. > >>1988 Complete! > > >I need to listen to the audience tape from this show to see if the >guitar >solo is intact. If not, I doubt you will see a Tangerine Tree that >pastes >the guitar solo from a different show in. > >I'd hope not, but I was wondering if there was a soundboard-level >recording with a complete solo. Wasn't there a vinyl single RIO of the >guitar solo some time ago? It's very odd that the soundboard tape does not include the entire guitar solo. It makes you wonder if every concert soundboard tape after 1981 will have some sort of gap because of the tape being flipped after 45 minutes in the middle of a set? Perhaps there are 2 tape decks and they roll the second tape while they are flipping over the first tape, but we, as the fans, only got the main tapes, not the switchover reel. -Morgan Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35736 Re: Tangerine Tree 3 goozergrafx goozergrafx Tue 8/27/2002 3 KB From: Rainer Rutka Date: Tue Aug 27, 2002 5:27 pm Subject: Nideggen Pictures and more: HAVE FUN!!!! Hi everyboday! Today I found the time to put some of the Nideggen pictures onto my TD site. Well, some of them only. And shortened (because of the bandwidth). You will find a scan of the (very nice!) programm, too. This pictures you can enlage while pressing the mouse button. It`s nice to see! I add some pics of the concert, backstage, the crowd and the meetings of fans, too. If I missed somebody, please ask. Here it is: NEWS Festpsiele Burg Nideggen (or klick onto the TD picture with Jerome, Edgar and Iris). I will add some new records, CDs etc. during the week. I got approx. 20 to 30 new items for my collection. BTW: I went home (on Sunday) at 1 pm without any problems. But I was very tired. Driving 11 hours from Vienna to Nideggen - go to the concert - see the concert - meetings - driving back to Konstanz. Uff :-)! That was hard for an old man like me :-() Rainer ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ From: 'goozergrafx' Date: Tue Aug 27, 2002 6:09 pm Subject: Re: Tangerine Tree 3 > >1988 Complete! > > > >I need to listen to the audience tape from this show to see if the > >guitar solo is intact. If not, I doubt you will see a Tangerine > >Tree that pastes the guitar solo from a different show in. > > > >I'd hope not, but I was wondering if there was a soundboard-level > >recording with a complete solo. Wasn't there a vinyl single RIO > >of the guitar solo some time ago? Yes, there is. It's not from the same show and at a slightly different tempo with the added bonus of being of barely fair sound quality. There was also a 2CDR re-release of _Spherical Harmonics_ that used the Berlin '90 solo section to replace the missing part (and you can tell the difference in both sound and style since it was Jerome instead of Paul on 2nd lead.) > It's very odd that the soundboard tape does not include the entire > guitar solo. It makes you wonder if every concert soundboard tape > after 1981 will have some sort of gap because of the tape being > flipped after 45 minutes in the middle of a set? > > Perhaps there are 2 tape decks and they roll the second tape while > they are flipping over the first tape, but we, as the fans, only > got the main tapes, not the switchover reel. It's worse than you think-the master of this show was done on a 60 min. tape...and it *wasn't* an /official/ SB tape...hence no switchover reel. From: 'John Vertical' Date: Tue Aug 27, 2002 6:38 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] RE: Morgan's tape vault question >First off would be the REAL AFTERNOON SHOW from East Berlin 1980 (the >Quichotte/Pergammon venue). > >Then, I would definitely be grabbing all the 73 Schulze/TD stuff. I'd like >to have >any 74 stuff that isn't available elsewhere, and any 75 stuff with Michael >Hoenig >(other than Royal Albert Hall, which is wonderful, but already in my >collection). > >IF I had any tapes left, I'd like to hear the infamous Pinball machine >concert (from 72?) >and something from one of TD's performances for Salvador Dali. > >And if I just happened to have a tape or two left, I'd pick an unavailable >show >from 1978. > >Funny thing is, I typically like 80's TD better than 70's TD... > >James --- --- >I like both Jeffrey's and Jim's answer--I'd love to hear the early years >(pre-Phaedra) and that which has not been available. Another twist could >be >the complete concerts from the Antique Dreams 'sampler'--this would of >course include the music in the movies one-off from November 1986 (not the >year stated in the liner notes) or perhaps TTXX 'the real antique >dreams'..... > >--T The movie festival gig sounds like an interesting pick, but why take any others of them AD source tapes? I think too that the completely unknown early 70s should be the main point of concern. According to this concert venue database, there's already a steady percentage of 76 and 77 concerts, and they featured a lot of common themes, so I wouldn't be that anxiously after them. But if we could choose ANY 20 tapes, why should all of them be concerts? Here are some things I'd like to see: -Some more unreleased '85 work, as on Dream Roots CD 5 -The never-heard 50 or so minutes that had been worked for Sorcerer (the booklet says that the original tape was 90 minutes!) -Other complete & unreleased soundtrack stuff? John Vertical _________________________________________________________________ Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. From: 'John Vertical' Date: Tue Aug 27, 2002 6:48 pm Subject: RE: [tadream] LoaRT longest version.... >If variations include cover versions, then you need to get the Global >Communications covers. I believe one of them is a bit longer than the RB >soundtrack version. > >I really like the 3 O'Clock High versions, but they're no more than 1:30... > >James > >>Recently had a request for the longest running version of Love on a Real >>Train--any ideas where I could find this? Variants, too. >> >>--T There is a 3 O'Clock High version? Didn't know this before. Anyway, according to VitN, the longest version is the Tangents version.. it's 5.10 while the Mark Ayers cover is 4.28 - I'm not sure though if the former can compete in terms of quality. And of course there's Love on a Polish Train, ie. first half of Poland, being some 10 minutes (on some concerts even 15?) long. John Vertical _________________________________________________________________ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: From: Date: Tue Aug 27, 2002 6:50 pm Subject: first picture Burg Nideggen Concerts Hello, I add the first version of my special page about the Burg Nideggen Concerts at my Homepage: Please jump to: and enjoy the pictures, more will follow in the next days. regards heiko - Mr. Optical FREE ASHRA NEWSLETTER subcribe here: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ----------------------------- [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: 'Scott' Date: Tue Aug 27, 2002 7:07 pm Subject: TT3 I'd definitely go for something from the East German run in '83. As far as I know, no tapes are available from any of these shows. Scott Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35777 TT3 Klaus Beschorner Thu 8/29/2002 3 KB 36635 TT3 Martin Mckee atroller2002 Sun 10/13/2002 3 KB 39153 TT3 Morgan Feldon feldon23 Wed 2/19/2003 2 KB 39781 Re: TT3 colin anderson bigchiefhaggis Sat 3/15/2003 2 KB 39808 Re: TT3 Dennis Nigbur Mon 3/17/2003 3 KB From: Morgan Feldon Date: Tue Aug 27, 2002 7:19 pm Subject: Tangerine Tree 3 >Scott Plumer posted: > >I'd definitely go for something from the East German run in '83. As far as I >know, no tapes are available from any of these shows. The November 26, 1983 Dresden, Germany show exists on tape. The quality is so-so. It's not much different from the December 10th Warsaw afternoon or evening shows. It's strange that 1983 is one of the biggest mysteries for TD shows. Only recently, a concert ticket for 'Magdeburg, GDR Stadthalle' November 28, 1983 was posted on Johannes Schmoelling's website. I had never seen that show listed anywhere. There's still much to be definitively worked out in the 1983 chronology. Jeffrey Yeung was kind enough to post scanned announcements and advertisements a few months ago for the (5?) June 1983 shows in Japan. -Morgan From: 'Herbert' Date: Tue Aug 27, 2002 10:34 pm Subject: AW: [tadream] Plans for Tangerine Tree 3 yet? > -----Ursprungliche Nachricht----- > Von: Heiko Heerssen [mailto:heiko.heerssen@h...] > Gesendet: Dienstag, 27. August 2002 10:04 > An: > Betreff: Re: [tadream] Plans for Tangerine Tree 3 yet? > > For TT#3 I can choose from quite a variety of concerts, > however most of them > haven't been remastered yet. And since I am on vacation for > almost the whole > of September things will have to wait a bit. Some people > already asked me > when TT#3 is going to get released, and I told them that > there won't be > another tree edition this year. But let's just wait and see.... > Hi Heiko, don't let us wait too long for a sequel of a successful series. In economics they are talking about the 'time to market' :))) I hope TT2 will be finished in some weeks and everybody will be awaiting the sequel. Herbert PS: Heiko, we are standing by your side. :-) Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35746 Re: AW: [tadream] Plans for Tangerine Tree 3 yet? Heiko Heerssen td_freak Wed 8/28/2002 2 KB From: 'Administrator' Date: Tue Aug 27, 2002 10:48 pm Subject: another cross post If you go to you will see new information regarding Tangerine Dream's appearance on the Lou Gentile Show. Tim from ElectronicMusic send all flames to my off list address... dale From: 'Robert Asmus' Date: Tue Aug 27, 2002 10:54 pm Subject: A Possible Error Just to let some of you know. Some of you are sending two email of the exact same message if you have not already picked it up Plasticman [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: PENFOLD Date: Wed Aug 28, 2002 12:10 am Subject: Concert Recording: SIR Theatre Although the vast majority of the material played at this venue was from Dream Mixes.....the quality of any recordings made will be of marginal quality. The acoustics of the venue stank, the volume was *way* too loud and worst of all, the 1D10T running the board forgot to turn off the ambient drum track that played between the performing acts. I'd just as soon not include this recording on any Tangerine Tree we decide to produce. €0.02 Pete Isaacson aka °º¤ø,¸DJ DreamHead¸,ø¤º° mailto:penfold@a...?subject=DJDreamHead^(djdreamhead.html Yahoo Chat: penfold235 ····· AIM: PENFOLD235 1984, Saw 'The Keep' LP at Tower Records, actually held it, didn't have the $$.....Damn!!!!! 'Absence of the KEEP LP is not evidence of its non-existence.' - Steven Feldman Watch the Coasters Grow! at: From: Heiko Heerssen Date: Wed Aug 28, 2002 5:59 am Subject: Re: AW: [tadream] Plans for Tangerine Tree 3 yet? > PS: Heiko, we are standing by your side. :-) this reminds me of the old Tammy Wynette song 'Stand by your leaf' ~lol~ From: 'Dennis Nigbur' Date: Wed Aug 28, 2002 7:27 am Subject: Re: [tadream]Self-referential music On 23 Aug 2002 at 22:08, Adele Outland wrote: > being spoiled. Self-referential meaning the music stands on its own > without any specific reference to the outside world. It could as > easily be seen as a trip through space or Disneyland or whatever. > 8-Dell That's about what I meant. I'm not sure the mental imagery connected to music is necessarily the best example, though. As I mentioned, the 'self-referential' aspect emerged from a conversation with my girlfriend, who is an art history student. The issue was basically that, once upon a time, art was entirely representational and acted partly as a marker to entities (think of still life or portraiture) or events (think of heroic history painting or religious imagery) in the real world. In contrast, the 'aesthetic' approach to art (sometimes called the 'aesthetic movement', although my better half says it wasn't in fact a movement, and she knows better than anyone else I know) maintained that the visual arts should strive towards 'musicality', i.e. the state of referring to no external entity at all. Admittedly, this rests on the assumption that music isn't immediately evocative and able to stand 'on its own', becoming beautiful and important merely through its inherent aesthetic value, and not through what it signifies or represents. This assumption probably isn't wholly justifiable, but I hope the idea becomes clear. I think the reason why this thread started (it's so long ago now!) is that we were talking about the appearance of 'natural' sounds in TD's music, like the seagulls on Le Parc, the peacocks on Goblins' Club or the scuba sounds of Underwater Sunlight. These are examples of direct evocation, and my guess is that TD have largely turned their backs on it because they find it too new age-y, which appears to be a label they really don't like. The very early works with their sweeping soundscapes, by contrast, are evocative in a less direct way, probably through their eeriness. I think my point in the previous post was that the gradual move from these mood-pieces and naturalistic sounds towards a more classical use of sound and harmony has the effect of making the sound of TD more abstract and 'musical', and hence more impressive in its own aesthetic value than in its reference to outside entities. Dennis From: 'braddito' Date: Wed Aug 28, 2002 1:00 pm Subject: TT2 - some shows wanted I didn't sign up for the tree but I'd like to trade for the following shows ; London 75 Hamburg 78 Mannheim/ Saarbrucken 76 Paris 81 I'm still developing my site, but my present list is available at Also, is the artwork available for these shows ? Thanks Toby Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35762 Re: TT2 - some shows wanted - sorted thanks braddito braddito Thu 8/29/2002 2 KB From: 'braddito' Date: Wed Aug 28, 2002 1:03 pm Subject: Schulze and Hoenig with TD Can anyone guide me to a reference site that lists which shows these guys played with TD ? I've seen the artwork for some of the Australian gigs in '75 with Peter Baumann pictured - I'm pretty certain Hoenig filled in for him on that tour, so the art is a bit misleading. Regards Toby Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35751 Re: Schulze and Hoenig with TD Owens, James yxalag2 Wed 8/28/2002 3 KB 35752 Re: Schulze and Hoenig with TD Marcel Engels mars103nl Wed 8/28/2002 2 KB 35753 Re: Schulze and Hoenig with TD Owens, James yxalag2 Wed 8/28/2002 3 KB 35780 Re: Schulze and Hoenig with TD Mark Filipak mark_filipak Fri 8/30/2002 2 KB 35800 Re: Schulze and Hoenig with TD Owens, James yxalag2 Fri 8/30/2002 2 KB 35888 Re: Schulze and Hoenig with TD Emanuel Neto esvneto Tue 9/3/2002 4 KB From: Ken Beal Date: Wed Aug 28, 2002 3:39 pm Subject: TD & Related For Sale: SOLD Alas, I have sold the entire collection. Thanks to all who responded to see the list... I may have more non TD, but electronic, cds for sale in the future... Thanks, again, Ken From: 'Owens, James' Date: Wed Aug 28, 2002 4:15 pm Subject: RE: [tadream] Schulze and Hoenig with TD I don't have a specific reference, but from previous discussions on this list, I have determined the following: (please feel free to correct any errors here) Hoenig replaced Baumann for the ENTIRE Australia 1975 tour, which culminated in a FABULOUS concert at Royal Albert Hall (which is not in Australia, but was evidently linked to that tour somehow...) Schulze replaced Baumann for a very limited tour (3 or 4 shows) of France in 73. Most likely this was 'a few gigs' that had been booked before they knew that Peter was going to bail. I've never heard of anyone having a recording from any of these. James > -----Original Message----- > From: braddito [mailto:toby.braddick@u...] > Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 8:04 AM > To: > Subject: [tadream] Schulze and Hoenig with TD > > > Can anyone guide me to a reference site that lists which shows these > guys played with TD ? I've seen the artwork for some of the > Australian gigs in '75 with Peter Baumann pictured - I'm pretty > certain Hoenig filled in for him on that tour, so the art is a bit > misleading. > > Regards > Toby > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35752 Re: Schulze and Hoenig with TD Marcel Engels mars103nl Wed 8/28/2002 2 KB From: 'Marcel Engels' Date: Wed Aug 28, 2002 4:41 pm Subject: RE: [tadream] Schulze and Hoenig with TD > From: Owens, James [mailto:james.owens@m...] > > Schulze replaced Baumann for a very limited tour (3 or 4 > shows) of France in 73. Most likely this was 'a few gigs' > that had been booked before they knew that Peter was going to > bail. I've never heard of anyone having a recording from any > of these. Is there really evidence that Schulze played with TD for a few shows in '73? I can't imagine he or Froese did that. I can imagine they both played under their own name on a festival or so. If it's really trye then it's essential for TT. Marcel mengels@w... From: 'Owens, James' Date: Wed Aug 28, 2002 8:14 pm Subject: RE: [tadream] Schulze and Hoenig with TD On August 13th Mark Filipak wrote to this list: 'I'm referring to August, 1973. Peter was gone and Chris and Ed recorded some stuff that eventually became 'Green Desert'. Peter still wasn't back for three shows in France at the end of August and I think KS filled in for him. I think that the show at L'Arc en Ciel in Roanne on the 25th of August was the very last time KS appeared with TD.' Where'd you get this info, Mark? I personally don't find it all that hard to believe, since both TD and Klaus Schulze were still relatively unknown at the time. And as I said, these were probably just some small 'gigs' that Edgar booked thinking Peter would be back. Maybe he ran into Klaus somewhere... EDGAR: That rat Peter still hasn't shown up. It's too bad I'm going to have to cancel those gigs over in France. KLAUS: I'm going to France to visit my Uncle. Maybe I can fill in for Peter while I'm there? James -----Original Message----- Is there really evidence that Schulze played with TD for a few shows in '73? I can't imagine he or Froese did that. I can imagine they both played under their own name on a festival or so. If it's really true then it's essential for TT. Marcel From: 'Scott' Date: Wed Aug 28, 2002 8:19 pm Subject: TT3 - IMHO My dos centavos: I say we vote on the shows to be included. All the tour dates are available on the 'net, and each person could pick, say, 10 shows, and then Joe (or someone he delegates) could pick the 10 most-voted-for shows, assuming they're available. Scott Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35755 Re: TT3 - IMHO Administrator dale1kay Wed 8/28/2002 3 KB 35761 Re: TT3 - IMHO Heiko Heerssen td_freak Thu 8/29/2002 4 KB 35770 Re: TT3 - IMHO maggior maggior Thu 8/29/2002 4 KB 35880 Re: TT3 - IMHO rdtfalcon rdtfalcon Tue 9/3/2002 2 KB 35881 Re: TT3 - IMHO rdtfalcon rdtfalcon Tue 9/3/2002 2 KB 35920 Re: TT3 - IMHO Jim Moore moxica93 Wed 9/4/2002 2 KB 35766 Re: TT3 - IMHO John Vertical omegatransfinito Thu 8/29/2002 3 KB 35767 Re: TT3 - IMHO Matthew Sawyer matthewsawyer Thu 8/29/2002 3 KB 35768 Re: TT3 - IMHO Heiko Heerssen td_freak Thu 8/29/2002 3 KB From: 'Administrator' Date: Wed Aug 28, 2002 8:36 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] TT3 - IMHO I am easy. The way the trees are working now works out fine for me. So long as they are in shn format, I can go back and rearrange in any which order I choose. I can recombine to make only 1970's, 1980's and so forth. I can also pick out the best etc. I think it was a major accomplishment so for, getting 2 trees out in the same year. All those who worked, devoted time into the project did a excellent job. dale Administrator for admin@k... 661-723-0266 Your best source for Computer Products, Internet needs and Knowledge. ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Scott' To: Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 1:19 PM Subject: [tadream] TT3 - IMHO > My dos centavos: > > I say we vote on the shows to be included. All the tour dates are available > on the 'net, and each person could pick, say, 10 shows, and then Joe (or > someone he delegates) could pick the 10 most-voted-for shows, assuming > they're available. > > Scott > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: Wade Gordon Date: Wed Aug 28, 2002 11:36 pm Subject: Monday night Tangerine Dream on 'The Lou Gentile Show.' Monday night on 'The Lou Gentile Show' is Tangerine Dream. For more information please see Wade __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes From: Morgan Feldon Date: Wed Aug 28, 2002 11:50 pm Subject: Lou Gentile show >Monday night on 'The Lou Gentile Show' is Tangerine >Dream. For more information please see > > >Wade All it seems to say is this: >LATEST SHOW NEWS & APPEARANCES >LATEST SHOW NEWS! > >A Special evening with music & interviews co-hosted by Lou Gentile & Wade >Gordon. > >TANGERINE DREAM WILL BE APPEARING LIVE FROM BERLIN! >COMING SOON IN SEPTEMBER! > >More Coming Soon! Am I missing something? Any chance you could set up a Tangerine Dream/Electronic Music section. I can't tell where the paranormal stuff ends (including the irritating popup) and your show begins. :( -Morgan Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35758 Re: Lou Gentile show Administrator dale1kay Wed 8/28/2002 3 KB 35759 Re: Lou Gentile show Wade Gordon mindvoyager1 Wed 8/28/2002 3 KB 35784 Re: Lou Gentile show Robert Asmus plastics67 Fri 8/30/2002 4 KB 35823 Re: Lou Gentile show Robert Asmus plastics67 Sat 8/31/2002 5 KB 35825 Re: Lou Gentile show Wade Gordon mindvoyager1 Sat 8/31/2002 5 KB 35824 Re: Lou Gentile show Antonio Nunes ajogon Sat 8/31/2002 2 KB 35826 Re: Lou Gentile show Wade Gordon mindvoyager1 Sat 8/31/2002 3 KB 35829 Re: Lou Gentile show Kees Aerts / Groove Unlimited groovekees Sat 8/31/2002 3 KB 35833 Re: Lou Gentile show Wade Gordon mindvoyager1 Sun 9/1/2002 3 KB From: 'Administrator' Date: Wed Aug 28, 2002 11:59 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Lou Gentile show Morgan Morgan Morgan I posted this as a cross post a few days ago. Now Wade posted the same info. It was just for those who wished to look to go. I don't have a clue about that site. Do you think we are going to investigate each site we post? Dale ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Morgan Feldon' To: Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 4:50 PM Subject: [tadream] Lou Gentile show > > >Monday night on 'The Lou Gentile Show' is Tangerine > >Dream. For more information please see > > > > > >Wade > > All it seems to say is this: > > >LATEST SHOW NEWS & APPEARANCES > >LATEST SHOW NEWS! > > > >A Special evening with music & interviews co-hosted by Lou Gentile & Wade > >Gordon. > > > >TANGERINE DREAM WILL BE APPEARING LIVE FROM BERLIN! > >COMING SOON IN SEPTEMBER! > > > >More Coming Soon! > > Am I missing something? > > Any chance you could set up a Tangerine Dream/Electronic Music section. I > can't tell where the paranormal stuff ends (including the irritating popup) > and your show begins. :( > > -Morgan > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: Wade Gordon Date: Wed Aug 28, 2002 11:59 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Lou Gentile show It was not updated as of yet, but trust me they are on Monday night. I just heard this from the 'horse's mouth.' Wade --- Morgan Feldon wrote: > > >Monday night on 'The Lou Gentile Show' is Tangerine > >Dream. For more information please see > > > > > >Wade > > All it seems to say is this: > > >LATEST SHOW NEWS & APPEARANCES > >LATEST SHOW NEWS! > > > >A Special evening with music & interviews co-hosted > by Lou Gentile & Wade > >Gordon. > > > >TANGERINE DREAM WILL BE APPEARING LIVE FROM BERLIN! > >COMING SOON IN SEPTEMBER! > > > >More Coming Soon! > > Am I missing something? > > Any chance you could set up a Tangerine > Dream/Electronic Music section. I > can't tell where the paranormal stuff ends > (including the irritating popup) > and your show begins. :( > > -Morgan > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35784 Re: Lou Gentile show Robert Asmus plastics67 Fri 8/30/2002 4 KB 35823 Re: Lou Gentile show Robert Asmus plastics67 Sat 8/31/2002 5 KB 35825 Re: Lou Gentile show Wade Gordon mindvoyager1 Sat 8/31/2002 5 KB From: Gustavo Jobim Date: Thu Aug 29, 2002 2:31 am Subject: The 90s... (dreaming about them) Hello everyone, a while back I said I'd say something about TOTT; well, actually, it's about the last period of TD's. I don't have many albums from this latest period, but from what I heard - DM3, TOB, GC, TOTT, 220V, MP, GWOC - the only one I can say I really like is 220V. But the most interesting thing is, whenever I listen to albums such as TOTT, GC (has anyone collected my everchanging reviews of GC over the years?) and TOB, I discover that, despite the often heard lack of, say, personality, I do like the music. Sometimes (many times?) when I hear tracks like Catwalk, and when I heard Elf June months ago after probably 1 year without playing GC, it feels like finding something you had already forgotten about, do you know what I mean? I even hum with some tracks. It's as if, somehow, instead of having any strong melody - or any strong anything, really, with rare exceptions - the music is capable of hibernating in my subconscious, which is something REALLY interesting for me. I'm right now bouncing to Bride In Cold Tears from TOB, can you believe that?! I've just bought TOB original, BTW. Not the TDI release. It was for a really nice price; I already had a CDR for two years or something. wow, that little chord progression (2:45) that seems to come from some other TD tune... anyway, these 90s TD albums remain a true mystery for me. I never had any experience like this. Does anyone here also finds very cool the sequence of solos in Living in a Fountain Pen? I NEVER noticed it! There's the acoustic guitar solo, followed by the sax which suddenly becomes the guitar. A pity the underlying music is absolutely unremarkable. But hey, maybe that's the whole point? Would Edgar be doing some sort of study of how to reach the subconscious - maybe that's just what TD is about since 1967? would he only now REALLY managing to do that - and would that be why we haven't seen a third TD member for a looong time, because Edgar would finally be satisfied? Which brings me back to Zeit and the like, and how I find Zeit (and others) similar to those 90s albums in that sense. I gotta get Atem btw. I have a CDR but I know where it's for sale - the remaster- - for a good price. A pity the store had already closed last saturday when I got there. Or would I be unconsciously trying to find a way to like those albums because they would just be piles of crap? :) well, the tracks in TOB remain sounding like each other. I can only guess that's the point. Haze of fame, 7:20 - nice guitar by Eddy. whew-that was some nice brainstorm wasn't it? GJ np. TOB-TOB Gustavo Jobim gustavojobim@n... Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35764 Re: The 90s... (dreaming about them) Dennis Nigbur dennisnigbur Thu 8/29/2002 2 KB From: Heiko Heerssen Date: Thu Aug 29, 2002 7:08 am Subject: Re: [tadream] TT3 - IMHO > I say we vote on the shows to be included. All the tour dates are available > on the 'net, and each person could pick, say, 10 shows, and then Joe (or > someone he delegates) could pick the 10 most-voted-for shows, assuming > they're available. although this seems to be a good idea it would also set me under pressure, because once the 10 most voted shows are known I would have to search for the best sources available..and remember, there are some concerts where it is very difficult to get hold of the master tape, if not impossible. It would also mean that the 'die hard collectors' would have to compare their recordings to each other to find out which sources are the best, and some people are reluctant to even loan their master tape(s). Having said that I'm pretty sure that over the next couple of years nearly all of the most important unreleased live recordings will be a part of the 'tree'. But it really takes a lot of time, patience and hard work to get the recordings sound as good as they do now. To wet your appetite, here's a list of concerts which might become a part of TT#3 once the remastering has been done: --Detroit Fox Theater 20 October 1992 DAT master recording 2 CDR --London Shepherds Bush Empire 12 May 2001 complete WEBCAST download 3 CDR --Berlin Palast der Republik 31 January 1980 evening show FM broadcast 2 CDR (I will soon receive a tape copy of a reel to reel master which was recorded on that night, I'm quite curious about how good the sound quality will be) --Manchester Hardrock 19 October 1975 2nd gen. 2 CDR (often mislabeled as York Minster 20 October 1975 which is a totally different recording) --Düsseldorf Philipshalle 21 October 1976 2nd gen. 2 CDR --Laguna Hills Irvine Meadows 06 June 1986 2nd gen. 2 CDR --a 2 CDR 'Lone tracks' compilation with rare FM material covering the years 1980-2001, mostly taken from the German 'Elektro Beats' and 'Schwingungen' radio shows, but also from TV broadcasts. --Warsaw Sala Kongresowa 13 June 1997 FM 'Vintage set' broadcast master tape 1 CDR (or: Amsterdam Melkweg Max 20 April 1997 Digital Compact Cassette audience master tape recording, 2 CDR) --Montreal Place des Arts 09 April 1977 FM broadcast 2 CDR --and more excellent recordings from the 70s which are not confirmed yet, all of them in an as yet unheard sound quality. Regards Heiko Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35770 Re: TT3 - IMHO maggior maggior Thu 8/29/2002 4 KB 35880 Re: TT3 - IMHO rdtfalcon rdtfalcon Tue 9/3/2002 2 KB 35881 Re: TT3 - IMHO rdtfalcon rdtfalcon Tue 9/3/2002 2 KB 35920 Re: TT3 - IMHO Jim Moore moxica93 Wed 9/4/2002 2 KB From: 'braddito' Date: Thu Aug 29, 2002 7:46 am Subject: Re: TT2 - some shows wanted - sorted thanks Thanks to the many kind people that replied (what one has come to expect from the great people on this list) - I'm sorted for a trade for these plus some extra treats as well. Regards Toby --- In tadream@y..., 'braddito' wrote: > I didn't sign up for the tree but I'd like to trade for the following > shows ; > > London 75 > Hamburg 78 > Mannheim/ Saarbrucken 76 > Paris 81 From: 'braddito' Date: Thu Aug 29, 2002 7:48 am Subject: Art for Amsterdam and Portsmouth 76 I have done some replacement art for both of these shows - a few more are awaiting scanning as well. Is there somewhere on this site I can transfer them for others to use if they wish ? Toby Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35765 Re: Art for Amsterdam and Portsmouth 76 John Vertical omegatransfinito Thu 8/29/2002 2 KB From: 'Dennis Nigbur' Date: Thu Aug 29, 2002 12:21 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] The 90s... (dreaming about them) On 28 Aug 2002 at 23:31, Gustavo Jobim wrote: > any experience like this. Does anyone here also finds very cool the > sequence of solos in Living in a Fountain Pen? I NEVER noticed it! > There's the acoustic guitar solo, followed by the sax which suddenly > becomes the guitar. A pity the underlying music is absolutely > unremarkable. But hey, maybe that's the whole point? Would Edgar be Yes, I've thought for a long time that this bit was quite clever. I don't play ToB very often and I don't like it that much as an album. But it does have some really interesting bits to it, especially this one. Dennis From: 'John Vertical' Date: Thu Aug 29, 2002 1:17 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Art for Amsterdam and Portsmouth 76 >I have done some replacement art for both of these shows - a few more >are awaiting scanning as well. Is there somewhere on this site I can >transfer them for others to use if they wish ? > >Toby Well, you could go to & click Add File... (if these aren't too too big) But doesn't 'replacement' imply that there already is some earlier version? I haven't heard about any bootlegs etc. being previously released from those shows? John Vertical _________________________________________________________________ Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. From: 'John Vertical' Date: Thu Aug 29, 2002 1:31 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] TT3 - IMHO > > I say we vote on the shows to be included. > >although this seems to be a good idea it would also set me under pressure, >because I agree with Heiko... let's keep this nonbureaucrazy. Just plain suggesting shows has nothing wrong, though... >Having said that I'm pretty sure that over the next couple of years nearly >all >of the most important unreleased live recordings will be a part of the >'tree'. Is there any change to get any of the well-known high quality bootlegs on TT? I mean, I bet that out of all the TT participants, there are more people who don't have them, than people that do. Not that they would be the #1 priority, but at least before any duplicate post-80 tour material starts crowding in. >To wet your appetite, here's a list of concerts which might become a part >of >TT#3 once the remastering has been done: Is it just me, or is the percentage of multi-CD volumes increasing rapidly? Out of volumes 1-8, only 2 were double volumes. Vols 9-16 have only two single CD volumes and one triple CD double volume. Now, out of those 10 shows listed, only one is said to fit on one CD? But great list, anyway... :) John Vertical _________________________________________________________________ Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. From: 'Matthew Sawyer' Date: Thu Aug 29, 2002 1:38 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] TT3 - IMHO From: 'John Vertical' > Is there any change to get any of the well-known high quality bootlegs on > TT? I mean, I bet that out of all the TT participants, there are more people > who don't have them. How about a sub-tree? I have most of the high quality bootlegs and I'd be happy to set up a Tree for those who haven't been able to get ahold of them. That would be a much better option than including them in subsequent trees, IMHO. > Is it just me, or is the percentage of multi-CD volumes increasing rapidly? > Out of volumes 1-8, only 2 were double volumes. Vols 9-16 have only two > single CD volumes and one triple CD double volume. Now, out of those 10 > shows listed, only one is said to fit on one CD? That just means we're getting concerts in their entirety. The more discs, the better! Maff _________________________________________________ From: Heiko Heerssen Date: Thu Aug 29, 2002 2:10 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] TT3 - IMHO > Is there any change to get any of the well-known high quality bootlegs on > TT? I mean, I bet that out of all the TT participants, there are more people > who don't have them, than people that do. Not that they would be the #1 > priority, but at least before any duplicate post-80 tour material starts > crowding in. Of course I could include cd's like 'Antarktis', '20th century serenades', or the Reims 'Live Improvised' CDs for some of the next trees, but I'm not sure if it would really make sense since they are widely available (I guess that when people are trading for unreleased TD recordings for the first time, chances are that these CD's are among the first they will get, along with other releases like 'Spherical Harmonics', 'In den Gärten Pharaos/Bicycle race', etc.) But if we release them as 'tree' editions it would at least make sense to try to improve the sound quality even a bit further (if possible) > Is it just me, or is the percentage of multi-CD volumes increasing rapidly? > Out of volumes 1-8, only 2 were double volumes. Vols 9-16 have only two > single CD volumes and one triple CD double volume. Now, out of those 10 > shows listed, only one is said to fit on one CD? Like Matthew said, most concerts are much longer than the capacity of a single CDR, so you better should get used to buy more of these double CD jewel cases ;-) Heiko Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35769 Re: TT3 - IMHO - multiple disc sets braddito braddito Thu 8/29/2002 3 KB From: 'braddito' Date: Thu Aug 29, 2002 2:21 pm Subject: Re: TT3 - IMHO - multiple disc sets 2 CD's is nothing. I also trade for Led Zeppelin stuff and I now have 5 quadruple sets and numerous triples ! Regarding selections - although I haven't participated in either of the trees, just picked up the titles I specifically wanted (my wife has made several comments about the number of walls that my CD's seem to be hiding - but it saves decorating), it seems to make little sense trying to improve on widely available good quality sets (as listed by Heiko). The guys doing the remastering have done a great job and I think it's better to concentrate on either newly available or obscure recordings, or improving the quality of historical shows (my vote would go to Coventry Cathedral on that score). Heiko seems to be doing a good job in selecting generally varied items if the number of people participating is an indication. Regards to all Toby > > Is it just me, or is the percentage of multi-CD volumes increasing rapidly? > > Out of volumes 1-8, only 2 were double volumes. Vols 9-16 have only two > > single CD volumes and one triple CD double volume. Now, out of those 10 > > shows listed, only one is said to fit on one CD? > Like Matthew said, most concerts are much longer than the capacity of a single > CDR, so you better should get used to buy more of these double CD jewel cases > ;-) > > Heiko From: 'maggior' Date: Thu Aug 29, 2002 3:40 pm Subject: Re: TT3 - IMHO I think that last thing we want to do is put any pressure on Heiko in putting the tree material together. He's doing the TD community here a termendous service and we should encourage him to continue by letting him work things in a way he's comfortable with. He takes our opinions into account, so it isn't like the community here doesn't have any say in what material is released. So far, I think great choices have been made. Heiko - thanks for the sneak peak into what's cooking in the background. As usual, a nice varied collection of material. I think Maff's idea for another tree is a great one. Perhaps it would be worth polling the group to see if there are enough people interested to support such a tree. Depending on the material offered, I may be interested myself. Rich Maggio > > although this seems to be a good idea it would also set me under pressure, > because once the 10 most voted shows are known I would have to search for the > best sources available..and remember, there are some concerts where it is very > difficult to get hold of the master tape, if not impossible. It would also mean > that the 'die hard collectors' would have to compare their recordings to each > other to find out which sources are the best, and some people are reluctant to > even loan their master tape(s). > To wet your appetite, here's a list of concerts which might become a part of > TT#3 once the remastering has been done: > > --Detroit Fox Theater 20 October 1992 DAT master recording 2 CDR > > --London Shepherds Bush Empire 12 May 2001 complete WEBCAST download 3 CDR > > --Berlin Palast der Republik 31 January 1980 evening show FM broadcast 2 CDR (I > will soon receive a tape copy of a reel to reel master which was recorded on > that night, I'm quite curious about how good the sound quality will be) > > --Manchester Hardrock 19 October 1975 2nd gen. 2 CDR (often mislabeled as York > Minster 20 October 1975 which is a totally different recording) > > --Düsseldorf Philipshalle 21 October 1976 2nd gen. 2 CDR > > --Laguna Hills Irvine Meadows 06 June 1986 2nd gen. 2 CDR > > --a 2 CDR 'Lone tracks' compilation with rare FM material covering the years > 1980-2001, mostly taken from the German 'Elektro Beats' and 'Schwingungen' > radio shows, but also from TV broadcasts. > > --Warsaw Sala Kongresowa 13 June 1997 FM 'Vintage set' broadcast master tape 1 > CDR (or: Amsterdam Melkweg Max 20 April 1997 Digital Compact Cassette audience > master tape recording, 2 CDR) > > --Montreal Place des Arts 09 April 1977 FM broadcast 2 CDR > > --and more excellent recordings from the 70s which are not confirmed yet, all > of them in an as yet unheard sound quality. From: 'John Vertical' Date: Thu Aug 29, 2002 3:41 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] TT3 - IMHO >Of course I could include cd's like 'Antarktis', '20th century serenades', >or >the Reims 'Live Improvised' CDs for some of the next trees, but I'm not >sure if >it would really make sense since they are widely available (I guess that >when >people are trading for unreleased TD recordings for the first time, chances >are >that these CD's are among the first they will get, along with other >releases >like 'Spherical Harmonics', 'In den Gärten Pharaos/Bicycle race', etc.) But >if >we release them as 'tree' editions it would at least make sense to try to >improve the sound quality even a bit further (if possible) Not 'untouched editions', of course! Lifted Curtain apparently was one of these 'about the best' CDs, but it's still going to get included, with a little corrections? So why not at some point (no hurry, though) include cleared-up versions of other common bootlegs? just my 2 cents. >Like Matthew said, most concerts are much longer than the capacity of a >single >CDR, so you better should get used to buy more of these double CD jewel >cases >;-) > >Heiko Not that I'm complaining. It's just strange that the percentage is increasing - or, in other words, that the first batch had so many short concerts. John Vertical _________________________________________________________________ Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: From: Joe Shoults Date: Thu Aug 29, 2002 4:37 pm Subject: RE: TT2 msg rcvd OMFG! OOPS! I modified a rule to start forwarding these mails to another address, ran the rule on the folder to clean up the remaining messages... BUT forgot to remove the rule that sends an autoresponse! SORRY - several of you may be getting messages from me like the one below. Joe > -----Original Message----- > From: Kevin Keller [mailto:kkproductions@e...] > Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 1:12 PM > To: Joe Shoults > Subject: Re: TT2 msg rcvd > > > Joe Shoults wrote: > > > Thanks! We've received your message about TT2. > > > > When we update the database at > > you will see the change in your status. > > > > Thanks, > > Tadream ListModeration Team > > What message are you referring to? I haven't sent one, to my > recollection. > > PLease advise > > > -- > Kevin Keller > Composer/Producer > ***** > Buy the new CD 'Across the Sky' now at > From: 'Janet Wojtecki' Date: Thu Aug 29, 2002 6:42 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] USB Sound Card Hi,All Thanks to the list member for recommending EAC (Morgan?). A totally brilliant programme for us branches. (Although I hasten to add that if set too sensitively it will take hours and fuss about errors that are not picked up on a HiFi CD. Secondly I would like to thank the lead that set up the audio USB thread. I bought the iMic and it's great so far, although I have still to compare the final recorded quality, but it has certainly cured gain mismatch problems on recording to hard disc from external sources. This totally bypasses the sound card, in my case a pathetic Creative Live. Anybody else have any comments or suggestions about these 2 items. Chris ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Morgan Feldon' To: Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 6:36 AM Subject: [tadream] USB Sound Card > Replying to my own e-mails. I think I am getting senile... > > >Oh, here's Creative Lab's full-blown USB option (a whole external sound > >card, vs the Xitel device which is playback only). > > I was talking about the Extigy. It's an external complete sound card solution. > > -Morgan > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35775 AW: [tadream] USB Sound Card Herbert gae232 Thu 8/29/2002 5 KB From: 'tei waz' Date: Thu Aug 29, 2002 8:04 pm Subject: re: USB Sound Card Re: USB Sound Card >Secondly I would like to thank the lead that set up the audio USB thread. >Anybody else have any comments or suggestions about these 2 items.< sounds like it's a good card--does it still do stereo output or 5.1 only? Now, if I only had a USB port and a win98se or + OS it could work.... --T _________________________________________________________________ Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. From: 'Herbert' Date: Thu Aug 29, 2002 8:09 pm Subject: AW: [tadream] USB Sound Card Hi, I wouldn't consider the USB to be really suitable for audio data. Audio data requires requires a realtime features on recording and playback. I would have some doubts if the USB is a good media to transfer that type of data. I would rely on a good old PCI sound card instead. I wouldn't think the USB offers any 'quality of service' necessary to run such a realtime application over a multiplexed bus. The advantage of such a device is it avoids the possible shielding/grounding problem when connecting a HiFi equipment with a PC. (only my 2 euro-cents) Herbert > -----Ursprungliche Nachricht----- > Von: Janet Wojtecki [mailto:j.wojtecki@d...] > Gesendet: Donnerstag, 29. August 2002 20:42 > An: > Betreff: Re: [tadream] USB Sound Card > > > Hi,All > > Thanks to the list member for recommending EAC (Morgan?). A totally > brilliant programme for us branches. (Although I hasten to > add that if set > too sensitively it will take hours and fuss about errors that > are not picked > up on a HiFi CD. > > Secondly I would like to thank the lead that set up the audio > USB thread. I > bought the iMic and it's great so far, although I have still > to compare the > final recorded quality, but it has certainly cured gain > mismatch problems on > recording to hard disc from external sources. This totally > bypasses the > sound card, in my case a pathetic Creative Live. > Anybody else have any comments or suggestions about these 2 items. > > Chris > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: 'Morgan Feldon' > To: > Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 6:36 AM > Subject: [tadream] USB Sound Card > > > > Replying to my own e-mails. I think I am getting senile... > > > > >Oh, here's Creative Lab's full-blown USB option (a whole > external sound > > >card, vs the Xitel device which is playback only). > > > > I was talking about the Extigy. It's an external complete sound card > solution. > > > > -Morgan > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: 'fozziebear' Date: Thu Aug 29, 2002 9:09 pm Subject: TT3 - IMHO 1 I am happy for Heiko to select what is available out there for TT3. Variety of years on each tree makes interest. 2 I like Matthew's suggestion of a sub -tree for bootlegs. I didn't previously bother with them as I had lot of cassettes of live shows before CD bootlegs were being made. But I would now like to hear them. A tree for bootlegs would be a good way to hear bootlegs wihout having to get into full scale trading. 3 After I got back from Prague I was using Joe's link from an email to the TT2 database with the coloured system to find out where I am in the tree. For some reason my computer decided to lose everything in my inbox. So I lost the message with the link....probably some of the Prague flood waters..... Can some kind person please give me the link again. I've tried to get the details through the link tonight and it comes up as unavailable. Is this where I should be looking? Thanks David [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: Klaus Beschorner Date: Thu Aug 29, 2002 9:53 pm Subject: TT3 >Is there any change to get any of the well-known high quality bootlegs >on >TT? I mean, I bet that out of all the TT participants, there are more >people >who don't have them, than people that do. Not that they would be the #1 >priority, but at least before any duplicate post-80 tour material >starts crowding in. I do not see this as a priority. Trade copies of these bootlegs, you're only ripping off the pirates ;-) For the tree, the quest will be to find the best surviving (or accessible) master tape, and then do a good remastering job on it. Like London RAH 1975, this stuff should get on the tree only when a better master has been found than what was used for the 'high quality' bootlegs. This work is being done behind the scenes, and, just take my word for it, you're in for some pleasant surprises ;-) So, don't advocate to put a copy of Antarktis onto the tree - expect to get something even better ! cheers, klaus -- Drosselweg.6............................fax.....+49-7033-45631 D-71120.Grafenau........................Mobile.+49-174 3157754 Germany.................................home....+49-7033-45142 ............................................ From: 'Matthew Sawyer' Date: Thu Aug 29, 2002 10:38 pm Subject: TT Sub-Tree OK, a few people have expressed an interest in a possible sub-tree of common high-quality bootlegs. This would be a good way to get these titles out to people who are not in a position to trade for them, and a nice way to kill a few months while TT3 is under development. To gauge just how much interest there is, I'd suggest either Joe sets up a poll (I've tried, but I'm assuming only the moderator can do it for this group) or anyone wanting to participate responds to this thread, or to me off-list. If it's only a small handful of people, I'll be happy to accommodate you individually off-list (by the rules of the tree, i.e. for blanks and postage). If there's a larger number of people interested we can set up a sub-tree, pending Joe and Heikos approval. (I have no idea how detailed we can get discussing this, so if I'm crossing a line please tell me now). To give you an idea what you'd be signing up for, these are some of the titles I can seed the sub-tree with: 13.12.74 Live Improvised (FM) 15.11.82 Berlin ICC (Soundboard) 01.03.82 Strange Attractions (FM) 22.02.82 The Real Sohoman (FM) 29.03.86 General Relativity (FM) 01.08.87 Antarktis + 20th Century Serenades (FM) 09.09.88 At the Mountains of Madness (Soundboard) (Anyone with v2 of this bootleg who'd be willing to contribute a copy for the sub-tree, please contact me off-list) Maff _________________________________________________ From: Vince LeGrand Date: Thu Aug 29, 2002 11:49 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] TT3 - IMHO > > From: 'John Vertical' > > > Is there any change to get any of the well-known high quality bootlegs on > > TT? I mean, I bet that out of all the TT participants, there are more > people > > who don't have them. > > > How about a sub-tree? I have most of the high quality bootlegs and I'd be > happy to set up a Tree for those who haven't been able to get ahold of them. > That would be a much better option than including them in subsequent trees, > IMHO. > > The Tangerine Tree sets are the first 'unofficial' Tadream recordings that I have acquired. So, I would definitely be interested in a sub-tree to distribute other high quality bootlegs. Vince From: Mark Filipak Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 12:26 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Schulze and Hoenig with TD Howdy! 'Owens, James' wrote: > > On August 13th Mark Filipak wrote to this list: > > 'I'm referring to August, 1973. Peter was gone and Chris and Ed > recorded some stuff that eventually became 'Green Desert'. Peter > still wasn't back for three shows in France at the end of August > and I think KS filled in for him. I think that the show at L'Arc > en Ciel in Roanne on the 25th of August was the very last time KS > appeared with TD.' > > Where'd you get this info, Mark? Ciao -- Mark From: Morgan Feldon Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 12:35 am Subject: Send Your Boots to Berlin >Matt Sawyer posted an excellent list of bootlegs which are the best >versions of these shows we will likely ever get: >13.12.74 Live Improvised (FM) >15.11.82 Berlin ICC (Soundboard) >01.03.82 Strange Attractions (FM) >22.02.82 The Real Sohoman (FM) >29.03.86 General Relativity (FM) >01.08.87 Antarktis + 20th Century Serenades (FM) >09.09.88 At the Mountains of Madness v2 (Soundboard) The above recordings are all special in that they are the best versions of each show available. Berlin ICC beats Logotypes. Strange Attractions beats Raetikon and Fractal Realities The Real Sohoman beats Outback Voices At the Mountains of Madness beats Spherical Harmonics I think this is an excellent idea. It would be 12 discs (~7 discs SHN) and would get the few bootlegs which are still of the highest quality out to people who have not had access to them yet. This would be run a bit differently than the Tangerine Trees in that I imagine a lot of people already have some of these shows, in which case they would only need to request certain ones. I think the solution to this is to have a new signup/database system with an extra column where leaves put numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 to signify which of the 7 shows you want. One question is, do we just reproduce the existing artwork? I know for Live! Improvised!, I have designed high-resolution artwork for the CD label which I will submit for this project. There are other bootlegs which are also good quality, but they are (from what the voices in my head have told me) queued up for Tangerine Tree 4 or future Trees... Lifted Curtain (1980.01.31) Snackbar Dreamer in Detroit (1977.03.31) Dreaming on Ice Stadium (1983.12.10) Danger Live 1 + 2 [Brussels] (1976.02.09) Nostragram (1980.10.13) -Morgan [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35782 Re: Send Your Boots to Berlin maggior maggior Fri 8/30/2002 3 KB 35786 Re: Send Your Boots to Berlin Robert Asmus plastics67 Fri 8/30/2002 5 KB 35783 Re: Send Your Boots to Berlin maggior maggior Fri 8/30/2002 3 KB 35785 Re: Send Your Boots to Berlin Gustavo Jobim gustavojobim2 Fri 8/30/2002 2 KB 35790 Re: Send Your Boots to Berlin mars103nl mars103nl Fri 8/30/2002 2 KB 35793 Re: Send Your Boots to Berlin 3N jerzynka3n Fri 8/30/2002 3 KB 35884 Re: Send Your Boots to Berlin minimoog1975 minimoog1975 Tue 9/3/2002 2 KB 35885 Re: Send Your Boots to Berlin Falcon ppgwave2000 Tue 9/3/2002 4 KB 35795 Re: Send Your Boots to Berlin John Vertical omegatransfinito Fri 8/30/2002 3 KB From: 'maggior' Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 1:18 am Subject: Re: Send Your Boots to Berlin I second that this is an excellent idea. I have only begun collecting unofficial recordings since TT1. Many of the recordings below I don't have, though I have the lesser- quality versions that Morgan references :-( ). I suspect I have a lot of company in this. This would be a welcomed distraction while we await Tangerine Tree III. Rich Maggio --- In tadream@y..., Morgan Feldon wrote: > > >Matt Sawyer posted an excellent list of bootlegs which are the best > >versions of these shows we will likely ever get: > > >13.12.74 Live Improvised (FM) > >15.11.82 Berlin ICC (Soundboard) > >01.03.82 Strange Attractions (FM) > >22.02.82 The Real Sohoman (FM) > >29.03.86 General Relativity (FM) > >01.08.87 Antarktis + 20th Century Serenades (FM) > >09.09.88 At the Mountains of Madness v2 (Soundboard) > > The above recordings are all special in that they are the best versions of > each show available. > Berlin ICC beats Logotypes. > Strange Attractions beats Raetikon and Fractal Realities > The Real Sohoman beats Outback Voices > At the Mountains of Madness beats Spherical Harmonics > > > I think this is an excellent idea. It would be 12 discs (~7 discs SHN) and > would get the few bootlegs which are still of the highest quality out to > people who have not had access to them yet. > Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35786 Re: Send Your Boots to Berlin Robert Asmus plastics67 Fri 8/30/2002 5 KB From: 'maggior' Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 1:18 am Subject: Re: Send Your Boots to Berlin I second that this is an excellent idea. I have only begun collecting unofficial recordings since TT1. Many of the recordings below I don't have, though I have the lesser- quality versions that Morgan references :-( ). I suspect I have a lot of company in this. This would be a welcomed distraction while we await Tangerine Tree III. Rich Maggio --- In tadream@y..., Morgan Feldon wrote: > > >Matt Sawyer posted an excellent list of bootlegs which are the best > >versions of these shows we will likely ever get: > > >13.12.74 Live Improvised (FM) > >15.11.82 Berlin ICC (Soundboard) > >01.03.82 Strange Attractions (FM) > >22.02.82 The Real Sohoman (FM) > >29.03.86 General Relativity (FM) > >01.08.87 Antarktis + 20th Century Serenades (FM) > >09.09.88 At the Mountains of Madness v2 (Soundboard) > > The above recordings are all special in that they are the best versions of > each show available. > Berlin ICC beats Logotypes. > Strange Attractions beats Raetikon and Fractal Realities > The Real Sohoman beats Outback Voices > At the Mountains of Madness beats Spherical Harmonics > > > I think this is an excellent idea. It would be 12 discs (~7 discs SHN) and > would get the few bootlegs which are still of the highest quality out to > people who have not had access to them yet. > From: 'Robert Asmus' Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 2:49 am Subject: RE: [tadream] Lou Gentile show I am glad to know when they are on but I am also sad that I will be stuck at work. If anybody can please capture and encode the show for me and then send it to me so I can burn it to disk and send it to my friend that is stuck on a limited dial up. We would greatly appreciate it. Please contact me if you can do this most requested favor. Robert Asmus asmus0324@c... -----Original Message----- From: Wade Gordon [mailto:mindvoyager1@y...] Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 8:00 PM To: Subject: Re: [tadream] Lou Gentile show It was not updated as of yet, but trust me they are on Monday night. I just heard this from the 'horse's mouth.' Wade --- Morgan Feldon wrote: > > >Monday night on 'The Lou Gentile Show' is Tangerine > >Dream. For more information please see > > > > > >Wade > > All it seems to say is this: > > >LATEST SHOW NEWS & APPEARANCES > >LATEST SHOW NEWS! > > > >A Special evening with music & interviews co-hosted > by Lou Gentile & Wade > >Gordon. > > > >TANGERINE DREAM WILL BE APPEARING LIVE FROM BERLIN! > >COMING SOON IN SEPTEMBER! > > > >More Coming Soon! > > Am I missing something? > > Any chance you could set up a Tangerine > Dream/Electronic Music section. I > can't tell where the paranormal stuff ends > (including the irritating popup) > and your show begins. :( > > -Morgan > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes ----------------------------------------------------_- To unsubscribe: ----------------------------------------------------_- Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at Tangerine Tree info at Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35823 Re: Lou Gentile show Robert Asmus plastics67 Sat 8/31/2002 5 KB 35825 Re: Lou Gentile show Wade Gordon mindvoyager1 Sat 8/31/2002 5 KB From: Gustavo Jobim Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 2:51 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Send Your Boots to Berlin >Lifted Curtain (1980.01.31) >Danger Live 1 + 2 [Brussels] (1976.02.09) >Nostragram (1980.10.13) >-Morgan yummy! three of the greatest ever.... -GJ np: Mozart's 40th Symphony - Wiener Philharmoniker, L.Bernstein. amazing. ps. sorry for the one-liner... couldn't avoid. :) Gustavo Jobim gustavojobim@n... From: 'Robert Asmus' Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 2:56 am Subject: RE: [tadream] Re: Send Your Boots to Berlin I have been a major TD fan ever since I heard their music in the movie 'Legend'. When I felt stressed out I would drive to a local mountain road in southern California that was called Azusa Canyon. I would put that tape in, turn it up full volume and run up the road as fast as my car would take me. I would focus on the music and before I would know it, I had no more stress. I have in the last six months been in a position to start to build a serious TD collection up. I am very grateful to the people that have made the collection available. It would be very nice to add some of the unofficial TD music to my collection. But I have some how felt some tension waiting for TT3 to come out. That makes me sad that the lovers of such perfect music are arguing about what is going to be released next. This is only my opinion. Robert -----Original Message----- From: maggior [mailto:maggior@m...] Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 9:18 PM To: Subject: [tadream] Re: Send Your Boots to Berlin I second that this is an excellent idea. I have only begun collecting unofficial recordings since TT1. Many of the recordings below I don't have, though I have the lesser- quality versions that Morgan references :-( ). I suspect I have a lot of company in this. This would be a welcomed distraction while we await Tangerine Tree III. Rich Maggio --- In tadream@y..., Morgan Feldon wrote: > > >Matt Sawyer posted an excellent list of bootlegs which are the best > >versions of these shows we will likely ever get: > > >13.12.74 Live Improvised (FM) > >15.11.82 Berlin ICC (Soundboard) > >01.03.82 Strange Attractions (FM) > >22.02.82 The Real Sohoman (FM) > >29.03.86 General Relativity (FM) > >01.08.87 Antarktis + 20th Century Serenades (FM) > >09.09.88 At the Mountains of Madness v2 (Soundboard) > > The above recordings are all special in that they are the best versions of > each show available. > Berlin ICC beats Logotypes. > Strange Attractions beats Raetikon and Fractal Realities > The Real Sohoman beats Outback Voices > At the Mountains of Madness beats Spherical Harmonics > > > I think this is an excellent idea. It would be 12 discs (~7 discs SHN) and > would get the few bootlegs which are still of the highest quality out to > people who have not had access to them yet. > ----------------------------------------------------_- To unsubscribe: ----------------------------------------------------_- Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at Tangerine Tree info at Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to From: rbrown4856@a... Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 3:24 am Subject: Heartbreakers CD 'Virgin Issue' Hi All, If anyone is interested I have an extra copy of the Heartbreakers CD on Virgin, which is the hard to find original, available for trade. Rick From: Morgan Feldon Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 3:38 am Subject: Tangerine Tree 3 >Robert Asmus expressed his feelings that: > >I am very >grateful to the people that have made the collection available. It >would be very nice to add some of the unofficial TD music to my >collection. But I have some how felt some tension waiting for TT3 to >come out. That makes me sad that the lovers of such perfect music are >arguing about what is going to be released next. This is only my >opinion. Well I hope people realize that Heiko is going to do what he feels he should do, and as long as it stays popular he must be doing something right. :) I have to say the emphasis on having such a wide emphasis on the whole 30 year history of TD is at odds with my general opinions on what I'd like to see come out on the TT. But of course that is just my opinion. I guess not everyone would be happy if we had six 1976 shows, Seattle 77 2nd gen, and Brussels 1980 1st gen uncut. :D :D -Morgan Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35883 Re: Tangerine Tree 3 ppgwave2000 ppgwave2000 Tue 9/3/2002 2 KB From: 'John Vertical' Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 4:57 am Subject: Woohoo! To all Finns (and why not others, too?) on the list: Sorcerer will be broadcast on 7th of September on channel 4. I don't know the exact time yet, just the fact that it's coming. :) John Vertical _________________________________________________________________ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35791 Re: Woohoo! Richard zoanne1uk Fri 8/30/2002 2 KB 35794 Re: Woohoo! John Vertical omegatransfinito Fri 8/30/2002 2 KB 35796 Re: Woohoo! Richard zoanne1uk Fri 8/30/2002 2 KB 35799 Re: Woohoo! John Vertical omegatransfinito Fri 8/30/2002 2 KB 35841 Re: Woohoo! Marko Marin rubyconist Mon 9/2/2002 2 KB From: 'mars103nl' Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 6:27 am Subject: Re: Send Your Boots to Berlin --- In tadream@y..., Morgan Feldon wrote: > > There are other bootlegs which are also good quality, but they are (from > what the voices in my head have told me) queued up for Tangerine Tree 4 or > future Trees... > > Lifted Curtain (1980.01.31) > Snackbar Dreamer in Detroit (1977.03.31) > Dreaming on Ice Stadium (1983.12.10) > Danger Live 1 + 2 [Brussels] (1976.02.09) > Nostragram (1980.10.13) Ah an even better version of Danger Live? It's one of my favorites and good to see that an even better version will get released. Marcel mengels@w... From: Richard Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 6:29 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Woohoo! Could you possibly supply channel details, etc. I have a motorised satellite system and can pick up quite a few channels !! >To all Finns (and why not others, too?) on the list: > >Sorcerer will be broadcast on 7th of September on channel 4. I don't know >the exact time yet, just the fact that it's coming. :) From: Groove Unlimited Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 7:32 am Subject: E-Live 2002 The E-Live 2002 festival takes place on September 21st! Location is the TU auditorium in the center of Eindhoven, Netherlands and there's room for 420 people. Tickets cost € 25 in pre-sales and € 30 at the box-office. Pre-sales have started and ends on September 14. (That's 2 weeks from here) Line-up: Neuronium with Pascal Languirand (ES) Frank Van Bogaert (BE) Amir Baghiri (DE) Boots, Aerts, H. vd Heijden, E. vd Heijden (NL) All info: Click on E-LIVE 2002 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: '3N' Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 7:44 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Send Your Boots to Berlin HeY! ----- Original Message ----- From: mars103nl > --- In tadream@y..., Morgan Feldon wrote: > > > > There are other bootlegs which are also good quality, but they are > (from > > what the voices in my head have told me) queued up for Tangerine > Tree 4 or > > future Trees... > > > > Lifted Curtain (1980.01.31) > > Snackbar Dreamer in Detroit (1977.03.31) > > Dreaming on Ice Stadium (1983.12.10) > > Danger Live 1 + 2 [Brussels] (1976.02.09) > > Nostragram (1980.10.13) > > Ah an even better version of Danger Live? > It's one of my favorites and good to see that > an even better version will get released. > > Marcel I must say that most of the very known and good (or better) qualitty botlegs it can to improve and/or restore sound. FE, I made my own remastering version of ReimsCathedral74 and Detroit77, which are better than originals. In one parts a little bit, in others - much much better. So I'm sure that Brussels76 (both - February and November) in some time we will see (eghm - hear ;)) ) in realy better sound than on DangerLive and L'Ancienne. But now we have sufficient many materials to work to following T-Tree. Regards JerzyK ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Im szybciej, tym lepiej... >>> Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35884 Re: Send Your Boots to Berlin minimoog1975 minimoog1975 Tue 9/3/2002 2 KB 35885 Re: Send Your Boots to Berlin Falcon ppgwave2000 Tue 9/3/2002 4 KB From: 'John Vertical' Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 9:03 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Woohoo! >Could you possibly supply channel details, etc. I have a motorised >satellite system and can pick up quite a few channels !! > > > >To all Finns (and why not others, too?) on the list: > > > >Sorcerer will be broadcast on 7th of September on channel 4. I don't know > >the exact time yet, just the fact that it's coming. :) Hmm, I looked a bit on their homepage but found nothing that I guess will be useful... I guess you need some sort of broadcast frequency? The closest I found was John Vertical _________________________________________________________________ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35796 Re: Woohoo! Richard zoanne1uk Fri 8/30/2002 2 KB From: 'John Vertical' Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 9:14 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Send Your Boots to Berlin >I second that this is an excellent idea. > >I have only begun collecting unofficial recordings since TT1. Many >of the recordings below I don't have, though I have the lesser- >quality versions that Morgan references :-( ). I suspect I have a >lot of company in this. > >This would be a welcomed distraction while we await Tangerine Tree >III. > >Rich Maggio Hmm, I suppose I could agree with this. I too have only TT's + some minor stuff - no well-known bootlegs besides Electronic Orgy. > > >13.12.74 Live Improvised (FM) > > >15.11.82 Berlin ICC (Soundboard) > > >01.03.82 Strange Attractions (FM) > > >22.02.82 The Real Sohoman (FM) > > >29.03.86 General Relativity (FM) > > >01.08.87 Antarktis + 20th Century Serenades (FM) > > >09.09.88 At the Mountains of Madness v2 (Soundboard) The list looks OK to me... But isn't #2 essentially the same as TT vol.12? John Vertical _________________________________________________________________ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: From: Richard Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 9:29 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Woohoo! >>Could you possibly supply channel details, etc. I have a motorised >>satellite system and can pick up quite a few channels !! >> >> >> >To all Finns (and why not others, too?) on the list: >> > >> >Sorcerer will be broadcast on 7th of September on channel 4. I don't know >> >the exact time yet, just the fact that it's coming. :) That was helpful thanks, they transmit via Thor II, all I need now is which channel it is on: YLE1 YLE2 MTV3 (I don't think so !!) NELONEN Cheers -- Richard F From: gmroger@p... Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 11:51 am Subject: TT3 and popular bootlegs Matt wrote: 'How about a sub-tree? I have most of the high quality bootlegs and I'd be happy to set up a Tree for those who haven't been able to get ahold of them. That would be a much better option than including them in subsequent trees, IMHO.' And Heiko threw in: 'Of course I could include cd's like 'Antarktis', '20th century serenades', or the Reims 'Live Improvised' CDs for some of the next trees, but I'm not sure if it would really make sense since they are widely available (I guess that when people are trading for unreleased TD recordings for the first time, chances are that these CD's are among the first they will get, along with other releases like 'Spherical Harmonics', 'In den Gärten Pharaos/Bicycle race', etc.) But if we release them as 'tree' editions it would at least make sense to try to improve the sound quality even a bit further (if possible).' I'm a keen TD collector, but even I don't have 'Live Improvised'. It would be great if that one could be got hold of and cleaned up. I don't mind whether its through the tree or through Matthew, as long as it has a nice cover! Maybe we should simply issue all onto the tree rather than try to asssume we all have such and such bootleg. After all, the tree will include concerts that were effectively duplicated in other performances on the same tours (Warsaw and Shepherds' Bush, for example). Heiko, I leave it to you... let's put it this way, if it wasn't for you, this pot of gold would remain untouched for all of us! Roger Hartopp Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35798 Re: TT3 and popular bootlegs Heiko Heerssen td_freak Fri 8/30/2002 4 KB 35801 Re: TT3 and popular bootlegs John Vertical omegatransfinito Fri 8/30/2002 3 KB From: Heiko Heerssen Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 12:39 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] TT3 and popular bootlegs > I'm a keen TD collector, but even I don't have 'Live Improvised'. It would be great if that one could be got hold of and cleaned up. I don't mind whether its through the tree or through Matthew, as long as it has a nice cover! I don't think it would be a bad idea if we add some of the more popular concerts like 'Live improvised' the 'Tangerine Tree', especially since my 'remastering buddies' are capable to improve the sound quality even further. Just to release 'Live improvised' with a different artwork wouldn't make sense IMO, as this is not what the 'tree' should be about. Also, some of the concerts that Matthew listed for the 'sub-tree' are already considered for inclusion in some of the forthcoming 'tree' series, because we found tape sources which are either better than what was used for the bootleg CD versions, or which are more complete. So in case some people want to release a 'sub-tree' by releasing CDR versions of (for example) '20th century serenades', 'Antarktis', 'Live improvised', 'Spherical harmonics' etc. it may well be that sooner or later even better versions will appear in the 'tree'. But of course this shall not hinder you (whoever you are :-) from starting such a project. I noticed that some people on the list are already looking forward to TT#3, the feedback so far has been excellent (I think even Edgar Froese liked our 'tree' sets :-), thanks a lot! But please keep in mind that it took us almost 4 months to come up with the current TT#2, it's really something that has to be done carefully and I don't want to rush things. Some of the concerts for TT#3 are already in the making, and after I have returned from my vacation (October 1) work will start again :-) Time to switch off my PC..'hear' you next Monday. Regards Heiko From: 'John Vertical' Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 2:51 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Woohoo! > >> >To all Finns (and why not others, too?) on the list: > >> > > >> >Sorcerer will be broadcast on 7th of September on channel 4. I don't >know > >> >the exact time yet, just the fact that it's coming. :) > >That was helpful thanks, they transmit via Thor II, all I need now is >which channel it is on: > >YLE1 >YLE2 >MTV3 (I don't think so !!) >NELONEN > > >Cheers >-- >Richard F Nelonen. You could have deducted that yourself too, I don't think that a 'channel four' would have a 1, 2 or 3 after its name... (no offense though) John Vertical _________________________________________________________________ Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: From: 'Owens, James' Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 2:54 pm Subject: RE: [tadream] Schulze and Hoenig with TD Okay, so now the question is: Paul Fellows: Where did YOU get this info? James -----Original Message----- From: Mark Filipak [mailto:filipak@m...] 'Owens, James' wrote: > > Where'd you get this info, Mark? Ciao -- Mark From: 'John Vertical' Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 2:55 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] TT3 and popular bootlegs > > I'm a keen TD collector, but even I don't have 'Live Improvised'. It >would be great if that one could be got hold of and cleaned up. I don't >mind whether its through the tree or through Matthew, as long as it has a >nice cover! > >I don't think it would be a bad idea if we add some of the more popular >concerts like 'Live improvised' the 'Tangerine Tree', especially >since my 'remastering buddies' are capable to improve the sound quality >even further. Just to release 'Live improvised' with a >different artwork wouldn't make sense IMO, as this is not what the 'tree' >should be about. Now, this sounds like what I originally was thinking. I never meant that they should be released as they are now... Apparently this whole thing is just a misunderstanding? John Vertical _________________________________________________________________ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: From: 'tei waz' Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 4:02 pm Subject: list owners claification please--boot trading talk ahem, list owners, so has the 'official' policy of this list now shifted to allow openly traded TD boots outside of the tangerine tree(outside of the tangerine tree) on this list? wondering, --T _________________________________________________________________ Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. From: Morgan Feldon Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 4:25 pm Subject: Tangerine Tree 3 >John Vertical posted: > > >15.11.82 Berlin ICC (Soundboard) >The list looks OK to me... But isn't #2 essentially the same as TT vol.12? Croydon 82 (on TT2) is an excellent audience recording of an October-November 1982 concert. Berlin ICC is a soundboard recording. While some bass and treble characteristics have been lost to time, it is still a fantastic recording and one that every Logos lover should have. As for Live! Improvised!, I think it's already flawless. -Morgan From: Morgan Feldon Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 4:27 pm Subject: >ahem, list owners, so has the 'official' policy of this list now shifted to >allow openly traded TD boots outside of the tangerine tree(outside of the >tangerine tree) on this list? > >wondering, > >--T Bootlegging is for profit. Trading concerts in a Tangerine Tree-like structure actually hurts the bootleggers and gets concert recordings out to the fans, reducing the market. Remember that we have conducted Sea of Dreams, Real Dream Encores, the Tape Trees and various other projects out in the open here on the tadream list. -Morgan Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35820 Re: Gustavo Jobim gustavojobim2 Sat 8/31/2002 2 KB From: 'Administrator' Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 4:39 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] I would love to buy these if TD ever releases them. Esp. the 70's and early 80's sets. Till then, I look forward to what I can get. Dale ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Morgan Feldon' To: Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 9:27 AM Subject: [tadream] > > >ahem, list owners, so has the 'official' policy of this list now shifted to > >allow openly traded TD boots outside of the tangerine tree(outside of the > >tangerine tree) on this list? > > > >wondering, > > > >--T > > Bootlegging is for profit. > > Trading concerts in a Tangerine Tree-like structure actually hurts the > bootleggers and gets concert recordings out to the fans, reducing the market. > > Remember that we have conducted Sea of Dreams, Real Dream Encores, the Tape > Trees and various other projects out in the open here on the tadream list. > > -Morgan > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: Antonio Nunes Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 6:33 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Tangerine Tree 3 Morgan Feldon wrote: > As for Live! Improvised!, I think it's already flawless. I hear a bit of distortion nearly at the end of disc 1, particularly between 41:40 and 43:40. Morgan, could you please let me know if you hear that distortion on your copy? Maybe I have a bad copy? Anyway, on the rest of disc 1 and disc 2 the sound is crystal clear. Antonio Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35839 Are we still on for DWT3? Matthew Stringer Mon 9/2/2002 2 KB 35840 Re: Are we still on for DWT3? jerome ssaalyersjj Mon 9/2/2002 2 KB 35842 Re: Are we still on for DWT3? Yannick EDOM Edom_Y Mon 9/2/2002 3 KB From: Morgan Feldon Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 6:39 pm Subject: Live Improvised >I hear a bit of distortion nearly at the end of disc 1, particularly >between 41:40 and 43:40. Morgan, could you please let me know if you >hear that distortion on your copy? Maybe I have a bad copy? Anyway, on >the rest of disc 1 and disc 2 the sound is crystal clear. > >Antonio Overmodulation like that cannot really be repaired. The gain on the recording was too high and the loudest parts clipped off. The sound could be softened for that passage, that's about it. -Morgan From: 'Paul Dryden' Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 8:19 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Send Your Boots to Berlin As a fan of TD for 20 years, I have slowly built a part LP/CD and Tape collection, of which only official TD albums are a part. I would love to have some of the recordings mentioned here. Iam thinking of signing up to the Tangerine Tree project, but currently would only be a leaf. Do you think this is the route of a relative starter in TD? What would I need to join? could one pay cash for CD's? I have been to the site and followed the Tree info link, but did not understand!!! Paulus.d_uk 'When I talk to the city - I have found out three answers before I call the question....' ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Morgan Feldon' To: Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 1:35 AM Subject: [tadream] Send Your Boots to Berlin > > >Matt Sawyer posted an excellent list of bootlegs which are the best > >versions of these shows we will likely ever get: > > >13.12.74 Live Improvised (FM) > >15.11.82 Berlin ICC (Soundboard) > >01.03.82 Strange Attractions (FM) > >22.02.82 The Real Sohoman (FM) > >29.03.86 General Relativity (FM) > >01.08.87 Antarktis + 20th Century Serenades (FM) > >09.09.88 At the Mountains of Madness v2 (Soundboard) > > The above recordings are all special in that they are the best versions of > each show available. > Berlin ICC beats Logotypes. > Strange Attractions beats Raetikon and Fractal Realities > The Real Sohoman beats Outback Voices > At the Mountains of Madness beats Spherical Harmonics > > > I think this is an excellent idea. It would be 12 discs (~7 discs SHN) and > would get the few bootlegs which are still of the highest quality out to > people who have not had access to them yet. > > This would be run a bit differently than the Tangerine Trees in that I > imagine a lot of people already have some of these shows, in which case > they would only need to request certain ones. I think the solution to this > is to have a new signup/database system with an extra column where leaves > put numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 to signify which of the 7 shows you want. > > One question is, do we just reproduce the existing artwork? I know for > Live! Improvised!, I have designed high-resolution artwork for the CD label > which I will submit for this project. > > > There are other bootlegs which are also good quality, but they are (from > what the voices in my head have told me) queued up for Tangerine Tree 4 or > future Trees... > > Lifted Curtain (1980.01.31) > Snackbar Dreamer in Detroit (1977.03.31) > Dreaming on Ice Stadium (1983.12.10) > Danger Live 1 + 2 [Brussels] (1976.02.09) > Nostragram (1980.10.13) > > -Morgan > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > From: Marion Horrod Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 6:48 pm Subject: Re: Send your boots to Berlin I third this (or fourth it or whatever). I don't have any boots at all, but the tree has whetted my appetite considerably. I am squeamish about buying boots unless the band is OK about them, but as someone said, trading or tree-ing boots only rips off the bootleggers. I would be glad to have some of the die-hards decide which is the best boot of an event, and only make that one available on a tree - but I'm not a completist, and others may differ. It seems to me that one way forward would be to tree straight copies of the boots right now for those who want them, in an effort unrelated to the main Tangerine Tree. Then if that well-known band, Heiko and the Backroom Boys, find better versions of those concerts, or feel that they can improve the quality of the boots themselves, these can go in the 'official' tree on an 'as and when' basis. As far as TT3 goes, I say leave H&tBB to decide what goes in it and when it comes out. It has to depend on what's available to them and how much work it needs. They're doing fine so far IMO. Finally, my vote would be to keep the original artwork. That way if I ever _am_ tempted to buy a boot, I shall easily recognise the ones I've got! But if anybody's done new artwork, or wants to (especially if it includes more, or more accurate, information than the original), why not make that available too, and let people choose which to download? I'm all for getting the best of both worlds! LnH Marion From: 'vic rek' Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 7:27 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Tangerine Tree 3 Just a thought here... I think the TD Tree concept is working well and music is reaching the fans, and I welcome all the discussion about the next TD Tree 3 releases, but I must say that many fans must be in the dark since they have not received their TD Tree 2 CDRs? Or maybe everyone has received their discs already? I find this hard to believe. I get this impression by the discussions that the more that is released, then the more of a feeding frenzy occurs. Everything these days seems to by HURRY HURRY, but not everyone can keep up the pace with some enthusiasts due to their circumstances. I suggest that we slow down and continue to enjoy Tangerine Dream as a nicely aged wine from a great number of vintage years! What's the hurry? Maybe next summer I'll find a nice place to sit and watch the wheat grow - listening to TD of course :-) Vic From: Morgan Feldon Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 8:10 pm Subject: Tangerine Tree 3 So we have all these folks talking about Tangerine Tree and the Boots project, but almost nobody comes to the chat. *sniff* -Morgan From: 'Administrator' Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 8:15 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Tangerine Tree 3 your are never home to chat... ;-) dale well that isn't all true.... hehehehe ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Morgan Feldon' To: Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 1:10 PM Subject: [tadream] Tangerine Tree 3 > So we have all these folks talking about Tangerine Tree and the Boots > project, but almost nobody comes to the chat. *sniff* > > > > -Morgan > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: Morgan Feldon Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 8:14 pm Subject: TD Chat >your are never home to chat... > >;-) > > >dale Sorry if I am not available to chat at 2AM on a Tuesday. Try to get out of work before midnight pacific time. :) -Morgan Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35814 Re: TD Chat Administrator dale1kay Fri 8/30/2002 3 KB 35815 AW: [tadream] TD Chat Herbert gae232 Fri 8/30/2002 3 KB From: 'Administrator' Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 8:22 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] TD Chat You know, you are right. I need to speak to that manager about that slave driving thing a bit more.... dale ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Morgan Feldon' To: Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 1:14 PM Subject: [tadream] TD Chat > > >your are never home to chat... > > > >;-) > > > > > >dale > > > Sorry if I am not available to chat at 2AM on a Tuesday. Try to get out of > work before midnight pacific time. :) > > -Morgan > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: 'Herbert' Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 8:41 pm Subject: AW: [tadream] TD Chat Isn't this a 1:1 chat already ;-) Herbert > -----Ursprungliche Nachricht----- > Von: Morgan Feldon [mailto:feldon@f...] > Gesendet: Freitag, 30. August 2002 22:15 > An: > Betreff: [tadream] TD Chat > > > > >your are never home to chat... > > > >;-) > > > > > >dale > > > Sorry if I am not available to chat at 2AM on a Tuesday. Try > to get out of > work before midnight pacific time. :) > > -Morgan > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: 'tei waz' Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 10:38 pm Subject: re: clarification >Remember that we have conducted Sea of Dreams, Real Dream Encores, the Tape Trees and various other projects out in the open here on the tadream list.< oh, hmm, I thought that was on the @uwp list but verboten on the egroups/yahoogroups list--my bad, apparently. Thanks. --T np TD et al LOaRT compilation (btw, track 5 and 15 from 3 o'clock high are the LOaRT tracks or at least about the first 2/3rds of each) _________________________________________________________________ Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: From: 'Matthew Sawyer' Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 10:52 pm Subject: Classic Bootleg Tree There seems to be some interest in this, so assuming there are no objections here's how I plan to proceed: o The 'Classic Bootleg Tree' (for want of a snappier title) is to be considered _ENTIRELY SEPARATE_ from the Tangerine Tree. I'd rather not refer to it as a sub-tree from now on. Heiko and his remasterers put an immeasurable amount of hard work into the Tangerine Tree, and I have no desire to stick my oar in and claim my tiny effort as a subset of their project. This is to be considered a fun distraction while we wait for TT#3, nothing more. o This tree will follow the same rules as laid out at . It will be conducted on a strictly non-profit basis, and if you decide to participate as a branch that means you're offering to donate your time. o Over the next week or so I'll finalise the list of bootlegs that will be distributed through this tree, and post that information here with descriptions. After that you can all decide if you'd like to opt in, and whether you can act as a branch or a leaf. You will also be able to pick and choose which boots you'd like to receive from the list, and I'll arrange the tree accordingly. o I cannot guarantee that any of the boots chosen won't turn up again later in a remastered form in the Tangerine Tree. So if we distribute, say, the Berlin 1982 soundboard CD in the Classic tree and the exact same concert turns up remastered in TT#3, I don't want to see any complaints, or bitching, or comments that could sway the contents of TT in any way whatsoever. The absolute worse thing that can happen is you'll have some redundant historical TD bootlegs which you'll be able to compare to the TT versions. Which just means you'll be able to tell first hand how terrific Heikos army of remasterers are :-). o The covers will be the same ones that came with the original bootlegs, which I will make available for downloading. Comments, questions or suggestions should be directed to me. Remember, this is a separate project and Heiko deserves a holiday :-) Maff _________________________________________________ Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35821 Re: Classic Bootleg Tree John Vertical omegatransfinito Sat 8/31/2002 2 KB 35822 Re: Classic Bootleg Tree Matthew Sawyer matthewsawyer Sat 8/31/2002 4 KB 35831 Classic Bootleg Tree Klaus Beschorner Sun 9/1/2002 3 KB From: 'Bill Fox' Date: Sat Aug 31, 2002 2:16 am Subject: EMUSIC Playlist #284 [ Best viewed using a fixed spacing font. ] EMUSIC is an electronic, ambient, and space music show, that airs each Thursday at 11:04 pm on WDIY 88.1 FM, Allentown and Bethlehem, PA and 93.9 FM in Easton, PA and Phillipsburg, NJ. Show #284 August 29, 2002. RECAP: On this show, I concluded the month-long focus on Hemisphere, a band from Germany known for dark electronic ambient excursions. The Featured CD at midnight was 'Attachment X' on the Groove label. The Vinyl Starter was from the LP 'Gandharva' by Beaver and Krause on the Warner Brothers label. I played the music of Rudy Adrian who will be playing at the next Gathering. Hemisphere Gathering PLAYLIST: ARTIST TRACK ALBUM (label) ======================= ======================== ============================== 11:04 pm Beaver and Krause Walkin' Gandharva (Warner Bros.) Tangerine Dream Velvet Sun Tang-go (TDI) Ian Boddy Ecliptic Aurora (DiN) James Johnson The Citadel The Butterfly Chamber (Hypnos) Roedelius Ponte Introspection (Horizon) Navigator Secret of the Cave Oceanic Empire (Groove) Rudy Adrian Venus - the Clouded Starfields (Groove) Sphere Brent Reiland and Traveler Wormholes (Solarwind) John Lyell 12:00 am Hemisphere Point One Attachment X (Groove) Hemisphere Point Two Attachment X (Groove) Hemisphere Point Three Attachment X (Groove) Hemisphere Point Four Attachment X (Groove) Hemisphere Point Five Attachment X (Groove) Hemisphere Point Six Attachment X (Groove) Hemisphere Point Seven Attachment X (Groove) Hemisphere Point Eight Attachment X (Groove) Hemisphere Point Nine Attachment X (Groove) Hemisphere Point Ten Attachment X (Groove) Hemisphere Point Eleven Attachment X (Groove) Hemisphere Point Twelve * Attachment X (Groove) 1:00 am * = exerpt VA = Various Artists (compilation) NEXT SHOW: On the next EMUSIC, I'll begin a month-long focus on Rudy Adrian to celebrate this New Zealander's visit to the US. The Featured CD at Midnight will be 'Concerts in New Zealand' on the Quantum label. The vinyl show starter will be from the LP 'Gandharva' by Beaver and Krause on the Warner Brothers label. Bill =============================================================================== Host of EMUSIC, an electronic, ambient, and space music show. Thursdays at 11 pm on WDIY 88.1 FM, Allentown and Bethlehem and 93.9 FM in Easton and Phillipsburg. Host of the AM/FM Show on WMUH Allentown 91.7 FM every other Saturday at 6 am. Host of Afterglow on WMUH every Thursday morning from 8:00 to 9:30. Radio Station Web Sites: Personal site: To subscribe to the EMUSIC on WDIY list, go to and click on [Join This Group!] SOUNDSCAPES Concert Series: From: 'Bill Fox' Date: Sat Aug 31, 2002 2:33 am Subject: EMUSIC Monthly Top 20 Report for August, 2002 [ Best viewed using a fixed spacing font. ] WDIY 88.1 FM 'EMUSIC' Top 20 report to New Age Voice and CD Revolutions for August, 2002. Shows #280 to #284; 1-August-2002 to 29-August-2002 Reported in non-ranked order. Compiled by Bill Fox, billfox@f... CONTACT: billfox@f... ARTIST - ALBUM TITLE - LABEL ============================ Asmus Tiechens and vidnaObmana - The Shifts Recyclings - Soleilmoon Bjorn Lynne - Colony - none Brent Reiland and John Lyell - Wormholes - Solarwind The Circular Ruins - Realm of Possibility - Databloem Frank Van Bogaert - Human - Groove Hemisphere - Attachment X - Groove Hemisphere - Intruders - Groove Hemisphere - Inversion - Groove Hemisphere - Liquid Mirror - Groove Hemisphere - NOW - Groove Ian Boddy - Aurora - DiN James Johnson - The Butterfly Chamber - Hypnos Klangwelt - Weltweit - Spheric Matt Borghi - Elegy for Time - Space for Music Navigator - Oceanic Empire - Groove Ricochet Musos - Okefenokee Dreams 2001 - Neu Harmony and Groove Roedelius - Introspection - Horizon Rudy Adrian - Starfields - Groove Steve Roach and Jeffrey Fayman - Trance Spirits - Projekt Various Artists - The Gatherings - Synkronos Bill =============================================================================== Host of EMUSIC, an electronic, ambient, and space music show. Thursdays at 11 pm on WDIY 88.1 FM, Allentown and Bethlehem and 93.9 FM in Easton and Phillipsburg. Host of the AM/FM Show on WMUH Allentown 91.7 FM every other Saturday at 6 am. Host of Afterglow on WMUH every Thursday morning from 8:00 to 9:30. Radio Station Web Sites: Personal site: To subscribe to the EMUSIC on WDIY list, go to and click on [Join This Group!] SOUNDSCAPES Concert Series: From: Gustavo Jobim Date: Sat Aug 31, 2002 6:17 am Subject: Re: [tadream] >Bootlegging is for profit. >Trading concerts in a Tangerine Tree-like structure actually hurts the >bootleggers and gets concert recordings out to the fans, reducing the market. I have never bought any bootleg and I'm REALLY happy to be able go get (and participate!) on the Tangerine Tree, by the way. And I'll never buy any bootleg anyway. GJ np. floating tones around mi (round mi part 1) Gustavo Jobim gustavojobim@n... From: 'John Vertical' Date: Sat Aug 31, 2002 10:23 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Classic Bootleg Tree >There seems to be some interest in this, so assuming there are no >objections >here's how I plan to proceed: Well, you can count me OUT. I originally though that I would not be able to get some concerts via TT. Until Heiko corrected that yes, some of those classics will be TT-released but not without any mastering... whew. So I'm perfectly happy with TT and an occasional rarer album added to my collection... No Thanks. (this message just to make sure you don't get a false picture of the 'some interest') John Vertical _________________________________________________________________ Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: From: 'Matthew Sawyer' Date: Sat Aug 31, 2002 11:10 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Classic Bootleg Tree From: 'John Vertical' > >There seems to be some interest in this, so assuming there are no > >objections > >here's how I plan to proceed: > > Well, you can count me OUT. I originally though that I would not be able to > get some concerts via TT. Until Heiko corrected that yes, some of those > classics will be TT-released but not without any mastering... whew. Never said they wouldn't. Perhaps Live Improvised and Antarktis will be bookending TT3. Somehow I doubt it. So far the goal of the tree seems to be seeking out master tapes of bootlegs only previously available in poor or marginal quality. Pick up the Virtual Files version of Croydon 75 sometime. It's unlistenable. If Heiko has to decide between a crystal clear first gen tape of a 1976 concert, or giving 20th Century Serenades a quick polish, well... perhaps I'm being presumptuous but I'd bet fhe farm on the former. So, with an average of two or three trees a year these common bootlegs may not turn up for a while. In the meantime, the bootleg newbies around here who are eager to hear some more have a choice: 1) Try to trade for them, with nothing but the TT volumes in their collection, which is going to be tough considering they're being handed out for free to about a hundred people. 2) Buy the bootlegs. > (this message just to make sure you don't get a false picture of the 'some > interest') Cheers. Maff _________________________________________________ From: 'Robert Asmus' Date: Sat Aug 31, 2002 1:32 pm Subject: RE: [tadream] Lou Gentile show Does anybody know if there are any probs with Lou's website. I tried pulling it up and it is not there anymore. Robert -----Original Message----- From: Robert Asmus [mailto:asmus0324@c...] Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 10:49 PM To: Subject: RE: [tadream] Lou Gentile show I am glad to know when they are on but I am also sad that I will be stuck at work. If anybody can please capture and encode the show for me and then send it to me so I can burn it to disk and send it to my friend that is stuck on a limited dial up. We would greatly appreciate it. Please contact me if you can do this most requested favor. Robert Asmus asmus0324@c... -----Original Message----- From: Wade Gordon [mailto:mindvoyager1@y...] Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 8:00 PM To: Subject: Re: [tadream] Lou Gentile show It was not updated as of yet, but trust me they are on Monday night. I just heard this from the 'horse's mouth.' Wade --- Morgan Feldon wrote: > > >Monday night on 'The Lou Gentile Show' is Tangerine > >Dream. For more information please see > > > > > >Wade > > All it seems to say is this: > > >LATEST SHOW NEWS & APPEARANCES > >LATEST SHOW NEWS! > > > >A Special evening with music & interviews co-hosted > by Lou Gentile & Wade > >Gordon. > > > >TANGERINE DREAM WILL BE APPEARING LIVE FROM BERLIN! > >COMING SOON IN SEPTEMBER! > > > >More Coming Soon! > > Am I missing something? > > Any chance you could set up a Tangerine > Dream/Electronic Music section. I > can't tell where the paranormal stuff ends > (including the irritating popup) > and your show begins. :( > > -Morgan > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes ----------------------------------------------------_- To unsubscribe: ----------------------------------------------------_- Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at Tangerine Tree info at Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to ----------------------------------------------------_- To unsubscribe: ----------------------------------------------------_- Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at Tangerine Tree info at Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35825 Re: Lou Gentile show Wade Gordon mindvoyager1 Sat 8/31/2002 5 KB From: Antonio Nunes Date: Sat Aug 31, 2002 2:29 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Lou Gentile show Robert Asmus wrote: > > Does anybody know if there are any probs with Lou's website. I tried > pulling it up and it is not there anymore. I'm visiting the site right now, and everything seems OK to me. I've found the Wade Gordon's archived shows and I'm just listening to Sound Explorer #1. BTW, if pop-up windows annoy you, and this site seems to use too much this feature, try the Mozilla browser. It's free, and if you configure it to not open unrequested windows, you won't see pop-ups anymore! You can download the Mozilla browser at Antonio np: Wade Gordon's Sound Explorer #1 Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35826 Re: Lou Gentile show Wade Gordon mindvoyager1 Sat 8/31/2002 3 KB 35829 Re: Lou Gentile show Kees Aerts / Groove Unlimited groovekees Sat 8/31/2002 3 KB 35833 Re: Lou Gentile show Wade Gordon mindvoyager1 Sun 9/1/2002 3 KB From: Wade Gordon Date: Sat Aug 31, 2002 4:15 pm Subject: RE: [tadream] Lou Gentile show Do to the large number of traffic the site was 'grid locked.' It is now up and running and check out 'Sound Explorer.' --- Robert Asmus wrote: > Does anybody know if there are any probs with Lou's > website. I tried > pulling it up and it is not there anymore. > > > Robert > > -----Original Message----- > From: Robert Asmus [mailto:asmus0324@c...] > Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 10:49 PM > To: > Subject: RE: [tadream] Lou Gentile show > > I am glad to know when they are on but I am also sad > that I will be > stuck at work. If anybody can please capture and > encode the show for me > and then send it to me so I can burn it to disk and > send it to my friend > that is stuck on a limited dial up. We would > greatly appreciate it. > Please contact me if you can do this most requested > favor. > > Robert Asmus > asmus0324@c... > > -----Original Message----- > From: Wade Gordon [mailto:mindvoyager1@y...] > Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 8:00 PM > To: > Subject: Re: [tadream] Lou Gentile show > > It was not updated as of yet, but trust me they are > on > Monday night. I just heard this from the 'horse's > mouth.' > > Wade > --- Morgan Feldon wrote: > > > > >Monday night on 'The Lou Gentile Show' is > Tangerine > > >Dream. For more information please see > > > > > > > > >Wade > > > > All it seems to say is this: > > > > >LATEST SHOW NEWS & APPEARANCES > > >LATEST SHOW NEWS! > > > > > >A Special evening with music & interviews > co-hosted > > by Lou Gentile & Wade > > >Gordon. > > > > > >TANGERINE DREAM WILL BE APPEARING LIVE FROM > BERLIN! > > >COMING SOON IN SEPTEMBER! > > > > > >More Coming Soon! > > > > Am I missing something? > > > > Any chance you could set up a Tangerine > > Dream/Electronic Music section. I > > can't tell where the paranormal stuff ends > > (including the irritating popup) > > and your show begins. :( > > > > -Morgan > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > To unsubscribe: > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > > > > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes From: Wade Gordon Date: Sat Aug 31, 2002 4:14 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Lou Gentile show It is up and running right now. Do to the overwheming log on's the site was down, but now it is up and running. I was just there. Wade --- Antonio Nunes wrote: > > > Robert Asmus wrote: > > > > Does anybody know if there are any probs with > Lou's website. I tried > > pulling it up and it is not there anymore. > > I'm visiting the site right now, and everything > seems OK to me. I've > found the Wade Gordon's archived shows and I'm just > listening to Sound > Explorer #1. > > BTW, if pop-up windows annoy you, and this site > seems to use too much > this feature, try the Mozilla browser. It's free, > and if you configure > it to not open unrequested windows, you won't see > pop-ups anymore! You > can download the Mozilla browser at > > > Antonio > > np: Wade Gordon's Sound Explorer #1 > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes From: Joe Shoults Date: Sat Aug 31, 2002 5:10 pm Subject: [tree] slight delay in tree processing sorry, I ended up going on holiday a day early. I'll do tree update after my return on Tuesday. joe From: Morgan Feldon Date: Sat Aug 31, 2002 5:37 pm Subject: Tangerine Tree 2 Status I just did a cursory look at the Tangerine Tree 2 database. The first Tangerine Tree 2 SHN discs arrived in the US on July 29th. It's August 31st. Right now, we're at 90 out of 261 received or 34% complete. A large number of those 90 are due to copies made by Heiko and others at the top of the tree. I think that 90 number is a bit low. If you've received your Tangerine Tree 2 discs, please e-mail Joe or change your status in the Database here: -Morgan From: Kees Aerts / Groove Unlimited Date: Sat Aug 31, 2002 9:58 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Lou Gentile show At 15:29 31-8-02 +0100, you wrote: >Robert Asmus wrote: > > > > Does anybody know if there are any probs with Lou's website. I tried > > pulling it up and it is not there anymore. > >I'm visiting the site right now, and everything seems OK to me. I've >found the Wade Gordon's archived shows and I'm just listening to Sound >Explorer #1. Hi Wade, I'm glad the website is changed. I finally found your shows. :-) Do you have a playlist for both shows? Best regards / Vriendelijke groeten, Kees GROOVE Unlimited (Specializing in Electronic Music) Kees Aerts PO Box 2171 8203 AD Lelystad the Netherlands Tel: +31 (0) 320 219496 ; Fax: +31 (0) 320 218910 Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35833 Re: Lou Gentile show Wade Gordon mindvoyager1 Sun 9/1/2002 3 KB From: Mark Filipak Date: Sun Sep 1, 2002 4:48 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Send Your Boots to Berlin Hi All! First, Matt Sawyer is putting together a tree for folks who don't have the high-quality boots. Same rules as the Tangerine Tree. I'm contributing all of my boots, most of which I have further remastered. It's just forming now and if you have a contribution, contact either Matt or me. ===== Marion Horrod wrote (in part): > > I don't have any boots at all, but the tree has whetted my appetite > considerably. I am squeamish about buying boots unless the band is > OK about them, but as someone said, trading or tree-ing boots only > rips off the bootleggers. The bootlegs are all out of print. CDR has already killed them! Tangerine Tree has delivered the coup de gras! You can join Matt's tree. I recommend it! ===== Paul Dryden wrote (in part): > > Do you think this is the route of a relative starter in TD? First, please buy all the commercial albums. Neither Tangerine Tree nor Matt's tree compete with them in either commerce or in sound quality. Then get TT#1 and TT#2. > What would I need to join? could one pay cash for CD's? Simply join the Tangerine Tree. All you really need is desire. Pay? Absolutely not! It's forbidden! Send other shows (TD, Yes, King Crimson, ELP, Pink Floyd, etc.) as trade, or send blanks, or help buy blanks for folks who already have all they need -- for example, I currently have over 350 Kodak gold blanks (I only use gold) -- and am not interested in someone else's blanks. > I have been to the site and followed the Tree info link, > but did not understand!!! Simply sign up for TT#2, in distribution now. Contact someone (me?) for TT#1. Ciao -- Mark NP: The BBC on radio. From: Klaus Beschorner Date: Sun Sep 1, 2002 10:03 am Subject: Classic Bootleg Tree > There seems to be some interest in this, so assuming there are no objections > here's how I plan to proceed: I fully sympathise with the (original?) idea of 'treeing' the best commercial, pressed, CD bootlegs. That would alread be enough material to keep you guys busy treeing for a long time. You can also assume that concerts on excellent, commercial bootlegs like Live!Improvised! will at least not be top on the priority list for TT#3 or #4, unless a dramatically better source tape turns up miraculously. Why you'd want to start a mass fanning out of stuff that's already announced as 'work in progress' for the Tangerine Tree is beyond me, but then, nobody of us has any _rights_ to this stuff, so what's to stop you? regards, klaus From: 'Matthew Sawyer' Date: Sun Sep 1, 2002 12:09 pm Subject: Classic Bootleg Tree Canceled Sorry guys and girls, you read the subject line correctly. I'm canceling the classic bootleg tree. What I attempted to do in good faith has apparently not been well received in certain quaters, and with that in mind I have no desire to continue. Sorry again. Maff _________________________________________________ Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35837 Re: Classic Bootleg Tree Canceled Paul Dryden paulus_d2002 Sun 9/1/2002 3 KB 35843 Re: Classic Bootleg Tree Canceled braddito braddito Mon 9/2/2002 2 KB 35844 Re: Classic Bootleg Tree Canceled jerome ssaalyersjj Mon 9/2/2002 2 KB 35846 Re: Classic Bootleg Tree Canceled chris towers cjt999fire2000 Mon 9/2/2002 3 KB 35838 Classic Bootleg Tree Canceled Morgan Feldon feldon23 Sun 9/1/2002 3 KB 35845 Re: Classic Bootleg Tree Canceled Heiko Heerssen td_freak Mon 9/2/2002 3 KB 35848 Re: Classic Bootleg Tree Canceled Paul Lawler lawlermusic Mon 9/2/2002 5 KB 35849 Re: Classic Bootleg Tree Canceled Heiko Heerssen td_freak Mon 9/2/2002 3 KB 35850 Re: Classic Bootleg Tree Canceled John Vertical omegatransfinito Mon 9/2/2002 3 KB From: Wade Gordon Date: Sun Sep 1, 2002 5:12 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Lou Gentile show Yes, the playlists are posted on the site. Since yesterday afternoon there have been over 58,000 hits to site and people are listening to the live 'Sound Explorer' and archieves. Yesterday the site crashed because of the high demand to listen, but the problem was rectified and we have a lot more bandwith available. Wade --- Kees Aerts / Groove Unlimited wrote: > At 15:29 31-8-02 +0100, you wrote: > > > >Robert Asmus wrote: > > > > > > Does anybody know if there are any probs with > Lou's website. I tried > > > pulling it up and it is not there anymore. > > > >I'm visiting the site right now, and everything > seems OK to me. I've > >found the Wade Gordon's archived shows and I'm just > listening to Sound > >Explorer #1. > > Hi Wade, > > I'm glad the website is changed. I finally found > your shows. :-) > Do you have a playlist for both shows? > > > > Best regards / Vriendelijke groeten, > > Kees > > GROOVE Unlimited (Specializing in Electronic Music) > Kees Aerts > PO Box 2171 > 8203 AD Lelystad > the Netherlands > Tel: +31 (0) 320 219496 ; Fax: +31 (0) 320 218910 > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes From: 'vic rek' Date: Sun Sep 1, 2002 5:09 pm Subject: TD on Internet Radio I am excited about this! Vic Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35835 Re: TD on Internet Radio Wade Gordon mindvoyager1 Sun 9/1/2002 2 KB 35860 Re: TD on Internet Radio Robert Asmus plastics67 Tue 9/3/2002 4 KB From: Wade Gordon Date: Sun Sep 1, 2002 5:19 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] TD on Internet Radio Your telling me, boy there is an avalanche of people hitting the site. 'Sound Explorer' is now archieved, but there maybe a delay because of the net congestion. So hurry up and listen to 'Sound Explorer' the Vic Rek show is now running live. Wade --- vic rek wrote: > I am excited about this! > > > Vic > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35860 Re: TD on Internet Radio Robert Asmus plastics67 Tue 9/3/2002 4 KB From: 'Paul Dryden' Date: Sun Sep 1, 2002 5:29 pm Subject: Mark Filipak, Send your boots....... As you know, Matthew is not continuing with his'bootleg' tree. I still would like to own these! - what do you suggest? Also, I do have almost all of the TD albums, in various formats, almost because not all albums are as good as the rest! Signing up for TT1 and TT2 would seem the obvious route to take- perhaps you yourself could help with this? I would be just a UK based leaf for now, but will upgrade when I get the PC dream machine I promised myself! as far as I understand, if I want TT1, I would sent to you(say..) 8 disks... 2X800mb 6X700mb for the recordings plus empty CD cases, some doubles, for the artwork and finished CD's is this correct? Feel free to email me off-list on paulus.d@f... to correct me on this. Thanks, Paulus.d_uk 'When I talk to the people, who live in the trees that grow in the city, they speak with a fond kindness, slowly....' [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: 'Paul Dryden' Date: Sun Sep 1, 2002 5:30 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Classic Bootleg Tree Canceled Sorry to hear of the cancelation, I was looking forward, as many are, to listening to the bootlegs having heard so much about them-if it wasn't for these kind of recording, the TT's would have no material to remaster! Trades are a bit out of the question-no one would want what I got- but perhaps you could get some limited tree going with those who want them? say off list, UK based? please feel free to email me at paulus.d@f... to talk about this.... Paulus.d_uk 'O great trees who have learned to speak slowly..' ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Matthew Sawyer' To: Sent: Sunday, September 01, 2002 1:09 PM Subject: [tadream] Classic Bootleg Tree Canceled > Sorry guys and girls, you read the subject line correctly. I'm canceling the > classic bootleg tree. > > What I attempted to do in good faith has apparently not been well received > in certain quaters, and with that in mind I have no desire to continue. > > Sorry again. > > > Maff > _________________________________________________ > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35843 Re: Classic Bootleg Tree Canceled braddito braddito Mon 9/2/2002 2 KB 35844 Re: Classic Bootleg Tree Canceled jerome ssaalyersjj Mon 9/2/2002 2 KB 35846 Re: Classic Bootleg Tree Canceled chris towers cjt999fire2000 Mon 9/2/2002 3 KB From: Morgan Feldon Date: Sun Sep 1, 2002 5:58 pm Subject: Classic Bootleg Tree Canceled >From: 'Paul Dryden' > >Sorry to hear of the cancelation, I was looking forward, as many are, to >listening to the bootlegs having heard so much about them-if it wasn't for >these kind of recording, the TT's would have no material to remaster! Well, all of the TT's have gone back to original tapes which are often 2-3 generations better than the bootlegs which are floating around on the market. The 7 shows we had listed were rare in that they were bootlegs already from very good (if not the best) tapes. Apparently, some of them can be improved upon even further (impossible to believe but true!). Even if this tree is cancelled, I think we may have accomplished our goal, which is to get people interested in these particular shows. And by trading for blanks+postage, we are not upsetting Edgar because we are taking the profit out of bootlegging. -Morgan [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: 'Matthew Stringer' Date: Mon Sep 2, 2002 7:05 am Subject: Are we still on for DWT3? I have a little tune ready. Matt Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35840 Re: Are we still on for DWT3? jerome ssaalyersjj Mon 9/2/2002 2 KB 35842 Re: Are we still on for DWT3? Yannick EDOM Edom_Y Mon 9/2/2002 3 KB From: jerome Date: Mon Sep 2, 2002 7:27 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Are we still on for DWT3? last i heard, oct 31 is the deadline to get your track into yannick... i would contact him directly... jerome --- Matthew Stringer wrote: > I have a little tune ready. > > > Matt > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes From: Marko Marin Date: Mon Sep 2, 2002 7:46 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Woohoo! --- John Vertical wrote: > To all Finns (and why not others, too?) on the list: > > Sorcerer will be broadcast on 7th of September on > channel 4. I don't know > the exact time yet, just the fact that it's coming. > :) > > John Vertical I new it already but didn't know the exact date! WOOHOO!!! Regards, Marko Marin ===== __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes From: 'Yannick EDOM' Date: Mon Sep 2, 2002 10:49 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Are we still on for DWT3? Hi there I'm just back online from vacation. Dreamwatchers' Tales III is still running. as Jerome said i would like to gett all tracks before oct 31st. I already got some tracks butit's only a beginning i hope. Please every musicians who want to be part of the project must contact me to confirm their participation because i have no news since july. Some artworks are in progress and it will be a little surrealistic. More inofos will come soon Friendly from France Yannick Edom Mirage Créations Champlain B7 A 101 47 Chemin de Pelleport 31500 TOULOUSE FRANCE e-mail : yannick.edom@s... ----- Message d'origine ----- De : 'Matthew Stringer' À : Envoyé : lundi 2 septembre 2002 08:05 Objet : [tadream] Are we still on for DWT3? > I have a little tune ready. > > > Matt > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > From: 'braddito' Date: Mon Sep 2, 2002 10:57 am Subject: Re: Classic Bootleg Tree Canceled I was quite upset to see the negative response to Maff's generous offer. I've traded with him several times and know him to be a genuine fan with a love for TD music, who happens to be grounded and understands that not everyone on this list has a copy of every CDR on the circuit. I fully support Heiko's objectives with the TT project - he's another genuine fan who wants to spread the genius of TD and I can understand why he is targeting certain recordings as a priority. But surely there is room to help the new guys (and girls) without getting snotty about it as we must all have been there once ? Regards to all Toby --- In tadream@y..., 'Paul Dryden' wrote: > Sorry to hear of the cancelation, I was looking forward, as many are, to > listening to the bootlegs having heard so much about them-if it wasn't for > these kind of recording, the TT's would have no material to remaster! Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35844 Re: Classic Bootleg Tree Canceled jerome ssaalyersjj Mon 9/2/2002 2 KB 35846 Re: Classic Bootleg Tree Canceled chris towers cjt999fire2000 Mon 9/2/2002 3 KB From: jerome Date: Mon Sep 2, 2002 11:13 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Classic Bootleg Tree Canceled this is a free list... negative responses, while often disappointing, are to be expected as pros and cons of any subject give it perspective... however, as there is interest, even if not from everybody, i find it disappointing that it was cancelled simply from the fact that because a few people think it's not a good idea, the rest then suffer... there is enough of that in the world today... i beseech maff to rethink his position on cancelling... there are many fans out there who can really benefit from some of the classic bootlegs that won't appear on the TTs... EO is a prime example... just make it clear: if you don't want to participate, or don't think it's a good idea, then don't participate... but there's been negative response enough that there doesn't need to be anymore, imho... jerome __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35846 Re: Classic Bootleg Tree Canceled chris towers cjt999fire2000 Mon 9/2/2002 3 KB From: Heiko Heerssen Date: Mon Sep 2, 2002 11:32 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Classic Bootleg Tree Canceled > I fully support Heiko's objectives with the TT project - he's another > genuine fan who wants to spread the genius of TD and I can understand > why he is targeting certain recordings as a priority. > > But surely there is room to help the new guys (and girls) without > getting snotty about it as we must all have been there once ? Right you are Toby. I just sent an email to Maff which will hopefully cheer him up a little. When he announced his idea last Friday I was a bit in a hurry and had to leave the office to catch the train in time, so maybe my reply mail to the Tadream list was maybe a bit unclear and/or therefore sounding a bit too negative. Since Maff already declared his tree as canceled I assume that it will be difficult to convince him to reconsider his decision, however some of these recordings are just way too good to be left unheard (Berlin 1987 'Antarktis'/'20th century serenades', or Reims 1974 'Live improvised'), and some fans already expressed interest. And in case some of these concerts will (at one point in time) become a part of the 'Tangerine Tree' it is unlikely that the sound quality will be that much better, because some of the boot CDs already have a superb sound quality (listening to 'Antarktis' FM broadcast I'd say that it has a better sound than even the soundboard recording of Vol. 16, Warsaw 2001!) Trade away! Heiko P.S.: each time I read the Tadream emails I learn a few new English it's 'snotty' :-) From: chris towers Date: Mon Sep 2, 2002 11:56 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Classic Bootleg Tree Canceled I agree Jerome, id like Maff to reconsider, i think he has done a wonderful job for ALL of us on this site, and i think his idea should be welcomed, I for one would like to hear the material he has.......what do you say Maff?? :-) Chris Towers --- jerome wrote: > this is a free list... negative responses, while > often disappointing, are to be > expected as pros and cons of any subject give it > perspective... > > however, as there is interest, even if not from > everybody, i find it > disappointing that it was cancelled simply from the > fact that because a few > people think it's not a good idea, the rest then > suffer... there is enough of > that in the world today... > > i beseech maff to rethink his position on > cancelling... there are many fans out > there who can really benefit from some of the > classic bootlegs that won't > appear on the TTs... EO is a prime example... > > just make it clear: if you don't want to > participate, or don't think it's a > good idea, then don't participate... but there's > been negative response enough > that there doesn't need to be anymore, imho... > > jerome > > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes From: 'Bill Fox' Date: Mon Sep 2, 2002 12:17 pm Subject: The AM/FM Show Playlist [ Best viewed using a fixed spacing font. ] The Saturday AM/FM Show is hosted every other week by Bill Fox who plays electronic, ambient, spacemusic, Progressive Rock, and an eclectic mix of other genres. The show airs from 6:00 am to 8:00 am on WMUH Allentown on 91.7 FM and on the internet. Send me comments if you love or hate what I played. I also host Afterglow every Thursday from 8 am to 9:30 am. Show #7 August 31, 2002. RECAP: I started with spacemusic and moved through some eclectic genres of music, ending with some progressive rock. Along the way, I played the music of a band that appeared at the Progday festival in Chapel Hill, North Carolina for those who couldn't attend in person and music by New Zealander Rudy Adrian who will be playing at The Gathering on September 21. I will miss the show on September 14. But Lunar will host that show and I will return to The AM/FM Show on September 28. PLAYLIST: Phase I/Space: ARTIST TRACK ALBUM (label) ======================= ======================== ============================== Navigator Oceanic Empire Oceanic Empire (Groove) Rudy Adrian Venus - the Clouded Starfields (Groove) Sphere Ian Boddy Zero-G Aurora (DiN) Phase II/Eclectic: ARTIST TRACK ALBUM (label) ======================= ======================== ============================== Suzanne Ciani Lay Down Beside Me Meditations (Seventh Wave) Lars Erickson Three Part #9 Altered Inventions (Innerpeace) Stephen Halpern and Celtic Comfort Perfect Alignment (Halpern) John Williams O Bia The Magic Box (Sony) Phase III/Progressive Rock: ARTIST TRACK ALBUM (label) ======================= ======================== ============================== Porcupine Tree Blackest Eyes Sampler 2002.3 (Lava) Porcupine Tree Where We Would Be Lightbulb Sun (K Scope) Spock's Beard Made Alive/Overture Snow (Radiant) Spock's Beard Stranger in a Strange Snow (Radiant) Land Spock's Beard Long Time Suffering Snow (Radiant) VA [Thieves' Kitchen] John Doe Number One Progday 2002 (Progday) * = exerpt VA = Various Artists (compilation) Bill =============================================================================== Host of the AM/FM Show on WMUH Allentown 91.7 FM every other Saturday at 6 am. Host of Afterglow on WMUH every Thursday morning from 8:00 to 9:30. Host of EMUSIC, an electronic, ambient, and space music show. Thursdays at 11 pm on WDIY 88.1 FM, Allentown and Bethlehem and 93.9 FM in Easton and Phillipsburg. Radio Station Web Sites: Personal site: SOUNDSCAPES Concert Series: From: 'Paul Lawler' Date: Mon Sep 2, 2002 12:35 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Classic Bootleg Tree Canceled I personally would love to get hold of the decent boots out there as I dont really have any .I`ve had to not get involved with the tree project , as much as it kills me because I know I would never have the time to burn copies for the other people who would be part of my branch (I think) which isn`t fair . Is there a way around it ? Paul ----- Original Message ----- From: 'chris towers' To: Sent: Monday, September 02, 2002 12:56 PM Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Classic Bootleg Tree Canceled > I agree Jerome, id like Maff to reconsider, i think he > has done a wonderful job for ALL of us on this site, > and i think his idea should be welcomed, I for one > would like to hear the material he has.......what do > you say Maff?? :-) > > Chris Towers > --- jerome wrote: > > this is a free list... negative responses, while > > often disappointing, are to be > > expected as pros and cons of any subject give it > > perspective... > > > > however, as there is interest, even if not from > > everybody, i find it > > disappointing that it was cancelled simply from the > > fact that because a few > > people think it's not a good idea, the rest then > > suffer... there is enough of > > that in the world today... > > > > i beseech maff to rethink his position on > > cancelling... there are many fans out > > there who can really benefit from some of the > > classic bootlegs that won't > > appear on the TTs... EO is a prime example... > > > > just make it clear: if you don't want to > > participate, or don't think it's a > > good idea, then don't participate... but there's > > been negative response enough > > that there doesn't need to be anymore, imho... > > > > jerome > > > > > > __________________________________________________ > > Do You Yahoo!? > > Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > To unsubscribe: > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > > > > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > From: Heiko Heerssen Date: Mon Sep 2, 2002 12:56 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Classic Bootleg Tree Canceled > I personally would love to get hold of the decent boots out there as I dont > really have any .I`ve had to not get involved with the tree project , as > much as it kills me because I know I would never have the time to burn > copies for the other people who would be part of my branch (I think) which > isn`t fair . > Is there a way around it ? I still have a complete TT#2 set which I can trade, so if you want you can contact me off-list. If someone wants to join the 'tree' it doesn't automatically mean that he or she gets signed up as a branch, a tree also needs to have some leaves :-) Heiko n.p.: Steve Joliffe: 'listen carefully, and this tree is yours' ~lol~ From: 'John Vertical' Date: Mon Sep 2, 2002 1:00 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Classic Bootleg Tree Canceled > > But surely there is room to help the new guys (and girls) without > > getting snotty about it as we must all have been there once ? > >Right you are Toby. I just sent an email to Maff which will hopefully cheer >him up a little. >When he announced his idea last Friday I was a bit in a hurry and had to >leave the office to catch the train in time, so maybe my reply mail to the >Tadream list was maybe a bit unclear and/or therefore sounding a bit too >negative. Since Maff already declared his tree as canceled I assume that it >will be difficult to convince him to reconsider his decision, however some >of >these recordings are just way too good to be left unheard (Berlin 1987 >'Antarktis'/'20th century serenades', or Reims 1974 'Live improvised'), and >some fans already expressed interest. Okay, I guess I was one of the persons 'showing negative interest' and I perhaps should apologize... Sorry Maff, I probably was too strictly saying 'no' for your generous offer. I just meant that I'm not in a rush to get new stuff, I still have some 20+ official albums & the TTs to get, too... >Heiko >P.S.: each time I read the Tadream emails I learn a few new English > it's 'snotty' :-) I'll second that ;) John Vertical _________________________________________________________________ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: From: ampmusic Date: Mon Sep 2, 2002 1:04 pm Subject: Re; The Stump of TD I have a spare unopened copy of 'Digital Gothic: A Critical Discography of Tangerine Dream' (Paul Stump, SAF Publishing) and will exchange for a couple of TDI CD's or anything interesting. Please e-mail me off-list. Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35901 Re: Re; The Stump of TD René Brenner fairway_ch Tue 9/3/2002 3 KB 35934 Re: Re; The Stump of TD Armin Theissen armin_theissen Wed 9/4/2002 3 KB From: Morgan Feldon Date: Mon Sep 2, 2002 2:54 pm Subject: Tangerine Tree 2 >Paul Lawler said: >I personally would love to get hold of the decent boots out there as I dont >really have any .I`ve had to not get involved with the tree project , as >much as it kills me because I know I would never have the time to burn >copies for the other people who would be part of my branch (I think) which >isn`t fair . >Is there a way around it ? That is what being a leaf is!! You mail off a few blanks or $10 and a few weeks later, you get the Tangerine Tree 2 in the mail without further obligations. Everyone should feel able to get a copy of the Tree if they want it. We have plenty of branches to support more leaves! -Morgan From: 'Paul Lawler' Date: Mon Sep 2, 2002 3:00 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Tangerine Tree 2 ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Morgan Feldon' To: Sent: Monday, September 02, 2002 3:54 PM Subject: [tadream] Tangerine Tree 2 > > >Paul Lawler said: > >I personally would love to get hold of the decent boots out there as I dont > >really have any .I`ve had to not get involved with the tree project , as > >much as it kills me because I know I would never have the time to burn > >copies for the other people who would be part of my branch (I think) which > >isn`t fair . > >Is there a way around it ? > > That is what being a leaf is!! > > You mail off a few blanks or $10 and a few weeks later, you get the > Tangerine Tree 2 in the mail without further obligations. > Heiko is taking care of it for me thankfully .Now if only I read emails properly !!!!!! Paul From: 'Matthew Sawyer' Date: Mon Sep 2, 2002 2:42 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Classic Bootleg Tree Canceled From: 'jerome' > disappointing that it was cancelled simply from the fact > that because a few > people think it's not a good idea, OK, I'd better clear this up a little as I can see even more disquiet brewing. I can assure you all that this was not canceled due to any negative reaction here on the group. And just to make sure, it wasn't canceled due to Heiko or the TT backroom boys either. So no pointing of fingers or bad feeling. Suffice to say that my interpretation of the phrase 'common bootleg' was perhaps a bit off, and while I felt I had all the bases covered in my inital proposal for the classic tree, I hadn't. And that's as detailed as I'm going to get about it. Heiko seems fine about a classic tree of pressed bootlegs (Antarktis, 20th Century Serenades, Live Improvised), and I'm happy to run it, so we'll see if this is possible. Maff _________________________________________________ From: Felna Greymane Date: Mon Sep 2, 2002 4:30 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Digest Number 1476 I think my entire branch is dead. Still waiting on a new assignment to even try to get my discs here....sigh. Jeff At 08:26 PM 8/30/2002 -0000, you wrote: >Just a thought here... > >I think the TD Tree concept is working well and music is reaching the fans, >and I welcome all the discussion about the next TD Tree 3 releases, but I >must say that many fans must be in the dark since they have not received >their TD Tree 2 CDRs? Or maybe everyone has received their discs already? I >find this hard to believe. > >I get this impression by the discussions that the more that is released, >then the more of a feeding frenzy occurs. Everything these days seems to by >HURRY HURRY, but not everyone can keep up the pace with some enthusiasts due >to their circumstances. I suggest that we slow down and continue to enjoy >Tangerine Dream as a nicely aged wine from a great number of vintage years! >What's the hurry? Maybe next summer I'll find a nice place to sit and watch >the wheat grow - listening to TD of course :-) > >Vic From: 'vic rek' Date: Mon Sep 2, 2002 7:13 pm Subject: Navigator, Tournado, Misc. I just would like to make a quick comment about the new release by Navigator 'Oceanic Empire'. This CD is at the top of the charts at and rightly so! I was going to write a review of this CD, but all I'll say for now is that if you love mid 70s to mid 80s Tangerine Dream, then you won't be disappointed with this release. I've taken this CD on my recent travels and I keep playing it over and over - it's just that great! Now, I have a question about the TDI Tournado CD release: Is there a release out there that has only a SINGLE 'FAT' BARCODE on it (a barcode similar to the recent TDI releases, like DM3)? This may seem like a crazy question, but for some crazy completist it's an important question. Also, I just updated my website today with info on Wade Gordon's TD interview tonight, some CDs by Free System Projekt, and a NEW LINK to my updated Tangerine Dream trade/sale/wish at Vic From: 'PERGAMON' Date: Mon Sep 2, 2002 8:20 pm Subject: Off-topic....Mike Oldfield Hi all Can anyone please give me a review of Mike Oldfields 'tres Lunas'. I have been a little disappointed with some of his last albums. The whole Tubular Bells just got to far IMO. Is 'Tres Lunas' worth buying???????? Thanks.... Regards Jan Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35861 Re: Off-topic....Mike Oldfield Marko Marin rubyconist Tue 9/3/2002 2 KB 35862 Re: Off-topic....Mike Oldfield Matthew Stringer Tue 9/3/2002 3 KB 35863 Re: Off-topic....Mike Oldfield Paul Lawler lawlermusic Tue 9/3/2002 3 KB 35865 Re: Off-topic....Mike Oldfield Michael A Jean mikejeanwork Tue 9/3/2002 3 KB From: 'Admin' Date: Mon Sep 2, 2002 11:52 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Classic Bootleg Tree Canceled But Morgan I heard from a few that blanks and postage wasn't the real price on some of the Tree material. Maybe I heard wrong. Joe did say it was up to each branch and leaf to come to a settlement. Dale ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Morgan Feldon' To: Sent: Sunday, September 01, 2002 10:58 AM Subject: [tadream] Classic Bootleg Tree Canceled > > >From: 'Paul Dryden' > > > >Sorry to hear of the cancelation, I was looking forward, as many are, to > >listening to the bootlegs having heard so much about them-if it wasn't for > >these kind of recording, the TT's would have no material to remaster! > > Well, all of the TT's have gone back to original tapes which are often 2-3 > generations better than the bootlegs which are floating around on the market. > > The 7 shows we had listed were rare in that they were bootlegs already from > very good (if not the best) tapes. Apparently, some of them can be improved > upon even further (impossible to believe but true!). > > Even if this tree is cancelled, I think we may have accomplished our goal, > which is to get people interested in these particular shows. And by trading > for blanks+postage, we are not upsetting Edgar because we are taking the > profit out of bootlegging. > > -Morgan From: 'mikebrowder' Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 12:41 am Subject: Need help with Croyden disc Need help with disc 1 of Croyden 1982. The disc my branch was sent was cracked. If someone could mail him a replacement, or send the appropriate shn file, please email me for his address. Thanks, mike send email to spawnofcthulhu @ From: 'Robert Asmus' Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 5:13 am Subject: RE: [tadream] TD on Internet Radio Just listend to the show and I liked it. I can't wait to hit the record store to get the latest release... Also It was nice to hear you on the show Wade. I think I will see if I can get my hands on a copy of your book. Robert Asmus -----Original Message----- From: Wade Gordon [mailto:mindvoyager1@y...] Sent: Sunday, September 01, 2002 1:20 PM To: Subject: Re: [tadream] TD on Internet Radio Your telling me, boy there is an avalanche of people hitting the site. 'Sound Explorer' is now archieved, but there maybe a delay because of the net congestion. So hurry up and listen to 'Sound Explorer' the Vic Rek show is now running live. Wade --- vic rek wrote: > I am excited about this! > > > Vic > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes ----------------------------------------------------_- To unsubscribe: ----------------------------------------------------_- Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at Tangerine Tree info at Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to From: Marko Marin Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 5:53 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Off-topic....Mike Oldfield It's hard to find in here Finland (maybe it hasn't been released in Scandinavia yet?), so I don't have it, but I would expect something better than The Millennium Bell for sure. It has been compared to the 1996 album Voyager. Regards, Marko Marin --- PERGAMON wrote: > Hi all > > Can anyone please give me a review of Mike > Oldfields 'tres Lunas'. I have been a little > disappointed with some of his last albums. The whole > Tubular Bells just got to far IMO. Is 'Tres Lunas' > worth buying???????? > > Thanks.... > > Regards > Jan ===== __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes From: 'Matthew Stringer' Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 7:43 am Subject: RE: [tadream] Off-topic....Mike Oldfield Not really. -----Original Message----- From: PERGAMON [mailto:pergamon@g...] Sent: 02 September 2002 21:21 To: Subject: [tadream] Off-topic....Mike Oldfield Hi all Can anyone please give me a review of Mike Oldfields 'tres Lunas'. I have been a little disappointed with some of his last albums. The whole Tubular Bells just got to far IMO. Is 'Tres Lunas' worth buying???????? Thanks.... Regards Jan ----------------------------------------------------_- To unsubscribe: ----------------------------------------------------_- Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at Tangerine Tree info at Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to From: 'Paul Lawler' Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 7:47 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Off-topic....Mike Oldfield ----- Original Message ----- From: 'PERGAMON' To: Sent: Monday, September 02, 2002 9:20 PM Subject: [tadream] Off-topic....Mike Oldfield > Hi all > > Can anyone please give me a review of Mike Oldfields 'tres Lunas'. I have been a little disappointed with some of his last albums. The whole Tubular Bells just got to far IMO. Is 'Tres Lunas' worth buying???????? > > Thanks.... > > Regards > Jan Hi I wasn`t very impressed with this album at all .In my opinion it sounds lazy and rushed , I`ve stopped playing it all together now .There are a few tracks that are Ok but nothing in the league of Songs of a Distant Earth . Paul From: 'Jeffrey Au Yeung' Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 8:23 am Subject: Wanted: Mars Polaris Mispress CD I'm looking for this CD if somebody has a spare to offer pls contact me off-list at coldwatercanyon@h... Thanks Jeffrey _________________________________________________________________ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: From: 'Michael A Jean' Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 11:01 am Subject: RE: [tadream] Off-topic....Mike Oldfield go to to hear samples of all the tracks... It is supposed to be a chill-out album... Enjoyable, but nothing you'll have to run out and buy immediately. TB will be re-recorded for its 30th anniversary, so there is yet more to come... Tres Lunas also includes a second disc with a computer game on it... > -----Original Message----- > From: PERGAMON [mailto:pergamon@g...] > Sent: Monday, September 02, 2002 4:21 PM > To: > Subject: [tadream] Off-topic....Mike Oldfield > > > Hi all > > Can anyone please give me a review of Mike Oldfields 'tres > Lunas'. I have been a little disappointed with some of his last > albums. The whole Tubular Bells just got to far IMO. Is 'Tres > Lunas' worth buying???????? > > Thanks.... > > Regards > Jan > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > From: Heiko Heerssen Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 12:17 pm Subject: hey ho let's go! Life will become meaningless for I have no internet access between September 5 - 30 (and therefore no Tadream mailing list :-) During that time I will spend my days in the Norwegian fjords, doing nothing else than fishing, relaxing, gambling, and drinking beer with my parents and wife. Hear ya on October 1st (after I finished reading the 1.200 Tadream emails that popped in while I was away ;-) Heiko From: 'PERGAMON' Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 4:36 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] THANKS ALL-----Off-topic....Mike Oldfield Hi Thanks everyone for the info on Tres Lunas. I have just been listening to some of the tracks and it seems that this is not an album one would rush out to buy. Allthough there are a couple of tracks that sounds good, the overall impression is that this is not one of his best albums. And I have a small problem with sax.......=O).......not to fond of the saxofon. It sounds as if this album tries to be another 'Distant Earth'.....maybe I am wrong. I feel in love with the track 'Sirius' right away........... Thanks Jan ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Michael A Jean' To: Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 1:01 PM Subject: RE: [tadream] Off-topic....Mike Oldfield > go to to hear samples of all the tracks... It is > supposed to be a chill-out album... Enjoyable, but nothing you'll have to > run out and buy immediately. TB will be re-recorded for its 30th > anniversary, so there is yet more to come... Tres Lunas also includes a > second disc with a computer game on it... > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: PERGAMON [mailto:pergamon@g...] > > Sent: Monday, September 02, 2002 4:21 PM > > To: > > Subject: [tadream] Off-topic....Mike Oldfield > > > > > > Hi all > > > > Can anyone please give me a review of Mike Oldfields 'tres > > Lunas'. I have been a little disappointed with some of his last > > albums. The whole Tubular Bells just got to far IMO. Is 'Tres > > Lunas' worth buying???????? > > > > Thanks.... > > > > Regards > > Jan > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35868 Re: THANKS ALL-----Off-topic....Mike Oldfield Administrator dale1kay Tue 9/3/2002 5 KB From: 'Administrator' Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 4:53 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] THANKS ALL-----Off-topic....Mike Oldfield Saxes tend to lead a passage to a more jazz flavor. The sound of a sax just seems to me to add a bit of sophistication to the track. I haven't heard this track yet but that is what I would expect when I do. dale ----- Original Message ----- From: 'PERGAMON' To: Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 9:36 AM Subject: Re: [tadream] THANKS ALL-----Off-topic....Mike Oldfield > Hi > > Thanks everyone for the info on Tres Lunas. I have just been listening to some of the tracks and it seems that this is not an album one would rush out to buy. Allthough there are a couple of tracks that sounds good, the overall impression is that this is not one of his best albums. And I have a small problem with sax.......=O).......not to fond of the saxofon. > > It sounds as if this album tries to be another 'Distant Earth'.....maybe I am wrong. I feel in love with the track 'Sirius' right away........... > > Thanks > Jan > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: 'Michael A Jean' > To: > Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 1:01 PM > Subject: RE: [tadream] Off-topic....Mike Oldfield > > > > go to to hear samples of all the tracks... It is > > supposed to be a chill-out album... Enjoyable, but nothing you'll have to > > run out and buy immediately. TB will be re-recorded for its 30th > > anniversary, so there is yet more to come... Tres Lunas also includes a > > second disc with a computer game on it... > > > > > -----Original Message----- > > > From: PERGAMON [mailto:pergamon@g...] > > > Sent: Monday, September 02, 2002 4:21 PM > > > To: > > > Subject: [tadream] Off-topic....Mike Oldfield > > > > > > > > > Hi all > > > > > > Can anyone please give me a review of Mike Oldfields 'tres > > > Lunas'. I have been a little disappointed with some of his last > > > albums. The whole Tubular Bells just got to far IMO. Is 'Tres > > > Lunas' worth buying???????? > > > > > > Thanks.... > > > > > > Regards > > > Jan > > > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > > To unsubscribe: > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > > > > > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: 'andrzejos2000' Date: Thu Aug 1, 2002 9:55 pm Subject: Re: TT 1 + Beatles? --- In tadream@y..., Antonio Nunes wrote: > Ivan Yerkedoff wrote: > > P.S. Is it me or is there a quote from the Beatles > > Hard Day's Night on Nottingham, track 3 starting 11:24 > > and then 11: 48? > > Finally someone else notices that! I had mentioned it a few months ago > Antonio YES, even TD lend some tunes from another. There is 'La Folia' tune in the end of Force Majeure 'part one' . The band doesn't writes anything about it. Andy From: 'sugar mice' Date: Fri Aug 2, 2002 2:06 am Subject: Question about Mp3 files Hey all, just a quick question. About 6-7 months ago, in a swap, I received a two Cd set of MP3 files entitled 'Tangerine Dream, Digital Tape Tree' and they're in two volumes, 1-10 and 11-20. Just curious WHAT this is, and if anyone else has something like this? I know that most times you don't trade Mp3 format files, but I took it, and actually really dig it. I know there's a lot of people that are majorly picky, but to me, I didn't care. It beats NOT having it ya know? Just curious if anyone has any information on this? I have NO track listings, notta. Not a darn thing. thanks. Please e-note me off the list. dan Visit Rugrats Romper Room Yahoo Messenger - kayleighsdaddy AOL IM - sugarmice2003 MSN Messenger - sugarmice2003@m... [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: 'Victor Johnson' Date: Sat Aug 3, 2002 6:34 pm Subject: Cyclone -- Is cyclone still available and available in the USA? > [entire digest snipped] From: 'Stein E. Finne' Date: Mon Aug 5, 2002 4:58 am Subject: Re: [tadream] OT:Bjorn Lynne Rick On which record label was the Bjorn Lynne recording released, and do you know where he comes from? Regards Stein Erik Finne Bergen, Norway --- rbrown4856@a... skrev: > Greetings All! > > I know this is not about TD but I just had to let > you know about this > gentleman named Bjorn Lynne.I recently picked up his > new CD Colony at a used > CD shop.This guy sounds incredibly like TD.I think > everyone on this list > would enjoy his work. > He also has done music for video games.Colony > reminds me alot of Mars > Polaris.If you get an oppurtunity check him out. > > Rick > > Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35922 Re: OT:Bjorn Lynne Richard Stockwell Wed 9/4/2002 2 KB From: stephane poitou Date: Mon Aug 5, 2002 6:32 am Subject: echange Bonjour, j'échange le sampler 70 80 (lp) contre 4 cdrs Merci d'acance pour votre réponse ___________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? -- Une adresse gratuite et en français ! Yahoo! Mail : From: 'chrisanderton1' Date: Sat Aug 10, 2002 10:07 pm Subject: CDR trading Hi! I don't know if this is the right place to do this, but I'm sure you'll tell me if not ;-) I have a collection of unofficial live TD titles about 100 strong and am looking to add more. If there's anyone in the mood for trading, please send a private email to cbanderton@a... including your trade list and I'll send mine back. Cheers, Chris [moderator's note: absolutely, chris! it is encouraged to ask people to contact you offlist, as you have done. Thanks!] From: 'piotr3' Date: Sat Aug 17, 2002 7:23 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Peter Baumann - Romance '76 > Does anyone have an original CD of Peter Baumann's Romance '76 for sale or > trade? > I'm trying to help out a friend in Poland that is dying to get this release. > This must be an original CD of course. > > Also, I am looking for Peter Baumann 7' singles from France - these will be > tough to find. > > BTW, I still consider Romance '76 as one of the top EM albums of all time! > > Talk to me off-list if you can help. Thanks. > Vic From: 'rdtfalcon' Date: Mon Aug 26, 2002 7:39 pm Subject: Re: Plans for Tangerine Tree 3 yet? Hi, > I was curious to know if anybody is aware of any planning that has > started for the 3rd installment of the Tangerine Tree. just give the guys (Heiko & the back room boys ;-) ) a short break, they need it badly. :) AFAIK the following concerts are candidates for the next tree (of course, this is up to Heiko, what concerts will be released) : - 16.11.1976 Brussels - 31.01.1980 Berlin, Republic Palace - 21.04.1997 Amsterdam the rest is pure speculation, but concerts from 1988 and 1992 would also be interesting. So long :-) Ramon From: 'rdtfalcon' Date: Mon Aug 26, 2002 8:58 pm Subject: Re: Tangerine Tree 3 --- In tadream@y..., Morgan Feldon wrote: > > To my knowledge, most people have not heard the 3N recording of the > legendary Warsaw Dec 10th, 1983 shows, so I'd be on the lookout for these, Hi, you mean, they are in radio quality ? I have these concerts on tape, but the quality is comparable to a phone line recording ;) Ramon From: 'sugar mice' Date: Wed Aug 28, 2002 1:06 am Subject: Where to get TD Trees? Hey all, I'm just out of lurk mode for about 14 seconds (probably 12 seconds too long here)(GRIN), and wanted to ask about the TD trees? I saw mention of TD Tree 3? Just curious if there's some kind soul that would help me out with providing me with the first two? I have a huge trading list of various goodies, live stuff, b-sides, outtakes and more stuff like that, as well as a digital Mp3 set of 2 Cds that contain a BOATLOAD of various TD recordings, really good stuff in Mp3 format (Not sure how many people touch Mp3 format anymore), but wanted to get my hands on some new goodies? anyone? dan Visit Rugrats Romper Room Yahoo Messenger - kayleighsdaddy AOL IM - sugarmice2003 MSN Messenger - sugarmice2003@m... [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: 'Dean Mitchell' Date: Tue Aug 27, 2002 10:05 am Subject: Tangerine Tree 3 As we are talking about what recordings we could use for TT3, could I make a suggestion that perhaps we could include some video recordings of the band. As there is very little film clips of our favorite band it would be nice to have the best film clips on CD. I know that 1980 East Berlin concert was filmed, along with 1976 Berlin Philharmonic concert, Coventry Cathedral and others. It is only a suggestion I wonder what others think Dean [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: 'rdtfalcon' Date: Thu Aug 29, 2002 2:43 pm Subject: Re: TT3 - IMHO >>--and more excellent recordings from the 70s which are not confirmed >>yet, all >>of them in an as yet unheard sound quality. You forgot to mention the 5.11.1980 Preston concert. . . just a reminder ;-))) Regards, Ramon From: 'rdtfalcon' Date: Thu Aug 29, 2002 3:36 pm Subject: Re: TT3 - IMHO --- In tadream@y..., Heiko Heerssen wrote: > > > --Laguna Hills Irvine Meadows 06 June 1986 2nd gen. 2 CDR isnt there a high quality 2CD-Boot from this concert (Sonambulistic Imagery) ? Ramon Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35920 Re: TT3 - IMHO Jim Moore moxica93 Wed 9/4/2002 2 KB From: 'Miles Holman' Date: Thu Aug 29, 2002 7:42 pm Subject: Re:Tangerine Fans in Cape Town (South Africa) This is a call to Tangerine Dream Fans in Cape Town or in the rest of the country to make contact and spread the Dream! Come on S.A.....wake up! Contact me offlist at: mattou@n... Miles To unsubscribe: Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at Tangerine Tree info at Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to From: 'ppgwave2000' Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 7:23 am Subject: Re: Tangerine Tree 3 >>I guess not everyone would be happy if we had six 1976 shows, Seattle >>2nd gen, and Brussels 1980 1st gen uncut. :D :D I would. ;-) Ramon From: 'minimoog1975' Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 8:16 am Subject: Re: Send Your Boots to Berlin >>I made my own remastering >>version of ReimsCathedral74 Even better than the Boot-2CD ? Did you include the encores ? Ramon From: Falcon Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 8:37 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Send Your Boots to Berlin Hi, thats cool, you're keeping track on already released 'official' boots. Did you include the encore in Reims Cathedral 1974 ? AFAIK the Danger Live was produced from a master tape (btw, the first set is my top favourite TD Track from the seventies) Cant wait to hear an even better version :-))) Regards, Ramon At 09:44 AM 8/30/2002, you wrote: >HeY! > >----- Original Message ----- >From: mars103nl > > --- In tadream@y..., Morgan Feldon wrote: > > > > > > There are other bootlegs which are also good quality, but they are > > (from > > > what the voices in my head have told me) queued up for Tangerine > > Tree 4 or > > > future Trees... > > > > > > Lifted Curtain (1980.01.31) > > > Snackbar Dreamer in Detroit (1977.03.31) > > > Dreaming on Ice Stadium (1983.12.10) > > > Danger Live 1 + 2 [Brussels] (1976.02.09) > > > Nostragram (1980.10.13) > > > > Ah an even better version of Danger Live? > > It's one of my favorites and good to see that > > an even better version will get released. > > > > Marcel > >I must say that most of the very known and good (or better) qualitty botlegs >it can to improve and/or restore sound. FE, I made my own remastering >version of ReimsCathedral74 and Detroit77, which are better than originals. >In one parts a little bit, in others - much much better. So I'm sure that >Brussels76 (both - February and November) in some time we will see (eghm - >hear ;)) ) in realy better sound than on DangerLive and L'Ancienne. But now >we have sufficient many materials to work to following T-Tree. > >Regards >JerzyK > > >---------------------------------------------------------------------- >Im szybciej, tym lepiej... >>> > > > >----------------------------------------------------_- >To unsubscribe: >----------------------------------------------------_- >Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > >Tangerine Tree info at > > >Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to From: 'pete01021962' Date: Sat Aug 31, 2002 4:20 pm Subject: I'm new here. One question, please! Hey everybody, I'm very new here on this list. Have found the tadream tree-project and this list, thru' some postings on the prog_cdr-egroup. I'm a fan of TD (have many of their official CDs), but haven' thought by now, that there are so many in-official live-recordings out!! I have just got the SHN - CDR's from TT1, thru' a trade with Herbert Gärtner (thanks Herbert!), and now, I have a question. Before TT1, I have got only two TD - Live shows on SHN-CDR's: -02.04.75 London, GB as: ''Ruby In The Sky'' (two SHN or AUDIO CDR's) -04.04.77 Montreal, Canada as: ''Patrolling Space Borders'' (one SHN or AUDIO CDR) And here is my problem (and the question). With TT1, came : 1977-04-04 Washington Lisner Auditorium (George Washington University), USA I guess, I can be sure, that the dates and towns are correct, at the TT tree-project :-)) So...when TD had played in Washington, DC on the 04th. of April 1977, my ''Patrolling Space Borders'' must be incorrect, because, they can not play in Wahington and Montreal at the same day!! I have got the ''Patrolling Space Borders'' SHN-CDR with Artwork, saying that the Artwork was made by The CDR contains of six tracks (all six with in- and out-fades), simply called: Sequence 1 to Sequence 6 It sounds like a AUDIENCE-recording (manybe FM??), with a bit hissy sound. Maybe, some of you specialists, can tell me, what recording this ''Patrolling Space Borders'' might be (?) Thanksand Greetings from Germany PETE Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35897 Re: I'm new here. One question, please! 3N jerzynka3n Tue 9/3/2002 4 KB 35949 Re: I'm new here. One question, please! pete01021962 pete01021962 Wed 9/4/2002 4 KB 35951 Re: I'm new here. One question, please! Falcon ppgwave2000 Wed 9/4/2002 2 KB From: Falcon Date: Sun Sep 1, 2002 4:36 pm Subject: Tree Second Edition ? Hi, would it make sense, if somehow a better version of an already existing tree-concert pops up, to release that as a 'second edition' ? Regards, Ramon Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35925 Re: Tree Second Edition ? Heiko Heerssen td_freak Wed 9/4/2002 2 KB From: 'Emanuel Neto' Date: Sat Aug 31, 2002 3:40 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Schulze and Hoenig with TD With regard to the Klaus Shulze and Michael Hoenig shows in 1974, I've never heard of anyone having a recording from any of these, does anybody know something about this? Emanuel Neto ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Mark Filipak' To: Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 9:26 PM Subject: Re: [tadream] Schulze and Hoenig with TD > Howdy! > > 'Owens, James' wrote: > > > > On August 13th Mark Filipak wrote to this list: > > > > 'I'm referring to August, 1973. Peter was gone and Chris and Ed > > recorded some stuff that eventually became 'Green Desert'. Peter > > still wasn't back for three shows in France at the end of August > > and I think KS filled in for him. I think that the show at L'Arc > > en Ciel in Roanne on the 25th of August was the very last time KS > > appeared with TD.' > > > > Where'd you get this info, Mark? > > > > Ciao -- Mark > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > From: Ivan Yerkedoff Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 6:48 pm Subject: TD Interview on Internent Hi to all. Listened to the interview on the Lou Gentile show last night and am still digesting Edgar's comments on U. F.O.s __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35890 Re: TD Interview on Internent Owens, James yxalag2 Tue 9/3/2002 3 KB 35891 Re: TD Interview on Internent Administrator dale1kay Tue 9/3/2002 4 KB 35906 Re: TD Interview on Internent Wade Gordon mindvoyager1 Tue 9/3/2002 4 KB 35892 Re: TD Interview on Internent vic rek Tue 9/3/2002 3 KB 35902 Nideggen programms and some quesitons .-) Rainer Rutka rainerrutka Tue 9/3/2002 2 KB 35994 Re: Nideggen programms and some quesitons .-) Piotr Millennium 3 piotr3sulas Fri 9/6/2002 2 KB 35894 Re: TD Interview on Internent Matthew Sawyer matthewsawyer Tue 9/3/2002 2 KB From: 'Owens, James' Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 6:50 pm Subject: RE: [tadream] TD Interview on Internent How exactly do we get to this interview after the fact? James (I've searched the site, and can't seem to find archives for yesterday's show) -----Original Message----- From: Ivan Yerkedoff [mailto:tandreamelp@y...] Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 1:49 PM To: Subject: [tadream] TD Interview on Internent Hi to all. Listened to the interview on the Lou Gentile show last night and am still digesting Edgar's comments on U. F.O.s __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes ----------------------------------------------------_- To unsubscribe: ----------------------------------------------------_- Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at Tangerine Tree info at Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to From: 'Administrator' Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 6:54 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] TD Interview on Internent it may take them a while before they update the site... email those guys. perhaps that will give them a push to do it faster. dale I caught some of the UFO info too. ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Owens, James' To: Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 11:50 AM Subject: RE: [tadream] TD Interview on Internent > How exactly do we get to this interview after the fact? > > James > > (I've searched the site, and can't seem to find archives for yesterday's > show) > > -----Original Message----- > From: Ivan Yerkedoff [mailto:tandreamelp@y...] > Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 1:49 PM > To: > Subject: [tadream] TD Interview on Internent > > > Hi to all. Listened to the interview on the Lou > Gentile show last night and am still digesting Edgar's > comments on U. F.O.s > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35906 Re: TD Interview on Internent Wade Gordon mindvoyager1 Tue 9/3/2002 4 KB From: 'vic rek' Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 6:57 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] TD Interview on Internent From: Ivan Yerkedoff > Hi to all. Listened to the interview on the Lou > Gentile show last night and am still digesting Edgar's > comments on U. F.O.s What about his comments on 9/11 and Western Civilization - very well put! Edgar can put his thoughts well into music composition, put he can also articulate his thoughts in the English language in an excellent manner - much better than some of us native speakers I think ;-) I really enjoyed the show and Edgar came in nice and clear. I hope we have more of these interviews and that some of the fans get a chance to call in to the show. BTW, I just checked a few music stores to make sure Inferno was indeed released today in the USA. And yes, I saw a copy at Media Play and Borders. Just one copy though... VicRek Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35902 Nideggen programms and some quesitons .-) Rainer Rutka rainerrutka Tue 9/3/2002 2 KB 35994 Re: Nideggen programms and some quesitons .-) Piotr Millennium 3 piotr3sulas Fri 9/6/2002 2 KB From: Ivan Yerkedoff Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 7:19 pm Subject: Td Interview 2 Hi again. As with vic I would have to agree with Edgar's comments about 9-11 (children playing in a sandbox). Really exiting is the possible release of some of TD in 5.1 sound sound! __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35907 Re: Td Interview 2 Wade Gordon mindvoyager1 Tue 9/3/2002 2 KB From: 'Matthew Sawyer' Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 7:19 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] TD Interview on Internent From: 'vic rek' > What about his comments on 9/11 and Western Civilization - very well put! I missed that. Could someone please summarise what he said? Maff From: 'Scott' Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 7:51 pm Subject: Trees >Even if this tree is cancelled, I think we may have accomplished our goal, >which is to get people interested in these particular shows. And by trading >for blanks+postage, we are not upsetting Edgar because we are taking the >profit out of bootlegging. There's still no reason why someone couldn't start a tree or trade/B&P for shows they already have. I'm always willing to make copies. Scott From: Liondream@a... Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 8:14 pm Subject: Re: tt4 dvd? video - that's a cool suggestion and seems like a logical next step once all the concert audio is exhausted; is there actually any material out there? any of you 'hi tech' people on the list have dvd creation capability? but of course you do!!! :-) wes << Subject: Tangerine Tree 3 As we are talking about what recordings we could use for TT3, could I make a suggestion that perhaps we could include some video recordings of the band. As there is very little film clips of our favorite band it would be nice to have the best film clips on CD. I know that 1980 East Berlin concert was filmed, along with 1976 Berlin Philharmonic concert, Coventry Cathedral and others. It is only a suggestion I wonder what others think Dean>>> Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35899 Re: tt4 dvd? ppgwave2000 ppgwave2000 Tue 9/3/2002 2 KB 35928 Re: tt4 dvd? John Vertical omegatransfinito Wed 9/4/2002 2 KB 35930 Re: tt4 dvd? Marko Marin rubyconist Wed 9/4/2002 2 KB 35931 Re: tt4 dvd? Matthew Stringer Wed 9/4/2002 3 KB From: 3N Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 8:28 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] I'm new here. One question, please! HeY (and where is Morgan???!!!) > Hey everybody, > > > -04.04.77 Montreal, Canada as: ''Patrolling Space Borders'' (one > SHN or AUDIO CDR) > > > And here is my problem (and the question). > > With TT1, came : > > 1977-04-04 > Washington Lisner Auditorium (George Washington University), USA > > > I guess, I can be sure, that the dates and towns are correct, at the > TT tree-project :-)) > > > So...when TD had played in Washington, DC on the 04th. of April 1977, > my ''Patrolling Space Borders'' must be incorrect, because, they can > not play in Wahington and Montreal at the same day!! I's very strange. Of course 4.4.77 TD played a fantastic concert in Lisner Auditorium in Washington, so the information from T-Tree are correct. But on my Patrolling is date 9.4.77 and this is correct too. You must have an unoriginal version of this record's cover. Patrolling is a proffesional bootleg with a very nice covers. But it contains only excerpt of Montreal's show. Originaly this show was broadcasted by Canadian CHOM-FM Radio directly 9.4.77 and partly - rebroadcasted the next day (evening) - 10.4.77. > > > > It sounds like a AUDIENCE-recording (manybe FM??), with a bit hissy > sound. No, it's real FM-recording. And it's very good quality because Partolling was made from very good source (maybe master tape?), but now I can say that forthcoming T-Tree version of Montreal's concert will be 'killer' for the all existing bootlegs of this show. Without any doubt. And this is, I think, a good news on the margin of discussion about wide-knowing TD bootlegs and possibility to improve their sound. I supose that in earlier or later time most of this discuted records will be included in enhanced quality in T-Tree. Maybe with the famous Berlin's show from August'87 too. Regards from JerzyK Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35949 Re: I'm new here. One question, please! pete01021962 pete01021962 Wed 9/4/2002 4 KB 35951 Re: I'm new here. One question, please! Falcon ppgwave2000 Wed 9/4/2002 2 KB From: 'Owens, James' Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 8:46 pm Subject: TD video footage There's video out there. I have quite a bit personally, but most of it is way too far down the generation list to be of value for transfer to digital formats (video degrades terribly from generation to generation, plus most of it is transfered to NTSC from PAL, which further degrades the quality). I know someone has released a VCD of the famous Warsaw '83 show, and I'm sure there are some others floating around. You should see Klaus Beschorner's website for a quite extensive list of Video footage: Scroll through the list to the heading: TANGERINE DREAM - VIDEOS Something I didn't see in his list that I know exists (at least partially) is professionally shot footage of Chris Franke's 'London Concert' (same as the official CD of that title). What I saw was excellent picture quality. A lower generation copy of that would definitely be worth getting, especially if the complete concert exists. James -----Original Message----- From: Liondream@a... [mailto:Liondream@a...] video - that's a cool suggestion and seems like a logical next step once all the concert audio is exhausted; is there actually any material out there? From: 'ppgwave2000' Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 8:50 pm Subject: Re: tt4 dvd? --- In tadream@y..., Liondream@a... wrote: > video - that's a cool suggestion and seems like a logical next step once all the concert audio is exhausted; is there actually any material out there? > The only concert recordings I know, are the 20.2.1990 Berlin and a fragment from Poland 1983 (bad quality). Of course, there are numerous interviews and 'specials' (like the one, where Edgar is playing Sobornost) If the others were filmed, nobody seems to have them. > any of you 'hi tech' people on the list have dvd creation capability? Erm. . . me ? ;-) Question is, can you playback a DVD-R on your DVD-player (older Sony Models dont support this) Ramon From: 'Owens, James' Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 8:56 pm Subject: FW: KS and Tangerine Dream - August 22, 1973 ??? Hi all. I was really curious about the Klaus Schulze/TD 1973 thing, so I e-mailed Klaus D Mueller with the question. This is his response: -----Original Message----- From: kdm [mailto:klaus-d.mueller@g...] Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 3:26 PM To: Owens, James Subject: Re: KS and Tangerine Dream - August 22, 1973 ??? At 14:58 03.09.2002 -0500, you wrote: Dear Klaus, I would really appreciate if you could clarify a question that has come up on the Tangerine Dream mailing list. I have found information listing a Tangerine Dream concert in Paris, August 22, 1973 with the line-up listed as Froese, Franke, Schulze. Did Klaus Schulze fill in for Peter Baumann with TD for this or any other shows in France in 1973? These and all other discographical data are explained in detail in the big book 'KLAUS SCHULZE THE WORKS.' The above concert entry in included since the discography's first release in 1987, and still :-) It was never a secret :-) ...except that my diary says a little bit different day for the Paris gig (I was the tour manager, then) Best regards / Beste Grüße Klaus Klaus D. Mueller, Berlin, Germany P.O.E.M. Musikverlag * Klaus Schulze Prod. * série poème * The KS Circle * tel: +49- 30- 773 49 58 fax: +49- 30- 772 61 55 e-mail: kdm@k... e-mail: klaus-d.mueller@g... e-mail: webmaster@k... e-mail: webmaster@d... [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: René Brenner Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 9:09 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Re; The Stump of TD This book is available for 4.99 EUR from Greets René On Mon, Sep 02, 2002 at 14:04:28 +0100, ampmusic wrote: > I have a spare unopened copy of 'Digital Gothic: A Critical Discography > of Tangerine Dream' (Paul Stump, SAF Publishing) and will exchange for a > couple of TDI CD's or anything interesting. Please e-mail me off-list. From: Rainer Rutka Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 9:11 pm Subject: Nideggen programms and some quesitons .-) Hi! I have some spare Nideggen programms to swap. If you want to see it before, go to my Nideggen special at: Did somebody recorded the E.F. interview? I missed it and I like to get it in MP3- or any other format. Next: Did somebody recorded Nideggen? So much questions.... :-) Rainer ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35994 Re: Nideggen programms and some quesitons .-) Piotr Millennium 3 piotr3sulas Fri 9/6/2002 2 KB From: Morgan Feldon Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 9:10 pm Subject: Reims 1974 >>From: 'minimoog1975' >>Date: Fri Aug 30, 2002 3:16 am >>Subject: Re: Send Your Boots to Berlin > >>I made my own remastering > >>version of ReimsCathedral74 > >Even better than the Boot-2CD ? Did you include the encores ? > >Ramon There was no encore. Just two main sets. Careful listening to every purported encore for this show has revealed it to be an extract of the main sets. The only thing Live! Improvised! lacks for the TD completist is the radio announcements/bumpers. -Morgan [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: 'E Neal Frost' Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 9:09 pm Subject: Dominion 1982 Hello All, A question for those creating these wonderful Tangerine Trees. Is there/will there be a better version of the Dominion 1982 concert coming down the road? I love the concert I have, and can imagine it sounding better after 'tree treatment'. .........Just a thought. And to the person looking for The Dream on video, you need to get in touch with Duncan McKee. He has some great TD concerts on a whole collection of VCDs. Thanks Neal Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35926 Re: Dominion 1982 Heiko Heerssen td_freak Wed 9/4/2002 4 KB From: Morgan Feldon Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 9:14 pm Subject: Tangerine Tree 3 - Videos? >From: 'Dean Mitchell' >Date: Tue Aug 27, 2002 5:05 am >Subject: Tangerine Tree 3 > >As we are talking about what recordings we could use for TT3, could I make a >suggestion that perhaps we could include some video recordings of the band. As >there is very little film clips of our favorite band it would be nice to have >the best film clips on CD. I know that 1980 East Berlin concert was filmed, >along with 1976 Berlin Philharmonic concert, Coventry Cathedral and others. >It is only a suggestion I wonder what others think The scope of the Tangerine Tree is music recordings. If someone wants to put out a DVD or SVCD video (please not VCD!) of concert videos, I think they'd find overwhelming support. So far, no video of the 3 shows you mention has surfaced except for the Coventry Cathedral video played on TV at about 4 frames per second with a substituted soundtrack. I am hopeful that a 1st generation VHS tape of the Warsaw 83 show will surface and that it can be transferred to DVD. So far, I have one from a 3rd or 4th gen VHS. -Morgan [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: Wade Gordon Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 9:20 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] TD Interview on Internent Due to problems with the weather...the site will be updated this evening and an archieve available. --- Administrator wrote: > it may take them a while before they update the > site... email those guys. > perhaps that will give them a push to do it faster. > > dale > > I caught some of the UFO info too. > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: 'Owens, James' > To: > Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 11:50 AM > Subject: RE: [tadream] TD Interview on Internent > > > > How exactly do we get to this interview after the > fact? > > > > James > > > > (I've searched the site, and can't seem to find > archives for yesterday's > > show) > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: Ivan Yerkedoff > [mailto:tandreamelp@y...] > > Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 1:49 PM > > To: > > Subject: [tadream] TD Interview on Internent > > > > > > Hi to all. Listened to the interview on the Lou > > Gentile show last night and am still digesting > Edgar's > > comments on U. F.O.s > > > > __________________________________________________ > > Do You Yahoo!? > > Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > To unsubscribe: > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > To unsubscribe: > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes From: Wade Gordon Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 9:22 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Td Interview 2 Wasn't that an interesting program? Not the usual talk show fodder. --- Ivan Yerkedoff wrote: > Hi again. As with vic I would have to agree with > Edgar's comments about 9-11 (children playing in a > sandbox). Really exiting is the possible release of > some of TD in 5.1 sound sound! > > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes From: Morgan Feldon Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 9:22 pm Subject: Tangerine Tree 3 >AFAIK the Danger Live was produced from a master tape (btw, the first set >is my top favourite TD Track from the seventies) >Cant wait to hear an even better version :-))) > >Ramon It is, at the very least, a 3rd generation tape. It can (and will) sound a whole lot better in the future. >Before TT1, I have got only two TD - Live shows on SHN-CDR's: > >-02.04.75 London, GB as: ''Ruby In The Sky'' (two SHN or AUDIO >CDR's) Replaced by Tangerine Tree Volume 9. >With TT1, came : > >1977-04-04 >Washington Lisner Auditorium (George Washington University), USA This show was indeed on April 4th, 1977. Part of the radio introduction by 'Professor Mota' (sp?) was used on the official Encore release. >-04.04.77 Montreal, Canada as: ''Patrolling Space Borders'' (one >SHN or AUDIO CDR) Ok, there is some question as to the recording/concert date of this show. The date is reported as Saturday, April 9th, 1977 at the Montreal Place des Arts. However the full 2 hour recording of the concert (of which Patrolling Space Borders is but an excerpt) includes several voice interruptions announcing the station ID, Tangerine Dream etc. One of them says 'you are listening to Tangerine Dream live, on this commercial-free Sunday on CHOM-FM Montreal.' If the show had been recorded the night before, why would they not pause the recording during commercial announcements? Further, why would they say 'Tangerine Dream live'? Most notations I've seen for this show indicate April 9th (10th?) 1977. We may never know the truth. -Morgan From: Morgan Feldon Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 9:27 pm Subject: Tangerine Tree 3 >From: 'Emanuel Neto' >Date: Sat Aug 31, 2002 10:40 am >Subject: Re: [tadream] Schulze and Hoenig with TD > >With regard to the Klaus Shulze and Michael Hoenig shows in 1974, I've never >heard of anyone having a recording >from any of these, does anybody know something about this? > >Emanuel Neto 1974? There are no recordings of the Edgar Froese-Chris Franke-Klaus Schulze August 1973 shows (does someone have documentation that these shows happened before I stick my neck out all the way :) ?), that's correct. Someone refresh my memory, but I believe Michael Hoenig joined Edgar and Chris on the 1975 Australia tour, of which there are tape recordings of 7 of these shows. Not to mention the 1974 April 2nd Royal Albert Hall, UK show with Edgar, Chris, and Michael Hoenig featured on Volume 9 of the Tangerine Tree and countless bootlegs 'Phaedream', 'Ruby in the Sky', and 'Coefficient of Aural Expansion'. -Morgan [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: Wade Gordon Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 9:33 pm Subject: Thank you for the support with the Tangerine Dream interview. Hey gang, Thanks for all of the support for mine and Lou's interview with Edgar Froese last night. The archieve of the program will be up and running in about an hour. Also, there is a major announcement comming and if you heard last night there is a distinct possibility for a tour in the US. Again, thanks for all of the support last night. It was a little hectic wilth the tornado warnings last night. Best wishes, Wade Gordon __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35911 Re: Thank you for the support with the Tangerine Dream interview. Paul Lawler lawlermusic Tue 9/3/2002 3 KB 35913 Re: Thank you for the support with the Tangerine Dream interview. Morgan Feldon feldon23 Tue 9/3/2002 3 KB From: 'Paul Lawler' Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 9:42 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Thank you for the support with the Tangerine Dream interview. can you give the URL for the interview site please thanks Paul ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Wade Gordon' To: Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 10:33 PM Subject: [tadream] Thank you for the support with the Tangerine Dream interview. > Hey gang, > > Thanks for all of the support for mine and Lou's > interview with Edgar Froese last night. The archieve > of the program will be up and running in about an > hour. Also, there is a major announcement comming and > if you heard last night there is a distinct > possibility for a tour in the US. > > Again, thanks for all of the support last night. It > was a little hectic wilth the tornado warnings last > night. > > Best wishes, > > Wade Gordon > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > From: 'Owens, James' Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 9:46 pm Subject: RE: [tadream] Reims 1974 And Nico's performance right before TD... ;-) -----Original Message----- The only thing Live! Improvised! lacks for the TD completist is the radio announcements/bumpers. -Morgan From: Morgan Feldon Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 9:44 pm Subject: Re: Thank you for the support with the Tangerine Dream interview. >From: Wade Gordon >Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 4:33 pm >Subject: Thank you for the support with the Tangerine Dream interview. > >Hey gang, > >Thanks for all of the support for mine and Lou's >interview with Edgar Froese last night... It was great to hear Edgar on the radio and he certainly had some interesting things to say. He can be very friendly and I'm glad you were able to host this show! Thanks! It was frustrating, once again, to hear Edgar say he does not have the time to go back to the old concert recordings. I had hoped that the Tangerine Tree would jumpstart something and that Edgar would take a hard look at doing something about the tapes, even if it is to recruit an established fan like Klaus B., Heiko H., etc. to come in and make an analysis. It's not like they have to fly around the world to visit the studios. They're in the same country. -Morgan [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: 'Glenn Folkvord - Hyperion Media' Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 9:28 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] OT:Bjorn Lynne ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Stein E. Finne' > On which record label was the Bjorn Lynne recording > released, and do you know where he comes from? I think you can find out everything at Bjørn is from Norway of course. Glenn Folkvord Jessheim, Norway :-) From: ampmusic Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 9:59 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Digest Number 1481 > Message: 16 > Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2002 15:46:35 -0500 > From: 'Owens, James' > Subject: TD video footage > > Something I didn't see in his list that I know exists (at least partially) > is professionally shot footage of Chris Franke's 'London Concert' (same as > the official CD of that title). What I saw was excellent picture quality. > A lower generation copy of that would definitely be worth getting, > especially if the complete concert exists. > > James The whole of the UK Electronica 1991 'Future Age Music Festival' organised by AMP Records at the London Astoria Theatre (not, as bizarrely credited on 'The London Concert' CD, at the Apollo Theatre, which was hosting 'Starlight Express' at the time and for many years afterward), of which Chris Franke's only ever solo concert comprised the closing performance, was indeed the subject of a 5-camera TV-standard Betacam shoot. A Chris Franke extract appeared shortly afterward on a highlights video featuring one track from each artist at the show including Tim Blake, and another (with much more abstract images) on a various artists compilation video some time later. However both these appeared in extremely small quantities and have long been unavailable, while the full concert footage remains on file here :-) From: 'Owens, James' Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 10:01 pm Subject: Franke concert video So... What are the chances of an official DVD??? I'd snatch that one for sure (and I doubt I'm alone in that). James -----Original Message----- From: ampmusic [mailto:info@a...] The whole of the UK Electronica 1991 'Future Age Music Festival' organised by AMP Records at the London Astoria Theatre (not, as bizarrely credited on 'The London Concert' CD, at the Apollo Theatre, which was hosting 'Starlight Express' at the time and for many years afterward), of which Chris Franke's only ever solo concert comprised the closing performance, was indeed the subject of a 5-camera TV-standard Betacam shoot. A Chris Franke extract appeared shortly afterward on a highlights video featuring one track from each artist at the show including Tim Blake, and another (with much more abstract images) on a various artists compilation video some time later. However both these appeared in extremely small quantities and have long been unavailable, while the full concert footage remains on file here :-) Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35929 Re: Franke concert video Matthew Stringer Wed 9/4/2002 3 KB From: Liondream@a... Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 10:11 pm Subject: t3 happiness Actually, I would find it fascinating to hear the uncut version. Both cut and uncut and the comparison between them. Hey, I like your name PPG and Minimoog... I'm going to change my name to DeltaIII or something like that! << Subject: Re: Tangerine Tree 3 >>I guess not everyone would be happy if we had six 1976 shows, Seattle >>2nd gen, and Brussels 1980 1st gen uncut. :D :D I would. ;-) Ramon>>> From: Liondream@a... Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 10:12 pm Subject: td 5.1 TD in 5.1 would be very cool. I heard Night at the Opera at a Nuendo thingy... it sounded cool, but at the same time kind of neked - if that makes sense. It was like standing in the middle of the band during a performance or something. Would be most interesting to hear TD in that manner. << Subject: Td Interview 2 Hi again. As with vic I would have to agree with Edgar's comments about 9-11 (children playing in a sandbox). Really exiting is the possible release of some of TD in 5.1 sound sound!>>> From: PENFOLD Date: Tue Sep 3, 2002 10:56 pm Subject: Near Dark on DVD 09/10/2002 viz.....\ 2044-1504901?v=glance&s=dvd&n=130 Pete Isaacson aka °º¤ø,¸DJ DreamHead¸,ø¤º° mailto:penfold@a...?subject=DJDreamHead^(djdreamhead.html Yahoo Chat: penfold235 ····· AIM: PENFOLD235 1984, Saw 'The Keep' LP at Tower Records, actually held it, didn't have the $$.....Damn!!!!! 'Absence of the KEEP LP is not evidence of its non-existence.' - Steven Feldman Watch the Coasters Grow! at: From: 'Jim Moore' Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 12:47 am Subject: RE: [tadream] Re: TT3 - IMHO From: rdtfalcon [mailto:falcon@r...] > --Laguna Hills Irvine Meadows 06 June 1986 2nd gen. 2 CDR >isnt there a high quality 2CD-Boot from this concert (Sonambulistic Imagery) ? I don't think so, but there *is* a high quality 2 CD recording of people in the audience talking and laughing with a Tangerine Dream concert in the background... - jim From: Gustavo Jobim Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 3:26 am Subject: some notes - TT2 Hi folks, I've finally began burning my SHNs to audio and listening to the TT2 CDs... [to my dear branch: I'm so sorry for the long delay! I'm working in our trade RIGHT NOW! I could only buy the blanks last Saturday.] So far I've heard the fucking gorgeous London RAH 1975, for which I had been drooling for ages, because it's maybe my favourite TD concert recording ever - and one of my top 5 TD recordings surely (including albums and everything). I had Coefficient before, so it wasn't totally new for me, but still, great quality, and congrats to 3N for the job specially on the reconstruction final minutes of CD1 (which I hadn't heard before). I have also heard Hamburg 1978, which was something interesting; a pity the sound quality didn't help much. The intention in TT is to have the best possible recording, so it's a pity really. I liked the energy of the MM encore a lot by the way. I'd really like to hear it all in a better quality... So far I've only heard those two. I was looking at old email, and I'd just like to paste this, from a message posted in Jan. 9, 2002 by Heiko Heerssen: >'during the last few days I was toying with the idea to create a >successor to the 'Digital tape tree' CDR series which (as far as I know) >stopped at Disc no. 25. (...) Any feedback on this matter is appreciated _______(because maybe there isn't any big interest at all..._______(...)' Jan. 9, 2002 - a date to remember! thousand thanks and best regards to HH! not to mention TD, and all the people who worked and are working hard on this project! let's all sing, 'Heiko is a jolly good fellow.....' heheheh! GJ np: E2-E4 - KRAZZIK! Gustavo Jobim gustavojobim@n... From: 'Richard Stockwell' Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 4:58 am Subject: RE: [tadream] OT:Bjorn Lynne I have a few of the Bjorn Lynne titles in stock at Cranium Music including 'Colony'. Bjorn is originally from Norway but now lives in the northern area (Wakefeld) of England. Note: I provide free airmail postage to anywhere in the world on orders of more than 1 CD and airmail to Europe is normally 7 days. The west coast of the USA is 4 days (average) and other USA destinations 7 days (average). Regards Richard Cranium Music From: Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 5:53 am Subject: all my pictures from the Burg Nideggen Concerts Hello all, so, all my pictures from the Tangerine Dream - Burg Nideggen Concerts 23. / 24-August-2002 are online at my Homepage. Please visit: Regards heiko - Mr. Optical FREE ASHRA NEWSLETTER subcribe here: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ----------------------------- [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: Heiko Heerssen Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 6:11 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Plans for Tangerine Tree 3 yet? > just give the guys (Heiko & the back room boys ;-) ) a short break, > they need it badly. :) > AFAIK the following concerts are candidates for the next tree (of > course, this is up to Heiko, what concerts will be released) : > > - 16.11.1976 Brussels > - 31.01.1980 Berlin, Republic Palace > - 21.04.1997 Amsterdam Hello Ramon (it seems all your emails finally got through :-) it's early in the morning and I'm listening to the Berlin Palast der Republik 31 January 1980 recording on my Discman right now. It's awesome..not that I'm hearing this for the first time in my life, but yesterday I received a tape copy which was taken directly from a reel-to-reel master that was recorded on that day by someone who lived in the German Democratic Republic, and the sound quality is maybe even better than the 'Lifted curtain' CDR version. And I'm sure it will improve after my 'remastering buddies' have remastered this recording. I guess it's safe to say that Berlin 1980 will become Volume 17 of TT#3. Also confirmed are Warsaw Sala Kongresowa 13 June 1997 'Vintage set' FM broadcast master tape (1 CDR), London Shepherds Bush Empire 12 May 2001 complete WEBCAST download (3 CDR), Detroit Fox Theater 20 October 1992 DAT master (2 CDR), and Laguna Hills 06 June 1986 2nd gen.audience (2 CDR). The remaining discs will feature music from the 70s (most probably 1976-77 again), but are not confirmed yet. Heiko Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35927 Re: Plans for Tangerine Tree 3 yet? Falcon ppgwave2000 Wed 9/4/2002 2 KB 35965 Re: Plans for Tangerine Tree 3 yet? richter_arne richter_arne Wed 9/4/2002 3 KB From: Heiko Heerssen Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 6:12 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Tree Second Edition ? > would it make sense, if somehow a better version of an already existing > tree-concert pops up, to release that as a 'second edition' ? 'a better version'?!..this can only be the one that is lying in Edgar's tape vault ;-) Heiko From: Heiko Heerssen Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 6:34 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Dominion 1982 > Hello All, > > A question for those creating these wonderful Tangerine Trees. Is there/will > there be a better version of the Dominion 1982 concert coming down the road? > I love the concert I have, and can imagine it sounding better after 'tree > treatment'. .........Just a thought. Hello Neal, there exist at least three different master tape recordings of London Dominion 1982, and before I received Croydon Fairfield Hall 1982 (which we used for the 'Tangerine Tree') I always referred to London Dominion as being my best source of the 1982 tour. But at the moment I don't think I will use the Dominion show for 'TT' since we already have Croydon, and as you may know there was little variation in between these concert tours...and then there is also the Berlin ICC soundboard tape which has an even better sound, this will also get included in some of the subsequent tree volumes. An alternative though would be to come up with some sort of 'sub-tree' which includes remastered low generation recordings that didn't make it onto the 'Tangerine Tree' for various reasons (like for example London Dominion 1982, or other recordings from concert tours where it's enough to have only one or two of the best sources available...or 1st or 2nd gen. recordings which have a mediocre sound quality) Heiko > > > And to the person looking for The Dream on video, you need to get in touch > with Duncan McKee. He has some great TD concerts on a whole collection of > VCDs. > > Thanks > Neal > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to From: Falcon Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 8:17 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Plans for Tangerine Tree 3 yet? At 08:11 AM 9/4/2002, you wrote: >Hello Ramon (it seems all your emails finally got through :-) > > >I guess it's safe to say that Berlin 1980 will become Volume 17 of TT#3. Also >confirmed are Warsaw Sala Kongresowa 13 June 1997 'Vintage set' FM broadcast >master tape (1 CDR), London Shepherds Bush Empire 12 May 2001 complete >WEBCAST download (3 CDR), Detroit Fox Theater 20 October 1992 DAT master (2 >CDR), and Laguna Hills 06 June 1986 2nd gen.audience (2 CDR). The remaining >discs will feature music from the 70s (most probably 1976-77 again), but are >not confirmed yet. > >Heiko Hello Heiko, didnt you forget 5.11.1980 Preston for the tree as a candidate ? ;-))) (just kidding) Ramon From: 'John Vertical' Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 8:47 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: tt4 dvd? >video - that's a cool suggestion and seems like a logical next step once >all the concert audio is exhausted; is there actually any material out >there? > >any of you 'hi tech' people on the list have dvd creation capability? > >but of course you do!!! :-) > >wes Please,no video on TT-if you'll do it, keep it as a separate project. I mean, not everyone even has a DVD player (including me), let alone thingies for copying them. It would not work in this scale. John Vertical _________________________________________________________________ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35930 Re: tt4 dvd? Marko Marin rubyconist Wed 9/4/2002 2 KB From: 'Matthew Stringer' Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 9:59 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Franke concert video I'd be more than happy to pay quiet a few pennies for a DVD of that!!! ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Owens, James' To: Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2002 11:01 PM Subject: [tadream] Franke concert video > So... > What are the chances of an official DVD??? > > I'd snatch that one for sure (and I doubt I'm alone in that). > > James > > -----Original Message----- > From: ampmusic [mailto:info@a...] > > The whole of the UK Electronica 1991 'Future Age Music Festival' organised > by AMP Records at the London Astoria Theatre (not, as bizarrely credited on > 'The London Concert' CD, at the Apollo Theatre, which was hosting 'Starlight > Express' at the time and for many years afterward), of which Chris Franke's > only ever solo concert comprised the closing performance, was indeed the > subject of a 5-camera TV-standard Betacam shoot. > > A Chris Franke extract appeared shortly afterward on a highlights video > featuring one track from each artist at the show including Tim Blake, and > another (with much more abstract images) on a various artists compilation > video some time later. > > However both these appeared in extremely small quantities and have long been > unavailable, while the full concert footage remains on file here :-) > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > From: Marko Marin Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 10:39 am Subject: [tadream] Re: tt4 dvd? --- John Vertical wrote: > Please,no video on TT-if you'll do it, keep it as a > separate project. I > mean, not everyone even has a DVD player (including > me), let alone thingies > for copying them. It would not work in this scale. > > John Vertical I agree. Keep it as a separate project. Regards, Marko Marin ===== __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes From: 'Matthew Stringer' Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 10:56 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: tt4 dvd? I would imagine that this would end up as a VCD and not a DVD which is copied in the same way as a CD and can be played on any PC. Matt ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Marko Marin' To: Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 11:39 AM Subject: [tadream] Re: tt4 dvd? > > --- John Vertical wrote: > > Please,no video on TT-if you'll do it, keep it as a > > separate project. I > > mean, not everyone even has a DVD player (including > > me), let alone thingies > > for copying them. It would not work in this scale. > > > > John Vertical > > I agree. Keep it as a separate project. > > Regards, > Marko Marin > > ===== > > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > From: Armin Theissen Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 11:01 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Plans for Tangerine Tree 3 yet? Hi, I hook in a bit late on this as I just returned from web-less vacation. What I'd really like to see (or better to hear) are some very early recordings, that means everything pre-Phaedra (as far back in time as possible). This seems to be the least documented area. Anything from that period would be a treasure! armin Falcon wrote: > At 08:11 AM 9/4/2002, you wrote: > > > > >>Hello Ramon (it seems all your emails finally got through :-) >> >> >>I guess it's safe to say that Berlin 1980 will become Volume 17 of TT#3. Also >>confirmed are Warsaw Sala Kongresowa 13 June 1997 'Vintage set' FM broadcast >>master tape (1 CDR), London Shepherds Bush Empire 12 May 2001 complete >>WEBCAST download (3 CDR), Detroit Fox Theater 20 October 1992 DAT master (2 >>CDR), and Laguna Hills 06 June 1986 2nd gen.audience (2 CDR). The remaining >>discs will feature music from the 70s (most probably 1976-77 again), but are >>not confirmed yet. >> >>Heiko >> > > Hello Heiko, > > didnt you forget 5.11.1980 Preston for the tree as a candidate ? ;-))) > (just kidding) > > Ramon > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Armin dot Theissen at sun dot com phone x19080 SUN Microsystems Ireland 'To you I'm an atheist; to God, I'm the Loyal Opposition.' - Woody Allen From: Armin Theissen Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 11:05 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Tangerine Tree 3 Not to forget the performance of Kiew Mission and Mojave Plan (sort of, with orchestra) from the Circus Krone. Saw that on TV, but it was before VCRs were common in average households... armin Dean Mitchell wrote: > As we are talking about what recordings we could use for TT3, could > I make a suggestion that perhaps we could include some video > recordings of the band. As there is very little film clips of our > favorite band it would be nice to have the best film clips on CD. I > know that 1980 East Berlin concert was filmed, along with 1976 > Berlin Philharmonic concert, Coventry Cathedral and others. It is > only a suggestion I wonder what others think > > Dean > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- To > unsubscribe: ----------------------------------------------------_- > > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > Tangerine Tree info at > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Armin dot Theissen at sun dot com phone x19080 SUN Microsystems Ireland 'To you I'm an atheist; to God, I'm the Loyal Opposition.' - Woody Allen From: Armin Theissen Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 11:12 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Re; The Stump of TD oh yeah, this one... I enjoyed all the anecdotes in there, but instead of some music-scientific analysis (what I expected from the word 'critical' in the title) you just get the authors idiotic opinions (he seems to like to throw rarely used adjectives around - and repeats them all over). a. René Brenner wrote: > This book is available for 4.99 EUR from > > Greets > René > > On Mon, Sep 02, 2002 at 14:04:28 +0100, ampmusic wrote: > >>I have a spare unopened copy of 'Digital Gothic: A Critical Discography >>of Tangerine Dream' (Paul Stump, SAF Publishing) and will exchange for a >>couple of TDI CD's or anything interesting. Please e-mail me off-list. >> > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Armin dot Theissen at sun dot com phone x19080 SUN Microsystems Ireland 'To you I'm an atheist; to God, I'm the Loyal Opposition.' - Woody Allen From: 'Paul Lawler' Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 11:54 am Subject: Edgars Interview Can somebody tell me where this latest interview is please ? thanks Paul Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35983 Re: OT: Mike Oldfield & TB3 Marko Marin rubyconist Fri 9/6/2002 3 KB From: 'Yannick EDOM' Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 1:22 pm Subject: Bordeaux Dec 01st 1976 concert Hi there When i read the CDR lists of live shows from various TD fans, i never saw the show they did in Bordeaux salle des fêtes de Talence in dec 01st 1976. So i thought there is no recording of this show. But one day i was in Bordeaux for a record fair, i met someone who was there for the show and recorded it. I got from him the only tape of this audience recording (i think this is the only one). So now there is a 40 min CDR (there is only 40 minutes of recording) called 'Aquitaine électrique'. If someone is interested please contact me offlist for trading. Friendly from France Yannick Edom Mirage Créations Champlain B7 A 101 47 Chemin de Pelleport 31500 TOULOUSE FRANCE e-mail : yannick.edom@s... Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35937 Re: Bordeaux Dec 01st 1976 concert Falcon ppgwave2000 Wed 9/4/2002 3 KB 35938 Re: Bordeaux Dec 01st 1976 concert Yannick EDOM Edom_Y Wed 9/4/2002 2 KB 35939 Re: Bordeaux Dec 01st 1976 concert Matthew Sawyer matthewsawyer Wed 9/4/2002 3 KB 35940 Re: Bordeaux Dec 01st 1976 concert Falcon ppgwave2000 Wed 9/4/2002 2 KB 35941 Re: Bordeaux Dec 01st 1976 concert Matthew Sawyer matthewsawyer Wed 9/4/2002 3 KB 35942 Re: Bordeaux Dec 01st 1976 concert Yannick EDOM Edom_Y Wed 9/4/2002 3 KB 35946 Re: Bordeaux Dec 01st 1976 concert Falcon ppgwave2000 Wed 9/4/2002 2 KB 35954 Re: Bordeaux Dec 01st 1976 concert Morgan Feldon feldon23 Wed 9/4/2002 3 KB From: Falcon Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 12:32 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Bordeaux Dec 01st 1976 concert At 03:22 PM 9/4/2002, you wrote: >Hi there > >When i read the CDR lists of live shows from various TD fans, i never saw >the show they did in Bordeaux salle des fêtes de Talence in dec 01st 1976. > >So i thought there is no recording of this show. > >But one day i was in Bordeaux for a record fair, i met someone who was there >for the show and recorded it. > >I got from him the only tape of this audience recording (i think this is the >only one). > >So now there is a 40 min CDR (there is only 40 minutes of recording) called >'Aquitaine électrique'. Hi, could you please make the recording public, if the audio quality is ok, this could very well be a candidate for the next tree. That way, we can also verify, that it's not a already available recording which just has been renamed. Ramon From: 'Yannick EDOM' Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 1:38 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Bordeaux Dec 01st 1976 concert >>Hi there >>(...) >>So i thought there is no recording of this show. >>(..) >>So now there is a 40 min CDR (there is only 40 minutes of recording) called >>'Aquitaine électrique'. >Hi, >could you please make the recording public, if the audio quality is ok, >this could very well be a candidate for the next tree. >That way, we can also verify, that it's not a already available recording >which just has been renamed. Why not ? As i said, it's an audience recording so the quality is not a fabulous one especially at this time. Yannick Edom Mirage Créations Champlain B7 A 101 47 Chemin de Pelleport 31500 TOULOUSE FRANCE e-mail : yannick.edom@s... From: 'Matthew Sawyer' Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 12:45 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Bordeaux Dec 01st 1976 concert From: 'Falcon' > could you please make the recording public, Well, he has hasn't he? :-) If someone has a copy of a rare show it's perfectly understandable for them to use it for trading, and if it's of Tree quality I'm sure it'll be sourced out by Heiko and made available through the tree. As was done with the Bilboa show. Maff _________________________________________________ Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35940 Re: Bordeaux Dec 01st 1976 concert Falcon ppgwave2000 Wed 9/4/2002 2 KB From: Falcon Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 12:55 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Bordeaux Dec 01st 1976 concert At 02:45 PM 9/4/2002, you wrote: >If someone has a copy of a rare show it's perfectly understandable for them >to use it for trading, and if it's of Tree quality I'm sure it'll be sourced >out by Heiko and made available through the tree. As was done with the >Bilboa show. Yeah, but for the Bilbao Tape the guy first wanted 60 US $ for it. . . Well, when Heiko gets back from his vacation on 29th, we'll see. Ramon From: 'Matthew Sawyer' Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 1:03 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Bordeaux Dec 01st 1976 concert From: 'Falcon' > Yeah, but for the Bilbao Tape the guy first wanted 60 US $ for it. . . Not quite. The first person to offer the Bilbao show was asking for 1:1 trades (that's where I got my first copy from). IIRC after that someone turned up here with a copy offering it for 60 Euros, and was quickly pulled into line by TDI. Either way, Yannick doesn't appear to be selling it. As I said, it's perfectly reasonable to ask for shows in trade from people who want it asap. Maff _________________________________________________ From: 'Yannick EDOM' Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 2:07 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Bordeaux Dec 01st 1976 concert > At 02:45 PM 9/4/2002, you wrote: > >If someone has a copy of a rare show it's perfectly understandable for them > >to use it for trading, and if it's of Tree quality I'm sure it'll be sourced > >out by Heiko and made available through the tree. As was done with the > >Bilboa show. > > Yeah, but for the Bilbao Tape the guy first wanted 60 US $ for it. . . > Well, when Heiko gets back from his vacation on 29th, we'll see. > > Ramon I don't want to make money with this recording but i think some of you could be interested in this item even if the sound quality is not a CD quality one. You can easily understand that trading is better for me but the tree system is also a good one but there are some of us who are not in the tree. discussion open Yannick Edom Mirage Créations Champlain B7 A 101 47 Chemin de Pelleport 31500 TOULOUSE FRANCE e-mail : yannick.edom@s... Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35946 Re: Bordeaux Dec 01st 1976 concert Falcon ppgwave2000 Wed 9/4/2002 2 KB From: 'heineu' Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 1:16 pm Subject: Lou Gentile Show Hello all, as one of us, recorded the Lou Gentile Show from Monday this week with the live Telephone Interview Edgar Froese live from Berlin? Please contact me off_list. thank you for your help. Regards heiko - Mr. Optical Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35944 Re: Lou Gentile Show Paul Lawler lawlermusic Wed 9/4/2002 3 KB 35945 Re: Lou Gentile Show Paul Lawler lawlermusic Wed 9/4/2002 3 KB 35947 Re: Lou Gentile Show Antonio Nunes ajogon Wed 9/4/2002 2 KB 35948 Re: Lou Gentile Show Paul Lawler lawlermusic Wed 9/4/2002 3 KB 35968 Lou Gentile Show richter_arne richter_arne Thu 9/5/2002 2 KB 35969 Re: Lou Gentile Show René Brenner fairway_ch Thu 9/5/2002 3 KB 35975 Re: Lou Gentile Show Administrator dale1kay Thu 9/5/2002 3 KB From: 'Paul Lawler' Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 1:23 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Lou Gentile Show I thought I read it had been archived but I dont know the address of the site in question . Did my TT2 get in the post Ok :) Paul ----- Original Message ----- From: 'heineu' To: Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 2:16 PM Subject: [tadream] Lou Gentile Show > Hello all, > > as one of us, recorded the Lou Gentile Show from Monday this week > with the live Telephone Interview Edgar Froese live from Berlin? > > Please contact me off_list. thank you for your help. > > Regards > heiko - Mr. Optical > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > From: 'Paul Lawler' Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 1:24 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Lou Gentile Show oh dear I thought the person who sent that was Heiko !!! thats why the TT2 question was there . Paul ----- Original Message ----- From: 'heineu' To: Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 2:16 PM Subject: [tadream] Lou Gentile Show > Hello all, > > as one of us, recorded the Lou Gentile Show from Monday this week > with the live Telephone Interview Edgar Froese live from Berlin? > > Please contact me off_list. thank you for your help. > > Regards > heiko - Mr. Optical > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > From: Falcon Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 1:29 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Bordeaux Dec 01st 1976 concert At 04:07 PM 9/4/2002, you wrote: >You can easily understand that trading is better for me but the tree system >is also a good one but there are some of us who are not in the tree. Hi, everyone can join the tree. And even if there are only a few concerts you're interested in, I'm sure there's someone in your country willing to copy them for you (you only pay postage and the blank cdrs). Ramon From: Antonio Nunes Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 1:38 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Lou Gentile Show Paul Lawler wrote: > > I thought I read it had been archived but I dont know the address of the > site in question . Here is the address: Antonio From: 'Paul Lawler' Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 2:03 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Lou Gentile Show thanks , listening to it now Paul ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Antonio Nunes' To: Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 2:38 PM Subject: Re: [tadream] Lou Gentile Show > > > Paul Lawler wrote: > > > > I thought I read it had been archived but I dont know the address of the > > site in question . > > Here is the address: > > > Antonio > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > From: 'pete01021962' Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 2:40 pm Subject: Re: I'm new here. One question, please! Hello JerzyK, thanks a lot for your infos :-)) Greetings PETE --- In tadream@y..., 3N wrote: > HeY > (and where is Morgan???!!!) > > > Hey everybody, > > > > > > -04.04.77 Montreal, Canada as: ''Patrolling Space Borders'' (one > > SHN or AUDIO CDR) > > > > > > And here is my problem (and the question). > > > > With TT1, came : > > > > 1977-04-04 > > Washington Lisner Auditorium (George Washington University), USA > > > > > > I guess, I can be sure, that the dates and towns are correct, at the > > TT tree-project :-)) > > > > > > So...when TD had played in Washington, DC on the 04th. of April 1977, > > my ''Patrolling Space Borders'' must be incorrect, because, they can > > not play in Wahington and Montreal at the same day!! > > I's very strange. Of course 4.4.77 TD played a fantastic concert in Lisner Auditorium in Washington, so the information from T-Tree are correct. But on my Patrolling is date 9.4.77 and this is correct too. You must have an unoriginal version of this record's cover. > Patrolling is a proffesional bootleg with a very nice covers. But it contains only excerpt of Montreal's show. Originaly this show was broadcasted by Canadian CHOM-FM Radio directly 9.4.77 and partly - rebroadcasted the next day (evening) - 10.4.77. > > > > > > > > It sounds like a AUDIENCE-recording (manybe FM??), with a bit hissy > > sound. > > No, it's real FM-recording. And it's very good quality because Partolling was made from very good source (maybe master tape?), but now I can say that forthcoming T-Tree version of Montreal's concert will be 'killer' for the all existing bootlegs of this show. Without any doubt. And this is, I think, a good news on the margin of discussion about wide-knowing TD bootlegs and possibility to improve their sound. I supose that in earlier or later time most of this discuted records will be included in enhanced quality in T-Tree. Maybe with the famous Berlin's show from August'87 too. > > Regards from JerzyK Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35951 Re: I'm new here. One question, please! Falcon ppgwave2000 Wed 9/4/2002 2 KB From: Andrew Seidenfeld Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 2:40 pm Subject: archive of EDGAR FROESE live interview from Monday night Hi Joe. A hyperlink of the Edgar Froese interview on the Lou Gentile Show can now be found at The link is: It's a very small Realplayer file, 2 hours and 12+ minutes (attached). All the Best, - - - - Andrew Seidenfeld, No Problem Productions on 9/3/02 2:00pm, bigstupidgeek at joes@f... wrote: > Hey Andrew- > I'm very sorry for the delay in processing your message to the > Tadream list. Your message was caught in an 'approval holding bin' > that we use to prevent spam from reaching the list. > > However, I tried to find any links to the show or an archived version > as you mentioned, but couldn't. Could you provide the URL and I'll > forward it to the list? > > Thanks, > > Joe Shoults > Tadream listowner > > > > >> EDGAR FROESE will be speaking live on the Lou Gentile Show >> from 10pm until midnight (on the US east coast) >> Monday, September 2 >> >> (That's 4 to 6am in Berlin, thanks, Edgar) >> >> Listeners can wake up the next morning and buy the new Tangerine > Dream album >> 'Inferno,' it should be in stores worldwide on the 3rd. >> >> There are about 10 different ways you can hear this online, > described at >> This show will be archived > there as >> well. >> >> This show is about the paranormal and is heard live on the air > every Monday >> to Friday 10pm-mid on 28 radio stations in US, including > Philadelphia Boston >> Providence CT ME VA FL. Soon the show will be on a different > network, on >> 200+ stations. The show also goes via satellite to some local > access cable >> tv stations (and you can even get it on your cell phone). >> >> - - - - Andrew Seidenfeld, No Problem Productions > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: Falcon Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 2:50 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: I'm new here. One question, please! At 04:40 PM 9/4/2002, you wrote: >I can say that forthcoming T-Tree version of Montreal's concert >will be 'killer' for the all existing bootlegs of this show. Without >any doubt. Hi, I hope, 3N's version doesnt have this annoying wow and flutter like the Patrolling-Boot, and the various fantapes out there. I tried myself to reconstruct the (badly ;-) ) scattered sets 2 and 3 and I think, they're listenable (at least for my tortured ears ;-) ) but I believe, 3N has a lot more experience in remastering and reconstructing recordings than me. We believe in you, 3N, may the force be with you :-) Ramon From: 'Adele Outland' Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 4:28 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: This Key is Yours >Heiko >n.p.: Steve Joliffe: 'listen carefully, and this tree is yours' ~lol~ Unless you are making a joke on purpose, I think the word there should be 'key' (this key is yours). In German, perhaps, it may seem that using that word is just as nonsensical as tree, but the key to understanding is not necessarily a metal one. Another weirdness of the English language I guess. Like snotty, lol. 8-Dell PS: I love your sense of humor so if I've misunderstood your statement above, please forgive me. NP: Melrose: still one of the best complete albums, not a bad song on it. All IMO of course. As time slips into memory, memory fades into dreams. _________________________________________________________________ Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. From: 'richter_arne' Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 4:46 pm Subject: TT question Can somebody explain to me why every single concert in TT1 and 2 is occupying 1 'volume' regardless of number of disks, but only Warsaw 2001 is occupying 2 'volumes'? After all, all 3 disks are from the same show, so I don't see how this constitutes 2 volumes '15 + 16'. Thanks Arne Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35956 Re: TT question Matthew Sawyer matthewsawyer Wed 9/4/2002 2 KB 35964 Re: TT question richter_arne richter_arne Wed 9/4/2002 2 KB From: Morgan Feldon Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 5:16 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Bordeaux Dec 01st 1976 concert >From: 'Yannick EDOM' >Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 9:07 am >Subject: Re: [tadream] Bordeaux Dec 01st 1976 concert > >I don't want to make money with this recording but i think some of you could >be interested in this item even if the sound quality is not a CD quality >one. > >You can easily understand that trading is better for me but the tree system >is also a good one but there are some of us who are not in the tree. If someone is not on the tree, then they are not interested in getting the best recordings of these concerts. Whether they are happy with the bootlegs/fantapes they've already got, or they are just too busy, that's none of my business. I think your best avenue is going to be to get this CD-R out to a few people on the list, plus send a copy to Heiko. First, you'll get rewarded with some other CD-Rs. :) Second, no doubt he will compare to other tapes and give us the verdict here on the list as to whether it is genuine. Interesting to see you keep saying 'it's only an audience recording, it's not CD-quality or anything'. There is only one 1976 concert played on FM radio. The rest are all audience tapes, some with high-end portable reel-to-reel equipment that cost several thousand down to lesser-quality recordings (Nottingham 76 and the two Brussels 76 shows are examples of better taping equipment). Once Heiko gets the tape, I'd imagine it would be turned over to the remastering slaves and then make an appearance on a future Tree. :) This is very exciting!!!! -Morgan [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 6:05 pm Subject: nice item Hello, has one of us too much money then make your bid or sale on this item :-) regards heiko - mr. optical FREE ASHRA NEWSLETTER subcribe here: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ----------------------------- [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35959 Re: nice item Janet Wojtecki caw8429 Wed 9/4/2002 3 KB From: 'Matthew Sawyer' Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 5:03 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] TT question From: 'richter_arne' > Can somebody explain to me why every single concert in TT1 and 2 is > occupying 1 'volume' regardless of number of disks, but only Warsaw > 2001 is occupying 2 'volumes'? After all, all 3 disks are from the > same show, so I don't see how this constitutes 2 volumes '15 + 16'. Presumably to keep each volume in the same sized case. Maff Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35964 Re: TT question richter_arne richter_arne Wed 9/4/2002 2 KB From: Morgan Feldon Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 6:18 pm Subject: eBay auctions >Hello, > >has one of us too much money then make your bid or sale on this item :-) > > > >regards >heiko - mr. optical > > Is this an item you are selling on eBay? Is there a relation to TD with this auction? -Morgan [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35958 Re: eBay auctions heineu heineu Wed 9/4/2002 2 KB From: 'heineu' Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 6:29 pm Subject: Re: eBay auctions Hello Morgan, no I am not the seller, I found this item on ebay only. this item is very very rare. Klaus Schulze played played on this record. Thats all. Regards heiko - Mr. optical with Nideggen Pictures --- In tadream@y..., Morgan Feldon wrote: > > >Hello, > > > >has one of us too much money then make your bid or sale on this item :-) > > > > > > > >regards > >heiko - mr. optical > > > > > > Is this an item you are selling on eBay? > > Is there a relation to TD with this auction? > > -Morgan > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: 'Janet Wojtecki' Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 7:30 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] nice item Heiko, The price is way, way too high. Don't consider it. Contact me off list. I have this item if you want a CDR copy . Chris ----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 7:05 PM Subject: [tadream] nice item > Hello, > > has one of us too much money then make your bid or sale on this item :-) > > > > regards > heiko - mr. optical > > > > FREE ASHRA NEWSLETTER subcribe here: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: Who Cares Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 8:08 pm Subject: Spreading Bootlegs Hi, I thought the idea of a seperate boot tree was a good idea. I don't have alot but I'll do what i can on a personal level. So here goes. I have Antarktis & 20th Century Serenades so for B&P I'll make 2 copies to the first people who email me off list, will offer these discs back to the group. If you want one of the discs send 2 blanks & postage & I will send you a copy back. You want both discs send me 4 blanks & Postage & I will send you two back. Help spread the music, Robert Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35970 Re: Spreading Bootlegs Mark Filipak mark_filipak Thu 9/5/2002 3 KB From: 'PERGAMON' Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 8:31 pm Subject: White eagle---longest version????? Hi all I am trying to locate the longest version of the track 'White eagle', are there any out there with info on this and maybe could supply me with a mp3 of that version????????? Maybe I am so lucky to find a version 20 min. long...=O) Regards Jan Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35962 Re: White eagle---longest version????? Falcon ppgwave2000 Wed 9/4/2002 2 KB 35963 Re: White eagle---longest version????? Chris Owen ledjarde2000 Wed 9/4/2002 2 KB 35967 Re: White eagle---longest version????? Morgan Feldon feldon23 Wed 9/4/2002 4 KB From: Falcon Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 8:49 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] White eagle---longest version????? At 10:31 PM 9/4/2002, you wrote: >I am trying to locate the longest version of the track 'White eagle', are >there any out there with info on this and maybe could supply me with a mp3 >of that version????????? Maybe I am so lucky to find a version 20 min. >long...=O) Well, maybe I can modify it that way, that it runs forever as an endless loop, would that fit your needs ? ;-) Ramon From: 'Chris Owen' Date: Thu Sep 5, 2002 4:56 am Subject: Re: [tadream] White eagle---longest version????? The version played during the 1981 concerts was certainly longer than the album version, as certain passages were extended here and there, making the whole thing a minute or two longer. As for the longest version, good luck in your quest! Another interesting live quest would be to locate any tracks (not including the improvised concerts of the 70s of course!) which TD only ever played live once. - Chris From: 'richter_arne' Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 9:35 pm Subject: Re: TT question --- In tadream@y..., 'Matthew Sawyer' wrote: > > Can somebody explain to me why every single concert in TT1 and 2 is > > occupying 1 'volume' regardless of number of disks, but only Warsaw > > 2001 is occupying 2 'volumes'? After all, all 3 disks are from the > > same show, so I don't see how this constitutes 2 volumes '15 + 16'. > > Presumably to keep each volume in the same sized case. Thanks, that makes sense...somewhat, I guess... From: 'richter_arne' Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 9:42 pm Subject: Re: Plans for Tangerine Tree 3 yet? --- In tadream@y..., Heiko Heerssen wrote: > it's early in the morning and I'm listening to the Berlin Palast der Republik > 31 January 1980 recording on my Discman right now. It's awesome..not that I'm > hearing this for the first time in my life, but yesterday I received a tape > copy which was taken directly from a reel-to-reel master that was recorded on > that day by someone who lived in the German Democratic Republic, and the > sound quality is maybe even better than the 'Lifted curtain' CDR version. And > I'm sure it will improve after my 'remastering buddies' have remastered this > recording. Does that mean the tape copy of the reel-to-reel master will be used as the basis for the restoration work? Would there be any chance to get access to the reel-to-reel masters? I mean, reel-to-reel is just so much better than any cassette, I would even drive to any place in Germany with my DAT if I could hook that up to the reel-to-reel master. So...can you trace the tape back just one generation further? From: Klaus Beschorner Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 10:47 pm Subject: Trees and all Hi all, most of this has been said before, but for the sake of new members: Copyright laws are only slightly different from country to country, these days. Copying, trading, 'treeing', even without any profits involved, are _illegal_ in most countries. They fall under the same laws as e.g. major video piracy does. Of course, law enforcement is busy enough with the big fish in the pond, but during 'slow' times they do have/take time to go after us small time pirates as well. TDI taking a lenient attitude about this is nice, but no shelter from legal prosecution. In most countries, authorities are forced, by law, to prosecute copyright violations even without a complaint from the band being bootlegged. We do enjoy TDI's tolerance about trading old live show recordings, and we should behave ourselves to keep it that way. I can not be sure, but my expectation is that if we start openly distributing music that TD has _officially_ released (like rare official LPs/Cds, compilations of tracks like 'Electronic Orgy' or similar collections) we might get ourselves into trouble. Advice: discuss any trade arrangements about the latter in private Email, not on a public mailing list/forum. best regards, klaus Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35972 Re: Trees and all - bad items list ? braddito braddito Thu 9/5/2002 2 KB 35973 Re: Trees and all - bad items list ? Falcon ppgwave2000 Thu 9/5/2002 2 KB 35984 Re: Trees and all - bad items list ? braddito braddito Fri 9/6/2002 3 KB 35981 Re: Trees and all - bad items list ? John Vertical omegatransfinito Fri 9/6/2002 3 KB 35982 Re: Trees and all - bad items list ? Falcon ppgwave2000 Fri 9/6/2002 2 KB From: Morgan Feldon Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 11:11 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] White eagle---longest version????? >From: 'Chris Owen' >Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 11:56 pm >Subject: Re: [tadream] White eagle---longest version????? > >The version played during the 1981 concerts was certainly longer than the >album version, as certain passages were extended here and there, making the >whole thing a minute or two longer. As for the longest version, good luck in >your quest! From the June 1982 Australia shows, to the October-November 1982 European tour (including the Logos-Dominion show) through the various 1983 shows (Except Fassbinder), White Eagle evolved into the Das Maedchen Auf Der Treppe. The live versions excluding bridges ran 4 - 4 1/2 minutes. >Another interesting live quest would be to locate any tracks (not including >the improvised concerts of the 70s of course!) which TD only ever played >live once. (subject to errors, of course) I assume you are excluding the Berlin 1980.01.31 Pergamon show as this was a one-off event as well. The Frankfurt Alte Oper 11th June 1983 Fassbinder Memorial concert was the only appearance of a two minute section of 'Flying Kamikaze' which appeared on Edgar's solo CD 'Kamikaze'. The Berlin Reichstag 29th August 1981 'Friedenskonzert' was unique in the following tracks were played live: Alley Walk Moorland Weird Village Running Through The Hills Not quite qualifying as 'only played once', but Kiew Mission was played with lyrics only twice live: Munich Circuskrone 9th December 1981 Berlin Reichstag 29th August 1981 and then with JUST lyrics with no discernable music in the background at: Warsaw Ice Stadium 10th December 1983 plus a few times without lyrics (including, according to a fan I've spoken to, at the Budapest 1982 show) You're encouraged to read John Burek and Mark Schaffer's 'What Dreams Are Made Of' website which documents the setlists of each tour from 1980 forward. -Morgan [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: 'richter_arne' Date: Thu Sep 5, 2002 8:31 am Subject: Lou Gentile Show For those who want to archive a perfect digital copy of this show, it is possible to download the original RA stream using the (patched) 'Streambox VCR' software that can be found quite easily on the Net if one looks hard enough. I tried it last night: This program will put a 31 MB .RA File on your harddisk which should be bit- identical to the original on the server of the radio station. You can then convert this to WAV and burn to CD if desired for the best possible sound quality (well, it's a 32kbit/s file so don't expect miracles, it does sound quite good however considering this low bitrate). Be aware that doing all this is not exactly 100% legal in several aspects. Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35969 Re: Lou Gentile Show René Brenner fairway_ch Thu 9/5/2002 3 KB From: René Brenner Date: Thu Sep 5, 2002 9:35 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Lou Gentile Show Well the best quality gives you still a good FM recording. On Thu, Sep 05, 2002 at 08:31:33 -0000, richter_arne wrote: > For those who want to archive a perfect digital copy of this show, it > is possible to download the original RA stream using the > (patched) 'Streambox VCR' software that can be found quite easily on > the Net if one looks hard enough. I tried it last night: This program > will put a 31 MB .RA File on your harddisk which should be bit- > identical to the original on the server of the radio station. You can > then convert this to WAV and burn to CD if desired for the best > possible sound quality (well, it's a 32kbit/s file so don't expect > miracles, it does sound quite good however considering this low > bitrate). > > Be aware that doing all this is not exactly 100% legal in several > aspects. > From: Mark Filipak Date: Thu Sep 5, 2002 9:55 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Spreading Bootlegs Hold off a bit. Let's not start a bunch of weeds. I've remastered both of these discs and created a much more sensible double out of the show with better, more detailed sound and a better disc 1/2 flip point. Let's see what comes of the boot tree. Contrary to recent posts, it may not be dead. It shouldn't be dead. It deserves to live. Please be patent... Ciao -- Mark Who Cares wrote: > > Hi, > I thought the idea of a seperate boot tree was a good idea. I don't > have alot but I'll do what i can on a personal level. So here goes. > I have Antarktis & 20th Century Serenades so for B&P I'll make 2 copies > to the first people who email me off list, will offer these discs back > to the group. If you want one of the discs send 2 blanks & postage & I > will send you a copy back. You want both discs send me 4 blanks & > Postage & I will send you two back. > > Help spread the music, > Robert From: 'Tom Richmond' Date: Thu Sep 5, 2002 1:36 pm Subject: TT2 Database Hello: I'm having trouble getting at the TT2 database. Anyone else in the same boat...? I need to update my status and follow up with my leaves, as I have my discs now. Thanks! Tom ____________________________ IMPORTANT NOTICE: This message is intended only for the addressee. If you received this message in error, please delete the material from your computer and notify the sender by email. If you are not the intended recipient, you may not copy, disclose, or distribute this message or its contents to any other person and such actions may be unlawful. Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35976 Re: TT2 Database Jonathan Holt plantpot_73 Thu 9/5/2002 3 KB 35977 Re: TT2 Database Joe Shoults bigstupidgeek Thu 9/5/2002 3 KB From: 'braddito' Date: Thu Sep 5, 2002 2:08 pm Subject: Re: Trees and all - bad items list ? On a couple of occasions I've seen trade lists with titles that I didn't recognise. I fully agree that we must not trade or tree illegal copies of officially released music, but can someone advise all known titles that are available that should be avoided ? Thanks Toby > Copyright laws are only slightly different from country to country, > these days. Copying, trading, 'treeing', even without any profits > involved, are _illegal_ in most countries. Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35973 Re: Trees and all - bad items list ? Falcon ppgwave2000 Thu 9/5/2002 2 KB 35984 Re: Trees and all - bad items list ? braddito braddito Fri 9/6/2002 3 KB 35981 Re: Trees and all - bad items list ? John Vertical omegatransfinito Fri 9/6/2002 3 KB 35982 Re: Trees and all - bad items list ? Falcon ppgwave2000 Fri 9/6/2002 2 KB From: Falcon Date: Thu Sep 5, 2002 2:44 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Trees and all - bad items list ? At 04:08 PM 9/5/2002, you wrote: >but can someone advise >all known titles that are available that should be avoided ? Hi, all music that is or was commercially available in the shops. (This includes also rare 12' singles like Warsaw in the Sun and samplers, e.g. the one with the 'Oszillator Planet Concert'). A good example for bootlegs that must not be traded, is 'Mystery Tracks 1+2', which only contains rare soundtracks (Flashpoint & Heartbreakers) and rare singles, that were released commercially. Ramon Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35984 Re: Trees and all - bad items list ? braddito braddito Fri 9/6/2002 3 KB From: 'PERGAMON' Date: Thu Sep 5, 2002 4:58 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] THANKS----White eagle---longest version????? Thanks for the info all. The 'Das mädchen auf der treppe'-version has IMO a very flat boring sound. Especially the melody-voice. I like the bellsound in the album-version better. So I guess I have to make a 20 min. version myself............=O) Jan ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Morgan Feldon' To: Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2002 1:11 AM Subject: Re: [tadream] White eagle---longest version????? > > >From: 'Chris Owen' > >Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 11:56 pm > >Subject: Re: [tadream] White eagle---longest version????? > > > >The version played during the 1981 concerts was certainly longer than the > >album version, as certain passages were extended here and there, making the > >whole thing a minute or two longer. As for the longest version, good luck in > >your quest! > > From the June 1982 Australia shows, to the October-November 1982 European > tour (including the Logos-Dominion show) through the various 1983 shows > (Except Fassbinder), White Eagle evolved into the Das Maedchen Auf Der > Treppe. The live versions excluding bridges ran 4 - 4 1/2 minutes. > > >Another interesting live quest would be to locate any tracks (not including > >the improvised concerts of the 70s of course!) which TD only ever played > >live once. > > (subject to errors, of course) > > I assume you are excluding the Berlin 1980.01.31 Pergamon show as this was > a one-off event as well. > > The Frankfurt Alte Oper 11th June 1983 Fassbinder Memorial concert was the > only appearance of a two minute section of 'Flying Kamikaze' which appeared > on Edgar's solo CD 'Kamikaze'. > > The Berlin Reichstag 29th August 1981 'Friedenskonzert' was unique in the > following tracks were played live: > > Alley Walk > Moorland > Weird Village > Running Through The Hills > > Not quite qualifying as 'only played once', but Kiew Mission was played > with lyrics only twice live: > Munich Circuskrone 9th December 1981 > Berlin Reichstag 29th August 1981 > > and then with JUST lyrics with no discernable music in the background at: > Warsaw Ice Stadium 10th December 1983 > > plus a few times without lyrics (including, according to a fan I've spoken > to, at the Budapest 1982 show) > > You're encouraged to read John Burek and Mark Schaffer's 'What Dreams Are > Made Of' website which documents the setlists of each tour from 1980 forward. > > > -Morgan > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35978 Re: THANKS----White eagle---longest version????? dreamsector dreamsector Thu 9/5/2002 6 KB From: 'Administrator' Date: Thu Sep 5, 2002 5:16 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Lou Gentile Show 'for personal use only' dale ----- Original Message ----- From: 'richter_arne' To: Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2002 1:31 AM Subject: [tadream] Lou Gentile Show > For those who want to archive a perfect digital copy of this show, it > is possible to download the original RA stream using the > (patched) 'Streambox VCR' software that can be found quite easily on > the Net if one looks hard enough. I tried it last night: This program > will put a 31 MB .RA File on your harddisk which should be bit- > identical to the original on the server of the radio station. You can > then convert this to WAV and burn to CD if desired for the best > possible sound quality (well, it's a 32kbit/s file so don't expect > miracles, it does sound quite good however considering this low > bitrate). > > Be aware that doing all this is not exactly 100% legal in several > aspects. > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: Jonathan Holt Date: Thu Sep 5, 2002 5:24 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] TT2 Database Yes, I too am having trouble trying to update my status as I have received my discs. --- Tom Richmond wrote: > Hello: > > I'm having trouble getting at the TT2 database. > Anyone else in the same > boat...? > I need to update my status and follow up with my > leaves, as I have my discs > now. > > Thanks! > > Tom > > > ____________________________ > IMPORTANT NOTICE: This message is intended only for > the addressee. If you received this message in > error, please delete the material from your computer > and notify the sender by email. If you are not the > intended recipient, you may not copy, disclose, or > distribute this message or its contents to any other > person and such actions may be unlawful. > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > ______________________________________________________________________ Post your ad for free now! From: Joe Shoults Date: Thu Sep 5, 2002 7:31 pm Subject: RE: [tadream] TT2 Database I'm thrilled that you guys are attempting to make your own updates! Sorry for the inconvenience; the database is being worked on, and is locked for the moment. Should be opne tonight. Jeo -----Original Message----- From: Jonathan Holt To: Sent: 9/5/02 1:24 PM Subject: Re: [tadream] TT2 Database Yes, I too am having trouble trying to update my status as I have received my discs. --- Tom Richmond wrote: > Hello: > > I'm having trouble getting at the TT2 database. > Anyone else in the same > boat...? > I need to update my status and follow up with my > leaves, as I have my discs > now. > > Thanks! > > Tom > > > ____________________________ > IMPORTANT NOTICE: This message is intended only for > the addressee. If you received this message in > error, please delete the material from your computer > and notify the sender by email. If you are not the > intended recipient, you may not copy, disclose, or > distribute this message or its contents to any other > person and such actions may be unlawful. > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > ______________________________________________________________________ Post your ad for free now! ----------------------------------------------------_- To unsubscribe: ----------------------------------------------------_- Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at Tangerine Tree info at Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to From: 'dreamsector' Date: Thu Sep 5, 2002 8:52 pm Subject: Re: THANKS----White eagle---longest version????? Depending on what your use will be... I would say go for it. Being a hands-on kind of bloke myself, in my opinion, there is no better way to learn about (and appreciate even more) a song and artist better than to try and recreate a piece that inspires you. In art school in painting class, that was one of the ways we learned how to paint. Go to the museum and try to copy something. I also know of many writers who started by translating their favorite works into their native language. I believe that bell sound is one of the 1984 presets on the pee-pee g, but there are many other ways to go about it. If you don't have the ppg and are on a budget, and if you have a vsti host, you can also try the dmihammer, which is a free download. Let us hear the results if you wish!!! :-) --- In tadream@y..., 'PERGAMON' wrote: > Thanks for the info all. > > The 'Das mädchen auf der treppe'-version has IMO a very flat boring sound= . Especially the melody-voice. I like the bellsound in the album-version bet= ter. So I guess I have to make a 20 min. version myself............=O) > > Jan > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: 'Morgan Feldon' > To: > Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2002 1:11 AM > Subject: Re: [tadream] White eagle---longest version????? > > > > > > >From: 'Chris Owen' > > >Date: Wed Sep 4, 2002 11:56 pm > > >Subject: Re: [tadream] White eagle---longest version????? > > > > > >The version played during the 1981 concerts was certainly longer than = the > > >album version, as certain passages were extended here and there, makin= g the > > >whole thing a minute or two longer. As for the longest version, good l= uck in > > >your quest! > > > > From the June 1982 Australia shows, to the October-November 1982 Europ= ean > > tour (including the Logos-Dominion show) through the various 1983 shows= > > (Except Fassbinder), White Eagle evolved into the Das Maedchen Auf Der = > > Treppe. The live versions excluding bridges ran 4 - 4 1/2 minutes. > > > > >Another interesting live quest would be to locate any tracks (not incl= uding > > >the improvised concerts of the 70s of course!) which TD only ever play= ed > > >live once. > > > > (subject to errors, of course) > > > > I assume you are excluding the Berlin 1980.01.31 Pergamon show as this = was > > a one-off event as well. > > > > The Frankfurt Alte Oper 11th June 1983 Fassbinder Memorial concert was = the > > only appearance of a two minute section of 'Flying Kamikaze' which appe= ared > > on Edgar's solo CD 'Kamikaze'. > > > > The Berlin Reichstag 29th August 1981 'Friedenskonzert' was unique in t= he > > following tracks were played live: > > > > Alley Walk > > Moorland > > Weird Village > > Running Through The Hills > > > > Not quite qualifying as 'only played once', but Kiew Mission was played= > > with lyrics only twice live: > > Munich Circuskrone 9th December 1981 > > Berlin Reichstag 29th August 1981 > > > > and then with JUST lyrics with no discernable music in the background a= t: > > Warsaw Ice Stadium 10th December 1983 > > > > plus a few times without lyrics (including, according to a fan I've spo= ken > > to, at the Budapest 1982 show) > > > > You're encouraged to read John Burek and Mark Schaffer's 'What Dreams A= re > > Made Of' website which documents the setlists of each tour from 1980 fo= rward. > > > > > > -Morgan > > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > To unsubscribe: mailto:tadream-unsubscribe@y... > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to s/ > > > > From: 'Administrator' Date: Thu Sep 5, 2002 9:15 pm Subject: off-topic The new show on the 23rd of this month is a long time friend of mine, Reggie Bannister. He is also a blues musician. He has a CD out a few years back and is working on a new on now. He has been severely exposed to Tangerine Dream due to my evil nature at parties at my house. I am going to prod him a bit to see if I can get him to say a word or two on the show about TD. Maybe that will get these guys to have more shows in the future. Dale Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35980 Re: off-topic Robert Asmus plastics67 Fri 9/6/2002 3 KB From: 'Robert Asmus' Date: Fri Sep 6, 2002 12:02 am Subject: RE: [tadream] off-topic Shame on you Dale :) -----Original Message----- From: Administrator [mailto:admin@k...] Sent: Thursday, September 05, 2002 5:16 PM To: Subject: [tadream] off-topic The new show on the 23rd of this month is a long time friend of mine, Reggie Bannister. He is also a blues musician. He has a CD out a few years back and is working on a new on now. He has been severely exposed to Tangerine Dream due to my evil nature at parties at my house. I am going to prod him a bit to see if I can get him to say a word or two on the show about TD. Maybe that will get these guys to have more shows in the future. Dale ----------------------------------------------------_- To unsubscribe: ----------------------------------------------------_- Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at Tangerine Tree info at Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to From: 'John Vertical' Date: Fri Sep 6, 2002 4:58 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Trees and all - bad items list ? > >but can someone advise > >all known titles that are available that should be avoided ? > >Hi, > >all music that is or was commercially available in the shops. (This >includes also rare 12' singles like Warsaw in the Sun and samplers, e.g. >the one with the 'Oszillator Planet Concert'). A good example for bootlegs >that must not be traded, is 'Mystery Tracks 1+2', which only contains rare >soundtracks (Flashpoint & Heartbreakers) and rare singles, that were >released commercially. > >Ramon I don't understand this logic... If a piece of music was commercially avaivable, but is no more, why should _trading_ for them be avoided? I'd say that _buying_ CDR copies is the bad thing here. And anyway, why should the music companies be allowed to decide that no-one has any more permission to gain access to a piece of music, by drawing back the releases? I've never understood this. If people want it, why not sell it to them? By just holding them in one's vaults you only support the pirate sector. John Vertical _________________________________________________________________ Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35982 Re: Trees and all - bad items list ? Falcon ppgwave2000 Fri 9/6/2002 2 KB From: Falcon Date: Fri Sep 6, 2002 6:12 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Trees and all - bad items list ? At 06:58 AM 9/6/2002, you wrote: >I don't understand this logic... > >If a piece of music was commercially avaivable, but is no more, why should >_trading_ for them be avoided? I'd say that _buying_ CDR copies is the bad >thing here. Hi, since when uses the music industry logic ? And the industry doesnt care about the fact, that these tracks are long out-of-print (remember the 2CD Poland) Ramon From: Marko Marin Date: Fri Sep 6, 2002 6:54 am Subject: [tadream] Re: OT: Mike Oldfield & TB3 Re: Mike Oldfield & TB3 I wouldn't say that TB3 was too much (The Millennium Bell was too much! ;-). Mike's TB-albums are always indicated a new, fresh start. Tubular Bells - The first album from Mike and first album that Virgin released. Tubular Bells 2 - The first album after Mike left Virgin. Tubular Bells 3 - The first album after the Ibiza-experience of Mike. After many stormy moments we can see a happy ending (The last 50 seconds from Far Above The Clouds are nothing but birds singing and church bells echoing happily.) And I think that the fans stare the title and the logo too much and they don't hear the actual music. He's doing something new and modern as he did with the Moonlight Shadow. And when they complain that he's making crummy modern pop-ditties and at the same time he ruins Tubular Bells... well, wasn't Moonlight Shadow a modern pop-song in the '80s? Damn! I've read too many comments like 'Why don't you, Mike, do something new and compose the second part for Amarok!?' Regards, Marko Marin ===== __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes From: 'braddito' Date: Fri Sep 6, 2002 7:40 am Subject: Re: Trees and all - bad items list ? Ramon, thanks for this. I understand that we can't copy commercially available titles - I would never get involved with that. My main concern is the compilations under different titles that non experts (like me) won't necessarily know contain tracks TDI rightly have an issue with. I can see why there are CDR's containing deleted recordings as it isn't possible to buy the official releases - I have one with Oedipus and Ultima Thule, but I bought the official release when TDI issued 'Ancient Dreams' so the band have not lost out on royalties. I love listening to the recordings of shows, and I'm grateful that TDI don't make an issue of that element of trading, but I wondered if a section could be added to the database of titles containing illegal copies of available tracks TDI don't want traded. Then we can police ourselves when we set up trades - they are good to us, so perhaps it is something we can do in return to protect their interests ? Toby --- In tadream@y..., Falcon wrote: > At 04:08 PM 9/5/2002, you wrote: > >but can someone advise > >all known titles that are available that should be avoided ? > > all music that is or was commercially available in the shops. (This > includes also rare 12' singles like Warsaw in the Sun and samplers, e.g. > the one with the 'Oszillator Planet Concert'). A good example for bootlegs > that must not be traded, is 'Mystery Tracks 1+2', which only contains rare > soundtracks (Flashpoint & Heartbreakers) and rare singles, that were > released commercially. > > Ramon From: René Brenner Date: Fri Sep 6, 2002 7:45 am Subject: 2 new Castle Releases Hi folks, just want to remind you that there will be two new castle (UK) issues released on 16. Sep.: Electronic Meditation (Cat. # CMRCD565) Alpha Centauri (Cat. # CMRCD566) Note that the Cat. No. is different from the UK releases from 1996. From: 'braddito' Date: Fri Sep 6, 2002 8:25 am Subject: Hannover and Brussels 76 I've recently traded for the Hannover show, but I can't find it listed in the TD cover art CD. Is it known by some other name ? Also, the Brussels L'Ancienne 76 art appears to have Michael Hoenig pictured on the front, but Peter Baumann on the reverse - I believe it was PB for this tour, but can someone confirm this ? Thanks Toby Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35987 Re: Hannover and Brussels 76 Matthew Sawyer matthewsawyer Fri 9/6/2002 3 KB From: 'Matthew Sawyer' Date: Fri Sep 6, 2002 8:51 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Hannover and Brussels 76 From: 'braddito' > I've recently traded for the Hannover show, but I can't find it > listed in the TD cover art CD. Is it known by some other name ? It's in the S directory. Stadhalle Hannover 20-10-76. > Also, the Brussels L'Ancienne 76 art appears to have Michael Hoenig > pictured on the front, but Peter Baumann on the reverse - I believe > it was PB for this tour, but can someone confirm this ? I'm pretty sure he didn't do a runner during 1976. Maff _________________________________________________ From: Wade Gordon Date: Fri Sep 6, 2002 2:59 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] OT: AERO concert radio broadcasted IF anyone has contact info for J. M. Jarre I will book him on with Lou and me. Wade --- Peter Ravn wrote: > Hi, > > Some off topic news: > > The Jean Michel Jarre concert 7.9.02 - AERO - > - will > be broadcasted direct on danish radio P3 - > netstream: > the concert will also be spread to the European > radio network and broadcasted > on other stations throughout Europe.... > > The whole concert will be shown on danish TV station > TV2 Zulu on sep. 16 > - their website > > Highligths of the concert will be shown on danish > TV2 sep. 14. > > Concert will also be netstreamet direct from the > AERO website (see first > link) > > Back to deep sleep mode.... > > Regards, > Peter > Peter Ravn > pr@r... & peter@r... > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes From: Wade Gordon Date: Fri Sep 6, 2002 3:08 pm Subject: Off Topic- please see Martin Kasprzak's review of 'The Brookhaven Connection __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes From: Wade Gordon Date: Fri Sep 6, 2002 3:11 pm Subject: Off Topic- Martin K's review of 'The Brookhaven Connection.' Since Monday's interview with Edgar on 'The Lou Gentile Show' I've had numerous e-mail request for information and where Martin Kasprzak's review of the book 'The Brookhaven Connection.' The review is available at the following website: Best wishes, Wade Gordon __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes From: 'John Vertical' Date: Fri Sep 6, 2002 3:54 pm Subject: Sorcerer in Finland & other junk Okay, I now know when it'll be broadcast. You other Finns probably also did, due to all the TV-magazines & stuff, but since there was some interest even elsewhere... It's at 21.15 (9.15 PM) on Channel 4, aka Nelonen. And as a sidenote... If there are still other Pekka Pohjola fans on this list like I'd recall, then, I'd like to advertise the brand new Yahoo Group Pekka_Pohjola (in English at the moment). Currently I'm the member out of us two... ;-) You probably get my point. np: TT vol.13, Saarbrücken part 2. I still don't quite love that Mannheim concert... But I noticed some guitar bits from Croydon 75 appearing at the encore. Other appearences I've lately spotted: -The hi-freq. sequence in Croydon 75 encore is rather similar to the one in the (older) Paris version of the last third of Thermal Inversion. -The beginning of the sequence of Bondy Parade for some strange reason associates with the beginning of Jarre's Rendez-Vous pt.4... John Vertical _________________________________________________________________ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35992 Re: Sorcerer in Finland & other junk Administrator dale1kay Fri 9/6/2002 4 KB 35993 Re: Sorcerer in Finland & other junk Richard zoanne1uk Fri 9/6/2002 2 KB 35995 Re: Sorcerer in Finland & other junk John Vertical omegatransfinito Sat 9/7/2002 2 KB 35997 Re: Sorcerer in Finland & other junk Paul Dryden paulus_d2002 Sat 9/7/2002 3 KB 36005 Re: Sorcerer in Finland & other junk John Vertical omegatransfinito Sun 9/8/2002 3 KB 36022 Re: Sorcerer Marko Marin rubyconist Mon 9/9/2002 2 KB 36027 Re: Sorcerer Falcon ppgwave2000 Mon 9/9/2002 2 KB 36015 Re: Sorcerer in Finland & other junk quarlie@a... Quarlie Mon 9/9/2002 2 KB 36023 Re: Sorcerer Marko Marin rubyconist Mon 9/9/2002 2 KB From: 'Administrator' Date: Fri Sep 6, 2002 4:19 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Sorcerer in Finland & other junk John I heard that there have been some versions edited of the film released for TV and so forth. I seen two different ones myself. Some of the more violent scenes where removed. This might have been done local or done for mass distribution to all communities. The most complete I seen was on I think Showtime or one of the other channels like that. Now that I have a copy of the Keep, I am positive that I need to get full versions to see the whole film of each of the TD films. Wave Length is another I know I seen two different versions. We all know about Legend. Dale ----- Original Message ----- From: 'John Vertical' To: Sent: Friday, September 06, 2002 8:54 AM Subject: [tadream] Sorcerer in Finland & other junk > Okay, I now know when it'll be broadcast. You other Finns probably also did, > due to all the TV-magazines & stuff, but since there was some interest even > elsewhere... > > It's at 21.15 (9.15 PM) on Channel 4, aka Nelonen. > > And as a sidenote... If there are still other Pekka Pohjola fans on this > list like I'd recall, then, I'd like to advertise the brand new Yahoo Group > Pekka_Pohjola (in English at the moment). Currently I'm the member out of us > two... ;-) You probably get my point. > > np: TT vol.13, Saarbrücken part 2. > I still don't quite love that Mannheim concert... But I noticed some guitar > bits from Croydon 75 appearing at the encore. > Other appearences I've lately spotted: > -The hi-freq. sequence in Croydon 75 encore is rather similar to the one in > the (older) Paris version of the last third of Thermal Inversion. > -The beginning of the sequence of Bondy Parade for some strange reason > associates with the beginning of Jarre's Rendez-Vous pt.4... > > John Vertical > > _________________________________________________________________ > MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: Richard Date: Fri Sep 6, 2002 4:38 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Sorcerer in Finland & other junk What day? >Okay, I now know when it'll be broadcast. You other Finns probably also did, >due to all the TV-magazines & stuff, but since there was some interest even >elsewhere... > >It's at 21.15 (9.15 PM) on Channel 4, aka Nelonen. -- Richard F From: 'Piotr Millennium 3' Date: Fri Sep 6, 2002 6:03 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Nideggen programms and some quesitons .-) Hi, Not from Nideggen but from Berlin\ rlin2002.html Pozdrawiam Piotr S. 'Millennium' > > Next: Did somebody recorded Nideggen? > > So much questions.... :-) > > Rainer From: 'John Vertical' Date: Sat Sep 7, 2002 10:52 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Sorcerer in Finland & other junk >What day? > > >Okay, I now know when it'll be broadcast. You other Finns probably also >did, > >due to all the TV-magazines & stuff, but since there was some interest >even > >elsewhere... > > > >It's at 21.15 (9.15 PM) on Channel 4, aka Nelonen. Like I said in that previous posting... Today, ie 7th Sptember. (And remember: due to summer time, Finland is curretly at GT+3 instead of GT+2) John Vertical _________________________________________________________________ Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: From: scfeldman@j... Date: Sat Sep 7, 2002 2:47 pm Subject: The Emperor's New Clothes: INFERNO Well, INFERNO arrived in the mail yesterday from CDUniverse, and I've played it three times, now. The verdict? Gack, what crap! And here I thought TRANSSIBERIA and THE SEVEN LETTERS FROM TIBET were lame?!? I feared the worst, and my fears have been confirmed. To my ears, INFERNO sounds like a combination of TYGER, DEADLY CARE, SHY PEOPLE and Klaus Schulze's AUDENTITY, with hints of or echoes from RUMPELSTILTSKIN and THE SEVEN LETTERS FROM TIBET. Ugh. I'm going to file this one along with JIM & PABLO! :( What went wrong? MARS POLARIS and DREAM MIXES III are both great. Why such crap as THE SEVEN LETTERS FROM TIBET and INFERNO? Is Jerome humoring the old man, or something? -- Steven Feldman - - - - - - - Even the worst 'celtic twaddle' CD sells at least five times the amount of the best selling space music CD. --posted to by E. Alan Meece, aka Eric Mystic , May 19, 1999. [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 35998 Re: The Emperor's New Clothes: INFERNO Paul Dryden paulus_d2002 Sat 9/7/2002 4 KB 36000 Re: The Emperor's New Clothes: INFERNO Synthhtnys@a... Sat 9/7/2002 2 KB 36008 Re: The Emperor's New Clothes: INFERNO Falcon ppgwave2000 Sun 9/8/2002 2 KB 36020 Re: The Emperor's New Clothes: INFERNO Paul Lawler lawlermusic Mon 9/9/2002 3 KB 36021 Re: The Emperor's New Clothes: INFERNO Dennis Nigbur dennisnigbur Mon 9/9/2002 3 KB 36031 Re: The Emperor's New Clothes: INFERNO Administrator dale1kay Mon 9/9/2002 4 KB From: 'Paul Dryden' Date: Sat Sep 7, 2002 7:26 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Sorcerer in Finland & other junk I thought you mean't channel 4 UK!!!! I've been looking all week to find it in UK listings. Has this film been on in the UK? Paulus.d ----- Original Message ----- From: 'John Vertical' To: Sent: Saturday, September 07, 2002 11:52 AM Subject: Re: [tadream] Sorcerer in Finland & other junk > >What day? > > > > >Okay, I now know when it'll be broadcast. You other Finns probably also > >did, > > >due to all the TV-magazines & stuff, but since there was some interest > >even > > >elsewhere... > > > > > >It's at 21.15 (9.15 PM) on Channel 4, aka Nelonen. > > > Like I said in that previous posting... > Today, ie 7th Sptember. (And remember: due to summer time, Finland is > curretly at GT+3 instead of GT+2) > > John Vertical > > _________________________________________________________________ > Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > From: 'Paul Dryden' Date: Sat Sep 7, 2002 7:28 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] The Emperor's New Clothes: INFERNO I also think its not good........... The curse of vocals again!! Paulus.d ----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Saturday, September 07, 2002 3:47 PM Subject: [tadream] The Emperor's New Clothes: INFERNO > Well, > INFERNO arrived in the mail yesterday from CDUniverse, and I've > played it three times, now. The verdict? Gack, what crap! And here > I thought TRANSSIBERIA and THE SEVEN LETTERS FROM TIBET were lame?!? > I feared the worst, and my fears have been confirmed. To my ears, > INFERNO sounds like a combination of TYGER, DEADLY CARE, SHY PEOPLE and > Klaus Schulze's AUDENTITY, with hints of or echoes from RUMPELSTILTSKIN > and THE SEVEN LETTERS FROM TIBET. Ugh. I'm going to file this one > along with JIM & PABLO! :( > What went wrong? MARS POLARIS and DREAM MIXES III are both great. > Why such crap as THE SEVEN LETTERS FROM TIBET and INFERNO? Is Jerome > humoring the old man, or something? > > -- Steven Feldman > - - - - - - - > Even the worst 'celtic twaddle' CD sells at least five times the amount > of the best selling space music CD. --posted to > by E. Alan Meece, aka Eric Mystic , May 19, 1999. > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > From: 'Paul Dryden' Date: Sat Sep 7, 2002 7:31 pm Subject: Soundtracks Of course, after hearing Sorcerer was on Channel4 I reviewed all TD soundtracks again. Enjoyed them all again but came to the conclusion Chris Franke was involved in the Near Dark music,even though it was recorded in 1987. Am I right? PAulus.d [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: Synthhtnys@a... Date: Sat Sep 7, 2002 7:47 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] The Emperor's New Clothes: INFERNO In a message dated 9/7/2002 12:28:52 PM Pacific Daylight Time, paulus.d@f... writes: > I also think its not good........... > The curse of vocals again!! > Paulus.d > *I'm afraid I'm going to have to be counted as a naysayer.... I think Inferno is dreadful. And I LIKED 7 letters.... (One of the few apparently.) I think Inferno is a case of TD trying to 'play above their station' and it comes off as very pretentious... I never thought I'd like a techno (DM3) TD album more than a beatless one (Inferno) Ah well.... Poly [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: 'Paul Dryden' Date: Sat Sep 7, 2002 8:17 pm Subject: 1981 Exit poster A mate of mine has a poster that came with the album(LP) 'Exit' It features the 80's line up standing in front of a silver foil covered door. Johhannes is wearing airman's googles(i think) Does anyone know about this? If I can, I'll get a picture of it for the website or the member's page at Yahoo Paulus.d [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36006 Re: 1981 Exit poster fozziebear fozziebearbeehive Sun 9/8/2002 3 KB 36007 Re: 1981 Exit poster hyperboreauk hyperboreauk Sun 9/8/2002 3 KB 36010 Re: 1981 Exit poster Synthhtnys@a... Sun 9/8/2002 2 KB 36019 Re: 1981 Exit poster braddito braddito Mon 9/9/2002 2 KB 36024 Re: 1981 Exit poster Armin Theissen armin_theissen Mon 9/9/2002 3 KB 36025 Re: 1981 Exit poster Jeffrey Au Yeung tangram80 Mon 9/9/2002 3 KB 36026 Re: 1981 Exit poster Jeffrey Au Yeung tangram80 Mon 9/9/2002 3 KB 36041 Re: 1981 Exit poster fozziebear fozziebearbeehive Mon 9/9/2002 2 KB From: 'Miles Holman' Date: Sat Sep 7, 2002 5:56 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] The Emperor's New Clothes: Another Cynic! Well Well...we have another cynic! Come on it's not that bad. I know DM3 was outstanding and I'm also struggling to get into this new venture by TD.....I think it's actually quite brave to tackle such a intricate motif and there are parts which do move!! How can you slate The 7 Letters so....they are Beautiful! Hey! Who knows? Purgatory and Hades could be fun! Hang in there......DM4 is on it's way? Miles ----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Saturday, September 07, 2002 4:47 PM Subject: [tadream] The Emperor's New Clothes: INFERNO > Well, > INFERNO arrived in the mail yesterday from CDUniverse, and I've > played it three times, now. The verdict? Gack, what crap! And here > I thought TRANSSIBERIA and THE SEVEN LETTERS FROM TIBET were lame?!? > I feared the worst, and my fears have been confirmed. To my ears, > INFERNO sounds like a combination of TYGER, DEADLY CARE, SHY PEOPLE and > Klaus Schulze's AUDENTITY, with hints of or echoes from RUMPELSTILTSKIN > and THE SEVEN LETTERS FROM TIBET. Ugh. I'm going to file this one > along with JIM & PABLO! :( > What went wrong? MARS POLARIS and DREAM MIXES III are both great. > Why such crap as THE SEVEN LETTERS FROM TIBET and INFERNO? Is Jerome > humoring the old man, or something? > > -- Steven Feldman > - - - - - - - > Even the worst 'celtic twaddle' CD sells at least five times the amount > of the best selling space music CD. --posted to > by E. Alan Meece, aka Eric Mystic , May 19, 1999. > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: Liondream@a... Date: Sun Sep 8, 2002 1:28 am Subject: Exit Yeah, mine's in the basement somewhere, along with that little lp shaped like a map of Poland, etc. At least I think it is... Inferno... perhaps TDs answer to Mythodeia. << Subject: 1981 Exit poster A mate of mine has a poster that came with the album(LP) 'Exit' It features the 80's line up standing in front of a silver foil covered door. Johhannes is wearing airman's googles(i think) Does anyone know about this? If I can, I'll get a picture of it for the website or the member's page at Yahoo Paulus.d>>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: 'Daniel Hobrecht' Date: Sun Sep 8, 2002 1:39 am Subject: RE: [tadream] Digest Number 1487 Well, INFERNO arrived in the mail yesterday from CDUniverse, and I've played it three times, now. The verdict? Gack, what crap! Wow, I feel just the opposite, I have played Inferno 7 or 8 times and it just keeps getting better. It sounds like Edgar is pushing in new directions and the vocals sound fine to me. For Inferno I prefer early 1980's into the late 1990's - concert files anyway. So maybe not being a raving fan of the 1970's TD sound colors my perception. Of course I do like 7 letters as well. . . . As Gilda Radner said 'it just goes to show you, it's always something'. Regards, DPH From: 'John Vertical' Date: Sun Sep 8, 2002 6:19 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Sorcerer in Finland & other junk >I thought you mean't channel 4 UK!!!! >I've been looking all week to find it in UK listings. >Has this film been on in the UK? >Paulus.d Oh, sorry for the inconvenience - I though you would realize that already from the topic line (Sorcerer in _Finland_, duh). Anyway, I don't think it was remarkable... The small un-linked clips following one another made the thing slightly confusing. Very pessimistic, too. Of the music, Creation and Grind were very aptly used. The Journey and the various clips of Main Title were OK. Betrayal was used a little 'randomly'... I was suprized that of the released bits, 'twas that. I spotted about 4 unreleased smaller music bits: one semi-orchestral during the intro sequence, one during the chopper ride, some faint organ (but not Abyss??) at the bridge scene and some more organ at the final surreal streak of the journey... John Vertical _________________________________________________________________ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36022 Re: Sorcerer Marko Marin rubyconist Mon 9/9/2002 2 KB 36027 Re: Sorcerer Falcon ppgwave2000 Mon 9/9/2002 2 KB From: 'fozziebear' Date: Sun Sep 8, 2002 7:00 am Subject: Re: [tadream] 1981 Exit poster Paul Dryden said > A mate of mine has a poster that came with the album(LP) 'Exit' > It features the 80's line up standing in front of a silver foil covered door. Johhannes is wearing airman's googles(i think) > > Does anyone know about this? > If I can, I'll get a picture of it for the website or the member's page at Yahoo > Paulus.d Yes I got the poster with Exit when it first came out. It was nice to have the poster but the poster itself was nothing special. Something similar was used for the 7 inch singles they released at about that time. The poster is somewhere at my Mother's with the posters of the *0 tour, Cyclone tour and from Klaus Sculze's Live that was out about the same time. Now that was a poster worth having. Klaus live with the big moog. David David Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36007 Re: 1981 Exit poster hyperboreauk hyperboreauk Sun 9/8/2002 3 KB From: 'hyperboreauk' Date: Sun Sep 8, 2002 7:55 am Subject: Re: 1981 Exit poster --- In tadream@y..., 'fozziebear' wrote: > Paul Dryden said > > A mate of mine has a poster that came with the album(LP) 'Exit' > > It features the 80's line up standing in front of a silver foil covered > door. Johhannes is wearing airman's googles(i think) > > > > Does anyone know about this? > > I know it is sad but until last weekend I had this up on a wall with a few other posters but had to take it down to put some CD Cabinets up to accomodate my TD collection. It is now up on my sons bedroom wall trying to convert him lol The poster as the three stood with a French Airline concorde in the background Johannes is wearing big Goggles, Chris smaller rounded ones and Edgar same as Chris but on his forehead. Cheers Gary Cheers Gary > > > > > and from Klaus Sculze's Live that was out about the same time. Now that > was a poster worth having. Klaus live with the big moog. > > David > > David From: Falcon Date: Sun Sep 8, 2002 11:30 am Subject: Re: [tadream] The Emperor's New Clothes: INFERNO At 04:47 PM 9/7/2002, you wrote: >INFERNO arrived in the mail yesterday from CDUniverse, and I've >played it three times, now. The verdict? Gack, what crap! And here >I thought TRANSSIBERIA and THE SEVEN LETTERS FROM TIBET were lame?!? Hi, ok it's not THAT bad, but they have done better (far better. . .) Lets hope, they soon get off this track and try something new. Ramon From: Marion Horrod Date: Sun Sep 8, 2002 12:40 pm Subject: Edinburgh get-together A handful of TD and EM fans are meeting in Edinburgh to chew the fat. If you haven't been in touch yet, you're still welcome. I will be in Clark's Bar on Dundas Street wearing a Tangerine Dream T-shirt from 8:00 p.m. onwards on Saturday 14th September. Be there or be... somewhere else. Anybody who needs a place to stay in Edinburgh that night, please get in touch before Friday. LnH Marion From: Synthhtnys@a... Date: Sun Sep 8, 2002 1:34 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] 1981 Exit poster In a message dated 9/8/2002 12:01:13 AM Pacific Daylight Time, fozziebear.beehive@b... writes: > posters of the *0 tour, Cyclone tour > and from Klaus Sculze's Live that was out about the same time. Now that > was a poster worth having. Klaus live with the big moog. > David > *It certainly is. I have it framed and hanging in my recording studio... also the relatively recent poster from 'Analogue Space Years' TD. Poly [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: chris towers Date: Sun Sep 8, 2002 4:32 pm Subject: TT2 and ALL OTHERS OUTSTANDING Hi all Chris Towers here, as a few of you may be aware i have problems with my PC, now im back up and running again, so if anyone is awaiting material from me be it TT2 or others please pop me a mail at my private address 'cjtt999fire@a...' and ill get it all sorted for you. My apologies to all that have been waiting and sorry if things have slowed down over the last few weeks Cheers Chris Towers __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes From: 'fozziebear' Date: Sun Sep 8, 2002 5:37 pm Subject: George Harrison I asked this some time ago but there were was no response. In the TD UK tour 1990 programme there is a photo of Edgar Froese with George Harrison, together with Ravi Shankar and Frank Serafino. There are no otehr details given. Does anyone know what this meeting was about? Were they talking the origin of the name TD and Lucy in teh Sky....just joking. Any ideas? David [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: ampmusic Date: Sun Sep 8, 2002 11:18 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Digest Number 1488 > essage: 10 > Date: Sun, 8 Sep 2002 18:37:14 +0100 > From: 'fozziebear' > Subject: George Harrison > > I asked this some time ago but there were was no response. > > In the TD UK tour 1990 programme there is a photo of Edgar Froese with George Harrison, together with Ravi Shankar and Frank Serafino. There are no otehr details given. > > Does anyone know what this meeting was about? Were they talking the origin of the name TD and Lucy in teh Sky....just joking. > > Any ideas? > > David Ravi Shankar had an album out on Peter Baumann's Private Music, as did TD. George Harrison was a mate of Ravi Shankar. Frank Serafino is largely a film composer and sound designer, who I believe worked on Star Trek films amongst scores of others. Maybe working on the Shankar album, or just an L.A. mate of Baumann's at the time. From: 'dreamer77uk' Date: Sun Sep 8, 2002 11:56 pm Subject: TT2 Hello All, 'Mmmmmmm Silver Scale' Huge thanks to Heiko and the backroom boys, as well as my branch Dean for doing the burning. Wife's climbing the walls. Neighbours complaining about the racket. I'm just as happy as a pig in s***!! Cheers, Grant S. Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36311 TT2 Paul Dryden paulus_d2002 Sat 9/21/2002 2 KB 36316 Re: TT2 Joe Shoults bigstupidgeek Sat 9/21/2002 3 KB 36317 Re: TT2 Wade Gordon mindvoyager1 Sat 9/21/2002 3 KB 36419 TT2 Christian Villazón chr_tangerine Mon 9/30/2002 2 KB 36425 Re: TT2 Marko Marin rubyconist Tue 10/1/2002 2 KB 36450 TT2 signup Roy Teale Wed 10/2/2002 2 KB 36788 TT2 tadreaming@c... tadreaming Mon 10/21/2002 2 KB 36790 Re: TT2 Dan Downey djambient Mon 10/21/2002 2 KB 36791 Re: TT2 Fred Yargui fredyargui Mon 10/21/2002 4 KB From: quarlie@a... Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 2:26 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Sorcerer in Finland & other junk 'John Vertical' wrote: >Of the music, Creation and Grind were very aptly used. The Journey and the >various clips of Main Title were OK. Betrayal was used a little >'randomly'... I think I disagree... as it's played, the results of a betrayal are exactly what you see. Unless it's played at some other time that I've forgotten. --Daniel NP: Statemachine - Avalanche Breakdown Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36023 Re: Sorcerer Marko Marin rubyconist Mon 9/9/2002 2 KB From: Morgan Feldon Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 5:17 am Subject: Silver Scale >Hello All, > > > >'Mmmmmmm Silver Scale' > >Huge thanks to Heiko and the backroom boys, as well as my branch >Dean for doing the burning. >Wife's climbing the walls. >Neighbours complaining about the racket. >I'm just as happy as a pig in s***!! > >Cheers, > >Grant S. A pair of Sennheisers may prevent divorce and eviction. :) -Morgan From: 'Yannick EDOM' Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 7:03 am Subject: Re: [tadream] OT: AERO concert radio broadcasted wanted Hi there As the internet link was shut down during the broadcast of the JMJ Aero show, i couldn't record it through the Danish Radio. Does anyone record the show ? If so contact me of list for a possible trade. Many thanks Yannick Edom Mirage Créations Champlain B7 A 101 47 Chemin de Pelleport 31500 TOULOUSE FRANCE e-mail : yannick.edom@s... ----- Message d'origine ----- De : 'Wade Gordon' À : Envoyé : vendredi 6 septembre 2002 15:59 Objet : Re: [tadream] OT: AERO concert radio broadcasted > IF anyone has contact info for J. M. Jarre I will book > him on with Lou and me. > > Wade > --- Peter Ravn wrote: > > Hi, > > > > Some off topic news: > > > > The Jean Michel Jarre concert 7.9.02 - AERO - > > - will > > be broadcasted direct on danish radio P3 - > > netstream: > > the concert will also be spread to the European > > radio network and broadcasted > > on other stations throughout Europe.... > > > > The whole concert will be shown on danish TV station > > TV2 Zulu on sep. 16 > > - their website > > > > Highligths of the concert will be shown on danish > > TV2 sep. 14. > > > > Concert will also be netstreamet direct from the > > AERO website (see first > > link) > > > > Back to deep sleep mode.... > > > > Regards, > > Peter > > Peter Ravn > > pr@r... & peter@r... > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > To unsubscribe: > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > > > > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36018 [tree] database reopened and updates posted joe@t... bigstupidgeek Mon 9/9/2002 8 KB 36044 Re: [tree] database reopened and updates posted Synthhtnys@a... Mon 9/9/2002 2 KB 36033 Re: OT: AERO concert radio broadcasted wanted Jorge Figueiredo jorgefig66 Mon 9/9/2002 2 KB 36051 Re: OT: AERO concert radio broadcasted wanted PERGAMON pergamondk Mon 9/9/2002 3 KB 36060 Re: OT: AERO concert radio broadcasted wanted Yannick EDOM Edom_Y Tue 9/10/2002 2 KB From: Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 7:02 am Subject: [tree] database reopened and updates posted the TT2 pdfs are back up: The yahoogroups database is reopened for business. Please update your status there. I show the following people as 'UNreceived': Cliff Proctor cliff.proctor@m... Adele Outland outlanda60@h... Alex Tye atye@a... Alexander Bjelke bjelkea@o... Alistair Hull alistair@a... Alvaro Pachecol mapachecol@y... André Denis cosmos1@w... Andreas Gottfried herold.u@t... Andrew Prime andrew@a... Artur Stoncel arturo_s@p... Bennett Cookson tadream.bmail@c... Blue Fungus bluefungus@c... Brian Stewart pogofish@h... Carlos Alberto Martínez Salas carlos.martinez@e... Chad Vance civance@y... 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Tomasz Artur Grzanka agrzanka@s... Veine K Vikberg veine@v... Wade Gordon mindvoyager1@y... Wes Antczak Liondream@a... Wlodek Bagniuk bag@a... Yannick Edom yannick.edom@s... Alan Miller alan-miller@e... Brian Walenz brian.walenz@c... Brian Williams B@l... Colin Anderson- UK canny.bevvy@b... Craig Chambers craig@t... Craig Cordrey craig.cordrey@b... Dan Downey djambient@y... Deb H-J dhj4@y... Doug Moon DougMoon@3... Éric Rochon rochon@i... Fred Yargui fredericyargui@w... Graham Speake grahams99@h... Hilary Wright Hilary.Wright@N... Jonathan Holt plantpot73@h... Ken Beal noir43@d... Maciej Gozdek mgozdek@w... Marc Dodsworth marcd@i... Mark Mayhall mayhall@f... Martyn Capel Tadreaming@c... Miles Holman mattou@n... Neil Faiman neil.faiman@i... Neil Jellis neil@n... Oscar Dean odean@m... scott charles scochar@h... Simon Pride spride@c... Steve Craftman steve@c... Vince Vezza VinceVezza@a... Vincent Guérenne vincent.guerenne@w... Dave Brewer deibu@i... thanks, joe Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36044 Re: [tree] database reopened and updates posted Synthhtnys@a... Mon 9/9/2002 2 KB From: 'braddito' Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 7:09 am Subject: Re: 1981 Exit poster I'm pretty sure I still have mine somewhere - unless I got rid of it when I moved house. Like ticket stubs and some of my concert programmes, don't you just regret throwing things away when it's too late ? Toby --- In tadream@y..., 'Paul Dryden' wrote: > A mate of mine has a poster that came with the album(LP) 'Exit' > It features the 80's line up standing in front of a silver foil covered door. Johhannes is wearing airman's googles(i think) > > Does anyone know about this? > If I can, I'll get a picture of it for the website or the member's page at Yahoo > Paulus.d > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: 'Paul Lawler' Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 7:20 am Subject: Re: [tadream] The Emperor's New Clothes: INFERNO ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Falcon' To: Sent: Sunday, September 08, 2002 12:30 PM Subject: Re: [tadream] The Emperor's New Clothes: INFERNO > At 04:47 PM 9/7/2002, you wrote: > >INFERNO arrived in the mail yesterday from CDUniverse, and I've > >played it three times, now. The verdict? Gack, what crap! And here > >I thought TRANSSIBERIA and THE SEVEN LETTERS FROM TIBET were lame?!? > > Hi, > > ok it's not THAT bad, but they have done better (far better. . .) > Lets hope, they soon get off this track and try something new. Well dont bank on it , there`s another two parts to come . Paul > > Ramon > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > From: 'Dennis Nigbur' Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 8:36 am Subject: Re: [tadream] The Emperor's New Clothes: INFERNO On 7 Sep 2002 at 10:47, scfeldman@j... wrote: > Well, > INFERNO arrived in the mail yesterday from CDUniverse, and I've > played it three times, now. The verdict? Gack, what crap! And here > I thought TRANSSIBERIA and THE SEVEN LETTERS FROM TIBET were lame?!? > I feared the worst, and my fears have been confirmed. To my Sounds as if I might like Inferno, then. I have to disagree with your judgement on Transsiberia and the Seven Letters, which I thought were the most creative TD albums of recent years along with Mars Polaris. Maybe there's hope yet. From the live recording on the TT1, I had the impression that Inferno had a certain lack of dynamic, which is something that (in my limited experience) happens quite easily in TD concerts, where they seem to try to keep the volume cranked up throughout. I'm beginning to think I should give the studio Inferno a try. Dennis From: Marko Marin Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 9:11 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Sorcerer --- John Vertical wrote: > Anyway, I don't think it was remarkable... The small > un-linked clips > following one another made the thing slightly > confusing. Very pessimistic, > too. Oh, I tought it was a cool movie (in a pessimistic way of course) even if the beginning (when Friedkin introduces the characters one by one) is a bit slow. The scene where they fixed the trucks was remarkable and the sudden clips from the oil fire spiced up the situation. And the ending was very ironic (now I know why Betrayal is called Betrayal). > Of the music, Creation and Grind were very aptly > used. The Journey and the > various clips of Main Title were OK. Betrayal was > used a little > 'randomly'... I didn't here these in the film: The Call, Vengeance, Rain Forest, Abyss, The Mountain Road and Impressions Of Sorcerer. Regards, Marko Marin ===== __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36027 Re: Sorcerer Falcon ppgwave2000 Mon 9/9/2002 2 KB From: Marko Marin Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 9:13 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Sorcerer --- quarlie@a... wrote: > I think I disagree... as it's played, the results of > a betrayal are exactly what you see. > > Unless it's played at some other time that I've > forgotten. It is heard twice in the movie. In the scene where the man helps Roy's character to get out from the country and in the end where the betrayal is evident. Regards, Marko Marin ===== __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes From: Armin Theissen Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 9:26 am Subject: Re: [tadream] 1981 Exit poster fozziebear wrote: [snip] > and from Klaus Sculze's Live that was out about the same time. Now that > was a poster worth having. Klaus live with the big moog. you probably mean the blue poster (cover of album): not a big moog but a big PPG. I lost (!!!) this poster when I moved out of my student flat in Bonn in 1991... :-( Glad I still have the big poster which came with the album (Vinyl only) armin ----------------------------------------------------------------- Armin dot Theissen at sun dot com phone x19080 SUN Microsystems Ireland 'To you I'm an atheist; to God, I'm the Loyal Opposition.' - Woody Allen From: 'Jeffrey Au Yeung' Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 9:50 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: 1981 Exit poster I have the Exit poster, and before the advent internet, this UK LP + poster edition is a bit hard to find. Now I think its available everywhere. Use whatever search engine and you should find one selling at US$10-US$15. Ticket stubs and concert programmes? Maybe some people may throw them away, but for me they are the gems in my collection. Jeffrey >From: 'braddito' >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: [tadream] Re: 1981 Exit poster >Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2002 07:09:31 -0000 > >I'm pretty sure I still have mine somewhere - unless I got rid of it >when I moved house. Like ticket stubs and some of my concert >programmes, don't you just regret throwing things away when it's too >late ? > >Toby > > > >--- In tadream@y..., 'Paul Dryden' wrote: > > A mate of mine has a poster that came with the album(LP) 'Exit' > > It features the 80's line up standing in front of a silver foil >covered door. Johhannes is wearing airman's googles(i think) > > > > Does anyone know about this? > > If I can, I'll get a picture of it for the website or >the member's page at Yahoo > > Paulus.d > > > > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > >----------------------------------------------------_- >To unsubscribe: >----------------------------------------------------_- >Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > >Tangerine Tree info at > > >Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to _________________________________________________________________ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: From: 'Jeffrey Au Yeung' Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 9:59 am Subject: Re: [tadream] 1981 Exit poster Armin I think I still have a spare of this one. If you are interested, contact me off-list. Jeffrey >From: Armin Theissen >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Re: [tadream] 1981 Exit poster >Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2002 10:26:56 +0100 > > > >fozziebear wrote: > >[snip] > > and from Klaus Sculze's Live that was out about the same time. Now >that > > was a poster worth having. Klaus live with the big moog. > > >you probably mean the blue poster (cover of album): not >a big moog but a big PPG. > >I lost (!!!) this poster when I moved out of my student flat >in Bonn in 1991... :-( > >Glad I still have the big poster which came with the >album (Vinyl only) > >armin > > > > >----------------------------------------------------------------- >Armin dot Theissen at sun dot com phone x19080 >SUN Microsystems Ireland > >'To you I'm an atheist; to God, I'm the Loyal Opposition.' > - Woody Allen > > > >----------------------------------------------------_- >To unsubscribe: >----------------------------------------------------_- >Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > >Tangerine Tree info at > > >Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > _________________________________________________________________ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: From: Falcon Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 10:28 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Sorcerer At 11:11 AM 9/9/2002, you wrote: >I didn't here these in the film: The Call, Vengeance, >Rain Forest, Abyss, The Mountain Road and Impressions >Of Sorcerer. Probably they were only on the 90 min tape TD sent to William Friedkin. I would really like to get my hands on the original tape. . . (who wouldnt ;-) ) Ramon From: 'Pete Dandy' Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 1:04 pm Subject: The Emperor`s new clothes INFERNO What a truly apt title for a thread about Inferno !!! I have just listened to the Edgar interview by Lou Gentile and I felt that any more ass kissing would have been truly an arrestable offence .C`mon guys you had 2 hours to ask Edgar about a whole host of questions (Where do you see TDs music heading ? Can you explain your new Classical direction ? Can you tell us why you didn't`t use the complete orchestra on a hard drive that you mentioned has taken you years to complete ;) ? etc) Instead it was 'Wow . what can I say it sounds amazing , fantastic' ......guys it doesn't`t !!! Inferno is trash , its dog slobber ! No wonder TD do not bother anymore .Edgar the business machine knows they can put out whatever they like and people will buy it .Its like setting up a moldy bread store in starving Africa . Of course people will probably flame me for having such a hostile view of this album , but I feel cheated and you guys who say you love Inferno must do also when you play an earlier TD CD right after it . This is all IMO ! if it upsets you , then bite me :) Pete _________________________________________________________________ Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36032 Re: The Emperor`s new clothes INFERNO Mark Filipak mark_filipak Mon 9/9/2002 3 KB 36036 Re: The Emperor`s new clothes INFERNO Matthew Stringer Mon 9/9/2002 4 KB 36037 Re: The Emperor`s new clothes INFERNO Falcon ppgwave2000 Mon 9/9/2002 2 KB 36038 Re: The Emperor`s new clothes INFERNO, jerome's role, catholic churc joe@t... bigstupidgeek Mon 9/9/2002 6 KB 36040 Re: The Emperor`s new clothes INFERNO, jerome's role, catholic churc Steve stevecraftman Mon 9/9/2002 3 KB 36061 Re: The Emperor`s new clothes INFERNO, jerome's role, catholic churc richter_arne richter_arne Tue 9/10/2002 2 KB From: 'John Vertical' Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 3:07 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Sorcerer >Oh, I tought it was a cool movie (in a pessimistic way >of course) even if the beginning (when Friedkin >introduces the characters one by one) is a bit slow. Well, I liked that pessimistic mood... The sudden demise of Sorcerer was pretty fatalistic. After all that struggle.. *kablooie* But those kind of lil'patchwork stories don't work for me. Doesn't matter whether it's a movie, a book, a cartoon... That's about the only reason why Tangram Set 1 isn't among my top 10 TD pieces, even! >The scene where they fixed the trucks was remarkable >and the sudden clips from the oil fire spiced up the >situation. And the ending was very ironic (now I know >why Betrayal is called Betrayal). Yep, I liked that too. Made me appreciate Creation more than before. With the 'random' [note the parenthesis] I meant that Betrayal sounds little out-of-the-blue... Nice to know the meaning, anyway. >I didn't here these in the film: The Call, Vengeance, >Rain Forest, Abyss, The Mountain Road and Impressions >Of Sorcerer. > >Regards, >Marko Marin Hmm. Yes, I think it might have been Search at the beginning... not a third appearence of Betrayal... I think that most of these would have suited miscellaneous parts of the movie quite well. Though getting hold of the original tape would be great of course :) John Vertical _________________________________________________________________ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: From: 'John Vertical' Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 3:38 pm Subject: Playing Double Has anyone tried playing two pieces smilultaneously? I've done a few experiments... Zeit + Astral Voyager works nicely for instance, but so far the best experiment was Ultima Thule pt.1 + beginning of Fly & Collision of Comas Sola... Great blend. A few other more or less successful experiments were a Stratosfear rondo-quartet (a CD version, 2 cassette versions and an mp3 version, all separated by about 3 secs) and Desert Dream + Oedipus Tyrannus Overture aligned... But DON'T try anything with sequences of the same type overlapping... even if they seem nearly unispeed. That'll sound ridiculous. John Vertical np: Trap Feeling + Rain Forest (pretty Fauni-Gena-ish.. :) _________________________________________________________________ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36034 Re: Playing Double Paul Dryden paulus_d2002 Mon 9/9/2002 3 KB 36075 Re: Playing Double John Vertical omegatransfinito Tue 9/10/2002 3 KB 36077 Re: Playing Double Administrator dale1kay Tue 9/10/2002 4 KB From: 'Administrator' Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 4:18 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] The Emperor's New Clothes: INFERNO Well (other than the usual deep hole). I agree with you that this type of music isn't what I was looking for or expected either. I won't go as far as agree with all the comments. As placed to me a few times, TD isn't everything to all people and what sounds good to you might be not so good to another. I am pleased however that, they are doing something. After all, I don't think there is a single long time group that I liked everything they did. Even if I played it a thousand times. I know, I given Tyger more than it's share of play time just to try to enjoy it. Right now, I am listening to Stuntman. Tyger is placed near the end of my CD racks. I can either get it faster or near the end of time. Depends on my mood. Dale ----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Saturday, September 07, 2002 7:47 AM Subject: [tadream] The Emperor's New Clothes: INFERNO > Well, > INFERNO arrived in the mail yesterday from CDUniverse, and I've > played it three times, now. The verdict? Gack, what crap! And here > I thought TRANSSIBERIA and THE SEVEN LETTERS FROM TIBET were lame?!? > I feared the worst, and my fears have been confirmed. To my ears, > INFERNO sounds like a combination of TYGER, DEADLY CARE, SHY PEOPLE and > Klaus Schulze's AUDENTITY, with hints of or echoes from RUMPELSTILTSKIN > and THE SEVEN LETTERS FROM TIBET. Ugh. I'm going to file this one > along with JIM & PABLO! :( > What went wrong? MARS POLARIS and DREAM MIXES III are both great. > Why such crap as THE SEVEN LETTERS FROM TIBET and INFERNO? Is Jerome > humoring the old man, or something? > > -- Steven Feldman > - - - - - - - > Even the worst 'celtic twaddle' CD sells at least five times the amount > of the best selling space music CD. --posted to > by E. Alan Meece, aka Eric Mystic , May 19, 1999. > From: Mark Filipak Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 4:25 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] The Emperor`s new clothes INFERNO I believe you're on the wrong list, Dano,... er, I mean, Dandy Pete. -- Mark Pete Dandy wrote: > > What a truly apt title for a thread about Inferno !!! I have just listened > to the Edgar interview by Lou Gentile and I felt that any more ass kissing > would have been truly an arrestable offence .C`mon guys you had 2 hours to > ask Edgar about a whole host of questions (Where do you see TDs music > heading ? Can you explain your new Classical direction ? Can you tell us why > you didn't`t use the complete orchestra on a hard drive that you mentioned > has taken you years to complete ;) ? etc) > Instead it was 'Wow . what can I say it sounds amazing , fantastic' > ......guys it doesn't`t !!! Inferno is trash , its dog slobber ! No wonder > TD do not bother anymore .Edgar the business machine knows they can put out > whatever they like and people will buy it .Its like setting up a moldy bread > store in starving Africa . > > Of course people will probably flame me for having such a hostile view of > this album , but I feel cheated and you guys who say you love Inferno must > do also when you play an earlier TD CD right after it . > > This is all IMO ! if it upsets you , then bite me :) > > Pete > > _________________________________________________________________ > Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to From: Jorge Figueiredo Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 6:56 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] OT: AERO concert radio broadcasted wanted Hi, You can download it from Follow the 'Concerts'/'Aero' link. You have to rename the files to mp3. bye, Jorge Figueiredo On 9/9/02 8:23 AM, Yannick EDOM wrote: > > As the internet link was shut down during the broadcast of the JMJ Aero > show, i couldn't record it through the Danish Radio. > > Does anyone record the show ? > > If so contact me of list for a possible trade. > > Many thanks > > Yannick Edom From: 'Paul Dryden' Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 7:01 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Playing Double I've switched between Silver Scale (Tangents version) and parts of Thief! I would think Flashpoint could be worked on.... PAulus.d_UK ----- Original Message ----- From: 'John Vertical' To: Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 4:38 PM Subject: [tadream] Playing Double > Has anyone tried playing two pieces smilultaneously? I've done a few > experiments... Zeit + Astral Voyager works nicely for instance, but so far > the best experiment was Ultima Thule pt.1 + beginning of Fly & Collision of > Comas Sola... Great blend. > > A few other more or less successful experiments were a Stratosfear > rondo-quartet (a CD version, 2 cassette versions and an mp3 version, all > separated by about 3 secs) and Desert Dream + Oedipus Tyrannus Overture > aligned... > > But DON'T try anything with sequences of the same type overlapping... even > if they seem nearly unispeed. That'll sound ridiculous. > > John Vertical > > np: Trap Feeling + Rain Forest (pretty Fauni-Gena-ish.. :) > > _________________________________________________________________ > Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > From: cosmos1@w... Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 7:25 pm Subject: cleaning up my collection sorry if you see this link more then once. if you are not interested just use DELETE and it's gone :) for all the other people: i'm cleaning out some cd's, video's and vinyl from my private collection. so take a look at thanks for your attention. andre From: 'Matthew Stringer' Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 7:27 pm Subject: RE: [tadream] The Emperor`s new clothes INFERNO It wasn't the best interview but if it had been the interview that most of us would've wanted Ed probably wouldn't have done it! What I heard of Inferno didn't particularly impress. For most of us TD is now a retro band, we thrive on old tapes and unreleased material. There is always a hope that Ed will put out something to make us smile again and I'll always be here when that day comes. Matt -----Original Message----- From: Pete Dandy [mailto:petedandy01@h...] Sent: 09 September 2002 14:05 To: Subject: [tadream] The Emperor`s new clothes INFERNO What a truly apt title for a thread about Inferno !!! I have just listened to the Edgar interview by Lou Gentile and I felt that any more ass kissing would have been truly an arrestable offence .C`mon guys you had 2 hours to ask Edgar about a whole host of questions (Where do you see TDs music heading ? Can you explain your new Classical direction ? Can you tell us why you didn't`t use the complete orchestra on a hard drive that you mentioned has taken you years to complete ;) ? etc) Instead it was 'Wow . what can I say it sounds amazing , fantastic' ......guys it doesn't`t !!! Inferno is trash , its dog slobber ! No wonder TD do not bother anymore .Edgar the business machine knows they can put out whatever they like and people will buy it .Its like setting up a moldy bread store in starving Africa . Of course people will probably flame me for having such a hostile view of this album , but I feel cheated and you guys who say you love Inferno must do also when you play an earlier TD CD right after it . This is all IMO ! if it upsets you , then bite me :) Pete _________________________________________________________________ Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: ----------------------------------------------------_- To unsubscribe: ----------------------------------------------------_- Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at Tangerine Tree info at Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36037 Re: The Emperor`s new clothes INFERNO Falcon ppgwave2000 Mon 9/9/2002 2 KB From: Falcon Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 7:38 pm Subject: RE: [tadream] The Emperor`s new clothes INFERNO At 09:27 PM 9/9/2002, you wrote: >There is always a hope that Ed will put out something to make us smile >again and I'll always be here when that day comes. The you're probably planning to get veeery old. . . Ramon From: Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 7:33 pm Subject: RE: [tadream] The Emperor`s new clothes INFERNO, jerome's role, catholic church Who are we to dictate what TD - or any artist - produces or how they do it? It's perfectly OK to not like Inferno, but to turn around make character judgements just because of you don't like it seems a bit rash. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I don't think I'm oversimplifying; if you had *liked* Inferno would you have accused TD of shallow, exploitative commercial opportunism? So to be clear, this is not a question of reviewing a work on its artistic merit, or even personal tastes; it's about personal attacks. I don't intend to flame (or bite!), but use the critique below to draw this distinction. Go ahead and call it 'dog slobber', as that is just an opinion/critique. It is colorful and gets the point across. ;-) You want real dog slobber, IMO? Ever listen to Destination Berlin? Caleb's Blues? I bought Destination Berlin and the Near Dark Soundtracks immediately upon finding them - but I can't bring myself to accuse TD of maliciously exploiting my own impetuous buying habits. Experimental TD albums are always convtroversial, perhaps even by design, as you allude. Did you not assume this was going to be a 'different', experimental album ahead of time? After all, it is a live (any DAT performance notwithstanding) soundtrack to a live performance of Dante's Freakin Inferno, right? How artsy-fartsy can you get? Immediately I think of pretentious Performance Art types, and echoes of the hyperbolic Jocelyn What's-her-name-from-Tyger ring in my ears immediately. C'mon, can anyone say 'caveat emptor' when thinking of buying an album such as this? IMO, one buys an album like Inferno out of an unfiltered sense of adventure. That is the kind of anticipation I had when I opened my package from Berlin. Also I know that time has shown Tyger and Cyclone to surpass their contemporaneous criticisms. So expectations can strongly influence our opinions. I know that when I last saw TD live, I had not listened to anything new from them in years, and was totally not expecting what I heard. I was unacclimated to the (then) new TD, and I almost walked out on the show, except my date, who had never heard TD before, was digging it (haha- she was like the only one dancing). Oh yeah, and the light show was cool. But anyway, with Inferno, I expected it to be as different from any expectations like that concert was, and that I'd have an open mind about it. My open mind doesn't like it a lot, but I'd rate it a 5/10 for background listening, turning the volume up in some parts. There's also an analogy about Stallone movies in there somewhere but I digress. I guess what I'm saying is you didn't have to run out and plunk your hard-earned cash down it before knowing what Inferno was like, and THEN besmirch anyone's character because you didn't like it. BESIDES, you could have gotten the same concert from TT1 for free, albeit lower sound quality - but enough for an adequate preview before buying. (I'll be happy to help you sign on to the Trees if you like.) So please understand I'm not saying don't offer your opinions. Criticize the music in mature fashion all you want. But when you have evidence, like a secret tape recording of Edgar saying, 'Hehe, these fan fools would buy my FARTS if I sold them,' then we have something to talk about regarding his character. All IMHO, of course. ------------ also related to inferno ---- I'm wondering if Jerome Froese was about to jump out of his skin, having to compose and perform Inferno. He only got to express his rhythmic style in it a couple times. I haven't listened to all the past Ground Liftaz stuff, but Inferno does not seem to me like his cup of tea by a laaaarge stretch, does it? anyone have any insight? Another question I have: Inferno was performed in St. Marien zu Bernau Cathedral. Is this a Roman Catholic church? (remembering the Reims Papal banishment) Thank you Joe Shoults > -----Original Message----- Inferno is trash , its dog slobber ! > No wonder > TD do not bother anymore .Edgar the business machine knows they > can put out > whatever they like and people will buy it .Its like setting up a > moldy bread > store in starving Africa . > > Of course people will probably flame me for having such a hostile view of > this album , but I feel cheated and you guys who say you love > Inferno must > do also when you play an earlier TD CD right after it . > > This is all IMO ! if it upsets you , then bite me :) > Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36040 Re: The Emperor`s new clothes INFERNO, jerome's role, catholic churc Steve stevecraftman Mon 9/9/2002 3 KB 36061 Re: The Emperor`s new clothes INFERNO, jerome's role, catholic churc richter_arne richter_arne Tue 9/10/2002 2 KB From: 'njp1971' Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 7:50 pm Subject: Harald Grosskopf interview on Evenin' All! Here at Krautrock Towers we hope you have prepared yourselves for the latest batch of goodies on ! Harald Grosskopf interview - a finer read you will not find on the net! SubArachnoid Space Tour dates and album review Damo Suzuki - a somewhat belated review of Metphysical Transfer Krautrock Karnival Kompilation breakdown Feel free to dig into our archives for some juicy morsels on Appliance, Agitation Free, Acid Mothers Temple and lots of other great bands whose names don't begin with 'A' Cosmic Vibrations radio show will soon be replaced with 3 new shows so get downloading! Lots of krautrock and proggy CDs for sale courtesy of those nice geezers from The Polar Bear And last but not least we are positively gagging to post your Top Ten Kraut Klassics. Happy Browsing..... PASS THIS EMAIL ON AND ON AND..... From: 'Steve' Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 8:00 pm Subject: RE: [tadream] The Emperor`s new clothes INFERNO, jerome's role, catholic church Joe said: > Go ahead and call it 'dog slobber', as that is just an > opinion/critique. It > is colorful and gets the point across. ;-) You want real dog > slobber, IMO? > Ever listen to Destination Berlin? Caleb's Blues? Colourful it may be, but it doesn't get the point across - if slobbering was an Olympic event, our Teal'c would guarantee England a gold medal and he looks SO cute when he does it ;-) Somehow I just gravitate to the slobberiest dogs... Steve - Paws Around the World From: 'fozziebear' Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 7:01 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: 1981 Exit poster Toby said ....don't you just regret throwing things away when it's too > late ? A case in point was in 79 when I lost a far better recording of Liverpool 78 than ever exists now. I No use crying over spilt milk. David From: 'PERGAMON' Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 8:06 pm Subject: Another album---another flame Here we go again.........another album released and the flaming begins.................... Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36043 Re: Another album---another flame Synthhtnys@a... Mon 9/9/2002 2 KB 36045 Re: Another album---another flame Administrator dale1kay Mon 9/9/2002 3 KB 36046 Re: Another album---another flame Administrator dale1kay Mon 9/9/2002 3 KB 36048 Re: Another album---another flame Falcon ppgwave2000 Mon 9/9/2002 2 KB 36062 Re: Another album---another flame Marko Marin rubyconist Tue 9/10/2002 2 KB 36063 Re: Another album---another flame braddito braddito Tue 9/10/2002 2 KB 36047 Re: Another album---another flame Synthhtnys@a... Mon 9/9/2002 2 KB 36049 Re: Another album---another flame Administrator dale1kay Mon 9/9/2002 3 KB 36054 Re: Another album---another flame Jim Moore moxica93 Tue 9/10/2002 2 KB From: Synthhtnys@a... Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 8:16 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Another album---another flame In a message dated 9/9/2002 1:11:45 PM Pacific Daylight Time, pergamon@g... writes: > Here we go again.........another album released and the flaming > begins.................... > *Joe S. made some good points. Nothing wrong with criticizing an album. If you don't like it you don't like it... but come on folks, what is being accomplished by the more childish postures? Poly [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: Synthhtnys@a... Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 8:18 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] [tree] database reopened and updates posted The yahoogroups database is reopened for business. Please update your status there. I show the following people as 'UNreceived': Stephen King sking83212@a... *Huh? Wha? Nnnnaaaaaahhhh. Poly From: 'Administrator' Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 8:19 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Another album---another flame Yes but before it was released, we could hear parts of it off the TD web site. So, it should not be much a surprise. I wonder if die in the wool fans of the 'Who' thought similar things about 'Tommy' or even Queen's 'Night at the Opera'. I just prefer other forms of TD works than this. Like I mentioned, I am glad they are doing something. Maybe if I am lucky enough or change my tastes a bit, I will hear something I like soon. Dale ----- Original Message ----- From: 'PERGAMON' To: Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 1:06 PM Subject: [tadream] Another album---another flame > Here we go again.........another album released and the flaming begins.................... > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: 'Administrator' Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 8:22 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Another album---another flame '...accomplished by the more childish postures?' Yes but that keeps one in touch with the inner child. The one who always gets neglected. rrr r r r r r rrrrrr me gooood earr hearrs a bit of a voice... maybe me listensss to it a bitt.. ;-) dale ----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 1:16 PM Subject: Re: [tadream] Another album---another flame > In a message dated 9/9/2002 1:11:45 PM Pacific Daylight Time, > pergamon@g... writes: > > > > Here we go again.........another album released and the flaming > > begins.................... > > > > *Joe S. made some good points. Nothing wrong with criticizing an album. > If you don't like it you don't like it... > but come on folks, what is being accomplished by the more childish postures? > Poly Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36048 Re: Another album---another flame Falcon ppgwave2000 Mon 9/9/2002 2 KB 36062 Re: Another album---another flame Marko Marin rubyconist Tue 9/10/2002 2 KB 36063 Re: Another album---another flame braddito braddito Tue 9/10/2002 2 KB From: Synthhtnys@a... Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 8:28 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Another album---another flame '...accomplished by the more childish postures?' > Yes but that keeps one in touch with the inner child. The one who always > gets neglected. > Dale *There a reason for that. ;-) Poly [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: Falcon Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 8:32 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Another album---another flame At 10:22 PM 9/9/2002, you wrote: >rrr r r r r r rrrrrr me gooood earr hearrs a bit of a voice... maybe me >listensss to it a bitt.. Hm, yousse met Jar Jar Binks resscently ? ;-) Ramon Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36062 Re: Another album---another flame Marko Marin rubyconist Tue 9/10/2002 2 KB 36063 Re: Another album---another flame braddito braddito Tue 9/10/2002 2 KB From: 'Administrator' Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 8:38 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Another album---another flame you are so right... I knew there was a reason... ;-) dale ----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 1:28 PM Subject: Re: [tadream] Another album---another flame > '...accomplished by the more childish postures?' > > > Yes but that keeps one in touch with the inner child. The one who always > > gets neglected. > > Dale > > *There a reason for that. ;-) > Poly > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: 'Pete Dandy' Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 8:48 pm Subject: The Emperor`s New Clothes etc ----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 8:33 PM Subject: RE: [tadream] The Emperor`s new clothes INFERNO, jerome's role, catholic church >Who are we to dictate what TD - or any artist - produces or how they do it? We are the fans who buy the material and pay their wages , and if the artist is releasing sub-standard material compared to what we are used to , then we have a reason (and a right maybe ?) to say 'hey ! this is bad , give us the standard we are used to' You wouldn't`t go to your favorite restaurant and put up with a sudden decline in the catering standards would you ? you would vote with your feet and make sure the cook knew about it .Well why am I still here ? because the list is not the 'Inferno' list yet. >It's perfectly OK to not like Inferno, but to turn around make character >judgements just because of you don't like it seems a bit rash. Please >correct me if I'm wrong. I don't think I'm oversimplifying; if you had >*liked* Inferno would you have accused TD of shallow, exploitative >commercial opportunism? 'I Box' anyone !!!??? fake live recordings , cut and paste tracks and cheers .Albums with tisk tisk noises. Gosh remember the hoohah this all caused on the old TDI guestbook ? Not a business that takes pride in its products . (Think overcooked soggy Hamburger with tasteless fries , Mc`Tangerine Dream perhaps) > >So to be clear, this is not a question of reviewing a work on its artistic >merit, or even personal tastes; it's about personal attacks. I don't intend >to flame (or bite!), but use the critique below to draw this distinction. no there was no attempt to review it on its artistic values , I was just shouting my distaste at what I feel to be a bad bad piece of music . It is a list for opinions as well , and I thought that the interviewer lashing praises on Edgar was more like the ramblings of a lovesick teenager than anything else , so my immediate reaction was to say ' Whats the hell are you guys talking about ?' Only problem is , I was at at my computer :) > >Go ahead and call it 'dog slobber', as that is just an opinion/critique. It >is colorful and gets the point across. ;-) You want real dog slobber, IMO? >Ever listen to Destination Berlin? Caleb's Blues? I bought Destination >Berlin and the Near Dark Soundtracks immediately upon finding them - but I >can't bring myself to accuse TD of maliciously exploiting my own impetuous >buying habits. Well Destination Berlin and Calebs blues are at the mercy of the film makers that the music accompanied wouldn't`t you say ? But what about the artistic values of Des. Berlin ? do you not have any to offer other than Dog Slobber > >Experimental TD albums are always controversial, perhaps even by design, as >you allude. Did you not assume this was going to be a 'different', >experimental album ahead of time? Certainly not , and it isn`t by any shape or form After all, it is a live (any DAT >performance notwithstanding) soundtrack to a live performance of Dante's >Freakin Inferno, right? How artsy-fartsy can you get? Immediately I think >of pretentious Performance Art types, and echoes of the hyperbolic Jocelyn >What's-her-name-from-Tyger ring in my ears immediately. C'mon, can anyone >say 'caveat emptor' when thinking of buying an album such as this? IMO, one >buys an album like Inferno out of an unfiltered sense of adventure. That is >the kind of anticipation I had when I opened my package from Berlin. Also I >know that time has shown Tyger and Cyclone to surpass their contemporaneous >criticisms. Well the music on Tyger is better (Alchemy of the Heart) we shouldn't`t even mention this piece in the same email as Inferno , and Cyclone is a well written and performed album .Inferno isn`t . I didn't`t have any sense of adventure when I ordered Inferno , I thought 'I bet this is shit , but lets give it a go' and now I wish I hadn`t .Of course everything with music is subjective and I`m sure there are people who like it .Although I`m not sure Edgar would be pleased with your rating of '5/10 for background music' for his epic work that was years in the planning and making .This is the once greatest EM band in the world remember , now reduced to a source for 5/10 scoring background music . > >I guess what I'm saying is you didn't have to run out and plunk your >hard-earned cash down it before knowing what Inferno was like, and THEN >besmirch anyone's character because you didn't like it. Well again I compare it to a favorite restaurant .You go back with fond memories , if what you end up with is not what you expect (but the menu is still the same) you ask why ? BESIDES, you could >have gotten the same concert from TT1 for free, albeit lower sound quality - >but enough for an adequate preview before buying. (I'll be happy to help >you sign on to the Trees if you like.) > >So please understand I'm not saying don't offer your opinions. Criticize >the music in mature fashion all you want. I thought Dog Slobber was mature ;) But when you have evidence, like >a secret tape recording of Edgar saying, 'Hehe, these fan fools would buy my >FARTS if I sold them,' then we have something to talk about regarding his >character. > But they probably would as well :) >All IMHO, of course All IMHO also Pete > > _________________________________________________________________ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36052 Re: The Emperor`s New Clothes etc Administrator dale1kay Mon 9/9/2002 8 KB 36055 Re: The Emperor`s New Clothes etc quarlie@a... Quarlie Tue 9/10/2002 3 KB 36056 Re: The Emperor`s New Clothes etc Gustavo Jobim gustavojobim2 Tue 9/10/2002 3 KB 36058 Re: The Emperor`s New Clothes etc scfeldman@j... losmara Tue 9/10/2002 2 KB 36066 Re: The Emperor`s New Clothes etc Paul Lawler lawlermusic Tue 9/10/2002 2 KB 36069 Re: The Emperor`s New Clothes etc Falcon ppgwave2000 Tue 9/10/2002 2 KB 36068 Re: The Emperor`s New Clothes etc Armin Theissen armin_theissen Tue 9/10/2002 3 KB 36076 Re: The Emperor`s New Clothes etc Administrator dale1kay Tue 9/10/2002 2 KB From: 'PERGAMON' Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 8:56 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] OT: AERO concert radio broadcasted wanted Thanks for the link.......................=O) ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Jorge Figueiredo' To: 'tadream mailing list' Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 8:56 PM Subject: Re: [tadream] OT: AERO concert radio broadcasted wanted > Hi, > > You can download it from > Follow the 'Concerts'/'Aero' link. You have to rename the files to mp3. > > bye, > Jorge Figueiredo > > On 9/9/02 8:23 AM, Yannick EDOM wrote: > > > > As the internet link was shut down during the broadcast of the JMJ Aero > > show, i couldn't record it through the Danish Radio. > > > > Does anyone record the show ? > > > > If so contact me of list for a possible trade. > > > > Many thanks > > > > Yannick Edom > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > From: 'Administrator' Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 9:03 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] The Emperor`s New Clothes etc Pete 'Well the music on Tyger is better ...' ?????????????????? You was on a run till you said that... ;-) dale ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Pete Dandy' To: Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 1:48 PM Subject: [tadream] The Emperor`s New Clothes etc > ----- Original Message ----- > From: > To: > Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 8:33 PM > Subject: RE: [tadream] The Emperor`s new clothes INFERNO, jerome's role, > catholic church > > > >Who are we to dictate what TD - or any artist - produces or how they do > it? > > We are the fans who buy the material and pay their wages , and if the artist > is releasing sub-standard material compared to what we are used to , then we > have a reason (and a right maybe ?) to say 'hey ! this is bad , give us the > standard we are used to' You wouldn't`t go to your favorite restaurant and > put up with a sudden decline in the catering standards would you ? you would > vote with your feet and make sure the cook knew about it .Well why am I > still here ? because the list is not the 'Inferno' list yet. > > >It's perfectly OK to not like Inferno, but to turn around make character > >judgements just because of you don't like it seems a bit rash. Please > >correct me if I'm wrong. I don't think I'm oversimplifying; if you had > >*liked* Inferno would you have accused TD of shallow, exploitative > >commercial opportunism? > > > 'I Box' anyone !!!??? fake live recordings , cut and paste tracks and cheers > .Albums with tisk tisk noises. Gosh remember the hoohah this all caused on > the old TDI guestbook ? Not a business that takes pride in its products . > (Think overcooked soggy Hamburger with tasteless fries , Mc`Tangerine Dream > perhaps) > > > > >So to be clear, this is not a question of reviewing a work on its artistic > >merit, or even personal tastes; it's about personal attacks. I don't > intend > >to flame (or bite!), but use the critique below to draw this distinction. > > no there was no attempt to review it on its artistic values , I was just > shouting my distaste at what I feel to be a bad bad piece of music . > It is a list for opinions as well , and I thought that the interviewer > lashing praises on Edgar was more like the ramblings of a lovesick teenager > than anything else , so my immediate reaction was to say ' Whats the hell > are you guys talking about ?' Only problem is , I was at at my computer :) > > > > >Go ahead and call it 'dog slobber', as that is just an opinion/critique. > It > >is colorful and gets the point across. ;-) You want real dog slobber, > IMO? > >Ever listen to Destination Berlin? Caleb's Blues? I bought Destination > >Berlin and the Near Dark Soundtracks immediately upon finding them - but I > >can't bring myself to accuse TD of maliciously exploiting my own impetuous > >buying habits. > > Well Destination Berlin and Calebs blues are at the mercy of the film makers > that the music accompanied wouldn't`t you say ? But what about the artistic > values of Des. Berlin ? do you not have any to offer other than Dog Slobber > > > > > >Experimental TD albums are always controversial, perhaps even by design, > as > >you allude. Did you not assume this was going to be a 'different', > >experimental album ahead of time? > > > Certainly not , and it isn`t by any shape or form > > > After all, it is a live (any DAT > >performance notwithstanding) soundtrack to a live performance of Dante's > >Freakin Inferno, right? How artsy-fartsy can you get? Immediately I > think > >of pretentious Performance Art types, and echoes of the hyperbolic Jocelyn > >What's-her-name-from-Tyger ring in my ears immediately. C'mon, can anyone > >say 'caveat emptor' when thinking of buying an album such as this? IMO, > one > >buys an album like Inferno out of an unfiltered sense of adventure. That > is > >the kind of anticipation I had when I opened my package from Berlin. Also > I > >know that time has shown Tyger and Cyclone to surpass their > contemporaneous > >criticisms. > > Well the music on Tyger is better (Alchemy of the Heart) we shouldn't`t even > mention this piece in the same email as Inferno , and Cyclone is a well > written and performed album .Inferno isn`t . I didn't`t have any sense of > adventure when I ordered Inferno , I thought 'I bet this is shit , but lets > give it a go' and now I wish I hadn`t .Of course everything with music is > subjective and I`m sure there are people who like it .Although I`m not sure > Edgar would be pleased with your rating of '5/10 for background music' for > his epic work that was years in the planning and making .This is the once > greatest EM band in the world remember , now reduced to a source for 5/10 > scoring background music . > > > > >I guess what I'm saying is you didn't have to run out and plunk your > >hard-earned cash down it before knowing what Inferno was like, and THEN > >besmirch anyone's character because you didn't like it. > > > Well again I compare it to a favorite restaurant .You go back with fond > memories , if what you end up with is not what you expect (but the menu is > still the same) you ask why ? > > > > BESIDES, you could > >have gotten the same concert from TT1 for free, albeit lower sound > quality - > >but enough for an adequate preview before buying. (I'll be happy to help > >you sign on to the Trees if you like.) > > > >So please understand I'm not saying don't offer your opinions. Criticize > >the music in mature fashion all you want. > > I thought Dog Slobber was mature ;) > > > But when you have evidence, like > >a secret tape recording of Edgar saying, 'Hehe, these fan fools would buy > my > >FARTS if I sold them,' then we have something to talk about regarding his > >character. > > > > But they probably would as well :) > > > >All IMHO, of course > > All IMHO also > > > Pete > > > > > > > > > > _________________________________________________________________ > MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: 'tei waz' Date: Mon Sep 9, 2002 11:58 pm Subject: the business of catering >You wouldn't`t go to your favorite restaurant and put up with a sudden decline in the catering standards would you?< Yer right, I have walked out on several meals just in the past couple of months--quite an unusual bad streak at various places I frequent--its not so much been the food, but the service. TD is thankfully not in the business of 'catering'--just look at their menu. Maybe you like your lamb with radar eyes, or your fauni-gena. ;) Me, I'm practically dying for the next TD release (the trilogy, DM4, or something else) but am quite thankful for the TTrees while we wait. There's been plenty of b!tching about the releases as they come out (I know I've done it my self)--and several releases have been pulled off the table for whatever reason--fallen TD souffle anyone? Certainly must be better than anything chefs coldplay could think up. So what was the hint on the lou gentile show as to a possible US tour? --T np Jarre Aero 7 Sep 2002 (thanks for the link) _________________________________________________________________ Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: From: 'Jim Moore' Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 2:00 am Subject: RE: [tadream] Another album---another flame From: PERGAMON [mailto:pergamon@g...] >Here we go again.........another album released and the flaming begins.................... I think some people buy the albums just for the sake of complaining... Oh well, I'm enjoying mine. - jim From: quarlie@a... Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 2:06 am Subject: Re: [tadream] The Emperor`s New Clothes etc 'Pete Dandy' wrote: >We are the fans who buy the material and pay their wages , and if the artist >is releasing sub-standard material compared to what we are used to , then we >have a reason (and a right maybe ?) to say 'hey ! this is bad , give us the >standard we are used to' Like hell you do. You have a right to stop buying it, and you have a right to complain about it, but you have no right to demand anything from the artist. A true artist makes art for him/herself. If you happen to like it, great. If not, then you can stop buying and complain and so on. If Edgar suddenly decided to make TD a blues band, I'd be disappointed, but hey, who am I to condemn his newfound love of blues? >You wouldn't`t go to your favorite restaurant and >put up with a sudden decline in the catering standards would you ? you would >vote with your feet and make sure the cook knew about it . Okay, but I wouldn't go publicly demanding that he change back to the way it was. It's not up to me to determine what he should do. --Daniel NP: Aqualite vs. Xylon - Night Before Launch Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36056 Re: The Emperor`s New Clothes etc Gustavo Jobim gustavojobim2 Tue 9/10/2002 3 KB From: Gustavo Jobim Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 3:24 am Subject: Re: [tadream] The Emperor`s New Clothes etc Quarlie said: >(...) you have no right to demand anything from the artist. A true artist makes art for him/herself. If you happen to like it, great. If not, then you can stop buying and complain and so on. That's just what I wanted to say... I personally liked Inferno and found it quite interesting - it's true that I should listen to the TT edition more times - but I intend to buy the official release when I see it; I can't say I found GWOC and DM3 (have those as CDRs) as interesting as Inferno for example (but they do have their merits), and that's one of the main things I look for in the music I listen to and buy, be it TD, Can, or Ed's blues band. And I AM looking forward to the next parts of the Dante trilogy. By the way, gonna buy the book next Monday. In fact I do like Tyger! :) But I can't say I love Cyclone... But I do find it interesting and sometimes funny and sometimes silly. And I like that. np: Beethoven's 6th symphony ('Pastorale') - seen the Brazilian Symphony Orchestra playing it this year - magic! Gustavo Jobim gustavojobim@n... From: Victor Rek Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 2:50 am Subject: RE: [tadream] Another album---another flame I would like to change the topic and say that Livemiles is wonderful! This is my first listen this year of this CD and I forgot how much I enjoyed it the first time - time 'to squeeze your honey' ;-) Vic -----Original Message----- From: PERGAMON [SMTP:pergamon@g...] Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 4:06 PM To: Subject: [tadream] Another album---another flame Here we go again.........another album released and the flaming begins.................... ----------------------------------------------------_- To unsubscribe: ----------------------------------------------------_- Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at Tangerine Tree info at Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to From: scfeldman@j... Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 3:35 am Subject: Re: [tadream] The Emperor`s New Clothes etc On Mon, 9 Sep 2002 14:03:31 -0700 'Administrator' writes: > Pete > 'Well the music on Tyger is better ...' > > ?????????????????? > You was on a run till you said that... Well, it *is*. Is there anything on INFERNO that approaches 'Smile' or '21st Century Common Man' (Part One *or* Two)? Or even 'Vigour,' for that matter? If you ask me, no, not by a long shot. And much as I find DESTINATION CUT-OUT BIN to be lackluster in the extreme, it is scintillating compared to INFERNO. Steven Feldman [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: Morgan Feldon Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 5:34 am Subject: Inferno + Livemiles I guess I am getting older/wiser. I am not as reactive to Inferno as I might have been 2-3 years ago. I really think with Ground Liftaz and Inferno and things of that nature, Tangerine Dream is straying into musical areas where there is a lot of competition and I think they really fall flat. Symphonic rock/opera is an area where TD has a lot of catching up to do. There are so many other artists who are doing it better. And the same applies to the dance albums and singles. If Jerome wants to embrace dance music, that's wonderful. I wish him great success. But his first forays on the Ground Liftaz label are not innovative. In fact they are about 6-8 years behind the times. My immediate concern is not griping at or making negative comments towards Edgar and Jerome for the current output. In fact, it is my hope that by being given the freedom to release whatever they want that they will be distracted long enough that one of us can twist their arms long enough to let us as fans pick out concerts from the archives to be released without Edgar having to worry about it or dredge up the past. I wish Edgar well on his new releases and would prefer he focuses on them while music historians and/or rabid TD fans dig into the vaults and release concert tapes. I heard an unfortunate comment from someone who said that by recomposing and adding elements to old TD concerts that Edgar gets composition credit and a larger cut of the royalties. I hope this is just a nasty rumor and not true. >>Vic Rek said: >>I would like to change the topic and say that Livemiles is wonderful! This >>is my first listen this year of this CD and I forgot how much I enjoyed it >>the first time - time 'to squeeze your honey' ;-) Vic There's nothing wrong with Livemiles as long as you follow these steps: 1) Remove the disc from the case 2) Scribble out 'Albuquerque' and 'Berlin' on the top of the CD 3) Discard the jewel case artwork 4) Put it in your CD player, fast forward 20 seconds and ENJOY an excellent studio album!!! -Morgan From: 'Yannick EDOM' Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 7:17 am Subject: Re: [tadream] OT: AERO concert radio broadcasted wanted Hi there > You can download it from > Follow the 'Concerts'/'Aero' link. You have to rename the files to mp3. > Great news, many thanks for that link Jorge Yannick Edom Mirage Créations Champlain B7 A 101 47 Chemin de Pelleport 31500 TOULOUSE FRANCE e-mail : yannick.edom@s... From: 'richter_arne' Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 8:48 am Subject: Re: The Emperor`s new clothes INFERNO, jerome's role, catholic church --- In tadream@y..., wrote: > Another question I have: Inferno was performed in St. Marien zu Bernau > Cathedral. Is this a Roman Catholic church? (remembering the Reims Papal > banishment) > 1) St. Marien in Bernau is a Lutheran Church 2) I seem to remember reading that the Papal banishment was lifted a few years after the infamous incident in Reims Arne From: Marko Marin Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 10:28 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Another album---another flame --- Falcon wrote: > > Hm, yousse met Jar Jar Binks resscently ? > > ;-) Focus your toughts in the current moment, not in the past. ;-) But anyway, I must admit that I've done some flaming in the past, but now I have grown a bit (mentally perhaps, well, the medication helps also ;-) and I wouldn't do such things anymore. Some of the newer stuff is great, some isn't so great. So what? If I don't like something, I don't listen to it. Regards, Marko Marin ===== __________________________________________________ Yahoo! - We Remember 9-11: A tribute to the more than 3,000 lives lost Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36063 Re: Another album---another flame braddito braddito Tue 9/10/2002 2 KB From: 'braddito' Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 10:41 am Subject: Re: Another album---another flame I totally agree - I'd rather have TD try something different and remain creative than just churn out formulaic Rubycon version 14 ad infinitum. Does a piece not being overloaded with sequencer rhythms etc. mean it has no creative merit ? At the end of the day, we decide which CD's we buy and we're under no obligation to buy every CD Edgar and co issue. Toby > Focus your toughts in the current moment, not in the > past. ;-) If I don't like something, I don't listen to it. > > Regards, > Marko Marin From: 'braddito' Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 10:48 am Subject: In search of Schulze Having obtained the 'Live' double CD with the music restored to it's full length (I already had the LP, but wanted the full version) I am reminded just how much I like KS's work, particularly in the 1976/80 period. I'd love to trade from my TD/others collection if anyone has good quality CDR's of other KS concerts from this period. My lists are in the following locations ; Toby Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36065 Re: In search of Schulze Armin Theissen armin_theissen Tue 9/10/2002 3 KB From: Armin Theissen Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 10:52 am Subject: Re: [tadream] In search of Schulze I share your sentiments on that... Schulze's 'live' is a real milestone album. I never ever came across any bootleg recordings... You'll find more live recordings, also from that period and tours, on the Jubilee Edition (or Ultimate Edition)... ;-) armin braddito wrote: > Having obtained the 'Live' double CD with the music restored to it's > full length (I already had the LP, but wanted the full version) I am > reminded just how much I like KS's work, particularly in the 1976/80 > period. I'd love to trade from my TD/others collection if anyone has > good quality CDR's of other KS concerts from this period. > > My lists are in the following locations ; > > > > > Toby > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Armin dot Theissen at sun dot com phone x19080 SUN Microsystems Ireland 'To you I'm an atheist; to God, I'm the Loyal Opposition.' - Woody Allen From: 'Paul Lawler' Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 11:11 am Subject: Re: [tadream] The Emperor`s New Clothes etc ----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 4:35 AM Subject: Re: [tadream] The Emperor`s New Clothes etc > On Mon, 9 Sep 2002 14:03:31 -0700 'Administrator' > writes: > > Pete > > 'Well the music on Tyger is better ...' > > > > ?????????????????? > > You was on a run till you said that... > > Well, it *is*. Is there anything on INFERNO that > approaches 'Smile' or '21st Century Common Man' (Part > One *or* Two)? Or even 'Vigour,' for that matter? What album is Vigour from ?its not on my copy of Tyger ? Paul Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36069 Re: The Emperor`s New Clothes etc Falcon ppgwave2000 Tue 9/10/2002 2 KB From: 'Paul Lawler' Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 11:21 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame ----- Original Message ----- From: 'braddito' To: Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 11:41 AM Subject: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame > I totally agree - I'd rather have TD try something different and > remain creative than just churn out formulaic Rubycon version 14 ad > infinitum. Does a piece not being overloaded with sequencer rhythms > etc. mean it has no creative merit ? At the end of the day, we decide > which CD's we buy and we're under no obligation to buy every CD Edgar > and co issue. .I dont think people are asking for Rubycon variations(well I`m not) as a lot of people prefer other TD years anyway .People are asking for the same level of quality that they have come to expect from TD. I think what Pete is saying is that it is reasonable to be vocal about something you feel is not good enough .(You Americans should understand this ;) ) This is a fan list after all , and I do not see what is wrong with posting opinions on new releases , good or bad . I get the feeling that some people are only happy if they are wallowing in TD hero worship . We all have a right to express our opinions and if this list is not the place , then where is ? because I`m signing up . Paul Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36071 Re: Another album---another flame braddito braddito Tue 9/10/2002 2 KB 36072 Re: Another album---another flame joe@t... bigstupidgeek Tue 9/10/2002 4 KB From: Armin Theissen Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 11:24 am Subject: Re: [tadream] The Emperor`s New Clothes etc apparently it was on some exotic release of Tyger. Its not on mine either, but its on the Dream Roots 5 CD set armin Paul Lawler wrote: > ----- Original Message ----- > From: > To: > Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 4:35 AM > Subject: Re: [tadream] The Emperor`s New Clothes etc > > > >>On Mon, 9 Sep 2002 14:03:31 -0700 'Administrator' >>writes: >> >>>Pete >>>'Well the music on Tyger is better ...' >>> >>>?????????????????? >>>You was on a run till you said that... >>> >> Well, it *is*. Is there anything on INFERNO that >>approaches 'Smile' or '21st Century Common Man' (Part >>One *or* Two)? Or even 'Vigour,' for that matter? >> > > What album is Vigour from ?its not on my copy of Tyger ? > > Paul > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Armin dot Theissen at sun dot com phone x19080 SUN Microsystems Ireland 'To you I'm an atheist; to God, I'm the Loyal Opposition.' - Woody Allen From: Falcon Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 11:29 am Subject: Re: [tadream] The Emperor`s New Clothes etc At 01:11 PM 9/10/2002, you wrote: >What album is Vigour from ?its not on my copy of Tyger ? It's from a re-release of Tyger. I think it was supposed to make you buy the same album twice. Marketing. . . Ramon From: Synthhtnys@a... Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 11:36 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame In a message dated 9/10/02 4:22:20 AM Pacific Daylight Time, lawlermusic@b... writes: << I dont think people are asking for Rubycon variations(well I`m not) as a lot of people prefer other TD years anyway .People are asking for the same level of quality that they have come to expect from TD. *BINGO! I think what Pete is saying is that it is reasonable to be vocal about something you feel is not good enough .(You Americans should understand this ;) ) This is a fan list after all , and I do not see what is wrong with posting opinions on new releases , good or bad . *I don't think negative opinions are in question, but there is a point where the expression of them becomes rather adolescent (So can the positives for that matter.) Peace Poly From: 'braddito' Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 12:51 pm Subject: Re: Another album---another flame All I'm saying is that some people give the impression that they'd rather have their favourite TD album/period rehashed (similar to Mike Oldfield returning to Tubular Bells) than give TD credit for trying something different. There is a big difference between the music not being to our personal liking and the music not being considered up to usual 'quality', as that suggests an inferior performance or lack of creative ability, which I think is unfair. Regards Toby > .I dont think people are asking for Rubycon variations(well I`m not) as a > lot of people prefer other TD years anyway .People are asking for the same > level of quality that they have come to expect from TD From: Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 12:56 pm Subject: RE: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame Sorry Paul, either you or I missed the _real_ point of 'Pete Dandy's' post. It wasn't just a critique of Inferno ('dog slobber') - that part was acceptable at least as an opinion. But it's not like Inferno is new to him; he already had expressed his disdain for Inferno (also for Edgar) in his very first post to this list on June 21. This time, it was simply an attack at Edgar, camouflaged in an Inferno 'review'. What's ironic is his accusations about Edgar's (lack of) admirable artistic motives are so far off: Inferno has been in the works for 5 YEARS, and is still ongoing. How can 'Pete' even think that, after all the time and sweat TD has, is, AND WILL pour into it, that they are 'guilty' of commercial opportunism and hubris? How can this wider inference be made legitimately, by just listening to it? Of course, it can't. And every time Dan-0 pipes in, it's the same: he has to come in and tell us how much he hates TD's current output, slam Edgar personally and call people 'Edgar Apologists' when they object. It's like he's baiting people to disagree with him so that he can say this list is an 'Edgar ass-kisser list'. My opinion is that he is vindictive, and for whatever reason hates Edgar, and probably hates me for asking him to leave years ago for his negativity when I first set up this list. His subterfuge using the alias Pete Dandy only leads me to make the assumption he is here for sabotage. Paul, if he had attacked you or anyone else I would have reacted similarly. I'll add to this that I'm impressed with the way list members have seen through Pete's incendiary post. In the past, this kind of bait was more successful. In summary, I'm saying that Dan-0's post was only an attack, not a salient contribution to our community. Joe np: Inferno, liking it more each time I hear it! > -----Original Message----- > From: Paul Lawler [mailto:lawlermusic@b...] > level of quality that they have come to expect from TD. I think > what Pete is > saying is that it is reasonable to be vocal about something you > feel is not > good enough .(You Americans should understand this ;) ) This is > a fan list > after all , and I do not see what is wrong with posting opinions on new > releases , good or bad . I get the feeling that some people are only happy > if they are wallowing in TD hero worship . We all have a right to express > our opinions and if this list is not the place , then where is ? because > I`m signing up . From: Synthhtnys@a... Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 1:07 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame In a message dated 9/10/02 5:52:39 AM Pacific Daylight Time, toby.braddick@u... writes: << There is a big difference between the music not being to our personal liking and the music not being considered up to usual 'quality', as that suggests an inferior performance or lack of creative ability, *Ability? I don't think we'd be here if the issue was ability. Quite frankly there IS a quality control issue of some recent works. Poly From: 'John Vertical' Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 2:37 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Tyger & other bad albums > >What album is Vigour from ?its not on my copy of Tyger ? > >It's from a re-release of Tyger. I think it was supposed to make you buy >the same album twice. Marketing. . . > >Ramon Isn't Vigour a Jerome Froese track? I'd remember hearing something like that. Furthermore, that spiced-up verson had also a remix of Tyger... But which version of Tyger it is on Dream Roots? BTW, is Destination Berlin really _that_ bad? I like my Alexander Square that came with Electronic Orgy... John Vertical _________________________________________________________________ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36080 Re: Tyger & other bad albums Matthew Stringer Tue 9/10/2002 3 KB 36082 Re: Tyger & other bad albums Chris Owen ledjarde2000 Tue 9/10/2002 2 KB 36083 Re: Tyger & other bad albums Paul Dryden paulus_d2002 Tue 9/10/2002 3 KB 36087 Re: Tyger & other bad albums René Brenner fairway_ch Tue 9/10/2002 4 KB From: 'John Vertical' Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 2:50 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Playing Double >I've switched between Silver Scale (Tangents version) and parts of Thief! >I would think Flashpoint could be worked on.... > >PAulus.d_UK Which parts of Thief? You mean, playing eg. Diamond Diary as the bass for the Church Theme-section for Silver Scale? I'm testing that currently... Well gollly... that _does_ sound great! At least if you already have some other background noise... [My original message:] > > Has anyone tried playing two pieces smilultaneously? I've done a few > > experiments... Zeit + Astral Voyager works nicely for instance, but so >far > > the best experiment was Ultima Thule pt.1 + beginning of Fly & Collision >of > > Comas Sola... Great blend. > > > > A few other more or less successful experiments were a Stratosfear > > rondo-quartet (a CD version, 2 cassette versions and an mp3 version, all > > separated by about 3 secs) and Desert Dream + Oedipus Tyrannus Overture > > aligned... > > > > But DON'T try anything with sequences of the same type overlapping... >even > > if they seem nearly unispeed. That'll sound ridiculous. > > > > np: Trap Feeling + Rain Forest (pretty Fauni-Gena-ish.. :) John Vertical _________________________________________________________________ Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. From: 'Administrator' Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 2:50 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] The Emperor`s New Clothes etc It's from a re-release of Tyger. I think it was supposed to make you buy > the same album twice. Marketing. . . I been guilty of having double copies of TD's but never would I ever buy another Tyger.... Dale ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Falcon' To: Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 4:29 AM Subject: Re: [tadream] The Emperor`s New Clothes etc > At 01:11 PM 9/10/2002, you wrote: > >What album is Vigour from ?its not on my copy of Tyger ? > > It's from a re-release of Tyger. I think it was supposed to make you buy > the same album twice. Marketing. . . > > Ramon From: 'Administrator' Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 3:02 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Playing Double I found that sampling Diamond Diary, slicing it up, then running it thru a filter or two, you can get some interesting results. Works well for a rhythm section to a underlying or supporting melody line. dale ----- Original Message ----- From: 'John Vertical' To: Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 7:50 AM Subject: Re: [tadream] Playing Double > >I've switched between Silver Scale (Tangents version) and parts of Thief! > >I would think Flashpoint could be worked on.... > > > >PAulus.d_UK > > > Which parts of Thief? > You mean, playing eg. Diamond Diary as the bass for the Church Theme-section > for Silver Scale? I'm testing that currently... > > Well gollly... that _does_ sound great! At least if you already have some > other background noise... > > [My original message:] > > > Has anyone tried playing two pieces smilultaneously? I've done a few > > > experiments... Zeit + Astral Voyager works nicely for instance, but so > >far > > > the best experiment was Ultima Thule pt.1 + beginning of Fly & Collision > >of > > > Comas Sola... Great blend. > > > > > > A few other more or less successful experiments were a Stratosfear > > > rondo-quartet (a CD version, 2 cassette versions and an mp3 version, all > > > separated by about 3 secs) and Desert Dream + Oedipus Tyrannus Overture > > > aligned... > > > > > > But DON'T try anything with sequences of the same type overlapping... > >even > > > if they seem nearly unispeed. That'll sound ridiculous. > > > > > > np: Trap Feeling + Rain Forest (pretty Fauni-Gena-ish.. :) > > John Vertical > > _________________________________________________________________ > Join the world's largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: 'Administrator' Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 3:07 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame Joe Seems most respect the opinions of others, that is when they are expressed in a more mature manner. While inclined to go along with your belief that the original post was to bait, I still think that if that post was presented in a different manner, the result might have been more a topic to discuss. Everyone here has expressed a view at one time or another. Most of us have similar views as well. I would have to take that post and reword it to make it something I would work with. Which now leads to another question. What is the copyright policy of this list? Reason is, I am thinking about taking that post and using it in a very contorted way in one of my synths. Something close to Kiwi Mission.... Dale ----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 5:56 AM Subject: RE: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame > Sorry Paul, either you or I missed the _real_ point of 'Pete Dandy's' post. > > It wasn't just a critique of Inferno ('dog slobber') - that part was > acceptable at least as an opinion. But it's not like Inferno is new to > him; he already had expressed his disdain for Inferno (also for Edgar) in > his very first post to this list on June 21. This time, it was simply an > attack at Edgar, camouflaged in an Inferno 'review'. > > What's ironic is his accusations about Edgar's (lack of) admirable artistic > motives are so far off: Inferno has been in the works for 5 YEARS, and is > still ongoing. How can 'Pete' even think that, after all the time and sweat > TD has, is, AND WILL pour into it, that they are 'guilty' of commercial > opportunism and hubris? How can this wider inference be made legitimately, > by just listening to it? Of course, it can't. > > And every time Dan-0 pipes in, it's the same: he has to come in and tell us > how much he hates TD's current output, slam Edgar personally and call people > 'Edgar Apologists' when they object. It's like he's baiting people to > disagree with him so that he can say this list is an 'Edgar ass-kisser > list'. My opinion is that he is vindictive, and for whatever reason hates > Edgar, and probably hates me for asking him to leave years ago for his > negativity when I first set up this list. His subterfuge using the alias > Pete Dandy only leads me to make the assumption he is here for sabotage. > > Paul, if he had attacked you or anyone else I would have reacted similarly. > > I'll add to this that I'm impressed with the way list members have seen > through Pete's incendiary post. In the past, this kind of bait was more > successful. > > In summary, I'm saying that Dan-0's post was only an attack, not a salient > contribution to our community. > > Joe > > np: Inferno, liking it more each time I hear it! > > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: Paul Lawler [mailto:lawlermusic@b...] > > > > level of quality that they have come to expect from TD. I think > > what Pete is > > saying is that it is reasonable to be vocal about something you > > feel is not > > good enough .(You Americans should understand this ;) ) This is > > a fan list > > after all , and I do not see what is wrong with posting opinions on new > > releases , good or bad . I get the feeling that some people are only happy > > if they are wallowing in TD hero worship . We all have a right to express > > our opinions and if this list is not the place , then where is ? because > > I`m signing up . Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36094 Re: Another album---another flame joe@t... bigstupidgeek Tue 9/10/2002 2 KB From: 'tei waz' Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 4:06 pm Subject: is Destination Berlin really _that_ bad? >BTW, is Destination Berlin really _that_ bad? I like my Alexander Square that came with Electronic Orgy...< good question? I'd say it suffers from the same syndrome that many of the relatively early DDD recordings suffered--flatness--there's no edge there. Which, IMHO, is mainly my problem with the TD private music recordings. Plus, DB is largely forgettable for me. I'd still like to hear the alexander square single in its entirety--I don't own it. --T _________________________________________________________________ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36085 Re: is Destination Berlin really _that_ bad? Paul Dryden paulus_d2002 Tue 9/10/2002 3 KB 36095 Re: is Destination Berlin really _that_ bad? joe@t... bigstupidgeek Wed 9/11/2002 3 KB 36097 Re: is Destination Berlin really _that_ bad? Jeffrey Au Yeung tangram80 Wed 9/11/2002 4 KB From: 'Matthew Stringer' Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 4:42 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Tyger & other bad albums Tyger is OK IMO, London, Alchemy of the Heart and 21st Century Common Man are great!!!!! The rest would be good if they dropped the vocals. MAtt ----- Original Message ----- From: 'John Vertical' To: Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 3:37 PM Subject: Re: [tadream] Tyger & other bad albums > > >What album is Vigour from ?its not on my copy of Tyger ? > > > >It's from a re-release of Tyger. I think it was supposed to make you buy > >the same album twice. Marketing. . . > > > >Ramon > > > Isn't Vigour a Jerome Froese track? I'd remember hearing something like > that. Furthermore, that spiced-up verson had also a remix of Tyger... > But which version of Tyger it is on Dream Roots? > > BTW, is Destination Berlin really _that_ bad? I like my Alexander Square > that came with Electronic Orgy... > > John Vertical > > _________________________________________________________________ > Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > From: 'Chris Owen' Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 1:17 am Subject: Common Man vs Alchemy All this talk of Tyger has reminded me - has anyone else ever noticed that a lot of the percussion and sequencers in 21st Century Common Man Part One is a kind of remix of the opening minute or two of Alchemy Of The Heart? (Admittedly with different sounds, and with other sounds added) - Chris From: 'Chris Owen' Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 1:19 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Tyger & other bad albums And while on the subject, I think Alchemy Of The Heart is a wonderful composition, with an incredibly moving last 6-7 minutes. - Chris From: 'Paul Dryden' Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 5:54 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Tyger & other bad albums The last 6-7 minutes of 'London' isn't bad either!!! Paulus.d ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Chris Owen' To: Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 2:19 AM Subject: Re: [tadream] Tyger & other bad albums > And while on the subject, I think Alchemy Of The Heart is a wonderful > composition, with an incredibly moving last 6-7 minutes. > > - Chris > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36087 Re: Tyger & other bad albums René Brenner fairway_ch Tue 9/10/2002 4 KB From: Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 6:01 pm Subject: items for sale Hello all, I have following items for sale, if you interested in, please contact me off-List (Please note: Ive been not at home til Thursday evening.) Thank you. email: heiko@o... 1. Tangerine Dream - Zoning , CD , REP 4595-WY , GER , 1996 , woc , m-/m , US $ 12 2. V/A. - Vision Quest ( Original Soundtrack) , Geffen GED 24063 , 1985 , GER , m-/m , no TD music include , US $ 8 3. Tangerine Dream - Canyon Dreams , LD , NTSC , MIRAMAR ID 5171 , USA , m-/m , US $ 30 4. Tangerine Dream - catch me if you can , LD , NTSC , Virgin ID 7427VV , Japan 1990 , US $ 30 all prices without shipping costs. Regards heiko FREE ASHRA NEWSLETTER subcribe here: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ----------------------------- [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: 'Paul Dryden' Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 6:04 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] is Destination Berlin really _that_ bad? No no no I like that Album....... Picked it up in Spain while on Holiday 'bout 1992 Paulus.d ----- Original Message ----- From: 'tei waz' To: Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 5:06 PM Subject: [tadream] is Destination Berlin really _that_ bad? > >BTW, is Destination Berlin really _that_ bad? I like my Alexander Square > that came with Electronic Orgy...< > > good question? I'd say it suffers from the same syndrome that many of the > relatively early DDD recordings suffered--flatness--there's no edge there. > Which, IMHO, is mainly my problem with the TD private music recordings. > Plus, DB is largely forgettable for me. > > I'd still like to hear the alexander square single in its entirety--I don't > own it. > > --T > > > > > _________________________________________________________________ > MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > From: 'Paul Dryden' Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 6:06 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Another album---another flame Mmmmm thats what 'flaiming' is, is it? Paulus.d ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Jim Moore' To: Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 3:00 AM Subject: RE: [tadream] Another album---another flame > From: PERGAMON [mailto:pergamon@g...] > >Here we go again.........another album released and the flaming > begins.................... > > I think some people buy the albums just for the sake of complaining... > Oh well, I'm enjoying mine. > > - jim > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > From: René Brenner Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 6:30 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Tyger & other bad albums The last 6-7 minutes of London are the highlight of this album imho. -rene On Tue, Sep 10, 2002 at 18:54:20 +0100, Paul Dryden wrote: > The last 6-7 minutes of 'London' isn't bad either!!! > Paulus.d > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: 'Chris Owen' > To: > Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 2:19 AM > Subject: Re: [tadream] Tyger & other bad albums > > > > And while on the subject, I think Alchemy Of The Heart is a wonderful > > composition, with an incredibly moving last 6-7 minutes. > > > > - Chris > > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > From: Morgan Feldon Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 6:28 pm Subject: Re: Another album---another flame >From: 'braddito' >Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 5:41 am >Subject: Re: Another album---another flame >I totally agree - I'd rather have TD try something different and >remain creative than just churn out formulaic Rubycon version 14 ad >infinitum. AirSculpture, Free System Projekt, Kubusschnitt, Lakveet - Scab, Radio Massacre International, Spyra, Arcane, and Wavestar all have compelling sequences with analogue sounds. Would you say they are all cranking out Rubycon version 14? I am so fed up with people saying that any album which has compelling sequences and analogue sounds is 'another version of Rubycon'. You really must expand your horizons and listen to some other EM. >Does a piece not being overloaded with sequencer rhythms >etc. mean it has no creative merit ? At the end of the day, we decide >which CD's we buy and we're under no obligation to buy every CD Edgar >and co issue. > >Toby > Alpha Centauri and Oedipus Tyrannus are excellent examples of very pleasant music without sequences. Although it's easy to give a lack of sequencing as the reason WHY many of us prefer 70's and 80's TD over 90's TD, it's not really that easy to quantify. I really think the problem is, Edgar sees pre-1987 TD as simplistic. As a result, much of the 90's TD is overcomposed and changes direction every 15 seconds. I detect impatience with the material when listening to much 1990's TD music. At other times, what I hear in 90's TD makes me wonder if Edgar has forgotten how to get a song from its source to its destination. This is why I very much like the Dream Mixes. While not as groundbreaking as the earlier albums, the three Dream Mixes releases forced them back into the regimen of advancing the music over sequences. Dance music is not for the impatient as to be effectual, you must linger on each musical idea for 8 or 16 measures. -Morgan From: Morgan Feldon Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 6:35 pm Subject: Tyger 1987 and 1992 versions From In 1992 a different version of the CD was released in the USA with a totally new cover artwork. While the title track Tyger was totally remixed and the composition Alchemy Of The Heart was slightly abridged, the CD included the previously unreleased bonus track Vigour. -Morgan [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36098 Re: Tyger 1987 and 1992 versions Mark Filipak mark_filipak Wed 9/11/2002 8 KB 36100 Re: Tyger 1987 and 1992 versions Synthhtnys@a... Wed 9/11/2002 2 KB 36108 Re: Tyger 1987 and 1992 versions John Vertical omegatransfinito Wed 9/11/2002 3 KB From: 'PERGAMON' Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 6:43 pm Subject: 'Burning Bar'----bass-sound Hi Does anyone with a Virus b, had any succes in making the great bass-sound in 'Burning Bar' from 'Thief'.......????? I can not get this &%#¤&%/# sound right. It always ends up with a thin sound, no where near the deep 'booming' bass in 'Burning Bar'...........................can anyone help, please????? Regards Jan Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36091 Re: 'Burning Bar'----bass-sound Falcon ppgwave2000 Tue 9/10/2002 2 KB 36093 Re: 'Burning Bar'----bass-sound PERGAMON pergamondk Tue 9/10/2002 3 KB From: Falcon Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 7:00 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] 'Burning Bar'----bass-sound At 08:43 PM 9/10/2002, you wrote: >I can not get this &%#¤&%/# sound right. It always ends up with a thin >sound, no where near the deep 'booming' bass in 'Burning >Bar'...........................can anyone help, please????? You mean the bass sound, they also use during the end eighties tour (silver scale) ? Did you use 2 or 3 pulse waves with the phase oscillating, and set the envelope attack to 5-8 ? Add a short noise burst (but with a low volume), (sound a bit like tangram part 2) to the sound, that should do it (at least thats how I did it in Reason 2.0) Ramon From: 'Glenn Folkvord - Hyperion Media' Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 2:36 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] OT: AERO concert radio broadcasted ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Wade Gordon' > IF anyone has contact info for J. M. Jarre I will book > him on with Lou and me. Your best bet is to contact bignath@i..., his chief webmaster. Though I believe Jarre will be too busy right now - even after the show - to appear on that programme. Glenn Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36357 Re: OT: AERO concert radio broadcasted Wade Gordon mindvoyager1 Thu 9/26/2002 3 KB From: 'PERGAMON' Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 11:05 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] 'Burning Bar'----bass-sound Do not know about the Silver Scale thing..........but thanks for your tip. I am going to try that, when I get near my synth........=O) Jan ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Falcon' To: Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 9:00 PM Subject: Re: [tadream] 'Burning Bar'----bass-sound At 08:43 PM 9/10/2002, you wrote: >I can not get this &%#¤&%/# sound right. It always ends up with a thin >sound, no where near the deep 'booming' bass in 'Burning >Bar'...........................can anyone help, please????? You mean the bass sound, they also use during the end eighties tour (silver scale) ? Did you use 2 or 3 pulse waves with the phase oscillating, and set the envelope attack to 5-8 ? Add a short noise burst (but with a low volume), (sound a bit like tangram part 2) to the sound, that should do it (at least thats how I did it in Reason 2.0) Ramon ----------------------------------------------------_- To unsubscribe: ----------------------------------------------------_- Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at Tangerine Tree info at Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to From: Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 11:43 pm Subject: RE: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame haha - use it! Joe > -----Original Message----- > From: Administrator [mailto:admin@k...] > list? Reason is, I am thinking about taking that post and using > it in a very > contorted way in one of my synths. Something close to Kiwi Mission.... > Dale From: Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 12:00 am Subject: RE: [tadream] is Destination Berlin really _that_ bad? Well, when I said 'slobber' about DB, I was using hyperbole to draw a distinction between colorful critique and slander. I do like 2/9 songs on DB (it has 10 tracks, but Alexander Square, the weakest one, IMO, appears twice). The two songs I like are Brandenburg Gate, and Berlin Summer Nights to a lesser extent. I actually like some of the sequences used throughout other songs, I mean some of the original ones that are not leftover from Optical Race (which I like very much, BTW), but they take those neat sequences and apply simple, single-finger chord changes to them, and lose me. Just my opinion. Joe > -----Original Message----- > From: tei waz [mailto:teiwazbarana@h...] > Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 12:06 PM > To: > Subject: [tadream] is Destination Berlin really _that_ bad? > > > >BTW, is Destination Berlin really _that_ bad? I like my Alexander Square > that came with Electronic Orgy...< > > From: scfeldman@j... Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 3:18 am Subject: Berlin Summer Nights and Mothers of Rain (was is Destination Berlin really _that_ bad?) On Tue, 10 Sep 2002 20:00:08 -0400 writes: >The two songs I like are Brandenburg Gate, and Berlin Summer >Nights to a lesser extent. I agree with these two choices, completely. The latter, 'Berlin Summer Nights,' strikes me as a stripped down version of 'Mothers of Rain,' oddly enough. Anyone else here find these two tracks similar? Also, anybody ever hear the 12' version of 'Alexander Square'? It's sorta disco-ey and pretty snappy! (It's Track 15 on Disc 3 of ELECTRONIC ORGY; and for inquiring minds who want to know, I own a copy of the CD single which has the 12' version on it. So there.) Stephe Feldman, androgyne listowner Androgyne Online webmaster [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: 'Jeffrey Au Yeung' Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 3:46 am Subject: Re: [tadream] is Destination Berlin really _that_ bad? I travelled in Southern Spain (Andalucia) in 1993 and heard 'Alexander Square' as a radio trailor during a stay in Granada ;-) Jeffrey >From: 'Paul Dryden' >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: Re: [tadream] is Destination Berlin really _that_ bad? >Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 19:04:59 +0100 > >No no no I like that Album....... >Picked it up in Spain while on Holiday 'bout 1992 >Paulus.d > >----- Original Message ----- >From: 'tei waz' >To: >Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 5:06 PM >Subject: [tadream] is Destination Berlin really _that_ bad? > > > > >BTW, is Destination Berlin really _that_ bad? I like my Alexander >Square > > that came with Electronic Orgy...< > > > > good question? I'd say it suffers from the same syndrome that many of >the > > relatively early DDD recordings suffered--flatness--there's no edge >there. > > Which, IMHO, is mainly my problem with the TD private music recordings. > > Plus, DB is largely forgettable for me. > > > > I'd still like to hear the alexander square single in its entirety--I >don't > > own it. > > > > --T > > > > > > > > > > _________________________________________________________________ > > MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: > > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > > > > > > > >----------------------------------------------------_- >To unsubscribe: >----------------------------------------------------_- >Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > >Tangerine Tree info at > > >Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > _________________________________________________________________ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: From: Mark Filipak Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 7:24 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Tyger 1987 and 1992 versions Hi All! Morgan Feldon wrote: > > From > > In 1992 a different version of the CD was released in the USA with a > totally new cover artwork. While the title track Tyger was totally > remixed and the composition Alchemy Of The Heart was slightly > abridged, the CD included the previously unreleased bonus track Vigour. I thought I'd add a little more detail for people who have only one version of one of my favorite TD albums. (...well, okay, a lot more detail...) As noted below, the 1992 issue of 'Tyger', which was also released in the UK by Essential, includes a reworked version of the title tune -- on 'Dream Roots' it is named 'Tyger (Jungle Mystery Song)'. Also, the noted sections of 'London', 'Alchemy of the Heart', and all of 'Smile' were altered, mostly by speeding them up and adding instrument overdubs, and I believe the versions on 'Dream Roots' are also those altered versions. Finally, Jerome's 'Vigor' was added as a bonus track. I like the 1987 album better as Ms. Smith's voice is rich and warm. The sped up versions are not so 'earthy' to my ears -- no slam on Whitney Houston intended. Contrary to most, I guess, I really like the vocals ... on both versions. 'Vigor' is fairly forgettable and if you don't have it, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it if I were you. *I* think that '21st Century Common Man' is the weakest offering. When I make a TD sampler for friends I always include the original of 'Alchemy of the Heart', which *I* think is one of TD's masterworks. Ciao -- Mark ________________________________________________________________________ Tyger 1987 [Feb 87] - EF+CF+PH 1a Tyger [0:31] 3b Alchemy of the Heart 1b Tyger
[5:01] [2:52] 1c Tyger [0:16] 3c Alchemy of the Heart 2a London (The Dungeon) [8:09] [6:16] 2b London [1:33] 4 Smile [6:12] (vocal) 2c London (Rotton Row Patriot) 5 21st Century Common Man Pt.1 [4:43] [4:49] 3a Alchemy of the Heart 6 21st Century Common Man Pt.2 [3:16] [4:02] _______ 7 Tyger [4:26] %(1b - early fade) __/ Notes \___________________________________________________________ Key: % excerpt. Actual times: 1 - 6 from Caroline, CD 1341; 7 from Jive, T 143. All vocals by Jocelyn Bernadette Smith. Segs 2a & 2c identified on 'The Dream Roots Collection'. Also see remix versions: Tyger 1992. __________________ __/ Recordings - AAA \________________________________________________ 7' - Segs 7 / 6 as 'Tyger'/'21st Century Common Man' [1987] Jive (GB) 143 [1987] Jive/Zomba (DE) 6.14856 AC [1987] Jive/Weesp (NL) 145.326 12' - Segs 1 / 6, 7 as 'Tyger' [1987] Jive (GB) T 143 [1987] Jive/Zomba (DE) 6.20791 AE LP - Segs 1, 2 / 3, 4 as 'Tyger' [1987] Jive (CA,GB) HIP 47 [1987] Jive/CBS (IL) HIP 47-1 [1987] Caroline/Mortal (US) 1341 [1987] Jive/Messaggeri Musicali [1987] Jive/Teldec (DE) (IT) ZL 71511 C-6.26 475 [1987] Jive (GR) 40021 [1987] Jive/Teldec (DE) 6.26 478 [1988] Jive/Alfa (JP) ALI-28084 [1987] Jive (NL) 656.093 MC - Segs 1, 2 / 3, 4 as 'Tyger' [1987] Jive (CA,GB) HIPC 47 [1987] Jive (NL) 856.093 [1987] Caroline/Mortal (US) [1987] Jive/Messaggeri Musicali MC 1341 (IT) ZK 71511 [1987] Jive/Teldec (DE) 4.26 475 [1997] Metal Mind (PL) CAST 0026 __________________ __/ Recordings - AAD \________________________________________________ CD - Segs 1 - 6 as 'Tyger' [1987] Jive (GB) CHIP 47 [1987] Jive (NL) 100.097 [1987] Jive/Teldec [1988] Jive/Alfa (DE) 8.26475 ZP (JP) ALFA 32XB-224 CD - Segs 1 - 6 as 'Tyger' [1987] Caroline (US/AT) CD 1341 (Notice: CDs spindle marked 'MADE BY KOCH CDM02' are mislabeled discs and are not TD!) __________________ __/ Recordings - ??D \________________________________________________ CD - Segs ? as 'Tyger' (unknown cover) [19??] Wotre (?FR?) ?catalog#? (does this exist?) ________________________________________________________________________ Vigour [?month? 92] - JF Vigour [4:56] __________________ __/ Recordings - DDD \________________________________________________ See Tyger 1992. ________________________________________________________________________ Tyger 1992 [?month? 92] - EF+JF 1a Tyger (Jungle Mystery Song) 2c London (Rotton Row Patriot) [0:29] [4:43] +(Tyger 1987 2c; 1b Tyger (Jungle Mystery Song) brighter hi-hat)
[4:44] @&+(Tyger 3a Alchemy of the Heart 1987 1b; sped up; echo added; [2:55] @%(Tyger 1987 3a; cut back-beat, wood block overdubs) intro & sped up) 4 Smile [5:54] @(Tyger 1987 4; _______ sped up) __/ Notes \___________________________________________________________ Key: @ edit, % excerpt, & remix, + overdub. Also see original versions: Tyger 1987. Actual times fr Relativity, 88561-1055-2. More prominent percussion distinguishes all 1992 reworks. Percussion overdubs in 1 are very pronounced. Most fans who stated a preference prefer the original version. Though they sound fine, when compared to the originals the sped up vocals sound more like Whitney Houston. __________________ __/ Recordings - ADD \________________________________________________ CD - Segs 1, (Tyger 1987 2a)+(Tyger 1987 2b)+2c, 3a+(Tyger 1987 3b) +(Tyger 1987 3c), 4, (Tyger 1987 5), (Tyger 1987 6), 'Vigor' as 'Tyger' [1992] Rel. (US) 88561-1055-2 [1996] Sequel (US) 1048-2 [1996] Ess. (GB) ESM 367 ________________________________________________________________________ From: Mark Filipak Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 7:44 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame Howdy fellow Dreamers! Morgan Feldon wrote: > > I really think the problem is, Edgar sees pre-1987 TD as simplistic. > As a result, much of the 90's TD is overcomposed and changes direction > every 15 seconds. I detect impatience with the material when listening > to much 1990's TD music. At other times, what I hear in 90's TD makes > me wonder if Edgar has forgotten how to get a song from its source to > its destination. Well put, Morgan! I totally agree. Edgar has stated that he was frustrated with the available equipment and couldn't really produce the type of songs he wanted until the 90s. It all makes me wonder how much of the 'classic TD sound' was accidental or unintended. I guess we will never know whether it was Chris' influence or the speed and reliability of the synths and sequencers or a combination of the two ... hm... suppose it was probably a combination. There was a thread a few months ago about 'less being more'. I suppose that argument would be lost on Edgar these days. Cheers, and keep the 2 cents. -- Mark From: Synthhtnys@a... Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 7:46 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Tyger 1987 and 1992 versions In a message dated 9/11/02 12:25:21 AM Pacific Daylight Time, filipak@m... writes: << When I make a TD sampler for friends I always include the original of 'Alchemy of the Heart', which *I* think is one of TD's masterworks. Ciao -- Mark >> *It's a good 'un alright... I had overlooked this album for a long time but have recently picked up a copy and have found that it DOES contain some very nice instrumental moments. Poly From: 'John Vertical' Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 8:37 am Subject: RE: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame >haha - use it! > >Joe > > > Reason is, I am thinking about taking that post and using > > it in a very > > contorted way in one of my synths. Something close to Kiwi Mission.... > > Dale Kiwi Mission? :D 'Apricots, annonas, persimons./ flaming pears/ amids pineapples./ There's some fruitcake/ somewhere on this list.../ frosting's gone bananas/ icing reigns.../' Just a random burst of inspiration. ;) John Vertical _________________________________________________________________ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: From: 'John Vertical' Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 8:43 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Jarre stuff Great site! I found, besides Aero and other concerts, also (low quality) mp3s of other Jarre rarities such as Music For Supermarkets! But now I have a haunting problem. The nearly neolithic 69 entré (Le Luna or something) certainly has a sequence! Yes, it's hand-made, primitive, but certainly a sequence. Tape loops don't modulate AFAIK. I think about everyone here thought that Phaedra (or Astral Voyager) had the world's first sequence... :O I'm sure someone can give an explanation...? John Vertical _________________________________________________________________ Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36105 Re: Jarre stuff Gustavo Jobim gustavojobim2 Wed 9/11/2002 3 KB 36106 Re: Jarre stuff John Vertical omegatransfinito Wed 9/11/2002 3 KB 36143 Re: Crusade Marko Marin rubyconist Thu 9/12/2002 2 KB 36145 Re: Crusade Matthew Sawyer matthewsawyer Thu 9/12/2002 3 KB 36155 Re: Crusade Administrator dale1kay Thu 9/12/2002 4 KB 36183 Re: Crusade Miguel Farah miguelbraxtonfarah Sun 9/15/2002 2 KB 36113 Re: Jarre stuff Matthew Stringer Wed 9/11/2002 4 KB 36114 Re: Jarre stuff Matthew Stringer Wed 9/11/2002 3 KB 36123 Re: Jarre stuff Marcel Engels mars103nl Wed 9/11/2002 2 KB From: 'Matthew Stringer' Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 9:00 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame Most of the 90's + music is much easier to play than the older stuff so I'm not sure about that argument. I think the reason the music changes more is the compositional methods used these days. In the old days they would hit record on the multi-track and start playing, these days everything is done by mouse. Matt ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Mark Filipak' To: Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 8:44 AM Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame > Howdy fellow Dreamers! > > Morgan Feldon wrote: > > > > I really think the problem is, Edgar sees pre-1987 TD as simplistic. > > As a result, much of the 90's TD is overcomposed and changes direction > > every 15 seconds. I detect impatience with the material when listening > > to much 1990's TD music. At other times, what I hear in 90's TD makes > > me wonder if Edgar has forgotten how to get a song from its source to > > its destination. > > Well put, Morgan! I totally agree. Edgar has stated that he was > frustrated with the available equipment and couldn't really produce the > type of songs he wanted until the 90s. It all makes me wonder how much of > the 'classic TD sound' was accidental or unintended. I guess we will > never know whether it was Chris' influence or the speed and reliability > of the synths and sequencers or a combination of the two ... hm... > suppose it was probably a combination. > > There was a thread a few months ago about 'less being more'. I suppose > that argument would be lost on Edgar these days. > > Cheers, and keep the 2 cents. -- Mark > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > From: Synthhtnys@a... Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 9:15 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame In a message dated 9/11/02 1:48:36 AM Pacific Daylight Time, qube@f... writes: << In the old days they would hit record on the multi-track and start playing, these days everything is done by mouse. Matt >> *Mmmmm this is getting dangerously close to the 'Computer is the problem' (Or Korg Keyboards or whatever) argument which I don't think is the case ... it all depends on how you approach it. The tool is neutral. A computer could be used the exact same way as a multitrack recorder... IMO it's more a case of quantity over quality... some of the releases seem rushed to me. Poly From: Gustavo Jobim Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 6:18 pm Subject: Re: Jarre stuff > But now I have a haunting problem. The nearly neolithic 69 entré (Le Luna or > something) certainly has a sequence! Yes, it's hand-made, primitive, but > certainly a sequence. Tape loops don't modulate AFAIK. I think about > everyone here thought that Phaedra (or Astral Voyager) had the world's first > sequence... :O > I'm sure someone can give an explanation...? > John Vertical Well as far as I remember, La Cage (1971) doesn't have any sequence... It's all hand made electroacoustic stuff, with some drums even. I haven't played that single (side B is Eros Machine, classic track, elements of it were used in Chronologie part 2) in a looong time, by the way. Now, neolithic? :) Then you probably haven't heard things such as, say... Edgard Varèse's Poème Electronique, from 1958. Very nice. Sometimes it reminds me of Alpha Centauri. It was made for the Philips pavillion in Brussels, with a LOT of speakers all around the audience, 360º. Electronic sounds and tones and stuff coming out of everywhere when you least expected them. What an experience must have been to listen to that! My father was 3 years old then. :-\ Gustavo Jobim gustavojobim@n... From: 'John Vertical' Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 12:00 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Jarre stuff > > But now I have a haunting problem. The nearly neolithic 69 entré (Le >Luna or > > something) certainly has a sequence! Yes, it's hand-made, primitive, but > > certainly a sequence. Tape loops don't modulate AFAIK. I think about > > everyone here thought that Phaedra (or Astral Voyager) had the world's >first > > sequence... :O > > I'm sure someone can give an explanation...? > > John Vertical > >Well as far as I remember, La Cage (1971) doesn't have any sequence... It's >all hand made electroacoustic stuff, with some drums even. I haven't played >that single (side B is Eros Machine, classic track, elements of it were >used >in Chronologie part 2) in a looong time, by the way. Yep, Eros Machine sounds quite a bit like Chronologie pt.2. But La Cage certainly has something that at least sounds like a sequence... I know well that it can't have one, and that's exactly the problem! If someone else wants to test this track: see and click on 'Discography'... (And what year is it really from, anyway? This site I just found says it's 69, released on 70... not 71...) John Vertical _________________________________________________________________ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36143 Re: Crusade Marko Marin rubyconist Thu 9/12/2002 2 KB 36145 Re: Crusade Matthew Sawyer matthewsawyer Thu 9/12/2002 3 KB 36155 Re: Crusade Administrator dale1kay Thu 9/12/2002 4 KB 36183 Re: Crusade Miguel Farah miguelbraxtonfarah Sun 9/15/2002 2 KB From: 'John Vertical' Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 12:15 pm Subject: Horns of Doom question The versions of Horns of Doom on TT vol.14 and Electronic Orgy are slightly different... I saw somewhere a mention that there was some cut-and-pasting in the latter, but where did this new section (some bass-centric one) come from? Was this piece different during other tours or did Edgar add some new stuff? John Vertical _________________________________________________________________ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: From: 'John Vertical' Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 12:26 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Tyger 1987 and 1992 versions >I like the 1987 album better as Ms. Smith's voice is rich and warm. The >sped up versions are not so 'earthy' to my ears -- no slam on Whitney >Houston intended. Contrary to most, I guess, I really like the vocals ... >on both versions. 'Vigor' is fairly forgettable and if you don't have it, >I wouldn't lose any sleep over it if I were you. *I* think that '21st >Century Common Man' is the weakest offering. When I make a TD sampler for >friends I always include the original of 'Alchemy of the Heart', which >*I* think is one of TD's masterworks. > >Ciao -- Mark Thanks for a great Tyger info message, Mark! I've apparently only heard the remixed version, then - I think I could consider buying the unremixed version... if I find it. John Vertical _________________________________________________________________ Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: From: 'John Vertical' Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 12:34 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame ><< In the old days they would hit record on the multi-track and start >playing, > these days everything is done by mouse. > Matt > >> > >*Mmmmm this is getting dangerously close to the 'Computer is the problem' >(Or Korg Keyboards or whatever) argument which I don't think is the case >... >it all depends on how you approach it. The tool is neutral. A computer >could >be used the exact same way as a multitrack recorder... IMO it's more a case >of quantity over quality... some of the releases seem rushed to me. >Poly Rushed? How does this relate to the fact that it was Rockoon of all the TD albums that took most time to compose? And what about to the perhaps 90% improvised utterly beautiful live stuff of the 70s, as evidenced by the Tangerine Tree? More time does not always mean 'better'... There must be something else, too. The tools do matter, if you ask me. Yes, a computer _could_ be used as a multitrack recorder, but it _could_ also be used as a paper weight or a sperm whale bait.. but that doesn't mean people actually do that commonly. With a computer, building a piece can... errr.. Aw dammit, I forgot my point. Well I guess it doesn't matter, I know nothing about creating music anyway... :b John Vertical _________________________________________________________________ Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. From: 'Paul Lawler' Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 12:40 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame ----- Original Message ----- From: 'John Vertical' To: Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 1:34 PM Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame > >of quantity over quality... some of the releases seem rushed to me. > >Poly > > > Rushed? How does this relate to the fact that it was Rockoon of all the TD > albums that took most time to compose? I thought Edgar had said it took the longest time to 'Record' because of other commitments etc ? And what about to the perhaps 90% > improvised utterly beautiful live stuff of the 70s, as evidenced by the > Tangerine Tree? More time does not always mean 'better'... There must be > something else, too. I feel myself (I dont know if this is what Poly feels) that its mainly the production side of things that can feel and sound rushed these days .A great track can happen in half an hour just as it can in four weeks , if you can compose great tracks that is . Paul (not DANO ...honest) From: Synthhtnys@a... Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 1:09 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame In a message dated 9/11/02 5:41:24 AM Pacific Daylight Time, lawlermusic@b... writes: << And what about to the perhaps 90% > improvised utterly beautiful live stuff of the 70s, as evidenced by the > Tangerine Tree? More time does not always mean 'better'... There must be > something else, too. I feel myself (I dont know if this is what Poly feels) that its mainly the production side of things that can feel and sound rushed these days .A great track can happen in half an hour just as it can in four weeks , if you can compose great tracks that is . Paul (not DANO ...honest) >> *Yes, Paul definitely has more insight into what I'm trying to say... perhaps half-baked would have a been better expression than rushed...One obvious difference in some of the more recent works compared to the older is that they have more of a traditional song form instead of the stream of conciousness approach they used too... sure some prefer this way, but it's pretty apparent that they are cutting and pasting whole verses and choruses which is a time saving measure but makes for a rather wooden sound. It also seems they are putting out everything they do rather than writing several pieces and choosing the best. Paul is right, sometimes the magic is there and it comes out just perfectly very swiftly... No, it's not necessarily how long the composition takes to do... it IS however a matter of quality vs, quantity. Mysterious strands was done in one take... and I'm sure Epsilon was done in a very similar manner... and Epsilon is one of my all time favorite albums.... Poly (Who has more to say but has run out of time... and who is also NOT Dano... and is surprised that anyone would take Dano seriously anyway...) From: 'Matthew Stringer' Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 1:50 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame I agree, this is how I use my computer to write tracks. TD use a mouse methinks. Matt ----- Original Message ----- From: 'John Vertical' To: Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 1:34 PM Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame > ><< In the old days they would hit record on the multi-track and start > >playing, > > these days everything is done by mouse. > > Matt > > >> > > > >*Mmmmm this is getting dangerously close to the 'Computer is the problem' > >(Or Korg Keyboards or whatever) argument which I don't think is the case > >... > >it all depends on how you approach it. The tool is neutral. A computer > >could > >be used the exact same way as a multitrack recorder... IMO it's more a case > >of quantity over quality... some of the releases seem rushed to me. > >Poly > > > Rushed? How does this relate to the fact that it was Rockoon of all the TD > albums that took most time to compose? And what about to the perhaps 90% > improvised utterly beautiful live stuff of the 70s, as evidenced by the > Tangerine Tree? More time does not always mean 'better'... There must be > something else, too. > The tools do matter, if you ask me. Yes, a computer _could_ be used as a > multitrack recorder, but it _could_ also be used as a paper weight or a > sperm whale bait.. but that doesn't mean people actually do that commonly. > With a computer, building a piece can... > > errr.. > > Aw dammit, I forgot my point. Well I guess it doesn't matter, I know nothing > about creating music anyway... :b > > John Vertical > > _________________________________________________________________ > Join the world's largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > From: 'Matthew Stringer' Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 1:53 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Jarre stuff Tape loops can be fed through FX so you can modulate them, add reverb etc. Matt ----- Original Message ----- From: 'John Vertical' To: Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 1:00 PM Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Jarre stuff > > > But now I have a haunting problem. The nearly neolithic 69 entré (Le > >Luna or > > > something) certainly has a sequence! Yes, it's hand-made, primitive, but > > > certainly a sequence. Tape loops don't modulate AFAIK. I think about > > > everyone here thought that Phaedra (or Astral Voyager) had the world's > >first > > > sequence... :O > > > I'm sure someone can give an explanation...? > > > John Vertical > > > >Well as far as I remember, La Cage (1971) doesn't have any sequence... It's > >all hand made electroacoustic stuff, with some drums even. I haven't played > >that single (side B is Eros Machine, classic track, elements of it were > >used > >in Chronologie part 2) in a looong time, by the way. > > > Yep, Eros Machine sounds quite a bit like Chronologie pt.2. But La Cage > certainly has something that at least sounds like a sequence... > I know well that it can't have one, and that's exactly the problem! > If someone else wants to test this track: see and > click on 'Discography'... > > (And what year is it really from, anyway? This site I just found says it's > 69, released on 70... not 71...) > > John Vertical > > _________________________________________________________________ > MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > From: 'Matthew Stringer' Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 1:57 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Jarre stuff Was the Moog step-sequencer that Chris used for Phaedra invented for the album? This is the only way that TD could claim that it was the first use of a step-sequencer. ----- Original Message ----- From: 'John Vertical' To: Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 9:43 AM Subject: Re: [tadream] Jarre stuff > Great site! > I found, besides Aero and other concerts, also (low quality) mp3s of other > Jarre rarities such as Music For Supermarkets! > > But now I have a haunting problem. The nearly neolithic 69 entré (Le Luna or > something) certainly has a sequence! Yes, it's hand-made, primitive, but > certainly a sequence. Tape loops don't modulate AFAIK. I think about > everyone here thought that Phaedra (or Astral Voyager) had the world's first > sequence... :O > > I'm sure someone can give an explanation...? > > John Vertical > > _________________________________________________________________ > Join the world's largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36123 Re: Jarre stuff Marcel Engels mars103nl Wed 9/11/2002 2 KB From: 'Jeffrey Au Yeung' Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 2:13 pm Subject: Interesting Item on Ebay Liked the end and the side pictures... Maybe someday somebody will come up with a 'desert train'? German toy trains are good quality... Jeffrey _________________________________________________________________ Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36129 Re: Interesting Item on Ebay tei waz teiwazbarana2002 Wed 9/11/2002 2 KB 36130 Re: Interesting Item on Ebay Administrator dale1kay Wed 9/11/2002 3 KB 36132 Re: Interesting Item on Ebay Administrator dale1kay Wed 9/11/2002 3 KB From: 'lsclark2002' Date: Tue Sep 10, 2002 1:39 pm Subject: hello im new to this group and this is my first post, ive been a fan since 1987 and own most cds. my fave era is 1979 until 1990, everyone has thier own opinion and i think inferno is the best thing they have done since melrose, anyway is there any planned dvds in the works id be happy if anyone could let me know. many thanks lee From: 'Bill Fox' Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 4:43 pm Subject: EMUSIC Playlists #285 [ Best viewed using a fixed spacing font. ] EMUSIC is an electronic, ambient, and space music show, that airs each Thursday at 11:04 pm on WDIY 88.1 FM, Allentown and Bethlehem, PA and 93.9 FM in Easton, PA and Phillipsburg, NJ. Show #285 September 5, 2002. RECAP: On this show, I started a month-long focus on Rudy Adrian, a New Zealander who is visiting the US this month and will be playing at The Gathering on the 21st. The Featured CD at midnight was 'Concerts in New Zealand' on the Quantum label. The Vinyl Starter was from the LP 'Gandharva' by Beaver and Krause on the Warner Brothers label. Rudy Adrian The Gathering PLAYLIST: ARTIST TRACK ALBUM (label) ======================= ======================== ============================== 11:04 pm Beaver and Krause Nine Moons in Alaska Gandharva (Warner Bros.) Bjorn Lynne Ruins of an Alien Colony (none) Civilization Bjorn Lynne Mind of the Visionary Colony (none) Ricochet Musos Five Sisters Okefenokee Dreams 2001 (Neu Harmony and Quantum) Steve Roach and The Calling Trance Spirits (Projekt) Jeffery Fayman Robert Rich and First Outpost Outpost (DiN) Ian Boddy Robert Rich and Ice Fields Outpost (DiN) Ian Boddy Ian Boddy Vox Lumina Aurora (DiN) Scott Petito Afternoon in a Cloud Sbass Music (Hudson Valley) 12:00 am Rudy Adrian Eclipse Concerts in New Zealand (Quantum) Rudy Adrian Between Worlds Concerts in New Zealand (Quantum) Rudy Adrian Digital Star Streams Concerts in New Zealand (Quantum) Rudy Adrian Journey Through Concerts in New Zealand (Quantum) Haunted Lands Rudy Adrian Kaleidoscopic Imagery Concerts in New Zealand (Quantum) Rudy Adrian Magical Sunset Concerts in New Zealand (Quantum) Rudy Adrian Sterrenhemel Concerts in New Zealand (Quantum) Rudy Adrian Mechanismo Concerts in New Zealand (Quantum) Rudy Adrian Sfumato Concerts in New Zealand (Quantum) Rudy Adrian Thinking of Klemdag * Concerts in New Zealand (Quantum) 1:00 am * = exerpt VA = Various Artists (compilation) NEXT SHOW: On the next EMUSIC, I'll continue the month-long focus on Rudy Adrian to celebrate this New Zealander's visit to the US. The Featured CD at Midnight will be 'Starfields (Sequencer Sketches Volume 3)' on the Groove label. The vinyl show starter will be from the soundtrack LP 'Forbidden Planet' by Louis and Bebe Barron on the MGM/Planet Records label. Bill =============================================================================== Host of EMUSIC, an electronic, ambient, and space music show. Thursdays at 11 pm on WDIY 88.1 FM, Allentown and Bethlehem and 93.9 FM in Easton and Phillipsburg. Host of the AM/FM Show on WMUH Allentown 91.7 FM every other Saturday at 6 am. Host of Afterglow on WMUH every Thursday morning from 8:00 to 9:30. Radio Station Web Sites: Personal site: To subscribe to the EMUSIC on WDIY list, go to and click on [Join This Group!] SOUNDSCAPES Concert Series: From: 'Administrator' Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 5:05 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame Is this too a offer to use, do you want credit too? Dale I was looking for something that had a emotional attachment that a selected few would be able to identify and know where and why it occurred to use in a piece of music to lend that certain mystery to it. As mentioned many times, art has many forms.... ----- Original Message ----- From: 'John Vertical' To: Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 1:37 AM Subject: RE: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame > >haha - use it! > > > >Joe > > > > > Reason is, I am thinking about taking that post and using > > > it in a very > > > contorted way in one of my synths. Something close to Kiwi Mission.... > > > Dale > > > Kiwi Mission? :D > > 'Apricots, annonas, persimons./ > flaming pears/ > amids pineapples./ > > There's some fruitcake/ > somewhere on this list.../ > frosting's gone bananas/ > icing reigns.../' > > Just a random burst of inspiration. ;) > > John Vertical > > > _________________________________________________________________ > MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: 'Administrator' Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 5:07 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame Mouse? I frequently set up a key combination on one of the keyboards to start the record process. I have a lot of stuff lately surrounding me, the computer typically is a few more feet away. Unless I am torturing another, I set up a few odd key sequences to do the job. dale ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Matthew Stringer' To: Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 2:00 AM Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame > Most of the 90's + music is much easier to play than the older stuff so I'm > not sure about that argument. > > I think the reason the music changes more is the compositional methods used > these days. > > In the old days they would hit record on the multi-track and start playing, > these days everything is done by mouse. > > Matt > > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: 'Mark Filipak' > To: > Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 8:44 AM > Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame > > > > Howdy fellow Dreamers! > > > > Morgan Feldon wrote: > > > > > > I really think the problem is, Edgar sees pre-1987 TD as simplistic. > > > As a result, much of the 90's TD is overcomposed and changes direction > > > every 15 seconds. I detect impatience with the material when listening > > > to much 1990's TD music. At other times, what I hear in 90's TD makes > > > me wonder if Edgar has forgotten how to get a song from its source to > > > its destination. > > > > Well put, Morgan! I totally agree. Edgar has stated that he was > > frustrated with the available equipment and couldn't really produce the > > type of songs he wanted until the 90s. It all makes me wonder how much of > > the 'classic TD sound' was accidental or unintended. I guess we will > > never know whether it was Chris' influence or the speed and reliability > > of the synths and sequencers or a combination of the two ... hm... > > suppose it was probably a combination. > > > > There was a thread a few months ago about 'less being more'. I suppose > > that argument would be lost on Edgar these days. > > > > Cheers, and keep the 2 cents. -- Mark > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: 'Administrator' Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 5:09 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Jarre stuff and this was two years before my time... dale ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Gustavo Jobim' To: Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 4:18 AM Subject: [tadream] Re: Jarre stuff > > But now I have a haunting problem. The nearly neolithic 69 entré (Le Luna or > > something) certainly has a sequence! Yes, it's hand-made, primitive, but > > certainly a sequence. Tape loops don't modulate AFAIK. I think about > > everyone here thought that Phaedra (or Astral Voyager) had the world's first > > sequence... :O > > I'm sure someone can give an explanation...? > > John Vertical > > Well as far as I remember, La Cage (1971) doesn't have any sequence... It's > all hand made electroacoustic stuff, with some drums even. I haven't played > that single (side B is Eros Machine, classic track, elements of it were used > in Chronologie part 2) in a looong time, by the way. > > Now, neolithic? :) Then you probably haven't heard things such as, say... > Edgard Varèse's Poème Electronique, from 1958. Very nice. Sometimes it > reminds me of Alpha Centauri. It was made for the Philips pavillion in > Brussels, with a LOT of speakers all around the audience, 360º. Electronic > sounds and tones and stuff coming out of everywhere when you least expected > them. What an experience must have been to listen to that! My father was 3 > years old then. :-\ > > Gustavo Jobim > gustavojobim@n... > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: 'PERGAMON' Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 5:16 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] (unknown) Hi Lee Welcome to this group............ Regards Jan ----- Original Message ----- From: 'lsclark2002' To: Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2002 3:39 PM Subject: [tadream] (unknown) > hello im new to this group and this is my first post, ive been a fan > since 1987 and own most cds. my fave era is 1979 until 1990, everyone > has thier own opinion and i think inferno is the best thing they have > done since melrose, anyway is there any planned dvds in the works id > be happy if anyone could let me know. > many thanks lee > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > From: thomas.soucheleau@n... Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 11:02 pm Subject: Re: Re: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame >*Mmmmm this is getting dangerously close to the 'Computer is the problem' >(Or Korg Keyboards or whatever) argument which I don't think is the case >... >it all depends on how you approach it. The tool is neutral. A computer >could >be used the exact same way as a multitrack recorder... IMO it's more a case >of quantity over quality... some of the releases seem rushed to me. >Poly Hum, I would not say the tools are neutral. It depends on how you rely on them to produce the music. To me, the problem (if problem there is) would have less to do with computers than with music workstations edgar seems to be enamoured with. Such synths indeed make the composing job way easier and/or faster but early 90's workstations sounded lame and edgar doesn't seem to want to get rid of them. Nowdays, there are far better sounding workstations so well... Anyway my (little) experience of sunday musician is that the more you spend time on the composing process, the less you want to spend time on the production process. So may be in the end, what TD would need is not a third member but a producer (although this is highly unlikely to ever happen). My 2 cents, thomas. ------------------------------------------------------------- NetCourrier, votre bureau virtuel sur Internet : Mail, Agenda, Clubs, Toolbar... Web/Wap : Téléphone/Fax : 08 92 69 00 21 (0,34 € TTC/min) Minitel: 3615 NETCOURRIER (0,15 € TTC/min) From: 'Marcel Engels' Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 6:19 pm Subject: RE: [tadream] Jarre stuff > From: Matthew Stringer [mailto:qube@f...] > > Was the Moog step-sequencer that Chris used for Phaedra > invented for the album? > > This is the only way that TD could claim that it was the > first use of a step-sequencer. No, probably one of the first who used the Moog 960 was Wendy Carlos. I don't know when Tomita started making records but I think he was also before TD. The Moog sequencer is quite an interesting sequencer and I really really hope will make a 960 clone. I'll buy 2. (I think I'm on the wrong list for all this sorry :-)) Marcel mengels@w... From: 'Administrator' Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 6:21 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Jarre stuff what is the right list? dale ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Marcel Engels' To: Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 11:19 AM Subject: RE: [tadream] Jarre stuff > > From: Matthew Stringer [mailto:qube@f...] > > > > Was the Moog step-sequencer that Chris used for Phaedra > > invented for the album? > > > > This is the only way that TD could claim that it was the > > first use of a step-sequencer. > > No, probably one of the first who used the Moog 960 was > Wendy Carlos. I don't know when Tomita started making > records but I think he was also before TD. > The Moog sequencer is quite an interesting sequencer and > I really really hope will make a 960 > clone. I'll buy 2. (I think I'm on the wrong list for all > this sorry :-)) > > Marcel > > mengels@w... > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36125 Re: Jarre stuff Marcel Engels mars103nl Wed 9/11/2002 4 KB From: 'Marcel Engels' Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 6:24 pm Subject: RE: [tadream] Jarre stuff The yahoo group probably? :-) If you didn't know yet go to: and you can see some interesting things. Marcel mengels@w... > -----Original Message----- > From: Administrator [mailto:admin@k...] > Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 8:22 PM > To: > Subject: Re: [tadream] Jarre stuff > > > what is the right list? > > dale > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: 'Marcel Engels' > To: > Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 11:19 AM > Subject: RE: [tadream] Jarre stuff > > > > > From: Matthew Stringer [mailto:qube@f...] > > > > > > Was the Moog step-sequencer that Chris used for Phaedra > invented for > > > the album? > > > > > > This is the only way that TD could claim that it was the > first use > > > of a step-sequencer. > > > > No, probably one of the first who used the Moog 960 was > > Wendy Carlos. I don't know when Tomita started making > > records but I think he was also before TD. > > The Moog sequencer is quite an interesting sequencer and > > I really really hope will make a 960 > > clone. I'll buy 2. (I think I'm on the wrong list for all > this sorry > > :-)) > > > > Marcel > > > > mengels@w... > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > > > Tangerine Tree > info at > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > From: 'Administrator' Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 6:32 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Jarre stuff will do you did check out Infection Music ???? I really want one of these. dale ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Marcel Engels' To: Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 11:24 AM Subject: RE: [tadream] Jarre stuff > The yahoo group probably? :-) > If you didn't know yet go to: > and you can see some interesting things. > > Marcel > > mengels@w... > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: Administrator [mailto:admin@k...] > > Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 8:22 PM > > To: > > Subject: Re: [tadream] Jarre stuff > > > > > > what is the right list? > > > > dale > > > > ----- Original Message ----- > > From: 'Marcel Engels' > > To: > > Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 11:19 AM > > Subject: RE: [tadream] Jarre stuff > > > > > > > > From: Matthew Stringer [mailto:qube@f...] > > > > > > > > Was the Moog step-sequencer that Chris used for Phaedra > > invented for > > > > the album? > > > > > > > > This is the only way that TD could claim that it was the > > first use > > > > of a step-sequencer. > > > > > > No, probably one of the first who used the Moog 960 was > > > Wendy Carlos. I don't know when Tomita started making > > > records but I think he was also before TD. > > > The Moog sequencer is quite an interesting sequencer and > > > I really really hope will make a 960 > > > clone. I'll buy 2. (I think I'm on the wrong list for all > > this sorry > > > :-)) > > > > > > Marcel > > > > > > mengels@w... > > > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > > To unsubscribe: > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > > > > > > Tangerine Tree > > info at > > > > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: 'Paul Dryden' Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 7:31 pm Subject: Recent topics I have heard 'Inferno' , and though it wouldn't be on top of my favorites list, Its not too bad an album. I very much believe that TD should not turn out formula made tracks of just want the fans want all the time... The trick is to create something new that appeals to the main bulk of the bands fans without alienating the rest, probably by including recognisable melodies, or voices from past recordings. I also feel part of the thing is to use different voice sounds for the melody/backing/bass sequences, a lot of preparation time went into creating synth tones and colours in the 70's and 80's because of the nature of the keyboards of the time - a wavestation or other patch driven machine can only use its set of preset sounds, making all the music sound the same! Perhaps an idea would be to produce a new but retro sounding album with mellotrons, Moog synths AKA Oxygene 7-13 kind of thing? TD has tried to address the past by modifiying it around into the latest form of music-this to me wins, you get the past and the future together(dream mixes) but how long can you do this? Wow, i've never normally had this much to say, have I? Best Regs PAulus.d_uk Iam Dano either!!!!! [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: 'Paul Dryden' Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 7:34 pm Subject: Ever so slightly off topic! In the past, a member of the list said they sold a copy of a TD cd in Canterbury UK am I right? Would that memberplease contact me Off list at paulus.d@f... perhaps to arrange if they are a Branch for TT2? Is it Matt? Paulus.d_uk [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36186 Re: Ever so slightly off topic! Dennis Nigbur dennisnigbur Sun 9/15/2002 3 KB 36203 Re: Ever so slightly off topic! Mr Paul Dryden paulus_d2002 Mon 9/16/2002 3 KB From: 'tei waz' Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 7:43 pm Subject: re: Interesting Item on Ebay > you didn't post this: _________________________________________________________________ Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: From: 'Administrator' Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 7:49 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] re: Interesting Item on Ebay surely a collectors items I need to take the ebay number and check out the English side to see if it was autograph as well! dale ;-) ----- Original Message ----- From: 'tei waz' To: Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 12:43 PM Subject: [tadream] re: Interesting Item on Ebay > > > > > you didn't post this: > > > > > > > > > > _________________________________________________________________ > Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: 'Administrator' Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 7:56 pm Subject: since Tei Waz posted Since Tei posted that link, perhaps this question won't go too far beyond that... Has anyone experienced others remarks when you are playing Tangerine Dream like this? Ranging from: Why are you playing Elevator Music? To What porn are you watching now? of course this leads to at least a half hour telling them just who TD is and how long and so forth. Then asking them how did you get this type of music confused with those questions? Has anyone else experienced this or is it just my area? Dale Administrator for admin@k... 661-723-0266 Your best source for Computer Products, Internet needs and Knowledge. Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36133 Re: since Tei Waz posted Paul Dryden paulus_d2002 Wed 9/11/2002 3 KB 36141 Re: since Tei Waz posted John Vertical omegatransfinito Thu 9/12/2002 2 KB 36144 Re: since Tei Waz posted Marion Horrod MarionHorrod Thu 9/12/2002 2 KB 36148 Re: since Tei Waz posted Greg expressionistix Thu 9/12/2002 2 KB 36149 Re: since Tei Waz posted Dan Downey djambient Thu 9/12/2002 3 KB 36150 Re: since Tei Waz posted Armin Theissen armin_theissen Thu 9/12/2002 3 KB 36151 Re: since Tei Waz posted braddito braddito Thu 9/12/2002 2 KB 36156 Other people's reactions to TD Sean Montgomery sean_w_montgomery Thu 9/12/2002 4 KB 36158 Re: Other people's reactions to TD Administrator dale1kay Thu 9/12/2002 2 KB From: 'Administrator' Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 8:03 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] re: Interesting Item on Ebay I just thought of a cool thing... perhaps I should get some of these and put my vinyl's, covers and all in them, put them on the shelf or frame them. I can see my copy of the Thief peeking out between the lace... ;-) dale ----- Original Message ----- From: 'tei waz' To: Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 12:43 PM Subject: [tadream] re: Interesting Item on Ebay > > > > > you didn't post this: > > > > > > > > > > _________________________________________________________________ > Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: 'Paul Dryden' Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 8:16 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] since Tei Waz posted It was once said: 'who are they, some kind of fruit?' it took 2 hours to put them right!! Paulus.d ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Administrator' To: Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 8:56 PM Subject: [tadream] since Tei Waz posted > Since Tei posted that link, perhaps this question won't go too far beyond > that... > > Has anyone experienced others remarks when you are playing Tangerine Dream > like this? > > Ranging from: > Why are you playing Elevator Music? > To > What porn are you watching now? > > of course this leads to at least a half hour telling them just who TD is and > how long and so forth. Then asking them how did you get this type of music > confused with those questions? > > Has anyone else experienced this or is it just my area? > > Dale > > Administrator for > admin@k... > 661-723-0266 > Your best source for Computer Products, Internet needs and Knowledge. > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > From: Synthhtnys@a... Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 8:56 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame In a message dated 9/11/2002 11:06:31 AM Pacific Daylight Time, thomas.soucheleau@n... writes: > Hum, I would not say the tools are neutral. It depends on how you rely on > them to produce the music. *Ah, but you just agreed with what I said with the second sentence. > To me, the problem (if problem there is) would have less to do with > computers than with music workstations edgar seems to be enamoured with. *Or the way they are used. > Such synths indeed make the composing job way easier and/or faster but early > 90's workstations sounded lame and edgar doesn't seem to want to get rid of > them. > Nowdays, there are far better sounding workstations so well... *Now this I would agree with. > Anyway my (little) experience of sunday musician is that the more you spend > time on the composing process, the less you want to spend time on the > production process. *Not necessarily... take Steely Dan as an example. Poly [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: Synthhtnys@a... Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 8:58 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Jarre stuff In a message dated 9/11/2002 11:25:45 AM Pacific Daylight Time, mengels@w... writes: > The yahoo group probably? :-) > If you didn't know yet go to: > and you can see some interesting things. > > Marcel > *Marcel, are you trying to take it to synthesizers.comhead? ;-)))) Poly [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: 'Glenn Folkvord - Hyperion Media' Date: Wed Sep 11, 2002 8:45 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Jarre stuff ----- Original Message ----- From: 'John Vertical' > Yep, Eros Machine sounds quite a bit like Chronologie pt.2. No, it doesnt. There is a small sound sample from Erosmachine appearing in Chronologie 2. Other than that Chrono2 is completely different to Erosmachine. That's what you meant, right? > But La Cage > certainly has something that at least sounds like a sequence... > I know well that it can't have one, and that's exactly the problem! There is no problem there. It sounds like a sequence because the sounds were physically cut and pasted on tape. Jarre once explained how he meticulously used razors to cut out small lengths of tape and then basically glued them together. > (And what year is it really from, anyway? This site I just found says it's > 69, released on 70... not 71...) Most official sources will say 1969. At least that is what Jarre mentioned. Glenn From: quarlie@a... Date: Thu Sep 12, 2002 3:14 am Subject: Re: Another album---another flame 'John Vertical' wrote: >The tools do matter, if you ask me. Yes, a computer _could_ be used as a >multitrack recorder, but it _could_ also be used as a paper weight or a >sperm whale bait.. That's a new one. Are sperm whales attracted to silicon? ;) >but that doesn't mean people actually do that commonly. Oh, but they do. Use it as a multitrack recorder, that is. Not as sperm whale bait. Recording to a computer with Pro Tools or something of that ilk is pretty standard. --Daniel NP: Angel Dust - Of Human Bondage From: quarlie@a... Date: Thu Sep 12, 2002 3:27 am Subject: Re: Another album---another flame wrote: >In summary, I'm saying that Dan-0's post was only an attack, not a salient >contribution to our community. Wait... Pete was Dano? Are you sure? How did you find that out? That does explain his post, I guess. --Daniel Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36187 Re: Another album---another flame Dennis Nigbur dennisnigbur Sun 9/15/2002 3 KB 36218 Re: Another album---another flame Joe Shoults bigstupidgeek Tue 9/17/2002 3 KB 36220 Re: Another album---another flame Dennis Nigbur dennisnigbur Tue 9/17/2002 4 KB 36225 OT RE: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame Joe Shoults bigstupidgeek Tue 9/17/2002 2 KB 36230 Re: OT RE: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame Dennis Nigbur dennisnigbur Wed 9/18/2002 3 KB From: 'John Vertical' Date: Thu Sep 12, 2002 8:28 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Jarre stuff > > Yep, Eros Machine sounds quite a bit like Chronologie pt.2. > >No, it doesnt. There is a small sound sample from Erosmachine appearing in >Chronologie 2. Other than that Chrono2 is completely different to >Erosmachine. That's what you meant, right? So discard the 'quite' then.. Yes, that was what I meant. (A great track BTW, at least the best of them early Jarre tracks I've downloaded so far..) > > But La Cage > > certainly has something that at least sounds like a sequence... > > I know well that it can't have one, and that's exactly the problem! > >There is no problem there. It sounds like a sequence because the sounds >were >physically cut and pasted on tape. Jarre once explained how he meticulously >used razors to cut out small lengths of tape and then basically glued them >together. Okayyy... Sounds sensible. Thanks for clarifying this up! John Vertical _________________________________________________________________ Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. From: 'John Vertical' Date: Thu Sep 12, 2002 8:31 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame >Is this too a offer to use, do you want credit too? > >Dale > >I was looking for something that had a emotional attachment that a selected >few would be able to identify and know where and why it occurred to use in >a >piece of music to lend that certain mystery to it. As mentioned many times, >art has many forms.... This was just some improvised alternative lyrics for Kiew Mission... triggered by the mention of 'kiwi mission'. But feel free to use them if you like... A bare mention will do if you end up using these. :) > > 'Apricots, annonas, persimons./ > > flaming pears/ > > amids pineapples./ > > > > There's some fruitcake/ > > somewhere on this list.../ > > frosting's gone bananas/ > > icing reigns.../' > > > > Just a random burst of inspiration. ;) John Vertical _________________________________________________________________ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: From: 'John Vertical' Date: Thu Sep 12, 2002 8:36 am Subject: Re: [tadream] since Tei Waz posted >Has anyone experienced others remarks when you are playing Tangerine Dream >like this? > >Ranging from: >Why are you playing Elevator Music? >To >What porn are you watching now? I've gotten several. 'Gee this is weird' is the usual reply... 2 pieces have been referred as 'porn BGM', namely Dreamtime and Calymba Caly... John Vertical _________________________________________________________________ Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. From: Armin Theissen Date: Thu Sep 12, 2002 9:43 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Jarre stuff Also extremely interesting in this respect is analogue heaven (analogue@h...) armin Marcel Engels wrote: > The yahoo group probably? :-) > If you didn't know yet go to: > and you can see some interesting things. > > Marcel > > mengels@w... > > > >>-----Original Message----- >>From: Administrator [mailto:admin@k...] >>Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 8:22 PM >>To: >>Subject: Re: [tadream] Jarre stuff >> >> >>what is the right list? >> >>dale >> >>----- Original Message ----- >>From: 'Marcel Engels' >>To: >>Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 11:19 AM >>Subject: RE: [tadream] Jarre stuff >> >> >> >>>>From: Matthew Stringer [mailto:qube@f...] >>>> >>>>Was the Moog step-sequencer that Chris used for Phaedra >>>> >>invented for >> >>>>the album? >>>> >>>>This is the only way that TD could claim that it was the >>>> >>first use >> >>>>of a step-sequencer. >>>> >>>No, probably one of the first who used the Moog 960 was >>>Wendy Carlos. I don't know when Tomita started making >>>records but I think he was also before TD. >>>The Moog sequencer is quite an interesting sequencer and >>>I really really hope will make a 960 >>>clone. I'll buy 2. (I think I'm on the wrong list for all >>> >>this sorry >> >>>:-)) >>> >>>Marcel >>> >>>mengels@w... >>> >>> >>>----------------------------------------------------_- >>>To unsubscribe: >>>----------------------------------------------------_- >>>Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at >>> >> >> >>>Tangerine Tree >>> >>info at >> >>> >>> >>>Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >> >>----------------------------------------------------_- >>To unsubscribe: >>----------------------------------------------------_- >>Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at >> >>Tangerine Tree info at >> >> >>Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to >> >> >> >> >> > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Armin dot Theissen at sun dot com phone x19080 SUN Microsystems Ireland 'To you I'm an atheist; to God, I'm the Loyal Opposition.' - Woody Allen From: Marko Marin Date: Thu Sep 12, 2002 10:33 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Crusade Out of curiosity... How many of you have heard Evan H. Chen's soundtrack for B5: Crusade (I have :-)? Is it good stuff or does it suck? All the reviews I've read has bashed the whole album as a frisbee because of the damned synth noises! ;-) Some reviewers said also that Chris Franke was angry because he wanted to do the music for the new series also but JMS decided otherwise. Of course if he was really so pissed off why did he released the album through his company (you know... Sonic Images...)... :-) Regards, Marko Marin ===== __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! News - Today's headlines Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36145 Re: Crusade Matthew Sawyer matthewsawyer Thu 9/12/2002 3 KB 36155 Re: Crusade Administrator dale1kay Thu 9/12/2002 4 KB 36183 Re: Crusade Miguel Farah miguelbraxtonfarah Sun 9/15/2002 2 KB From: Marion Horrod Date: Thu Sep 12, 2002 10:56 am Subject: Re: since Tei Waz posted The most memorable comment I've had (playing Phaedre if I remember right) was '_This_ is weird. I like weird!' LnH Marion From: 'Matthew Sawyer' Date: Thu Sep 12, 2002 11:00 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Crusade From: 'Marko Marin' > Out of curiosity... How many of you have heard Evan H. > Chen's soundtrack for B5: Crusade (I have :-)? Is it > good stuff or does it suck? Chens music took a bit of getting used to, but IMHO it did have a lot of promise. His music for the pilot was pretty awful (lots of twee Casio keyboard-style sounds when the action called for something with emotion) and he couldn't score a big battle scene properly at all. Towards the end of the series though he was straying dangerously close to something resembling a melody, and started to get rather good. And I've always loved the shows theme music. In the end he was probably the most original element of the whole series. As for Straczynski, he has a habit of pissing off former associates but I haven't heard about any problems between him and Chris, and of course Chris returned to score Legend of the Rangers (a breathtakingly bad bit of SF TV). Maff _________________________________________________ From: Mark Filipak Date: Thu Sep 12, 2002 12:11 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Jarre stuff Hi Matthew! Matthew Stringer wrote: > > Was the Moog step-sequencer that Chris used for Phaedra invented for > the album? Actually, TD's original Moog was bought from Ohr. Here are some quotes: 'Peter Meisel, with whom we were before court, bought this monster [a Moog synthesizer] from the [Rolling] Stones' management. A heap of cables and scrap iron. No-one knew how to use the thing. But Chris had a soft spot for it. When the first sounds emerged, we went crazy. Meisel said: 'Can we produce hits with this thing?' and we said: 'No, you sell it to us'. Thus we got hold of our first Moog'. - EF (in 'Rolling Stone' magazine, 1996). 'When we bought this first synth, we first of all had to learn how to decode the technical terms, there was no translation/instruction manual, nothing at all' - EF (in 'Musik Express' magazine). Ciao -- Mark From: Armin Theissen Date: Thu Sep 12, 2002 12:31 pm Subject: moog (was: Re: [tadream] Jarre stuff) I know this one, and it makes me dream that some day I go into some 2nd hand shop and find an ARP 2600 or EMS or something like that, and that the owner has absolutely no clue what that is or what to do with it and gives it away for cheap..... armin (dreaming) Mark Filipak wrote: > Hi Matthew! > > Matthew Stringer wrote: > >>Was the Moog step-sequencer that Chris used for Phaedra invented for >>the album? >> > > Actually, TD's original Moog was bought from Ohr. Here are some quotes: > > 'Peter Meisel, with whom we were before court, bought this monster [a > Moog synthesizer] from the [Rolling] Stones' management. A heap of > cables and scrap iron. No-one knew how to use the thing. But Chris > had a soft spot for it. When the first sounds emerged, we went crazy. > Meisel said: 'Can we produce hits with this thing?' and we said: 'No, > you sell it to us'. Thus we got hold of our first Moog'. - EF > (in 'Rolling Stone' magazine, 1996). > 'When we bought this first synth, we first of all had to learn how to > decode the technical terms, there was no translation/instruction > manual, nothing at all' - EF (in 'Musik Express' magazine). > > Ciao -- Mark > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Armin dot Theissen at sun dot com phone x19080 SUN Microsystems Ireland 'To you I'm an atheist; to God, I'm the Loyal Opposition.' - Woody Allen Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36152 Re: moog (was: Re: [tadream] Jarre stuff) Matthew Stringer Thu 9/12/2002 5 KB From: 'Greg' Date: Thu Sep 12, 2002 12:43 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] since Tei Waz posted > > > I've gotten several. 'Gee this is weird' is the usual reply... 2 pieces have > been referred as 'porn BGM', namely Dreamtime and Calymba Caly... > > John Vertical > This makes me wonder.. porn BGM music to come from somewhere and if so many people think it sounds like TD.. maybe TD has an alternative name for composing credit for porn movies, like pornstars have different names.. hehe :) This is a big J/K of course! :) Greg NP: F.S.O.L. - The Isness (brilliant!!!) From: Dan Downey Date: Thu Sep 12, 2002 12:46 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] since Tei Waz posted How about 'Do you read a lot of Science Fiction?' and not to mention the well-wishing friends and relatives who give you a present of the new Yanni or John Tesh CD. - DanD --- Administrator wrote: > Since Tei posted that link, perhaps this question > won't go too far beyond > that... > > Has anyone experienced others remarks when you are > playing Tangerine Dream > like this? > > Ranging from: > Why are you playing Elevator Music? > To > What porn are you watching now? > > of course this leads to at least a half hour telling > them just who TD is and > how long and so forth. Then asking them how did you > get this type of music > confused with those questions? > > Has anyone else experienced this or is it just my > area? > > Dale > > Administrator for > admin@k... > 661-723-0266 > Your best source for Computer Products, Internet > needs and Knowledge. > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > ===== DanD - aka DJAmbient __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! News - Today's headlines From: Armin Theissen Date: Thu Sep 12, 2002 3:23 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] since Tei Waz posted but didn't Klaus Schulze make soundtracks for two porn movies? (Body Love I and II) a. Greg wrote: >> >>I've gotten several. 'Gee this is weird' is the usual reply... 2 pieces >> > have > >>been referred as 'porn BGM', namely Dreamtime and Calymba Caly... >> >>John Vertical >> >> > > This makes me wonder.. porn BGM music to come from somewhere and if so many > people think it sounds like TD.. maybe TD has an alternative name for > composing credit for porn movies, like pornstars have different names.. > hehe :) > > This is a big J/K of course! :) > > Greg > > NP: F.S.O.L. - The Isness (brilliant!!!) > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Armin dot Theissen at sun dot com phone x19080 SUN Microsystems Ireland 'To you I'm an atheist; to God, I'm the Loyal Opposition.' - Woody Allen Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36151 Re: since Tei Waz posted braddito braddito Thu 9/12/2002 2 KB From: 'braddito' Date: Thu Sep 12, 2002 3:31 pm Subject: Re: since Tei Waz posted Very good music, but I've never seen the film, honest !!! --- In tadream@y..., Armin Theissen wrote: > but didn't Klaus Schulze make soundtracks for two > porn movies? (Body Love I and II) From: 'Matthew Stringer' Date: Thu Sep 12, 2002 4:21 pm Subject: Re: moog (was: Re: [tadream] Jarre stuff) The closest I got to that was getting an Roland SH101 for free. I used to be an electronic engineer and was repeatedly asked to repair things for friends and family (TV's, VCR's mainly). A an colleague's friend of a friend of a friend dropped of this synth and asked me to repair it as it had sat in the loft for years. I told them that it was obsolete and I wouldn't be able to repair it. I was told fine just bin it. It was then that I looked at fixing it. It had a dry solder joint on the power input which took about 5 minutes to repair. And thus you can hear it burbling away in the background of Dysfunction on DWT1! I know it was dishonest and I do feel slightly guilty ish!!! Matt ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Armin Theissen' To: Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2002 1:31 PM Subject: moog (was: Re: [tadream] Jarre stuff) > > I know this one, and it makes me dream that some day I go > into some 2nd hand shop and find an ARP 2600 or EMS or something > like that, and that the owner has absolutely no clue what that > is or what to do with it and gives it away for cheap..... > > armin (dreaming) > > > Mark Filipak wrote: > > > Hi Matthew! > > > > Matthew Stringer wrote: > > > >>Was the Moog step-sequencer that Chris used for Phaedra invented for > >>the album? > >> > > > > Actually, TD's original Moog was bought from Ohr. Here are some quotes: > > > > 'Peter Meisel, with whom we were before court, bought this monster [a > > Moog synthesizer] from the [Rolling] Stones' management. A heap of > > cables and scrap iron. No-one knew how to use the thing. But Chris > > had a soft spot for it. When the first sounds emerged, we went crazy. > > Meisel said: 'Can we produce hits with this thing?' and we said: 'No, > > you sell it to us'. Thus we got hold of our first Moog'. - EF > > (in 'Rolling Stone' magazine, 1996). > > 'When we bought this first synth, we first of all had to learn how to > > decode the technical terms, there was no translation/instruction > > manual, nothing at all' - EF (in 'Musik Express' magazine). > > > > Ciao -- Mark > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > > > > > -- > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > Armin dot Theissen at sun dot com phone x19080 > SUN Microsystems Ireland > > 'To you I'm an atheist; to God, I'm the Loyal Opposition.' > - Woody Allen > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > From: 'tei waz' Date: Thu Sep 12, 2002 5:16 pm Subject: remarks while playing TD well the seemingly recurring remark I get in response to answering 'I'm playing tangerine dream' is usually (paraphrased): 'sounds like a nightmare' --T np: Jon Hassell--Dream Theory in Malaya.... _________________________________________________________________ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: From: 'fozziebear' Date: Thu Sep 12, 2002 5:37 pm Subject: Re: ARP2600 Armin Theissen said > > I know this one, and it makes me dream that some day I go > into some 2nd hand shop and find an ARP 2600 or EMS or something > like that, and that the owner has absolutely no clue what that > is or what to do with it and gives it away for cheap..... > > armin (dreaming) When the ARP 2600 first came out my local college had one. So instead of sport my friends and I were given the opportunity to play it on Wednesday afternoons. Once you got the hang of it, it was great. Lots of wires to patch and sliders. And if you knocked it..... accidently ........ you got this great orchestra crash... like Schulze used a lot on Dzienkuje Poland. Our music teacher was forward thinking and the ARP was played with a full orchestra and light show on occasions. The ARP 2600 was expensive to buy for your own use but the ARP AXXE was affordable. I still have mine and it works. My friend had one. It lost its pitch control and he could not afford to get it fixed. We didn't have any patch charts and the company wanted to charge a fortune for them. We had some early analogue sequencers that powered the AXXEs but changing the tone took an age to sort out. Also they would slowly change pitch of their own accord if the room you were playing in got hotter. I think we drove the neighbours mad with the valve amps. And then things went midi and digital and the 2600 and AXXE looked like museum pieces. David From: 'Administrator' Date: Thu Sep 12, 2002 6:27 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Crusade Perhaps a word or two from the 'Hand' will take care of this? Dale ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Matthew Sawyer' To: Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2002 4:00 AM Subject: Re: [tadream] Crusade > From: 'Marko Marin' > > > > Out of curiosity... How many of you have heard Evan H. > > Chen's soundtrack for B5: Crusade (I have :-)? Is it > > good stuff or does it suck? > > > Chens music took a bit of getting used to, but IMHO it did have a lot of > promise. His music for the pilot was pretty awful (lots of twee Casio > keyboard-style sounds when the action called for something with emotion) and > he couldn't score a big battle scene properly at all. Towards the end of the > series though he was straying dangerously close to something resembling a > melody, and started to get rather good. And I've always loved the shows > theme music. In the end he was probably the most original element of the > whole series. > > As for Straczynski, he has a habit of pissing off former associates but I > haven't heard about any problems between him and Chris, and of course Chris > returned to score Legend of the Rangers (a breathtakingly bad bit of SF TV). > > > Maff > _________________________________________________ > > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: 'Sean Montgomery' Date: Thu Sep 12, 2002 8:00 pm Subject: Other people's reactions to TD My favourite comment from the peanut gallery while playing TD (it was Dominion, I think) was 'this sounds like the theme to Macgyver'. This is actually a very interesting topic for me, because it touches upon my own (occasional) feelings of ambivalence regarding the band's music. Even fans can, I think, admit that not everything the band has done has been gold. Well, I guess if TD is all you ever listen to, then you may disagree with me there. But I listen to all kinds of stuff, and the fact is that the more I listened to, the more willing I was to admit that a lot of TD's output just wasn't doing it for me the way it did when I was 15. Back then, they were this obscure geeky band that not many people had heard of, and claiming that I liked them became a key component of my adolescent was a way of saying to the world that I was going to make my own decisions, and not be swayed by popular opinion. But by the late 80s, they had done so many soundtracks that people I knew were starting to recognize their name...and their sound had been co-opted by so many other composers that their 1980-1987 canon tends to bring to mind episodes of Miami Vice, or the theme to 'Airwolf'. Not that that's inherently's just that most people perceive that kind of music as being passe and cheesy. A shame, since these were their golden years, in my opinion. Even worse though, when they shifted out of that style (with Franke's departure in 1987), I myself thought a lot of their stuff wasn't very good, so I lost my enthusiasm for inflicting it on other people. ('Hey, listen to this one...Turn of the Tides! Forget Nirvana man, this stuff is the coolest!) In the end, I learned to just keep my TD fetish to myself. I made my peace with the fact that I would have to just sift through a lot of their musical chaff to find the occasional nugget. While those nuggets have been scarce for the past 15 years, there have been enough to keep me interested. And I think that deep down, I still have a little bit of those teenage self-identity issues left in me, refusing to let go. Curiously though...I still find myself feeling sensitive about people knowing that I listen to TD. Last night, I was enjoying the new Near Dark DVD, but I couldn't help thinking how boring and/or corny some of the music sounds to my ears now...and how it really didn't seem appropriate for the mood and setting of the film (notable exception...Bus Station...still love that cue). And I was thinking: no wonder my girlfriend can't understand why I have 90 disks by these geeks. :-) Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36158 Re: Other people's reactions to TD Administrator dale1kay Thu 9/12/2002 2 KB 36164 Re: Other people's reactions to TD Whiteley, Steve bonemesis Fri 9/13/2002 2 KB 36177 Re: Other people's reactions to TD PENFOLD penfold235 Sat 9/14/2002 3 KB 36179 Re: Other people's reactions to TD Admin dale1kay Sat 9/14/2002 4 KB 36213 Re: Other people's reactions to TD PENFOLD penfold235 Mon 9/16/2002 3 KB 36214 Re: Other people's reactions to TD Administrator dale1kay Mon 9/16/2002 3 KB 36366 Re: Other people's reactions to TD PENFOLD penfold235 Thu 9/26/2002 3 KB 36369 Re: Other people's reactions to TD Administrator dale1kay Thu 9/26/2002 4 KB From: Groove Unlimited Date: Thu Sep 12, 2002 8:17 pm Subject: ONE WEEK before E-Live 2002 (Keller, Schönwälder ,Broekhuis perform also!) The E-Live 2002 festival takes place on September 21st! Location is the TU auditorium in the center of Eindhoven, Netherlands and there's room for 420 people. Tickets are still available. Tickets cost € 25 in pre-sales and € 30 at the box-office. Pre-sales end on September 14. Line-up for the MAIN stage: Neuronium with Pascal Languirand (ES) Frank Van Bogaert (BE) Amir Baghiri (DE) Boots, Aerts, H. vd Heijden, E. vd Heijden (NL) Line-up for the smaller room: Keller, Schönwälder & Broekhuis They will perform the complete day, mostly during the intervals. All info: Click on E-LIVE 2002 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: 'Administrator' Date: Thu Sep 12, 2002 11:19 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Other people's reactions to TD While those > nuggets have been scarce for the past 15 years, there have been enough > to keep me interested. Fat Boy Slim.... I can always count on that band to pull some off for me. Dale From: 'braddito' Date: Fri Sep 13, 2002 7:31 am Subject: Bordeaux 01.12.76 - 'Aquitane Electrique' - brief review Firstly, thanks to Yannick for making this disc available for trade. He responded quickly to my email and the trade was completed in a very short space of time. I have only been able to listen to it twice, so this isn't a detailed review. The CDR contains 1 piece lasting 42 mins 58 secs, I would rate the sound quality around 5 / 6 - it's pretty clear for large amounts with a few sound drop outs and what appears to be one brief tape problem, but Yannick did make it quite clear that it was an average audience recording and it is better than I had expected. There had been some concerns expressed that it might be a wrongly labeled recording from another show. I don't claim to be an expert, but I can't recall anything that matches it in my collection and I particularly like the 75/76 shows. The piece opens with over 10 mins of atmospheric music before gradually moving in to sections with sequences that are similar to other shows of the time, while staying quite understated. It's something you have to listen to to get the best out of it, as it's not one of their bright pieces that can work as background music (imo). On the whole, in my opinion an interesting piece of music but probably not a 'must have' unless you are a particular fan of their atmosheric pieces. The art work is very good and overall, I'm pleased to add it to my collection. Thanks Yannick ! Toby From: ampmusic Date: Fri Sep 13, 2002 9:36 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Digest Number 1495 > Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2002 18:37:58 +0100 > From: 'fozziebear' > Subject: Re: ARP2600 > > When the ARP 2600 first came out my local college had one. So instead of > sport my friends and I were given the opportunity to play it on Wednesday > afternoons. Once you got the hang of it, it was great. Lots of wires to > patch and sliders. And if you knocked it..... accidently ........ you got > this great orchestra crash... like Schulze used a lot on Dzienkuje Poland. > > David That sound was called 'Orch 5', from the factory library of the Fairlight Computer Musical Instrument. It was created along with many others by David Vorhaus (White Noise) who owned the first Fairlight in the UK (the instrument was manufactured in Australia). You can hear the same sound on one of the TD singles from the Jive era, though it's likely that producers at Jive added it, since TD never liked the Fairlight, finding its audio resolution too low (compared to making new tape sets for the Mellotron, both its audio resolution and its sampling time probably seemed pretty poor). To hear the sound as originally intended by its creator, check out 'White Noise 4 - Inferno' - details at where there's also information on White Noise 3 & 5 Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36161 Re: Digest Number 1495 Armin Theissen armin_theissen Fri 9/13/2002 4 KB 36170 Re: Digest Number 1495 Paul Dryden paulus_d2002 Sat 9/14/2002 4 KB From: Armin Theissen Date: Fri Sep 13, 2002 9:50 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Digest Number 1495 Wasn't the Fairlight made in 'Austria', not 'Australia' ??? This Orch 5 preset or similar appeared all over pop music in the early 80s... it was a real plague. armin ampmusic wrote: > > That sound was called 'Orch 5', from the factory library of the > Fairlight Computer Musical Instrument. It was created along with > many others by David Vorhaus (White Noise) who owned the first > Fairlight in the UK (the instrument was manufactured in Australia). > You can hear the same sound on one of the TD singles from the Jive > era, though it's likely that producers at Jive added it, since TD > never liked the Fairlight, finding its audio resolution too low > (compared to making new tape sets for the Mellotron, both its audio > resolution and its sampling time probably seemed pretty poor). > > To hear the sound as originally intended by its creator, check out > 'White Noise 4 - Inferno' - details at > > > > where there's also information on White Noise 3 & 5 > > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- To > unsubscribe: ----------------------------------------------------_- > > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > Tangerine Tree info at > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Armin dot Theissen at sun dot com phone x19080 SUN Microsystems Ireland 'To you I'm an atheist; to God, I'm the Loyal Opposition.' - Woody Allen From: 'Bill Fox' Date: Fri Sep 13, 2002 12:18 pm Subject: EMUSIC Playlist #286 [ Best viewed using a fixed spacing font. ] EMUSIC is an electronic, ambient, and space music show, that airs each Thursday at 11:04 pm on WDIY 88.1 FM, Allentown and Bethlehem, PA and 93.9 FM in Easton, PA and Phillipsburg, NJ. Show #286 September 12, 2002. RECAP: On this show, I continued the month-long focus on Rudy Adrian, a New Zealander who is visiting the US this month and will be playing at The Gathering on the 21st. The Featured CD at midnight was 'Starfields - Sequencer Sketches Volume 3' on the Groove label. The Vinyl Starter was from the soundtrack LP 'Forbidden Planet' by Louis and Bebe Barron on the MGM/Planet Records label. Rudy Adrian The Gathering PLAYLIST: ARTIST TRACK ALBUM (label) ======================= ======================== ============================== 11:04 pm Louis and Bebe Barron The Monster Pursues - Forbidden Planet (MGM/Planet) Morbius is Overcome Paul Ellis Sacred Ordinary Live at the Alladin (none) Navigator Island of Silence Oceanic Empire (Groove) VA [Deep-Dive-Corp.] Relaxer Voodoo Roux Deux (Waveform) Brent A. Reiland and Quasar Planes Wormholes (Solarwind) John Lyell James Johnson House of Mist The Butterfly Chamber (Hypnos) Diatonis Clouds and Mirrors Edge of the Dream (none) Oophoi Drifting Into Blank Athlit (Hypnos) Space * 12:00 am Rudy Adrian Space Border Patrol Starfields (Groove) Rudy Adrian Mars - the Rusted Starfields (Groove) World Rudy Adrian Venus - the Clouded Starfields (Groove) Sphere Rudy Adrian Starfields Starfields (Groove) Rudy Adrian Kuiper Belt Starfields (Groove) 1:00 am * = exerpt VA = Various Artists (compilation) NEXT SHOW: On the next EMUSIC, I'll continue the month-long focus on Rudy Adrian to celebrate this New Zealander's visit to the US. The Featured CD at Midnight will be 'Iridescence - Sequencer Sketches Volume 2' on the Groove label. The vinyl show starter will be from the LP 'Music for Amplified Keyboard Instruments' by David Borden on the Red Music label. Bill =============================================================================== Host of EMUSIC, an electronic, ambient, and space music show. Thursdays at 11 pm on WDIY 88.1 FM, Allentown and Bethlehem and 93.9 FM in Easton and Phillipsburg. Host of the AM/FM Show on WMUH Allentown 91.7 FM every other Saturday at 6 am. Host of Afterglow on WMUH every Thursday morning from 8:00 to 9:30. Radio Station Web Sites: Personal site: To subscribe to the EMUSIC on WDIY list, go to and click on [Join This Group!] SOUNDSCAPES Concert Series: From: 'tei waz' Date: Fri Sep 13, 2002 4:27 pm Subject: TD fetish... >In the end, I learned to just keep my TD fetish to myself. >Last night, I was enjoying the new Near Dark DVD gotta get that one--as another fetish of mine is present in that film--jenny wright..... --T _________________________________________________________________ Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36165 Re: TD fetish... PERGAMON pergamondk Fri 9/13/2002 3 KB From: 'Whiteley, Steve' Date: Fri Sep 13, 2002 4:32 pm Subject: RE: Other people's reactions to TD The Tangerine Trees have really renewed my interest and my willingness to share the parts of the Dream I like most. You have to admit TD has music that goes with many moods, a long productive career and have inspired some wonderful EM artists. Its funny Marion mentioned the weird thing because: I just got through calling one of my friends weird because they were enjoying exploring TD music so much and she said 'Thank You, no one's called me that for the longest time.' So I think TD can bring out that special: weird, geeky, magic, rebellious, free, exploring part in many. Music is cool. Just watched Oasis again on DVD, sure hits my sweet spot. I'm ready for some 5.1 panning, who's going to bliss me out first. I'm tired of hearing about the rad joysticks or artificial heads, I want some hard core cosmic space music taking me where I've never been before. Please. From: 'PERGAMON' Date: Fri Sep 13, 2002 4:23 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] TD fetish... What the %#&'.................have I been sleeping???? Near Dark released on DVD.......??? Is it only region 1 or has it also been released on region 2..??????......any differences????? Regards Jan ----- Original Message ----- From: 'tei waz' To: Sent: Friday, September 13, 2002 6:27 PM Subject: [tadream] TD fetish... > > >In the end, I learned to just keep my TD fetish to myself. > >Last night, I was enjoying the new Near Dark DVD > > gotta get that one--as another fetish of mine is present in that film--jenny > wright..... > > --T > > _________________________________________________________________ > Join the world's largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > From: 'duncan mckee' Date: Fri Sep 13, 2002 5:03 pm Subject: away i am away for a week from saturday so i cannot reply to emails until 21st september. Thank You. Duncan McKee tangram@t... ICQ 41739379 MSN Messenger dmckee20@h... [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: 'PERGAMON' Date: Sat Sep 14, 2002 9:57 am Subject: Off-topic Mike Oldfield Hi all I have just been listening, for the first time, to the b-side of the single 'To france'. The track is called 'In the pool'. This is one awesome track. This is the sound I like the most in Mike Oldfields music. Does anyone have any suggestions of other tracks like this??????......I mean is there other b-sides, rare tracks etc etc, that could be of interest?????? I have not dug that deep into Mike Oldfield. Knows his studio albums. Also I seem to recall a single, maybe it was a b-side, where he uses a boys choir, cant remember what the track is called. Anyone??????? or am I confusing this with another musician............ Sorry for the off-topic...... Regards Jan Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36168 Re: Off-topic Mike Oldfield Marko Marin rubyconist Sat 9/14/2002 3 KB 36169 Re: Off-topic Mike Oldfield PERGAMON pergamondk Sat 9/14/2002 4 KB From: Marko Marin Date: Sat Sep 14, 2002 10:18 am Subject: [tadream] Re: Off-topic Mike Oldfield Check '' and the links. There are some sites there that provide B-sides in the form of mp3. Regards, Marko Marin --- PERGAMON wrote: > Hi all > > I have just been listening, for the first > time, to the b-side of the single 'To france'. The > track is called 'In the pool'. This is one awesome > track. This is the sound I like the most in Mike > Oldfields music. > > Does anyone have any suggestions of other > tracks like this??????......I mean is there other > b-sides, rare tracks etc etc, that could be of > interest?????? I have not dug that deep into Mike > Oldfield. Knows his studio albums. > > Also I seem to recall a single, maybe it was a > b-side, where he uses a boys choir, cant remember > what the track is called. Anyone??????? or am I > confusing this with another musician............ > > Sorry for the off-topic...... > > Regards > Jan ===== __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! News - Today's headlines From: 'PERGAMON' Date: Sat Sep 14, 2002 10:50 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Off-topic Mike Oldfield Great link..................Thanks Jan ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Marko Marin' To: Sent: Saturday, September 14, 2002 12:18 PM Subject: [tadream] Re: Off-topic Mike Oldfield > Check '' and the links. There are some > sites there that provide B-sides in the form of mp3. > > Regards, > Marko Marin > > --- PERGAMON wrote: > > Hi all > > > > I have just been listening, for the first > > time, to the b-side of the single 'To france'. The > > track is called 'In the pool'. This is one awesome > > track. This is the sound I like the most in Mike > > Oldfields music. > > > > Does anyone have any suggestions of other > > tracks like this??????......I mean is there other > > b-sides, rare tracks etc etc, that could be of > > interest?????? I have not dug that deep into Mike > > Oldfield. Knows his studio albums. > > > > Also I seem to recall a single, maybe it was a > > b-side, where he uses a boys choir, cant remember > > what the track is called. Anyone??????? or am I > > confusing this with another musician............ > > > > Sorry for the off-topic...... > > > > Regards > > Jan > > > ===== > > > __________________________________________________ > Do you Yahoo!? > Yahoo! News - Today's headlines > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > From: 'Paul Dryden' Date: Sat Sep 14, 2002 12:17 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Digest Number 1495 I thought it was Australian, JMJ had one for Magnetic Fields'/Zoolook etc The press made a big thing of it when it was released in 1980's PAulus.d_uk ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Armin Theissen' To: Sent: Friday, September 13, 2002 10:50 AM Subject: Re: [tadream] Digest Number 1495 > > Wasn't the Fairlight made in 'Austria', not 'Australia' ??? > > This Orch 5 preset or similar appeared all over pop music > in the early 80s... it was a real plague. > > armin > > ampmusic wrote: > > > > > > That sound was called 'Orch 5', from the factory library of the > > Fairlight Computer Musical Instrument. It was created along with > > many others by David Vorhaus (White Noise) who owned the first > > Fairlight in the UK (the instrument was manufactured in Australia). > > You can hear the same sound on one of the TD singles from the Jive > > era, though it's likely that producers at Jive added it, since TD > > never liked the Fairlight, finding its audio resolution too low > > (compared to making new tape sets for the Mellotron, both its audio > > resolution and its sampling time probably seemed pretty poor). > > > > To hear the sound as originally intended by its creator, check out > > 'White Noise 4 - Inferno' - details at > > > > > > > > where there's also information on White Noise 3 & 5 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- To > > unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > > > > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > > > > > > > -- > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > Armin dot Theissen at sun dot com phone x19080 > SUN Microsystems Ireland > > 'To you I'm an atheist; to God, I'm the Loyal Opposition.' > - Woody Allen > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > From: 'Dennis Nigbur' Date: Sat Sep 14, 2002 4:52 pm Subject: Boyish Banter Here's something for discussion... When she saw me reply to a list mail earlier, my girlfriend expressed the wish to put to us her thoughts on TD mailing list activity. In the interest of free speech and with explicit request for comments, here are her (at least partly tongue-in-cheek) musings: 'I just thought I'd take the opportunity to do something very uncharacteristic, and throw the cat amongst the pigeons. I think that many of you guys have got waaaaaaay too much time on your hands to banter on about one in a few hundred Tangerine Dream songs...especially when, post-'79, much of their music has been over-produced and all sounds the same (that is, rather like a soundtrack to some 80's popular sci-fi film, where very little is left up to chance). Whatever happened to the improvised and rough-around-the-edges factor that you could chill out to? Conservative sounding electronic music is little more than musak...or Jean Michel Jarre...or...Vangelis!! More Pink Floyd and less Space Invaders , I reckon! Has Jerome (the young one?) ever thought of a more hard-edged direction? I thought he could do a take on Eminem and re-name an album 'Purge-your-mom'... and then change the band name to Filth Brick, releasing a debut called 'Trash Compactor'. Whaddaya think? (please don't devour me like a little piece of liver, thrown to the lions!!!) Go on, give the girl a hand... Dennis [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36172 Re: Boyish Banter Robert Grabowsky whtwlf2501 Sat 9/14/2002 4 KB 36173 Re: Boyish Banter Rolf Elfström rcade666 Sat 9/14/2002 2 KB 36176 Re: Boyish Banter Robert Grabowsky whtwlf2501 Sat 9/14/2002 3 KB 36174 Re: Boyish Banter Synthhtnys@a... Sat 9/14/2002 2 KB 36175 Re: Boyish Banter PERGAMON pergamondk Sat 9/14/2002 4 KB 36178 Re: Boyish Banter Gustavo Jobim gustavojobim2 Sat 9/14/2002 2 KB 36184 Re: Boyish Banter John Vertical omegatransfinito Sun 9/15/2002 2 KB 36189 Re: Boyish Banter E Neal Frost strat9500 Sun 9/15/2002 2 KB From: Robert Grabowsky Date: Sat Sep 14, 2002 5:18 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Boyish Banter Very well put. I believe she has hit the nail on the head. Dennis, you have a keeper. She is also totally correct about some people on the list needing a life. TD is great but 24/7, eat, breathe, sleep and go to the loo with TD is a bit extreme. THE HIGHLANDER At 05:52 PM 9/14/02 +0100, you wrote: >Here's something for discussion... > >When she saw me reply to a list mail earlier, my girlfriend expressed the wish to put to us her thoughts on TD mailing list activity. In the interest of free speech and with explicit request for comments, here are her (at least partly tongue-in-cheek) musings: > >'I just thought I'd take the opportunity to do something very uncharacteristic, and throw the cat amongst the pigeons. I think that many of you guys have got waaaaaaay too much time on your hands to banter on about one in a few hundred Tangerine Dream songs...especially when, post-'79, much of their music has been over-produced and all sounds the same (that is, rather like a soundtrack to some 80's popular sci-fi film, where very little is left up to chance). Whatever happened to the improvised and rough-around-the-edges factor that you could chill out to? Conservative sounding electronic music is little more than musak...or Jean Michel Jarre...or...Vangelis!! More Pink Floyd and less Space Invaders , I reckon! Has Jerome (the young one?) ever thought of a more hard-edged direction? I thought he could do a take on Eminem and re-name an album 'Purge-your-mom'... and then change the band name to Filth Brick, releasing a debut called 'Trash Compactor'. Whaddaya think? (please! > don't devour me like a little piece of liver, thrown to the lions!!!) > >Go on, give the girl a hand... > >Dennis > > >[Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > >----------------------------------------------------_- >To unsubscribe: >----------------------------------------------------_- >Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > >Tangerine Tree info at > > >Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: Rolf Elfström Date: Sat Sep 14, 2002 5:20 pm Subject: Re: Boyish Banter >Very well put. I believe she has hit the nail on the head. Dennis, you have >a keeper. She is also totally correct about some people on the list needing >a life. TD is great but 24/7, eat, breathe, sleep and go to the loo with TD >is a bit extreme. > > THE HIGHLANDER Hey, that's a new topic we've never explored: What's your favourite TD-track when going to the loo...........? ;) Rolf Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36176 Re: Boyish Banter Robert Grabowsky whtwlf2501 Sat 9/14/2002 3 KB From: Synthhtnys@a... Date: Sat Sep 14, 2002 5:31 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Boyish Banter In a message dated 9/14/2002 10:22:40 AM Pacific Daylight Time, rcade@r... writes: > Hey, that's a new topic we've never explored: > What's your favourite TD-track when going to the loo...........? ;) > > Rolf > *Sphincter lightning isn't one of them Poly [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: 'PERGAMON' Date: Sat Sep 14, 2002 5:35 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Boyish Banter Yeah go girl........................=O) Well she's got a view, let her take part in the discussion, see if the rest of this list would like to see TD go the M&M-way...................Who's doing the rap/singing.......eeehmmmm..whatever???????? Jan ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Dennis Nigbur' To: Sent: Saturday, September 14, 2002 6:52 PM Subject: [tadream] Boyish Banter > Here's something for discussion... > > When she saw me reply to a list mail earlier, my girlfriend expressed the wish to put to us her thoughts on TD mailing list activity. In the interest of free speech and with explicit request for comments, here are her (at least partly tongue-in-cheek) musings: > > 'I just thought I'd take the opportunity to do something very uncharacteristic, and throw the cat amongst the pigeons. I think that many of you guys have got waaaaaaay too much time on your hands to banter on about one in a few hundred Tangerine Dream songs...especially when, post-'79, much of their music has been over-produced and all sounds the same (that is, rather like a soundtrack to some 80's popular sci-fi film, where very little is left up to chance). Whatever happened to the improvised and rough-around-the-edges factor that you could chill out to? Conservative sounding electronic music is little more than musak...or Jean Michel Jarre...or...Vangelis!! More Pink Floyd and less Space Invaders , I reckon! Has Jerome (the young one?) ever thought of a more hard-edged direction? I thought he could do a take on Eminem and re-name an album 'Purge-your-mom'... and then change the band name to Filth Brick, releasing a debut called 'Trash Compactor'. Whaddaya think? (please don't devour me like a little piece of liver, thrown to the lions!!!) > > Go on, give the girl a hand... > > Dennis Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36178 Re: Boyish Banter Gustavo Jobim gustavojobim2 Sat 9/14/2002 2 KB From: Robert Grabowsky Date: Sat Sep 14, 2002 5:45 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Boyish Banter Well I was trying to be polite and say 'Eat, sleep and sh$t TD.' Which is what my perception of some of the people on this list. When it comes to going to the loo I have no music playing. I do what I need to do and get on with my life. THE HIGHLANDER At 07:20 PM 9/14/02 +0200, you wrote: > >>Very well put. I believe she has hit the nail on the head. Dennis, you have >>a keeper. She is also totally correct about some people on the list needing >>a life. TD is great but 24/7, eat, breathe, sleep and go to the loo with TD >>is a bit extreme. >> >> THE HIGHLANDER > >Hey, that's a new topic we've never explored: >What's your favourite TD-track when going to the loo...........? ;) > >Rolf From: PENFOLD Date: Sat Sep 14, 2002 7:19 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] RE: Other people's reactions to TD At 02.09.13-09:32, Whiteley, Steve wrote: >Its funny Marion mentioned the weird thing because: >I just got through calling one of my friends weird because they were >enjoying exploring TD music so much and she said 'Thank You, no one's >called me that for the longest time.' > >So I think TD can bring out that special: weird, geeky, magic, rebellious, >free, exploring part in many. You want weird? You should check out the crowd of people that go to Burning Man.....we take pride in being called 'Freaks'! )^( participant 1997--2001 Pete Isaacson aka °º¤ø,¸DJ DreamHead¸,ø¤º° mailto:penfold@a...?subject=DJDreamHead^(djdreamhead.html Yahoo Chat: penfold235 ····· AIM: PENFOLD235 1984, Saw 'The Keep' LP at Tower Records, actually held it, didn't have the $$.....Damn!!!!! 'Absence of the KEEP LP is not evidence of its non-existence.' - Steven Feldman Watch the Coasters Grow! at: From: Gustavo Jobim Date: Sat Sep 14, 2002 9:36 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Boyish Banter >Well she's got a view, let her take part in the discussion, see if the rest of this list would like to see TD go the M&M-way...................Who's doing the rap/singing.......eeehmmmm..whatever???????? >Jan Steve Jollife with Damo Suzuki! ;) Gustavo Jobim gustavojobim@n... From: 'Admin' Date: Sat Sep 14, 2002 11:27 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] RE: Other people's reactions to TD I would not call the folks at Burning Man weird. They do tend to explore the other realms of reality however. That would be a excellent place for a impromptu TD concert. Not to mention I most likely would be there, among several of my former HS Students. Dale me thinks you will know me from me patch over the eye.... ----- Original Message ----- From: 'PENFOLD' To: Sent: Saturday, September 14, 2002 12:19 PM Subject: Re: [tadream] RE: Other people's reactions to TD > At 02.09.13-09:32, Whiteley, Steve wrote: > >Its funny Marion mentioned the weird thing because: > >I just got through calling one of my friends weird because they were > >enjoying exploring TD music so much and she said 'Thank You, no one's > >called me that for the longest time.' > > > >So I think TD can bring out that special: weird, geeky, magic, rebellious, > >free, exploring part in many. > > You want weird? > You should check out the crowd of people that go to Burning > Man.....we take pride in being called 'Freaks'! > > )^( participant 1997--2001 > > > Pete Isaacson aka °º¤ø,¸DJ DreamHead¸,ø¤º° > mailto:penfold@a...?subject=DJDreamHead >^(djdreamhead.html > Yahoo Chat: penfold235 ····· AIM: PENFOLD235 > 1984, Saw 'The Keep' LP at Tower Records, actually held it, didn't have the > $$.....Damn!!!!! > 'Absence of the KEEP LP is not evidence of its non-existence.' - Steven > Feldman > > Watch the Coasters Grow! at: > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36213 Re: Other people's reactions to TD PENFOLD penfold235 Mon 9/16/2002 3 KB From: David Butler Date: Sat Sep 14, 2002 7:24 pm Subject: Daventura? Who the hell is Daventura? OK, now don't everyone welcome me back all at once. It is very nice to see some of the old names. I missed you guys. Alright...I have lots of news to report but I will wait to see if anybody really wants to know...sorry, no TD content. Oh wait...that's right...things most heard while playing TD? 'Hey, what is that crap? Turn it down!'.....David __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! News - Today's headlines Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36185 Re: Daventura? John Vertical omegatransfinito Sun 9/15/2002 2 KB 36192 Re: Daventura? vic rek Sun 9/15/2002 3 KB 36205 Re: Daventura? Mark Filipak mark_filipak Mon 9/16/2002 3 KB 36208 Re: Daventura? Administrator dale1kay Mon 9/16/2002 4 KB From: 'David' Date: Fri Sep 13, 2002 12:31 am Subject: New Member OK...I'll make this short. I used to be on the 'old' list or group or whatever we called it. I am now here. Most of you will remember me as Daventura and, of course, some of you won't. Please welcome me back...thanks. Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36188 Re: New Member Dennis Nigbur dennisnigbur Sun 9/15/2002 2 KB From: Synthhtnys@a... Date: Sun Sep 15, 2002 4:35 am Subject: What single album changed Bjork's life? According to a Mojo magazine column 'Last night a record changed my life' Bjork says it was: Peter Baumann's Romance '76 Bjork says 'It felt sublime.. A pure high. Complete....nobody knew about Baumann which made it my little secret. I liked that' The issue also has a column called 'Adventures in Hi Fi, The great records and how they happened' where Kraftwerk's Autobahn is discussed. I find Mojo to be the most consistently respectful of classic EM than any other magazine. Peace Poly From: Miguel Farah Date: Sun Sep 15, 2002 5:49 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Crusade Marko Marin [12/09/2002 06:50] dijo/said: >Out of curiosity... How many of you have heard Evan H. >Chen's soundtrack for B5: Crusade (I have :-)? Is it >good stuff or does it suck? All the reviews I've read >has bashed the whole album as a frisbee because of the >damned synth noises! ;-) I like it. And what surprised me almost to the point to a heart attack was that my father (whose musical interests are classical music, opera and tango) also liked it. From: 'John Vertical' Date: Sun Sep 15, 2002 7:43 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Boyish Banter > >Well she's got a view, let her take part in the discussion, see if the >rest of this list would like to see TD go the >M&M-way...................Who's doing the >rap/singing.......eeehmmmm..whatever???????? > >Jan > >Steve Jollife with Damo Suzuki! >;) Naah, I'd prefer Edgar's & Peter's own singing on 'Wahn'... perhaps with a Mellotron choir on the background... :D John Vertical _________________________________________________________________ Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: From: 'John Vertical' Date: Sun Sep 15, 2002 8:06 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Daventura? >Who the hell is Daventura? OK, now don't >everyone welcome me back all at once. It is very nice >to see some of the old names. I missed you guys. >Alright...I have lots of news to report but I will >wait to see if anybody really wants to know...sorry, >no TD content. Oh wait...that's right...things most >heard while playing TD? 'Hey, what is that crap? Turn >it down!'.....David Hi Daventura, I'm one of us 'newer' members. I'm a 17 years old Finn and I joined this list about a year ago... But you know what? We just covered that 'things heard while playing TD' only a few days ago (last post on Friday) Now talk about a coincidence... John Vertical np: Thermal Inversion _________________________________________________________________ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: From: 'Dennis Nigbur' Date: Sun Sep 15, 2002 1:01 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Ever so slightly off topic! That was me, Paul. I sold my copy of 'excerpts from Poland' to a second-hand CD shop on Canterbury High Street while I was a student at UKC in dire need of money. I'm not a branch on the TT2, though. Do you live in Canterbury? Dennis On 11 Sep 2002 at 20:34, Paul Dryden wrote: > In the past, a member of the list said they sold a copy of a TD cd in > Canterbury UK am I right? > Would that memberplease contact me Off list at paulus.d@f... > perhaps to arrange if they are a Branch for TT2? > Is it Matt? > Paulus.d_uk > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > From: 'Dennis Nigbur' Date: Sun Sep 15, 2002 1:01 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame Well, I think we'd better make absolutely sure that someone is someone before we call them someone's name...Joe, how can you be sure of this? Dennis On 11 Sep 2002 at 23:27, quarlie@a... wrote: > wrote: > > >In summary, I'm saying that Dan-0's post was only an attack, not a > >salient contribution to our community. > > Wait... Pete was Dano? Are you sure? How did you find that out? > > That does explain his post, I guess. > > --Daniel > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36218 Re: Another album---another flame Joe Shoults bigstupidgeek Tue 9/17/2002 3 KB 36220 Re: Another album---another flame Dennis Nigbur dennisnigbur Tue 9/17/2002 4 KB 36225 OT RE: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame Joe Shoults bigstupidgeek Tue 9/17/2002 2 KB 36230 Re: OT RE: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame Dennis Nigbur dennisnigbur Wed 9/18/2002 3 KB From: 'Dennis Nigbur' Date: Sun Sep 15, 2002 1:49 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] New Member Welcome back!! On 13 Sep 2002 at 0:31, David wrote: > OK...I'll make this short. I used to be on the 'old' list or group or > whatever we called it. I am now here. Most of you will remember me as > Daventura and, of course, some of you won't. Please welcome me > back...thanks. > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > From: 'E Neal Frost' Date: Sun Sep 15, 2002 1:47 pm Subject: Re: Boyish Banter WAIT!! So what you are saying is that I SHOULDN'T have the 6 speaker surround sound CD stereo system in each of my 2 bathrooms??????? No more 'Underwater Sunlight' while I sh*t, shower and shave?????? Oh Man?!?!?!?!?!/ Neal >>Very well put. I believe she has hit the nail on the head. Dennis, >>you have >>a keeper. She is also totally correct about some people on the >>list needing >>a life. TD is great but 24/7, eat, breathe, sleep and go to the loo >>with TD >>is a bit extreme. THE HIGHLANDER From: 'tei waz' Date: Sun Sep 15, 2002 3:57 pm Subject: ot: oh please--not BM >I would not call the folks at Burning Man weird I agree, it comes naturally to the truly weird. --T np AD II--Tanz der Lemming _________________________________________________________________ Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. From: Date: Sun Sep 15, 2002 6:24 pm Subject: INFERNO - WEBCAST at INET-TV Hello, very good News for all Fans they never see before the INFERNO Show!!! At the TD Homepage is posted following News: Live from Burg Nideggen: Tangerine Dream's performance of INFERNO at Burg Nideggen on August, 24th has been taped by our friends from INET-TV®/INET-RADIO®. They are currently preparing a webcast which will take place from September, 19th to September, 22nd every six hours at 00:30, 06:30, 12:30 and 18:30 UTC (that's swatch beats @62, @312, @562 and @812 respectively). More information at the Tangerine Dream Homepage. Regards heiko - mr. Optical FREE ASHRA NEWSLETTER subcribe here: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ----------------------------- [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36193 Re: INFERNO - WEBCAST at INET-TV Falcon ppgwave2000 Sun 9/15/2002 3 KB 36196 AW: [tadream] INFERNO - WEBCAST at INET-TV Herbert gae232 Sun 9/15/2002 3 KB 36194 Re: [tangerinedream] INFERNO - WEBCAST at INET-TV Richard zoanne1uk Sun 9/15/2002 2 KB 36195 AW: [tadream] Re: [tangerinedream] INFERNO - WEBCAST at INET-TV Herbert gae232 Sun 9/15/2002 3 KB 36197 Re: INFERNO - WEBCAST at INET-TV vic rek Mon 9/16/2002 2 KB 36304 Re: INFERNO - WEBCAST at INET-TV chris towers cjt999fire2000 Fri 9/20/2002 3 KB From: 'vic rek' Date: Sun Sep 15, 2002 8:56 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Daventura? Welcome back Dave! ----- Original Message ----- From: David Butler To: Sent: Saturday, September 14, 2002 3:24 PM Subject: [tadream] Daventura? > Who the hell is Daventura? OK, now don't > everyone welcome me back all at once. It is very nice > to see some of the old names. I missed you guys. > Alright...I have lots of news to report but I will > wait to see if anybody really wants to know...sorry, > no TD content. Oh wait...that's right...things most > heard while playing TD? 'Hey, what is that crap? Turn > it down!'.....David > > __________________________________________________ > Do you Yahoo!? > Yahoo! News - Today's headlines > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > From: Falcon Date: Sun Sep 15, 2002 9:29 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] INFERNO - WEBCAST at INET-TV At 08:24 PM 9/15/2002, you wrote: >very good News for all Fans they never see before the INFERNO Show!!! > >At the TD Homepage is posted following News: > >Live from Burg Nideggen: Tangerine Dream's performance of INFERNO at Burg >Nideggen on August, 24th has been taped by our friends from >INET-TV®/INET-RADIO®. > >They are currently preparing a webcast which will take place from >September, 19th to September, 22nd every six hours at 00:30, 06:30, 12:30 >and 18:30 UTC (that's swatch beats @62, @312, @562 and @812 respectively). Hi, may be asked before, but where can I find a hacked version of the real player that allows me to save the stream AS IS (without re-encoding or so). I have DSL so the 150kbps should not be that problem :-). Ramon Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36196 AW: [tadream] INFERNO - WEBCAST at INET-TV Herbert gae232 Sun 9/15/2002 3 KB From: Richard Date: Sun Sep 15, 2002 9:36 pm Subject: Re: [tangerinedream] INFERNO - WEBCAST at INET-TV >They are currently preparing a webcast which will take place from >September, 19th to September, 22nd every six hours at 00:30, 06:30, >12:30 and 18:30 UTC (that's swatch beats @62, @312, @562 and @812 >respectively). Anyone know what that is UK time? Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36195 AW: [tadream] Re: [tangerinedream] INFERNO - WEBCAST at INET-TV Herbert gae232 Sun 9/15/2002 3 KB From: 'Herbert' Date: Sun Sep 15, 2002 9:46 pm Subject: AW: [tadream] Re: [tangerinedream] INFERNO - WEBCAST at INET-TV This standard is coordinated universal time, abbreviated UTC. This was formerly known as Greenwich mean time (GMT). Still wonder why they do it in UTC or those curious/funny swatch beats :-/ This should be UK time without daylight savings time??? Herbert > -----Ursprungliche Nachricht----- > Von: Richard [mailto:richard@l...] > Gesendet: Sonntag, 15. September 2002 23:36 > An: > Cc: > Betreff: [tadream] Re: [tangerinedream] INFERNO - WEBCAST at INET-TV > > > >They are currently preparing a webcast which will take place from > >September, 19th to September, 22nd every six hours at 00:30, 06:30, > >12:30 and 18:30 UTC (that's swatch beats @62, @312, @562 and @812 > >respectively). > Anyone know what that is UK time? > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: 'Herbert' Date: Sun Sep 15, 2002 9:38 pm Subject: AW: [tadream] INFERNO - WEBCAST at INET-TV Look for 'StreamBox VCR' or 'streambox VCR suite'. You will find it. Herbert > -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- > Von: Falcon [mailto:falcon@r...] > Gesendet: Sonntag, 15. September 2002 23:29 > An: > Betreff: Re: [tadream] INFERNO - WEBCAST at INET-TV > > > At 08:24 PM 9/15/2002, you wrote: > > > >very good News for all Fans they never see before the INFERNO Show!!! > > > >At the TD Homepage is posted following News: > > > >Live from Burg Nideggen: Tangerine Dream's performance of > INFERNO at Burg > >Nideggen on August, 24th has been taped by our friends from > >INET-TV®/INET-RADIO®. > > > >They are currently preparing a webcast which will take place from > >September, 19th to September, 22nd every six hours at 00:30, > 06:30, 12:30 > >and 18:30 UTC (that's swatch beats @62, @312, @562 and @812 > respectively). > > Hi, > > may be asked before, but where can I find a hacked version of > the real > player that allows me to save the stream AS IS (without > re-encoding or so). > I have DSL so the 150kbps should not be that problem :-). > > Ramon > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: 'vic rek' Date: Mon Sep 16, 2002 12:55 am Subject: Re: [tadream] INFERNO - WEBCAST at INET-TV > > >Live from Burg Nideggen: Tangerine Dream's performance of > > INFERNO at Burg > > >Nideggen on August, 24th has been taped by our friends from > > >INET-TV®/INET-RADIO®. I wonder if a CD-ROM will be available like for Mars Polaris? Vic Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36304 Re: INFERNO - WEBCAST at INET-TV chris towers cjt999fire2000 Fri 9/20/2002 3 KB From: tom george Date: Mon Sep 16, 2002 3:07 am Subject: KS Bootlegs Regarding KS boots... There are lots of boots. I have probably 20 or so myself. Some are excellent, all are listenable but some you can see why were never officially released. There is one in particular called 'Demo Sessions' created around the same time as 'Timewind' that is pure magic all the way thru. Sorry for the non TD content. Tom __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! News - Today's headlines From: Armin Theissen Date: Mon Sep 16, 2002 9:40 am Subject: Re: [tadream] New Member sure, David: welcome back! armin David wrote: > OK...I'll make this short. I used to be on the 'old' list or group or > whatever we called it. I am now here. Most of you will remember me as > Daventura and, of course, some of you won't. Please welcome me > back...thanks. > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Armin dot Theissen at sun dot com phone x19080 SUN Microsystems Ireland 'To you I'm an atheist; to God, I'm the Loyal Opposition.' - Woody Allen From: 'richter_arne' Date: Mon Sep 16, 2002 11:06 am Subject: David Bowie quote Well, reading yesterdays Berlin Sunday Newspaper, I almost spilled my bowl of cereal. On the front page of the Culture Section is a one- page interview with DAVID BOWIE, who is giving a concert in Berlin next Sunday. And what is the VERY FIRST Question of the Interview? I: 'Whom would you like to see again when you are going to be in Berlin next week?' BOWIE: 'Edgar, I would like to see Edgar' I: 'Edgar?' BOWIE: 'Edgar Froese of Tangerine Dream. A very nice guy. Edgar and his wife really helped me when I was living in Berlin. I was going through some rough times, had incredible pain. And they supported me to get away from the cocaine. Yes, they were both very kind to me. The entire Interview (in German) can be also read online at: Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36201 Re: David Bowie quote vic rek Mon 9/16/2002 2 KB 36202 Re: David Bowie quote Synthhtnys@a... Mon 9/16/2002 2 KB 36204 Re: David Bowie quote braddito braddito Mon 9/16/2002 2 KB 36207 Re: David Bowie quote Administrator dale1kay Mon 9/16/2002 3 KB 36209 David Bowie quote fozziebear fozziebearbeehive Mon 9/16/2002 2 KB 36210 Re: David Bowie quote Administrator dale1kay Mon 9/16/2002 2 KB 36332 Re: Off-topic: Tres Lunas Marko Marin rubyconist Mon 9/23/2002 4 KB From: 'vic rek' Date: Mon Sep 16, 2002 11:43 am Subject: Re: [tadream] David Bowie quote > BOWIE: 'Edgar, I would like to see Edgar' This is quite interesting. I wonder how they first met? And speaking of Bowie and Tangerine Dream, I recall (I think) a promo sampler CD being released from Holland that had a track from TD, Bowie, possibly Oldfield and others. I do NOT recall the name of this sampler nor the titles. Can anyone help with this VA sampler release??? Thanks, Vic From: Synthhtnys@a... Date: Mon Sep 16, 2002 11:53 am Subject: Re: [tadream] David Bowie quote In a message dated 9/16/02 4:45:33 AM Pacific Daylight Time, tangerinedream@a... writes: << This is quite interesting. I wonder how they first met? >> *If memory serves, Bowie contacted Edgar after hearing Epsilon for a possible collaboration (which never came to fruition.) Poly Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36204 Re: David Bowie quote braddito braddito Mon 9/16/2002 2 KB From: Mr Paul Dryden Date: Mon Sep 16, 2002 12:08 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Ever so slightly off topic! Not Canterbury but Margate. I thought i would contact you because you would be the closest to me to get any TT1 or TT2 B&P Can you copy Disks? do you have a list? I dont trade because i dont dont have anything i dont like! Paulus.d_UK > That was me, Paul. I sold my copy of 'excerpts from Poland' to a > second-hand CD shop on Canterbury High Street while I was a student > at UKC in dire need of money. > > I'm not a branch on the TT2, though. Do you live in Canterbury? > > Dennis > > > > On 11 Sep 2002 at 20:34, Paul Dryden wrote: > > > In the past, a member of the list said they sold a copy of a TD cd in > > Canterbury UK am I right? > > Would that memberplease contact me Off list at paulus.d@f... com > > perhaps to arrange if they are a Branch for TT2? > > Is it Matt? > > Paulus.d_uk > > > > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to terms/ > > > -- From: 'braddito' Date: Mon Sep 16, 2002 1:53 pm Subject: Re: David Bowie quote Bowie certainly identified 'Epsilon' as an album that inspired him during his Berlin period. --- In tadream@y..., Synthhtnys@a... wrote: > In a message dated 9/16/02 4:45:33 AM Pacific Daylight Time, > tangerinedream@a... writes: > > << This is quite interesting. I wonder how they first met? >> > > *If memory serves, Bowie contacted Edgar after hearing Epsilon for a possible > collaboration (which never came to fruition.) > Poly From: Mark Filipak Date: Mon Sep 16, 2002 3:50 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Daventura? Welcome Back, David! Nothing has changed while you were gone. TD still sucks, except when they are wonderful, which is A) Pre 1980, B) 1980 - 1987, C) 1987 - 1990, D) 1990 - now, except for DM3, E) A + DM3, F) A - E, except for 'Inferno'. G) ________________ (fill in). You pick! Ciao -- Mark David Butler wrote: > > Who the hell is Daventura? OK, now don't > everyone welcome me back all at once. It is very nice > to see some of the old names. I missed you guys. > Alright...I have lots of news to report but I will > wait to see if anybody really wants to know...sorry, > no TD content. Oh wait...that's right...things most > heard while playing TD? 'Hey, what is that crap? Turn > it down!'.....David > > __________________________________________________ > Do you Yahoo!? > Yahoo! News - Today's headlines > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to From: 'Adele Outland' Date: Mon Sep 16, 2002 4:42 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] New Member Welcome back Dave; I've missed you. 8-Dell >From: 'David' >Reply-To: >To: >Subject: [tadream] New Member >Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2002 00:31:56 -0000 > >OK...I'll make this short. I used to be on the 'old' list or group or >whatever we called it. I am now here. Most of you will remember me as >Daventura and, of course, some of you won't. Please welcome me >back...thanks. As time slips into memory, memory fades into dreams. _________________________________________________________________ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: From: 'Administrator' Date: Mon Sep 16, 2002 5:48 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] David Bowie quote The Bowie connection is made. dale Remember he fell from the sky once or twice depends if you saw the commercials or not. ----- Original Message ----- From: 'richter_arne' To: Sent: Monday, September 16, 2002 4:06 AM Subject: [tadream] David Bowie quote > Well, reading yesterdays Berlin Sunday Newspaper, I almost spilled my > bowl of cereal. On the front page of the Culture Section is a one- > page interview with DAVID BOWIE, who is giving a concert in Berlin > next Sunday. > > And what is the VERY FIRST Question of the Interview? > > I: 'Whom would you like to see again when you are going to be in > Berlin next week?' > > BOWIE: 'Edgar, I would like to see Edgar' > > I: 'Edgar?' > > BOWIE: 'Edgar Froese of Tangerine Dream. A very nice guy. Edgar and > his wife really helped me when I was living in Berlin. I was going > through some rough times, had incredible pain. And they supported me > to get away from the cocaine. Yes, they were both very kind to me. > > > > The entire Interview (in German) can be also read online at: > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: 'Administrator' Date: Mon Sep 16, 2002 5:50 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Daventura? As always, Mark! dale ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Mark Filipak' To: Sent: Monday, September 16, 2002 8:50 AM Subject: Re: [tadream] Daventura? > Welcome Back, David! Nothing has changed while you were gone. TD still > sucks, except when they are wonderful, which is > > A) Pre 1980, > B) 1980 - 1987, > C) 1987 - 1990, > D) 1990 - now, except for DM3, > E) A + DM3, > F) A - E, except for 'Inferno'. > G) ________________ (fill in). > > You pick! > > Ciao -- Mark > > David Butler wrote: > > > > Who the hell is Daventura? OK, now don't > > everyone welcome me back all at once. It is very nice > > to see some of the old names. I missed you guys. > > Alright...I have lots of news to report but I will > > wait to see if anybody really wants to know...sorry, > > no TD content. Oh wait...that's right...things most > > heard while playing TD? 'Hey, what is that crap? Turn > > it down!'.....David > > > > __________________________________________________ > > Do you Yahoo!? > > Yahoo! News - Today's headlines > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: 'fozziebear' Date: Mon Sep 16, 2002 5:55 pm Subject: David Bowie quote OK so Edgar and David didn't manage to do a collaboration then. What about now? David could sing a small part on Inferno part 2. That would please everyone in my household. David [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: 'Administrator' Date: Mon Sep 16, 2002 6:34 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] David Bowie quote So the Goblin King and King of the Silver Mountain in the Black Forrest do Inferno part 2? dale ;-) ----- Original Message ----- From: 'fozziebear' To: Sent: Monday, September 16, 2002 10:55 AM Subject: [tadream] David Bowie quote > OK so Edgar and David didn't manage to do a collaboration then. What about now? David could sing a small part on Inferno part 2. That would please everyone in my household. > > David From: 'filter_wave' Date: Mon Sep 16, 2002 12:13 pm Subject: Bowie interview Re: meeeting Edgar froese source:NME july 16, 1977 page 47: Edgar: 'I met him the first time in a Berlin resturant after his Berlin concert of may last year. He said he liked my Epsilon in malaysian pale record very much and I said 'thank you very much'. It was very funny. Then we started talking about the matter of timeless music-what is timeless music? Then we went to the classics and we to rock 'n' roll and all the stuff which you could call timeless by style...So we found out that he wants to do the same as I want to do- to create a timeless music, a specific style of combinations, between centuries. Of course I like his stuff very much, except 1 or 2 records. Then I found out he was 4 years in art school and was involved in graphics and I did the same. We were talking 3 or 4 hours. He left and then came back in august of last year. he got a flat in Berlin and every day or every second day we went out and had long concersations about art, because he is very involved with art- techniques and the styles of painting. But the problem was that my time plan was different from his plan... there's more of this article email for any extra info Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36217 Re: Bowie interview Re: meeeting Edgar froese coldwatercanyon tangram80 Tue 9/17/2002 4 KB From: 'filter_wave' Date: Sun Sep 15, 2002 8:38 pm Subject: TD interviews from non-English speaking countries Hi well I've asked this before, but has anyone got or at least seen anything about TD in magazine articles that aren't in English. I keep reading that TD are (or were) popular in places such as Russia, Poland, Brazil, Spain etc. ANY info would be great. cheers Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36216 Re: TD interviews from non-English speaking countries Chris Owen ledjarde2000 Tue 9/17/2002 3 KB From: PENFOLD Date: Sun Sep 15, 2002 9:50 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] RE: Other people's reactions to TD At 02.09.14-16:27, Admin wrote: >I would not call the folks at Burning Man weird. They do tend to explore >the other realms of reality however. That would be a excellent place for a >impromptu TD concert. Not to mention I most likely would be there, among >several of my former HS Students. I've DJ'd @ )^( in '97, '98, 00 & '01.....all I play is the music of TD! The responses I've gotten have been more than favourable! °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸DJ DreamHead,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤^(djdreamhead.html mailto:penfold@a...?subject=DJDreamHead Yahoo Chat: penfold235 AIM: PENFOLD235 Watch the Coasters Grow! at: From: 'Administrator' Date: Mon Sep 16, 2002 11:11 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] RE: Other people's reactions to TD Well this year perhaps you should try a bit of the Inferno and see if any fires happen? dale ----- Original Message ----- From: 'PENFOLD' To: Cc: Sent: Sunday, September 15, 2002 2:50 PM Subject: Re: [tadream] RE: Other people's reactions to TD > At 02.09.14-16:27, Admin wrote: > >I would not call the folks at Burning Man weird. They do tend to explore > >the other realms of reality however. That would be a excellent place for a > >impromptu TD concert. Not to mention I most likely would be there, among > >several of my former HS Students. > > I've DJ'd @ )^( in '97, '98, 00 & '01.....all I play is the music > of TD! > The responses I've gotten have been more than favourable! > > > °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸DJ DreamHead,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤ >^(djdreamhead.html > mailto:penfold@a...?subject=DJDreamHead Yahoo Chat: > penfold235 AIM: PENFOLD235 > > Watch the Coasters Grow! at: > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36366 Re: Other people's reactions to TD PENFOLD penfold235 Thu 9/26/2002 3 KB From: 'tei waz' Date: Mon Sep 16, 2002 11:49 pm Subject: re: INFERNO - WEBCAST at INET-TV/boyish banter there are snapshots of the webcast already available on the inet-tv website.... highlander wrote: >TD is great but 24/7, eat, breathe, sleep and go to the loo with TD is a bit extreme.< well to quote another band that I have an obsession for thus reducing my 24/7 TD obsession to some degree.... 'sex, sleep, eat, drink, dream' --T _________________________________________________________________ Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: From: 'Chris Owen' Date: Tue Sep 17, 2002 8:08 am Subject: Re: [tadream] TD interviews from non-English speaking countries There was a TD feature/interview in Disco Express in 1976, a Spanish music magazine/paper, which was written of course in Spanish. A fellow fan sent me a copy of it a while ago. It also included adverts for 1976 concerts in Spain and also for the Stratosfear LP. He won it on eBay a few months ago. I'd imagine there has been a ton of stuff in German language music papers down the years. I've even seen a few articles in Chinese! - Chris ----- Original Message ----- From: filter_wave To: Sent: Sunday, September 15, 2002 1:38 PM Subject: [tadream] TD interviews from non-English speaking countries > Hi > > well I've asked this before, but has anyone got or at least seen > anything about TD in magazine articles that aren't in English. I keep > reading that TD are (or were) popular in places such as Russia, > Poland, Brazil, Spain etc. ANY info would be great. cheers > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: coldwatercanyon Date: Tue Sep 17, 2002 1:40 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Bowie interview Re: meeeting Edgar froese Hi everybody Hi Andy, is that you? ;-) There is another interview of Edgar on a 1978 issue of Synapse, in which he also talks about his encounter with Bowie, but I will need time to find it and type up the text. If I can find it I will post it to the list. Jeffrey -----Original Message----- From: filter_wave To: Subject: [tadream] Bowie interview Re: meeeting Edgar froese Date: Mon Sep 16 20:13:04 HKT 2002 source:NME july 16, 1977 page 47: Edgar: 'I met him the first time in a Berlin resturant after his Berlin concert of may last year. He said he liked my Epsilon in malaysian pale record very much and I said 'thank you very much'. It was very funny. Then we started talking about the matter of timeless music-what is timeless music? Then we went to the classics and we to rock 'n' roll and all the stuff which you could call timeless by style...So we found out that he wants to do the same as I want to do- to create a timeless music, a specific style of combinations, between centuries. Of course I like his stuff very much, except 1 or 2 records. Then I found out he was 4 years in art school and was involved in graphics and I did the same. We were talking 3 or 4 hours. He left and then came back in august of last year. he got a flat in Berlin and every day or every second day we went out and had long concersations about art, because he is very involved with art- techniques and the styles of painting. But the problem was that my time plan was different from his plan... there's more of this article email for any extra info ----------------------------------------------------_- To unsubscribe: ----------------------------------------------------_- Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at Tangerine Tree info at Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ -------------------- This email service is provided by So-net HK. Apply Now to be our members. From: 'Joe Shoults' Date: Tue Sep 17, 2002 5:56 am Subject: RE: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame Hey Dennis- Sure I'm sure. I saw him right in front of his computer. This isn't that widely known because it doesn't work for every kind of monitor yet, but I can see a lot of you in front of your PCs with this experimental monitor camera technology that works over the web. I'm not sure exactly how it works, but it is super cool. I guess the military has had it for years, but it mainly depends on the power of your computer and what kind of monitor you have, like if you have a monochrome monitor, the image on the other end is monochrome, too. Sometimes the picture gets distorted a little. You can try it yourself here: Joe np: Schulze-timewind (see? I am not 24/7 TD; I listen to Klaus sometimes too!) -----Original Message----- From: Dennis Nigbur [mailto:Dennis@m...] Well, I think we'd better make absolutely sure that someone is someone before we call them someone's name...Joe, how can you be sure of this? Dennis > Wait... Pete was Dano? Are you sure? How did you find that out? Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36220 Re: Another album---another flame Dennis Nigbur dennisnigbur Tue 9/17/2002 4 KB 36225 OT RE: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame Joe Shoults bigstupidgeek Tue 9/17/2002 2 KB 36230 Re: OT RE: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame Dennis Nigbur dennisnigbur Wed 9/18/2002 3 KB From: 'miles macmillan' Date: Tue Sep 17, 2002 6:19 am Subject: dreamwatchers tales Hi, Could someone pass along some info regarding the upcoming Dreamwatchers Tales CD and how to participate? Thanks. Miles MacMillan [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36224 Re: dreamwatchers tales Gustavo Jobim gustavojobim2 Tue 9/17/2002 2 KB From: 'Dennis Nigbur' Date: Tue Sep 17, 2002 10:31 am Subject: RE: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame Well, I'm not going to try this because I find the whole idea a bit spooky. It's bad enough to have people nicking your e-mail address to send you tons of junk mail, but people being able to look into your study through your monitor is a bit heavy for me. Dennis On 17 Sep 2002 at 1:56, Joe Shoults wrote: > Hey Dennis- > > Sure I'm sure. I saw him right in front of his computer. > > This isn't that widely known because it doesn't work for every kind of > monitor yet, but I can see a lot of you in front of your PCs with this > experimental monitor camera technology that works over the web. > > I'm not sure exactly how it works, but it is super cool. I guess the > military has had it for years, but it mainly depends on the power of > your computer and what kind of monitor you have, like if you have a > monochrome monitor, the image on the other end is monochrome, too. > Sometimes the picture gets distorted a little. > > You can try it yourself here: > > > Joe > > np: Schulze-timewind > (see? I am not 24/7 TD; I listen to Klaus sometimes too!) > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Dennis Nigbur [mailto:Dennis@m...] > Well, I think we'd better make absolutely sure that someone is > someone before we call them someone's name...Joe, how can you be > sure of this? > > Dennis > > > Wait... Pete was Dano? Are you sure? How did you find that out? > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36225 OT RE: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame Joe Shoults bigstupidgeek Tue 9/17/2002 2 KB 36230 Re: OT RE: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame Dennis Nigbur dennisnigbur Wed 9/18/2002 3 KB From: Date: Tue Sep 17, 2002 1:07 pm Subject: RE: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame On Tue, 17 Sep 2002 01:56:01 -0400 Joe Shoults wrote: >This isn't that widely known because it doesn't work for every kind of monitor yet, but I can see a lot of you in front of your PCs with this experimental monitor camera technology that works over the web. >You can try it yourself here: Man, do I need a haircut or what? :-) - jim From: Ivan Yerkedoff Date: Tue Sep 17, 2002 1:14 pm Subject: StreamboxVCR? Hi. Could anyone contact me offlist to answer some questions about StreamboxVCR? Thanks Dave __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! News - Today's headlines From: 'Jeffrey Au-Yeung' Date: Tue Sep 17, 2002 5:00 pm Subject: Synapse interview 1978 March / April Hello folks OK, I found the Synapse interview and extracted the relevant parts concerning Froese, Bowie, Eno... Enjoy! Jeffrey Synapse: On your 'Macula Transfer' (3rd solo LP) the dedication reads to 'David Bowie, Iggy ... and the ghost of Chopin'. What's the significance behind the dedication? Froese: I have a very strange story conceming that. I've never talked about it before. I'm not sure if it's good to talk about it ... anyway: I was together with David for maybe half a year. I would visit him in the Hansa by the Wall studio, wherehe recorded the 'Low' album, and when herecorded Iggy Pop's record after that-it was the first time I got to meet him for an extended period. We got into some strange discussions about music. And he came to Berlin, and stayed here for about a year now ... we saw each other periodically. A kind of friendship developed between us, and there were possibilities that also developed of working on a project together. So far, because of the impossibilities of commitments there has been no chance. Synapse: I noticed the direction he has been taking as of late, has not been one too dissimilar to your own... Froese: Yeah. He came up one day with my 'Epsilon in Malaysian Pale' record and told me how much it had influenced him. It was quite strange, I didn't expect it from a guy like David. But I think after 'Station to Station' he made quite a strange jump into a new area. Synapse: What do you think of the direction he's taking? Froese: I think it's quite hard for him to do it. He's definitely lost a lot of his followers. One has to decide though, if one wants to go just for the kids, or as you older, to do something else. I think it's a very personal decision. It has nothing to with the business. Synapse: Outside how it affects his popularity, do you like the direction in which he's going? Froese: I like it. Synapse: I think 'Heroes' is yet another step upwards from 'Low'. Froese: Yes. I think so too but one of the problems is, unless you know something about the process, how much the work of Fripp and Eno has affected his sound, it is difficult to take the transition. Synapse: I have a feeling that what he's doing, what you're doing, what Eno's doing is indicative generally, not saying how it will wind up, of the way mainstream music is going. It has the force of technology behind it... Froese: Yes, I think that's true. Oddly enough though, I remember around Christmas of last year, Eno stayed in Berlin for a couple of days, and came to visit during rehearsal in an old cinema we'd rented - and it was such a strange exercise. We realized we could never work with him, and he could never work with us. Yet he could work with David. Strange isn't it? Synapse: He just approaches the use of electronics from a different angle than you? Froese: A totally different angle. I suppose it sounds pompous, but we've really studied it, for around five years. We've spent a lot of time and money on the study of the technology -that makes possible what we're trying to do. We realized very early that to get behind all that stuff, and make it work for you, it needs to be 'trained' very hard. Otherwise it's just a gimmick. Like writing a pop-song and putting some sounds on top of it. Synapse: Like Donna Sumnier and her producer? Froese: Yes, yes. Everyone mentions that... Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36226 Re: Synapse interview 1978 March / April fozziebear fozziebearbeehive Tue 9/17/2002 2 KB From: Gustavo Jobim Date: Wed Sep 18, 2002 1:06 am Subject: Re: dreamwatchers tales Well, this is off the top of my head, so if there's anything wrong, please correct me. You can send one or two tracks in a CDR to: Mirage Créations Yannick Edom Champlain B7 A101 47 Chemin de Pelleport 31500 Toulouse France the deadline is October 31st. > Hi, > > Could someone pass along some info regarding the upcoming Dreamwatchers Tales CD and how to participate? Thanks. > > Miles MacMillan Gustavo Jobim gustavojobim@n... From: 'Joe Shoults' Date: Tue Sep 17, 2002 8:25 pm Subject: OT RE: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame Oh, c'mon Dennis - don't worry about all that; go ahead and try it! Joe -----Original Message----- From: Dennis Nigbur [mailto:Dennis@m...] Well, I'm not going to try this because I find the whole idea a bit spooky. It's bad enough to have people nicking your e-mail address to send you tons of junk mail, but people being able to look into your study through your monitor is a bit heavy for me. Dennis On 17 Sep 2002 at 1:56, Joe Shoults wrote: > > You can try it yourself here: > Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36230 Re: OT RE: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame Dennis Nigbur dennisnigbur Wed 9/18/2002 3 KB From: 'fozziebear' Date: Tue Sep 17, 2002 9:00 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Synapse interview 1978 March / April Jeffrey Thanks for airing the interview. It is good to see the words in context David From: scfeldman@j... Date: Wed Sep 18, 2002 2:41 am Subject: Moroder Mention in March / April 1978 SYNAPSE Froese Interview On Wed, 18 Sep 2002 01:00:13 +0800 'Jeffrey Au-Yeung' writes: [. . .] We've spent a lot of time and money on the study of >the technology -- that makes possible what we're trying to >do. We realized very early that to get behind all that >stuff, and make it work for you, it needs to be 'trained' >very hard. Otherwise it's just a gimmick. Like writing a >pop-song and putting some sounds on top of it. > >Synapse: Like Donna Sumnier and her producer? > >Froese: Yes, yes. Everyone mentions that... Hey . . . hey . . . hey! That's my boy Moroder you're talking about. How about typing in the parts about Moroder? I posted the comments Moroder made about TD when I got ahold of a Moroder interview that mentioned them (years ago); turnabout is fair play. -- Steven Feldman + + + + + + + 'David Bowie told me Brian Eno gave him a record of I Feel Love and said 'David . . . I heard the future!'' -- Giorgio Moroder, on the UK Channel 4 television special, 'The UK's Greatest #1 Singles,' on January 6, 2001 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36228 Re: Moroder Mention in March / April 1978 SYNAPSE Froese Interview tangram80 tangram80 Wed 9/18/2002 3 KB 36229 Oasis Pirate DVD Issue tangram80 tangram80 Wed 9/18/2002 3 KB From: 'tangram80' Date: Wed Sep 18, 2002 2:54 am Subject: Re: Moroder Mention in March / April 1978 SYNAPSE Froese Interview Hi steven Yeah you're right I deliberately omitted the Moroder part, for I thought nobody was interested...OK, so I will fill in the missing part when I get home.. Jeffrey --- In tadream@y..., scfeldman@j... wrote: > On Wed, 18 Sep 2002 01:00:13 +0800 'Jeffrey Au-Yeung' > writes: > > [. . .] We've spent a lot of time and money on the study of > >the technology -- that makes possible what we're trying to > >do. We realized very early that to get behind all that > >stuff, and make it work for you, it needs to be 'trained' > >very hard. Otherwise it's just a gimmick. Like writing a > >pop-song and putting some sounds on top of it. > > > >Synapse: Like Donna Sumnier and her producer? > > > >Froese: Yes, yes. Everyone mentions that... > > Hey . . . hey . . . hey! That's my boy Moroder you're > talking about. How about typing in the parts about Moroder? > I posted the comments Moroder made about TD when I got ahold > of a Moroder interview that mentioned them (years ago); > turnabout is fair play. > > -- Steven Feldman > + + + + + + + > 'David Bowie told me Brian Eno gave him a record of I Feel Love and said > 'David . . . I heard the future!'' -- Giorgio Moroder, on the UK Channel > 4 television special, 'The UK's Greatest #1 Singles,' on January 6, 2001 > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: 'tangram80' Date: Wed Sep 18, 2002 3:08 am Subject: Oasis Pirate DVD Issue I have found an Oasis pirate DVD which has a completely different cover from the existing lightning ones. The DVD has a few bonus tracks while taken from other Miramar artists, there is one 'Shadow's Flyer' from TD's 'Canyon Dreams'. Discographical information aside, yesterday I watched the Flashflood video and I noticed something interesting. The Flashpoint clip shows the part with the waterfalls, and I found the music is accompanied by the actual background sounds of the waterfalls. I then switched to play the same track from the US official DVD, and found that part had no waterfall sounds in the background. Why is that? My Hong Kong official Panorama DVD is lent to a friend, so I do not know which is the normal case. Can somebody who owns the Oasis VHS tell me if the Flashflood track has the background noise of waterfalls? I will also check and compare other tracks to see if other differences exist. Jeffrey From: 'Dennis Nigbur' Date: Wed Sep 18, 2002 7:39 am Subject: Re: OT RE: [tadream] Re: Another album---another flame Hahahaha!! I'm such a stupid fool... Well, that did make me laugh after I'd got so paranoid about big brother watching me. Where on earth did you get this from, Joe? On 17 Sep 2002 at 16:25, Joe Shoults wrote: > Oh, c'mon Dennis - don't worry about all that; go ahead and try it! > > Joe > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Dennis Nigbur [mailto:Dennis@m...] > Well, I'm not going to try this because I find the whole idea a bit > spooky. It's bad enough to have people nicking your e-mail address to > send you tons of junk mail, but people being able to look into your > study through your monitor is a bit heavy for me. > > Dennis > > > On 17 Sep 2002 at 1:56, Joe Shoults wrote: > > > > > > You can try it yourself here: > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > From: 'Jeffrey Au-Yeung' Date: Wed Sep 18, 2002 2:19 pm Subject: Part 2 of Synapse 1978 March / April interview Synapse: Like Donna Summer and her producer? Froese: Yes, yes. Everyone mentions that. They all ask 'well, but what do you think of Donna Summer, using the sequencer on that one number?' It frustrates me, in a way. It took us maybe five years to perfect the beginnings of possibilities of the use of sequencer in combination with other sounds and devices. Somebody comes along, giving it what is to me, at least, a very simplistic treatment of the device, and suddenly everyone takes notice, only because it happens to be the decoration around a pop melody. Synapse: I imagine her producer had more than a little to do with that. Froese: Yes. I know Giorgio Moroder. That's the kind of thing he's into, really. Pop-production values. Synapse: I can see what you mean, I had never looked at it that way before. I'd begun to think of it in terms of a step in evolution. That mainstream breakthrough with the use of electronics ... one that you undoubtedly helped to create. Froese: Yes, yes, I suppose. But how often will the sequencer be used below its potential now? We certainly didn't get any formal recognition for it. And how many had used it before us? It had only been used in a very academic setting for the most part. Walter Carlos and a few others ... it's just all very frustrating to me. So anyway, we went through the whole technical side for about five years. You have to learn so many things, and its very hard. You have to learn so many things which in any other case, you would be totally uninterested in. Personally speaking, I feel I am more a musician than a technician. But you have to learn about all of these knobs and switches and technical functions. It's terrible. I hate it. [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36233 Re: Part 2 of Synapse 1978 March / April interview orangefunk_2000 orangefunk_2000 Thu 9/19/2002 4 KB 36235 Re: Part 2 of Synapse 1978 March / April interview Synthhtnys@a... Thu 9/19/2002 2 KB 36236 Re: Part 2 of Synapse 1978 March / April interview Greg expressionistix Thu 9/19/2002 3 KB 36248 Re: Part 2 of Synapse 1978 March / April interview Owens, James yxalag2 Thu 9/19/2002 3 KB 36250 Re: Part 2 of Synapse 1978 March / April interview Synthhtnys@a... Thu 9/19/2002 2 KB 36258 Re: Part 2 of Synapse 1978 March / April interview Administrator dale1kay Thu 9/19/2002 4 KB 36323 Re: Part 2 of Synapse 1978 March / April interview orangefunk_2000 orangefunk_2000 Sun 9/22/2002 2 KB 36263 Re: Part 2 of Synapse 1978 March / April interview Administrator dale1kay Thu 9/19/2002 3 KB 36270 Re: Part 2 of Synapse 1978 March / April interview Paul Dryden paulus_d2002 Thu 9/19/2002 3 KB From: Wade Gordon Date: Wed Sep 18, 2002 2:12 pm Subject: Off Topic- This Saturday Mike Oldfield will be on BBC World Service. This coming Saturday morning Mike Oldfield will be on BBC World Service. Check the site for more details. Also, since it is almost fall 'Sound Explorer' has started a two month salute to music from Horror and Sci-fi movies and will play 'Solaris' and music from John Carpenter and also Universal Horror classics and also T.Dream and related E-music. Best wishes, Wade __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! News - Today's headlines From: 'orangefunk_2000' Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 8:27 am Subject: Re: Part 2 of Synapse 1978 March / April interview Bleeding heck he was a moaning git back then too wasn't he .. ;-) Why does he come across bitter and twisted so much?? I love Moroders use of the sequencer it was very very forward thinking and different to TDs approach, in more ways I find it more cohesive (From Here To Eternity has some lovely work on it).. TDs use was kinda rambling at times.. but when it hit the spot.. it was heaven.. also FWIW whenever I hear him go on about Jan hammer nicking his ideas for Miami Vice I just shake my head.. did he ever listen to Jans 1974 LP Like Children??? Theres a phenomenal track on their called No Fear which isn't exactly a 1000 miles away from what TD did much later.. Also lots of people were using sequencers back in the early 70s, Billy Cobhams Spectrum LP from 1973 has quite a lot of it on (Jan Hammer plays the keys on the this release too) --- In tadream@y..., 'Jeffrey Au-Yeung' wrote: > Synapse: Like Donna Summer and her producer? > > Froese: Yes, yes. Everyone mentions that. They all ask 'well, but what do you think of Donna Summer, using the sequencer on that one number?' It frustrates me, in a way. It took us maybe five years to perfect the beginnings of possibilities of the use of sequencer in combination with other sounds and devices. Somebody comes along, giving it what is to me, at least, a very simplistic treatment of the device, and suddenly everyone takes notice, only because it happens to be the decoration around a pop melody. > > Synapse: I imagine her producer had more than a little to do with that. > > Froese: Yes. I know Giorgio Moroder. That's the kind of thing he's into, really. Pop-production values. > > Synapse: I can see what you mean, I had never looked at it that way before. I'd begun to think of it in terms of a step in evolution. That mainstream breakthrough with the use of electronics ... one that you undoubtedly helped to create. > > Froese: Yes, yes, I suppose. But how often will the sequencer be used below its potential now? We certainly didn't get any formal recognition for it. And how many had used it before us? It had only been used in a very academic setting for the most part. Walter Carlos and a few others ... it's just all very frustrating to me. > > So anyway, we went through the whole technical side for about five years. You have to learn so many things, and its very hard. You have to learn so many things which in any other case, you would be totally uninterested in. Personally speaking, I feel I am more a musician than a technician. But you have to learn about all of these knobs and switches and technical functions. It's terrible. I hate it. > > > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: Marion Horrod Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 9:49 am Subject: OT RE: Re: Another album---another flame Dennis wrote 'Well, I'm not going to try this because I find the whole idea a bit spooky. It's bad enough to have people nicking your e-mail address to send you tons of junk mail, but people being able to look into your study through your monitor is a bit heavy for me.' It's not for me either. I pick up my mail first thing in the morning before I get dressed. (Besides, it's a lousy picture - I'm sure I shaved my moustache just the other day.) LnH Marion From: Synthhtnys@a... Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 11:01 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Part 2 of Synapse 1978 March / April interview In a message dated 9/19/02 1:27:29 AM Pacific Daylight Time, orangefunk_2000@y... writes: << Bleeding heck he was a moaning git back then too wasn't he .. ;-) Why does he come across bitter and twisted so much?? >> *Edgar mentioned in the first part of that interview that they did a lot of hard work figuring out how to use those early synths and sequencers... I think this might be part of it... I'm afraid most interviews I've read from Edgar and Klaus have this kind of bitter take on anything that happened after them. They seem to lack the objectivity that they were lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time for these emerging technologies and that they appear to think the sound of a synth or one controlled by a sequencer is their intellectual property... which is of course absurd. I will always be grateful for the pioneering work they did... but they sure make it hard to when they talk like this. Poly From: 'Greg' Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 11:23 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Part 2 of Synapse 1978 March / April interview > I love Moroders use of the sequencer it was very very forward > thinking and different to TDs approach, in more ways I find it more > cohesive (From Here To Eternity has some lovely work on it).. TDs use > was kinda rambling at times.. but when it hit the spot.. it was > heaven.. Incredible stuff.. it still makes the stuff done today in this manner sound entirely derivative of that one track. This just verifies to me that the 70's was one of the most pioneering eras in music history. It makes me laugh when I hear people complain about how dull that era was. So guys, is this why when TD does dance in the Dream Mixes, it's this drum & bass stuff? Maybe that bitterness extends today which is why we wont hear a disco (4 on the floor?) beat to TD's take on dance music. I always thought that simple beat typified the trance/sequencer sound. It's odd that TD who really helped pioneer that trancey sequencer sound to change to a drum & bass sound today. Greg H. From: 'Peter' Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 11:27 am Subject: 220 Volt - Live USA 1992 Hey everybody, I've recently discovered this e-group and the Live - world of TD. In the meantime, I have got the shows from TT1 and TT2, and I am very happy with most of the shows. FANTASTIC MUSIC. Of course, I own a fair few of TD's official (Live) CD's, but I've never thought, that there are so many excellent inofficial recordings out there. As I said, I own a fair few or TD's official CD's, but not all...there are just way TOO MANY!! Recently, I have bought me another Offical Live - CD, called '220 Volt', from the 1992 USA - tour. I guess, many of you might know this CD(?) I like the music a lot!! What do others think of this Live - CD??? My question is, are there any excellent-sounding Live-shows on CDR out, from this 1992 USA tour? Or from tours, where they played this programme, with the same musicians? ??????????????????????????????????????????????? Are shows from this 1992 USA - tour planned to release in forthcomimg TT - projects(?) TT3, TT4, TT5... ??????????????????????????????????????????????? Thanks for reading :-) Greetings PETE Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36239 Re: 220 Volt - Live USA 1992 Matthew Sawyer matthewsawyer Thu 9/19/2002 2 KB 36243 Re: 220 Volt - Live USA 1992 Peter pete01021962 Thu 9/19/2002 2 KB 36249 Re: 220 Volt - Live USA 1992 Yannick EDOM Edom_Y Thu 9/19/2002 2 KB 36252 Re: 220 Volt - Live USA 1992 Yanick Vigneault yanx_88 Thu 9/19/2002 2 KB From: 'Paul Lawler' Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 12:26 pm Subject: Moroder I dont really know any of Moroders solo work apart from a great track from Metropolis , I cant remember the name but I think it had dinner party or something like that in the title , it starts with drums and voices in the background , it was the B side of 'Love Kills' by freddy Mercury What albums would people recommend ??? and are they still available ? Paul Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36240 Re: Moroder Joe Shoults bigstupidgeek Thu 9/19/2002 2 KB 36244 Re: Moroder Armin Theissen armin_theissen Thu 9/19/2002 3 KB 36246 Re: Moroder - Metropolis TDI MUSIC - Martin Kasprzak manicmort Thu 9/19/2002 3 KB 36257 Re: Moroder - Metropolis Dan Downey djambient Thu 9/19/2002 4 KB 36276 Re: Moroder - Metropolis Gustavo Jobim gustavojobim2 Thu 9/19/2002 2 KB 36293 Re: Moroder - Metropolis TDI MUSIC - Martin Kasprzak manicmort Fri 9/20/2002 3 KB 36260 Re: Moroder - Metropolis fozziebear fozziebearbeehive Thu 9/19/2002 2 KB 36273 Re: Moroder - Metropolis Paul Dryden paulus_d2002 Thu 9/19/2002 3 KB 36282 Re: Moroder - Metropolis quarlie@a... Quarlie Fri 9/20/2002 2 KB From: 'Matthew Sawyer' Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 12:22 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] 220 Volt - Live USA 1992 From: 'Peter' > Are shows from this 1992 USA - tour planned to release in > forthcomimg TT - projects(?) TT3, TT4, TT5... The Detroit 1992 concert is planned for TT3. Maff _________________________________________________ Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36243 Re: 220 Volt - Live USA 1992 Peter pete01021962 Thu 9/19/2002 2 KB From: 'Joe Shoults' Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 12:48 pm Subject: RE: [tadream] Moroder I thought Moroder's re-do of Metropolis was fantastic. Joe > -----Original Message----- > From: Paul Lawler [mailto:lawlermusic@b...] > Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 8:26 AM > To: > Subject: [tadream] Moroder > > > I dont really know any of Moroders solo work apart from a great track from > Metropolis , I cant remember the name but I think it had dinner party or > something like that in the title , it starts with drums and voices in the > background , it was the B side of 'Love Kills' by freddy Mercury > What albums would people recommend ??? and are they still available ? > > Paul > > > From: 'vic rek' Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 12:58 pm Subject: Klaus Schulze Amazon Question I noticed a Klaus Schulze title on Amazon UK that does seem to be right. See: ef=sr_1_0_66/026-0422665-1208438 It says 'Schulze', but I believe this is not the real KS. Amazon also has a COOL picture of Klaus during his heavy smoking days at: ef=sr_1_0_42/026-0422665-1208438 :-) Vic Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36247 Re: Klaus Schulze Amazon Question Armin Theissen armin_theissen Thu 9/19/2002 3 KB 36253 Re: Klaus Schulze Amazon Question michaeljean@e... mikejeanwork Thu 9/19/2002 3 KB 36296 Re: Klaus Schulze Amazon Question tei waz teiwazbarana2002 Fri 9/20/2002 2 KB From: Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 12:59 pm Subject: WEBCAST hello all, today I listen the INFERNO Webcast and I must say it was great. Fantastic !!! A great Thank you to the people from INET_TV and TD. Regards Heiko - Mr. Optical [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: 'Peter' Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 1:00 pm Subject: Re: 220 Volt - Live USA 1992 Maff, thanks for the info. Can't wait to hear it... :-) PETE --- In tadream@y..., 'Matthew Sawyer' wrote: > From: 'Peter' > > > Are shows from this 1992 USA - tour planned to release in > > forthcomimg TT - projects(?) TT3, TT4, TT5... > > > The Detroit 1992 concert is planned for TT3. > > > Maff > _________________________________________________ > > From: Armin Theissen Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 1:14 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Moroder Really? I think it was an absolute RAPE of the art of Fritz Lang. Joe Shoults wrote: > I thought Moroder's re-do of Metropolis was fantastic. > > Joe > > >>-----Original Message----- >>From: Paul Lawler [mailto:lawlermusic@b...] >>Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 8:26 AM >>To: >>Subject: [tadream] Moroder >> >> >>I dont really know any of Moroders solo work apart from a great track from >>Metropolis , I cant remember the name but I think it had dinner party or >>something like that in the title , it starts with drums and voices in the >>background , it was the B side of 'Love Kills' by freddy Mercury >>What albums would people recommend ??? and are they still available ? >> >>Paul >> >> >> >> > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Armin dot Theissen at sun dot com phone x19080 SUN Microsystems Ireland 'To you I'm an atheist; to God, I'm the Loyal Opposition.' - Woody Allen Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36246 Re: Moroder - Metropolis TDI MUSIC - Martin Kasprzak manicmort Thu 9/19/2002 3 KB 36257 Re: Moroder - Metropolis Dan Downey djambient Thu 9/19/2002 4 KB 36276 Re: Moroder - Metropolis Gustavo Jobim gustavojobim2 Thu 9/19/2002 2 KB 36293 Re: Moroder - Metropolis TDI MUSIC - Martin Kasprzak manicmort Fri 9/20/2002 3 KB 36260 Re: Moroder - Metropolis fozziebear fozziebearbeehive Thu 9/19/2002 2 KB 36273 Re: Moroder - Metropolis Paul Dryden paulus_d2002 Thu 9/19/2002 3 KB 36282 Re: Moroder - Metropolis quarlie@a... Quarlie Fri 9/20/2002 2 KB 36283 Re: Moroder - Metropolis Jens Kilian Fri 9/20/2002 3 KB 36286 Re: Moroder - Metropolis coldwatercanyon tangram80 Fri 9/20/2002 4 KB From: Antonio Nunes Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 1:28 pm Subject: More videos on the inet-tv site While I was waiting for the beginning of the Inferno webcast, I've found more TD videos on the inet-tv site. There is a 17 minutes excerpt of the Video Dream Mixes (tracks Rough Embrace and Change of the Gods), a 10 minutes video of the Solar Eclipse 1999 with music from Mars Polaris, and a 20 minutes excerpt from Oasis (tracks Flashflood, Waterborne and Summer Storm). The Video Dream Mixes is nothing special IMHO, the Solar Eclipse is a bit cloudy, but the Oasis video is great. If you want to view it, go to and click on the Tangerine Dream channel on the left. Antonio From: TDI MUSIC - Martin Kasprzak Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 1:56 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Moroder - Metropolis At 14:14 19.09.02, you wrote: >Really? I think it was an absolute RAPE of the art of >Fritz Lang. I agree... not only did they cut 30+ minutes out of this cinematic masterpiece - they computer-colored it in lollypop-fashion and the music of Moroder didn´t fit in at all. It seemed like a half-hearted attempt to make a no-brainer-MTV-clip out of a masterpiece of socially critical cinematic art. All... IMO, of course. IMO, if you want to go for fitting musical adaptions of silent movies, try: - the Metropolis adaption by Karl-Heinz Wahren - the Nosferatu-adaption by Phil Glass or - 'The Man with the Movie Camera' by In the Nursery. The Moroder version was hideous, methinks, and I am glad they have not re-released it on DVD so far. I will not question Moroder´s importance or genius for dance pop music, but a movie masterpiece is a pair of boots that just doesn´t fit him (to adapt an old German saying here). Just my 66.6 cents worth. Best regards, Martin Kasprzak Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36257 Re: Moroder - Metropolis Dan Downey djambient Thu 9/19/2002 4 KB 36276 Re: Moroder - Metropolis Gustavo Jobim gustavojobim2 Thu 9/19/2002 2 KB 36293 Re: Moroder - Metropolis TDI MUSIC - Martin Kasprzak manicmort Fri 9/20/2002 3 KB 36260 Re: Moroder - Metropolis fozziebear fozziebearbeehive Thu 9/19/2002 2 KB 36273 Re: Moroder - Metropolis Paul Dryden paulus_d2002 Thu 9/19/2002 3 KB 36282 Re: Moroder - Metropolis quarlie@a... Quarlie Fri 9/20/2002 2 KB 36283 Re: Moroder - Metropolis Jens Kilian Fri 9/20/2002 3 KB 36286 Re: Moroder - Metropolis coldwatercanyon tangram80 Fri 9/20/2002 4 KB 36285 Re: Moroder - Metropolis Armin Theissen armin_theissen Fri 9/20/2002 3 KB From: Armin Theissen Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 1:58 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Klaus Schulze Amazon Question Hi, I think there is or was a german 'Liedermacher' (songwriter/performer) which the same name. vic rek wrote: > I noticed a Klaus Schulze title on Amazon UK that does seem to be right. > > See: > > ef=sr_1_0_66/026-0422665-1208438 > > It says 'Schulze', but I believe this is not the real KS. > > Amazon also has a COOL picture of Klaus during his heavy smoking days at: > > > ef=sr_1_0_42/026-0422665-1208438 this is obviously a mistake... ;-) > > :-) Vic > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Armin dot Theissen at sun dot com phone x19080 SUN Microsystems Ireland 'To you I'm an atheist; to God, I'm the Loyal Opposition.' - Woody Allen From: 'Owens, James' Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 2:07 pm Subject: RE: [tadream] Re: Part 2 of Synapse 1978 March / April interview I find this all kind of amusing, since Chris Franke's skill with sequencers and arpeggiators blows both Edgar and Klaus away... James NP: Driving into Blue (from Pacific Coast Highway) -----Original Message----- From: Synthhtnys@a... [mailto:Synthhtnys@a...] ... I'm afraid most interviews I've read from Edgar and Klaus have this kind of bitter take on anything that happened after them. They seem to lack the objectivity that they were lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time for these emerging technologies and that they appear to think the sound of a synth or one controlled by a sequencer is their intellectual property... From: 'Yannick EDOM' Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 2:48 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] 220 Volt - Live USA 1992 Hi > From: 'Peter' > > > Are shows from this 1992 USA - tour planned to release in > > forthcomimg TT - projects(?) TT3, TT4, TT5... > > > The Detroit 1992 concert is planned for TT3. > And what about the Inferno webcast from Inet.TV currently broadcasted ?! Yannick Edom Mirage Créations Champlain B7 A 101 47 Chemin de Pelleport 31500 TOULOUSE FRANCE e-mail : yannick.edom@s... Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36252 Re: 220 Volt - Live USA 1992 Yanick Vigneault yanx_88 Thu 9/19/2002 2 KB From: Synthhtnys@a... Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 2:25 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Part 2 of Synapse 1978 March / April interview In a message dated 9/19/2002 7:10:03 AM Pacific Daylight Time, james.owens@m... writes: > I find this all kind of amusing, since Chris Franke's skill with sequencers > and arpeggiators blows both Edgar and Klaus away... > > James > * I agree wholeheartedly.... although I think Klaus in the '70's comes close though... Poly [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: TDI MUSIC - Martin Kasprzak Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 2:42 pm Subject: [tadream] OT: Martin on tour Hi Folks. now for one slightly OT announcement. I will be on tour with my band Sepulcrum Mentis in roughly 1 week. So, if you're in the area of one of the shows and if you´re into prog-gothic-rock somewhere between Bauhaus, Bowie, Pink Floyd, The Mission and Black Sabbath, I´d be happy to see some of you around. The on-topic-bit: I will not be in the office for questions, etc. the next two weeks. I will return on Oct. 7th. Here are the dates: 29.09.2002 RABEN - Burg Rabenstein (Herbstnächte) 30.09.2002 HALLE (Saale) - Capitol Event Center (incl. Fetish fashion and pyro show !!) 01.10.2002 LEVERKUSEN - Shadow 02.10.2002 RATHENOW - Musikbrauerei 03.10.2002 BERLIN - Garage Pankow 04.10.2002 KASSEL - Musiktheater 'Dark Area' 05.10.2002 NEUBRANDENBURG - Club Zebra All shows will start at 9:00 p.m. CET approx. If anyone has questions regarding the shows, you can mail to: marty@s... Sorry... now back to TD. ;-) Best regards, Martin Kasprzak TDI- Music- Support. Tel:-49-30-23620995 Fax:-49-30-23620996 Visit our Website at: [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36264 Re: OT: Martin on tour Administrator dale1kay Thu 9/19/2002 4 KB 36292 Re: OT: Martin on tour TDI MUSIC - Martin Kasprzak manicmort Fri 9/20/2002 2 KB 36278 AW: [tadream] OT: Martin on tour Herbert gae232 Thu 9/19/2002 4 KB 36279 AW: [tadream] OT: Martin on tour - corect Re: [tadream] Moroder - Me Herbert gae232 Thu 9/19/2002 5 KB 36427 Re: OT: Martin on tour Heiko Heerssen td_freak Tue 10/1/2002 3 KB 36428 Re: OT: Martin on tour Peter Ravn Tue 10/1/2002 3 KB 36429 Re: OT: Martin on tour Heiko Heerssen td_freak Tue 10/1/2002 2 KB 36432 Re: OT: Martin on tour Administrator dale1kay Tue 10/1/2002 4 KB From: 'Yanick Vigneault' Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 3:22 pm Subject: Re: 220 Volt - Live USA 1992 Here in Quebec, Canada, the webcast is very good! I enjoy the gig very much! Have a nice day! Yanick Vigneault > And what about the Inferno webcast from Inet.TV currently broadcasted ?! > > > Yannick Edom > Mirage Créations > Champlain B7 A 101 > 47 Chemin de Pelleport > 31500 TOULOUSE > FRANCE > > e-mail : yannick.edom@s... From: 'michaeljean@e...' Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 4:20 pm Subject: RE: [tadream] Klaus Schulze Amazon Question Interestingly enough, it IS on the ZYX label.... Original Message: ----------------- From: vic rek tangerinedream@a... Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2002 08:58:44 -0400 To: Subject: [tadream] Klaus Schulze Amazon Question I noticed a Klaus Schulze title on Amazon UK that does seem to be right. See: ef=sr_1_0_66/026-0422665-1208438 It says 'Schulze', but I believe this is not the real KS. Amazon also has a COOL picture of Klaus during his heavy smoking days at: ef=sr_1_0_42/026-0422665-1208438 :-) Vic ----------------------------------------------------_- To unsubscribe: ----------------------------------------------------_- Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at Tangerine Tree info at Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to -------------------------------------------------------------------- mail2web - Check your email from the web at . From: 'richter_arne' Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 4:46 pm Subject: Re: Moroder --- In tadream@y..., 'Paul Lawler' wrote: > I dont really know any of Moroders solo work > What albums would people recommend ??? Definitely 'From Here To Eternity'. His masterpiece from 1977. Side A with the title track is a great long disco-dance track made out of different parts that merge from one into the other. If you like Kraftwerk's Trance-Europe-Express and are not totally alienated by 70s disco music, this track is for you. Definitely ahead of its time and one of the most important electronic albums of all times. The B- Side has 3 nice disco pop tunes that are quite good but don't match the incredible title track. Singer on the album is a Pete Bellotte, whose voice fits the music perfectly. Actually half of the album is instrumental or heavily vocoded anyway. Very similar in style to these 3 pop songs, but much less sequencer- driven and lacking the power of 'From Here To Eternity''s title track is the 1976 predecessor 'Knights in White Satin', which sounds a bit dated today. Before that time, i.e. starting in the late sixties, he did a lot of bubble-gum pop tunes that are very cheesy by today's standards. His 1980 solo album E=mc2 was one of the first albums recorded completely digitally and sounded totally sterile when it came out. I didn't like it at all, but this is mainly due to Moroder singing all the songs himself in a falsetto Bee-Gee style voice which I found terrible. I still don't know why he did that, as some of his bubble-gum pop singles showed that he actually has a good voice when he sings 'normal'. Another good album to buy is his Soundtrack to Midnight Express with the brilliant instrumental 'Chase', which is basically a heavy pumping sequencer similar to 'I Feel Love' with a nice melody on top. From: scfeldman@j... Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 5:27 pm Subject: Moroder's Worth (was Re: Part 2 of Synapse 1978 March / April interview) On Thu, 19 Sep 2002 08:27:01 -0000 'orangefunk_2000' writes: >I love Moroders use of the sequencer it was very very forward >thinking and different to TDs approach, in more ways I find it >more cohesive (From Here To Eternity has some lovely work on >it).. Yes, it does, as does its follow-up, E=mc2, which was finally released to CD this year (along with a bonus track which is my favorite E-music piece of all time, 'Evolution'). Really, though, two very bright spots in Moroder's oeuvre are side 3 of Donna Summer's ONCE UPON A TIME album and side 4 of her BAD GIRLS album. In fact, it was a track on side 4 of BAD GIRLS, 'Our Love,' which was nicked by New Order for their monster hit, 'Blue Monday.' For those interested in what Moroder's good stuff sounds like ('cause except for MIDNIGHT EXPRESS and CAT PEOPLE, most of his soundtrack work is rather tepid for E-music fans' tastes), I've provided links to some sound files below: Now I Need You, from Donna Summer's ONCE UPON A TIME: 5120042 Working the Midnight Shift, from Donna Summer's ONCE UPON A TIME: /148269_1_06.ram?obj=v11127 Our Love, from Donna Summer's BAD GIRLS /148256_1_13.ram?obj=v10212 Our Love, from Donna Summer's ON THE RADIO /148268_1_05.ram?obj=v10212 Lucky, from Donna Summer's BAD GIRLS /148256_1_14.ram?obj=v10212 Sunset People, from Donna Summer's BAD GIRLS /148256_1_15.ram?obj=v10212 Sunset People, from Donna Summer's ON THE RADIO /148268_1_14.ram?obj=v10212 Chase, from the MIDNIGHT EXPRESS soundtrack 5120042 >Also lots of people were using sequencers back in the early >70s, Billy Cobhams Spectrum LP from 1973 has quite a lot of >it on (Jan Hammer plays the keys on the this release too) Yep, that album certainly does have some stellar moments of synthetic grandeur. It was a favorite of mine in boarding school in the mid-seventies, scan years before my exposure to first Bowie, then Kraftwerk, then Moroder -- and only then, to Tangerine Dream. -- Steven Feldman + + + + + + + 'David Bowie told me Brian Eno gave him a record of I Feel Love and said 'David . . . I heard the future!'' -- Giorgio Moroder, on the UK Channel 4 television special, 'The UK's Greatest #1 Singles,' on January 6, 2001 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36259 Re: Moroder's Worth (was Re: Part 2 of Synapse 1978 March / April in fozziebear fozziebearbeehive Thu 9/19/2002 2 KB 36266 Re: Moroder's Worth (was Re: Part 2 of Synapse 1978 March / April in Administrator dale1kay Thu 9/19/2002 3 KB 36272 Re: Moroder's Worth (was Re: Part 2 of Synapse 1978 March / April in Paul Dryden paulus_d2002 Thu 9/19/2002 3 KB From: 'Administrator' Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 5:38 pm Subject: 1991/1992 movie Highway to Hell I saw in the credits, Additional music provided my Tangerine Dream. Anyone have a idea what music was used? Dale From: Dan Downey Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 5:43 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Moroder - Metropolis --- TDI MUSIC - Martin Kasprzak wrote: > At 14:14 19.09.02, you wrote: > > >Really? I think it was an absolute RAPE of the art > of > >Fritz Lang. > > I agree... not only did they cut 30+ minutes out of > this cinematic > masterpiece - they computer-colored it in > lollypop-fashion and the music of > Moroder didn´t fit in at all. It seemed like a > half-hearted attempt to make > a no-brainer-MTV-clip out of a masterpiece of > socially critical cinematic > art. All... IMO, of course. > > IMO, if you want to go for fitting musical adaptions > of silent movies, try: > - the Metropolis adaption by Karl-Heinz Wahren > - the Nosferatu-adaption by Phil Glass Glass didn't do Nosferatu but the Bella Lugosi Dracula. I saw a live performance of this and it was a cool event. They performed behind the screen and at certain times in the film they could change the lighting so the musicians could be seen. The Alloy Orchestra has also done a number of nice silent film works. In the Nursery has done several scores but I don't know if they've been released with the films or not. I think these groups are onto a great thing and think this is another way EM artists can reach out to new ears. I can only imagine what TD could have done with a film like Metropolis - all the sequencers kicking in with the industrial machinery. DanD > or > - 'The Man with the Movie Camera' by In the Nursery. > > The Moroder version was hideous, methinks, and I am > glad they have not > re-released it on DVD so far. I will not question > Moroder´s importance or > genius for dance pop music, but a movie masterpiece > is a pair of boots that > just doesn´t fit him (to adapt an old German saying > here). > > Just my 66.6 cents worth. > > Best regards, > > Martin Kasprzak > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > ===== DanD - aka DJAmbient __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? New DSL Internet Access from SBC & Yahoo! Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36276 Re: Moroder - Metropolis Gustavo Jobim gustavojobim2 Thu 9/19/2002 2 KB 36293 Re: Moroder - Metropolis TDI MUSIC - Martin Kasprzak manicmort Fri 9/20/2002 3 KB From: 'Administrator' Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 5:45 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Part 2 of Synapse 1978 March / April interview A glimpse into the mind of Edgar. Then again GM has his ideas too. When taken as a whole, it is all art. Some choose a lower level, others a higher. Who is to say which is right or wrong or just is? dale ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Jeffrey Au-Yeung' To: Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 7:19 AM Subject: [tadream] Part 2 of Synapse 1978 March / April interview > Synapse: Like Donna Summer and her producer? > > Froese: Yes, yes. Everyone mentions that. They all ask 'well, but what do you think of Donna Summer, using the sequencer on that one number?' It frustrates me, in a way. It took us maybe five years to perfect the beginnings of possibilities of the use of sequencer in combination with other sounds and devices. Somebody comes along, giving it what is to me, at least, a very simplistic treatment of the device, and suddenly everyone takes notice, only because it happens to be the decoration around a pop melody. > > Synapse: I imagine her producer had more than a little to do with that. > > Froese: Yes. I know Giorgio Moroder. That's the kind of thing he's into, really. Pop-production values. > > Synapse: I can see what you mean, I had never looked at it that way before. I'd begun to think of it in terms of a step in evolution. That mainstream breakthrough with the use of electronics ... one that you undoubtedly helped to create. > > Froese: Yes, yes, I suppose. But how often will the sequencer be used below its potential now? We certainly didn't get any formal recognition for it. And how many had used it before us? It had only been used in a very academic setting for the most part. Walter Carlos and a few others ... it's just all very frustrating to me. > > So anyway, we went through the whole technical side for about five years. You have to learn so many things, and its very hard. You have to learn so many things which in any other case, you would be totally uninterested in. Personally speaking, I feel I am more a musician than a technician. But you have to learn about all of these knobs and switches and technical functions. It's terrible. I hate it. > > > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36323 Re: Part 2 of Synapse 1978 March / April interview orangefunk_2000 orangefunk_2000 Sun 9/22/2002 2 KB From: 'fozziebear' Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 5:47 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Moroder's Worth (was Re: Part 2 of Synapse 1978 March / April interview) scfeldman said For those interested in what Moroder's good stuff sounds > like ('cause except for MIDNIGHT EXPRESS and CAT PEOPLE, most > of his soundtrack work is rather tepid for E-music fans' > tastes), I've provided links to some sound files below: Is there any connection between MORODER / CATPEOPLE and David Bowie and Catpeople? David From: 'fozziebear' Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 5:49 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Moroder - Metropolis Dan Downey said I can only imagine what TD could have done with a film > like Metropolis - all the sequencers kicking in with > the industrial machinery. Well they could do 'music inspired by Metropolis' couldn't they like Schulze did Dune? David From: 'fozziebear' Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 5:53 pm Subject: Sci Fi If TD don't or can't do Metropolis I would like them to do Clarke's Rendevouz with Rama. I saw mention in New Scientist that his book will appear on film soon. Or Vonda McIntyre's Dreamsnake. David [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36267 Re: Sci Fi Administrator dale1kay Thu 9/19/2002 3 KB 36268 Re: Sci Fi fozziebear fozziebearbeehive Thu 9/19/2002 2 KB From: scfeldman@j... Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 6:03 pm Subject: The Scoop on Moroder's Good E-Music Offerings On Thu, 19 Sep 2002 16:46:09 -0000 'richter_arne' writes: > > --- In tadream@y..., 'Paul Lawler' wrote: >>I dont really know any of Moroders solo work What albums >>would people recommend ??? First and foremost, I would suggest the first two tracks on side three of Donna Summer's ONCE UPON A TIME: 'Now I Need You' and 'Working the Midnight Shift.' Next would come all of side four of her BAD GIRLS album, namely 'Our Love,' 'Lucky' and 'Sunset People.' >Definitely 'From Here To Eternity'. His masterpiece from 1977. >Side A with the title track is a great long disco-dance track >made out of different parts that merge from one into the other. >If you like Kraftwerk's Trance-Europe-Express and are not >totally alienated by 70s disco music, this track is for you. >Definitely ahead of its time and one of the most important >electronic albums of all times. Hey, I'll go along with that. The whole side is indeed very good. >The B- Side has 3 nice disco pop tunes that are quite good >but don't match the incredible title track. Not true. 'First Hand Experience in Second-hand Love,' if anything, is better -- as a song if not as e-music. It is one of Moroder's very best electronic-style compositions. It is sublime. :) >Very similar in style to these 3 pop songs, but much less >sequencer-driven and lacking the power of 'From Here To >Eternity''s title track is the 1976 predecessor 'Knights in >White Satin', which sounds a bit dated today. It is, but there is also the mega-rare 1975 album, EINZELGANGER, that is 90% electronic and a tad like pre- AUTOBAHN Kraftwerk! It is not on CD and very very hard to come on LP, even. >His 1980 solo album E=mc2 was one of the first albums recorded >completely digitally Correction: it is *the* first. >I didn't like it at all, but this is mainly due to Moroder >singing all the songs himself in a falsetto Bee-Gee style voice which I found terrible. I still don't know why he did that, Because he didn't; it wasn't him. There are two brilliant tracks on the E=mc2 album: 'If You Weren't Afraid' and 'In My Wildest Dreams.' These two still send shivers down my spine with their prescient inventiveness and multi-layered production. His best-ever track IMHO is 'Evolution,' which is included as a bonus track on this CD. It is not entirely electronic in instrumentation, but 100% in feeling, structure and style. And here's an amazing fact: Moroder almost never used electronic percussion: 90% of the drumming on his tracks was done by Keith Forsey!!! Another great Moroder disc is the NO. 1 IN HEAVEN album by Sparks. Seriously. It is excellent through and through. Sparks is made up of two brothers, one of which is a singer while the other is a multi-instrumentalist specializing in keyboards. This, which was his first collaboration with Moroder, was a milestone in electronic music. Their other teamups pale in comparison by a wide margin. No. 1 IN HEAVEN is only on import CD, though, alas. For other stuff that only came out on LP: Moroder also produced an album by someone named Suzy Lane in 1979, and it has an electronic classic called 'Harmony' on it. Other than that, there is the LOVE'S IN YOU, LOVE'S IN ME album by Giorgio and Chris, Chris being Chris Bennett, who did the vocals on 'Midnight Express' and the second Munich Machine album, A WHITER SHADE OF PALE, which is also very good. A WHITER SHADE OF PALE was issued briefly on CD, but is scarce as hell. Finally, Moroder produced Nina Hagen's FEARLESS album in 1983. Too bad that this never saw a CD release, because there are three gems on it: 'Flying Saucers,' 'The Change,' and 'T.V. Snooze,' the latter of which is in the 'I Feel Love' rapid sequencer tradition. Pick it up on LP if you find it. Moroder really is underrated and tends to be remembered for his late period dreck. Stuff like his FLASHDANCE and TOP GUN work made money but was not electronic in style. MIDNIGHT EXPRESS and CAT PEOPLE were but these albums are uneven. His last gasp for good e-music was 'Valley of the Dolls' on the FOXES soundtrack. This is on the FROM HERE TO ETERNITY . . . AND BACK AGAIN CD that came out in 1985, but this is out of print. -- Steven Feldman + + + + + + + 'David Bowie told me Brian Eno gave him a record of I Feel Love and said 'David . . . I heard the future!'' -- Giorgio Moroder, on the UK Channel 4 television special, 'The UK's Greatest #1 Singles,' on January 6, 2001 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: 'Administrator' Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 6:07 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Part 2 of Synapse 1978 March / April interview Each has talents that supplemented and complemented. Each new person also brings in a new mix. Dale ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Owens, James' To: Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 7:07 AM Subject: RE: [tadream] Re: Part 2 of Synapse 1978 March / April interview > I find this all kind of amusing, since Chris Franke's skill with sequencers > and arpeggiators blows both Edgar and Klaus away... > > James > > NP: Driving into Blue (from Pacific Coast Highway) > > -----Original Message----- > From: Synthhtnys@a... [mailto:Synthhtnys@a...] > > ... I'm afraid most interviews I've read from > Edgar and Klaus have this kind of bitter take on anything that happened > after > them. They seem to lack the objectivity that they were lucky enough to be in > > the right place at the right time for these emerging technologies and that > they appear to think the sound of a synth or one controlled by a sequencer > is > their intellectual property... > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: 'Administrator' Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 6:08 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] OT: Martin on tour Wish I could visit. Any chance some of this might be recorded? Dale ----- Original Message ----- From: 'TDI MUSIC - Martin Kasprzak' To: Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 7:42 AM Subject: [tadream] OT: Martin on tour Hi Folks. now for one slightly OT announcement. I will be on tour with my band Sepulcrum Mentis in roughly 1 week. So, if you're in the area of one of the shows and if you´re into prog-gothic-rock somewhere between Bauhaus, Bowie, Pink Floyd, The Mission and Black Sabbath, I´d be happy to see some of you around. The on-topic-bit: I will not be in the office for questions, etc. the next two weeks. I will return on Oct. 7th. Here are the dates: 29.09.2002 RABEN - Burg Rabenstein (Herbstnächte) 30.09.2002 HALLE (Saale) - Capitol Event Center (incl. Fetish fashion and pyro show !!) 01.10.2002 LEVERKUSEN - Shadow 02.10.2002 RATHENOW - Musikbrauerei 03.10.2002 BERLIN - Garage Pankow 04.10.2002 KASSEL - Musiktheater 'Dark Area' 05.10.2002 NEUBRANDENBURG - Club Zebra All shows will start at 9:00 p.m. CET approx. If anyone has questions regarding the shows, you can mail to: marty@s... Sorry... now back to TD. ;-) Best regards, Martin Kasprzak TDI- Music- Support. Tel:-49-30-23620995 Fax:-49-30-23620996 Visit our Website at: [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] ----------------------------------------------------_- To unsubscribe: ----------------------------------------------------_- Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at Tangerine Tree info at Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36292 Re: OT: Martin on tour TDI MUSIC - Martin Kasprzak manicmort Fri 9/20/2002 2 KB From: scfeldman@j... Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 6:11 pm Subject: CAT PEOPLE On Thu, 19 Sep 2002 18:47:25 +0100 'fozziebear' writes: > Is there any connection between MORODER / CATPEOPLE > and David Bowie and Catpeople? Yes. They're the same thing. The album version has one more verse than the single version. > David Steven Feldman Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36302 Re: CAT PEOPLE Wade Gordon mindvoyager1 Fri 9/20/2002 2 KB 36303 Re: CAT PEOPLE Administrator dale1kay Fri 9/20/2002 3 KB 36315 Re: CAT PEOPLE Wade Gordon mindvoyager1 Sat 9/21/2002 4 KB 36319 Re: CAT PEOPLE Admin dale1kay Sat 9/21/2002 5 KB 36324 Re: CAT PEOPLE Wade Gordon mindvoyager1 Sun 9/22/2002 6 KB From: 'Administrator' Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 6:13 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Moroder's Worth (was Re: Part 2 of Synapse 1978 March / April interview) yes I have the vinyl to this sound track. Truth be told, I have a lot of GM stuff here and there. Dale ----- Original Message ----- From: 'fozziebear' To: Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 10:47 AM Subject: Re: [tadream] Moroder's Worth (was Re: Part 2 of Synapse 1978 March / April interview) > scfeldman said > For those interested in what Moroder's good stuff sounds > > like ('cause except for MIDNIGHT EXPRESS and CAT PEOPLE, most > > of his soundtrack work is rather tepid for E-music fans' > > tastes), I've provided links to some sound files below: > > Is there any connection between MORODER / CATPEOPLE and David Bowie and > Catpeople? > > David > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: 'Administrator' Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 6:15 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Sci Fi that would be cool but what if... they INferno it?tangitize it or remix it? What would Rama be like afterward? dale ----- Original Message ----- From: 'fozziebear' To: Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 10:53 AM Subject: [tadream] Sci Fi > If TD don't or can't do Metropolis I would like them to do Clarke's Rendevouz with Rama. I saw mention in New Scientist that his book will appear on film soon. > > Or Vonda McIntyre's Dreamsnake. > > David > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: 'fozziebear' Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 6:26 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Sci Fi Administrator said > that would be cool but what if... they INferno it?tangitize it or remix it? > What would Rama be like afterward? > > dale It would have a lot of RAMAfications David From: 'Paul Dryden' Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 7:05 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Moroder The only thing i thought was wrong with Metropolis was the use of other bands-they should have stuck to a complete Moroder score....... Paulus.d_uk ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Joe Shoults' To: Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 1:48 PM Subject: RE: [tadream] Moroder > I thought Moroder's re-do of Metropolis was fantastic. > > Joe > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: Paul Lawler [mailto:lawlermusic@b...] > > Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 8:26 AM > > To: > > Subject: [tadream] Moroder > > > > > > I dont really know any of Moroders solo work apart from a great track from > > Metropolis , I cant remember the name but I think it had dinner party or > > something like that in the title , it starts with drums and voices in the > > background , it was the B side of 'Love Kills' by freddy Mercury > > What albums would people recommend ??? and are they still available ? > > > > Paul > > > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > From: 'Paul Dryden' Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 7:06 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Part 2 of Synapse 1978 March / April interview Think your right matey.... Paulus.d_uk ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Owens, James' To: Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 3:07 PM Subject: RE: [tadream] Re: Part 2 of Synapse 1978 March / April interview > I find this all kind of amusing, since Chris Franke's skill with sequencers > and arpeggiators blows both Edgar and Klaus away... > > James > > NP: Driving into Blue (from Pacific Coast Highway) > > -----Original Message----- > From: Synthhtnys@a... [mailto:Synthhtnys@a...] > > ... I'm afraid most interviews I've read from > Edgar and Klaus have this kind of bitter take on anything that happened > after > them. They seem to lack the objectivity that they were lucky enough to be in > > the right place at the right time for these emerging technologies and that > they appear to think the sound of a synth or one controlled by a sequencer > is > their intellectual property... > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > From: 'Paul Dryden' Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 7:07 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Moroder I had this album too.. but tend to keep quiet about it! Paulus.d ----- Original Message ----- From: 'richter_arne' To: Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 5:46 PM Subject: [tadream] Re: Moroder > --- In tadream@y..., 'Paul Lawler' wrote: > > I dont really know any of Moroders solo work > > What albums would people recommend ??? > > Definitely 'From Here To Eternity'. His masterpiece from 1977. Side A > with the title track is a great long disco-dance track made out of > different parts that merge from one into the other. If you like > Kraftwerk's Trance-Europe-Express and are not totally alienated by > 70s disco music, this track is for you. Definitely ahead of its time > and one of the most important electronic albums of all times. The B- > Side has 3 nice disco pop tunes that are quite good but don't match > the incredible title track. Singer on the album is a Pete Bellotte, > whose voice fits the music perfectly. Actually half of the album is > instrumental or heavily vocoded anyway. > > Very similar in style to these 3 pop songs, but much less sequencer- > driven and lacking the power of 'From Here To Eternity''s title track > is the 1976 predecessor 'Knights in White Satin', which sounds a bit > dated today. > > Before that time, i.e. starting in the late sixties, he did a lot of > bubble-gum pop tunes that are very cheesy by today's standards. His > 1980 solo album E=mc2 was one of the first albums recorded completely > digitally and sounded totally sterile when it came out. I didn't like > it at all, but this is mainly due to Moroder singing all the songs > himself in a falsetto Bee-Gee style voice which I found terrible. I > still don't know why he did that, as some of his bubble-gum pop > singles showed that he actually has a good voice when he > sings 'normal'. > > Another good album to buy is his Soundtrack to Midnight Express with > the brilliant instrumental 'Chase', which is basically a heavy > pumping sequencer similar to 'I Feel Love' with a nice melody on top. > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36274 Nideggen concert is streamed at the moment Rainer Rutka rainerrutka Thu 9/19/2002 2 KB 36277 Re: Nideggen concert at inet-tv! Rainer Rutka rainerrutka Thu 9/19/2002 2 KB 36275 Re: Moroder Eric Williamson suitandtieguy Thu 9/19/2002 3 KB From: 'Paul Dryden' Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 7:10 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Moroder's Worth (was Re: Part 2 of Synapse 1978 March / April interview) Yes- Moroder/Cat people is the film soundtrack, Moroder scored the whole film Bowie/Cat People was the Title Track and the single release. Chances are that song is a vocal ,written by Bowie over Moroders Music.... The film was on in the UK about 4-5 months ago-its not bad... Paulus.d_uk ----- Original Message ----- From: 'fozziebear' To: Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 6:47 PM Subject: Re: [tadream] Moroder's Worth (was Re: Part 2 of Synapse 1978 March / April interview) > scfeldman said > For those interested in what Moroder's good stuff sounds > > like ('cause except for MIDNIGHT EXPRESS and CAT PEOPLE, most > > of his soundtrack work is rather tepid for E-music fans' > > tastes), I've provided links to some sound files below: > > Is there any connection between MORODER / CATPEOPLE and David Bowie and > Catpeople? > > David > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > From: 'Paul Dryden' Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 7:12 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Moroder - Metropolis except Queen had that earlier, when Freddie recorded Love Kills, Queen album 'The Works' is Metropolis Based (Radio Gaga Video etc) Paulus.d_UK all this off topics making me itch.... ----- Original Message ----- From: 'fozziebear' To: Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 6:49 PM Subject: Re: [tadream] Moroder - Metropolis > Dan Downey said I can only imagine what TD could have done with a film > > like Metropolis - all the sequencers kicking in with > > the industrial machinery. > > Well they could do 'music inspired by Metropolis' couldn't they like Schulze > did Dune? > > David > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > From: Rainer Rutka Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 7:18 pm Subject: Nideggen concert is streamed at the moment Hey! Click onto the webpage! The Nideggen concert is streamed at the moment. We have more band width free! JOIN! Rainer ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36277 Re: Nideggen concert at inet-tv! Rainer Rutka rainerrutka Thu 9/19/2002 2 KB From: Eric Williamson Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 7:20 pm Subject: Re: Moroder Quoting Paul Dryden : > I had this album too.. but tend to keep quiet about it! > > Definitely 'From Here To Eternity'. His masterpiece from 1977. Side why keep quiet about it? because it's good? i think that From Here To Eternity is some of the most bangin' house music ever made. it blew me away when i bought it on a whim (cuz it was a dollar). tangerine dream definitely should have paid more attention to Moroder than they did. can you imagine what the 76 TD would have sounded like with a better groove sensibility? of course the cyclone/force majeur period is their grooviest, but most of that is acoustic drumming. Eric Williamson From: Gustavo Jobim Date: Fri Sep 20, 2002 2:24 am Subject: Re: Moroder - Metropolis > Glass didn't do Nosferatu but the Bella Lugosi > Dracula. I saw a live performance of this and it was a > cool event. They performed behind the screen and at > certain times in the film they could change the > lighting so the musicians could be seen. I saw that too on Rio's City Theatre, first and still only time I've seen Glass and the Ensemble, on the night of sept.11,2001. unforgettable... Glass is one of my masters. I wonder if I'll ever see some of the other ones (TD, KS, Jarre, Oldfield...) GJ np. The Wretched (from The Fragile by Nine Inch Nails) Gustavo Jobim gustavojobim@n... From: Rainer Rutka Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 8:00 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Nideggen concert at inet-tv! Hi! `t was a fine webcast! I got best performance and no errors during the whole stream. Nice pictures and good sound anyway. We had much fun with the live-ticker! What a great idea! Stefan did a great job for making this possible. Join the next webcast if you find the time. It's worth the time :_) Rainer ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - From: 'Herbert' Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 10:54 pm Subject: AW: [tadream] OT: Martin on tour Hi, I haven't seen the film. I bought the soundtrack several years ago (as it was new) and have to say I liked the music and would have liked to see the film too. But maybe you're right: Picking up an old masterpiece and bringing it into new clothes will not necessarily result in an other masterpiece ;-) Herbert > -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- > Von: TDI MUSIC - Martin Kasprzak [mailto:manager@t...] > Gesendet: Donnerstag, 19. September 2002 16:43 > An: > Betreff: [tadream] OT: Martin on tour > > > Hi Folks. > now for one slightly OT announcement. I will be on tour > with my band > Sepulcrum Mentis in roughly 1 week. So, if you're in the area > of one of the > shows and if you´re into prog-gothic-rock somewhere between > Bauhaus, Bowie, > Pink Floyd, The Mission and Black Sabbath, I´d be happy to > see some of you > around. > > The on-topic-bit: I will not be in the office for questions, > etc. the next > two weeks. I will return on Oct. 7th. Here are the dates: > > 29.09.2002 RABEN - Burg Rabenstein (Herbstnächte) > 30.09.2002 HALLE (Saale) - Capitol > Event Center > (incl. Fetish fashion and pyro show !!) > 01.10.2002 LEVERKUSEN - Shadow > 02.10.2002 RATHENOW - Musikbrauerei > 03.10.2002 BERLIN - Garage Pankow > 04.10.2002 KASSEL - Musiktheater 'Dark Area' > 05.10.2002 NEUBRANDENBURG - Club Zebra > > All shows will start at 9:00 p.m. CET approx. If anyone has questions > regarding the shows, you can mail to: marty@s... > > Sorry... now back to TD. ;-) > > Best regards, > > Martin Kasprzak > TDI- Music- Support. > Tel:-49-30-23620995 > Fax:-49-30-23620996 > > Visit our Website at: > > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36279 AW: [tadream] OT: Martin on tour - corect Re: [tadream] Moroder - Me Herbert gae232 Thu 9/19/2002 5 KB From: 'Herbert' Date: Thu Sep 19, 2002 11:00 pm Subject: AW: [tadream] OT: Martin on tour - corect Re: [tadream] Moroder - Metropolis Sorry. This mail was intended to be a reply to Martins comments about 'Moroder - Metropolis' Martin, you've been posting too much today :-) Herbert > -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- > Von: Herbert [mailto:gae@g...] > Gesendet: Freitag, 20. September 2002 00:54 > An: > Betreff: AW: [tadream] OT: Martin on tour > > > Hi, > I haven't seen the film. I bought the soundtrack several > years ago (as it > was new) and have to say I liked the music and would have > liked to see the > film too. > > But maybe you're right: > Picking up an old masterpiece and bringing it into new > clothes will not > necessarily result in an other masterpiece ;-) > > Herbert > > > -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- > > Von: TDI MUSIC - Martin Kasprzak [mailto:manager@t...] > > Gesendet: Donnerstag, 19. September 2002 16:43 > > An: > > Betreff: [tadream] OT: Martin on tour > > > > > > Hi Folks. > > now for one slightly OT announcement. I will be on tour > > with my band > > Sepulcrum Mentis in roughly 1 week. So, if you're in the area > > of one of the > > shows and if you´re into prog-gothic-rock somewhere between > > Bauhaus, Bowie, > > Pink Floyd, The Mission and Black Sabbath, I´d be happy to > > see some of you > > around. > > > > The on-topic-bit: I will not be in the office for questions, > > etc. the next > > two weeks. I will return on Oct. 7th. Here are the dates: > > > > 29.09.2002 RABEN - Burg Rabenstein (Herbstnächte) > > 30.09.2002 HALLE (Saale) - Capitol > > Event Center > > (incl. Fetish fashion and pyro show !!) > > 01.10.2002 LEVERKUSEN - Shadow > > 02.10.2002 RATHENOW - Musikbrauerei > > 03.10.2002 BERLIN - Garage Pankow > > 04.10.2002 KASSEL - Musiktheater 'Dark Area' > > 05.10.2002 NEUBRANDENBURG - Club Zebra > > > > All shows will start at 9:00 p.m. CET approx. If anyone has > questions > > regarding the shows, you can mail to: marty@s... > > > > Sorry... now back to TD. ;-) > > > > Best regards, > > > > Martin Kasprzak > > TDI- Music- Support. > > Tel:-49-30-23620995 > > Fax:-49-30-23620996 > > > > Visit our Website at: > > > > > > > > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > From: 'Joe Shoults' Date: Fri Sep 20, 2002 5:20 am Subject: OT: RE: [tadream] Moroder hmm.. Certainly as a purist Lang fan, I could be offended that anyone would even tamper with it at all, except to restore it to a more original state. Also because Moroder (or maybe his producers) claims to have carefully restored missing parts of the original film, and used stills where they couldn't get complete footage, to make it as fully-restored as possible. Horsefeathers! My neighborhood video store's version has a lot of footage (original black & white) that was not used in the Moroder version. Yes, the use of the stills when Freder was going to the whorehouse was creative enough, but I wish I could rememeber the specific ones that Moroder left out. I'm more irked about that. But no mistaking it, it WAS 'pop' treatment. Although primarily for the songs used*, not so much for Moroder's sythnesizer accompaniment. Without Moroder's treatment, however, I wonder how many people might not have ever been exposed to the genius of Lang with this movie. * Freddie Mercury, Jon Anderson, Pat Benetar, Cycle V, Bonnie Tyler, Loverboy, Billy Squire, Adam Ant The original movie is a showcase of production, design and directorial talent, as good or better than a mixture of Citizen Kane with a deMille movie, histrionic silent acting notwithstanding. And Lang was indeed a prophetic genius - he showed The Master, *who runs Metropolis with pushbuttons*, teleconferencing with his Foreman 13 years before TV was even invented! But what did I specifically like about Moroder's treatment? I liked only a few of the 'songs' (e.g. 'Blood From a Stone'), but mostly Moroder's background accompaniment, especially when synchronizing musical sounds to screen events. Example: the scene in Rotwang's lab, when he's activating the robot version of Maria, culminating in her awakening, as well as the sequencers going along with the machinery, culminating in the explosion and Freder's subsequent death vision scene. Great buildup, and the trippy sounds were like being in a mad scientist's lab on nitrous! Overall, in the sense that the movie is futuristic, and Lang's vision of the future is one that is both synthetic and mechanical, I think synthesizsers are the perfect fit. I can't even imagine an orchestral version being able to come close. To illustrate that particular point, compare to Legend, with the different 'feel' TD's music versus Goldsmith's music brings to the two versions of that movie. With the late fees I ended up paying on that movie, I should have just bought the damn thing. ;-) Joe > -----Original Message----- > From: Armin Theissen [mailto:Armin.Theissen@s...] > Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 9:15 AM > To: > Subject: Re: [tadream] Moroder > > > > Really? I think it was an absolute RAPE of the art of > Fritz Lang. > > > Joe Shoults wrote: > > > I thought Moroder's re-do of Metropolis was fantastic. > > > > Joe > > > Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36284 Re: OT: RE: [tadream] Moroder John Vertical omegatransfinito Fri 9/20/2002 2 KB 36294 Re: OT: RE: [tadream] Moroder Joe Shoults bigstupidgeek Fri 9/20/2002 3 KB 36295 Re: OT: RE: [tadream] Moroder Joe Shoults bigstupidgeek Fri 9/20/2002 4 KB 36289 Re: OT: RE: [tadream] Moroder fozziebear fozziebearbeehive Fri 9/20/2002 3 KB From: quarlie@a... Date: Fri Sep 20, 2002 6:49 am Subject: Re: 4 on the floor/Dream Mixes (was Synapse interview etc.) >So guys, is this why when TD does dance in the Dream Mixes, it's this drum & >bass stuff? Maybe that bitterness extends today which is why we wont hear a >disco (4 on the floor?) beat to TD's take on dance music. I always thought >that simple beat typified the trance/sequencer sound. Hmm... but there was plenty of straight-up thumpage on DM1 and 2 (and especially on the Club Dream Mixes). The D&B stuff didn't show up until a lot more recently. --Daniel NP: Icon of Coil - The Soul Is in the Software (speaking of thumping...) From: quarlie@a... Date: Fri Sep 20, 2002 6:49 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Moroder - Metropolis 'fozziebear' wrote: >Well they could do 'music inspired by Metropolis' couldn't they like Schulze >did Dune? Don't forget Edgar's solo track 'Metropolis' (from 'Ages'), which was exactly that. BTW, does anyone else think that album deserves more attention than it gets? --Daniel From: Jens Kilian Date: Fri Sep 20, 2002 7:51 am Subject: Re: Moroder - Metropolis > From: TDI MUSIC - Martin Kasprzak [...] > IMO, if you want to go for fitting musical adaptions of silent movies, try: > - the Metropolis adaption by Karl-Heinz Wahren > - the Nosferatu-adaption by Phil Glass Glass scoring _Nosferatu_? *boggle* ... Actually, he seems to have done a score for the Bela Lugosi _Dracula_, not for _Nosferatu_, but I *have* to get this. Thanks for the tip! Jens. -- mailto:jjk@a... phone:+49-7031-464-7698 (TELNET 778-7698) fax:+49-7031-464-7351 PGP: 06 04 1C 35 7B DC 1F 26 As the air to a bird, or the sea to a fish, 0x555DA8B5 BB A2 F0 66 77 75 E1 08 so is contempt to the contemptible. [Blake] Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36286 Re: Moroder - Metropolis coldwatercanyon tangram80 Fri 9/20/2002 4 KB From: 'John Vertical' Date: Fri Sep 20, 2002 8:41 am Subject: Re: OT: RE: [tadream] Moroder Could we please cut down this Moroder discussion a bit? About 80% of the recent messages have been concerning him... My comments about him would be that I was surprized to know that he's a person. The first time I heard his name was when someone decribed some track as 'morodered' - so I though that it was some sort of a synth, like Vocoder... John Vertical _________________________________________________________________ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36294 Re: OT: RE: [tadream] Moroder Joe Shoults bigstupidgeek Fri 9/20/2002 3 KB 36295 Re: OT: RE: [tadream] Moroder Joe Shoults bigstupidgeek Fri 9/20/2002 4 KB From: Armin Theissen Date: Fri Sep 20, 2002 9:09 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Moroder - Metropolis I actually like Froese's 'Metropolis' from his solo album 'Ages' - has this machine-throbbing sound... Dan Downey wrote: > > I can only imagine what TD could have done with a film > like Metropolis - all the sequencers kicking in with > the industrial machinery. > > DanD ----------------------------------------------------------------- Armin dot Theissen at sun dot com phone x19080 SUN Microsystems Ireland 'To you I'm an atheist; to God, I'm the Loyal Opposition.' - Woody Allen From: coldwatercanyon Date: Fri Sep 20, 2002 9:15 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Moroder - Metropolis I watched Philip Glass and the Kronos Quartet did Dracula last year in Hong Kong. Nice music but sort of repetitive and I got bored and felt asleep during the 2nd half of the show. What 'Nosferatu' means to me is then excellent soundtrack by Florian Fricke's Popol Vuh in 1978 (same year as Edgar's 'Ages') to the Werner Herzog movie. Jeffrey ----Original Message----- From: Jens Kilian To: Subject: [tadream] Re: Moroder - Metropolis Date: Fri Sep 20 15:51:29 HKT 2002 > From: TDI MUSIC - Martin Kasprzak [...] > IMO, if you want to go for fitting musical adaptions of silent movies, try: > - the Metropolis adaption by Karl-Heinz Wahren > - the Nosferatu-adaption by Phil Glass Glass scoring _Nosferatu_? *boggle* ... Actually, he seems to have done a score for the Bela Lugosi _Dracula_, not for _Nosferatu_, but I *have* to get this. Thanks for the tip! Jens. -- mailto:jjk@a... phone:+49-7031-464-7698 (TELNET 778-7698) fax:+49-7031-464-7351 PGP: 06 04 1C 35 7B DC 1F 26 As the air to a bird, or the sea to a fish, 0x555DA8B5 BB A2 F0 66 77 75 E1 08 so is contempt to the contemptible. [Blake] ----------------------------------------------------_- To unsubscribe: ----------------------------------------------------_- Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at Tangerine Tree info at Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ -------------------- This email service is provided by So-net HK. Apply Now to be our members. From: 'fozziebear' Date: Fri Sep 20, 2002 10:25 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Moroder - Metropolis TOMORROW IS WORLD PEACE DAY. PAUSE TO REFLECT. ----- Original Message ----- From: coldwatercanyon To: Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 10:15 AM Subject: Re: [tadream] Re: Moroder - Metropolis > I watched Philip Glass and the Kronos Quartet did Dracula last year in Hong Kong. Nice music but sort of repetitive and I got bored and felt asleep during the 2nd half of the show. > > What 'Nosferatu' means to me is then excellent soundtrack by Florian Fricke's Popol Vuh in 1978 (same year as Edgar's 'Ages') to the Werner Herzog movie. > > Jeffrey > > ----Original Message----- > From: Jens Kilian > To: > Subject: [tadream] Re: Moroder - Metropolis > Date: Fri Sep 20 15:51:29 HKT 2002 > > > From: TDI MUSIC - Martin Kasprzak > [...] > > IMO, if you want to go for fitting musical adaptions of silent movies, try: > > - the Metropolis adaption by Karl-Heinz Wahren > > - the Nosferatu-adaption by Phil Glass > > Glass scoring _Nosferatu_? *boggle* ... > > Actually, he seems to have done a score for the Bela Lugosi _Dracula_, not > for _Nosferatu_, but I *have* to get this. > > Thanks for the tip! > > Jens. > -- > mailto:jjk@a... phone:+49-7031-464-7698 (TELNET 778-7698) > fax:+49-7031-464-7351 > PGP: 06 04 1C 35 7B DC 1F 26 As the air to a bird, or the sea to a fish, > 0x555DA8B5 BB A2 F0 66 77 75 E1 08 so is contempt to the contemptible. [Blake] > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- > This email service is provided by So-net HK. Apply Now to be our members. > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > From: 'fozziebear' Date: Fri Sep 20, 2002 10:26 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Moroder - Metropolis TOMORROW IS WORLD PEACE DAY. PAUSE TO REFLECT. ----- Original Message ----- From: Armin Theissen To: Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 10:09 AM Subject: Re: [tadream] Moroder - Metropolis > > I actually like Froese's 'Metropolis' from his solo album > 'Ages' - has this machine-throbbing sound... > > Dan Downey wrote: > > > > > > I can only imagine what TD could have done with a film > > like Metropolis - all the sequencers kicking in with > > the industrial machinery. > > > > DanD > > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > Armin dot Theissen at sun dot com phone x19080 > SUN Microsystems Ireland > > 'To you I'm an atheist; to God, I'm the Loyal Opposition.' > - Woody Allen > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > From: 'fozziebear' Date: Fri Sep 20, 2002 10:27 am Subject: Re: OT: RE: [tadream] Moroder TOMORROW IS WORLD PEACE DAY. PAUSE TO REFLECT. ----- Original Message ----- From: John Vertical To: Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 9:41 AM Subject: Re: OT: RE: [tadream] Moroder > Could we please cut down this Moroder discussion a bit? About 80% of the > recent messages have been concerning him... > > My comments about him would be that I was surprized to know that he's a > person. The first time I heard his name was when someone decribed some track > as 'morodered' - so I though that it was some sort of a synth, like > Vocoder... > > John Vertical > > _________________________________________________________________ > MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > From: 'fozziebear' Date: Fri Sep 20, 2002 10:28 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Moroder - Metropolis TOMORROW IS WORLD PEACE DAY. PAUSE TO REFLECT. ----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 7:49 AM Subject: Re: [tadream] Moroder - Metropolis > 'fozziebear' wrote: > > >Well they could do 'music inspired by Metropolis' couldn't they like Schulze > >did Dune? > > Don't forget Edgar's solo track 'Metropolis' (from 'Ages'), which was exactly that. > > BTW, does anyone else think that album deserves more attention than it gets? > > --Daniel > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > From: 'fozziebear' Date: Fri Sep 20, 2002 10:28 am Subject: Re: RE: [tadream] Moroder TOMORROW IS WORLD PEACE. PAUSE TO REFLECT. ----- Original Message ----- From: Joe Shoults To: Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 6:20 AM Subject: OT: RE: [tadream] Moroder > hmm.. Certainly as a purist Lang fan, I could be offended that anyone would > even tamper with it at all, except to restore it to a more original state. > Also because Moroder (or maybe his producers) claims to have carefully > restored missing parts of the original film, and used stills where they > couldn't get complete footage, to make it as fully-restored as possible. > Horsefeathers! My neighborhood video store's version has a lot of footage > (original black & white) that was not used in the Moroder version. Yes, the > use of the stills when Freder was going to the whorehouse was creative > enough, but I wish I could rememeber the specific ones that Moroder left > out. I'm more irked about that. > > But no mistaking it, it WAS 'pop' treatment. Although primarily for the > songs used*, not so much for Moroder's sythnesizer accompaniment. Without > Moroder's treatment, however, I wonder how many people might not have ever > been exposed to the genius of Lang with this movie. > > * Freddie Mercury, Jon Anderson, Pat Benetar, Cycle V, Bonnie Tyler, > Loverboy, Billy Squire, Adam Ant > > The original movie is a showcase of production, design and directorial > talent, as good or better than a mixture of Citizen Kane with a deMille > movie, histrionic silent acting notwithstanding. And Lang was indeed a > prophetic genius - he showed The Master, *who runs Metropolis with > pushbuttons*, teleconferencing with his Foreman 13 years before TV was even > invented! > > But what did I specifically like about Moroder's treatment? > I liked only a few of the 'songs' (e.g. 'Blood From a Stone'), but mostly > Moroder's background accompaniment, especially when synchronizing musical > sounds to screen events. Example: the scene in Rotwang's lab, when he's > activating the robot version of Maria, culminating in her awakening, as well > as the sequencers going along with the machinery, culminating in the > explosion and Freder's subsequent death vision scene. Great buildup, and > the trippy sounds were like being in a mad scientist's lab on nitrous! > > Overall, in the sense that the movie is futuristic, and Lang's vision of the > future is one that is both synthetic and mechanical, I think synthesizsers > are the perfect fit. I can't even imagine an orchestral version being able > to come close. > > To illustrate that particular point, compare to Legend, with the different > 'feel' TD's music versus Goldsmith's music brings to the two versions of > that movie. > > With the late fees I ended up paying on that movie, I should have just > bought the damn thing. ;-) > > Joe > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: Armin Theissen [mailto:Armin.Theissen@s...] > > Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 9:15 AM > > To: > > Subject: Re: [tadream] Moroder > > > > > > > > Really? I think it was an absolute RAPE of the art of > > Fritz Lang. > > > > > > Joe Shoults wrote: > > > > > I thought Moroder's re-do of Metropolis was fantastic. > > > > > > Joe > > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > From: TDI MUSIC - Martin Kasprzak Date: Fri Sep 20, 2002 8:33 am Subject: Re: [tadream] OT: Martin on tour At 11:08 19.09.02, you wrote: >Wish I could visit. Any chance some of this might be recorded? > >Dale Dear Dale, yes, I am sure, we´ll record most of the shows. Please e-mail me at home at: marty@s... for details. You can also check out: for some free MP3´s. Enjoy! Best, Martin K. From: TDI MUSIC - Martin Kasprzak Date: Fri Sep 20, 2002 8:37 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Moroder - Metropolis > > >Glass didn't do Nosferatu but the Bella Lugosi >Dracula. I saw a live performance of this and it was a >cool event. They performed behind the screen and at >certain times in the film they could change the >lighting so the musicians could be seen. Answer: >You are right... I confused this... There are two different versions of the Murnau-Nosferatu with new scores on DVD, though. One features modern music (Type O Negative, I think) and one is an orchestral score. Best regards, Martin Kasprzak TDI- Music- Support. Tel:-49-30-23620995 Fax:-49-30-23620996 Visit our Website at: [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] From: 'Joe Shoults' Date: Fri Sep 20, 2002 3:35 pm Subject: RE: OT: RE: [tadream] Moroder Hey John- I appreciate your sentiments. But off-topic forays, especially as long as we try to remember to put 'OT' in the subject, and as they relate to the electronic music genre, are welcome. While TD is the center of our little microcosm, we also want to learn about other EM artists and related interests. The longer you're here, the more you'll appreciate them ;-) JOe > -----Original Message----- > From: John Vertical [mailto:johnvertical@h...] > Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 4:41 AM > To: > Subject: Re: OT: RE: [tadream] Moroder > > > Could we please cut down this Moroder discussion a bit? About 80% of the > recent messages have been concerning him... > > My comments about him would be that I was surprized to know that he's a > person. The first time I heard his name was when someone decribed > some track > as 'morodered' - so I though that it was some sort of a synth, like > Vocoder... > > John Vertical > > _________________________________________________________________ > MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36295 Re: OT: RE: [tadream] Moroder Joe Shoults bigstupidgeek Fri 9/20/2002 4 KB From: 'Joe Shoults' Date: Fri Sep 20, 2002 5:04 pm Subject: RE: OT: RE: [tadream] Moroder VERY sorry - that was meant for off-list! > -----Original Message----- > From: Joe Shoults [mailto:joe@t...] > Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 11:36 AM > To: > Subject: RE: OT: RE: [tadream] Moroder > > > Hey John- > > I appreciate your sentiments. > > But off-topic forays, especially as long as we try to remember to put 'OT' > in the subject, and as they relate to the electronic music genre, are > welcome. While TD is the center of our little microcosm, we also want to > learn about other EM artists and related interests. > > The longer you're here, the more you'll appreciate them ;-) > > JOe > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: John Vertical [mailto:johnvertical@h...] > > Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 4:41 AM > > To: > > Subject: Re: OT: RE: [tadream] Moroder > > > > > > Could we please cut down this Moroder discussion a bit? About 80% of the > > recent messages have been concerning him... > > > > My comments about him would be that I was surprized to know that he's a > > person. The first time I heard his name was when someone decribed > > some track > > as 'morodered' - so I though that it was some sort of a synth, like > > Vocoder... > > > > John Vertical > > > > _________________________________________________________________ > > MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: > > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > From: 'tei waz' Date: Fri Sep 20, 2002 5:04 pm Subject: RE: Klaus Schulze Amazon Question it's not klaus schulze (despite what says on the link, but 'schulze'--totally different folx. see here --T _________________________________________________________________ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: From: scfeldman@j... Date: Fri Sep 20, 2002 5:11 pm Subject: Froese's AGES (was Moroder - Metropolis) On Fri, 20 Sep 2002 02:49:47 -0400 quarlie@a... writes: > Don't forget Edgar's solo track 'Metropolis' (from 'Ages'), which > was exactly that. > > BTW, does anyone else think that album deserves more attention than > it gets? Not me. The final track, 'Pizarro and Atahualpa,' is great, and 'Ode to Annie A' is good, but the rest is mostly pretty mediocre. Steven Feldman Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36326 Re: Froese's AGES (was Moroder - Metropolis) Colin Jouxson convention24 Sun 9/22/2002 2 KB 36327 Re: Froese's AGES (was Moroder - Metropolis) Synthhtnys@a... Sun 9/22/2002 2 KB 36331 Re: Froese's AGES (was Moroder - Metropolis) John Marchington johnmarch1938 Mon 9/23/2002 3 KB 36335 Re: Froese's AGES (was Moroder - Metropolis) braddito braddito Mon 9/23/2002 2 KB From: Morgan Feldon Date: Fri Sep 20, 2002 5:20 pm Subject: >From: 'Joe Shoults' >Date: Fri Sep 20, 2002 12:04 pm >Subject: RE: OT: RE: [tadream] Moroder > >VERY sorry - that was meant for off-list! So Joe, you still won't consider changing Reply to Reply to individual and Reply to All to reply to list? -Morgan P.S. Methinks Fozziebear has a virus. [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36299 Re: Joe Shoults bigstupidgeek Fri 9/20/2002 3 KB 36314 Re: Miguel Farah miguelbraxtonfarah Sat 9/21/2002 2 KB From: 'Joe Shoults' Date: Fri Sep 20, 2002 5:52 pm Subject: RE: [tadream] Well, I just had my head up my ass, is why that happened, but of course I'll consider it; let's take a poll. What Morgan is talking about is us flipping an administrative switch so that when you click your 'reply' button on a tadream list message, the reply is addressed to the individual who sent it, instead of to ''. I personally prefer 'reply to list' myself, because 1) I'm lazy, and 2) most of my replies are to the list instead of individuals, and 3) good discussions may be more likely to 'leak' offlist. I'm initiating a one-week poll. I have no problem switching the setting if most people would prefer it that way. Joe np: Vangelis- Mythodea, but looking for my EF-'Ages' CD! IIRC, I like the whole thing. > -----Original Message----- > From: Morgan Feldon [mailto:feldon@f...] > Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 1:20 PM > To: > Subject: [tadream] > > > > >From: 'Joe Shoults' > >Date: Fri Sep 20, 2002 12:04 pm > >Subject: RE: OT: RE: [tadream] Moroder > > > >VERY sorry - that was meant for off-list! > > So Joe, you still won't consider changing Reply to Reply to > individual and > Reply to All to reply to list? > > -Morgan > > P.S. Methinks Fozziebear has a virus. > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36314 Re: Miguel Farah miguelbraxtonfarah Sat 9/21/2002 2 KB From: Date: Fri Sep 20, 2002 5:49 pm Subject: New poll for tadream Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the tadream group: Currently, when you click 'reply' to a tadream message, it goes back to the general list. Some may prefer that message instead be addressed to the original sender. Which would you prefer? o 'reply to list' o 'reply to sender' To vote, please visit the following web page: Note: Please do not reply to this message. Poll votes are not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the Yahoo! Groups web site listed above. Thanks! From: 'fozziebear' Date: Fri Sep 20, 2002 5:44 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Morgan said Methinks Fozziebear has a virus. Methinks the pets have been playing with the computer while I've been out at work. David From: Wade Gordon Date: Fri Sep 20, 2002 8:15 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] CAT PEOPLE If you would like to hear the ost of 'Cat People' it will be running this week on 'Sound Explorer>' Wade --- scfeldman@j... wrote: > On Thu, 19 Sep 2002 18:47:25 +0100 'fozziebear' > writes: > > > Is there any connection between MORODER / > CATPEOPLE > > and David Bowie and Catpeople? > > Yes. They're the same thing. The album > version has one > more verse than the single version. > > > David > > Steven Feldman > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? New DSL Internet Access from SBC & Yahoo! From: 'Administrator' Date: Fri Sep 20, 2002 8:23 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] CAT PEOPLE I see you are putting out the fire with gasoline? dale ;-) ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Wade Gordon' To: Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 1:15 PM Subject: Re: [tadream] CAT PEOPLE > If you would like to hear the ost of 'Cat People' it > will be running this week on 'Sound Explorer>' > > Wade > --- scfeldman@j... wrote: > > On Thu, 19 Sep 2002 18:47:25 +0100 'fozziebear' > > writes: > > > > > Is there any connection between MORODER / > > CATPEOPLE > > > and David Bowie and Catpeople? > > > > Yes. They're the same thing. The album > > version has one > > more verse than the single version. > > > > > David > > > > Steven Feldman > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > To unsubscribe: > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > > > > > __________________________________________________ > Do you Yahoo!? > New DSL Internet Access from SBC & Yahoo! > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36315 Re: CAT PEOPLE Wade Gordon mindvoyager1 Sat 9/21/2002 4 KB From: chris towers Date: Fri Sep 20, 2002 8:33 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] INFERNO - WEBCAST at INET-TV On that Mars Polaris note, does anybody have any visual footage from the show.?? I was at the show and noticed the cameras set up but have seen nothing. Anyone??? Cheers Chris Towers --- vic rek wrote: > > > >Live from Burg Nideggen: Tangerine Dream's > performance of > > > INFERNO at Burg > > > >Nideggen on August, 24th has been taped by our > friends from > > > >INET-TV®/INET-RADIO®. > > I wonder if a CD-ROM will be available like for Mars > Polaris? > > Vic > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? New DSL Internet Access from SBC & Yahoo! From: Simon Fay Date: Fri Sep 20, 2002 8:46 pm Subject: Moroder and Disco Thanks chaps - you've inspired me! Back in the days I'd have been embarassed by anyone suggesting a proximity between TD and their Pop-ier Disco-orientated peers. Now I can offer up a context for super numbers like 'Network 23' on 'Exit', or (whilst Ambient-House was developing) 'Art of Vision' on 'Melrose' SF __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? New DSL Internet Access from SBC & Yahoo! Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36313 Re: Moroder and Disco Paul Dryden paulus_d2002 Sat 9/21/2002 3 KB From: Felna Greymane Date: Fri Sep 20, 2002 10:30 pm Subject: World Peace Hard not to think about it with the message scrolling repeatedly across my screen. At 12:59 PM 9/20/2002 -0000, you wrote: >Message: 1 > Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2002 11:28:37 +0100 > From: 'fozziebear' >Subject: Re: RE: Moroder > >TOMORROW IS WORLD PEACE. PAUSE TO REFLECT. From: Klaus Beschorner Date: Sat Sep 21, 2002 7:16 am Subject: Inferno webcast Hi all, last night and this morning I stopped watching the webcast after steady 'network congestion' errors. Has anybody saved the .rm files (also of the SBE 2001 webcast) and wants to trade ? cheers, klaus -- Drosselweg.6............................fax.....+49-7033-45631 D-71120.Grafenau........................Mobile.+49-174 3157754 Germany.................................home....+49-7033-45142 ............................................ Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36308 Re: Inferno webcast Falcon ppgwave2000 Sat 9/21/2002 2 KB 36309 AW: [tadream] Inferno webcast Herbert gae232 Sat 9/21/2002 3 KB 36312 Re: Inferno webcast heineu heineu Sat 9/21/2002 3 KB From: Falcon Date: Sat Sep 21, 2002 7:47 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Inferno webcast At 09:16 AM 9/21/2002, you wrote: >Hi all, > >last night and this morning I stopped watching the webcast >after steady 'network congestion' errors. > >Has anybody saved the .rm files (also of the SBE 2001 webcast) >and wants to trade ? Hi, I tried, but I got only the audio running. It recorded the whole stream, but when I playback it, I get only still frames, the audio is ok. It seems, that the video was actually recorded, but does not playback (copy protection ?) Ramon Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36309 AW: [tadream] Inferno webcast Herbert gae232 Sat 9/21/2002 3 KB 36312 Re: Inferno webcast heineu heineu Sat 9/21/2002 3 KB From: 'Herbert' Date: Sat Sep 21, 2002 8:33 am Subject: AW: [tadream] Inferno webcast I'm having the same 'results'. The picture chages as I do positioning within the stream, but it doesn't actually show the movie. The audio stream seems to be ok. Any ideas? Herbert I don't like the 'real' stuff and their nagging, spyware suspicious player. > -----Ursprungliche Nachricht----- > Von: Falcon [mailto:falcon@r...] > Gesendet: Samstag, 21. September 2002 09:48 > An: > Betreff: Re: [tadream] Inferno webcast > > > At 09:16 AM 9/21/2002, you wrote: > > >Hi all, > > > >last night and this morning I stopped watching the webcast > >after steady 'network congestion' errors. > > > >Has anybody saved the .rm files (also of the SBE 2001 webcast) > >and wants to trade ? > > Hi, > > I tried, but I got only the audio running. It recorded the > whole stream, > but when I playback it, I get only still frames, the audio is > ok. It seems, > that the video was actually recorded, but does not playback > (copy protection ?) > > Ramon > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36312 Re: Inferno webcast heineu heineu Sat 9/21/2002 3 KB From: 'Paul Dryden' Date: Sat Sep 21, 2002 11:11 am Subject: Re: [tadream] One week poll As it has been said before,some of the off-topic stuff is interesting and should be communicated to the whole group. We are a member of a list, not individuals!!!! PAulus.d_UK ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Joe Shoults' To: Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 6:52 PM Subject: RE: [tadream] > Well, I just had my head up my ass, is why that happened, but of course I'll > consider it; let's take a poll. > > What Morgan is talking about is us flipping an administrative switch so that > when you click your 'reply' button on a tadream list message, the reply is > addressed to the individual who sent it, instead of to > ''. > > I personally prefer 'reply to list' myself, because > 1) I'm lazy, and > 2) most of my replies are to the list instead of individuals, and > 3) good discussions may be more likely to 'leak' offlist. > > I'm initiating a one-week poll. > > I have no problem switching the setting if most people would prefer it that > way. > > Joe > > np: Vangelis- Mythodea, but looking for my EF-'Ages' CD! IIRC, I like the > whole thing. > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: Morgan Feldon [mailto:feldon@f...] > > Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 1:20 PM > > To: > > Subject: [tadream] > > > > > > > > >From: 'Joe Shoults' > > >Date: Fri Sep 20, 2002 12:04 pm > > >Subject: RE: OT: RE: [tadream] Moroder > > > > > >VERY sorry - that was meant for off-list! > > > > So Joe, you still won't consider changing Reply to Reply to > > individual and > > Reply to All to reply to list? > > > > -Morgan > > > > P.S. Methinks Fozziebear has a virus. > > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > From: 'Paul Dryden' Date: Sat Sep 21, 2002 11:13 am Subject: TT2 Ive clicked on the tree info'sign up as a leaf' button but had no reply-Iam I too late? If not, Iam in Kent (UK) and would like them in Redbook. Please get back to me... Paulus.d_UK [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36316 Re: TT2 Joe Shoults bigstupidgeek Sat 9/21/2002 3 KB 36317 Re: TT2 Wade Gordon mindvoyager1 Sat 9/21/2002 3 KB From: 'heineu' Date: Sat Sep 21, 2002 11:20 am Subject: Re: Inferno webcast Hi all, also I have the same results, sound is okay, but the picture/stream doesnt run. Regards heiko --- In tadream@y..., 'Herbert' wrote: > I'm having the same 'results'. > The picture chages as I do positioning within the stream, but it doesn't > actually show the movie. > The audio stream seems to be ok. > > Any ideas? > > Herbert > > I don't like the 'real' stuff and their nagging, spyware suspicious player. > > > -----Ursprungliche Nachricht----- > > Von: Falcon [mailto:falcon@r...] > > Gesendet: Samstag, 21. September 2002 09:48 > > An: tadream@y... > > Betreff: Re: [tadream] Inferno webcast > > > > > > At 09:16 AM 9/21/2002, you wrote: > > > > >Hi all, > > > > > >last night and this morning I stopped watching the webcast > > >after steady 'network congestion' errors. > > > > > >Has anybody saved the .rm files (also of the SBE 2001 webcast) > > >and wants to trade ? > > > > Hi, > > > > I tried, but I got only the audio running. It recorded the > > whole stream, > > but when I playback it, I get only still frames, the audio is > > ok. It seems, > > that the video was actually recorded, but does not playback > > (copy protection ?) > > > > Ramon > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > To unsubscribe: mailto:tadream-unsubscribe@y... > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > > From: 'Paul Dryden' Date: Sat Sep 21, 2002 11:20 am Subject: Re: [tadream] Moroder and Disco When TD get down, they get down! - Paulus.d ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Simon Fay' To: Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 9:46 PM Subject: [tadream] Moroder and Disco > Thanks chaps - you've inspired me! Back in the days > I'd have been embarassed by anyone suggesting a > proximity between TD and their Pop-ier > Disco-orientated peers. Now I can offer up a context > for super numbers like 'Network 23' on 'Exit', or > (whilst Ambient-House was developing) 'Art of Vision' > on 'Melrose' > > SF > > __________________________________________________ > Do you Yahoo!? > New DSL Internet Access from SBC & Yahoo! > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > From: Miguel Farah Date: Sat Sep 21, 2002 12:36 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] Joe Shoults [20/09/2002 14:10] dijo/said: >Well, I just had my head up my ass, is why that happened, but of course I'll >consider it; let's take a poll. > >What Morgan is talking about is us flipping an administrative switch so that >when you click your 'reply' button on a tadream list message, the reply is >addressed to the individual who sent it, instead of to >''. > >I personally prefer 'reply to list' myself, because >1) I'm lazy, and >2) most of my replies are to the list instead of individuals, and >3) good discussions may be more likely to 'leak' offlist. > >I'm initiating a one-week poll. I vote for 'reply to list'. From: Wade Gordon Date: Sat Sep 21, 2002 1:08 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] CAT PEOPLE Actually, that is the first track from the c.d. and the program will feature that disc and 'Midnight Express' all music except the wacked out vocals. This is starting next week and building towards Halloween. I will also play two hours of music from Universal Horror movies and the B-movies of the 50's and 70's ending with 'Phamtasm.' This all begins next Monday on 'Sound Explorer.' --- Administrator wrote: > I see you are putting out the fire with gasoline? > > dale > > ;-) > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: 'Wade Gordon' > To: > Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 1:15 PM > Subject: Re: [tadream] CAT PEOPLE > > > > If you would like to hear the ost of 'Cat People' > it > > will be running this week on 'Sound Explorer>' > > > > Wade > > --- scfeldman@j... wrote: > > > On Thu, 19 Sep 2002 18:47:25 +0100 'fozziebear' > > > writes: > > > > > > > Is there any connection between MORODER / > > > CATPEOPLE > > > > and David Bowie and Catpeople? > > > > > > Yes. They're the same thing. The album > > > version has one > > > more verse than the single version. > > > > > > > David > > > > > > Steven Feldman > > > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > > To unsubscribe: > > > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > > > > > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > __________________________________________________ > > Do you Yahoo!? > > New DSL Internet Access from SBC & Yahoo! > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > To unsubscribe: > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? New DSL Internet Access from SBC & Yahoo! From: 'Joe Shoults' Date: Sat Sep 21, 2002 1:28 pm Subject: RE: [tadream] TT2 No, it's cool, Paul. I have a Tree update scheduled for this weekend, and I will assign your branch. We hand-process these assignments. Any outstanding tree assignments will occur this weekend, as well as a general 'unreceived' update. JOe > -----Original Message----- > From: Paul Dryden [mailto:paulus.d@f...] > Sent: Saturday, September 21, 2002 7:14 AM > To: > Subject: [tadream] TT2 > > > Ive clicked on the tree info'sign up as a leaf' > button but had no reply-Iam I too late? > > If not, Iam in Kent (UK) and would like them in Redbook. > Please get back to me... > Paulus.d_UK > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36317 Re: TT2 Wade Gordon mindvoyager1 Sat 9/21/2002 3 KB From: Wade Gordon Date: Sat Sep 21, 2002 8:22 pm Subject: RE: [tadream] TT2 Joe, Did Daniel H. contact you regarding my disc problem? Wade --- Joe Shoults wrote: > No, it's cool, Paul. I have a Tree update scheduled > for this weekend, and I > will assign your branch. We hand-process these > assignments. > > Any outstanding tree assignments will occur this > weekend, as well as a > general 'unreceived' update. > > JOe > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: Paul Dryden [mailto:paulus.d@f...] > > Sent: Saturday, September 21, 2002 7:14 AM > > To: > > Subject: [tadream] TT2 > > > > > > Ive clicked on the tree info'sign up > as a leaf' > > button but had no reply-Iam I too late? > > > > If not, Iam in Kent (UK) and would like them in > Redbook. > > Please get back to me... > > Paulus.d_UK > > > > > > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been > removed] > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > To unsubscribe: > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? New DSL Internet Access from SBC & Yahoo! From: 'Duncan McKee' Date: Sat Sep 21, 2002 9:24 pm Subject: computer crash hi due to a computer hard drive failure i have lost all my contacts, please email me so i can add you to my address book, i can also not get windows XP to install so any trades for DVDs will be on hold for a few days. Thanks Duncan Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36320 Re: computer crash odean Sat 9/21/2002 2 KB From: 'Admin' Date: Sat Sep 21, 2002 10:07 pm Subject: Re: [tadream] CAT PEOPLE If you need some material for Phantasm, let me know. I have a inside lead on that movie. Dale ----- Original Message ----- From: 'Wade Gordon' To: Sent: Saturday, September 21, 2002 6:08 AM Subject: Re: [tadream] CAT PEOPLE > Actually, that is the first track from the c.d. and > the program will feature that disc and 'Midnight > Express' all music except the wacked out vocals. > This is starting next week and building towards > Halloween. I will also play two hours of music from > Universal Horror movies and the B-movies of the 50's > and 70's ending with 'Phamtasm.' > > This all begins next Monday on 'Sound Explorer.' > > > --- Administrator wrote: > > I see you are putting out the fire with gasoline? > > > > dale > > > > ;-) > > > > > > ----- Original Message ----- > > From: 'Wade Gordon' > > To: > > Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 1:15 PM > > Subject: Re: [tadream] CAT PEOPLE > > > > > > > If you would like to hear the ost of 'Cat People' > > it > > > will be running this week on 'Sound Explorer>' > > > > > > Wade > > > --- scfeldman@j... wrote: > > > > On Thu, 19 Sep 2002 18:47:25 +0100 'fozziebear' > > > > writes: > > > > > > > > > Is there any connection between MORODER / > > > > CATPEOPLE > > > > > and David Bowie and Catpeople? > > > > > > > > Yes. They're the same thing. The album > > > > version has one > > > > more verse than the single version. > > > > > > > > > David > > > > > > > > Steven Feldman > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > > > To unsubscribe: > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > > > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > > > > > > > > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > > > > > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > __________________________________________________ > > > Do you Yahoo!? > > > New DSL Internet Access from SBC & Yahoo! > > > > > > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > > To unsubscribe: > > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > > > > > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > To unsubscribe: > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > > > > > > > __________________________________________________ > Do you Yahoo!? > New DSL Internet Access from SBC & Yahoo! > > > ----------------------------------------------------_- > To unsubscribe: > ----------------------------------------------------_- > Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > > Tangerine Tree info at > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > > Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 36324 Re: CAT PEOPLE Wade Gordon mindvoyager1 Sun 9/22/2002 6 KB From: 'odean' Date: Sat Sep 21, 2002 10:39 pm Subject: RE: [tadream] computer crash Hi Duncan, sorry to hear about your computer! :-( Take care, odean@m... Oscar Dean ---------- Original Message ------------------------- --------- From: 'Duncan McKee' Reply-To: Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2002 21:24:02 -0000 >hi >due to a computer hard drive failure i have lost all my contacts, >please email me so i can add you to my address book, i can also not >get windows XP to install so any trades for DVDs will be on hold for >a few days. > > >Thanks >Duncan > > > >---------------------------------------------------- _- >To unsubscribe: mailto:tadream- >---------------------------------------------------- _- >Dreamwatchers Tales 2 info at > > >Tangerine Tree info at > > >Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to > > >