From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 24, 1997 11:20 am Subject: Tangram Really-From: Hilmar Kraft <73627.3675@c...> > for me the last album to *really* have a full-side piece was Cyclone, 1978 Small correction...I forgot about PERGAMON (1980) of course. Side 2 is definitely only one track, no argument! So that must be the last one...unless I forgot another album. Hilmar Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 416 Re: Tangram Gabe Yedid Fri 1/24/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 24, 1997 11:05 am Subject: FAQ contest Really-From: Hilmar Kraft <73627.3675@c...> >Since the content of the FAQ was live albums officially released by TD, >I assumed that everyone would naturally understand the _context_ of the >question; i.e: only material performed live (or so stated) and officially >released qualified. That's all very well...but where on the Sheperd's Bush CD does it say 'live', 'recorded live' or any such thing? I would think that the only critera this CD fulfills is that it was a studio release officially released by TD at a concert. To associate this CD with a live album is pretty far fetched, no? :-) Hey Hermes, take it easy, we are just giving you a hard time, cause you gave us a hard time too with that contest! :-) By the way, if YOUR answer to the question 'live albums by TD' includes a *cassette* (mei englisch ist not so a cassette considderd ein album?) Then you *compeletely ignored* a very important official live release: THREE PHASE past, present, future which undoubtatly contains live material (as we can all see with our own eyes) and is an official TD release!!! Hilmar (giving you the true and only solution to the contest! :-)) Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 9103 FAQ contest Hermes Guzman Thu 11/27/1997 3 KB 9188 FAQ contest Hermes Guzman Sun 11/30/1997 4 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 24, 1997 11:05 am Subject: Tangram Really-From: Hilmar Kraft <73627.3675@c...> > One of the last albums with full-side pieces, and definitely one of > their best. No, Steve, I have to disagree a little here. Technically, you are correct, but from a compositional point of view, Tangram is not an album with full-side pieces. (has this been discussed already?) In my opinion, the last album to *really* have a full-side piece was Cyclone, 1978 with 'Madrigal Meridian'. Up and including to that point, indeed most TD pieces consisted of *one theme* that was either improvised around, or constantly slightly modified, thus evolving, shifting in different directions...but still staying in the same mood or style. The first exceptions to this rule started occuring around that time e.g. Encore's Monolight first and second parts of this track have nothing to do with each other. Then take Force really is already a sign of things to come...the title track for the first time really consists of 5 or 6 totally different segments. Yes, they are all linked either by cross-fading or by a whirl of noise and effects...but to me it makes no real difference if two musical tunes are separated by silence (as was the case with Exit and onwards) or by noises (as in Force Majeure). Coming back to Tangram...I would say it is an album with 5 tracks (2 on side 1 and 3 on side 2). Logos...also 2 tracks on side 1! Poland...about 2 or 3 pieces per album side (I would need to listen to count them now). Livemiles...also some 3 to 4 tracks per side. Hilmar From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 24, 1997 11:16 am Subject: Courier Service Really-From: Hilmar Kraft <73627.3675@c...> >A few days ago I proposed a 'music courier service' consisting of people >who have rare stuff, like original fantapes, boots et cetera >('customers') and people we know and trust who travel a bit on a regular >basis, especially to Europe and back ('couriers'). I've had zero >response from the people who I thought would be all for it Ok, as a person who travels back and forth occasionally (about 3 to 4 times a year) between the US and Europe, I would like to answer that I didn't really understand what you are trying to do. Your idea was that these important items should not be trusted to the mail or a FedEx-type of courier. But could you really avoid that? If I travel from Berlin to Miami via plane, wouldn't that mean that any tape I take would actually have to be entrusted to the mail twice (first from a European city to me in Berlin and then from Miami to the 'end-user' in the US)? So where is the advantage? Or are you talking about a pure personal transfer (i.e. I could then only help people that are located in Miami who happen to be exchanging items with someone in Berlin, and I would have to find the time to meet them in person while I am on a business trip with little time to spare?) Sorry if I misunderstood your plans, but maybe you should 'sell us' on your idea a little...once we see the advantage I am sure you will get more responses. Hilmar From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 24, 1997 12:58 pm Subject: Re: Private Music is no more. Really-From: Vic Rek > >Yes folks, it is real. Private Music is no more. Right now, Windham Hill >owns the catalog. > No wonder they haven't replied to my e-mails recently. Is there a contact at Windham Hill that will be responsive to e-mails regarding the old catalog? Victor > From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 24, 1997 7:13 pm Subject: D: Tangram Really-From: Armin Theissen Hi, Tangram gets the highest rating possible on any scale. Tangram has a very special sound. I don't know exactly which instruments have been used, but I guess you can hear on Tangram the first PPG digital synthesizers, and whatever polyphonic analogue keyboards like Prophet, Oberheim or Roland Jupiter. Lots of sawtooth and experimental sounds with a rich frequency spectrum. There seems to be lot of modulation in the sounds, probably to overcome the effect that all these Prophets, Oberheims and Rolands analogue polyphonic keyboards sound just like a better organ because all the 6 or 8 voices are exactly the same. Just like a string orchestra gets its sound because of all the individual violins (or whatever) sound different. Did somebody mention here that Chris Franke was involved in developing the Jupiter 8? I wonder what he could have contributed, since it is the standard 2VCO-VCF-VCA setup all these keyboard had. The only specialities on it were, I guess, the high-pass filter, and the key-follow at the 2 ADSRs...which is the only effective tool to make the 8 voices of the Jupiters sound different! Moreover, Tangram, seems like a little symphony. No long parts like on Rubycon, Encore, or Madrigal Meridian. Instead, a bunch of pieces nicely arranged together to two big one Vinyl side composition (as already had on Force Majeure). Maybe this can be regarded as the transition to smaller pieces like on Exit. Special remark: no drums (almost) Absolute highlight for me is the beginning of Part II. Wonderful melting sawtooth-ish sounds and chord progression. Armin From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 24, 1997 8:00 pm Subject: Side-Long Tracks Really-From: 'Craig R. J. Cordrey' To follow-up on Hilmar's discussion of side-long tracks, perhaps the idea can be reversed. Can a side of many tracks actually fit together as a single piece. I would suggest that Song of the Whale parts one and two (separated by silence) go together perfectly to make a single piece of music. Whilst there may be different instrucments used to the fore in various places, I always think there is a single 'feel' to these tracks, which is entirely differetn from what appears on the second 'side'. If you don't understand what I'm talking about, try listening to the two parts on Dream Roots. Apart from the obvious travesty of having ripped out the start and middle of part two, the pieces also seem to lack something (IMHO) sue to their isolation from each other. Or maybe it's just because part two is my favourite all-time piece of music (by anyone, ever!). and the --------------------------------------------- Craig R. J. Cordrey - Senior Software Engineer GEC-Marconi S3I Simulation and Training Division (Donibristle) E-mail : cordrey@m... cordrey@m... --------------------------------------------- From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 24, 1997 1:01 pm Subject: TD on NPR Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' This morning, at about 7:29 a.m. EST, on NPR's Morning Edition, I heard what I'm sure was a TD track as an interlude between two stories, but I don't know which specific one. Anyone else hear it? Scott Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 414 Re: TD on NPR Vic Rek Fri 1/24/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 24, 1997 1:13 pm Subject: RE: jerome on stratosfear Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' >I've got Stratosfear on Vinyl, big cover, foldable. And there is >Jerome inside. Is Jerome the baby face on Atem? How old is he? (Now, I mean) Scott From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 24, 1997 1:30 pm Subject: Re: _World Without Rules_--already out of print? Really-From: David Datta : Really-From: Mark Filipak : Dave, I've seen this album in cutouts. To the best of _my_ knowledge, : that doesn't happen to albums until they go out of print. What makes : you think WWR is current production? I asked Paul. From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 24, 1997 8:48 pm Subject: song order Really-From: Armin Theissen > >To follow-up on Hilmar's discussion of side-long tracks, >perhaps the idea can be reversed. Can a side of many tracks >actually fit together as a single piece. > >I would suggest that Song of the Whale parts one and two >(separated by silence) go together perfectly to make a >single piece of music. Whilst there may be different >instrucments used to the fore in various places, I always >think there is a single 'feel' to these tracks, which is >entirely differetn from what appears on the second 'side'. > >If you don't understand what I'm talking about, try >listening to the two parts on Dream Roots. Apart from the >obvious travesty of having ripped out the start and middle >of part two, the pieces also seem to lack something (IMHO) >sue to their isolation from each other. > >Or maybe it's just because part two is my favourite >all-time piece of music (by anyone, ever!). > Some albums simply have some kind of a concept concerning in what order the 'songs' are put on Vinyl (or CD). For instance 'Stratosfear' and 'Exit'. Putting the pieces together in a different order does not result in the same feel for me. Whereas on 'Lily on the Beach' it does not make any difference. Armin Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 441 Re: song order gerryfox Sat 1/25/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 24, 1997 2:21 pm Subject: Re: Private Music is no more. Really-From: TWeibre361@a... In a message dated 97-01-24 01:20:02 EST, you write: << Windham Hill owns the catalog. The horror....the horror.... >> why do you say that? alot of recent td could easily fall within the realm of this label... tom w np: orb - ultramixes (anxiously awaiting the dream/orb collab....) From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 24, 1997 2:36 pm Subject: RECORD STORE REALITIES Really-From: Michael A Jean I can't speak to WWR availablilty, but I WOULD rely on Dave's answer. Having worked in record stores for almost seven years, there is a number of potential ways a current album may end up as a cut-out... Most likely, it was a promotional copy that some greedy employees decided to unload for a price, rather than using it for in store play, or giving it a customer to generate interest in the artist or genre... Mike J From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 24, 1997 3:01 pm Subject: Re: TD on NPR Really-From: Vic Rek > >This morning, at about 7:29 a.m. EST, on NPR's Morning Edition, I heard >what I'm sure was a TD track as an interlude between two stories, but I >don't know which specific one. Anyone else hear it? > >Scott > Yes, I heard it! Yes at the same exact time because I was pulling into work (I start at 7:30am), and yes I was wondering what TD track it was, but just wasn't completely sure though. Vic From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 24, 1997 3:25 pm Subject: Stratosfear Really-From: neato@p... wrote: >_Stratosfear_ (1976) Rating: 4 AS >I can't say that the use of the harmonica at the beginning and >end of '3 am at the Border of the Marsh from Okefenokee' does >much for me. But the rest of the track is nice, ambient stuff. neato says: i've always felt this to be a homage to italian film composer ennio morricone...makes sense that they were very familiar with morricone considering their own move to soundtrack work cheers all my mistakes were once acts of genius neato@p... com Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 2693 Re: Stratosfear Tom Richmond Tue 4/15/1997 4 KB 2699 Re: Stratosfear Rainer Rutka Tue 4/15/1997 2 KB 2824 Re: Stratosfear Mark Jones Sat 4/19/1997 3 KB 2826 Re: Stratosfear Mark Filipak Sat 4/19/1997 2 KB 2834 Re: Stratosfear Mark Jones Sat 4/19/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 24, 1997 3:23 pm Subject: Re: Tangram Really-From: Gabe Yedid On Fri, 24 Jan 1997, tadream mailing list wrote: > Really-From: Hilmar Kraft <73627.3675@c...> > > > > for me the last album to *really* have a full-side piece was Cyclone, > 1978 > > Small correction...I forgot about PERGAMON (1980) of course. Side 2 is > definitely only one track, no argument! So that must be the last > one...unless I forgot another album. > > Hilmar er, what about 'Mojave Plan' from _White Eagle_? Or 'Sphinx Lightining' from _Hyperborea_? Gabe From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 24, 1997 3:53 pm Subject: Re: D: _Stratosfear_ Really-From: dalane@b... (Dave Lane) Marshall Wood wrote: > I love the cover art. [...] > Regardless, the unearthly landscape depicted on > the cover fits perfectly with the music. My favorite TD artwork. > (But where is Jerome?) In the inside of the LP gatefold with the giant 'td', if memory serves. --Dave From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 24, 1997 10:37 pm Subject: stratosfear harmonica Really-From: Armin Theissen > >>I can't say that the use of the harmonica at the beginning and >>end of '3 am at the Border of the Marsh from Okefenokee' does >>much for me. But the rest of the track is nice, ambient stuff. > >neato says: >i've always felt this to be a homage to italian film composer ennio >morricone...makes sense that they were very familiar with morricone >considering their own move to soundtrack work > > as described in the tangents booklet, it was just a joke. The production of Stratosfear was a catastrophe: electronics went kaputt, timepressure, problems with Baumann. To prevent becoming completely fed up or desperate, Froese took this harmonica he had somewhere. The result must have pleased them, and the atmosphere in the studio was o.k. again. Armin From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 24, 1997 4:17 pm Subject: Music played at 7:29 on Fri 1/24/96 Really-From: Mark Filipak (Copy sent to the Tangerine Dream List at tadream@c...) Hello, Can you please identify the music played at 7:29 on Friday, Jan 24, 97? I sounded like Tangerine Dream but I didn't immediately recognize the piece. Thanks very much, Mark Filipak Member: KQED From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sat Jan 25, 1997 2:17 am Subject: Re: D: Tangram Really-From: gg > Did somebody mention here > that Chris Franke was involved in developing the Jupiter 8? > I wonder what he could have contributed, since it is the standard > 2VCO-VCF-VCA setup all these keyboard had. The only specialities on > it were, I guess, the high-pass filter, and the key-follow at the > 2 ADSRs...which is the only effective tool to make the 8 voices > of the Jupiters sound different! > The sound generation architecture is not the only thing has to be developed. There are a lot of other factorsfor example the user interface. GG From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 24, 1997 10:33 pm Subject: Re: RE: jerome on stratosfear Really-From: Dennis Nigbur On Fri, 24 Jan 1997 08:13:00 -0500 tadream mailing list wrote: >Is Jerome the baby face on Atem? How old is he? (Now, I mean) > >Scott > I don't know about whose baby face that is on Atem, but Jerome should be 27 this year. Considering this, it might well be him... Dennis Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 430 Re: jerome on stratosfear Thomas Fanger Sat 1/25/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sat Jan 25, 1997 12:28 am Subject: jerome Really-From: Armin Theissen > >>Is Jerome the baby face on Atem? How old is he? (Now, I mean) >> >>Scott >> > >I don't know about whose baby face that is on Atem, but Jerome should >be 27 this year. Considering this, it might well be him... > >Dennis > after all, they look very similar, don't they? ;) (never mind, Jerome) Armin From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sat Jan 25, 1997 12:24 am Subject: keyboards Really-From: Armin Theissen > >> Did somebody mention here >> that Chris Franke was involved in developing the Jupiter 8? >> I wonder what he could have contributed, since it is the standard >> 2VCO-VCF-VCA setup all these keyboard had. The only specialities on >> it were, I guess, the high-pass filter, and the key-follow at the >> 2 ADSRs...which is the only effective tool to make the 8 voices >> of the Jupiters sound different! >> > >The sound generation architecture is not the only thing has to be >developed. There are a lot of other factorsfor example the user >interface. > >GG > then I'm wondering what was new at the user interface of the JP8. Isn't it the same as the Prophet and Oberheim? Well, who cares. The really new and exciting thing TD was involved where the PPG keyboards. Armin Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 427 Re: keyboards Pixel Fri 1/24/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 24, 1997 5:29 pm Subject: Re: pink year remixes Really-From: 'Marcel Engels' > Really-From: Armin Theissen > > > > > >On the other hand - speaking of 5 cd sets - I liked the re-masters on > >Dream roots of tracks like Journey through a burning brain,etc > > > >I would love to see all first four td cd's - re-arranged with modern > >technology - (but I don't think this will happen.) I think they would sound > >just fantastic. > > > >Florin. > > > > > > matter of taste. I think that the 're-arranged' pink years stuff > does not work at all. You cannot speak of rearrangement anyway, since > all Froese did was playing some boring chords with some 'spherical' > sound while the original was running in the background. And it does > not work, musically. This is like eating something salty next to > something sweet. It does not mix. I agree. It's just some boring chords. It doesn't mix with the original tracks. I don't like Tangents and I won't ever buy it. The only interesting things on this CD-set are a few bonus-tracks. I borrowed them from a friend and have copied them. As for the rest, well 'they' can throw it away. > I assume that these pink years remixes are just about to make them > sell better. Todays listeners are not brave enough to take the > effort, or better: to take the *time* to dive into something > like Zeit. Hhmm, I listen to the old ones once in a while but to say that I really like them. > Armin Marcel From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 24, 1997 5:14 pm Subject: Re: Tangram Really-From: 'Marcel Engels' > Really-From: Paul Edwards > Oh, the other thing is that I would have no hesitation in recommending > Tangram to a fan of the 'old' TD, a fan of the 'new' TD, or a non fan of > TD. It's about the only TD album that I own that can be recommended in > this way (I've found that Logos is too long for some people, Force Majeure > scares people, and a lot of people simply don't 'get' Ricochet, in the same > way that a lot of people don't 'get' Oldfield's AMAROK). I completely agree with you and for Oldfield, this is one of his best works. I really loved Amarok. Marcel Engels fsp@p... From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sat Jan 25, 1997 1:40 am Subject: tangentizing Really-From: Armin Theissen > >I agree. It's just some boring chords. It doesn't mix with the original >tracks. I don't like Tangents and I won't ever buy it. The only interesting >things on this CD-set are a few bonus-tracks. I borrowed them from a >friend and have copied them. As for the rest, well 'they' can throw it >away. > > Well, there are some good examples of re-arranging. I like the piano sounding thing added to the bassline in the tangentized 'Mojave Plan' (last third). Armin Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 21734 tangentizing Ken Mitchell Fri 4/7/2000 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sat Jan 25, 1997 4:03 am Subject: Re: keyboards Really-From: Pixel > then I'm wondering what was new at the user interface of the JP8. > Isn't it the same as the Prophet and Oberheim? No. JP8 had a brand new and then-sophisticated digital control method for operation: storing programs, splitting the keyboard and so on. These sound simply now but then it was a real state-of-the-art and different manufacturers used different approaches. GG From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 24, 1997 7:21 pm Subject: D: Tangram Really-From: 'Carlos Alberto Martinez Salas' Hello all! Set 1 is the reason why I´m here. I listened this a while ago (1986 I guess), and was the right entrance to Tangerine Dream music. I remember a friend of mine copied a few discs and gave me two tapes: one was Tangram/ Rubycon and the other Thief/ Flashpoint. Set 1 is truly progressive electronic. The climax of this part is simply one of the best passages I´ve ever listened (in terms of musical tension). And the second part, more abstract, even cold and far and diverse from the first side, is the perfect balance. I consider Tangram the beggining of the TD peak era (Schmoelling era). So, 5AS!!!!!!!!!!!! Hasta la vista! Carlos Alberto Martinez Monterrey, Mexico work.......... cmartine@e... home.......... carmarti@i... oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 24, 1997 11:12 pm Subject: Re: TD items for sale Really-From: Stephan Bischoff Hi Peter, I'm interested in several boots from your list. >Title DD On Label Quali $ DM >NL UK >In den garten pharaos 92 CDB Stratosfea 21 30 >35 11 >Dreaming on Danforth Avenue Toronto 92 92 CD Blue Moon 21 30 >35 11 >Antarktis ( Berlin 1987 ) 92 CDB Pinguin 21 30 >35 11 >Singet,.Den der gesang... pict.disc 93 LPB M/M 11 17 >19 6 >Sol Et Luna (Myst. Tr. II) Heartbreakers 93 CDB 21 30 >35 11 >Dreamtime 93 CDM Miramar. L 15 22 >25 8 >Dreaming Live Melbourne 93 CD 21 30 >35 11 >Antarktis II - 20th Century Serenades 93 CDB 21 30 >35 11 and one of the Bicycle Races. Please email me if there is something left. Are you living in the Netherlands (from your name I guess) or Europe? Then paying with Eurocheque would be the easiest way I think. Regards, Stephan _____ __________________________________________________________ / || \ |E-mail|| Stephan.Bischoff@H... | \_____||____________________________________________________ | / || | | Home || | \_____||__________________________________________________________/ From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sat Jan 25, 1997 9:10 am Subject: Re: RE: jerome on stratosfear Really-From: Thomas Fanger > From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list), on 25.01.1997 01:04: > Really-From: Dennis Nigbur > > > On Fri, 24 Jan 1997 08:13:00 -0500 tadream mailing list > wrote: > > >Is Jerome the baby face on Atem? How old is he? (Now, I mean) > > > >Scott > > > > I don't know about whose baby face that is on Atem, but Jerome should > be 27 this year. Considering this, it might well be him... > > Dennis > > > > I think it's definetely Jerome's face on all the 70's albums like Phaedra, Rubycon, Atem,... He looked cute, did'nt he? Cheers Thomas From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sat Jan 25, 1997 12:16 am Subject: ELECTRONIC DREAMS Really-From: Mark Filipak Hi Everyone, I have the opportunity to buy Electronic Dreams. Can some kind person tell me what's on it? This is all I currently have. ELECTRONIC DREAMS ?- ???... [??:??] ... ?- Maroubra Bay [16:57?] (EPSILON IN MALAYSIAN PALE, 2, recorded backwards - by accident?) ?LP [1975] Brain-DE- 0040 18 Thanks very much. Mark From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sat Jan 25, 1997 8:58 am Subject: New Franke 'Babylon 5' CD available at SUPERCOLLECTOR (CA) Really-From: AMFB5@a... I got this by email this evening and I thought it might be worth passing along. I'm going down tomorrow to pick my reserved copy up. AFM B5 Subj: Babylon 5 Soundtrack Vol. 2-Messages from Earth- Now Available Date: Fri, Jan 24, 1997 10:52 PM EDT From: supercollector@s... To: amf b5@a... BABYLON 5 SOUNDTRACK VOL. 2- MESSAGES FROM EARTH We now have the much-awaited sequel to the Babylon 5 soundtrack available on CD, composed by Christopher Franke. The CD has 8 tracks and is 58:00 minutes in length. The cover has the Babylon 5 logo flanked by Star Furies and other ships from the series. Inside is a 14-page color booklet with excellent photo montages of characters and vehicles from the show. Also included is a shot of the show's producers with the 1996 Hugo Award. The CD holder has another montage of Captain Sheridan and the White Star. Imprinted on the CD is the B5 logo on top and a Shadow warship below. Track listing is as follows: 1 - Main Title, 1st Season (Extended) 3:17 2 - Messages From Earth 10:05 3 - Main Title, 2nd Season 1:30 4 - Z'ha'dum 12:20 5 - Main Title, 3rd Season 1:31 6 - Severed Dreams 15:37 7 - Main Title, 4th Season 1:29 8 - Voices Of Authority 11:26 Total Running Time: 58:00 The cost for this CD is $15.99, plus $3.50 for shipping in the US. California residents please add 7.75% sales tax. We also accept major credit cards (Visa, MC, AmEx and Disc) Or you can send a chack or money order to us. We also have available our 64-page merchandise catalog, please request a complimentary copy when ordering. If you would like to order this CD, please contact us at: Super Collector 16547 Brookhurst St. Fountain Valley, CA 92708 USA Telephone: 714-839-3693 / FAX 714-839-8263 For orders only: 800-99-SCIFI (800-997-2434) Our Email address is: supercollector@s... Visit our Web Site: We also carry a wide range of popular and hard-to-find motion picture and television soundtracks on CD. From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sat Jan 25, 1997 9:42 am Subject: E-mail address to get my saleslist Really-From: Peter van Dam <106631.3071@c...> Hello all, Last week I mentioned I had a large sales list with hundreds of items for sale. I forgot to mention my E-mail address. Well here it is: 106631.3071@c... Does anyone know other adresses where I can leave/mention my saleslist? Please reply to me personally. Greetings, Peter van Dam From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sat Jan 25, 1997 10:26 am Subject: Siblings, Spouses & TD 8>< snip! Really-From: Hilmar Kraft <73627.3675@c...> A real-life example: I had totally and entirely given up hope that my wife (who is from Central America, thus a totally different cultural background) would ever be able to appreciate TD. Knowing her musical taste (Salsa and Soft Latino-Pop), I already prefer to listen to much of 'my' music over headphones, but on a few occasions, TD was actually on my stereo when she was there...I recall her disgust at Dream Mixes 'What is that techno stuff?' or Ricochet 'Sounds so annoying and monotonous'. ><8 snip! I would have to agree about that. The only person in my family who can really appreciate TD's music is my older brother Dave (who got me into electronic music with Carlos' _Switched_On_Bach_) but he's not as much of a Dreamhead as I am, although I did take him to see TD in '86 & '88 (to thank him for getting me into this stuff). Although the audience applauding at times during the concerts prompted him to ask me what piece they were playing. (he being not as knowing about TD's music as I am.) My younger sister's comment about _Logos_ (on a road trip in *my* car up to SF. I *did* tell her that since *I* was driving, I intended to play *my* music.) was 'What *is* this? It sounds like dead people's music! (in reference to one soundform)' My friends main complaint about TD is 'Don't you have anything with lyrics?' although I have slowly gotten them to appreciate TD. In fact, a friend of mine now owns copies of _Le_Parc_ & _Thief_, and another owns a copy of _Poland_ (*not* _Extracts_From_Poland_, I made sure of that) Oh well, such is the life of the TD enthusiast. The nice thing about this mailing list is that us Dreamheads can discuss ad infinitum & ad nauseum to our heart's content about TD, without terminally boring our friends, spouses & family members. 'The world of music is something on its own. It's absolutely dust-free, clear, and clean. Music is one of the most neutral things on earth. It symbolizes the 'highest frequency' of all art forms in its abstract, neutral manner.' - Edgar Froese /^\ | | Pete | penfold@a... | | semi.random.sig.quote From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sat Jan 25, 1997 8:27 pm Subject: non-TDreamers about TD Really-From: Armin Theissen > My younger sister's comment about _Logos_ (on a road trip in *my* >car up to SF. I *did* tell her that since *I* was driving, I intended to >play *my* music.) was 'What *is* this? It sounds like dead people's music! >(in reference to one soundform)' > My friends main complaint about TD is 'Don't you have anything with >lyrics?' although I have slowly gotten them to appreciate TD. In fact, a > > I have similar experience, though from another direction. One of my best friends is a keyboarder. He plays Korg Wavestation, and some Roland modules. He composes mainly with computers, and he'd never be interested in a keyboard without MIDI (though he regrets that he sold his first keyboard ever, a Korg MS20). He also plays flute and sings. He likes Jazz most, just like me, and we agree that pop and rock music is essentially dead, after a climax of creativity in the late 70s / early-mid 80s (probably due to this f*&%ing MTV which uniformed the music taste all over the world). I tried to get him into TD with everything (except pre-Phaedra), but he always finds it boring. He does not complain about lack of lyrics, but mostly about uninteresting compositions. There maybe interesting sound synthesis, but this is not what he is looking for (though he has got a Wavestation). Armin From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 24, 1997 4:48 am Subject: Re: SBM Definitives Really-From: 'Francisco Salgado C.' tadream mailing list wrote: > > Really-From: AslanFan1@a... > > Those of us in the US have not seen a re-release of many of the best TD > albums (definitive editions). I am looking for exit, tangram, rubycon an > phaedra). I have the old virgin releases of them but want the SBM > definitives. Can anyone here direct me? look at cdeurope ( I think they have all. -- Francisco Salgado, La Coruña, España mailto:fsalgado@c... From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sat Jan 25, 1997 4:45 pm Subject: Re: Frankes Pax Terra Really-From: PhilPDX@a... In a message dated 97-01-01 15:07:03 EST, you write: << I think it is one of his best solo releases. Sounds a bit like B5, but more homogeneous. A great mix of synthesizers and orchestra sound. Perhaps I like this CD so much, because I'm a great fan of the Perry Rhodan Series. 8) ciao... Thomas Giese >> Must have to be a fan of the series to appreciate this. I thought it was pretty bad, especially those cheezy vocals. Typical Saturday morning superhero stuff, only worse, IMO. Phil D. Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 455 Re: Frankes Pax Terra gerryfox Sun 1/26/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sat Jan 25, 1997 4:44 pm Subject: Re: D: _Tangram_ Really-From: PhilPDX@a... In a message dated 97-01-22 01:17:57 EST, Pete writes: << This album was one I picked up in my 'attack dose' of TD, back in '81 I can find nothing to complain about this one, every note and sound so close to perfection, an album/CD that I can listen to over & over. And the survey says..... 5AS! Then Sean says: Tangram Part one remains one of my all-time favourite TD pieces. Everything that they do best, they do here. >> Ditto. Absolutely fantastic. I keep meaning to sit down and count just how many TD discs I rate a 5, but this is one of the best of the best for sure. Phil D. Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 1235 D: _Tangram_ Marshall Wood Tue 2/25/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sat Jan 25, 1997 5:29 pm Subject: Tangram Really-From: odean@m... (spidey) A phenomenal recording and a peak in their career. One of my all-time faves. It still has a strong impact on me even after all these years. I never tire of it. 5AS. PS: Those of you on the list back in October may remember I was just starting my CD collection database. I am in the letter 'S' and have inputted 967 CD's. (The 70 Schulze CD's slow things down a bit with all of the German text in the Silver and Historic Editions. No offense, I type faster in English!) After I finish the 'Z's' I have to enter my 700 or so classical CD's. The grand total will be around 2400. Hmmm....I'd better check my computer's memory! Oscar Dean From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sat Jan 25, 1997 5:42 pm Subject: Side long tracks Really-From: Hilmar Kraft <73627.3675@c...> >er, what about 'Mojave Plan' from _White Eagle_? Or 'Sphinx Lightining' >from _Hyperborea_? > >Gabe Easy...Mojave Plan is 3 tracks, Sphinx Lightning is 2 tracks. Actually two good examples of so called 'side-long tracks' that abruptly change their musical style completely in the middle of the music. Think about it, if they had faded Mojave Plan after the first segment, put a silence of 2 seconds and started up with Mojave Plan second segment (titled something else of course on the label) would there have been any difference to the feel of the album? Now try the same with Pergamon (Quichotte II) track with a different name...huh??? it is still the same music! This becomes very obvious on Tangents (and DRC I assume)...some pieces feel wrong, not because of the remixing/rerecording, but because they are shortened and cut down to the 'highlights', others are cut exactly down to the segment that they originally occupied and sound much better in that respect. Hilmar Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 456 Side long tracks Hilmar Kraft Sun 1/26/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sat Jan 25, 1997 5:57 pm Subject: Re: song order Really-From: 'gerryfox' > >To follow-up on Hilmar's discussion of side-long tracks, > >perhaps the idea can be reversed. Can a side of many tracks > >actually fit together as a single piece. When I think of my most favourite albums, TD or otherwise, they are the albums where everything flows from begining to end. Tracks have a link to others either by theme or by sound. I'm not a musician so my vocabulary is short in this area. Some albums are a collection of non related songs, musical pieces etc. Others blend superbly well and the album become one piece of work. A non TD example is Supper's Ready' by Genesis. A collection of different songs which becomes one 'movement' and really can't be split. It could be said that the later TD material is collections of individual tracks where the best of TD is when it all comes together. Gerry From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sat Jan 25, 1997 6:02 pm Subject: Re: RE: jerome on stratosfear Really-From: 'gerryfox' > >Is Jerome the baby face on Atem? How old is he? (Now, I mean) > I remember when I bought the early TD albums at the time, that I understood the pictures of the baby was the child of Edgar and Monique - who took all the cover pics. I used to play hunt the baby photo while giving the album a first listen. Ah Memories... Gerry From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sun Jan 26, 1997 1:46 am Subject: Really-From: Armin Theissen > >Easy...Mojave Plan is 3 tracks, Sphinx Lightning is 2 tracks. Actually two >good examples of so called 'side-long tracks' that abruptly change their >musical style completely in the middle of the music. > >Think about it, if they had faded Mojave Plan after the first segment, put >a silence of 2 seconds and started up with Mojave Plan second segment >(titled something else of course on the label) would there have been any >difference to the feel of the album? > YES! Armin Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 478 Armin Theissen Mon 1/27/1997 3 KB 486 Re: Marcel Engels Mon 1/27/1997 2 KB 620 Armin Theissen Tue 2/4/1997 2 KB 658 FINDLAY B.J. BSC.ENG. Thu 2/6/1997 2 KB 718 Eduardo Nava D.C. (525) 230-2 Sat 2/8/1997 2 KB 779 Maxwell A. Croy Tue 2/11/1997 2 KB 787 Re: Gabe Yedid Tue 2/11/1997 2 KB 797 Re: Rich Maggio Wed 2/12/1997 2 KB 801 Re: Steve McCready Wed 2/12/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sat Jan 25, 1997 6:59 pm Subject: Sounds and Effects bootleg/last track Really-From: Tom Coppens Hi there, someone had some questions about the last track of the Sound and effects bootleg, this track is indeed NOT House of The Rising Sun but Mark Shreeve playing a live version of 'Assassin'. 'Assassin' itself is a remake of a John Carpenter piece 'Assault on precinct 13 (?)'(don't know if I got the title completely right). If you would like to hear a GOOD quality recording of this piece, check out Mark's new Live album 'Collide' which is really great both for his fans and people who have yet to discover this amazing musician. People yearning for another Rubicon or Ricochet should get his 'Redshift' CD, I personally think it's better than Radio Massacre International etc, although if you're not into the retro style of music (it's against some people's principles ;) ) then this isn't for you, I'm afraid. But if you're in the mood for this kind of music it can be a REAL treat !!! If you'd like to hear House of the Rising Sun played by TD, you could try to find the Argonautica Americana Bootlegs, there not that difficult to find. HotRS is on 'Collected Endings' if I remember correctly (the third in the series). Sweet T-Dreams, Tom Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 458 Re: Sounds and Effects bootleg/last track Paul Nagle Sun 1/26/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sat Jan 25, 1997 7:22 pm Subject: Re: D: _Sorcerer_ Really-From: 'Louis R. Vincze Jr.' tadream mailing list wrote: > > Really-From: Marshall Wood > > _Sorcerer_ (1977) Rating: 4 AS > > One of my favorite TD soundtracks. The music is ominous > in the extreme, and very suspenseful. > > 'Main Title' is very eerie, and as times just sounds like > industrial noise. Maybe a bit too long at 5:29. 'Search' > is a great contrast to the first track. 'Search' is more > melodic, and perhaps too short. This is generally the > case here - the harser tracks like 'Main Title' & 'Abyss' > are long, while the melodic tracks like 'Mountain Road' > are relatively brief. I'd prefer the reverse, methinks. > > 'The Call' and 'Grind' are great, and are instantly > recognizable as TD. Multiple synth melodies gliding over > insistent sequencer backdrops. Some of the same bits > crop up in other pieces, like 'Betrayal.' > > I really like 'Impressions of Sorcerer,' and I award this > track the best-on-the-album honor. The guitar work is > typically tasteful, and the keyboard percussion sounds are > quite varied, unlike the percussion of TD today. If only > this track was longer... I've only seen the movie once, > before I bought the soundtrack CD - is this track included > in the movie? When? > > I have to say that I agree with whoever commented on the > ghostly photo of Messrs. Baumann, Franke, and Froese. If > that photo had been the first exposure of any sort that I > had ever had to TD, I might have been too scared to go > any further! :) > > As is usually the case, the soundtrack is far better than > the film. But in this case, the movie isn't bad at all. > Roy Scheider is excellent in it. Worth checking out, IMO. > Certainly better than movies like _Dead Solid Perfect_ and > (yawn) _Heartbreakers_. And the music fit the film quite > well. > > Easily a 4 on the Armin Scale. Might even compare with > the best of 'em on some days! > > And for whoever it was that asked about the poem that was > included in the LP release: yes, that is there on my CD > version (MCA Catalog # MCAD-10842). The positioning of > the poem and the comments by producer/director William > Friedkin seem to indicate that he wrote the poem. Shrug. > > MWood I have 'Sorcerer' on CD also and the one gripe I have is that MCA didn't remix/remaster it. The sound levels are artificially low and fail to take advantage of the CD's extended dynamic range. Lou in NJ From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sat Jan 25, 1997 7:28 pm Subject: D: TANGRAM Really-From: Claude Roy Hi all! IT's the first time that I comment any TD albums on the list but for Tangram it's a must situation! For me if the followed question was made: If you can only keep one CD from your entire CD collection what it would be? Well Tangram would be my choice. I remember it as if it was yesterday when I first listen to it. A friend of mine had a great classical cd collection but had also one TD album at the time Tangram. At the time I knew not much from TD except Optical Race, Lily On the Beach, Miracle Mile maybe Underwater sunlight and Tyger. When he put on this music. I was completly mistify by the sonority of the album. I had never heard stuff like that in my hole life. I could not define any instruments in what I heard. It is so well blend, I mean the keyboards, guitars and percussion. Everything is mix together to form on global sound. It can almost be called a symphony. The classical influence on this one are incredible. Part I is for me the most greatest piece of music made by the band with Silver Scale (1980 UK and USA tour). Well as for the Scaling thing. 5 AS even 6AS would not be enough for Tangram!!!!! ____________________________________ Claude Roy e-mail: Longueuil 'Beach' P.Q. Canada ____________________________________ From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sat Jan 25, 1997 7:02 pm Subject: Re: Tangram Really-From: Mark Filipak tadream mailing list wrote: > > Really-From: odean@m... (spidey) -snip- > will be around 2400. Hmmm....I'd better check my computer's memory! > > Oscar Dean 2400 CDs !!! YOU _ARE_ crazy. I start culling my herd when it reaches 800. Mark Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 465 CD Addicts sean Sun 1/26/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sat Jan 25, 1997 9:36 pm Subject: D: Tangram Really-From: Boneheads1@a... The beginning of Tangram hooks me. Like the start of Ricochet Part 2 (or Tubular Bells for that matter), I don't think I'll ever get it out of my head. Where Force Majeure addresses power, Tangram embraces beauty. It shimmers with inner warmth and with macrocosmic geometrical sensibility. Tangram swings with extremes, from quiet, tiny sounds to thick evolving layers, from soulful piano/flute melodies to angular guitar/sequencer repetitions. Tangram (as the title implies) is like exploring a hidden dimension. Individual pieces fit together to become a whole, yet it is the relationship between the pieces that is the revelation, rather than the pieces or the whole. Like a mathmatical principal that can be re-applied and compounded, tangrams are a model of human understanding. Tangram relentlessly tickles the mind, coaxing it to follow hidden trails. There's not a lot of predictability, but rather perpendicular symmetry. Every approach is peripheral. Every arrival is wondrous. Tim Scallon From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sat Jan 25, 1997 11:03 pm Subject: Wouldn't it be funny Really-From: Michael A Jean Given all this talk on the tadream list of what is live and what isn't, wouldn't it be funny if TD DID put out I LIVE IN LONDON disc, of all the material they INTENDED to play...(just kidding) :) Mike J From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sun Jan 26, 1997 1:44 am Subject: Re: House of the Rising Sun Really-From: rch@g... Hi Victor The 'House of the Rising Sun' track on the 'Sound and Effects' CD is not played by TD at all. And it is in fact Mark Shreeve's 'Assassin'. This is not the only fault with the CD in question... :( All I can say is I'm sorry you wasted your money on it... Keep dreaming Richard Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 451 Re: House of the Rising Sun Robert Grabowsky Sun 1/26/1997 2 KB 452 Re: House of the Rising Sun Vic Rek Sun 1/26/1997 2 KB 463 Re: House of the Rising Sun gerryfox Sun 1/26/1997 2 KB 1895 House of the Rising Sun Mark Filipak Sun 3/16/1997 2 KB 1898 Re: House of the Rising Sun Vic Rek Sun 3/16/1997 3 KB 1917 Re: House of the Rising Sun TWeibre361@a... Mon 3/17/1997 2 KB 1926 Re: House of the Rising Sun Mark Filipak Mon 3/17/1997 2 KB 7116 House of the Rising Sun Dave Lane Tue 9/16/1997 2 KB 7119 Re: House of the Rising Sun Sean Montgomery Tue 9/16/1997 4 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sun Jan 26, 1997 1:55 am Subject: Re: House of the Rising Sun Really-From: Robert Grabowsky At 01:44 AM 1/26/97 +0000, you wrote: >Really-From: rch@g... > > >Hi Victor > >The 'House of the Rising Sun' track on the 'Sound and Effects' CD is not >played by TD at all. And it is in fact Mark Shreeve's 'Assassin'. >This is not the only fault with the CD in question... :( >All I can say is I'm sorry you wasted your money on it... > >Keep dreaming >Richard > > I have to agree that this disc is the worst thing I have ever bought.For anyone thinking about buying it SAVE YOUR MONEY!!!!!! Robert From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sun Jan 26, 1997 3:55 am Subject: Re: House of the Rising Sun Really-From: Vic Rek >>The 'House of the Rising Sun' track on the 'Sound and Effects' CD is not >>played by TD at all. And it is in fact Mark Shreeve's 'Assassin'. >>This is not the only fault with the CD in question... :( >>All I can say is I'm sorry you wasted your money on it... >>Keep dreaming >>Richard >> >I have to agree that this disc is the worst thing I have ever bought.For >anyone thinking about buying it SAVE YOUR MONEY!!!!!! > Robert So Robert, I guess you didn't buy 'Rubycon Revisited'? Thanks for the help guys. I thought I was going crazy. Victor From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sun Jan 26, 1997 5:01 am Subject: Definitive Klaus Schulze Info Really-From: Mark Filipak I want to thank everyone on the space-music and the tadream lists who contributed to the discussion on Klaus Schulze. I'm going to go in the direction recommended by those who favor the 'pick and choose' philosophy. This morning Georg Veltmann sent my the official KS web page's URL: I had five other URLs for KS (if you want these, send me a request off-list) but this one's the most informative. I found this there: In summer 1996, the members of The KS Circle chose the Top Ten Klaus Schulze albums and titles. Here are the results: Top Ten Klaus Schulze albums 1. Mirage, with a total of 274 points 2. 'X' with 226 points 3. Moondawn (The Original Master) with 221 points (but most people voted for this!) 4. Historic Edition with 207 points 5. Silver Edition with 190 points 6. Timewind with 173 points 7. In Blue with 167 points 8. ...Live... with 166 points 9. Audentity with 126 points 10. En=Trance with 101 points Top Ten Klaus Schulze titles 1. Crystal Lake, from Mirage 2. Floating, from Moondawn (The Original Master) 3. Bayreuth Return, from Timewind 4. Sense (complete version), from ...Live... (CD version) 5. Picasso geht spazieren, from the Silver Edition set 6. Ludwig II, from 'X' 7. Velvet Voyage, from Mirage 8. Wahnfried 1883, from Timewind 9. Into the Blue, from In Blue 10. Dune, from Dune Return of the Tempel, from In Blue Added to all this is an album I found yesterday. It's a double CD called 'The Essential Klaus Schulze, 72-93'. It has some great photos of Klaus looking very impish, and of course, music! THE ESSENTIAL KLAUS SCHULZE 1.1- Irrlicht, I. Satz: Ebene [5:16] (from Irrlicht) 1.2- Totem [6:25] (from Picture Music) 1.3- Wahnfried 1883 [10:51] (from Timewind) 1.4- Floating [11:30] (from Moondawn) 1.5- Stardancer II [14:11] (from Body Love Vol 2) 1.6- Ludwig II von Bayern [10:00] (from X) 1.7- Death of an Analogue [12:15] (from Dig It) 2.1- Weird Caravan [5:04] (from Dig It) 2.2- Freeze [6:38] (from Angst) 2.3- Miditerranean Pads [14:15] (from Miditerranean Pads) 2.4- Dresden Five [8:32] (from The Dresden Performance) 2.5- Brave Old Sequence [10:54] (from Beyond Recall) 2.6- Silence and Sequence [11:54] (from Royal Festival Hall Vol I) 2.7- The Dome Event (Presto) [12:44] (from The Dome Event) 2CD [1994] Caroline Records-US- CAROL 1896-2 7243 8 39300 2 9 I think with all this, I _may_ be ready for my copy of the Jubilee Edition, 25 CD box, when it arrives this summer or fall. I plan on recycling 'The Essential Klaus Schulze'. Anyone interested in trading for this, contact me off-list. Preference will be given to those who can offer the SBM of 'Exit'. By the way, I liked almost everything on these two discs. Thanks again and fondest regards to all who helped. Mark Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 533 Re: Definitive Klaus Schulze Info PhilPDX@a... Thu 1/30/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sun Jan 26, 1997 7:38 am Subject: Babylon 5 Soundtrack Vol. 2-'Messages from Earth' Really-From: Fordat1@a... I've been asked to repost this to those areas it might interest. Fromsupercollector@s... Newsgroups: Subject: Babylon 5 Soundtrack Vol. 2-'Messages from Earth' Special Offer Date: Sat, 25 Jan 1997 10:24:07 -0800 BABYLON 5 SOUNDTRACK VOL. 2- MESSAGES FROM EARTH We now have the much-awaited sequel to the Babylon 5 soundtrack available on CD, composed by Christopher Franke. The CD has 8 tracks and is 58:00 minutes in length. The cover has the Babylon 5 logo flanked by Star Furies and other ships from the series. Inside is a 14-page color booklet with excellent photo montages of characters and vehicles from the show. Also included is a shot of the show's producers with the 1996 Hugo Award. The CD holder has another montage of Captain Sheridan and the White Star. Imprinted on the CD is the B5 logo on top and a Shadow warship below. Track listing is as follows: 1 - Main Title, 1st Season (Extended) 3:17 2 - Messages From Earth 10:05 3 - Main Title, 2nd Season 1:30 4 - Z'ha'dum 12:20 5 - Main Title, 3rd Season 1:31 6 - Severed Dreams 15:37 7 - Main Title, 4th Season 1:29 8 - Voices Of Authority 11:26 Total Running Time: 58:00 The cost for this CD is $15.99, plus $3.50 for shipping in the US. California residents please add 7.75% sales tax. We accept major credit cards (Visa, MC, AmEx and Disc) Or you can send a chack or money order to us. ***SPECIAL OFFER*** With your purchase of 'Baylon 5 Vol. 2- Messages from Earth' you can also receive a copy of Christopher Franke's (composer for Babylon 5) CD soundtrack to 'Night of the Running Man' for the special price of only $9.99. This soundtrack is very similar to the style of Babylon 5 music. We also have available our 64-page merchandise catalog, please request a complimentary copy when ordering. If you would like to order these CDs, please contact us at: Super Collector 16547 Brookhurst St. Fountain Valley, CA 92708 USA Telephone: 714-839-3693 / FAX 714-839-8263 Our Email address is: supercollector@s... Visit our Web Site: We also carry a wide range of popular and hard-to-find motion picture and television soundtracks on CD. From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sat Jan 25, 1997 9:10 pm Subject: Re: Frankes Pax Terra Really-From: 'gerryfox' > > Must have to be a fan of the series to appreciate this. I thought it was > pretty bad, especially those cheezy vocals. Typical Saturday morning > superhero stuff, only worse, IMO. > > Phil D. I agree about the cheesy vocals. I tend to tune out the words now - but the rest of the album is pretty good. BTW I asked my daughter in law about Perry Rhodan as she is german, but she had never heard of the books at all. I thought it was big in Germany ? Gerry From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sun Jan 26, 1997 10:00 am Subject: Side long tracks Really-From: Hilmar Kraft <73627.3675@c...> >Really-From: Armin Theissen > >> >>Think about it, if they had faded Mojave Plan after the first segment, put >>a silence of 2 seconds and started up with Mojave Plan second segment >>(titled something else of course on the label) would there have been any >>difference to the feel of the album? >> > YES! > Armin NO! Hilmar PS: In other words, could you elaborate a little what the difference is to you? For me there is a total break of mood, harmony, tempo, structure, melody, instrumentation, (and more) between the parts, so I really don't see how blending the parts together as they did is at all different from keeping them separate tracks. Your turn! From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sun Jan 26, 1997 5:05 pm Subject: Tangram Really-From: dhughes@g... (David J. Hughes) Hi All, >Really-From: Boneheads1@a... >Tangram (as the title implies) is like exploring a hidden dimension. > Individual pieces fit together to become a whole, yet it is the relationship >between the pieces that is the revelation, rather than the pieces or the >whole. Like a mathmatical principal that can be re-applied and compounded, >tangrams are a model of human understanding. > >Tangram relentlessly tickles the mind, coaxing it to follow hidden trails. > There's not a lot of predictability, but rather perpendicular symmetry. > Every approach is peripheral. Every arrival is wondrous. Couldn't have said it better myself. Tangram was our first real exposure to TD when we heard bits of it at a friends house. That openning riff still stands out as one of the most enthralling little sequences that they've ever come up with. It's so haunting and they use it wonderfully in the film 'Risky Business' almost as Joel's theme. The line 'Get off the babysitter, Joel!' still puts me in stitches... Cheers david From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sun Jan 26, 1997 4:43 pm Subject: Re: Sounds and Effects bootleg/last track Really-From: Paul Nagle On Sat, 25 Jan 1997 19:59:52 +0100, you wrote: >People yearning for another Rubicon or Ricochet should get his 'Redshift' >CD, I personally think it's better than Radio Massacre International etc, Agreed. I can heartily recommend this album to anyone keen on the TD music of 1975-78 ish. Superb but not in the same vein as his other solo stuff which I personally prefer... > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ------------------ Paul Nagle - paul@s... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ------------------ From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sun Jan 26, 1997 4:49 pm Subject: Re: Side long tracks/Mojave Plan Really-From: Dennis Nigbur On Sun, 26 Jan 1997 05:00:20 -0500 tadream mailing list wrote: >Really-From: Hilmar Kraft <73627.3675@c...> > (...) >PS: In other words, could you elaborate a little what the difference is to >you? For me there is a total break of mood, harmony, tempo, structure, >melody, instrumentation, (and more) between the parts, so I really don't >see how blending the parts together as they did is at all different from >keeping them separate tracks. Your turn! In my very humble opinion indeed, the whole point to TD music in those days was to create a musical impression of an 'assembly' phase in which melodic segments (such as the individual parts on Mojave Plan) are blended into a diverse collection of song fragments that yet form an entity. In an interview, Edgar Froese talked about TD as a living and breathing creature...I reckon it might be something like that. Think about the earlier pieces and the elaboration on single motifs and sounds as a gathering phase, about the first half of the eighties as a synthetic or assembly face (holding your breath, trying to make sense of the multitude of impressions that have passed your way...), and the contemporary TD music appears to be a diffusion phase, or another gathering of material. Accordingly, splitting Mojave Plan in half would contradict the musical direction TD were taking during that time, even if it could be done, as you say quite rightly. Dennis From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sun Jan 26, 1997 9:01 pm Subject: perry rhodan Really-From: Armin Theissen > >I agree about the cheesy vocals. I tend to tune out the words now - but >the rest of the album is pretty good. > >BTW I asked my daughter in law about Perry Rhodan as she is german, but she >had never heard of the books at all. I thought it was big in Germany ? > >Gerry > This will be off-topic!!! Perry Rhodan is a science fiction 'pulp' magazine adventure (no comic books, but novels) which started in 1961. Every week there is a new Perry Rhodan. It was intended to be an adventure of about 30 episodes, but it was, unexpected for all, a mega success right from number 1 on, so it still exists today. I think they are now at number 1850 (roughly). What is the story? It started with the first (american) landing on the moon, set in the year 1971. A good guess for the year 1961!. Perry Rhodan and three fellows are on this flight. On the moon they find a huge alien spaceship which crashed there just some time ago, the crew is unable to repair, which is attributed to the fact that they are essentially too lazy or simply uninterested - kind of 'degradation' because they are more interested in some sort of video games. Perry and Co. return to earth with the ('undegraded') leading scientist of the (human-like) aliens. They land in the Gobi desert, where they occupy territory and establish a neutral power between the (american) west and the (russian and chinese) east. With the help of the alien technology, they peacefully prevent a nuclear 3rd world war and build up an industry to build space ships for the aliens to return home. This alien scientist sees in mankind the successor of the aliens who govern a huge empire throughout the whole milkyway. The alien mission was to find some mystic planet whose inhabitants know the secret of eternal life, and together with Perry and fellows they find this solar system and meet some kind of body-less superior entity, and Perry and some friends get some kind of implant which makes them immune against any kind of natural deaths and aging - quite important for the story which covers about 3000 years. What follows is expansion of mankind into the galaxy and later to other galaxies, leaded by super-boss hero Perry Rhodan, taking over the empire of the degenerated aliens they found on the moon. And right *this* lead to the critics that Perry Rhodan is obviously fashistoid. It has, however, to be said that the series was intended to be a short adventure, and suddenly the authors (about 10) saw themselves forced to continue the story. On the fly, they were just able to turn their story of 'mankind, east and west, come together and life in peace' in pure action adventure. Some years later, they could overcome this and moved away from the pure war-adventure concept and created some interesting cosmology in which live plays an important role (quite amusing to read since modern cosmology has nothing to do with biology at all). Also, Perry Rhodan is no longer that superhero figure, but there are a couple of important characters in the set, and Perry Rhodan is by far not playing the leading role alone. The story proceeds on several parallel lines. I have the feeling that Star Trek took over some ideas from Perry Rhodan. as the Q-Continuum (in PR there are 'Cosmocrats' which sended human representatives to the universe as known by mankind) or the Borg (PR once had to deal with a half robot/half organic civilization appearing in giant cube starships - obvious, don't you think so? and these robot civilastion appeared in PR in the mid 60ies!!!!). Each period of PR maches quite exactly the general taste of the time it appeared. Probably because of this, PR was never successful in the US. The first 100 episodes or so have been translated and published in the US in the late 60s/early 70s, I guess, but it was impossible to sell early 60s science fiction adventure at that particular time. A lot of the gigantanomania and look of PR was caught in the movie Independance Day - funny since the director of Independance Day was german. The story if ID matches the feel of early PR. So far so good. Greetings from an old PR freak. Armin From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sun Jan 26, 1997 3:58 pm Subject: Re: D: Tangram Really-From: PhilPDX@a... In a message dated 97-01-23 20:51:49 EST, you write: << Really-From: Paul Edwards Tangram was my first ever TD purchase, and, I believe, itr's one of their top four or five albums. >> Yet you only give it a 4AS???? Meaning you only give out one or two 5's for all of TD? I give 5's to Tangram, Richochet, Logos, Hyperborea, White Eagle (yes, I like Schmoelling era TD!), and probably a few others I'm neglecting off the top of my head. Hmm, maybe it's not too many, though, come to think of it. Nevermind. :-) How many 5's did most people give, looking back at their lists? Seems I do have a lot of 3's. But, ooooh, those 5's. Phil D. From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sun Jan 26, 1997 11:20 pm Subject: klaus schulze Really-From: Armin Theissen Hi all, does anybody know about the Klaus Schulze concert in New York in August? I might be in New York beginning of August...... Armin Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 467 Re: klaus schulze TWeibre361@a... Mon 1/27/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sun Jan 26, 1997 8:55 am Subject: Re: House of the Rising Sun Really-From: 'gerryfox' > >I have to agree that this disc is the worst thing I have ever bought.For > >anyone thinking about buying it SAVE YOUR MONEY!!!!!! > > Robert By coincidence I have just bought this. I found it in a market stall for £4 ( $6). I think I got my moneys worth. Now I know why I couldn't get the tune from HotRS. The sound quality is a bit toppy but the music comes through all the same. Gerry From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sun Jan 26, 1997 6:38 pm Subject: Tangram differences Really-From: Mark Filipak Hi Dreamers, This is a fortunate time to be reviewing 'Tangram.' I just bought the SBM remastered version (Virgin TAND 11 -- that somehow made it's way to the US) after having the original CD (Virgin CDV 2147) for many years. The covers are different of course. The new one has the original LP cover, red with 'TANGERINE DREAM' in a circle in the upper left, while the old one was ugly: purple, framed in gray, with 'TANGERINE DREAM' in block letters across the top. But the music is subtly different! The notes in the opening progression are slightly different. I couldn't believe my ears. I didn't listen further but I plan to do a careful A/B of these two versions. I was just wondering whether anyone else had noticed this and whether any of the rest of the remastered 'TAND' series were likewise subtly different from their predecessors. I no longer have the LPs, but I'd like to know which version of 'Tangram' is most faithful to the LP. This seems like mice nuts to me, but it was so surprising, I just had to mention it. 'TAND 11' has in it's notes: 'High definition digital remastering by Simon Heyworth at Chop 'Em Out, London.' It is not a new mix -- just a remastering. How could the (musical) notes be different? How much liberty does someone take when they remaster something? Input from anyone in the industry and with first hand knowledge would be very welcome. Cheers, Mark Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 582 Tangram differences Mark Filipak Sun 2/2/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sun Jan 26, 1997 7:24 pm Subject: CD Addicts Really-From: sean > > will be around 2400. Hmmm....I'd better check my computer's memory! > 2400 CDs !!! YOU _ARE_ crazy. I start culling my herd when it reaches > 800. Geez, now I don't feel so bad for having a mere 500 discs. Nonetheless, I do confess to being an addict. The crinkle of the plastic wrap, the waft of fresh booklet ink: these are my 'highs'. Sean Montgomery 3D ANIMATOR 'Humour is truth, only faster' From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Jan 27, 1997 3:50 pm Subject: tangram Really-From: Armin Theissen > > But the music is subtly different! The notes in the opening >progression are slightly different. I couldn't believe my ears. I >didn't listen further but I plan to do a careful A/B of these two >versions. I was just wondering whether anyone else had noticed this and >whether any of the rest of the remastered 'TAND' series were likewise >subtly different from their predecessors. I no longer have the LPs, but >I'd like to know which version of 'Tangram' is most faithful to the LP. >This seems like mice nuts to me, but it was so surprising, I just had to >mention it. > >Mark > I've got the definitive edition CD and the original Vinyl pressing. The music is the same! The cover of the CD is terribly wrong, crediting Peter Baumann instead of Johannes Schmoelling. The inner sleeve of the Vinyl Tangram had two additional photos. They must have build a huge 'Tangram' logo and set it somewhere into a rainy winter landscape. And: somewhere hidden, very tiny: Jerome. Armin Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 474 tangram MiqSk8@a... Mon 1/27/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Jan 27, 1997 1:58 pm Subject: Re: klaus schulze Really-From: TWeibre361@a... In a message dated 97-01-26 11:24:09 EST, you write: << Really-From: Armin Theissen Hi all, does anybody know about the Klaus Schulze concert in New York in August? I might be in New York beginning of August...... Armin >> ive heard this rumor also...there has been talk of an electronic composer series at carnegie hall, and ks was one of those mentioned...on the other hand, the latest communique from kdm stated that ks still has not gotten over his aversion to the us, but, as they say here, it aint over till its over, so, who knows.... tom w np: little axe - slow fuse From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Jan 27, 1997 2:19 pm Subject: d: sorcerer, stratosfear, tangram & theif Really-From: ljones@h... (Lars Jones) **** warning long post, some controversial remarks ******* I know I won't have a chance to ever catch up and write these the way I wanted to but I wanted to say something so here goes something: D: sorcerer 4AS (but a very low 4) I had a difficult time deciding whether this should be a 3AS or a 4AS... but since I think I gave shy people a 4AS, I guess I have to give sorcerer at least that much (that's twisted reasoning isn't it?)... still, parts of sorcerer, when separated from the film (that is, taken only as pieces of music) doesn't engage me to the degree of other films. Part of my problem with ranking these four albums is their proximity to one another and my thoughts on other albums from this period and I don't think sorcerer measures up to, say, Rubycon to which I think I also gave a 4AS. But enough of the methodological problems In the context of the film, the s'track is excellent, meshing perfectly with the subject and cinematography; the movie itself it also quite good but has some gaps and unexplained ambiguities -- perhaps it would be more understandable had I read the book or seen 'wages of fear'. the s'track itself has some excellent pieces especially Search, Creation, Grind, Betrayal. these are 4 really great tracks and it is hard to pick a favorite but I lean towards 'Creation'. Some of the other tracks however, do little for me (which is not to say they are 'bad') but just make me feel like there is trail of S. American army ants winding its way up my back staircase and into my house.... yeeeeccccchhhhhh. While living in Italy, we came back late at night from a short trip and when we woke up in the morning, there were these wide trails of thousands of ants all over our apartment (and we keep a very clean house) -- they even were in our bed (which is where we first found them) double yeeeeeeecccchhhh! If you've ever had ants in your house (I mean lots of ants) you know what I mean when I say that parts of sorcerer remind me of being in bed in the middle of a dark night with bunches of ants crawling all over you. (please don't point out the similarities between this and the pertinent passage in Electric kool-aid acid test). I guess, in the context of the film, that was precisely what TD was trying to do, give us the creepy crawlies, sort of like the jungle. Well, it worked but I still don't get off on this soundtrack.... ---------------------------------------------------------- D:Stratosfear 4AS (but a low 4as) Stratosfear is, I think, the second TD album I bought and the 4th I heard but it took quite awhile for it to grow on me. Beyond the title track I didn't find that much to engage me; eventually though I came to appreciate it. I think I bought this album because the title and the artwork really turned me on, having heard RB, theif, and ricochet previously, I expected something a little different; after the title track, I initially felt a little let down, so I put it in the pile and went in search of some other TD. It was, perhaps, my first 'disappointing' experience with TD. 'stratosfear' is, of course, my favorite track on the album. Perhaps it is heresy but I must say that (after about 2 hours of side by side comparison) I like Stratosfear 95 better than the original title track to this album. In fact (considering that I also like theif yang), I look forward to hearing more of what Jerome does with the old TD; in many ways I think I like what Jerome has done with this material (on the few extant examples) better than what Edgar has done with some of the remixing on Tangetns, DRC, etc. (this is NOT to say that I don't appreciate Edgar's efforts only that I like what Jerome has done, it is different and more radical). Cloudburst flight is my favorite track of all and I would love to hear him do a remix of this (Jerome, are you listening?!) or take on quichotte part 2 .... I'm really interested in his reception of this material since he was really a part of it (as a father myself, I can't imagine that Jerome did not, in some way, influence his father or change his life from time to time and that this is probably apparent in Edgar's music, but where I don't know) the big sleep is, to me, much like the following two tracks on the second side of the vinyl album which never got a whole lot of play on my stereo since, unless the volume got cranked up, they would tend to go by unnoticed (sometimes I'd heard stratosfear and forget that I had even heard the others unless I sat down and made myself listen). the two tracks on this side are defintely post-peak, resolution, wind-down type tracks but the album lacks a really well organized climax and so, when the 4 tracks are put together on a cd, they seem somewhat disjointed 3AM... has always reminded me of PF's 'Echoes' from Meddle and 'invisible Limits' is a great closer but still a bit slow for my tastes (maybe because I am a high stress type A person); in certain moods however, I think it is wonderful, especially with the 'bell' sound around the 4 min mark. ---------------------------------------------------- D:Tangram 5AS (but a low 5) There have been a lot of great reviews of this album/cd and there's not much more I have to add except to say that while it comes from the peak moment of TD I still feel to this day that it is not a perfect reflection of their music. I think it is in general a really excellent piece of music but there are parts (like the keyboard[?] fife sounds that sound something like 'yankee doodle' (track I, 4:13) that really turn me off. I love the music of this period because it engages me and allows me to disengage from the corporeal world; I love to sit back and let the music take me wherever it and my mind want to go (this is sort of like the 'suspension of disbelief' in literature and film and this is why I care less for shorter tracks). When I hear these recognizable parts of track I, it brutally breaks off my engagement with the music and the mental path that I am on. Taken in the plotinian sense (those who haven't should read Plotinus in the context of TD's 'epic' tracks, I think he's much more in tune to this stuff than was plato in timaeus), in the middle of my ascent from the corporeal to a more spiritual plane, these sounds jerk me back to earth and I must start the process anew. Now I know this is only a personal reaction and it shouldn't reflect on the music as a whole which is why I gave this album a 5AS. For along time I was tempted to give this a 4 but I know that, in reality, it is just too good; especially set II which is my favorite on the album and one of my favorites of all TD tracks. Are these side long tracks or not? if not, does it really matter? what about separate movements of a symphony? are they not part of the same work? or what of the separate panels of a painted polyptych? is what we seek not the concept of the Whole/totality of the work? if edgar and Co had meant these to be separate tracks would they not have separated them? After all, they had already taken steps in this direction with stratosfear and FM (not to mention sorcerer ST). I have to dismiss the debate on this. I define a side-long track as one where the artists have made no physical separations among the components. Among side-long tracks there are several types, those which are more 'epic' in nature (upon which I have previously elaborate) and others which I would call more 'symphonic' in that they are INTERNALLY (not externally!) divisible into movements and specific themes. Yet even the epic tracks still have divisions --as in quichotte part II where there there are at least 4 parts: 1) the soft intro, followed by 2) the layering of theme and variations, 3) the climax and 4) the resolution but these parts are linked within a larger context, perhaps we could say by an external direction or vector. I think the symphonic style tracks lack the notion of a 'vector'; that is to say that their direction and organization is not generated by some external attempt to structure or guide the work from beginning to end (as an epic tale is structured from a distinct beginning to a distinct ending); rather I think the organization is internal to each part but that the parts are all linked by some obvious or not so obvious characteristic (key, theme, mood, intrumentation, rhythm, title, concept...). 'song of the whale' is a good example of a 'symphonic' side-long track and is disreetly broken into two components (here, I would argue that the silent moment joins rather than separates the two movements). without over elaborating on this, I think that tangram is a good example of an album that combines but the 'epic' (set II) and the 'symphonic' (set I) styles of side-long tracks. Does tangram harken the so-called 'decay' of long td tracks into short more 'air-playable' tracks (like those on Exit?) I don't know but I think the direction to shorter tracks was inevitable. ------------------------------------------------------- D: Theif 4/5??AS I remember back around the summer of '81 or was it '82? I was helping a friend wash his car and he had put in this really wild tape he had borrowed from another friend and had cranked it up. I was mesmerized, just washing and listening, I don't think we said hardly a word until the tape had finished. I asked what it was and it was Theif--but I had never heard of TD. Well that was in my (small) rural hometown and the local yokel record stores didn't carry any of that long-haired acid-adled knob-twiddling music. Eventually I was able to buy td when I returned to college. Lately I hadn't been able to listen to this album from the death of my turntable (sometime in the late 80s) until I finally found a cd of it in London in november. It was great to hear it again after such a long absence. I really do like this sound track a lot and think it is one of, if not their absolute best soundtrack. Only Risky Business had a chance at surpassing theif for this honor but because there are so few TD tracks on RB it is disqualified from consideration as only a half TD album In the context of the film, this is another ST that rocks and meshes really well with the film script and cinematography. The film is pretty decent but not fantastic--unless you are a Mann's man :-) my favorite tracks are: diamond diary (which is really a mini epic), scrap yard, and igneous (really from TMR on FM) and even dr. destructo and burning bar ain't bad 't all; the beginning of beach SCENE certainly seems to owe more than a little to mike oldfield's tubular bells. can someone explain/give the differences in track listings between the various issues of this ST? I have the virgin SBM version (UK tand12) with beach theme, dr destructo, diamond diary, burning bar, beach scene, scrap yard, trap feeling, igneous; my vinyl (Elektra 5E-521) has beach theme, dr. destructo, diamond diary and burning bar on side one, just like the first 4 tracks on the cd but the second side is missing beach scene and has scrap yard, trap feeling, igneous and confrontation. since i don't have a turntable or tape, can someone straighten me out on this? I know it has come up from time to time but with this D:week (and with mark F's discography in progress) now might be the time to hash it out once and for all. lars (scott, sorry I didn't separate these) Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 477 Re: d: sorcerer, stratosfear, tangram & theif dbrewer@a... Mon 1/27/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Jan 27, 1997 9:48 pm Subject: ks in ny Really-From: Armin Theissen > << > Hi all, > > does anybody know about the Klaus Schulze concert in New York in > August? I might be in New York beginning of August...... > > Armin > >> > >ive heard this rumor also...there has been talk of an electronic composer >series at carnegie hall, and ks was one of those mentioned...on the other >hand, the latest communique from kdm stated that ks still has not gotten over >his aversion to the us, but, as they say here, it aint over till its over, >so, who knows.... > >tom w > >np: little axe - slow fuse > Well, lets hope that KS gives New York a try. Would give a nice mailing list meeting just like in London. Armin Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 471 Re: ks in ny TWeibre361@a... Mon 1/27/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Jan 27, 1997 2:59 am Subject: Re: CD Addicts Really-From: 'R.A.Seed' tadream mailing list wrote: > > Really-From: sean > > > > will be around 2400. Hmmm....I'd better check my computer's memory! > > > 2400 CDs !!! YOU _ARE_ crazy. I start culling my herd when it reaches > > 800. > > Geez, now I don't feel so bad for having a mere 500 discs. Nonetheless, I > do confess to being an addict. The crinkle of the plastic wrap, the waft > of fresh booklet ink: these are my 'highs'. I will have to include myself in this crazy collector club aswell :) somewhere over 1500.... but not a completely catalogued collection. after running out of room to store purchaces are slowly drying up :( Rob Seed Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 496 Re: CD Addicts TheSmitter@a... Tue 1/28/1997 2 KB 513 CD Addicts spidey Wed 1/29/1997 2 KB 514 Re: CD Addicts sean Wed 1/29/1997 2 KB 516 Re: CD Addicts PENFOLD Wed 1/29/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Jan 27, 1997 4:41 pm Subject: Re: ks in ny Really-From: TWeibre361@a... In a message dated 97-01-27 09:53:34 EST, you write: << Well, lets hope that KS gives New York a try. Would give a nice mailing list meeting just like in London. Armin >> i agree 100%....tom w From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Jan 27, 1997 4:38 pm Subject: Vision Quest & The Wraith Really-From: Vic Rek I understand that the CD soundtrack for 'Vision Quest' does not contain Tangerine Dream music, but the video does and Tangerine Dream is credited for the music on the cover. Does this hold true for Michael Hoenig's 'The Wraith'. I read that he is credited for the soundtrack, but the CD contains heavy metal music. Can anyone verify this and confirm if this is similar to 'Vision Quest' ,i.e., music on video, but not released on CD soundtrack?? Vic Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 480 Re: Vision Quest & The Wraith Plumer, Scott Mon 1/27/1997 2 KB 484 Re: Vision Quest & The Wraith sean Mon 1/27/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Jan 27, 1997 11:48 pm Subject: thief Really-From: Armin Theissen > >can someone explain/give the differences in track listings between the >various issues of this ST? I have the virgin SBM version (UK tand12) with >beach theme, dr destructo, diamond diary, burning bar, beach scene, scrap >yard, trap feeling, igneous; my vinyl (Elektra 5E-521) has beach theme, dr. >destructo, diamond diary and burning bar on side one, just like the first 4 >tracks on the cd but the second side is missing beach scene and has scrap >yard, trap feeling, igneous and confrontation. since i don't have a >turntable or tape, can someone straighten me out on this? I know it has >come up from time to time but with this D:week (and with mark F's >discography in progress) now might be the time to hash it out once and for >all. > > >lars > > I've bought the Vinyl immediatly as it was released in Germany back in 1981. It is identical to the SBM CD (with Beach SCENCE, but without Confrontation), but the track listing on the cover does not say Beach Scene, but lists Confrontation by this other guy (whose name eludes me for the moment). So the cover info there is wrong. Armin Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 498 thief Armin Theissen Tue 1/28/1997 4 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Jan 27, 1997 5:33 pm Subject: tangram Really-From: MiqSk8@a... again, the typical first tdream experience post- i had a friend who worked at a used record store, one night i bopped in and found this. i had read somewhere something that made me want to check it out. i borrowed it, went to another friend's house to tape it, and voila-i was completely hooked. knowing then that i would want use computers to make music along with other instruments- this seemed like a blueprint. so many facets of what really moves me are contained in this recording. what really stands out after all this time(realization in 1982-i was 15) is that the whole album/cd/recording is so complete and seamless. ps-I feel like i'm pretty familiar with this work, and did not notice any glaring differences on the sbm version From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Jan 27, 1997 6:07 pm Subject: Tangram again Really-From: 'Marcel Engels' It seems that virtually everyone likes Tangram (including me) considering the amount of reviews send in. So Edgar & Co, I think there is a lesson to be learned here. Marcel Engels fsp@p... Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 522 Re: Tangram again PNaunton@a... Wed 1/29/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Jan 27, 1997 6:17 pm Subject: SCHULZE Really-From: Michael A Jean Is the concert OFFICIAL now? I thought it was just in the discussion stages? If it's official, you can include me in the list of attendees... Mike J From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Jan 27, 1997 6:27 pm Subject: Re: d: sorcerer, stratosfear, tangram & theif Really-From: dbrewer@a... > Quoted From: ljones@h... (Lars Jones) > > > > can someone explain/give the differences in track listings between the > various issues of this ST? I have the virgin SBM version (UK tand12) with > beach theme, dr destructo, diamond diary, burning bar, beach scene, scrap > yard, trap feeling, igneous; my vinyl (Elektra 5E-521) has beach theme, dr. > destructo, diamond diary and burning bar on side one, just like the first 4 > tracks on the cd but the second side is missing beach scene and has scrap > yard, trap feeling, igneous and confrontation. since i don't have a > turntable or tape, can someone straighten me out on this? I know it has > come up from time to time but with this D:week (and with mark F's > discography in progress) now might be the time to hash it out once and for > all. > The Virgin and Elektra releases are identical *except*, Virgin has 'Beach Scene' (after 'Burning...') and Elektra has 'Confrontation' as the last track (by Craig Safan, who wrote the theme for Cheers and I think some of the Nightmare on Elm St's , IINM). These are the only versions I know of. Dave Brewer From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Jan 28, 1997 1:38 am Subject: Really-From: Armin Theissen > >Really-From: 'Marcel Engels' > > >It seems that virtually everyone likes Tangram (including me) >considering the amount of reviews send in. >So Edgar & Co, I think there is a lesson to be learned here. > >Marcel Engels >fsp@p... > Edgar & Co. never gave a damn on what other people (e.g. listeners and fans) thought. That is the reason why they could produce so much good music over a quarter of a century. So keep on going, Edgar & Co., no matter if I don't like your recent stuff. Armin From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Jan 27, 1997 8:04 pm Subject: D: This week Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' Thief. Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 954 D: This week Plumer, Scott Mon 2/17/1997 2 KB 1429 D: This week Plumer, Scott Tue 3/4/1997 2 KB 1636 D: This week Plumer, Scott Mon 3/10/1997 2 KB 2167 D: This week Plumer, Scott Mon 3/31/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Jan 27, 1997 8:24 pm Subject: RE: Vision Quest & The Wraith Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' >I understand that the CD soundtrack for 'Vision Quest' does not contain >Tangerine Dream music, but the video does and Tangerine Dream is credited >for the music on the cover. That is true, but I've never been able to bring myself to watch the movie and find out if it actually gets used. Scott Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 484 Re: Vision Quest & The Wraith sean Mon 1/27/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Jan 27, 1997 8:24 pm Subject: D: Thief Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' Thief, without a doubt, ranks up there as one of my favorties, and 'Diamond Diary' is probably my favorite TD track of all time. That track in particular seems to have the combination of Baumann-era and Schmoelling-era TD that I find so intoxicating. I also find it on Pergamon and (to a lesser extent) Tangram. A friend of mine met Michael Mann a few months ago, and when asked about TD he had nothing but praise for them, from their music to their business relationship. He said his only regret was that he couldn't get them to do more soundtracks. Which reminds me: Mann directed a film called 'Band of the Hand' in 1986. The TV commercial featured an excerpt from Poland, but TD music didn't appear in the movie, the credits or on the soundtrack. I wonder if they were negotiating to do the soundtrack and then it fell through? Scott Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 485 Re: D: Thief sean Mon 1/27/1997 2 KB 492 Re: D: Thief Jim Moore Tue 1/28/1997 2 KB 497 Re: D: Thief Mark Filipak Tue 1/28/1997 3 KB 535 Re: D: Thief PhilPDX@a... Thu 1/30/1997 2 KB 539 Re: D: Thief Plumer, Scott Thu 1/30/1997 2 KB 573 D: Thief Boneheads1@a... Sat 2/1/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Jan 27, 1997 8:38 pm Subject: Tangram-parts Really-From: florin epure Tangram impressions: Part1:first 8-10 min very nice short/evolving sequences - nice coda Part2:another symphony of sounds begins,excellent start,longer sequences,coda is excellent Part 1 is more impressive as a whole as part 2, but part 2 has fantastic begin and end. Part 1+2 together make for me the best ever TD album, 5AS. I was wandering if anyone has 'sliced' tangram to the 'small parts' like presented in tangents i.e. puzzle part from xx min/sec to yy min/sec etc. Florin. From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Jan 1, 1970 4:59 am Subject: Steven Feldman, Back on the 'Net! :) Really-From: Steven Feldman Howdy All, Well, for the most part, I'm back. I'm reaching the brownvm main- frame through a program called tn3270. It seems that the regular version of telnet put me in a unix rather than vm environment, if that makes any sense. So, I can be reached at the following two addresses: -- Steven Feldman and From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Jan 27, 1997 9:01 pm Subject: RE: Vision Quest & The Wraith Really-From: sean > >I understand that the CD soundtrack for 'Vision Quest' does not contain > >Tangerine Dream music, but the video does and Tangerine Dream is credited > >for the music on the cover. There's TD music in the movie, but not a lot. What little there was didn't make the CD, since the money people involved figured the Madonna and Journey tracks would rake in the bucks. I recall only one major sequence in the film, where the lead character is in a climatic wrestling match. The music here is similar to 'Taking the Park' from The Park is Mine...maybe a bit of 'The Kitchen' from Legend. Nothing spectacular, unless you're a total completist....and we don't have anyone like that on the mailing list, of course. ;-) As for Wraith, I haven't even heard of it, but there are at least two dozen movies out there with unreleased TD music. Sean Montgomery 3D ANIMATOR 'Humour is truth, only faster' From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Jan 27, 1997 9:14 pm Subject: Re: D: Thief Really-From: sean > A friend of mine met Michael Mann a few months ago, and when asked about > TD he had nothing but praise for them, from their music to their > business relationship. He said his only regret was that he couldn't get > them to do more soundtracks. I recall reading once that Mann wanted TD to score the Miami Vice series, but they were already tied up with Streethawk, or something like that. So we got Jan Hammer instead! Sean Montgomery 3D ANIMATOR 'Humour is truth, only faster' From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Jan 27, 1997 8:54 pm Subject: Re: Really-From: 'Marcel Engels' > Edgar & Co. never gave a damn on what other people (e.g. listeners > and fans) thought. That is the reason why they could produce > so much good music over a quarter of a century. > Armin Theissen I agree with you, Armin. An artist should always go his own path. *But*, I think, an artist should always listen to the opinions of the listeners. What an artist will do with these opinions is his own cup of tea. Now they aren't going their own path (listen to Dream mixes and the various samplers - I call it lack of inspiration). This is the reason why they could produce so much good music for only 20 years. (sorry if I may offend some of you) Marcel From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Jan 27, 1997 11:23 pm Subject: Re: D; Tangram Really-From: Paul Edwards At 18:03 +1000 on 27/1/97, Phil wrote: > << Really-From: Paul Edwards > > > Tangram was my first ever TD purchase, and, I believe, itr's one of their > top four or five albums. >> > > Yet you only give it a 4AS???? Meaning you only give out one or two 5's for > all of TD? Yep. Three to be precise: Cyclone, Electronic Meditation, and Tyger. No, no, only joking: the three are Force Majeure, Richocet and Logos Live. IMO, these three do stand ahead of the rest of the pack; hence when confronted with a five point integer scale, these three get five and the next rung down get 'fours'. BTW, I actually took the time out last night to do *nothing* except for listening to some music -- it's something I've not done for over two years! A sultry summer's evening, various oil burners in place, a darkened room, TD (Tangram, FWIW), FSOL, Oldfield and Jarre on the stereo -- I must do it more often! Cheers, Paul -- Paul Edwards * IT Consultant * email: p.edwards@i... Services Delivery, ITS * Phone: +61 3 934 44624 The University of Melbourne * Fax: +61 3 9347 4803 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled -- Plutarch From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Jan 1, 1970 4:59 am Subject: TENCHI THE MOVIE Sonic Atmospheres/Pioneer CD Really-From: Steven Feldman I saw a sealed copy of this at a local Sam Goody's recently, but it was at a location going-out-business sale, so I'll not be seeing that particular copy again. ;) :( Anyone else seen this, yet? It is in a cardboard cover with silver ink. -- Steven Feldman and Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 490 Re: TENCHI THE MOVIE Sonic Atmospheres/Pioneer CD Robert Grabowsky Tue 1/28/1997 2 KB 503 Re: TENCHI THE MOVIE Sonic Atmospheres/Pioneer CD Vic Rek Tue 1/28/1997 2 KB 506 Re: TENCHI THE MOVIE Sonic Atmospheres/Pioneer CD slawlor Tue 1/28/1997 2 KB 507 Re: TENCHI THE MOVIE Sonic Atmospheres/Pioneer CD Gabe Yedid Tue 1/28/1997 2 KB 511 Re: TENCHI THE MOVIE Sonic Atmospheres/Pioneer CD Gabe Yedid Tue 1/28/1997 2 KB 515 Re: TENCHI THE MOVIE Sonic Atmospheres/Pioneer CD Robert Grabowsky Wed 1/29/1997 3 KB 520 Re: TENCHI THE MOVIE Sonic Atmospheres/Pioneer CD TWeibre361@a... Wed 1/29/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Jan 1, 1970 4:59 am Subject: All I Have re the 3 Diff. Vers. of RISKY BUSINESS Really-From: Steven Feldman Folks, The following are re-posts: -- Steven Feldman and + + + + + + + Date: Thu, 20 Oct 94 18:19:52 EDT From: Steven Feldman Subject: THE COMPLETE RISKY BUSINESS To: Tangerine Dream Digest With all the boots floating around, I'm surprised that no one has issued one with all the obscure RISKY BUSINESS-related material. After all, there are a total of 12 RISKY BUSINESS musical tracks that do not appear on the CD. Let me explain: originally, the UK RISKY BUSINESS soundtrack was issued on LP with TD tracks evocative of LEGEND; and later, the LP (and CD) was issued with music evocative of WHITE EAGLE-- while there was a 2-LP hype package of RISKY BUSINESS promos (named 'Risky Business // The Audio Movie Kit') that contained an interview with Chris Franke and 8 TD tracks. Only one track on the original pressing of the LP is the same as those on the second pressing/CD, but I forget which it is. Here's what's on the three records at issue, with running times quoted from VOICES IN THE DUNES (except for that of Track 2 on the First Pressing of the LP, which was listed incorrectly): RISKY BUSINESS--First UK LP Pressing (LEGEND-like sound) Matrix stamp on LP side 1: A-2U-1-1 Matrix stamp on LP side 2: B-1U-1-1 FROM SIDE ONE: Track 2.) 'The Dream is Always the Same' ..... 2:20 Track 3.) 'No Future (Get Off the Babysitter)' 1:55 [VOICES is wrong] Track 4.) 'Guido the Killer Pimp' ............ 4:17 Track 5.) 'Lana' ............................. 3:52 FROM SIDE TWO: Track 11.) 'Love on a Real Train' ........... + 2:15 ------ Total Running Time 14:39 RISKY BUSINESS--Second UK LP Pressing and CD (WHITE EAGLE-like sound) Matrix stamp on LP side 1: A-3U-1-1 Matrix stamp on LP side 2: B-3U-1-1 FROM SIDE ONE: Track 2.) 'The Dream is Always the Same' ..... 3:42 Track 3.) 'No Future (Get Off the Babysitter)' 2:00 Track 4.) 'Guido the Killer Pimp' ............ 4:18 Track 5.) 'Lana' ............................. 3:51 FROM SIDE TWO: Track 11.) 'Love on a Real Train' ........... + 3:58 ------ Total Running Time 17:49 RISKY BUSINESS // THE AUDIO MOVIE KIT: (Demo-like sound) FROM SIDE ONE: 'Featurette #9' [Chris Franke interview] ...... 2:38 FROM SIDE FOUR: First Untitled Track .......................... 1:21 Second Untitled Track ......................... 1:46 Third Untitled Track .......................... 3:04 Fourth Untitled Track .......................... :30 Fifth Untitled Track ........................... :24 Sixth Untitled Track ........................... :11 Seventh Untitled Track ......................... :57 Eighth Untitled Track ....................... + 3:08 ------ Total Running Time 13:59 RISKY BUSINESS--first UK LP Pressing .......... 14:39 RISKY BUSINESS--second UK LP Pressing and CD .. 17:49 RISKY BUSINESS // THE AUDIO MOVIE KIT ....... + 13:59 ----- Combined Total of the Three Sources 46:27 - 14:39 ------ Rare RISKY BUSINESS Stuff (minus the CD Tracks) 31:48 Don't forget that one track on the original pressing of the LP is identical to the corresponding track on the second pressing/CD, but I forgot which it was. Now then, don't you think the above-mentioned material would make for a nice boot? And if so, how about rounding out the package by putting all the material (46:27) together on one boot and adding the 'Lady Greengrass' single (by Edgar's earlier band, the Ones) and the 'Ultima Thule' single? It would add up to about an hour. See below: LADY GREENGRASS A-SIDE: 'Lady Greengrass' ............................. ? (According to one LADY GREENGRASS B-SIDE: collector's list, the 'Love of Mine ................................. 6:00 sides total six mins.) ULTIMA THULE A-SIDE: 'Ultima Thule (Part 1)' ....................... 3:25 ULTIMA THULE B-SIDE: 'Ultima Thule (Part 2)' ..................... + 4:22 ------ Total Running Time 13:47 RISKY BUSINESS--first UK LP Pressing .......... 14:39 RISKY BUSINESS--second UK LP Pressing and CD .. 17:49 RISKY BUSINESS // THE AUDIO MOVIE KIT ......... 13:59 LADY GREENGRASS and ULTIMA THULE singles .... + 13:47 ----- Combined Total of the Four Sources 60:14 The biggest question is: why do I go to such lengths just to fantasize about a project that will probably never take place? I dunno, but it's a real shame not to make available all three sources of RISKY BUSINESS music in one place . . . and to add on the music from the two singles would be great because the only other way to obtain the music on them would require buying two import-only CDs! P.S.: I'm the one who discovered the difference between the two versions of the commercially-available RISKY BUSINESS LPs, in the first place. Originally, I told one of the Grygorcewicz brothers about it, and the info was then passed on to the compilers of VOICES IN THE DUNES (which, back then, was to be called MUSIC IN THE RUINS). Steven Feldman -- 80 Forest St., #5, Providence, RI 02906-2630; INTERNET: , BITNET: . DREAMS WORD -- Electronic Dreams, POB 42385, Portland, OR 97242. The Nightcrawlers, c/o Peter D. Gulch -- 1493 Greenwood Avenue, Camden, NJ 08103-2929. PERSONAL FAVES: TD, the Nightcrawlers, Slepian, Ozric Tentacles, Cluster & Burmer. ======================================================================== 173 Date: Tue, 07 May 96 22:02:28 EDT From: Steven Feldman Subject: New Info re the Two Versions of RISKY BUSINESS To: Tangerine Dream Digest Howdy All, After looking for five years, I've finally happened across another copy of the first pressing of the RISKY BUSINESS soundtrack. This time, though, the record has yet *another* pair of matrix stamp numbers. The first version I ever saw was: RISKY BUSINESS--First UK LP Pressing (LEGEND-like sound) Matrix stamp on LP side 1: 2302 A-2U-1-1 Matrix stamp on LP side 2: 2302 B-1U-1-1 and the second version I ever saw was: RISKY BUSINESS--Second UK LP Pressing and CD (WHITE EAGLE-like sound) Matrix stamp on LP side 1: 2302 A-3U-1-1 Matrix stamp on LP side 2: 2302 B-3U-1-1 but now, I have a third version that has the following numbers: RISKY BUSINESS--1.5 (?) UK LP Pressing (LEGEND-like sound) Matrix stamp on LP side 1: 2302 A-2U-1-1 Matrix stamp on LP side 2: 2302 B-2U-1-1-1 The track times on this 1.5 version are the same as those on the First version. Also, while I'm here, I may as well clear something up. VOICES IN THE DUNES incorrectly gives '3. No Future (Get Off the Babysitter)' a time of 2:55 for the LP (p. 190), but the correct time is 1:55. VOICES IN THE DUNES also incorrectly lists the matrix code on p. 191 as being '2303-A-2U-1-1' when it should be '2302 A-2U-1-1' Last but not least, VOICES IN THE DUNES incorrectly lists the matrix code on p. 193 as being '2302-A-3U-1-1' when it should be '2302 A-3U-1-1' I know that this seems rather picky, but now you know. P.S.: I'm the one who discovered the difference between the two versions of the commercially-available RISKY BUSINESS LPs, in the first place. Originally, I told one of the Grygorcewicz brothers about it, and the info was then passed on to the compilers of VOICES IN THE DUNES (which, back then, was to be called MUSIC IN THE RUINS). -- Steven Feldman & From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Jan 27, 1997 11:59 pm Subject: Re: TENCHI THE MOVIE Sonic Atmospheres/Pioneer CD Really-From: Robert Grabowsky At 10:57 PM 1/27/97 +0000, you wrote: >Really-From: Steven Feldman > > > I saw a sealed copy of this at a local Sam Goody's recently, but it >was at a location going-out-business sale, so I'll not be seeing that >particular copy again. ;) :( > Anyone else seen this, yet? It is in a cardboard cover with silver >ink. > > -- Steven Feldman and > Steven, I have seen it and I own it.The music is GREAT and goes well with the movie.If you need help getting it let me know. Robert HGHLNDR@w...> From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Jan 28, 1997 12:04 am Subject: _-_-_-_Celestine Prophecy_-_-_-_ Really-From: PNaunton@a... Hi, Everyone, Another off subject meander, sorry, but I felt the need to ask. Franke's 'Celestine Prophecy' has seen much play at our house of late. I guess it helps to dilute the winter doldrums. While it was playing the other day, I happened to look at the liner notes, and way in the back where it says, 'Music Composed by Christopher Franke/Music Performed by Christopher Franke and the Berlin Philharmonic Film Orchestra/Conducted by Alan Wagner.' it goes on to say 'Additional Performances by . . .' and rattles off a multitude of other names including Paul Horn. My thoughts were, 'How much of this music _was_ composed by Franke and how much was written by others?' I thought when I heard it the first few times that it was extremely multi-faceted, perhaps too multi-faceted to have been written by one person, at least in a short period of time. Is it possible that Frank wrote the main themes and the bridges connecting some of the other sections, (no mean task in itself ) and this is just, other than that, a collection of 'New Age' pacifiers? I still like it, though. Phil N. Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 534 Re: _-_-_-_Celestine Prophecy_-_-_-_ PhilPDX@a... Thu 1/30/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Jan 28, 1997 4:18 am Subject: RE: D: Thief Really-From: Jim Moore I recall reading once that Mann wanted TD to score the Miami Vice series, but they were already tied up with Streethawk, or something like that. So we got Jan Hammer instead! [Jim Moore] I bet TD still kicks themselves over that one... - jimbo From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Jan 28, 1997 1:04 am Subject: 'Thief' Discog Really-From: Mark Filipak Hi, Here's what I have so far. I wish I had 'Voices' so that I didn't have to bug you guys for the basics and could go right to the post-1990 updates. Oh well. Composed and performed: summer of 1980 by the (then current) lineup. Nine tracks which got more or less on 10 releases: 4 LPs, 3 cassettes, and 3 CDs. THIEF -OST- [Summer 80] - EF/CF/JS 1- Beach Theme [3:46] 2- Dr. Destructo [3:19] 3- Diamond Diary [10:50] 4- Burning Bar [3:12] 5- Beach Scene [6:52] 6- Scrap Yard [4:39] 7- Trap Feeling [2:59] 8- Igneous [4:46] Note: Times are actual times from TAND12 as read from CD player. 1LP [1981] Virgin-GB- V 2198 [1981] Virgin-DE- 203 472-270 1MC [1981] Electra-US- 5C-552-1 [1981] Virgin-CA- VL4 2213 [1981] Virgin-DE- 403 472-352 1CD [19??] Virgin-GB- CDV 2198 [19??] Virgin-DE- 253 472 [1995] Virgin-NL- TAND12 (digital master) THIEF-extended -OST- -- limited issue of THIEF (that adds...) 9- Confrontation [?:??] 1LP [1981] Virgin-DE- 203 472-320 [1981] Elektra-US- 5E-521 On Jan 27th, AT wrote: > > I've bought the Vinyl immediatly as it was released in Germany back > in 1981. It is identical to the SBM CD (with Beach SCENCE, but without > Confrontation), but the track listing on the cover does not say > Beach Scene, but lists Confrontation by this other guy (whose name > eludes me for the moment). So the cover info there is wrong. > > Armin Does that mean your LP is catalogue number '203 472-270', Armin? -- if so, I will list it with the comment (cover error: lists 'Confrontation' instead of 'Beach Scene') Cover Art: What about covers? -- any different from the usual: A posterized photo of James Caan wearing sunglasses with the flash of an explosion in the background and, somehow, reflected in his glasses? Cheers, Mark From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Jan 28, 1997 3:18 am Subject: Tangents summary re:Logos Really-From: feldon@n... In a recent summary of the contents of Tangents (which was posted here), a star appeared next to every song that was completely reperformed by Edgar. Logos (Blue), (Red) and (Velvet) were all starred. I think this is a mistake because only Blue seems to be 'from scratch'. Having listened to the CD and the boot of the concert, Red and Velvet are from the concert with the standard Tangents treatment: bass thickening, re-equalizing and sinewaves (can someone give me a better name for the smooth 'sweet' pure synth string-like sound that Edgar laid over about 1/3rd of Tangents songs?). Morgan From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Jan 28, 1997 8:28 am Subject: Re: Recent TD works Really-From: Dennis Nigbur On Mon, 27 Jan 1997 21:54:58 +0100 tadream mailing list wrote: >Really-From: 'Marcel Engels' >Now they aren't going their own path (listen to Dream mixes >and the various samplers - I call it lack of inspiration). >This is the reason why they could produce so much good music >for only 20 years. (sorry if I may offend some of you) > >Marcel If what you say means that you don't like the music they played in the so-called Melrose and Seattle years, don't you think that Goblins Club is a step into a new direction? I must say, it's only now that I begin to appreciate the 'Melrose Years' music (which began to sound trite after 'Lily on the Beach' which in my view is a rather positive album that offers some little light music in spite of not producing anything groundbreaking), and the Seattle Years are something I still don't, musically, understand. What I really really like about Goblins Club is that they seem to reduce their use of guitars as the main lead voice and of saxophone solos, both of which they have been taking a bit over the top recently. I think you can actually appreciate the intricacies of the composition more if you don't have a really loud guitar roaring from beginning to end... Dennis From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Jan 28, 1997 6:22 am Subject: Re: CD Addicts Really-From: TheSmitter@a... << > 2400 CDs !!! YOU _ARE_ crazy. I start culling my herd when it reaches > 800. I do the same at about 750. Lack of space and some of my cds are dogs so why keep 'em? Geez, now I don't feel so bad for having a mere 500 discs. Nonetheless, I do confess to being an addict. The crinkle of the plastic wrap, the waft of fresh booklet ink: these are my 'highs'. >> I know what you mean. Every cd I buy holds the same excitement as the first cds I bought. Guess that will never change which is fine with me. Larry Smith From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Jan 28, 1997 5:54 am Subject: Re: D: Thief Really-From: Mark Filipak tadream mailing list wrote: > > Really-From: Jim Moore > > I recall reading once that Mann wanted TD to score the Miami Vice > series, but they were already tied up with Streethawk, or something > like that. So we got Jan Hammer instead! > > [Jim Moore] I bet TD still kicks themselves over that one... > > - jimbo Yes. And we fans got 'Escape From Television' and 'Beyond The Mind's Eye' from Jan -- two fine albums we probably wouldn't have seen except for Miami Vice. And we still have TD. Sounds pretty 'win-win' to me. I sincerely doubt Edgar is kicking himself -- I hear he's sold a few albums in the last 9 years. Mark From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Jan 28, 1997 3:58 pm Subject: thief Really-From: Armin Theissen > Note: Times are actual times from TAND12 as read from CD player. > 1LP [1981] Virgin-GB- V 2198 [1981] Virgin-DE- 203 472-270 > 1MC [1981] Electra-US- 5C-552-1 [1981] Virgin-CA- VL4 2213 > [1981] Virgin-DE- 403 472-352 > 1CD [19??] Virgin-GB- CDV 2198 [19??] Virgin-DE- 253 472 > [1995] Virgin-NL- TAND12 (digital master) >THIEF-extended -OST- -- limited issue of THIEF (that adds...) > 9- Confrontation [?:??] > 1LP [1981] Virgin-DE- 203 472-320 [1981] Elektra-US- 5E-521 > > >On Jan 27th, AT wrote: >> >> I've bought the Vinyl immediatly as it was released in Germany back >> in 1981. It is identical to the SBM CD (with Beach SCENCE, but without >> Confrontation), but the track listing on the cover does not say >> Beach Scene, but lists Confrontation by this other guy (whose name >> eludes me for the moment). So the cover info there is wrong. >> >> Armin > >Does that mean your LP is catalogue number '203 472-270', Armin? -- if >so, I will list it with the comment > > (cover error: lists 'Confrontation' instead of 'Beach Scene') Hi, I cannot really check the catalogue number of my Thief Vinyl since I've got all my Vinyl in Germany (and I'm in Northern Ireland), but I'm pretty shure that all my Virgin TD Vinyls carry 9 digits catalogue number, so probably '203 472-270'. The cover is just like the CD definitive edition, except sleeve notes arranged on the back different (and correct: Schmoelling instead of Baumann, and not 'live'). Armin From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Jan 1, 1970 7:59 am Subject: Thief Really-From: Neal McAuley I loved the movie 'Thief' before I even found out about TD and when I got into TD later and noticed they did the music, it made the movie even better for me. I recently got the re-mastered laser disc of the movie that just came out. The only problem I had with the CD of the soundtrack was the omission of 'Confrontation' which is an incredibly good song. It's also the end theme of the movie and I've never had another soundtrack that omitted the end theme. Seems kinda silly to me to not include it on the album simply because TD didn't compose it. Of course, in all the moves I've lost my original vinyl of Thief so all I have left is a bad tape copy of 'Confrontation' on a tape somewhere. Neal Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 6051 Re: Thief John Wilson Tue 7/22/1997 2 KB 6052 Re: Thief Hilmar_Kraft@n... Tue 7/22/1997 4 KB 6073 Re: Thief Mark Filipak Wed 7/23/1997 3 KB 6078 Re: Thief PNaunton@a... Wed 7/23/1997 2 KB 6084 Re: Thief Plumer, Scott Wed 7/23/1997 2 KB 6092 Re: Thief feldon@p... Wed 7/23/1997 3 KB 6095 Re: Thief Plumer, Scott Wed 7/23/1997 2 KB 6112 Re: Thief Mark Filipak Thu 7/24/1997 3 KB 6117 Re: Thief Plumer, Scott Thu 7/24/1997 4 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Jan 28, 1997 10:26 am Subject: TD Touring in Europe ??? Really-From: Jeroen Geerts ** High Priority ** Just curious.... A few weeks ago, there was a rumour that TD might be touring through Europe. Has anyone heard since then something more specific about this...... Jeroen jjg.geerts@w... Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 505 Re: TD Touring in Europe ??? Rainer Rutka Tue 1/28/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Jan 28, 1997 5:29 pm Subject: td tour Really-From: Armin Theissen > >Really-From: Jeroen Geerts > > >** High Priority ** > >Just curious.... > >A few weeks ago, there was a rumour that TD might >be touring through Europe. > >Has anyone heard since then something more >specific about this...... > > >Jeroen > >jjg.geerts@w... > > Hi, it is not a rumour anymore, but definitive - have a look on the official TD webpage. They start in Germany in April. Armin Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 1042 td tour Doreen Williams Wed 2/19/1997 2 KB 1058 Re: td tour Matt Williams Wed 2/19/1997 3 KB 1066 Re: td tour Mark Filipak Thu 2/20/1997 3 KB 1486 td tour Michal Balcerzak Thu 3/6/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Jan 28, 1997 2:44 pm Subject: THE WRAITH Really-From: Michael A Jean I used to play this video on occaision when I worked in a audio/video store...From what I remember, there wasn't much 'music' at all...It was pretty much incidental washes of sound, and some disturbing squeals etc... You may already know this, but M Hoenig is currently composing the music to NBC's DARKSKIES series on Saturday nights... Mike J Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 504 Re: THE WRAITH Richard Ingram Tue 1/28/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Jan 28, 1997 3:06 pm Subject: Re: TENCHI THE MOVIE Sonic Atmospheres/Pioneer CD Really-From: Vic Rek I've see copies of this floating around. I have one myself. If anybody needs a copy, drop me a private e-mail. Vic > > I saw a sealed copy of this at a local Sam Goody's recently, but it >was at a location going-out-business sale, so I'll not be seeing that >particular copy again. ;) :( > Anyone else seen this, yet? It is in a cardboard cover with silver >ink. >> -- Steven Feldman and > Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 506 Re: TENCHI THE MOVIE Sonic Atmospheres/Pioneer CD slawlor Tue 1/28/1997 2 KB 507 Re: TENCHI THE MOVIE Sonic Atmospheres/Pioneer CD Gabe Yedid Tue 1/28/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Jan 28, 1997 3:21 pm Subject: Re: THE WRAITH Really-From: 'Richard Ingram' On Jan 28, 8:44am, tadream mailing list wrote: > Subject: THE WRAITH > Really-From: Michael A Jean > > I used to play this video on occaision when I worked in a audio/video > store...From what I remember, there wasn't much 'music' at all...It was > pretty much incidental washes of sound, and some disturbing squeals etc... > > You may already know this, but M Hoenig is currently composing the music > to NBC's DARKSKIES series on Saturday nights... Yeah noticed that last night while watching in the UK. Does anyone know if a soundtrack album will be released ? Richard. From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Jan 28, 1997 3:52 pm Subject: Re: TD Touring in Europe ??? Really-From: Rainer Rutka On Tue, 28 Jan 1997, tadream mailing list wrote: > Really-From: Jeroen Geerts > > > ** High Priority ** > > Just curious.... > > A few weeks ago, there was a rumour that TD might > be touring through Europe. > > Has anyone heard since then something more > specific about this...... OH YES ! Look the Tangerine Dream Homepage ! You'll find some of the tour-dates there ;-) I will be in Munich in April ! C Ya ! Mit den besten Gruessen vom Bodensee ! Rainer Rutka --------------------------------------------------------------------- K+R Informationssysteme Konstanz E-Mail : rainer@i... Klimas und Rutka GbR CIS : 100065,2273 Griesseggstrasse 27 D Internet: (i.A.) Telefon : +49 (0)7531 29842 D-78462 Konstanz Fax : +49 (0)7531 29879 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'Zentrum fuer objektorientierte Softwareentwicklung und -design' Spezialisten fuer : SMALLTALK, UNIX und Windows/NT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Jan 28, 1997 7:30 pm Subject: Re: TENCHI THE MOVIE Sonic Atmospheres/Pioneer CD Really-From: slawlor Hi there. What is this sound track you guys are talking about? What does it sound like, and what t dream erra is it from. thanks for the information. scott K. Lawlor Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 507 Re: TENCHI THE MOVIE Sonic Atmospheres/Pioneer CD Gabe Yedid Tue 1/28/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Jan 28, 1997 8:00 pm Subject: Re: TENCHI THE MOVIE Sonic Atmospheres/Pioneer CD Really-From: Gabe Yedid On Tue, 28 Jan 1997, tadream mailing list wrote: > Really-From: slawlor > > > Hi there. What is this sound track you guys are talking about? What > does it sound like, and what t dream erra is it from. thanks for the > information. _Tenchi-Muyo In Love_ is an anime feature flick based on the 'Tenchi-Muyo' TV series. Chris Franke wrote the music for the film, in a style closest to B5, but with hardly any synth at all (but that is what the producers wanted). The ST also has one more rock-oriented song, 'Alchemy of Love' (music and lyrics by Chris) which I'd describe as appallingly bad. > scott K. Lawlor Gabe From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Jan 28, 1997 9:05 pm Subject: Lily on vinyl Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' While perusing WorldCat, I noiced a citation for Lily on the Beach on vinyl. What was their last vinyl release? Lily? There was no citation for a vinyl Melrose. Scott From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Jan 28, 1997 9:03 pm Subject: Some finds for the completist Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' I was cruising WorldCat today, and I located a few items of interest. Each one is a collection that features a TD track. Collection Track Year Space Daze: Movements of a visionary 92 Starscape Electric Lion 94 Sampler 5 Melrose & E. Lion 90 Metropolis Valley of the Kings 94 Best New Age Zen Garden 94 Something else for the completists to buy :-) Scott From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Jan 29, 1997 4:21 am Subject: td on vinyl Really-From: Armin Theissen > >Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' > > >While perusing WorldCat, I noiced a citation for Lily on the Beach on >vinyl. What was their last vinyl release? Lily? There was no citation >for a vinyl Melrose. > >Scott > Melrose was released on Vinyl - I've got it. The last TD I could get on Vinyl was Rockoon. Armin Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 512 Re: td on vinyl Steven Feldman Wed 1/29/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Jan 29, 1997 2:13 am Subject: RE: TENCHI THE MOVIE Sonic Atmospheres/Pioneer CD Really-From: Jim Moore Really-From: Gabe Yedid The ST also has one more rock-oriented song, 'Alchemy of Love' (music and lyrics by Chris) which I'd describe as appallingly bad. [Jim Moore] Can anyone come up with a lyrical song by Franke that has been remarkable? The closest I can think of is 'Song of Freedom' from the McBain soundtrack... Later! From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Jan 1, 1970 4:59 am Subject: Re: td on vinyl Really-From: Steven Feldman >Subject: td on vinyl >Date: Tue, 28 Jan 1997 21:21:31 GMT >From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >Really-From: Armin Theissen > >Melrose was released on Vinyl - I've got it. The last TD I could get >on Vinyl was Rockoon. Sigh; I notice that your address indicates that you're British. I think the issue was what the last TD to be released in the USA was. Virtually *all* of the last ten year's-worth of stuff is probably on vinyl *somewhere* in Europe. In the USA, I think the last one was LILY ON THE BEACH. Promo- only vinyl copies of MIRACLE MILE were apparently issued in the USA, too. I have DESTINATION BERLIN on German vinyl (which I paid $18.00 for as a brand-new import; yarghhhh!). Am I right or wrong about these USA releases, folks? Steven Feldman ^ ^ ^ SUBSCRIBED TO: Dreams Word, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ________ ^ ^ 33 Brook St #3 ^ ^ ^ Emdreams, CNI News, Contact ^ ^ ^ __--- ---_ Brookline Mass ^ ^ ^ Forum, _PEER_ Perspectives, ^ ^ - _ \ 02146-6913 USA ^ ^ ^ the Nausicaa list, Tadream, ^ ^ | /_/ \ | (617) 232-3876 ^ ^ ^ & Hong Kong Film Connection ^ ^_- __/_// __ |/ BITNET: ar402004@b... ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - (|/ '()` <()/ ^ INTERNET: sfeldman@w... ^ ^ ^ ^ \_ O .> | ^ HAYAO MIYAZAKI DISCUSSION GROUP: nausicaa@b... ^ /--_/ -__ -- / ^ <*> Address for subscribing: listserv@b... <*> ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ --- ^ ^ From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Jan 29, 1997 1:37 am Subject: CD Addicts Really-From: odean@m... (spidey) Sean wrote: >Geez, now I don't feel so bad for having a mere 500 discs. Nonetheless, I >do confess to being an addict. The crinkle of the plastic wrap, the waft >of fresh booklet ink: these are my 'highs'. >Sean Montgomery 3D ANIMATOR Yeah, but how 'bout CD's with that damn plastic tape running along the top! These are my 'lows'. Oscar Dean Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 514 Re: CD Addicts sean Wed 1/29/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Jan 29, 1997 3:28 am Subject: Re: CD Addicts Really-From: sean > Yeah, but how 'bout CD's with that damn plastic tape running along the top! > These are my 'lows'. Oooooohh! HATE those! :-) Sean Montgomery 3D ANIMATOR 'Humour is truth, only faster' From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Jan 29, 1997 5:46 am Subject: Re: TENCHI THE MOVIE Sonic Atmospheres/Pioneer CD Really-From: Robert Grabowsky At 08:00 PM 1/28/97 +0000, you wrote: >Really-From: Gabe Yedid > > >On Tue, 28 Jan 1997, tadream mailing list wrote: > >> Really-From: slawlor >> >> >> Hi there. What is this sound track you guys are talking about? What >> does it sound like, and what t dream erra is it from. thanks for the >> information. > >_Tenchi-Muyo In Love_ is an anime feature flick based on the >'Tenchi-Muyo' TV series. Chris Franke wrote the music for the film, in a >style closest to B5, but with hardly any synth at all (but that is what >the producers wanted). The ST also has one more rock-oriented song, >'Alchemy of Love' (music and lyrics by Chris) which I'd describe as >appallingly bad. > > > > >> scott K. Lawlor > >Gabe Gabe, Have you seen the movie yet? If not maybe you should. A friend of mine had the Japanese release of the album befroe we saw the movie at Anime-Expo 96.He really wasn't sure if he liked the music seein as he mostly listens to anime CD's, but after seeing the movie and haering the music together he got a new appreciation for the music.So give it a chance and watch the movie and then decide. Also you guys in Germany should at least recognize the name of the singer of the vocal track. It is Nena Hagen of 99Luftballon fame. Robert> From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Jan 29, 1997 6:16 am Subject: Re: CD Addicts At 20:37 97·01·28 -0500, you wrote: >Really-From: odean@m... (spidey) >Sean wrote: >>Geez, now I don't feel so bad for having a mere 500 discs. Nonetheless, I >>do confess to being an addict. I have ~400 and they are all catalogued. I started the file when I still had an 8088 (Tandy 1400 laptop) and only 100 CD's and *no* CD-ROM. The initial hand-keying the data was a bitch (of course) but now I enter 'em as I get 'em. Anyone who's ever got a mixed cassette from my CD's will tell you about the nice computer printed label. Which is why initially I started the file. >Yeah, but how 'bout CD's with that damn plastic tape running along the top! >These are my 'lows'. and remember it was *also* the longbox. Bad command or file name. You have 2 wishes left. PENFOLD Productions penfold@a... From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Jan 29, 1997 3:55 pm Subject: vinyl Really-From: Armin Theissen >>Subject: td on vinyl >> >>Melrose was released on Vinyl - I've got it. The last TD I could get >>on Vinyl was Rockoon. > > Sigh; I notice that your address indicates that you're British. >I think the issue was what the last TD to be released in the USA was. >Virtually *all* of the last ten year's-worth of stuff is probably on >vinyl *somewhere* in Europe. > In the USA, I think the last one was LILY ON THE BEACH. Promo- >only vinyl copies of MIRACLE MILE were apparently issued in the USA, >too. > I have DESTINATION BERLIN on German vinyl (which I paid $18.00 >for as a brand-new import; yarghhhh!). > Am I right or wrong about these USA releases, folks? > It won't add anything to this discussion, but I've got to mention that I am *not* british but german - I just happen to live in Northern Ireland now. All Vinyls I bought in Germany - TD complete up to Rockoon. After I left Germany (to Spain first, then to N.I.), I could not get new Vinyl releases anymore. So I was a bit jaleous when in my fave shop in Bonn I could have got the recent Joe Satriani on Vinyl and had to buy it on CD in Madrid. I guess if I wouldn't have lost contact, I would have got more on Vinyl. Armin BTW: any here tell me where to go in Belfast on a weekend? I'm a fan of live music jazz and blues! From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Jan 29, 1997 3:58 pm Subject: nina hagen vs. nena Really-From: Armin Theissen > Also you guys in Germany should at least recognize the name of the singer >of the vocal track. It is Nena Hagen of 99Luftballon fame. > Robert> > > Hi, you're *TERRIBLY WRONG* here! I don't know this movie, and don't now who is the singer, but you're confusing 1) Nena (simply 'Nena' - spanish for 'girl') who did this 99 balloons popsong beginning of the 80s, Everybody from kid to grandma loved nice well-behaving Nena, in much contradiction to... 2) ...Nina Hagen (nIna, not nEna), a really cool german singer who emerged from the punk scene end of the 70s. She came from east germany, I guess, and made a terrific album with a band called 'Spliff Radio Show' - german lyrics, however. She caused quite some rumour back in the 70/80s. She appeared often on the media and german people were not prepared to punk - and shocked, also because of quite explicit lyrics you did not dare to use on street that time - neither today. I remember a I remember a moderator of a german talk show being fired because he could not prevent talk guest Nina Hagen to explain (in detail) how she uses to masturbate... She's got a great voice, a great appearance, and I don't mind that she is absolutely esotheric. Get this album I mentioned, and somebody who translates the german lyrics. why don't you have a look at, for instance, Armin From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Jan 29, 1997 7:43 pm Subject: nena - nina hagen Really-From: Armin Theissen > Show' - german lyrics, however. She caused quite some rumour back > ^^^^^^ > in the 70/80s. She appeared often on the media and german I wrote to fast in my mail Nena-Nina Hagen. It should read something like 'uproar' and not 'rumour'. Result of fast typing and thinking on something different..... armin From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Jan 29, 1997 2:19 pm Subject: Re: TENCHI THE MOVIE Sonic Atmospheres/Pioneer CD Really-From: TWeibre361@a... In a message dated 97-01-29 00:52:28 EST, you write: << Also you guys in Germany should at least recognize the name of the singer of the vocal track. It is Nena Hagen of 99Luftballon fame. Robert> >> just a quick correction...nina hagen is a seminal german punker who did some great stuff like unbehagen, nunsexmonkrock, in extasy, not to mention a great live act...nena is an austrian one-hit wonder with the song you mentioned...i dont know which one was in the movie as i havent seen it... tom w np: dark side of the moog V (fax) a must listen, imo From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Jan 29, 1997 2:20 pm Subject: Re:VINYL Really-From: Michael A Jean The last vinyl album that I am aware of being released in the US, was Optical Race...I was on Private Music's promo mailing list for years, and never saw LOTB or MM on lp...We better consult VITD again.... :) MJ Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 540 Re: VINYL PNaunton@a... Thu 1/30/1997 3 KB 568 undulation question slawlor Fri 1/31/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Jan 29, 1997 2:47 pm Subject: Re: Tangram again Really-From: PNaunton@a... In a message dated 97-01-27 13:16:20 EST, you write: << It seems that virtually everyone likes Tangram (including me) considering the amount of reviews send in. So Edgar & Co, I think there is a lesson to be learned here. Marcel Engels>> Sometimes the learning of the lesson has to be desired, in order for the fruit of the learning to be appreciated. The moving hand has written, and, having writ, moved on. We shall not see another 'Tangram' in our lifetimes. We should be thankful that we have the original. Phil N. From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Jan 29, 1997 2:44 pm Subject: _-_|_-_Thief_-_|_-_ Really-From: PNaunton@a... Tangerine Dream 'Thief' Published - 1981 Purchased - 1981 Format - LP Label - Elektra Catalog - 5E-521 Personnel - Froese, Franke, Schmoelling Side Two (LP) Track 4 - Confrontation Is that Tangerine Dream? No. Wait a minute, is it? No. But. . could I have ever thought that was Tangerine Dream. I must have been out of my mind - - temporary insanity is the only answer. Inspired. Fitting accompaniment. I thought that they filmed the scenes to go with the music when I saw this the first time. Such haunting passages. Really built up the tension and maintained a very surrealistic atmosphere. At some point here I remember thinking, rather psychotically, am I watching this movie or is it watching me. And this may sound a little crackpottish, but the filming style and the music together made this cross-over between reality/fantasy/nightmare to a point where I was not sure what was really going on here. Today I have no remembrance what this film was about, I just have these filmatic images which go with the soundtrack. I really like the improvisational style on this LP, particularly the almost total lack of any tunefulness. It is very Klaus Schulzian, although not so drawn out, obviously. Definitely one of my favorite periods in their development. Favourite track? It would have to be 'Igneous'; the track which has been on a number of albums in various incarnations and various names. Phil N. From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Jan 1, 1970 4:59 am Subject: Re: Archived Oasis message Really-From: John Burek <72241.2313@C...> Hello folks, Back in the last week of December '96 or the first week in January '97, I posted a brief review of the TD Oasis video, describing the various tracks and my initial impressions of the content. Unfortunately, I deleted my archive of sent messages recently, and now I need to refer to that message--I'm writing a review of the video for Voyager, and I would like to see what I said. I couldn't find the digest from that period archived yet in the mailing list archives, either. Can someone who keeps their digests locally archived help me out and email a copy of the message? I'd very much appreciate it. Cheers John Burek 72241.2313@c... From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Jan 29, 1997 6:57 pm Subject: Nena vs. Nina Hagen/Miami vice.../ sweet string-like sound. Really-From: 'teiwaz barana' >It is Nena Hagen of 99Luftballon fame.< Nena [sp?} Hagen is not the Nena of 99 Luftballon fame. Michael Mann introduced Tangerine Dream at the Music in the Movies Mill Valley Film Festival Benefit--he said that he would have used TD for the Miami Vice soundtrack had they not had the Streethawk commitment. As far as the ' 'sweet' string-like' sound thing goes, if it is 'string-like' the shape of the soundwave would be sawtooth, not sinewave. --TB --------------------------------------------------------- Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at --------------------------------------------------------- From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Jan 29, 1997 9:06 pm Subject: 'I Just want. . .' single Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' What's the story with the 'I Just Want to Rule My Own Life Without You' single? Who's Chi Coltrane? John's son? I saw it on the TD web site, but I've never heard of it. Scott Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 542 Re: 'I Just want. . .' single PNaunton@a... Thu 1/30/1997 2 KB 543 Re: 'I Just want. . .' single Rainer Rutka Thu 1/30/1997 3 KB 548 Re: 'I Just want. . .' single Craig R. J. Cordrey Fri 1/31/1997 2 KB 553 Re: 'I Just want. . .' single m.schaffer@i... Fri 1/31/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Jan 29, 1997 9:09 pm Subject: 1992 tour Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' When were the Denver, Seattle and Portland shows? And, sppeaking of Denver, the TD website mentions that Baumann announced he was leaving TD at the Denver '77 show, but no Denver show is listed on the 'Voices' show list. Anyone have a '77 tour program? Scott Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 541 Re: 1992 tour dbrewer@a... Thu 1/30/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Jan 30, 1997 1:16 am Subject: Nena/Nina Hagen Blunder Really-From: Robert Grabowsky To all who responded, Thank you all for the info. I stand corrected. Robert From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Jan 1, 1970 4:59 am Subject: First Nena/ Chi/John? :( Really-From: Steven Feldman >Subject: 'I Just want. . .' single >From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 16:06:00 -0500 >Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' > >What's the story with the 'I Just Want to Rule My Own Life Without You' >single? Who's Chi Coltrane? John's son? I saw it on the TD web site, but >I've never heard of it. Chi Coltrane is a white blonde who had a hit called 'Thunder and Lightning' in the early 1970s in the USA. What she's doing in Germany is beyond me (but then, Donna Summer wound up over there, too). The single has a vocal and instrumental of the song, and the vocal is somewhat reminiscent of the vocal version of 'Dreamtime,' off the 220 VOLT LIVE CD-5. The third and final cut on this CD-5 is 'One Night in Medina,' which is fairly good. Sort of like an Arabic take on the neo-Indian 'Cinnamon Road' on HYPERBOREA. The single is from the German TATORT TV show, and is a pecker to find. I paid $15 for a used copy a few years ago. Steven Feldman -- 33 Brook Street, Apt. 3, Brookline, MA 02146; INTERNET: BITNET: DREAMS WORD: Electronic Dreams, POB 42385, Portland, OR 97242. The Nightcrawlers, c/o Peter D. Gulch -- 1493 Greenwood Avenue, Camden, NJ 08103-2929. PERSONAL FAVES: Tangerine Dream, Nightcrawlers, Ozrics, Jonn Serrie, Robert Carty. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ OUT TO PROVE THAT 'THE KEEP' SOUNDTRACK WAS RELEASED TEMPORARILY IN 1984. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Dec 31, 1969 9:59 pm Subject: FAQ Contest Really-From: Klaus_Beschorner@b... (Klaus Beschorner) >The correct answer is; Tangerine Dream Live (Berlin Platz der Republic >Aug. 29 '81), an official 'bootleg' of 1000 cassette copies distributed >by the band to 'the peace movement' not by the band, man... -klaus- From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Jan 30, 1997 12:25 pm Subject: ping Really-From: goozer@a... (Hermes Guzman) ping.... Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 6432 ping Amadeo J. Szaszdi Sat 8/9/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Jan 30, 1997 9:27 pm Subject: 25000th vistor Really-From: ath@s... (Armin Theissen) >>>>> Hi there Hey, I just visited the TD homepage and I was the 25000th visitor !! Do I get a price now ;) ;) ;) (like a CDR of the Keep or a 50 Cd set of unreleased live concerts) :) :) :) Cheers, Tom <<<<<<< Hi, aha, they count multiple hits by the same user on the TD page, I assume. I *don't*, and recently the 1000th visitor has been on my page - 1000 *different* vistiors (or at least users). Unfortunately I don't know who the 1000th visitor was... Armin From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Jan 30, 1997 2:30 pm Subject: Re: Definitive Klaus Schulze Info Really-From: PhilPDX@a... In a message dated 97-01-26 00:11:05 EST, you write: << n summer 1996, the members of The KS Circle chose the Top Ten Klaus Schulze albums and titles. >> And just who is 'The KS Circle'? Sounds like a cult, or a secret political group. :-) Phil D. From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Jan 30, 1997 2:30 pm Subject: Re: _-_-_-_Celestine Prophecy_-_-_-_ Really-From: PhilPDX@a... In a message dated 97-01-28 01:00:12 EST, you write: << Is it possible that Frank wrote the main themes and the bridges connecting some of the other sections, (no mean task in itself ) and this is just, other than that, a collection of 'New Age' pacifiers? I still like it, though. Phil N. >> As you noted, it does say it was composed by Franke. The guests only played - at least I think so. And I agree it's great new age. Very warm music, and thankfully only about 90 seconds of it recycled, from Klemania, at the beginning of the last track. Phil D. From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Jan 30, 1997 2:30 pm Subject: Re: D: Thief Really-From: PhilPDX@a... In a message dated 97-01-27 15:35:14 EST, you write: << Thief, without a doubt, ranks up there as one of my favorties, and 'Diamond Diary' is probably my favorite TD track of all time. >> I was playing Diamond Diary at Lincoln City on the coast in Oregon, just as I was pulling up to the majestic hillside at Cascade Head to go hiking. It was a sunny day, and this song was perfect for driving down a rural coast road. 5AS (the song and the disc). I do wish it were a bit longer, esp. since Igneous is recycled material, and Beach Theme doesn't need to be on the disc twice. But it's still fantastic. Phil D. From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Jan 30, 1997 9:06 pm Subject: 25000th visitor Really-From: Tom Coppens Hi there Hey, I just visited the TD homepage and I was the 25000th visitor !! Do I get a price now ;) ;) ;) (like a CDR of the Keep or a 50 Cd set of unreleased live concerts) :) :) :) Cheers, Tom Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 537 Re: 25000th visitor Plumer, Scott Thu 1/30/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Jan 30, 1997 3:33 pm Subject: RE: 25000th visitor Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' >Hey, I just visited the TD homepage and I was the 25000th visitor !! Do I >get a price now ;) ;) ;) (like a CDR of the Keep or a 50 Cd set of >unreleased live concerts) :) :) :) No, actually, you win a free oven mitt! Scott From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Jan 30, 1997 3:36 pm Subject: D: Next week Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' Three O'Clock High Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 700 D: Next week Plumer, Scott Fri 2/7/1997 2 KB 1870 D: Next week Plumer, Scott Fri 3/14/1997 2 KB 2020 D: Next week Plumer, Scott Fri 3/21/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Jan 30, 1997 3:36 pm Subject: Re: D: Thief Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' >Beach Theme doesn't need to be on the >disc twice. But it's still fantastic. Twice? Please elaborate. I have only the Elektra LP. Scott From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Jan 30, 1997 8:02 pm Subject: Re: VINYL Really-From: PNaunton@a... In a message dated 97-01-29 09:33:25 EST, you write: << eally-From: Michael A Jean The last vinyl album that I am aware of being released in the US, was Optical Race...I was on Private Music's promo mailing list for years, and never saw LOTB or MM on lp...We better consult VITD again.... :) MJ >> I have 'Optical Race' and 'Lily....' on the Vinyl and on CD. I was in confusion as to which was going to be the medium of choice, so I got both. Tangerine Dream 'Optical Race' Published - 1988 Purchased - 1988 Format - LP Label - Private Music Catalog - 2042-1-P Personnel - Froese, Haslinger, (Wadephal) Tangerine Dream 'Optical Race' Published - 1988 Purchased - 1988 Format - CD Label - Private Music Catalog - 2042-2-P Personnel - Froese, Haslinger, (Wadephal) Tangerine Dream 'Lily On The Beach' Published - 1989 Purchased - 1989 Format - LP Label - Private Music Catalog - 2057-1-P Personnel - Froese, Haslinger, (Jerome F.) Tangerine Dream 'Lily On The Beach' Published - 1989 Purchased - 1989 Format - CD Label - Private Music Catalog - 2057-2-P Personnel - Froese, Haslinger, (Jerome F.) Phil N. Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 568 undulation question slawlor Fri 1/31/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Jan 30, 1997 7:50 pm Subject: Re: 1992 tour Really-From: dbrewer@a... > Quoted From: 'Plumer, Scott' > > > When were the Denver, Seattle and Portland shows? And, sppeaking of Denver: October 22 Portland: October 24 Seattle: October 25 This comes from the first issue of _Beyond The Horizon_. Dave Brewer (who was at the Scottsdale, AZ show, Oct 29) From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Jan 30, 1997 8:10 pm Subject: Re: 'I Just want. . .' single Really-From: PNaunton@a... In a message dated 97-01-29 16:12:05 EST, you write: << What's the story with the 'I Just Want to Rule My Own Life Without You' single? Who's Chi Coltrane? John's son? I saw it on the TD web site, but I've never heard of it. Scott >> I don't know about the title above, but Chi Coltrane, hails originally from Chicago, Illinois, USA, which is where she coined her name. She is white and blond so I don't think she is related to John, but stranger things have happened. I only know her from years and years ago (1970's) when she had a top-40 single, 'Thunder And Lightning' , and I bought the associated album, which I have piled up in the basement somewhere. Not much information, but that is all I have. Phil N. From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Jan 30, 1997 8:30 pm Subject: Re: 'I Just want. . .' single Really-From: Rainer Rutka On Wed, 29 Jan 1997, tadream mailing list wrote: > Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' > > > What's the story with the 'I Just Want to Rule My Own Life Without You' > single? Who's Chi Coltrane? John's son? I saw it on the TD web site, but > I've never heard of it. > > Scott Is was single TD made together with singer Chi Coltrane for a german TATORT-TV-series-episode ;-) I MISS THIS SINGLE, TOO !!!! ============================ Chi Coltrane is a singer/songwriter. She had her biggest hits in the 70ies and beginning of the 80ies. Her most famos songs are: Thunder and Lightning, You where my friend, Go like Eliah and many more. She was called the 'HAMMER LADY', because she worked on the piano like she has hammers instead of little fingers. I like her: Great voice, nice songs, good perfomer. There's a cheap Greatest Hits - CD on sony. Buy it ! It's nice ! If anyone has a copy for me (Tape, CD-R, Original...) ! PLEASE ! On my want - list, too: THE KEEP, the olympia-single (TD), Ultima Thule (of course), and many more ! Can trade some things. If only on tape - ok - I can make my own CD-R. Hope it helps ! All the best Rainer Rutka --------------------------------------------------------------------- K+R Informationssysteme Konstanz E-Mail : rainer@i... Klimas und Rutka GbR Griesseggstrasse 27 D D-78462 Konstanz - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 31, 1997 12:06 am Subject: Trade Fripp for TD Really-From: Mark Filipak Hi All (only half TD content) Will trade 'Robert Fripp 1999: Soundscapes - Live in Argentina' [1994] for selected TD. Contact off-list please. Mark (We now return to our regularly scheduled program.) From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 31, 1997 1:07 am Subject: Frustration with CDs out of print Really-From: Rich Maggio Fellow dreamers, I recently got Stuntman, Aqua, and Beyond the Storm and am very happy with them. I can't seem to get my hands on Epsilon in Malaysian Pale or Pinnacles. Argh!!! The real frustrating part is that they went out not too long ago in the US (1 year, maybe 1 1/2 years). I placed an order with CD Europe, but the 6 weeks expired and they claim that the CD's are out of stock. I should be getting Thief and Sorcerer soon though. Can't wait! On top of this is knowing that there are two other releases out there that I have little hope of locating on LP (Macula Transfer and Ages). I really hope that these show up on CD one day. The stuff featured on Beyond the Storm from these albums is really good, IMHO. I wish they would just release this stuff and leave it out there. Now that I've vented, does anyone know of a source that I might get import copies of Epsilon and Pinnacles? I have tried CD now, CD Europe, and Compact Disc Connection - no luck. The local CD shops around here will not place special orders for import items. Any help would be appreciated. Rich Maggio Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 547 Re: Frustration with CDs out of print Capel Martyn Fri 1/31/1997 3 KB 551 Re: Frustration with CDs out of print anunes@m... Fri 1/31/1997 2 KB 560 Re: Frustration with CDs out of print Marcel Engels Fri 1/31/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 31, 1997 3:14 am Subject: Risky Business Audio Press Kit Really-From: David Datta So, does anyone on the list actually have a real-live vinyl copy of the press kit? I have a few questions I would like to have verified from the original. From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 31, 1997 3:31 am Subject: Re: Frustration with CDs out of print Really-From: martyn@i... (Capel Martyn) You wrote: > >Really-From: Rich Maggio > > >Fellow dreamers, > >I recently got Stuntman, Aqua, and Beyond the Storm and am >very happy with them. I can't seem to get my hands on >Epsilon in Malaysian Pale or Pinnacles. Argh!!! The >real frustrating part is that they went out not too long >ago in the US (1 year, maybe 1 1/2 years). > >I placed an order with CD Europe, but the 6 weeks expired and they >claim that the CD's are out of stock. I should be getting Thief and >Sorcerer soon though. Can't wait! > >On top of this is knowing that there are two other releases out >there that I have little hope of locating on LP (Macula Transfer >and Ages). I really hope that these show up on CD one day. >The stuff featured on Beyond the Storm from these albums is >really good, IMHO. > >I wish they would just release this stuff and leave it out >there. > >Now that I've vented, does anyone know of a source that I might >get import copies of Epsilon and Pinnacles? I have tried CD now, >CD Europe, and Compact Disc Connection - no luck. The local CD >shops around here will not place special orders for import items. > >Any help would be appreciated. > >Rich Maggio > > I saw Pinnacles in the store not to long ago, can't remember if it was Tower, Best Buy or Zia records though. Will look if you want me to by Tues. next week if interested. From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 31, 1997 3:43 pm Subject: Re: 'I Just want. . .' single Really-From: 'Craig R. J. Cordrey' I might be making a mistake here, so I'll duck once this is posted : I think the instrumental version of I Just Want ... is on the Mysetry Tracks boot. That might help all those who seem desparate to have some form of it. (Can someone who has it to hand/better memory than me confirm this?) --------------------------------------------- Craig R. J. Cordrey - Senior Software Engineer GEC-Marconi S3I Simulation and Training Division (Donibristle) E-mail : cordrey@m... cordrey@m... --------------------------------------------- Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 553 Re: 'I Just want. . .' single m.schaffer@i... Fri 1/31/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Dec 31, 1969 10:59 pm Subject: Jarre on Europe tour Really-From: Peter Ravn Jean-Michel Jarre are planing to tour Europe in May/June. This time in smaller venues. Confirmed dates are: Toulon - France Concert Saturday 3rd May Copenhagen - Denmark Valbyhallen Wednesday 7th May Stockholm - Sweden The Globe Friday 9th May Oslo - Norway Spektrum Saturday 10th May Gothenberg - Sweden Scandinavium Sunday 11th May Berlin - Germany Deutschlandhalle Wednesday 14th May Hamburg - Germany Sportshalle Friday 16th May Stuttgart - Germany Schleyerhalle Sunday 18th May Zurich - Switzerland Hallenstadion Tuesday 20th May Munich - Germany Olympiahalle Friday 23rd May Oberhausen - Germany Arena Saturday 24th May Frankfurt - Germany Festehalle Sunday 25th May Geneva - Switzerland Arena Tuesday 27th May Rotterdam - Holland Ahoy Friday 30th May Brussels - Belgium Forest National Saturday 31st May Birmingham - England NEC Friday 6th June Manchester - England Nynex Saturday 7th June London - England Wembley Arena Sunday 8th June More dates to be added. Information supplied by the Revolution Jarre fanzine Sorry for the non-TD content, but I think you should know this :-) Jarre to perform in scandinavia b4 TD !!!!!! Come on TD! :-) -Peter- Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 550 Re: Jarre on Europe tour Pixel Fri 1/31/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 31, 1997 6:33 pm Subject: Re: Jarre on Europe tour Really-From: Pixel tadream mailing list wrote: > > Really-From: Peter Ravn > > Jean-Michel Jarre are planing to tour Europe in May/June. > > This time in smaller venues. > > Confirmed dates are: > Budapest is under discussion now. It's almost sure; the local organizer's name is Multimedia. GG From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 31, 1997 6:01 pm Subject: Re: Frustration with CDs out of print Really-From: anunes@m... Rich Maggio wrote: << Now that I've vented, does anyone know of a source that I might get import copies of Epsilon and Pinnacles? >> The Winter catalog of Gema Records UK lists Pinnacles at 7.95 Pounds. You can contact them by e-mail to gema@g... or visit their Web site at BTW I've got my copy of Pinnacles from them, 2 years ago or so. I'm still looking for Epsilon, and waiting for the release on CD of Macula Transfer and Ages. Antonio Nunes From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 31, 1997 11:46 am Subject: Re: tadream-digest V15 #821 Really-From: ljones@h... (Lars Jones) ><< n summer 1996, the members of The KS Circle chose the Top Ten Klaus > Schulze albums and titles. >> > and what were the albums and titles please? > ---------------------------------------------- >Subject: Re: VINYL >Really-From: PNaunton@a... >In a message dated 97-01-29 09:33:25 EST, you write: ><< eally-From: Michael A Jean > > The last vinyl album that I am aware of being released in the US, was > Optical Race...I was on Private Music's promo mailing list for years, and > never saw LOTB or MM on lp...We better consult VITD again.... :) > MJ >> > > I have 'Optical Race' and 'Lily....' on the Vinyl and on CD. I was >in confusion as to which was going to be the medium of choice, so I got both. As do I (have both on vinyl & CD) but I also vividly remember seeing a vinyl copy of Miracle Mile in a small record shop in AZ but--stupidly--not buying it because I was shifting to CDs and couldn't afford both; I haven't seen it on vinyl since! Someone out there must have a copy (probably the same person who has the REAL Keep ST but won't say so)! I was similarly stupid about passing on the LP & EP copies of DB when I was in berlin in early 1990! lars Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 555 Re: tadream-digest V15 #821 Dr. Alan Stocker Fri 1/31/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 31, 1997 11:59 am Subject: Re: 'I Just want. . .' single Really-From: m.schaffer@i... > > Really-From: 'Craig R. J. Cordrey' > > > I might be making a mistake here, so I'll duck once this is > posted : > > I think the instrumental version of I Just Want ... is on > the Mysetry Tracks boot. That might help all those who seem > desparate to have some form of it. > > (Can someone who has it to hand/better memory than me > confirm this?) > Yes, it is. So is 'One Night In Medina'. Arthur 'Two Sheds' Jackson -- =============================================================================== Mark Schaffer 'Fourth gentleman required to share large Department Of Mathematics Hampstead gentleman.' Imperial College (Monty Python's Flying Circus) LONDON SW7 2BZ Tel 0171 - 589 5111 x58619 =============================================================================== From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 31, 1997 12:24 pm Subject: epsilon in malaysian pale Really-From: ljones@h... (Lars Jones) can anyone suggest a mail order source for a cd of froese's epsilon? also, does anyone have helmut paul's fax number? thanks, lars Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 564 Re: epsilon in malaysian pale Rainer Rutka Fri 1/31/1997 2 KB 577 Re: epsilon in malaysian pale Dennis Nigbur Sun 2/2/1997 3 KB 587 Re: epsilon in malaysian pale Craig R. J. Cordrey Mon 2/3/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 31, 1997 12:23 pm Subject: Re: tadream-digest V15 #821 Really-From: sto@i... (Dr. Alan Stocker) >As do I (have both on vinyl & CD) but I also vividly remember seeing a vinyl >copy of Miracle Mile in a small record shop in AZ but--stupidly--not buying >it because I was shifting to CDs and couldn't afford both; I haven't seen it >on vinyl since! Someone out there must have a copy (probably the same >person who has the REAL Keep ST but won't say so)! I was similarly stupid >about passing on the LP & EP copies of DB when I was in berlin in early 1990! > >lars I have Miracle Mile on vinyl (I didn't even get a cd player until after Melrose came out), but have to contradict your assertion - I'm sorry I only have the Keep on boot - and have to say that I'm not that fond of it So everything pre-Melrose I have on vinyl (and I saw Melrose on vinyl but didn't get it) and increasing numbers of CDs - everything afterwards I have on CD only Alan From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 31, 1997 1:10 pm Subject: The Keep ST (or, vindicating Steven Feldman) Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' I was in my favorite record store yesterday (Disc Connection in Parma, Ohio) where I picked up a copy of the Wavelength ST for $7.00 on cassette. I asked the proprietor about the Keep ST, since I remember back in '84 he mentioned that it was coming out. He said 'Yeah, I remember it, because several people, including you, were looking for it. I think we got only two or three vinyl copies and they went within a day or so. Then they deleted them from the catalog like, the next week or something. I remember there was a clash between Virgin and the film company, because some of the music from the movie had already been published as Logos, which VIrgin owned, then there was the original stuff the movie company owned. Maybe that's why they haven't scored a Michael Mann movie since. He loves 'em, you know.' This is quoted verbatim. I trust him, too, because he's been my TD supplier for the last 14 years. Scott From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 31, 1997 4:14 pm Subject: 'Are You Sequenced?' Really-From: Mark Filipak To All Who Are Overly Eager To Shell Out Big Bucks Now For 'Are You Sequenced?' _CHILL_OUT_! This from the Klaus Schulze Official Home Page: Are You Sequenced? is not only released in Germany but in whole of Europe. Until now you can get the album from WEA companies in Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, and Switzerland. Italia and France will follow. Dealers should ask their local WEA representatives. This album just came out you know. Relax. I think you can afford to hold tight. If Warner-Electra-Asylum (WEA) is distributing it, I feel quite confident that it will not only be available in the US, but of US manufacture at a reasonable price. Just thought you should know. Mark Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 563 Re: 'Are You Sequenced?' Vic Rek Fri 1/31/1997 2 KB 566 Re: 'Are You Sequenced?' TWeibre361@a... Fri 1/31/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 31, 1997 4:28 pm Subject: 'House of the Rising Sun' vinyl soundsheet Really-From: 'Dr. George D. Choksy' Hi guys. I noticed some discussion earlier this week about TD's 'House of the Rising Sun'. I have TD's studio version of this tune in the following format: 'House of the Rising Sun' floppy vinyl soundsheet. This is a single song on a paper-thin floppy vinyl magazine insert, labeled Soundsheet #8, for Reflex Magazine, Volume 1 Issue 9, made by EvaTone Soundsheets of Clearwater FL, USA, 1988. It also says on the label 'This soundsheet is previously unreleased anywhere and is only available from Reflex Magazine.' Approximately 4 minutes. Just thought I'd mention it. Continue grooving. George Choksy@A... From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Jan 1, 1970 4:59 am Subject: DESTINATION BERLIN on LP Really-From: Steven Feldman >Re: tadream-digest V15 #821 >Date: Fri, 31 Jan 1997 06:46:35 -0500 (EST) >From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >Really-From: ljones@h... (Lars Jones) > >[. . ] passing on the LP & EP copies of DB when I was in berlin in early >1990! You mean DESTINATION BERLIN is hard to get on LP? Hee hee. Then, I don't feel so awful about having paid $18.00 (!) for it when it came out. ;) -- Steven Feldman and From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 31, 1997 5:07 pm Subject: Re: Frustration with CDs out of print Really-From: 'Marcel Engels' > Really-From: Rich Maggio > > On top of this is knowing that there are two other releases out > there that I have little hope of locating on LP (Macula Transfer > and Ages). I really hope that these show up on CD one day. > The stuff featured on Beyond the Storm from these albums is > really good, IMHO. There was only one edited track of Macula Transfer on Beyond the Storm. The original is a little bit longer. > I wish they would just release this stuff and leave it out > there. If Edgar is planning to release these 2 LPs EVER, then I really, *really* hope that he doesn't tangenize the LPs. That would really hurt me. It shouldn't be too difficult to get the CDs you are looking for. Marcel Engels fsp@p... From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 31, 1997 5:13 pm Subject: Best of TD Cover Really-From: Vic Rek What is the cover of the release 'The Best of Tangerine Dream' Jive CHIP 75 supposed to represent? It's just not obvious to me. From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 31, 1997 2:37 pm Subject: The Keep - Laser Really-From: "Robin A.Seed" Hi All Dreamers, Well to day I finally made the Purchase of The Keep Laser Disc!!!!!!!! X'mas a little bit late, or an early Chinese New Year Present. I shall be sitting down tomorrow beaming at this, and full dolby surround sound.....BLASTING THROUGH THE STEREO. This is the only time I have ever had the oportunity to Hear the Music from the Keep. It seems that this is still in print because this is the 3rd Copy that the shop has sold since X'mas. I have made a list of the track contents and all the info on the disc. The front cover has a picture of....a building in the shape of the words THE KEEP and there is a pink glow to it , and a doorway with a yellow glow with 2 figures standing in front of it. and what looks like an Army truck next to them. THE KEEP Music By Tangerine Dream Directed by Michael Mann LV 1563-WS 1983 Colour 96Mins Stereo/Surround Widescreen EditionTM & Copyright 1993 by Paramount Pictures Manufactured by Pioneer Video Printed in the U.S.A, Licensed for sale only in U.S and Canada !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Total Track Listings:- Side One 1.Main Title 2.The Convoy Enters Dinu Pass,Rumania 3.The Keep 4.Never Touche The Cross 5.Removing The Cross 6.Glaken On His Way 7.Rounding Up The Villagers 8.The Inscription 9.Dr.Cuza arrives 10.Eva Goes For A Walk 11.The Spirit Touches Dr.Cuza Side Two 12.Eva Moves Into Town 13.Eva and Glaeken Overlook The Keep 14.The Spirit Commands Dr.Cuza 15.Dr.Cuza leaves The Keep 16.Glaeken Arrested 17.Death Walk 18.The Magic Weapon 19.Showdown 20.Glaeken Vanishes 21 Trailer for Barbarella 22 Trailer for War of The Worlds 23 Trailer for When Worlds Collide 24 Trailer for I Married A Monster From Outer Space ********************************************************************************* Robin.A.Seed Hong Kong e-mail Tel: 9172 4180 ********************************************************************************* Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 567 Re: The Keep - Laser Plumer, Scott Fri 1/31/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 31, 1997 5:24 pm Subject: Re: 'Are You Sequenced?' Really-From: Vic Rek At 08:14 AM 1/31/97 -0800, you wrote: >Really-From: Mark Filipak > >To All Who Are Overly Eager To Shell Out Big Bucks Now For 'Are You >Sequenced?' > >_CHILL_OUT_! > Hey Mark, I appreciate the info, but why are you so concerned about when somebody buys this and how much they pay for it? I read the K. Schulze home page too, and it didn't lead me to believe that I'll be able to buy it as a US release. I've also learned in this hobby that the worth of something is all relative (meaning: what it's worth to you). There are times when I missed some great opportunities because I waited or wished or hoped. I think it would be great if you'd let us know of the outlet that currently sells the CD at the lowest price. Now that would be helpful. Vic From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 31, 1997 4:11 pm Subject: Re: epsilon in malaysian pale Really-From: Rainer Rutka On Fri, 31 Jan 1997, tadream mailing list wrote: > Really-From: ljones@h... (Lars Jones) > > > can anyone suggest a mail order source for a cd of froese's epsilon? > > also, does anyone have helmut paul's fax number? > > > thanks, > lars It is not aviallable on CD until now. I made a copy of AGES and EPSILON from LP to CD-R ! The only possibility for the moment. ;-) C YA Rainer (rainer@i...) From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 31, 1997 6:45 pm Subject: Sequencing Really-From: feldon@n... Sorry for the off-topic question, but: I would like to do some sequencing. I have a keyboard that is BARELY MIDI. (4 tracks, lousy instruments) but it's good at controlling the computer. I know there is a program for the Macintosh that can actually do all the sound playing (it can handle 16 tracks of MIDI and play sampled instruments all without extra hardware/keyboards, etc.) Does anyone know of one for the PC? I have heard that Cakewalk can do this. I have a Pentium 166 with 64mb of RAM and SoundBlaster 16... Morgan Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 29438 Sequencing Coral Rumsey Sun 10/7/2001 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 31, 1997 6:29 pm Subject: Re: 'Are You Sequenced?' Really-From: TWeibre361@a... In a message dated 97-01-31 12:59:45 EST, you write: << Hey Mark, I appreciate the info, but why are you so concerned about when somebody buys this and how much they pay for it? I read the K. Schulze home page too, and it didn't lead me to believe that I'll be able to buy it as a US release. I've also learned in this hobby that the worth of something is all relative (meaning: what it's worth to you). There are times when I missed some great opportunities because I waited or wished or hoped. I think it would be great if you'd let us know of the outlet that currently sells the CD at the lowest price. Now that would be helpful. Vic >> exactly.... tom w np: jah wobble's invaders of the heart - without judgement From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 31, 1997 7:47 pm Subject: RE: The Keep - Laser Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' > Well to day I finally made the Purchase of The Keep Laser Disc!!!!!!!! >X'mas a little bit late, or an early Chinese New Year Present. I shall be >sitting down tomorrow beaming at this, and full dolby surround >sound.....BLASTING THROUGH THE STEREO. This is the only time I have ever >had the oportunity to Hear the Music from the Keep. Is there a Criterion Collection version of this disc? Reason I ask is, many of the Criterion LD's have separate audio tracks, often with only the music on one track. I needn't remind you of the possibilities of said disc. . . Scott From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 31, 1997 8:31 pm Subject: undulation question Really-From: slawlor Hi there. does anyone know if the bootleg undulation is available on cd, and if not, is there anyone on the list who could transfer the lp to cdr and if so, how much would this cost me, and can a cdr be played in a regular cd player? Thanks for the info, and if you want to reply directly, that's fine too. scott K. Lawlor From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 31, 1997 8:52 pm Subject: 21st Century common man Really-From: 'Francisco Salgado C.' Hi Is there any relation between this song and the one by King Crimsom ( 21st century schizoid man). Has Edgar or any TD mamber tell if title is some kid of 'reply' of KC title, a private joke or whatever? regards francisco From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 31, 1997 9:44 pm Subject: Re: undulation question Really-From: 'Marcel Engels' > Really-From: slawlor > > > Hi there. does anyone know if the bootleg undulation is available on cd, > and if not, is there anyone on the list who could transfer the lp to cdr > and if so, how much would this cost me, and can a cdr be played in a > regular cd player? Thanks for the info, and if you want to reply > directly, that's fine too. > > > scott K. Lawlor Yes, it's called 'Soundtrack for Fantasy' which contains the same music as the Undulation-LP. It's 'released' a couple of years ago. Yes, a CDR can be played on a regular CD-player. Althought there has been one or two problems on a cheap Sony player or a Discman. But this was probably just a coincidence. Marcel Engels fsp@p... Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 571 Re: undulation question John Burek Sat 2/1/1997 2 KB 572 Re: undulation question Mark Filipak Sat 2/1/1997 3 KB 580 Re: undulation question Paul Nagle Sun 2/2/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Jan 1, 1970 4:59 am Subject: Re: undulation question Really-From: John Burek <72241.2313@C...> >>Hi there. does anyone know if the bootleg undulation is available on cd, >>and if not, is there anyone on the list who could transfer the lp to cdr >>and if so, how much would this cost me, and can a cdr be played in a >>regular cd player? Thanks for the info, and if you want to reply >>directly, that's fine too. Scott, 'Undulation' was issued as a boot CD called 'Soundtrack for Fantasy' about 3 years ago (and mislabelled as 'live in Detroit'). The CD disk itself said 'Undulation' on it, though. It's kind of tough to find now--the disk liners say it's a limited edition of 500, but who really knows how many exist.... Yes, most CDRs can be played in an ordinary CD player, though fairly rare incompatibilities seem to crop up with certain models of CD player and certain brands of CDR media. --John From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 31, 1997 10:26 pm Subject: Re: undulation question Really-From: Mark Filipak tadream mailing list wrote: > > Really-From: slawlor > > Hi there. does anyone know if the bootleg undulation is available on cd, > and if not, is there anyone on the list who could transfer the lp to cdr > and if so, how much would this cost me, and can a cdr be played in a > regular cd player? Thanks for the info, and if you want to reply > directly, that's fine too. > > scott K. Lawlor > Scott. Yes 'Undulation', the Preston, UK 1980 show has been pirated on to CD. It's called 'Soundtrack for Fantasy'. UNDULATION [5 Nov 80] Preston - EF/CF/JS? -Preston 1- [45:00] (approximate running time) 1LP [19??] ???...-??- ???... (boot, 44 min, KB sound: 8/10) SOUNDTRACK FOR FANTASY, LIVE IN DETROIT, USA 'UNDULATION' -- a CD pirate of UNDULATION Note: Dispite the misleading name, this is the 1980 Preston show. 1CD [19??] ???...-??- ???... (pirate, 44 min, KB sound: 8/10) Mark Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 580 Re: undulation question Paul Nagle Sun 2/2/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sat Feb 1, 1997 6:23 pm Subject: D: Thief Really-From: Boneheads1@a... Thief is a soundtrack that sounds like an album. This album is striking in that parts of it sound so conventional for the time (right after Tangram). Beach Theme, Dr. Destructo and Beach Scene are somewhat bluesy. Tension is held between slow, heavy drum beats, thick, over-driven synthesizer, and modulated treated guitar. This is the first album I remember in which drum machines were so prominent. High quality drum machines were fairly new at the time, and perhaps this imposed some more traditional musical structures (although the electronic drums in Beach Theme sound like they were triggered manually). The result is TD rock. Burning Bar and Scrap Yard are TD signature sequencer-driven chord-fill and lead-melody poems. Both are very nice and lie on the path somewhere between Sorcerer and Underwater Sunlight and hint at the driving grooves and pulsing effects of the next album: Exit. Trap Feeling is a wonderful abstract collage, again laying groundwork for Kiev Mission. And Igneous is, well... Through Metamorphic Rocks. Diamond Diary is the longest and seems to be the centerpiece. It is intensely electrified. I remember an interview where Chris Franke was telling how on this album he took a polyphonic synth (I think it was 8-voice) and put a separate fuzz box on each voice and people were wondering how Edgar got his guitar to sound so big not knowing it was actually Chris' synth. Coupled with driving sequencer mutations this sonic onslaught envelops and propels the listener into the mood of the thief. I usually regard TD soundtracks as experimental ground where ideas are developed for other albums. Thief is all that and is a great album as well. Many elements are balanced in a very accessible collection. The music is more at home in a club than a symphony hall. This range is one of the things about TD that is most endearing. Tim Scallon From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sun Feb 2, 1997 12:02 am Subject: The Dream Roots Collection Really-From: Jeff Kortsch I just noticed on the TD home page that the 'The Dream Roots Collection' is listed as a 5 CD box set on label Castle Communications with a 1996 pending release. Does anyone know the following: 1) What does this contain? 2) Has it been released yet? 3) It is worth looking into or is it like the Tangents box? Any help here would be appreciated. The dream never ends.... Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 575 Re: The Dream Roots Collection robert Sat 2/1/1997 3 KB 578 Re: The Dream Roots Collection feldon@n... Sun 2/2/1997 2 KB 579 Re: The Dream Roots Collection TheSmitter@a... Sun 2/2/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sun Feb 2, 1997 12:47 am Subject: Re: The Dream Roots Collection Really-From: robert tadream mailing list wrote: > > Really-From: Jeff Kortsch > > I just noticed on the TD home page that the 'The Dream Roots Collection' > is listed as a 5 CD box set on label Castle Communications with a 1996 > pending release. Does anyone know the following: > > 1) What does this contain? > 2) Has it been released yet? > 3) It is worth looking into or is it like the Tangents box? > > Any help here would be appreciated. > > The dream never ends.... The Dream Roots Collection covers the 'pink' years (1970-1973) and the 'blue' years (1983-1987). As such, it covers the years before and after the Tangents box set. Like tangents, it has been remixed and remastered with some tracks having been rerecorded and/or modified from the original. The fifth CD has four previously unreleased tracks. It also has a cd sized 48 page book. If needed I can list of tracks. From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sun Feb 2, 1997 5:31 am Subject: Bootlegs Really-From: Dennis Nigbur Hi Fellow Dreamers, I've got three Tangerine Dream CDs of which I can't quite make sense, namely three live bootlegs that were allegedly recorded at various Dream concerts. The first of these is called 'Acoustic LSD/The Emerald Beyond', and on the sleeve it says that it's been recorded live in Seattle (without mentioning the date). The music implies extensive guitar parts, and the sequences are somewhat reminiscent of 'Phaedra'. The second is called 'Patrolling Space Borders', and is supposed to be a bootleg from the Canadian radio station Chom FM. The CD booklet claims that the music is taken from a TD concert at Place des Arts in Montreal (?), and it sounds a bit like 'Stratosfear'. Finally, there's a recording called 'In den Gaerten Pharaos' that ostensibly has been recorded at a TD concert in Bristol, 1990. Some of the pieces are quasi-identical with 'Optical Race' and 'Melrose' songs, and the sleeve mentions a TD album called 'Bicycle Race' which I've never heard of. If anyone knows ANYTHING about these recordings (e. g., if they were actually recorded by TD), could you please tell me. Thanks. Dennis Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 586 Re: Bootlegs Craig R. J. Cordrey Mon 2/3/1997 4 KB 590 Re: Bootlegs Dennis Nigbur Mon 2/3/1997 4 KB 2319 Bootlegs TangerineC@a... Fri 4/4/1997 2 KB 5410 Bootlegs TangerineC@a... Thu 6/26/1997 2 KB 5438 Re: Bootlegs GrafZeigen@a... Fri 6/27/1997 2 KB 6633 Bootlegs TangerineC@a... Fri 8/15/1997 3 KB 7591 Bootlegs John Christian Thu 10/9/1997 3 KB 7596 Re: Bootlegs vs. Pirates, sounds like a football feldon@p... Wed 10/8/1997 5 KB 7623 Re: Bootlegs vs. Pirates, sounds like a football John Christian Thu 10/9/1997 5 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sun Feb 2, 1997 6:10 am Subject: Re: epsilon in malaysian pale Really-From: Dennis Nigbur On Fri, 31 Jan 1997 16:11:39 +0000 (GMT) tadream mailing list wrote: >Really-From: Rainer Rutka > > >On Fri, 31 Jan 1997, tadream mailing list wrote: > >> Really-From: ljones@h... (Lars Jones) >> >> >> can anyone suggest a mail order source for a cd of froese's epsilon? >> >> also, does anyone have helmut paul's fax number? >> >> >> thanks, >> lars >It is not aviallable on CD until now. I made a copy of AGES and EPSILON >from LP to CD-R ! The only possibility for the moment. > >;-) > >C YA > >Rainer (rainer@i...) Actually, I DO have a CD of Epsilon in Malaysian Pale. This means that it must have been available on CD, at least for some time. I didn't realise that I was so lucky to get it. Anyway, it is NOT true that it hasn't been published on CD. Dennis From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sun Feb 2, 1997 2:58 am Subject: Re: The Dream Roots Collection Really-From: feldon@n... >I just noticed on the TD home page that the 'The Dream Roots Collection' >is listed as a 5 CD box set on label Castle Communications with a 1996 >pending release. Does anyone know the following: > >1) What does this contain? It contains re-makes and some modified versions of TD's music between 1970-73 and from 83-86. It contains all of Tyger, Phaedra, etc. >2) Has it been released yet? Yes, I bought it 2 weeks ago by mail order. >3) It is worth looking into or is it like the Tangents box? Well, that depends. I like the Tangents box. But yes, Dream Roots is better than Tangents in quality and the CD #5 of unreleased music is better than Tangents CD #5. From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sun Feb 2, 1997 3:33 am Subject: Re: The Dream Roots Collection Really-From: TheSmitter@a... Hi Jeff, I think it's worth looking into. Disc 5 (the unreleased material) is the best new (though recorded years ago?) TD music I've heard since Underwater Sunlight. Sick as it sounds, it was worth the US$50 just for this disc. None of the unreleased material on Tangents sounded this good - in fact I can't even remember what it sounded like. Also, I like the treatment of the early works on TDRC. It's easier to listen to for me though many purists would disagree I'm sure. Larry Smith << I just noticed on the TD home page that the 'The Dream Roots Collection' is listed as a 5 CD box set on label Castle Communications with a 1996 pending release. Does anyone know the following: 1) What does this contain? 2) Has it been released yet? 3) It is worth looking into or is it like the Tangents box? Any help here would be appreciated. >> From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sun Feb 2, 1997 4:42 pm Subject: Re: undulation question Really-From: Paul Nagle On Fri, 31 Jan 1997 14:26:02 -0800, you wrote: >Scott. Yes 'Undulation', the Preston, UK 1980 show has been pirated on >to CD. It's called 'Soundtrack for Fantasy'. Hmmm, this was a good show. I was there and taped it myself....must get it....don't suppose it'll be around in the UK? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ------------------ Paul Nagle - paul@s... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ------------------ From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sun Feb 2, 1997 7:02 pm Subject: thief sounds Really-From: Armin Theissen >Diamond Diary is the longest and seems to be the centerpiece. It is >intensely electrified. I remember an interview where Chris Franke was >telling how on this album he took a polyphonic synth (I think it was 8-voice) >and put a separate fuzz box on each voice and people were wondering how Edgar >got his guitar to sound so big not knowing it was actually Chris' synth. >[...] > >Tim Scallon > as far as *I* remember, already on Tangram set II. Armin Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 591 Re: thief sounds Dennis Nigbur Mon 2/3/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sun Feb 2, 1997 8:54 am Subject: Tangram differences Really-From: Mark Filipak A few days ago I posted that I thought the new remastered version of 'Tangram' -- Virgin TAND 11 -- was different from good old CDV 2147. After listening to both of them I conclude that they are the same but different. Anyone who loves this album (just about everyone) really should fork out the money to get the new, remastered version. It is so much better, clearer, crisper, that I thought I was hearing different notes. The low end is especially improved and CDV 2147 now sounds muddy to me. I have become familiar with his work from other remasters that he's done, but Simon Heyworth of Chop 'Em Out really did the number on this one. Any of you folk in England who knows someone at Chop 'Em Out, do me a favor and ask them to give Simon a pat on the back for me -- a job well done, indeed. Perhaps he has a special love for TD and took extra special care with 'Tangram'. Is this the first 'fan' mail to an engineer? Mark From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sun Feb 2, 1997 8:34 am Subject: 'Epsilon In Malaysian Pale' Really-From: Mark Filipak I remember reading a post that 'Epsilon In Malaysian Pale' is hard to find. Sorry I don't remember who posted it, but it was from someone who is new to the list (you know who you are). For those looking for this disc, Echodisc has it for $8! Enjoy! Mark From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 3, 1997 1:22 am Subject: cancel subscription Really-From: Sugargirll@a... cancel subscription From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 3, 1997 7:32 am Subject: interview with Edgar Froese Really-From: 'J.Munnshe' Hi, Some months ago, I interviewed Edgar Froese through phone. Now, you may read several of Edgar's answers along with some of his comments at various press conferences, in an article about TD in the 90s which may be located at: (in English) (in Spanish) Best wishes, ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Jorge Munnshe + -AMAZING SOUNDS. + + -Alternative Musics magazine. jmunnshe@c... + E-Mail: amazings@a... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 3, 1997 3:50 pm Subject: Re: Bootlegs Really-From: 'Craig R. J. Cordrey' > Really-From: Dennis Nigbur > > > Hi Fellow Dreamers, > > I've got three Tangerine Dream CDs of which I can't quite > make sense, namely three live bootlegs that were allegedly recorded at > various Dream concerts. > > The first of these is called 'Acoustic LSD/The Emerald > Beyond', and on the sleeve it says that it's been recorded live in Seattle > (without mentioning the date). The music implies extensive guitar parts, > and the sequences are somewhat reminiscent of 'Phaedra'. > This was actually recorded in Detroit, not Seattle, in 1977. It is the CD version of the previously available LP, which itself was called The emerald Beyond. And yeah, those guitars are obscene! > The second is called 'Patrolling Space Borders', Sorry, can't help you here. Don't have it. > > Finally, there's a recording called 'In den Gaerten Pharaos' > that ostensibly has been recorded at a TD concert in Bristol, 1990. > Some of the pieces are quasi-identical with 'Optical Race' and 'Melrose' > songs, and the sleeve mentions a TD album called 'Bicycle Race' which > I've never heard of. > Yes, this is certainly a concert from the 1990 Melrose tour (I was at the Edinburgh show which was very similar). I believe that Bicycle Race was another boot-LP which was then added to the end of this CD. > If anyone knows ANYTHING about these recordings (e. g., if > they were actually recorded by TD), could you please tell me. > As far as I am aware, all three are indeed TD. Certainly the last one is (having seen the concert) and I have no reason to suspect the other two are not. Does this help any? --------------------------------------------- Craig R. J. Cordrey - Senior Software Engineer GEC-Marconi S3I Simulation and Training Division (Donibristle) E-mail : cordrey@m... cordrey@m... --------------------------------------------- From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 3, 1997 3:52 pm Subject: Re: epsilon in malaysian pale Really-From: 'Craig R. J. Cordrey' > Really-From: Rainer Rutka > > On Fri, 31 Jan 1997, tadream mailing list wrote: > > > Really-From: ljones@h... (Lars Jones) > > > > > > can anyone suggest a mail order source for a cd of froese's epsilon? > > > > also, does anyone have helmut paul's fax number? > > > > > > thanks, > > lars > It is not aviallable on CD until now. I made a copy of AGES and EPSILON > from LP to CD-R ! The only possibility for the moment. > > ;-) > > C YA > > Rainer (rainer@i...) Sorry, but Epsilon is/was available on CD. I picked it up last year at a record fair for around stlg6. Lars, you could always try CDS in Dundee when you come back over to London. I don't know if they have it, but they're a good source for most of things. --------------------------------------------- Craig R. J. Cordrey - Senior Software Engineer GEC-Marconi S3I Simulation and Training Division (Donibristle) E-mail : cordrey@m... cordrey@m... --------------------------------------------- From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 3, 1997 9:05 am Subject: Babylon 5, Vol. 2 Really-From: 'Douglas S. Halfen (bs cmsc)' Well, I've had _Babylon 5, Volume 2: Messages From Earth_ since Friday, and I've been listening to it ever since - the first disc I've listened to over 20 straight times in quite a while. The good news: this is possibly the best batch of music Franke will ever release for a few reasons. First, it's his most coherent album yet: each large piece has a distinct mood, with the various parts and pieces flowing smoothly from one to the next, while the main titles prelude each of the larger pieces very appropriately. Second, the choice of musical passages is _very_ strong, possibly thanks to fans' input; we get some of the best stuff he's written for the series, including the entire Narn-Shadow battle, the Centauri bombardment of Narn, the fleeing of Sheridan from the Shadows on Z'Ha'Dum, the opening to 'A Late Delivery from Avalon,' the beautiful passage accompanying Sheridan's final moments in limbo with Lorien, and other stuff I've forgotten and now wonder why - 'Voices of Authority' even features a noble theme I can't recall hearing before, so I'm assuming it's from later in Season 4. I can safely say there's never a dull moment in the music. Third, the sound is truly what you can call 'Frankean' - if ever there's a good example of how Franke has created his own sound, then this album is the best example I could choose. Finally, the very fact that we get the four main titles is cause enough for celebration. Even though the first season's title is 'extended,' Franke's given it a lovely treatment (though, again, he still has that bridge early on during the main theme which was _not_ heard in the series, and while I'd like to have that version, I'm not complaining). The rest are pristine and untouched - he knows when he's made something perfect, apparently. ;-) (I also would hate to say this to Mr. Franke, but I don't think he'll ever be able to best the work he's done for B5. I'd certainly like to see him try.) The bad news: uh, I can't think of any, duh... Seriously, my only complaint is that there's still 20 minutes of space that could've been used, and as a loyal B5 fan, I know there's been enough really- good music in the series to fill those 20 minutes, possibly as bonus stuff if he had to break away from the coherency of the rest of the album. I was both pleased and disappointed with the first Babylon 5 album: there was a lot of good, familiar music, but very often, the suites covered too much territory, jumping all over the map in no apparently-particular order. The best suite on that album was, IMHO, _The Geometry of Shadows_, and if you can really get into that piece, then you'll be delirious over the sequel. (And, may I somewhat boldly say, _Messages From Earth_ is the best thing an individual related to TD has done in quite a while; as much as I enjoyed _Goblin's Club_, _Songs Without Words_, and _World Without Rules_, they wore out eventually - though I'm still quite big on _Goblin's Club_; it just doesn't send any chills up my spine anymore - and I'm not seeing any signs of losing those chills when listening to this album.) - Doug Halfen Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 593 Re: Babylon 5, Vol. 2 TheSmitter@a... Mon 2/3/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: (Date Unavailable) Subject: Wacky midi files Really-From: G.K.Naughton@i... Hello all, Recently I've had access to a marvellous composing program called _Band in a Box_, which maybe some people have heard of or used. Anyway, you specify a chord sequence and a melody and the program obligingly generates an entire arrangement in whatever style you choose. This naturally inspired 'Wouldn't it be funny if...' thoughts, so I decided to jazz up some TD pieces and run them through the program. The results tickled me pink and the midi files are listed below, together with the styles of the pieces: Monolight (Jazz) The Big Sleep in Search of Hades (Reggae) Dolphin Dance (Reggae) Streethawk (Country) White Eagle (Bossa Nova) The Jogger (Country) Now you may think that these are nothing more than gimmicks...and you'd be right. But they're *great* fun. If anyone wants them, e-mail me. And there most certainly will be loads more to follow. Small things and small minds etc. How about some Klaus Schulze next? Hmm - The cha-cha-cha Velvet System or the rhumba Ludwig II. Von Bayern... Glynn From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 3, 1997 3:50 pm Subject: Re: Bootlegs Really-From: Dennis Nigbur On Mon, 3 Feb 1997 08:50:44 GB-EIRE tadream mailing list wrote: >Really-From: 'Craig R. J. Cordrey' > > >> Really-From: Dennis Nigbur >> >> >> Hi Fellow Dreamers, >> >> I've got three Tangerine Dream CDs of which I can't quite >> make sense, namely three live bootlegs that were allegedly recorded at >> various Dream concerts. >> >> The first of these is called 'Acoustic LSD/The Emerald >> Beyond', and on the sleeve it says that it's been recorded live in Seattle >> (without mentioning the date). The music implies extensive guitar parts, >> and the sequences are somewhat reminiscent of 'Phaedra'. >> >This was actually recorded in Detroit, not Seattle, in >1977. It is the CD version of the previously available LP, >which itself was called The emerald Beyond. And yeah, those >guitars are obscene! > >> The second is called 'Patrolling Space Borders', >Sorry, can't help you here. Don't have it. > >> >> Finally, there's a recording called 'In den Gaerten Pharaos' >> that ostensibly has been recorded at a TD concert in Bristol, 1990. >> Some of the pieces are quasi-identical with 'Optical Race' and 'Melrose' >> songs, and the sleeve mentions a TD album called 'Bicycle Race' which >> I've never heard of. >> >Yes, this is certainly a concert from the 1990 Melrose tour >(I was at the Edinburgh show which was very similar). I >believe that Bicycle Race was another boot-LP which was then >added to the end of this CD. > >> If anyone knows ANYTHING about these recordings (e. g., if >> they were actually recorded by TD), could you please tell me. >> >As far as I am aware, all three are indeed TD. Certainly >the last one is (having seen the concert) and I have no >reason to suspect the other two are not. > >Does this help any? Yes, it certainly does. Thanks a lot. Dennis >--------------------------------------------- >Craig R. J. Cordrey - Senior Software Engineer >GEC-Marconi S3I >Simulation and Training Division (Donibristle) > >E-mail : cordrey@m... > cordrey@m... >--------------------------------------------- From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 3, 1997 4:03 pm Subject: Re: thief sounds Really-From: Dennis Nigbur On Sun, 2 Feb 1997 12:02:29 GMT tadream mailing list wrote: >Really-From: Armin Theissen > > >>Diamond Diary is the longest and seems to be the centerpiece. It is >>intensely electrified. I remember an interview where Chris Franke was >>telling how on this album he took a polyphonic synth (I think it was 8-voice) >>and put a separate fuzz box on each voice and people were wondering how Edgar >>got his guitar to sound so big not knowing it was actually Chris' synth. >>[...] >> >>Tim Scallon >> > >as far as *I* remember, already on Tangram set II. > >Armin Agree. I remember Franke mentioning Tangram Set II and his synth/guitar sound in an interview. Dennis From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 3, 1997 1:19 pm Subject: RE: B**tlegs Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' > The second is called 'Patrolling Space Borders', and is >supposed to be a bootleg from the Canadian radio station Chom FM. The >CD booklet claims that the music is taken from a TD concert at Place des >Arts in Montreal (?), and it sounds a bit like 'Stratosfear'. It is indeed from Montreal, April 10, 1977. Does the b**t have the DJ saying 'Tangerine Dream on CHOM-FM!' in the middle of the music? Scott Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 594 Re: B**tlegs Vincent Goudreault Mon 2/3/1997 3 KB 596 Re: B**tlegs Plumer, Scott Mon 2/3/1997 2 KB 597 Re: B**tlegs anunes@m... Mon 2/3/1997 2 KB 601 Re: B**tlegs TWeibre361@a... Mon 2/3/1997 2 KB 606 Re: B**tlegs slawlor Tue 2/4/1997 2 KB 604 Re: B**tlegs Vincent Goudreault Mon 2/3/1997 3 KB 615 Re: B**tlegs TWeibre361@a... Tue 2/4/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 3, 1997 2:32 pm Subject: Re: Babylon 5, Vol. 2 Really-From: TheSmitter@a... Nice review Doug. So, where have YOU been the last few months? I've missed your reviews of the strange and wonderful music you buy. BTW, does B52 play like a soundtrack? That was my complaint about B5 - it SOUNDED like a soundtrack when playing it - many short and different pieces, which sounded like dramatic soundtrack music, glued together to sell on a cd. I hope B52 flows better than that (i.e. longer pieces, etc.). Larry Smith << Really-From: 'Douglas S. Halfen (bs cmsc)' Well, I've had _Babylon 5, Volume 2: Messages From Earth_ since Friday, and I've been listening to it ever since - the first disc I've listened to over 20 straight times in quite a while. >> From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 3, 1997 3:27 pm Subject: Re: B**tlegs Really-From: 'Vincent Goudreault' On Feb 3, 8:19am, tadream mailing list wrote: > Subject: RE: B**tlegs > Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' > > > > > The second is called 'Patrolling Space Borders', and is > >supposed to be a bootleg from the Canadian radio station Chom FM. The > >CD booklet claims that the music is taken from a TD concert at Place des > >Arts in Montreal (?), and it sounds a bit like 'Stratosfear'. > > It is indeed from Montreal, April 10, 1977. Does the b**t have the DJ > saying 'Tangerine Dream on CHOM-FM!' in the middle of the music? > > Scott >-- End of excerpt from tadream mailing list I believe that it is a requirement from the CRTC that a radio station idendifies itself at regular intervals. Of course, he did not have to make such a big production out of it. CHOM is IMHO the best rock/progressive station in Montreal. Had the show been broadcasted anywhere else, you would have had commercial interruptions on top of the ID. Count your blessings: I don't believe ANY other TD venues were broacasted with that high sound quality. C.B. Vincent Goudreault online since early 93, TD fan since 77 first exposure: Stratosfear, fave albums: Rubycon/Ricochet From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 3, 1997 4:03 pm Subject: Franke, Haslinger and Schmoelling solo albums Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' Could some soul give me the title, recording date and track list of Franke's Haslinger's and Schmoelling's solo albums? I would be eternally grateful. Scott Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 599 Re: Franke, Haslinger and Schmoelling solo albums Mark Filipak Mon 2/3/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 3, 1997 4:18 pm Subject: Re: B**tlegs Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' >I believe that it is a requirement from the CRTC that a radio station >idendifies itself at regular intervals. Of course, he did not have to make >such a big production out of it. You think that's bad, WMMS in Cleveland recently simulcast a Pearl Jam show and ID'd the station in the middle of every single song! You think they were trying to discourage tapers? They used to be a good station, back in the '70s: they used to play all sorts of Prog, including TD, but now they're just garbage. College radio is so much better. Scott From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 4, 1997 12:14 am Subject: Re: Re: B**tlegs Really-From: anunes@m... Scott.Plumer@t... wrote: << It is indeed from Montreal, April 10, 1977. Does the b**t have the DJ saying 'Tangerine Dream on CHOM-FM!' in the middle of the music? >> Unfortunately, yes. Antonio Nunes From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 3, 1997 5:48 pm Subject: D:_|-|-|_ 'Three O'Clock High' _|-|-|_ Really-From: PNaunton@a... 03-Feb-1997 Verrrrry, interesting! Tangerine Dream 'Three O'Clock High' Original Soundtrack Recording Published - 1987 Purchased - 1988 Format - CD Label - Varese Sarabande Catalog - VCD 47307 Personnel - Froese, Franke, (Haslinger?) I liked this movie. Kind of a stupid plot, kind of ridiculous characters, but the stylized production nuances are brilliant in my opinion. Anyhow, the TD music (what there is of it) adds to the surreal feeling generated by the cleaver cinematography. The additional music by Sylvester Levay is fairly consistent with what there is of Tangerine Dream compositions, and, although it is obviously not TD, does pay our boys tribute and certainly does no real harm. My favorite track shows up twice; 'Go To The Head Of The Class', then in a forshortened version; 'Bonding By Candlelight'. One of the amazing things about the music is the flailing drums passage on the opening track on the CD, which is actually in the middle of the movie. When I saw the movie I said to myself, 'There's no way that is Tangerine Dream!!!' I was wrong! I don't recall hearing such dynamic drumming from TD before, or since, for that matter. A real departure. Phil N. From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 3, 1997 6:23 pm Subject: Re: Franke, Haslinger and Schmoelling solo albums Really-From: Mark Filipak tadream mailing list wrote: > > Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' > > Could some soul give me the title, recording date and track list of > Franke's Haslinger's and Schmoelling's solo albums? I would be eternally > grateful. > > Scott I don't have them but I know where you can get them. From the UWP archives. I was just there doing some research two days ago. The file you want is called SOLO I think, or maybe it's in a directory named SOLO. Just poke around. It will take you about 15 minutes to find it because it's location is non-obvious. Good luck -- Mark PS: Oh hell Scott, I couldn't do that to you. Look at Cheers -- Mark From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 3, 1997 7:04 pm Subject: D: 'Three O'Clock High' Really-From: 'Marcel Engels' I can be very short with this. I don't like this album. Tracks are too short and have absolutely nothing to do with each other. Only the tracks mentioned by Phil, Go to the Head of the Class and Bonding by Candlelight, are OK. They remind me of Underwater Sunlight. I wouldn't bother if this had not been released. Marcel E From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 3, 1997 10:12 pm Subject: Re: B**tlegs Really-From: TWeibre361@a... In a message dated 97-02-03 10:32:15 EST, you write: << CHOM is IMHO the best rock/progressive station in Montreal. Had the show been broadcasted anywhere else, you would have had commercial interruptions on top of the ID. Count your blessings: I don't believe ANY other TD venues were broacasted with that high sound quality. >> did you listen to the george washington university broadcast of the 77 listner auditorium show? sure, it didnt have quite the range as chom, but NO announcements,, excellent commentary at the end.... tom w np: bim sherman - miracle Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 606 Re: B**tlegs slawlor Tue 2/4/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Jan 1, 1970 4:59 am Subject: Note to 'Richard ' Really-From: Steven Feldman Richard, In the process of getting a long message about the Nightcrawlers out my account's archives, I found out the hard way that mail forwarded from my harvard account strips the header so that I won't know who the sender was unless I manually type in their address in the body of the message forwarded. :( In other words, please send me your e-mail address so that I can send all that juicy Nightcrawlers info out to you. [For those who don't know, the Nightcrawlers put out about 30 tapes in the 1980's that--in total--amount to more music done in the vein of TD than any other band, or . . . Wavestar, Synco, and Waveshape *combined*! A Philadelphia band made up of three people, the Nightcrawlers issued a lot of spacey stuff like the stuff on ATEM and ALPHA CENTAURI.] Steven Feldman -- 33 Brook Street, Apt. 3, Brookline, MA 02146; INTERNET: BITNET: DREAMS WORD: Electronic Dreams, POB 42385, Portland, OR 97242. The Nightcrawlers, c/o Peter D. Gulch -- 1493 Greenwood Avenue, Camden, NJ 08103-2929. PERSONAL FAVES: Tangerine Dream, Nightcrawlers, Ozrics, Jonn Serrie, Robert Carty. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ OUT TO PROVE THAT 'THE KEEP' SOUNDTRACK WAS RELEASED TEMPORARILY IN 1984. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 605 Re: Note to 'Richard slawlor Tue 2/4/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Jan 1, 1970 4:59 am Subject: WORLD WITHOUT RULES Availabity (?) Really-From: Steven Feldman Just how 'out-of-print' is this? Is there anywhere I can get a copy for a decent price, or this another case of ZOO OF TRANQILITY and/ or L'AFFAIRE WALLRAFF (or THE KEEP soundtrack, for *that* matter, heh heh)? Inquiring minds want to know. -- Steven Feldman and Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 607 Re: WORLD WITHOUT RULES Availabity (?) dbrewer@a... Tue 2/4/1997 2 KB 608 Re: WORLD WITHOUT RULES Availabity (?) Mark Filipak Tue 2/4/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 3, 1997 10:51 pm Subject: Re: B**tlegs Really-From: 'Vincent Goudreault' On Feb 3, 5:12pm, tadream mailing list wrote: > Subject: Re: B**tlegs > Really-From: TWeibre361@a... > > > In a message dated 97-02-03 10:32:15 EST, you write: > > << CHOM is IMHO the best rock/progressive station in Montreal. Had the show > been broadcasted anywhere else, you would have had commercial interruptions > on top of the ID. Count your blessings: I don't believe ANY other TD > venues > were broacasted with that high sound quality. > >> > > did you listen to the george washington university broadcast of the 77 > listner auditorium show? sure, it didnt have quite the range as chom, but NO > announcements,, excellent commentary at the end.... > Of course not, I didn't: we don't get GWU here in Montreal. Besides, I can understand the absence of interruption, this being a non-for-profit student radio. The rules must be different. Also, when I wrote 'anywhere else', I essentially meant any other radio station of Montreal. C.B. Vincent Goudreault online since early 93, TD fan since 77 first exposure: Stratosfear, fave albums: Rubycon/Ricochet From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 4, 1997 12:06 am Subject: Re: Note to 'Richard ' Really-From: slawlor ( In other words, please send me your e-mail > address so that I can send all that juicy Nightcrawlers info out to you. > [For those who don't know, the Nightcrawlers put out about 30 tapes > in the 1980's that--in total--amount to more music done in the vein of TD > than any other band, or . . . Wavestar, Synco, and Waveshape *combined*! > A Philadelphia band made up of three people, the Nightcrawlers issued a > lot of spacey stuff like the stuff on ATEM and ALPHA CENTAURI.] Could you send me that information as well? Thanks. scott K. Lawlor From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 4, 1997 12:08 am Subject: Re: B**tlegs Really-From: slawlor > >> > > did you listen to the george washington university broadcast of the 77 > listner auditorium show? sure, it didnt have quite the range as chom, but NO > announcements,, excellent commentary at the end.... > > tom w Do you have a tape of this show and if so, could you make me a copy? Let me know. thanks. scott K. Lawlor From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 4, 1997 12:06 am Subject: Re: WORLD WITHOUT RULES Availabity (?) Really-From: dbrewer@a... > Quoted From: Steven Feldman > > Just how 'out-of-print' is this? Is there anywhere I can get a > copy for a decent price, or this another case of ZOO OF TRANQILITY and/ > or L'AFFAIRE WALLRAFF (or THE KEEP soundtrack, for *that* matter, heh > heh)? Inquiring minds want to know. > World Without Rules is NOT out of print... At least, I've seen quite a few copies in my neck of the woods. (in case I'm mistaken! :-) ) If you really can't find it near you, I should be able to help out. Dave Brewer From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 4, 1997 1:02 am Subject: Re: WORLD WITHOUT RULES Availabity (?) Really-From: Mark Filipak tadream mailing list wrote: > > Really-From: Steven Feldman > > Just how 'out-of-print' is this? Is there anywhere I can get a > copy for a decent price, or this another case of ZOO OF TRANQILITY and/ > or L'AFFAIRE WALLRAFF (or THE KEEP soundtrack, for *that* matter, heh > heh)? Inquiring minds want to know. > > -- Steven Feldman and > According to Dave Datta (according to Paul Haslinger) this is not out of print. I see it all over the place. -- Mark From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 4, 1997 2:31 am Subject: cancel Sugargirll@a... Really-From: Sugargirll@a... cancel Sugargirll@a... From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Jan 31, 1997 5:22 pm Subject: Wavelength pirate CD Really-From: 'teiwaz barana' Dreamers can anyone tell me if they've seen a pirated copy of Wavelength, too? I saw one the other day in my local CD store--didn't have any record label numbering on the outside. Is this a pirated CD or is there a label out there making these without a nod to its own manufacturing??? I have a varese sarabande release myself. Wondering --teiwaz --------------------------------------------------------- Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at --------------------------------------------------------- Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 611 Re: Wavelength pirate CD Craig R. J. Cordrey Tue 2/4/1997 3 KB 612 Re: Wavelength pirate CD Mark Filipak Tue 2/4/1997 3 KB 613 Re: Wavelength pirate CD Craig R. J. Cordrey Tue 2/4/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 4, 1997 3:29 pm Subject: Re: Wavelength pirate CD Really-From: 'Craig R. J. Cordrey' > Really-From: 'teiwaz barana' > > > Dreamers > > can anyone tell me if they've seen a pirated copy of Wavelength, too? > I saw one the other day in my local CD store--didn't have any record label > numbering on the outside. Is this a pirated CD or is there a label out there > making these without a nod to its own manufacturing??? > I have a varese sarabande release myself. Yes, I inadvertantly bought the pirate version. I don't know the label, but the catalogue number on the disk itself is RE 133 (if memory serves). --------------------------------------------- Craig R. J. Cordrey - Senior Software Engineer GEC-Marconi S3I Simulation and Training Division (Donibristle) E-mail : cordrey@m... cordrey@m... --------------------------------------------- From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 4, 1997 10:19 am Subject: Re: Wavelength pirate CD Really-From: Mark Filipak tadream mailing list wrote: > > Really-From: 'teiwaz barana' > > Dreamers > > can anyone tell me if they've seen a pirated copy of Wavelength, too? > I saw one the other day in my local CD store--didn't have any record > label numbering on the outside. Is this a pirated CD or is there a > label out there making these without a nod to its own manufacturing??? > I have a varese sarabande release myself. > > Wondering > > --teiwaz > > --------------------------------------------------------- > Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at > --------------------------------------------------------- Please, for the discography: What identified this disc as 'Wavelength'? Did it have the little alien on the cover? No numbers or manufacturer's name? Wow. If there was the little alien, did he have a patch over one eye? :-) Oh, was there a UPC on it? And did it have track listings? Did they match the Varese issue? Mark From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 4, 1997 6:58 pm Subject: Re: Wavelength pirate CD Really-From: 'Craig R. J. Cordrey' > Really-From: Mark Filipak > > Please, for the discography: > > What identified this disc as 'Wavelength'? Well, funnily enough, the fact it has 'Wavelength' and 'Tangerine Dream' on the front cover, along with the pinkish alien that adorns the real cover. (i.e. the pirate has the same cover as the real one.) > Oh, was there a UPC on it? And did it have track listings? Did they > match the Varese issue? What's a UPC? As I said before, the CD itself has RE 133 on it, presumably as some catalogue number. As for track listings, I can provide a list, but it'll be next week before I can. I don't have the 'real' release so can't say whether the two match. --------------------------------------------- Craig R. J. Cordrey - Senior Software Engineer GEC-Marconi S3I Simulation and Training Division (Donibristle) E-mail : cordrey@m... cordrey@m... --------------------------------------------- From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 3, 1997 4:38 am Subject: SV: Wacky midi files Really-From: Kim Lykke Pedersen ---------- Fra: tadream mailing list[SMTP:tadream@c...] Sendt: 3. februar 1997 10:52 Til: tadream@c... Emne: Wacky midi files Really-From: G.K.Naughton@i... >Hello all, Recently I've had access to a marvellous composing program called _Band in a Box_, which maybe some people have heard of or used. Anyway, you specify a chord sequence and a melody and the program obligingly generates an entire arrangement in whatever style you choose. This naturally inspired 'Wouldn't it be funny if...' thoughts, so I decided to jazz up some TD pieces and run them through the program. The results tickled me pink and the midi files are listed below, together with the styles of the pieces: Monolight (Jazz) The Big Sleep in Search of Hades (Reggae) Dolphin Dance (Reggae) Streethawk (Country) White Eagle (Bossa Nova) The Jogger (Country) Now you may think that these are nothing more than gimmicks...and you'd be right. But they're *great* fun. If anyone wants them, e-mail me. And there most certainly will be loads more to follow. Small things and small minds etc. How about some Klaus Schulze next? Hmm - The cha-cha-cha< You can can email them to me Regards kim pedersen E-mail: kimp@s... Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 728 SV: Wacky midi files G.K.Naughton@i... Sun 2/9/1997 3 KB 729 Re: SV: Wacky midi files Gabe Yedid Sun 2/9/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 4, 1997 2:19 pm Subject: Re: B**tlegs Really-From: TWeibre361@a... In a message dated 97-02-03 17:53:55 EST, you write: << Of course not, I didn't: we don't get GWU here in Montreal. Besides, I can understand the absence of interruption, this being a non-for-profit student radio. The rules must be different. Also, when I wrote 'anywhere else', I essentially meant any other radio station of Montreal. >> no, i realize that...maybe you might have heard a tape of the gwu show...i was refering to your statement about the sonic quality of the broadcast, not even the interruptions...thats all... tom w np: em:t explorer From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 4, 1997 10:01 pm Subject: please leave me a lone ! Really-From: 'FINDLAY B.J. BSC.ENG.' please stop sending me mail thankyou !!!!!! Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 631 Re: please leave me a lone ! Mark Filipak Wed 2/5/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 4, 1997 4:30 pm Subject: Thief SBM Really-From: Vic Rek I just picked up the SBM Definitive Edition of Thief (TAND12). I have so far noticed two errors on the sleeve. On the back it mentions Peter Baumann, but it should be J. Schmoelling. Also the spine (side) of the CD says 'Tangerine Dream Live'. Whoever produced the cover must have been asleep. By the way, I can sell my original Thief CD UK import for $9. E-mail me directly if you want it. Vic Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 629 Re: Thief SBM Mark Filipak Wed 2/5/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 4, 1997 4:34 pm Subject: UK Gold Collection Magazine Really-From: Vic Rek Can anyone (especially UK members) help me locate the CD (+ magazine if possible) from 'Gold Collection Magazine' in issued in the UK in 1992, V1.7 with the TD track 'Streethawk'. Any help will be greatly appreciated! Vic Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 619 Re: UK Gold Collection Magazine m.schaffer@i... Tue 2/4/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 4, 1997 5:29 pm Subject: Re: UK Gold Collection Magazine Really-From: m.schaffer@i... > > Really-From: Vic Rek > > > Can anyone (especially UK members) help me locate the CD (+ magazine if > possible) from 'Gold Collection Magazine' in issued in the UK in 1992, V1.7 > with the TD track 'Streethawk'. Any help will be greatly appreciated! > > Vic > I have this item, if that's any help. I think your chance of getting hold of a copy is a big round nil, cos i think they shut it down. Sorry it's not the sort of help you wanted! Published by Future Magazines, I think, so you _could_ try contacting them (sorry, haven't got their address.) `Two Sheds' From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Feb 5, 1997 1:07 am Subject: Really-From: Armin Theissen > >I just picked up the SBM Definitive Edition of Thief (TAND12). I have so >far noticed two errors on the sleeve. On the back it mentions Peter >Baumann, but it should be J. Schmoelling. Also the spine (side) of the CD >says 'Tangerine Dream Live'. Whoever produced the cover must have been asleep > >Vic > > exactly the same with 'Exit', (Baumann and live), and 'Tangram' (Baumann). Armin Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 658 FINDLAY B.J. BSC.ENG. Thu 2/6/1997 2 KB 718 Eduardo Nava D.C. (525) 230-2 Sat 2/8/1997 2 KB 779 Maxwell A. Croy Tue 2/11/1997 2 KB 787 Re: Gabe Yedid Tue 2/11/1997 2 KB 797 Re: Rich Maggio Wed 2/12/1997 2 KB 801 Re: Steve McCready Wed 2/12/1997 3 KB 858 Re: Saa Sekuliæ/Sasha Sekulich Thu 2/13/1997 3 KB 817 Re: PENFOLD Wed 2/12/1997 3 KB 830 =?ISO-8859-1?Q?P=E5l_Westerma Thu 2/13/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 4, 1997 6:59 pm Subject: Ed's guitar Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' Here's an interesting question to ponder: whose guitar style would you compare Edgar's to? Scott Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 622 Re: Ed's guitar Brian_Kirby@p... Tue 2/4/1997 2 KB 643 Ed's guitar neato@p... Wed 2/5/1997 2 KB 656 Re: Ed's guitar Mark Filipak Thu 2/6/1997 2 KB 678 Re: Ed's guitar PENFOLD Fri 2/7/1997 3 KB 681 Re: Ed's guitar Rich Maggio Fri 2/7/1997 3 KB 682 Re: Ed's guitar Mark Filipak Fri 2/7/1997 3 KB 708 Ed's guitar spidey Fri 2/7/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 4, 1997 7:36 pm Subject: Re: Ed's guitar Really-From: Brian_Kirby@p... >Here's an interesting question to ponder: whose guitar style would you >compare Edgar's to? Piece o' cake: David Gilmour -B. Kirby From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 4, 1997 9:03 pm Subject: Re: Ed's guitar pt. 2 Really-From: 'Marcel Engels' > Really-From: Brian_Kirby@p... > > > >Here's an interesting question to ponder: whose guitar style would you > >compare Edgar's to? > > Piece o' cake: David Gilmour > > -B. Kirby Yeah, Dave Gilmour comes close. A good example, of course, is Green Desert. I always have a kind of Pink Floyd feeling when listening to this album. The styles are not the same. Gilmour has a little bit of blues in his guitar-work, whereas Froese is just freaky. For me Froese has a more original style. What kind of style does he has? Marcel From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 3, 1997 12:52 pm Subject: Boots Really-From: Kim Lykke Pedersen Til: tangerine dream mailing list Emne: Boots Could anyone give me a review and information about these bootlegs. 13.12.74 Reims Cathedrale 'Live Improvised' 2CD 86 8 CD 02.04.75 London 'The coefficient of aural expansion 1' 60 9 CDR 16.08.75 Orange 'A Dream Unbound/Seekers of Dreams' LP+Single 43 5 LP . .76 Brussels 2.2.76 + 26.11.76 'Danger Live' 71 9 CD 08.11.76 Nottingham Usher Hall (Part I ) 'Me-Rad' 66 8 CD 31.03.77 Detroit 'The Emerald Beyond (LP) / Acoustic LSD (CD)' 37 7 CD 02.04.77 Cleveland 'US-Tour '77' - 2LP (does this really exist ???) 81 7 LP 10.04.77 Montreal Place des Arts 'Transformation' 60 8 CDR 21.04.77 Seattle 'Fotzenslecker/Netzlautstrke/Babylon's Strange' 32 7 LP 31.01.80 Ostberlin 'White Cloths' (both concerts + interview) 174 8 R 31.01.80 Ostberlin 'Staatsgrenze West' 44 7 LP 31.01.80 Ostberlin 'Don Quixotte' (pirate of official Amiga-LP) 47 8 LP 05.11.80 Preston (Part I) 'Undulation(LP)/Soundtrack for Fantasy(CD)' 44 8 LP 05.11.80 Preston (Part II) 'Space Trucking' 35 8 LP 29.08.81 Berlin Platz der Republik 'Official bootleg tape' 92 6 25.10.81 Newcastle (Part I ) 'Space & Spheres' 45 6 LP 25.10.81 Newcastle (Part II) 'Space Trucking' 7 6 LP 25.10.81 Newcastle 'Dreamtime' 60 8 CDR 22.02.82 Sydney 'Leprous Appearance on Wednesday' 47 8 LP 22.02.82 Sydney 'Dreaming' (='Leprous..'+Ultima Thule Part I) 51 7 CD 01.03.82 Melbourne 'Rtikon'(59m)+ POPOL VUH/MAN (14m)+BRIAN ENO (7m) 71 8 CD 11.06.83 Frankfurt 'Fassbinder Memorial Concert' 30 8 LP .03.86 unknown concert 03/86 'Electronic Inspiration Live 1985' 38 7 LP 27.03.86 London'Timeless Space/The Nameless is the origin+Alien Rock'103 8 LP 29.03.86 Kln 'Relativity' 54 8 LP 31.03.86 Paris (Part I) 'Parisian Dreams - Teknikon' 44 9 LP 31.03.86 Paris (Part II) 'Parisian Dreams Too - Teknikon' 39 6 LP 31.03.86 Paris (Part II) '3 Tier Dream On' (+'Cliffs of Sydney') 45 6 CD 06.06.86 Laguna Hills 'Somanbulistic Imagery' 2CD 108 9 CD 21.06.86 Toronto 'Undercover Dreams' (inc. Ultima Thule Part I) 89 7 LP 01.08.87 Berlin Reichstag Part I + 3 tr.Bristol 6.11.90 'Antarktis' 74 9 CD 01.08.87 Berlin Reichstag Part II '20th Century Serenades' 61 9 CD .11.87 'The Canyon Dreams' (music from the video) 42 8 LP 29.08.88 Columbus 'Live in the USA 1988 Part I - Ardem-O' 55 8 CD 29.08.88 'Collected Endings' (Columbus 88 pt.2 + Nottingham 76 pt.2) 54 8 CD 06.09.88 Boston (Part 1) 'Sperical Hermonics One' 62 8 CD 07.09.88 New York 'Sound and Effects' (inc. one MARK SHREEVE track) 69 6 CD .10.88 'Live in the USA 1988' - 7'-Single 11 8 LP .10.88 Cassette box 'USA 1988 Tour Box' 455 7 . .89 Soundtrack Box Vol.I Promo (Keep/Soldier/Forbidden/Strange) 149 7 . .90 '70/90' (Soundtrack excerpts and singles) 75 8 CD 06.11.90 Bristol (Part I) 'Bicycle Race' 46 8 LP 06.11.90 Bristol (Part II) 'In den Grten Pharaos' 75 8 CD 06.11.90 Bristol Part I 'Singet, denn der Gesang..' PICTURE DISK 48 8 LP . .92 'Fragments' (Soundtracks, singles, tracks 1977-1986) 60 8 CDR . .92 'Prayer of Quiet Dreams' (Soundtracks 1971-1990, Live 1992) 70 7 CD 04.10.92 Toronto 'Dreaming on Danforth Avenue' 60 8 CD . .93 '3 Tier Dream' 3CD (London 76, London 82, Paris 86, single) 175 8 CD . .93 'Alien Air Music' (various live tracks 1986-1989) 57 9 CDR . .93 'Mystery Tracks' (Flashpoint,Quinoa,Singles) 7710 CD . .93 'Crazy for Dream' (unrel.tracks from C.dreams+Crazy for you) 61 8 CDR . .94 'The Complete Works of THE KEEP' (Studio, TV, Film) 75 8 CDR . .94 'Rare Trax 1' (rare tracks 1967 - 1987) 59 7 CDR . .94 'The dream is not always the same' (Berlin 1976,1980,1982) 69 8 CDR . .94 'Sol et Luna - Mystery Tracks 2' (Heartbreakers+Singles) 77 9 CD Regards kim pedersen E-Mail:kimp@s... Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 638 Re: Boots Plumer, Scott Wed 2/5/1997 3 KB 30322 Re: Boots Scott Thu 11/29/2001 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Jan 1, 1970 4:59 am Subject: Long Nightcrawlers Document: Place it in the Archives or on the Web? Really-From: Steven Feldman >Subject: Re: Note to 'Richard ' >Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 19:06:00 -0500 (EST) >From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >Really-From: slawlor > >( In other words, please send me your e-mail >> address so that I can send all that juicy Nightcrawlers info out to you. >> [For those who don't know, the Nightcrawlers put out about 30 tapes >> in the 1980's that--in total--amount to more music done in the vein of TD >> than any other band, or . . . Wavestar, Synco, and Waveshape *combined*! >> A Philadelphia band made up of three people, the Nightcrawlers issued a >> lot of spacey stuff like the stuff on ATEM and ALPHA CENTAURI.] > >Could you send me that information as well? Thanks. >scott K. Lawlor > Hmmm... whaddaya think, folks? Should I post this sucker to the list again? It's been about a year or so since I posted it, last. In case the answer is no, could I possibly put a copy of it on the website or somesuch? The entire document runs 209 lines of 73-character-line text, but it's right to the point, giving capsule reviews, running times, and year of issue for some 30-odd tapes and three LPs. Seeing as the Nightcrawlers is about the only thing that might assuage the ravenous TD fan who can't get enough, would placing a copy of the document in this list's archives or website be possible? -- Steven Feldman and TD Collector Since 1981 Tadream List Subscriber Since 1991 From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Jan 1, 1970 4:59 am Subject: Return of the Son of Shut and Edgar Your Guitar Some More Really-From: 'Steven Feldman, Nitcrit at Large' >Subject: Re: Ed's guitar >From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 14:36:22 -0500 >Really-From: Brian_Kirby@p... > >>Here's an interesting question to ponder: whose guitar style would you >>compare Edgar's to? > >Piece o' cake: David Gilmour Well, that *is* the obvious choice, isn't it? ;) Still, *I* was thinking of Prince . . . NOT!!! X-o :( :( :( ;) ;) :) Really, though, there is one who qualifies in some cases. Ever hear some of Phil Manzanera's weirder stuff? The song 'Amazona,' from the third Roxy Music album, STRANDED, has some pretty 'freaky' parts--and then there's 'Lagrima' and 'Diamond Head' off of 801 LIVE. Granted, though, that the the 801 album features some kickass synth-alterings by Brian Eno that make Phil's guitar sound even *more* cosmic. ;) Steven Feldman ^ ^ ^ SUBSCRIBED TO: Dreams Word, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ________ ^ ^ 33 Brook St #3 ^ ^ ^ Emdreams, CNI News, Contact ^ ^ ^ __--- ---_ Brookline Mass ^ ^ ^ Forum, _PEER_ Perspectives, ^ ^ - _ \ 02146-6913 USA ^ ^ ^ the Nausicaa list, Tadream, ^ ^ | /_/ \ | (617) 232-3876 ^ ^ ^ & Hong Kong Film Connection ^ ^_- __/_// __ |/ BITNET: ar402004@b... ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - (|/ '()` <()/ ^ INTERNET: sfeldman@w... ^ ^ ^ ^ \_ O .> | ^ HAYAO MIYAZAKI DISCUSSION GROUP: nausicaa@b... ^ /--_/ -__ -- / ^ <*> Address for subscribing: listserv@b... <*> ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ --- ^ ^ From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Jan 1, 1970 4:59 am Subject: Of All the TD CDs to Pirate, Why WAVELENGTH? Really-From: Steven Feldman Am I missing something? Why would WAVELENGTH wind up being pirated when there's items like L'AFFAIRE WALLRAFF, RUMPELSTILTSKIN, and (gasp) DESTINATION CUT-OUT BIN to copy? Heck, if *I* were a bootlegger and wanted to capitalize on the various TD fanguys 'n' gals at large, *I'd* put out a CD version of the THREE PHASE LD--the *heck* with it not being a pirate per se (insofar as the orginal is only on videotape and laser- disc). It's not like getting an excellent digital source for the mastering would be difficult. D'oh! X-o ;) -- Steven Feldman Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 630 Re: Of All the TD CDs to Pirate, Why WAVELENGTH? Mark Filipak Wed 2/5/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Feb 5, 1997 5:09 am Subject: TAND series: errors in artwork Really-From: Mark Filipak Hello Wayne. I don't know whether these are the sort of technical issues that you are responsible for -- but here's a try. Virgin is reissuing it's Tangerine Dream catalogue in a series designated 'TAND'. Though these discs are wonderful (digital remasters) and much appreciated by myself and my friends on the TaDream Mailing List, the artworks for these issues are wrong. TAND11 'Tangram' lower backside: band lineup should read Edgar Froese Chris Franke Johannes Schmoelling TAND12 'Thief' lower backside: band lineup should read Edgar Froese Chris Franke Johannes Schmoelling spine: should not say 'Live' as this is a soundtrack, not a live album. TAND13 'Exit' lower backside: band lineup should read Edgar Froese Chris Franke Johannes Schmoelling spine: should not say 'Live' as this is a studio album, not a live album. Whoever is doing the artwork must have preferred the lineup with Peter Baumann but I'm afraid that Johannes Schmoelling had replaced Peter by the time these performances were made. You might want to check others in the 'TAND' series for correctness. If you need help, feel free to contact me. Also, if you don't mind a general complaint: The inserts for these discs are awfully boring. They are all the same. May I suggest using the writen material from the LPs? If Virgin decides to correct these errors and rework the artwork for these discs, and if you remember us, I and my fellow TD fans would appreciate any opportunity to get corrected versions, even if a small cost was involved. Just post to the Tangerine Dream Mailing List: tadream@c... with details on obtaining the corrected artworks. I know there isn't much chance of this happening, but nothing beats a try. Regards. -- Mark From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Feb 5, 1997 3:10 am Subject: Re: Thief SBM Really-From: Mark Filipak tadream mailing list wrote: > > Really-From: Vic Rek > > I just picked up the SBM Definitive Edition of Thief (TAND12). I have > so far noticed two errors on the sleeve. On the back it mentions Peter > Baumann, but it should be J. Schmoelling. Also the spine (side) of > the CD says 'Tangerine Dream Live'. Whoever produced the cover must > have been asleep. > > By the way, I can sell my original Thief CD UK import for $9. E-mail > me directly if you want it. > > Vic Thanks for thinking of me Vic. I have also bought the SBM of 'Thief'. Well actually I got it from Robin Seed in trade for 'Le Moulin De Daudet' by Klaus Schulze. He got a great deal on a disc he'd been looking for for years, and I got the SBM. A classic win-win, yes? Once again, thanks for thinking of me but I don't need it anymore. Put in your trade list and I'm sure you will find it to be good trading stock. Best regards to you. -- Mark From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Feb 5, 1997 5:34 am Subject: Re: Of All the TD CDs to Pirate, Why WAVELENGTH? Really-From: Mark Filipak tadream mailing list wrote: > > Really-From: Steven Feldman > > Am I missing something? Why would WAVELENGTH wind up being > pirated when there's items like L'AFFAIRE WALLRAFF, RUMPELSTILTSKIN, > and (gasp) DESTINATION CUT-OUT BIN to copy? Heck, if *I* were a > bootlegger and wanted to capitalize on the various TD fanguys 'n' gals > at large, *I'd* put out a CD version of the THREE PHASE LD--the *heck* > with it not being a pirate per se (insofar as the orginal is only on > videotape and laser- disc). It's not like getting an excellent digital > source for the mastering would be difficult. D'oh! X-o ;) > > -- Steven Feldman 'Of All the TD CDs to Pirate, Why WAVELENGTH?' -- exactly my first reaction. Duh? -- Mark From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Feb 5, 1997 3:18 am Subject: Re: please leave me a lone ! Really-From: Mark Filipak tadream mailing list wrote: > > Really-From: 'FINDLAY B.J. BSC.ENG.' > > please stop sending me mail > > thankyou !!!!!! Hey, take a pill or something. If you didn't want things from the Tangerine Dream Mailing List, why did you subscribe to it? If you want to unsubscribe, send these two lines, exactly: unsubscribe tadream P9504896@h... unsubscribe tadream-digest P9504896@h... in the body of a message (no subject) to: majordomo@c... and you will be off the list. Hopes this helps you to calm down. -- Mark From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Feb 5, 1997 6:25 am Subject: Catch me if you can / Tyger Really-From: "Robin A.Seed" Hi Dreamers, Now I have 2 copies of Catch me if you can held on reserve in the CD shop, 'Catch me if you can' cinerama # CIN 2213-2 made in Germany 1994 , copyright 1989. 19 tracks I can offer this to the list for US$ 20 (including postage anywhere in the world) also one Copy of ' 'Tyger' Chip 47 Jive-Electro Made in Austria 5 Tracks,Blue Cover I can offer this for US$ 12 (including postage anywhere in the world) This is a first come first serve basis. Please e-mail me privatly if you are intrested. Rob ********************************************************************************* Robin.A.Seed Hong Kong e-mail Tel: 9172 4180 ********************************************************************************* Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 637 Re: Catch me if you can / Tyger Vic Rek Wed 2/5/1997 2 KB 639 Re: Catch me if you can / Tyger feldon@n... Wed 2/5/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Feb 5, 1997 6:25 am Subject: Turn of the Tides Really-From: "Robin A.Seed" Hi all Dreamers, Just picked up 'Turn of the Tides' Picture Disc Edition Limitee (that is what it says on the sticker) TDI 003CD made in Austria 1996 9 tracks. The cover art is the same as the Miramar Release, slightly diffrent printig colours, and the inside information is not as detailed as the Miramar ( infact the Miramar information is much better,including a write up on the book and nice colour pics) There is infact no coulour pics just one B&W pic of the band repeated 3 times. This includes the track 'Story of the Brave' - which was only released on the cd Single also titled turn of the tides cd-5. Rob ********************************************************************************* Robin.A.Seed Hong Kong e-mail Tel: 9172 4180 ********************************************************************************* Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 647 Re: Turn of the Tides Steven Feldman Wed 2/5/1997 3 KB 10653 Turn of the Tides Colin Knowles Mon 2/2/1998 3 KB 10673 Re: Turn of the Tides Patric Donaghy Mon 2/2/1998 3 KB 20647 Turn of the Tides Todd and Julie Tornow Mon 1/31/2000 1 KB 20651 Re: Turn of the Tides Sean Montgomery Mon 1/31/2000 1 KB 21042 Re: Turn of the Tides Todd Tornow Mon 2/28/2000 2 KB 21057 Re: Turn of the Tides Szatmari, Pal Tue 2/29/2000 2 KB 30148 Turn of the Tides Scott Fri 11/16/2001 2 KB 30149 Re: Turn of the Tides tom807@a... Fri 11/16/2001 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Feb 5, 1997 6:39 am Subject: FREE MUSIC Sites Advertising Service ! Really-From: webmaster@m... (Music HyperBanner) Dear Music fan ! We are happy to announce a new FREE service , created for the benefit of MUSIC Internet sites exclusively - 'The Music HyperBanner Network'. If you have a Music related web site, you can advertise it for FREE (!) on a wide network of Music sites. The Music Hyperbanner system was created in order to collect information about Music resources on the net, and mainly, to allow owners of Music sites to advertise their sites on other Music sites, FREE of charge. You can visit us at: The basic rule of this service is very simple - on your site, you advertise other Music (ONLY!) related sites, and in return, your site is being advertised on the same sites, using a graphic banner ad. More Information: ================= Some additional benefits from using the service: * Increasing the number of visitors to your site. * On-Line Statistics, Graphs and Reports of your site's flow. for full details look at : Any Questions/Comments are welcome ! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- With Best Regards, The Music HyperBanner Administration E-Mail.:admin@m... URL....: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 640 Re: FREE MUSIC Sites Advertising Service ! David Datta Wed 2/5/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Feb 5, 1997 12:22 pm Subject: >> HOT LINK << Really-From: Mark Filipak A few days ago someone asked where he could find a list of record companies he could send his demo tape to. Well check this link out. It's just what everyone in music has been looking for courtesy of Stanford University. Enjoy !! Mark From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Feb 5, 1997 1:10 pm Subject: Tangram/Green Desert Cassettes Really-From: Vic Rek 'Tangram' & 'Green Desert' - For those who have to know... I remember buying only the cassette version of 'Tangram' when it came out. I don't have it now (I think I mailed it to a friend in Poland), but the cover was just of a simple tangram, and I think it was red on a white background. I just picked up the cassette which features this same tangram in black. The cassette is a Virgin re-issue OVEDC 112. The fact that the cassette has a different cover is not clearly mentioned in 'Voices in the Dunes'. Also 'Voices in the Dunes' does not mention that there is a 'Green Desert' cassette released in the UK that has a different cover (this was once discussed within the last few months), a simple flesh colored square on a white background. About as simple as it can get. It was released by Jive UK HOP C226. Anyway, does anybody have any other information on unique cassette covers that were not on the LPs??? Vic Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 645 Re: Tangram/Green Desert Cassettes TWeibre361@a... Wed 2/5/1997 2 KB 646 Re: Tangram/Green Desert Cassettes Vic Rek Wed 2/5/1997 2 KB 650 Re: Tangram/Green Desert Cassettes TWeibre361@a... Wed 2/5/1997 2 KB 655 Re: Tangram/Green Desert Cassettes Mark Filipak Thu 2/6/1997 3 KB 657 Re: Tangram/Green Desert Cassettes Mark Filipak Thu 2/6/1997 3 KB 661 Re: Tangram/Green Desert Cassettes TWeibre361@a... Thu 2/6/1997 2 KB 662 Re: Tangram/Green Desert Cassettes TWeibre361@a... Thu 2/6/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Feb 5, 1997 1:13 pm Subject: Re: Catch me if you can / Tyger Really-From: Vic Rek Hi Rob - I have a copy of the rare US release of 'Catch Me if You Can' on CD. If you want a copy of both releases, maybe we can do a straight swap. The US copy for the German copy. I wonder if they are differenct in any way??? Vic > >Hi Dreamers, > >Now I have 2 copies of Catch me if you can held on reserve in the CD shop, > >'Catch me if you can' >cinerama # CIN 2213-2 >made in Germany 1994 , copyright 1989. >19 tracks > >I can offer this to the list for US$ 20 (including postage anywhere in the world) > From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Feb 5, 1997 1:21 pm Subject: RE: Boots Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' >13.12.74 Reims Cathedrale 'Live Improvised' 2CD 86 8 A classic, a must-have. >10.04.77 Montreal Place des Arts 'Transformation' 60 8 The best of '77. Get it. >31.01.80 Ostberlin 'Staatsgrenze West' 44 7 If you like Pergamon, you'll like this one. >31.03.86 Paris (Part I) 'Parisian Dreams - Teknikon' 44 9 >31.03.86 Paris (Part II) 'Parisian Dreams Too - Teknikon' 39 6 Excellent, excellent, excellent. Far better than the tapes of the US '86 tour. >01.08.87 Berlin Reichstag Part I + 3 tr.Bristol 6.11.90 'Antarktis' 74 9 Not too exciting, but historic since it's Chris's last show with TD. Berlin, that is. >06.09.88 Boston (Part 1) 'Sperical Hermonics One' 62 8 The best of the '88 tour. These are, IMHO, the best from that list, but there are many other live recordings available, some of which are better than those available as boots. Scott From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Feb 5, 1997 1:32 pm Subject: Re: Catch me if you can / Tyger Really-From: feldon@n... At 08:13 AM 2/5/97 -0500, you wrote: >Really-From: Vic Rek > > >Hi Rob - > >I have a copy of the rare US release of 'Catch Me if You Can' on CD. If you >want a copy of both releases, maybe we can do a straight swap. The US copy >for the German copy. I wonder if they are differenct in any way??? Rare? Morgan feldon@n... From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Feb 5, 1997 1:56 pm Subject: Re: FREE MUSIC Sites Advertising Service ! Really-From: David Datta : Really-From: webmaster@m... (Music HyperBanner) Sorry folks, we won't be hearing from anyone at on the lists here anymore. From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: (Date Unavailable) Subject: Soundtrack sought Really-From: G.K.Naughton@i... Hello all, Many years ago, during the obligatory 'porno and video nasties' stage that I suppose most adolescent males go through in the age of the VCR, I saw a stupid and revolting film called _Day of the Dead_, which was brought back to mind by seeing it in last night's cable TV listings. It had a really terrific synthesiser soundtrack composed by, if I recall correctly, one John Harrison. I once saw an outrageously overpriced vinyl version of this in Soho (London) in about 1987 and I've intermittently tried to locate it since, with no success. I wonder, has anyone else on the list heard of this soundtrack and know where I might locate it? It must have been late '87 or so when I saw this because there was a vocal track on it which I was convinced was sung by Jocelyn Smith, the diva responsible for 'Tyger'. Glynn From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Feb 5, 1997 2:24 pm Subject: RE: Ages--->CDR/Mill Valley Film Festival Benefit date Really-From: 'Whitton, Edward EJ' Dare I mention it. I do have AGES and I do have the necessary computer equipment. ;^) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ted Whitton - Senior Information Systems Officer Development Team - Kent Fire Brigade Headquarters Tovil, Maidstone, Kent. ME15 6XB. England E-Mail: ted.whitton@k... Tel: +44 1622 698243 FAX: +44 1622 698240 From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Feb 5, 1997 4:51 pm Subject: Ed's guitar Really-From: neato@p... wrote: > whose guitar style would you compare Edgar's to? neato says: manuel gottsching of ash ra (tempel)...they were contemporaries, no doubt sharing many mutual influences...froese's work with delay on stratosfear is particularly similar to that of gottschings cheers all my mistakes were once acts of genius neato@p... com From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Jan 1, 1970 4:59 am Subject: A Perfect Vacuum/First Night Out concert Really-From: 'The Radio Gnome' Last weekends Star's End featured several local acts in the TD vein of music. One was A Perfect Vacuum. Chuck played their cut 'Marianas Trench' which really caught my ear. Will this be released soon? Will APV play live anytime in the near future? Dave? Jeff? Also, the First Night Out concert was a success. EM fans hungry for that classic TD sound should keep their ears open for Dennis Haley and Bill Forcier. Regrettably I couldn't make the event myself, but I did enjoy both their sets over the radio. Maybe next time... Andrew Wing Politics isn't the art of persuasion, it's the science of selfishness Big Brother isn't watching you, you're watching Big Brother, all 181 channels From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Feb 5, 1997 7:42 pm Subject: Re: Tangram/Green Desert Cassettes Really-From: TWeibre361@a... In a message dated 97-02-05 09:15:05 EST, you write: << Anyway, does anybody have any other information on unique cassette covers that were not on the LPs??? Vic >> what do you specifically want to know? i have almost every td release on cassette (lucky me....?) tom w np: cylob - cylobian sunset From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Feb 5, 1997 9:44 pm Subject: Re: Tangram/Green Desert Cassettes Really-From: Vic Rek > ><< Anyway, does anybody have any other information on unique cassette covers > that were not on the LPs??? > > Vic > >what do you specifically want to know? i have almost every td release on >cassette (lucky me....?) > >tom w I was just wondering if there are any cassette releases that have a cover that wasn't issued on the CD and/or LP. In the case of Tangram, the LP and CD covers are different from the cassette. And in the case of Green Desert, the CD cover is different from the cassette and the LP issued in the 'In the Beginning...' box set. Thanks, Vic From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Jan 1, 1970 4:59 am Subject: Re: Turn of the Tides Really-From: Steven Feldman >Subject: Turn of the Tides >Date: Wed, 05 Feb 1997 14:25:56 +0800 >From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >Really-From: 'Robin A.Seed' > >Just picked up 'Turn of the Tides' [...] Picture Disc Edition Limitee >(that is what it says on the sticker) [...] TDI 003CD made in Austria >1996 [...] 9 tracks. [...] >This includes the track 'Story of the Brave' - which was only released >on the cd Single also titled turn of the tides cd-5. Yow! And you say this is an Austrian CD that you found where? In Hong Kong? Could you get me one? How much would it cost for the CD and postage? 'Story of the Brave' is one of my fave TD tracks in years. It would be nice to have this track on the same CD as the rest of the album. :) -- Steven Feldman and From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Jan 1, 1970 4:59 am Subject: US Vers. of CATCH ME IF YOU CAN is Rare? Really-From: Steven Feldman >Subject: Re: Catch me if you can / Tyger >From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >Date: Wed, 05 Feb 1997 07:32:56 -0600 >Really-From: feldon@n... > >At 08:13 AM 2/5/97 -0500, you wrote: >>Really-From: Vic Rek >> >>I have a copy of the rare US release of 'Catch Me if You Can' on CD. If you >>want a copy of both releases, maybe we can do a straight swap. The US copy >>for the German copy. I wonder if they are differenct in any way??? > >Rare? > >Morgan >feldon@n... Yes, really; why is this rare? It's the first time I heard of it being so. -- Steven Feldman and Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 652 Re: US Vers. of CATCH ME IF YOU CAN is Rare? Vic Rek Thu 2/6/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Jan 1, 1970 4:59 am Subject: bootleg question Really-From: DFO@C... I have a question for anyone who owns the bootleg CD 'Soundtrack for Fantasy' AKA 'Undulation'. Is it just me, or does it sound like the album was made from a tape that was played back at a much faster speed than it was originally recorded? Everything sounds rushed, too high-pitched, whiny, vibratos are too fast, etc. The excerpt from 'Force Majeure' near the end is noticeably faster and at least a semitone higher than the original. TD as done by the Chipmunks. Maybe I'll spring for a variable-speed tape deck and try slowing it down a bit and see what I get. duane ott dfo@c... From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Feb 5, 1997 10:45 pm Subject: Re: Tangram/Green Desert Cassettes Really-From: TWeibre361@a... In a message dated 97-02-05 16:49:04 EST, you write: << I was just wondering if there are any cassette releases that have a cover that wasn't issued on the CD and/or LP. In the case of Tangram, the LP and CD covers are different from the cassette. And in the case of Green Desert, the CD cover is different from the cassette and the LP issued in the 'In the Beginning...' box set. >> the relativity cassette of green desert has a very clear picture of two mesas outlined in a circle....the rest of the cover is black, with green desert and tadream in stenciled type font above and below...i will confirm cassette number 2morrow and re-visit the tangram cassette...hope this helps... tom w np: plug - drum 'n' bass for papa From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Feb 6, 1997 1:36 am Subject: EF's guitar style/wavelength pirate CD Really-From: 'teiwaz barana' Dreamer's I'd say that Edgar's guitar style is more of a hybrid of Hendrix and Gilmour--listen to Electronic Meditation again for the Hendrix influence--unless it's a Mellotron played in Hendrix style ;-) The wavelength pirate CD looks like the original and the track titles appear to be the same as the varese sarabande release--didn't notice the presence of a UPC code. And what's with all the dissin' of this soundtrack??? I made a tape years ago of wavelength on one side and flashpoint on the other (yes, from the CD that self destructed Mr. Phelps) and played it in the wee hours of the night while driving many times up the King's Highway between LA and the SF Bay area--the soundtracks fit the landscape somewhere north of Santa Barbara.... Bootleg Destination Berlin--now that's funny. Is someone having trouble finding a copy of this? I see used copies quite often. --tb --------------------------------------------------------- Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at --------------------------------------------------------- Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 653 Re: EF's guitar style/wavelength pirate CD Vic Rek Thu 2/6/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Feb 6, 1997 4:30 am Subject: Re: US Vers. of CATCH ME IF YOU CAN is Rare? Really-From: Vic Rek OK you guys. If this is so interesting to you I'll change from rare to 'out of print'. If you don't like that I'll come up with something else. It's all in how you perceive what you read. And now I'll ask you, if it's no big deal that it's out of print, then direct these readers to the source. Get it?! By the way, nobody answered the question if they're different. >>>I have a copy of the rare US release of 'Catch Me if You Can' on CD. If you >>>want a copy of both releases, maybe we can do a straight swap. The US copy >>>for the German copy. I wonder if they are differenct in any way??? >> >>Rare? >> >>Morgan >>feldon@n... > > Yes, really; why is this rare? It's the first time I heard of >it being so. From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Feb 6, 1997 4:39 am Subject: Re: EF's guitar style/wavelength pirate CD Really-From: Vic Rek >Bootleg Destination Berlin--now that's funny. Is someone having trouble >finding a copy of this? I see used copies quite often. > >--tb Good point. I think that this web site is also here for fans to help other fans collect the music they love. So if you've got it, can part with it, then let us know. Let's be proud of the integrity of this group. Vic From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Feb 6, 1997 5:31 am Subject: Re: Tangram/Thief sounds Really-From: Boneheads1@a... Not to belabor the point, but I guess I'll have to defer to your recollection. I just remember reading the interview when it came out and playing their latest album at the time, which I remember as being Thief and thinking that the 'big fuzzed sounds' on Diamond Diary seemed to fit what I imagined Chris was talking about. That impression has stuck with me ever since. I'll have to give another listen to Tangram II to see if I can spot it. Thanks, Tim >>Diamond Diary is the longest and seems to be the centerpiece. It is >>>intensely electrified. I remember an interview where Chris Franke >was >>>telling how on this album he took a polyphonic synth (I think it was >8-voice) >>>and put a separate fuzz box on each voice and people were wondering how Edgar >>got his guitar to sound so big not knowing it was actually Chris' synth. >>[...] >> >>Tim Scallon >> > >>as far as *I* remember, already on Tangram set II. > >>Armin >Agree. I remember Franke mentioning Tangram Set II and his >synth/guitar sound in an interview. >Dennis From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Feb 6, 1997 4:48 am Subject: Re: Tangram/Green Desert Cassettes Really-From: Mark Filipak tadream mailing list wrote: > > Really-From: TWeibre361@a... > > In a message dated 97-02-05 09:15:05 EST, you write: > > << Anyway, does anybody have any other information on unique cassette > covers that were not on the LPs??? > > Vic > > >> > > what do you specifically want to know? i have almost every td release > on cassette (lucky me....?) > > tom w > > np: cylob - cylobian sunset Well Tom! Here's your big chance to make a contribution to posterity! Yes, it's me -- the discog-man. And I'll bet you know what comes next. Tom, would you be ever so kind as to provide this info for all the cassettes you have. I ask because there is very little info on cassette issues. - Name of Album: - Year of issue: - Manufacturer: - Country of issue: (if known) - Catalog number: - Description of cover art: ('same as LP' or 'same as CD' are okay answers as long as they are specific in cases where there are more than one cover -- mostly this isn't the case but in a few cases it would be non-informative -- like 'same as Green Desert CD' -- GD has been issued with 4 different covers.) Thanks Tom. No rush though. -- Mark PS: Any one else who has cassettes, please join in -- one that _you_ have may be different from what Tom has. Thanks. -- M From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Feb 6, 1997 5:20 am Subject: Re: Ed's guitar Really-From: Mark Filipak tadream mailing list wrote: > > Really-From: neato@p... > > wrote: > > whose guitar style would you compare Edgar's to? > > neato says: > manuel gottsching of ash ra (tempel)...they were contemporaries, no > doubt sharing many mutual influences...froese's work with delay on > stratosfear is particularly similar to that of gottschings > cheers > > all my mistakes were once acts of genius > neato@p... com I agree with this much more than Gilmour. -- Mark From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Feb 6, 1997 6:02 am Subject: Re: Tangram/Green Desert Cassettes Really-From: Mark Filipak tadream mailing list wrote: > > Really-From: TWeibre361@a... -snip- > the relativity cassette of green desert has a very clear picture of > two mesas outlined in a circle....the rest of the cover is black, > with green desert and tadream in stenciled type font above and > below...i will confirm cassette number 2morrow and re-visit the > tangram cassette...hope this helps... > > tom w Hi Tom. When you say 'two mesas' am I to assume that you have seen the rock outcroppings in the original cover art and that these 'two mesas' are different? -- that they are not the desert scene with two rock outcroppings, one in the foreground right and a much larger one in the distance, slightly left? Are these 'two mesas' on the horizon as they might be seen from a distance? Thanks, and sorry to be such a nudge. -- Mark From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Feb 6, 1997 5:47 pm Subject: Really-From: 'FINDLAY B.J. BSC.ENG.' can you delete me from your mailing list, as the network manager is giving me hell please thankyou From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Feb 6, 1997 6:08 pm Subject: froese vs. gilmour ????? Really-From: Armin Theissen > >>Here's an interesting question to ponder: whose guitar style would you >>compare Edgar's to? > >Piece o' cake: David Gilmour > >-B. Kirby > I know Pink Floyd only up to 'The Wall' and had some glimpse into The Division Bell: Pink Floyd became sooo boring to me, just like Tangerine Dream if they would have listened to their fans (''why or why don't you do some more music like the Baumann or Schmoelling aera blablabla). So if I compare David Gilmour's guitar - from what I know - with Froese on 'Coldwater Canyon' or 'Hamlet', then I can't really find any similarity. Armin Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 660 Re: froese vs. gilmour ????? Brian_Kirby@p... Thu 2/6/1997 2 KB 669 Re: froese vs. gilmour ????? Rainer Rutka Thu 2/6/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Feb 6, 1997 2:36 pm Subject: Re: froese vs. gilmour ????? Really-From: Brian_Kirby@p... >So if I compare David Gilmour's guitar - from what I know - with >Froese on 'Coldwater Canyon' or 'Hamlet', then I can't really find >any similarity. >Armin Not to belabour this point or anything, but since Edgar has freely stated Pink Floyd to be an early influence, I don't believe I'm really making any great leap here. Both men are more concerned with colour than sheer manual dexterity. I think one only need compare 'Electric Lion' or 'Green Desert' to such Floyd cuts as 'Money' or 'Sorrow' to see my point. Of course, the Hendrix influence is just as prevalent. And we've got the cover of 'Purple Haze' to prove it. -B. Kirby From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Feb 6, 1997 3:09 pm Subject: Re: Tangram/Green Desert Cassettes Really-From: TWeibre361@a... In a message dated 97-02-06 01:08:06 EST, you write: << When you say 'two mesas' am I to assume that you have seen the rock outcroppings in the original cover art and that these 'two mesas' are different? -- that they are not the desert scene with two rock outcroppings, one in the foreground right and a much larger one in the distance, slightly left? Are these 'two mesas' on the horizon as they might be seen from a distance? Thanks, and sorry to be such a nudge. -- Mark >> they are not really 'outcroppings' in a random sense...they are table shaped rock formations...and , the position is reversed...i.e, the larger one on the left, the smaller one on the right in the background...and no, they arent on the horizon...they are right there, as if you were looking down at them.... tom w np: (still) new order - spooky remixes From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Feb 6, 1997 3:09 pm Subject: Re: Tangram/Green Desert Cassettes Really-From: TWeibre361@a... In a message dated 97-02-06 00:58:55 EST, you write: << Well Tom! Here's your big chance to make a contribution to posterity! Yes, it's me -- the discog-man. And I'll bet you know what comes next. Tom, would you be ever so kind as to provide this info for all the cassettes you have. I ask because there is very little info on cassette issues. >> ok...ill spend maybe the weekend doing guys will have to decide for yourselves however, how the cover compares to other format releases... tom w np: new order - spooky remixes From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Feb 6, 1997 4:16 pm Subject: World Without Rules video Really-From: Gabe Yedid has anybody seen the video for the title cut of _World Without Rules_? comments? and what is the difference between the U.S. and Euro versions? Gabe Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 664 Re: World Without Rules video Claude Roy Thu 2/6/1997 2 KB 671 Re: World Without Rules video Gabe Yedid Thu 2/6/1997 2 KB 665 Re: World Without Rules video David Datta Thu 2/6/1997 2 KB 668 Re: World Without Rules video sean Thu 2/6/1997 2 KB 670 Re: World Without Rules video Gabe Yedid Thu 2/6/1997 2 KB 672 Re: World Without Rules video Mike Osborne Thu 2/6/1997 3 KB 690 Re: World Without Rules video TWeibre361@a... Fri 2/7/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Feb 6, 1997 4:52 pm Subject: Re: World Without Rules video Really-From: Claude Roy At 11:16 97-02-06 -0500, you wrote: >Really-From: Gabe Yedid > > >has anybody seen the video for the title cut of _World Without Rules_? > >comments? and what is the difference between the U.S. and Euro versions? > >Gabe > > Hi Gabe, Where did you saw this? This is a great piece of music. Paul made a video? Where? Where? ____________________________________ Claude Roy e-mail: Longueuil P.Q. Canada e-mail: ____________________________________ Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 671 Re: World Without Rules video Gabe Yedid Thu 2/6/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Feb 6, 1997 5:56 pm Subject: Re: World Without Rules video Really-From: David Datta In article <5dd33f$6nd$1@n...> you wrote: : Really-From: Gabe Yedid : has anybody seen the video for the title cut of _World Without Rules_? Haven't seen it. : comments? and what is the difference between the U.S. and Euro versions? The US version has computer animated nipples covered. Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 668 Re: World Without Rules video sean Thu 2/6/1997 2 KB 670 Re: World Without Rules video Gabe Yedid Thu 2/6/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Feb 6, 1997 6:36 pm Subject: Yippeeee Really-From: 'Maxwell A. Croy' Hola Dreamers, I am so excited. I finally found a place to talk to people about one of the greatest bands of ALL TIME. I have spent countless hours spacing to tangerine dream. I'm new so don't flame me but I want to know about bootlegs. Mainly from the Virgin years. Can anybody gimme some info about them? Later, Maxwell (Up In The Sky) From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Feb 6, 1997 9:16 pm Subject: GRADWOOL 'RIFF' ON TYRANNY OF BEAUTY Really-From: mdm@j... DOES IT JUST BOTHER ME OR HAVE OTHERS NOTICED. DURING THE GERALD GRADWOOL LEAD GUITAR SOLO ON TYRANNY OF BEAUTY, AT 3:30 TO 3:35 INTO THE TRACK, GRADWOOL GOES INTO A HEAVY POWER CORD GUITAR RIFF. HE THEN REPEATS THIS RIFF FOR EMPHASIS, THEN APPEARS TO HAVE A MENTAL LAPSE AS THIS BLAZE OF GUITAR FIZZLES. LATER HE PICKS IT UP AND CONCLUDES EXCELLENTLY. IT JUST SEEMS TO ME THAT THE RIFF UNDER DISCUSSION SHOULD HAVE BEEN REPEATED A THIRD TIME, CARRYING HIM RIGHT INTO THE REST OF THE SOLO. I CAN'T HELP BUT BRING THIS UP BECAUSE EVERYTIME I GET TO THAT POINT IN THE SONG IT APPEARS TO FALTER. PLAY IT LOUD! RAVEN From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Feb 6, 1997 7:04 pm Subject: Re: World Without Rules video Really-From: sean > : comments? and what is the difference between the U.S. and Euro versions? > > The US version has computer animated nipples covered. But wait...lemme guess....they threw in a car chase and gratuitous gunplay instead? Hee hee! Sean Montgomery 3D ANIMATOR 'Humour is truth, only faster' From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Feb 6, 1997 1:50 pm Subject: Re: froese vs. gilmour ????? Really-From: Rainer Rutka On Thu, 6 Feb 1997, tadream mailing list wrote: > Really-From: Armin Theissen > > > > > >>Here's an interesting question to ponder: whose guitar style would you > >>compare Edgar's to? > > > >Piece o' cake: David Gilmour > > > >-B. Kirby > > > > I know Pink Floyd only up to 'The Wall' and had some glimpse into > The Division Bell: Pink Floyd became sooo boring to me, just like > Tangerine Dream if they would have listened to their fans (''why or > why don't you do some more music like the Baumann or Schmoelling > aera blablabla). > > So if I compare David Gilmour's guitar - from what I know - with > Froese on 'Coldwater Canyon' or 'Hamlet', then I can't really find > any similarity. > > Armin > RIGHT ! I think Edgar guitar style is more like the style of Steve Hackett (post-Genesis time). Just hear 'Spectral mornings' . Rainer Rutka From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Feb 6, 1997 7:19 pm Subject: Re: World Without Rules video Really-From: Gabe Yedid On Thu, 6 Feb 1997, tadream mailing list wrote: > Really-From: David Datta > : comments? and what is the difference between the U.S. and Euro versions? > > The US version has computer animated nipples covered. > What? That's it? (Wotta buncha prudes :P) Gabe From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Feb 6, 1997 7:16 pm Subject: Re: World Without Rules video Really-From: Gabe Yedid On Thu, 6 Feb 1997, tadream mailing list wrote: > Really-From: Claude Roy > > Hi Gabe, > > Where did you saw this? This is a great piece of music. Paul made a video? Um, the video? I haven't seen it. I know it is being broadcast on an MTV show called 'AMP' (they do ambient/tribal/global), but I don't know if MuchMusic or MusiquePlus get that too. I avoid watching them as much as possible--I'm convinced I lose brain cells every time I do watch them. As for the video, the Euro version is supposed to be a little more 'X-rated' than the US version. > ____________________________________ > Claude Roy Gabe From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Feb 6, 1997 7:48 pm Subject: Re: World Without Rules video Really-From: Mike Osborne tadream mailing list wrote: > > Really-From: Gabe Yedid > > On Thu, 6 Feb 1997, tadream mailing list wrote: > > > Really-From: Claude Roy > > > > Hi Gabe, > > > > Where did you saw this? This is a great piece of music. Paul made a video? > > Um, the video? I haven't seen it. I know it is being broadcast on an > MTV show called 'AMP' (they do ambient/tribal/global), but I don't know > if MuchMusic or MusiquePlus get that too. I avoid watching them as much > as possible--I'm convinced I lose brain cells every time I do watch them. > > As for the video, the Euro version is supposed to be a little more > 'X-rated' than the US version. > > > ____________________________________ > > Claude Roy > > Gabe Video? Haven't even heard of this one. Does anyone know where I can get the Euro ver.? The only videos I've been able to find are Three Phase and Canyon Dreams. Thnx in advance. Mike From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Feb 6, 1997 9:28 pm Subject: TD: More members than Spinal Tap? Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' 37 people have been in Spinal Tap over the years, and TD has had quite a few as well. I made a list of everyone who's been in the band, in one way or another. It numbers 35 people. Not quite as many as Tap, but close. Akhbar, Al Baumann, Peter Bruehne, Joachim Dennebourg, Udo Franke, Chris Fricke, Florian Froese, Edgar Froese, Jerome Gradwool, Gerald Grumbcow, Jochen von Hapshash, Lanse Haslinger, Paul Herkenberg, Kurt Hoenig, Michael Hombach, Volker Hornby, Mark Johnson, Sven Joliffe, Steve Krieger, Klaus Leuwen, Steve Luecke, Johannes Paulyck, Roland Perica, Zlatko Prince, Charly Schmoelling, Johannes Schnitzler, Conrad Schroyder, Steve Schulze, Klaus Smith, Jocelyn Spa, Linda Torry, Clare Turner, Nik Vallbracht, Christian Wadephul, Ralf Wheeler, Paul Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 677 Re: TD: More members than Spinal Tap? Mark Filipak Fri 2/7/1997 2 KB 693 Re: TD: More members than Spinal Tap? Plumer, Scott Fri 2/7/1997 2 KB 743 Re: TD: More members than Spinal Tap? Dave Lane Mon 2/10/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Jan 1, 1970 4:59 am Subject: The Lowdown on THE NIGHTCRAWLERS (322 lines long) Really-From: Steven Feldman Sigh, I realize that the following lengthy post will probably annoy some, but seeing as it will probably do more good than otherwise, here it is. I asked if anyone had objections to my posting it to the list or if it could be archived in the list's archives, but since I got no answer, here it is . . . in all its glory: (I don't feel too bad about posting this because I received private e-mails from four different people requesting the info--and the last time I posted it was two years ago.) -- Steven Feldman and + + + + + + + [Original]-Date: Sat, 16 Oct 93 18:18:55 EDT [Re-Sent: Wed, 05 Feb 97 17:41:34 EST] From: Steven Feldman Subject: THE LOWDOWN ON THE NIGHTCRAWLERS To: Tangerine Dream Digest Dear Folks, This post has been a long time in coming. Two times I listened to all of the Nightcrawlers' output back-to-back in an attempt to write a comprehensive review on them for Electronic Dreams' DREAMS WORD fanzine, but it never happened. I feel this lengthy post belongs on this list because the Nightcrawlers have more to do with Tangerine Dream than Klaus Schulze does (musically, at least), if you ask me. As for connections to Brian Eno . . . MIDWINTER DAYDREAM, SHADOWLESS VEIL, FORBIDDEN MONASTERY, EVENING REPOSE, 2031 A.D., and CYBERSUN 231 are reminiscent of both THE SHUTOV ASSEMBLY and the Misha Mahlin & Lydia Theremin piece, 'For Her Atoms,' on MUSIC FOR FILMS, VOLUME III. -- Steven Feldman + + + + + + + >Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1993 15:44:57 -0600 (CST) >From: Thomas Beuthe >Subject: Re: Nightcrawlers... >To: AR402004@B... > >I'm finally getting around to thinking about buying some >of their material, and I was wondering what you would recommend >for starters. I guess I'm looking for the 'best of' their output >to start with so I can see if I like them! Funny you should ask, because I was just about to post some info on these guys to emdreams. In short, though, my personal faves are the cassettes MIDWINTER DAYDREAM, SHADOWLESS VEIL, FORBIDDEN MONASTERY, EVENING REPOSE, 2031 A.D., CYBERSUN 231, SPACEWALK, SPACE RITUAL I, THE LARGO TREE, and PARTICLE MIST; and the LP SHADOWS OF LIGHT. >Another reason I suppose it the fact that they have put out so much >that it's hard to know just where to start! So true! Here, then, is a list of what the Nightcrawlers currently (as of 8/24/92--which is the last time I heard from Nightcrawlers head honcho Peter Gulch--anyways) have for sale, along with both the band's description and my own capsule-assessments. First, though, let me say that the Nightcrawlers are a three-man band. The members are Peter and Tom Gulch, and Dave Lunt. AVAILABLE NIGHTCRAWLERS RELEASES (10/22/93): [KEY: title, year, number of tracks, length of cassette blank, blurb] The majority of these tapes are available in the USA for $4.00 each postpaid. Buy any four tapes and get one free. An amazing bargain! To order, contact: Peter Gulch; 1493 Greenwood Avenue; Camden, NJ 08103-2929 CRYPTOSPHERE (1980) 2, C48 Lost in a misty labyrinth at dusk Review: By 'Goricon,' an earlier line-up of the band. Side 1 is spacey, like the sound effects in a 1960s sci-fi show. Side two has acoustic piano over a drone and a synthetic vocal murmur. Good. PLANETARY EXPEDITION (1980) 4, C48 Four-part interstellar adventure Review: 'Phase II' is great, like the music to 'Forbidden Planet' (movie) THE FALLEN SPARROW (1980) 2, C62 Meditative free-from collage Review: Like slower Tangerine Dream circa 1971-73, with violin on side 2. Good. HALLUCINATORY EXECUTIONS (1981) 8, C62 Six chapter nightmare vision Review: Horror-movie creepiness (no slashing violin shrieks or suchlike). Good. POLTERGEISTS (1981) 5, C48 Five impressions of the elfin underworld Review: The band's 1st sequencered release. Side 1 is sorta Klaus Schulze-ish. So-so. SYNTHIMANIA (1981) 8, C62 8 varied aural tonescapes Review: All tracks are sequencered with solos. Not so great. SYSTEMA NATURAE (1982) 6, C48 Portrayal of the living earth systems Review: Side 1 is generator-like; side 2 has sequencer with solo and is somehwat Klaus Schulze-like. Not so great. HORS D'OEUVRES (1982) 4, C62 Sampling of various aural palettes Review: Good solos over evocative tones. Fairly good. NARCOLEPSIS (1982) 2, C48 Waves for the alpha and beta state Review: Side 1 is especially good, structured space. Fairly good/Good. MIDWINTER DAYDREAM (1982) 4, C46 Mental wandering through a snowstorm Review: Spooky drone. One of the best if you like ambience/atmospherics. TANZWUT (1982) 4, C46 Four multifaceted dancing tone clusters Review: Side 1 is a mixed bag (so-so); side 2 has lots of sequencer and a Klaus Schulze-like interlude (over-long; the 1st LP remakes, shortens and improves this side-long track). All told, not too great. SHADOWLESS VEIL (1983) 2, C48 Ethereal drifting through spacetime Review: Spacey with etherel solos. One of the best. SUBLIMINAL SAILING (1983) C48 Streams of consciousness [I Haven't heard this yet] FORBIDDEN MONASTERY (1983) 2, C62 Two-part invocation of spirits Review: Side 1 is great space; side 2 is space with a solo. Very good. SPRING HOLIDAY (1983) 2, C46 Two works of evolutionary complexity Review: Side 1 is like Wavestar's 'Voyager;' side 2 has a boring solo over sequencer (remade better on 1st LP). Not so hot. EVENING REPOSE (1983) 2, C46 Asleep in a meadow full of crickets Review: Side 1 is like Tangerine Dream's RUBYCON with crickets underneath and side 2 is great space. A must. . . . especially for Eno fans. TRANSLUMINANCE (1983) 2, C62 Contrasting images of light and dark Review: Side 1 has bassy sequencer with a solo. Bleh. Side 2 is slow with no perks to speak of. So-so, but almost a downer. CRYSTAL LOOPS (1983) 2, C26 Twinkling interplay of ice particles Review: Both sides have sequencer with a solo. Each side is fairly good, but the cumulative effect renders it merely fair. NIGHTCRAWLERS (1984) 4, C48 Cassette version of 1st LP Review: Fairly good or fairly bad, depending on your mood. Similar to Tangerine Dream's 1971-1977 work in feel if not execution or sound. 2031 A.D. (1984) 2, C62 Floating journeys into the future of time Review: Side 1 is brilliant evocative space; side 2 is loose space. Good but not like side 1. Overall, one of the best . . . but ephemeral. SPACE SHUTTLE (1984) 2, C46 Music for repairing space vehicles Review: Side 1 has pleasant sequencers; side 2 has sequencer and space. So-so. OMBRA (1984) 2, C74 Pathways into other dimensional realities Review: Side 1 is sequencer with hyper, repetitive solo; side 2 has multiple sequencers & a fast solo in its 2nd half. The beginning of side 2 is the 2nd track on the 2nd LP. Almost a chore to get through; lengthy NIGHTWALK (1984) 2, C48 Twilight excursions into wild forests Review: Side 1 is interesting space; side 2 is similar to Tangerine Dream track 'Logos, Pt. I' minus guitar and is great. Pretty good, overall. CYBERSUN 231 (1984) 2, C48 Time warping into distant galaxies Review: Side 1 is good semi-experimental space; side 2 is great space. Interesting, atypical stuff: almost unique. A favorite of mine. SPACEWALK (1985) 4, C62 Cassette version of 2nd LP Review: Side 1 is very professional and terrific. Side 2 is a lengthy extended space voyage that ultimately proves taxing if you listen too intently. Overall, a very good offering, though. Get it for side 1. SPACE RITUAL I (1986) 2, C62 Live concert sets from an ancient church Review: aka SPACE RITUAL AT ST. MARY'S. Side 1 is psychedelic, while side 2 has hot guitar. Both sides have guest (guitarist) Darren Kearns (who recorded an excellent solo LP called OPTIMAL BEING). Great Stuff. THE LARGO TREE (1986) 4, C74 Interceptions of signals from space Review: The middle of side 1 is great; side 2 has an evocative solo over a wash, then an excellent inverse of Tangerine Dream's HYPERBOREA title track, and then a lame title cut. Good overall, despite the dips. PARTICLE MIST (1986) 2, C62 Modern particle physics at its best Review: Side 1 starts off great, but builds to nowhere; side 2 is good (and is appropriated on the 1st 3rd of side 2 of the 3rd LP). Good. ENERGY TRANSFER (1988) C48 Contrasting energy patterns [I Haven't heard this yet] ALONE AFTER DARK (1988) C74 Solo Anthology [Haven't heard this yet] OTHER NIGHTCRAWLERS ITEMS OF INTEREST: [Please note that CHOP'N'HOP, MEMORY BUBBLES, STELLAR--TUNNEL, and SPACE RITUAL II are available, but the master tapes have glitches in them, and hence their withdrawal from the list.] CHOP'N'HOP (1984) 2, C26 [deleted tape] Review: Side 1 is sequencer with a solo. Feh. Side 2 has a repetitive sequencer but a nice solo on top. So-so. MEMORY BUBBLES (1984) 2, C26 [deleted tape] Review: Side 1 has innocuous sequencer and a solo; side 2 has a fairly aggressive solo over sequencer and is good. Fairly good. STELLAR--TUNNEL (1985) 2, C30 [deleted tape] Review: Not by the Nightcrawlers, but by Peter Gulch and a Canadian named Steve Brenner. One could say that side 1 is Tangerine Dream's RICOCHET- meets-Klaus Schulze's TRANCEFER! The other side is very good also. SOMNILITY (1985) 2, C38 Tom Gulch solo album [write & ask about this] Review: Side 1 is great, and side 2 is very good. More like actual songs than just side-long sequencer'n'soloing. Like SHADOWS OF LIGHT, this is more professional and 'normal' than most Nightcrawler's releases. SPACE RITUAL II (1986) 3, C80 [never offered on a list; features Xisle] Review: Side 1 has Xisle and the Nightcrawlers together. This is a long tape with only about 7 (admittedly great) memorable minutes at the end. SHADOWS OF LIGHT (1987) 2, LP runs 47:58 $7.00; on vinyl only, for now Review: Terrific stuff. Buy this! Here is a list of the instruments on this dynamite LP> Oberheim: Matrix 12, Matrix 6, 2 Expanders; Korg: Poly 800, SQD-1, DW-8000; Casio: CZ-101, CZ-5000; Yamaha: DX-21; Sequential: Prophet VS; Crumar: DS-2; Ensoniq: ESQ-1, DSk-1; Roland: Super Jupiter, JP-6, JX-8P, MSQ-100, TR-707, MKB-1000, SRV-2000. A real must-have. FLOATING PREMONITIONS (1989) 2, C30 Peter Gulch solo tape Review: Fair-to-Good. No comments one way or the other other than that. BARRIERS (1991) 12, two-C60s $15.00; 2 chrome tapes in 4.5' x 5.5' box Review: More professionally recorded than most everything else they've done (excepting SHADOWS OF LIGHT), but not all that interesting. | Here, now, is stuff written on a Nightcrawlers cassette list I have |from late 1992: The Nightcrawlers (Peter Gulch, Tom Gulch and Dave Lunt) have been experimenting with synthesizers and space music since 1980 and continue to do so today. Drawing on works by the influential pioneers of the genre (Klaus Schulze and Tangerine Dream), The Nightcrawlers have produced a wealth of music both live and in the studio. Dreams, nightmares, time travel, signals from space, interstellar travel and portrayals of our own living earth are inspirations for the trio. The above cassettes are live, real time recordings made over open air microphones on location, or at the Nightcrawlers' studio. They are one-to-one copies from the master tape. All cassettes are $4.00 U.S. Postage and handling are included. A limited quantity of the Nightcrawlers' 3rd LP, SHADOWS OF LIGHT, are still available at $7.00 each. Please note: foreign correspondents please add $1.00 per item for postage and handling. Payment in U.S. funds is appreciated. Buy any four tapes and get one of your choice free. Recordings are available by mail. Contact: Peter Gulch; 1493 Greenwood Avenue; Camden, NJ 08103-2929 | And now, here, is an excerpt from a snail mail letter Peter Gulch |sent me, dated November 2, 1987: First of all I would like to explain briefly about the sound quality on the tapes. You are not the first person to object to the overall sound quality on the tapes. You are absolutely correct. The sound is deficient in many ways. Every single one of the live tapes was recorded on a portable cassette deck and it has built in limiters which can't handle the total energy of the raw live sound. So every time we get powerful or bassy, the limiters would cut in and trim the volume down. We probably will not be using that particular deck anymore since it is broken. My philosophy with the tapes was: 'Did they for the most part sound listenable?' If they did, I put them out. They are not studio tapes and are not up to that quality. Why? Our original emphasis as a group was not on recording but on playing music together live. At the time, we didn't really plan on releasing any tapes for anybody to listen to. When we got more serious about recording, we started to do albums. Then the sound quality was infinitely better. The huge tradeoff is that to get superior sound quality on a tape also takes inifinitely more time. We just didn't have it. So in the earlier days (up to last year) we ignored doing studio work. In the future, since we are always being criticized for sound quality on the cassette-only releases, we have decided to go in the direction of the studio only. This will probably mean that we may do one cassette a year. So this will probably mean no more cassettes, only albums. On to another subject. I am aware that in Germany and Europe someone is bootlegging all of our tapes. That is okay. At least people will know about us. We have just received the reference lacquer for the third LP, which means that on the current schedule, we should have the album out in January 1988. We took a long time with this album to get good sound quality. It took almost 14 months, working on and off when we could. I think that you'll like it. | Finally, here is the most recent note I got from Peter Gulch (dated |8/24/92), when I received the BARRIERS double-cassette set: This is probably the last Nightcrawlers work. Dave got married and is raising a family. Tom has osteoporosis of the spinal cord and is not doing well. There were no other NC tapes or anything since SHADOWS OF LIGHT. So you missed nothing. I am still active as Synbion and work with Xisle. I think the NC's are dead as a group. BARRIERS was our last jam together. But who knows. | Well, there you have it, folks. The lowdown on my favorite group |after Tangerine Dream. I love Brian Eno's work dearly, but my love for |weird sounds and atmospheres is better sated through the Nightcrawlers |by virtue of their sheer output alone. + + + + + + + ADDENDUM; NOTE FROM FEBRUARY 5, 1996 -- A few added comments: I have listened to the last Nightcrawlers (double-)cassette, BARRIERS, a few more times and have changed my mind about it. It is better than I had first thought. Also, those who like Klaus Schulze a lot (I'm not among them) will probably like these guys even more than me in a lot of cases. A valuable tip: pick up the CD called REGENERATION MODE, by a pair going by the handle 'Van Zyl and Gulch.' This is Chuck Van Zyl and Peter D. Gulch collaborating at peak form, and it was released domestically in the USA on Chuck 'n' Pete's own indy label, Synkronos. It's available via Eurock, Backroads, Mike Garrison, Of Sound Mind, Minnette Music, and others. Go out of your way to get this! :) :) Steven Feldman -- 33 Brook Street, Apt. 3, Brookline, MA 02146; INTERNET: BITNET: DREAMS WORD: Electronic Dreams, POB 42385, Portland, OR 97242. The Nightcrawlers, c/o Peter D. Gulch -- 1493 Greenwood Avenue, Camden, NJ 08103-2929. PERSONAL FAVES: Tangerine Dream, Nightcrawlers, Ozrics, Jonn Serrie, Robert Carty. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ OUT TO PROVE THAT 'THE KEEP' SOUNDTRACK WAS RELEASED TEMPORARILY IN 1984. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Jan 1, 1970 4:59 am Subject: Non-TDers it's Kosher to Talk About Really-From: Steven Feldman >Subject: TD: More members than Spinal Tap? >From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 16:28:00 -0500 >Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' > >[. . .] I made a list of everyone who's been in the band [TD], in one >way or another. [. . .] [. . .] >Fricke, Florian [. . .] This means we can discuss Popol Vuh on this list. [. . .] >Turner, Nik [. . .] And this means we can discuss Hawkwind on this list. ;) I admit, though, I don't recall Turner contributing anything to any TD albums. Care to identify the contribution? -- Steven Feldman and Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 692 Re: Non-TDers it's Kosher to Talk About Plumer, Scott Fri 2/7/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 12:22 am Subject: haslinger Really-From: ljones@h... (Lars Jones) those of you looking for haslinger's WWR or FP, you can find them at Backroads music in calif. 8007674748 (24hour orders) or 415-924-4848 fax 415-924-0648 email: backroad@w...; they also have an excellent supply of legit td and related/solo recordings (eg franke, schulze. froese, hoenig, jolliffe, lightwave, schmoelling (songs no words and wuivend reit) etc. their service is prompt too! lars Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 29771 haslinger thomas.soucheleau@n... Wed 10/24/2001 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 12:25 am Subject: Re: TD: More members than Spinal Tap? Really-From: Mark Filipak tadream mailing list wrote: > > Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' > > 37 people have been in Spinal Tap over the years, and TD has had quite a > few as well. I made a list of everyone who's been in the band, in one > way or another. It numbers 35 people. Not quite as many as Tap, but > close. > Gee Scott. Do you really think that being a guest musician on a track or two for one album qualifies someone as 'part of the band'? -- Mark From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Feb 6, 1997 5:29 pm Subject: Re: Ed's guitar On the subject of Edgar's influences on/in his guitar style. Don't ferget to toss in a little of Jimi Hendrix. When I first saw TD in '86 I was struck by Edgar's infamous 'Ghost Of Hendrix' style of playing. Nobody could scream an axe like Jimi, but Edgar certainly comes close. 'The world of music is something on its own. It's absolutely dust-free, clear, and clean. Music is one of the most neutral things on earth. It symbolizes the 'highest frequency' of all art forms in its abstract, neutral manner.' - Edgar Froese /^\ | pete | penfold@a... | | | YA .semi.random.sig.quote From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 6:10 pm Subject: klaus schulze. Really-From: Kim Lykke Pedersen Could someone review or give me some information on these cd's of Klaus Schulze: 1.irrlicht. 2.cyborg. 3.dziekuje 4.picture music 5.moondawn 6.body love 7.body love 2 8.x 9.dune 10.dig it 11.miditerranean pads blue 13.babel tangerine dream: 1.rumpelstiltskin Regards Kim Lykke Pedersen E-Mail:kimp@s... Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 685 Re: klaus schulze. RusterD@a... Fri 2/7/1997 2 KB 689 Re: klaus schulze. Michael Richard Fri 2/7/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 4:13 am Subject: Epsilon at Echodisc Really-From: Rich Maggio Someone mentioned the web site of Echodisc as a place to get a copy of Epsilon in Malaysian Pale. I placed an order and I was told that they sold out of this CD quite a while ago. They need to have their web site updated. Bummer! So, if anyone else out there has any ideas of getting this CD from there, you are out of luck. The search continues..... Rich Maggio From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 4:33 am Subject: Re: Ed's guitar Really-From: Rich Maggio I don't understand this comparison of Gilmour and Froese. I am a very big fan of David Gilmour and to me, they are totally different guitar styles. Yes, Gilmour isn't into the flying guitar notes - he is more interested in melody and subtle touches. But Gilmour is a guitar player - and he does it excellently. This is not to say that Froese's guitar playing is bad - it is just that he is not a true guitar player. When I first heard some Forese guitar, it was obvious to me that this was someone that was playing guitar as a second instrument. Froese's guitar sounds like what Gilmour's keyboard playing probably sounds like. I'm sure Gilmour could hold his own on a keyboard - but that is not his 'first' instrument. The only similarity between the two styles, as I see it, is that they are very unique and identifiable with artist. From there, I think it is a stretch to say their styles are similar. To carry this one step further, I think that Jerome plays pretty poor guitar. He has a few good licks - but they are pretty standard and there isn't much in there that is imaginative. It is almost like filler. He plays the effects, not the guitar. Take away his fuzz box, and he is lost. Personally, I don't like guitar players like that. I admire people like Gilmour that can really play the instrument and are not crippled by a lack of tons of distortion. Anyway, that's my 2 cents worth. Rich Maggio From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 3:58 am Subject: Re: Ed's guitar Really-From: Mark Filipak On Thu, 6 Feb 1997 09:29:25 -0800, Peter Isaacson wrote: > > On the subject of Edgar's influences on/in his guitar style. > Don't ferget to toss in a little of Jimi Hendrix. When I first saw TD > in '86 I was struck by Edgar's infamous 'Ghost Of Hendrix' style of > playing. Nobody could scream an axe like Jimi, but Edgar certainly > comes close. -snip- I only (!) saw Hendrix once, at Aaron Russo's Electric Theater in Chicago (yes, I'm ancient). I've always been a Hendix fan, but have not read about him or his various techniques. What I _saw_ Jimi do (I must confess that I was pretty spaced out at the time) was crank the gain way, way up and turn his guitar to various small monitor speakers scattered stategically around the stage to get feedback that he more or less 'controlled' using his hand on the stings and fretboard -- sometimes it would be very spacy-harmonious, sometimes, earshattering. Is _that_ what Edgar did/does? Pending confirmation, I may believe that is the case, but I _still_ don't see much correlation between Edgar's style and Jimi's. To my mind, Jimi was much more blues oriented while Edgar is closer to metal. -- Mark (Curious but skeptical) From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 7:56 am Subject: Brain Catalog Number System Really-From: Mark Filipak Hello all. Just a little off-topic so I'll be brief. My recollection is that Brain's original issues had olive green labels and '60 xxx' catalog numbers while the reissues had colorful labels and '0060 xxx' catalog numbers. Can anyone confirm this? Assuming my recollection is correct, if there is an album , 'Aqua' for instance, that is known to have a catalog number of '0060 404', can I _assume_ there was also an original issue numbered '06 404'? Thanks -- Mark Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 684 Brain Catalog Number System Mark Filipak Fri 2/7/1997 2 KB 694 Re: Brain Catalog Number System Plumer, Scott Fri 2/7/1997 2 KB 928 Re: Brain Catalog Number System PNaunton@a... Sun 2/16/1997 2 KB 930 Re: Brain Catalog Number System Mark Filipak Sun 2/16/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 8:03 am Subject: Brain Catalog Number System Really-From: Mark Filipak Sorry, that last line should have read: original issue numbered '60 404'? Please reply privately. Thanks -- Mark From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 9:28 am Subject: Re: klaus schulze. Really-From: RusterD@a... In einer eMail vom 07.02.97 05:04:35, schreiben Sie: << Could someone review or give me some information on these cd's of Klaus Schulze: 1.irrlicht. 2.cyborg. 3.dziekuje 4.picture music 5.moondawn 6.body love 7.body love 2 8.x 9.dune 10.dig it 11.miditerranean pads blue 13.babel tangerine dream: 1.rumpelstiltskin Regards Kim Lykke Pedersen >> Hey, visit Klaus Schulze's official Website and you know much more...... Its there: Greetings Dirk From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 9:30 am Subject: can't find XXX-CD? Really-From: RusterD@a... Hallo! What's the problerm for finding stuff from Tangerine Dream and related bands? Visit GEMM ( or CD NOW ( ) and you can find nearly anything!!!!!!!!!!!!! Greetings Dirk From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 5:21 pm Subject: Re: tadream-digest V15 #827 Really-From: ashok prema AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! Sorry guys & gals!! My message about BOOORRRING Digest info was no tdeliberately meant to COPY all the previous Digest!! (Not much point as much of it was pointless!) Apologies for the inconvenience!!!! Ash Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 688 Re: tadream-digest V15 #827 ashok prema Fri 2/7/1997 39 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 5:15 pm Subject: Re: tadream-digest V15 #827 Really-From: ashok prema At 02:04 07/02/97 -0600, you wrote: > >tadream-digest Friday, 7 February 1997 Volume 15 : Number 827 > > >froese vs. gilmour ????? >Re: froese vs. gilmour ????? >Re: Tangram/Green Desert Cassettes >Re: Tangram/Green Desert Cassettes >World Without Rules video >Re: World Without Rules video >Re: World Without Rules video >GRADWOOL 'RIFF' ON TYRANNY OF BEAUTY >Yippeeee >Re: froese vs. gilmour ????? >Re: World Without Rules video >Re: World Without Rules video >Re: World Without Rules video >Re: World Without Rules video >TD: More members than Spinal Tap? >The Lowdown on THE NIGHTCRAWLERS (322 lines long) >Non-TDers it's Kosher to Talk About >haslinger >Re: TD: More members than Spinal Tap? >Re: Ed's guitar >klaus schulze. >Epsilon at Echodisc >Re: Ed's guitar >Re: Ed's guitar > >---------------------------------------------------------------------- > >From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 10:47:44 GMT >Subject: > >Really-From: 'FINDLAY B.J. BSC.ENG.' > >can you delete me from your mailing list, as the network manager is >giving me hell > >please > >thankyou > >------------------------------ > >From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 11:08:42 GMT >Subject: froese vs. gilmour ????? > >Really-From: Armin Theissen > >> >>>Here's an interesting question to ponder: whose guitar style would you >>>compare Edgar's to? >> >>Piece o' cake: David Gilmour >> >>-B. Kirby >> > >I know Pink Floyd only up to 'The Wall' and had some glimpse into >The Division Bell: Pink Floyd became sooo boring to me, just like >Tangerine Dream if they would have listened to their fans (''why or >why don't you do some more music like the Baumann or Schmoelling >aera blablabla). > >So if I compare David Gilmour's guitar - from what I know - with >Froese on 'Coldwater Canyon' or 'Hamlet', then I can't really find >any similarity. > >Armin > > >------------------------------ > >From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 09:36:46 -0500 >Subject: Re: froese vs. gilmour ????? > >Really-From: Brian_Kirby@p... > >>So if I compare David Gilmour's guitar - from what I know - with >>Froese on 'Coldwater Canyon' or 'Hamlet', then I can't really find >>any similarity. > >>Armin > >Not to belabour this point or anything, but since Edgar has freely stated Pink >Floyd to be an early influence, I don't believe I'm really making any great leap >here. Both men are more concerned with colour than sheer manual dexterity. I >think one only need compare 'Electric Lion' or 'Green Desert' to such Floyd cuts >as 'Money' or 'Sorrow' to see my point. > >Of course, the Hendrix influence is just as prevalent. And we've got the cover >of 'Purple Haze' to prove it. > >- -B. Kirby > >------------------------------ > >From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 10:09:17 -0500 (EST) >Subject: Re: Tangram/Green Desert Cassettes > >Really-From: TWeibre361@a... > >In a message dated 97-02-06 01:08:06 EST, you write: > ><< When you say 'two mesas' am I to assume that you have seen the > rock outcroppings in the original cover art and that these 'two mesas' > are different? -- that they are not the desert scene with two rock > outcroppings, one in the foreground right and a much larger one in the > distance, slightly left? Are these 'two mesas' on the horizon as they > might be seen from a distance? Thanks, and sorry to be such a nudge. -- > Mark >> > >they are not really 'outcroppings' in a random sense...they are table shaped >rock formations...and , the position is reversed...i.e, the larger one on the >left, the smaller one on the right in the background...and no, they arent on >the horizon...they are right there, as if you were looking down at them.... > >tom w > >np: (still) new order - spooky remixes > >------------------------------ > >From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 10:09:40 -0500 (EST) >Subject: Re: Tangram/Green Desert Cassettes > >Really-From: TWeibre361@a... > >In a message dated 97-02-06 00:58:55 EST, you write: > ><< Well Tom! Here's your big chance to make a contribution to posterity! > Yes, it's me -- the discog-man. And I'll bet you know what comes next. > > Tom, would you be ever so kind as to provide this info for all the > cassettes you have. I ask because there is very little info on cassette > issues. >> > >ok...ill spend maybe the weekend doing guys will have to decide >for yourselves however, how the cover compares to other format releases... > >tom w > >np: new order - spooky remixes > >------------------------------ > >From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 11:16:47 -0500 (EST) >Subject: World Without Rules video > >Really-From: Gabe Yedid > >has anybody seen the video for the title cut of _World Without Rules_? > >comments? and what is the difference between the U.S. and Euro versions? > >Gabe > > >------------------------------ > >From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 11:52:46 -0500 (EST) >Subject: Re: World Without Rules video > >Really-From: Claude Roy > >At 11:16 97-02-06 -0500, you wrote: >>Really-From: Gabe Yedid >> >> >>has anybody seen the video for the title cut of _World Without Rules_? >> >>comments? and what is the difference between the U.S. and Euro versions? >> >>Gabe >> >> > >Hi Gabe, > >Where did you saw this? This is a great piece of music. Paul made a video? >Where? Where? > > > >____________________________________ >Claude Roy >e-mail: >Longueuil >P.Q. Canada >e-mail: > >____________________________________ > > >------------------------------ > >From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 11:56:18 -0600 >Subject: Re: World Without Rules video > >Really-From: David Datta > >In article <5dd33f$6nd$1@n...> you wrote: >: Really-From: Gabe Yedid >: has anybody seen the video for the title cut of _World Without Rules_? > >Haven't seen it. > >: comments? and what is the difference between the U.S. and Euro versions? > >The US version has computer animated nipples covered. > >------------------------------ > >From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 13:16:45 PST >Subject: GRADWOOL 'RIFF' ON TYRANNY OF BEAUTY > >Really-From: mdm@j... > >DOES IT JUST BOTHER ME OR HAVE OTHERS NOTICED. DURING THE GERALD GRADWOOL >LEAD GUITAR SOLO ON TYRANNY OF BEAUTY, AT 3:30 TO 3:35 INTO THE TRACK, >GRADWOOL GOES INTO A HEAVY POWER CORD GUITAR RIFF. HE THEN REPEATS THIS >RIFF FOR EMPHASIS, THEN APPEARS TO HAVE A MENTAL LAPSE AS THIS BLAZE OF >GUITAR FIZZLES. LATER HE PICKS IT UP AND CONCLUDES EXCELLENTLY. IT JUST >SEEMS TO ME THAT THE RIFF UNDER DISCUSSION SHOULD HAVE BEEN REPEATED A >THIRD TIME, CARRYING HIM RIGHT INTO THE REST OF THE SOLO. I CAN'T HELP >BUT BRING THIS UP BECAUSE EVERYTIME I GET TO THAT POINT IN THE SONG IT >APPEARS TO FALTER. > >PLAY IT LOUD! >RAVEN > >------------------------------ > >From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >Date: Thu, 06 Feb 1997 10:36:12 -0800 >Subject: Yippeeee > >Really-From: 'Maxwell A. Croy' > >Hola Dreamers, >I am so excited. I finally found a place to talk to people about one >of the greatest bands of ALL TIME. I have spent countless hours >spacing to tangerine dream. >I'm new so don't flame me but I want to know about bootlegs. Mainly >from the Virgin years. Can anybody gimme some info about them? >Later, >Maxwell (Up In The Sky) > >------------------------------ > >From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 14:50:19 +0100 (MET) >Subject: Re: froese vs. gilmour ????? > >Really-From: Rainer Rutka > >On Thu, 6 Feb 1997, tadream mailing list wrote: > >> Really-From: Armin Theissen >> >> >> > >> >>Here's an interesting question to ponder: whose guitar style would you >> >>compare Edgar's to? >> > >> >Piece o' cake: David Gilmour >> > >> >-B. Kirby >> > >> >> I know Pink Floyd only up to 'The Wall' and had some glimpse into >> The Division Bell: Pink Floyd became sooo boring to me, just like >> Tangerine Dream if they would have listened to their fans (''why or >> why don't you do some more music like the Baumann or Schmoelling >> aera blablabla). >> >> So if I compare David Gilmour's guitar - from what I know - with >> Froese on 'Coldwater Canyon' or 'Hamlet', then I can't really find >> any similarity. >> >> Armin >> >RIGHT ! > >I think Edgar guitar style is more like the style of Steve Hackett >(post-Genesis time). Just hear 'Spectral mornings' . > > > Rainer Rutka > > >------------------------------ > >From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 14:04:31 -0500 (EST) >Subject: Re: World Without Rules video > >Really-From: sean > >> : comments? and what is the difference between the U.S. and Euro versions? >> >> The US version has computer animated nipples covered. > > >But wait...lemme guess....they threw in a car chase and gratuitous >gunplay instead? Hee hee! > > >Sean Montgomery 3D ANIMATOR > > >'Humour is truth, only faster' > > > >------------------------------ > >From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 14:16:53 -0500 (EST) >Subject: Re: World Without Rules video > >Really-From: Gabe Yedid > >On Thu, 6 Feb 1997, tadream mailing list wrote: > >> Really-From: Claude Roy >> >> Hi Gabe, >> >> Where did you saw this? This is a great piece of music. Paul made a video? > >Um, the video? I haven't seen it. I know it is being broadcast on an >MTV show called 'AMP' (they do ambient/tribal/global), but I don't know >if MuchMusic or MusiquePlus get that too. I avoid watching them as much >as possible--I'm convinced I lose brain cells every time I do watch them. > >As for the video, the Euro version is supposed to be a little more >'X-rated' than the US version. > >> ____________________________________ >> Claude Roy > >Gabe > > >------------------------------ > >From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 14:19:28 -0500 (EST) >Subject: Re: World Without Rules video > >Really-From: Gabe Yedid > >On Thu, 6 Feb 1997, tadream mailing list wrote: > >> Really-From: David Datta >> : comments? and what is the difference between the U.S. and Euro versions? >> >> The US version has computer animated nipples covered. >> >What? That's it? (Wotta buncha prudes :P) > >Gabe > >------------------------------ > >From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >Date: Thu, 06 Feb 1997 13:48:05 -0600 >Subject: Re: World Without Rules video > >Really-From: Mike Osborne > >tadream mailing list wrote: >> >> Really-From: Gabe Yedid >> >> On Thu, 6 Feb 1997, tadream mailing list wrote: >> >> > Really-From: Claude Roy >> > >> > Hi Gabe, >> > >> > Where did you saw this? This is a great piece of music. Paul made a video? >> >> Um, the video? I haven't seen it. I know it is being broadcast on an >> MTV show called 'AMP' (they do ambient/tribal/global), but I don't know >> if MuchMusic or MusiquePlus get that too. I avoid watching them as much >> as possible--I'm convinced I lose brain cells every time I do watch them. >> >> As for the video, the Euro version is supposed to be a little more >> 'X-rated' than the US version. >> >> > ____________________________________ >> > Claude Roy >> >> Gabe >Video? Haven't even heard of this one. Does anyone know where I can get >the Euro ver.? The only videos I've been able to find are Three Phase >and Canyon Dreams. Thnx in advance. Mike > >------------------------------ > >From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 16:28:00 -0500 >Subject: TD: More members than Spinal Tap? > >Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' > >37 people have been in Spinal Tap over the years, and TD has had quite a >few as well. I made a list of everyone who's been in the band, in one >way or another. It numbers 35 people. Not quite as many as Tap, but >close. > >Akhbar, Al >Baumann, Peter >Bruehne, Joachim >Dennebourg, Udo >Franke, Chris >Fricke, Florian >Froese, Edgar >Froese, Jerome >Gradwool, Gerald >Grumbcow, Jochen von >Hapshash, Lanse >Haslinger, Paul >Herkenberg, Kurt >Hoenig, Michael >Hombach, Volker > Hornby, Mark >Johnson, Sven >Joliffe, Steve >Krieger, Klaus >Leuwen, Steve >Luecke, Johannes >Paulyck, Roland >Perica, Zlatko >Prince, Charly >Schmoelling, Johannes >Schnitzler, Conrad >Schroyder, Steve >Schulze, Klaus >Smith, Jocelyn >Spa, Linda >Torry, Clare >Turner, Nik >Vallbracht, Christian >Wadephul, Ralf >Wheeler, Paul > >------------------------------ > >From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >Date: Thu, 06 Feb 97 17:18:40 EST >Subject: The Lowdown on THE NIGHTCRAWLERS (322 lines long) > >Really-From: Steven Feldman > >Sigh, > I realize that the following lengthy post will probably annoy some, >but seeing as it will probably do more good than otherwise, here it is. >I asked if anyone had objections to my posting it to the list or if it >could be archived in the list's archives, but since I got no answer, >here it is . . . in all its glory: (I don't feel too bad about posting >this because I received private e-mails from four different people >requesting the info--and the last time I posted it was two years ago.) > > -- Steven Feldman and > >+ + + + + + + > >[Original]-Date: Sat, 16 Oct 93 18:18:55 EDT >[Re-Sent: Wed, 05 Feb 97 17:41:34 EST] > From: Steven Feldman > Subject: THE LOWDOWN ON THE NIGHTCRAWLERS > To: Tangerine Dream Digest > >Dear Folks, > This post has been a long time in coming. Two times I listened to >all of the Nightcrawlers' output back-to-back in an attempt to write a >comprehensive review on them for Electronic Dreams' DREAMS WORD fanzine, >but it never happened. I feel this lengthy post belongs on this list >because the Nightcrawlers have more to do with Tangerine Dream than >Klaus Schulze does (musically, at least), if you ask me. > As for connections to Brian Eno . . . MIDWINTER DAYDREAM, SHADOWLESS >VEIL, FORBIDDEN MONASTERY, EVENING REPOSE, 2031 A.D., and CYBERSUN 231 >are reminiscent of both THE SHUTOV ASSEMBLY and the Misha Mahlin & Lydia >Theremin piece, 'For Her Atoms,' on MUSIC FOR FILMS, VOLUME III. > > -- Steven Feldman >+ + + + + + + > >>Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1993 15:44:57 -0600 (CST) >>From: Thomas Beuthe >>Subject: Re: Nightcrawlers... >>To: AR402004@B... >> >>I'm finally getting around to thinking about buying some >>of their material, and I was wondering what you would recommend >>for starters. I guess I'm looking for the 'best of' their output >>to start with so I can see if I like them! > > Funny you should ask, because I was just about to post some info >on these guys to emdreams. In short, though, my personal faves are the >cassettes MIDWINTER DAYDREAM, SHADOWLESS VEIL, FORBIDDEN MONASTERY, >EVENING REPOSE, 2031 A.D., CYBERSUN 231, SPACEWALK, SPACE RITUAL I, THE >LARGO TREE, and PARTICLE MIST; and the LP SHADOWS OF LIGHT. > >>Another reason I suppose it the fact that they have put out so much >>that it's hard to know just where to start! > > So true! Here, then, is a list of what the Nightcrawlers currently >(as of 8/24/92--which is the last time I heard from Nightcrawlers head >honcho Peter Gulch--anyways) have for sale, along with both the band's >description and my own capsule-assessments. First, though, let me say >that the Nightcrawlers are a three-man band. The members are Peter and >Tom Gulch, and Dave Lunt. > > AVAILABLE NIGHTCRAWLERS RELEASES (10/22/93): > [KEY: title, year, number of tracks, length of cassette blank, blurb] > > The majority of these tapes are available in the USA for $4.00 each >postpaid. Buy any four tapes and get one free. An amazing bargain! To >order, contact: Peter Gulch; 1493 Greenwood Avenue; Camden, NJ 08103-2929 > >CRYPTOSPHERE (1980) 2, C48 Lost in a misty labyrinth at dusk >Review: By 'Goricon,' an earlier line-up of the band. Side 1 is spacey, >like the sound effects in a 1960s sci-fi show. Side two has acoustic >piano over a drone and a synthetic vocal murmur. Good. > >PLANETARY EXPEDITION (1980) 4, C48 Four-part interstellar adventure >Review: 'Phase II' is great, like the music to 'Forbidden Planet' (movie) > >THE FALLEN SPARROW (1980) 2, C62 Meditative free-from collage >Review: Like slower Tangerine Dream circa 1971-73, with violin on side 2. >Good. > >HALLUCINATORY EXECUTIONS (1981) 8, C62 Six chapter nightmare vision >Review: Horror-movie creepiness (no slashing violin shrieks or suchlike). >Good. > >POLTERGEISTS (1981) 5, C48 Five impressions of the elfin underworld >Review: The band's 1st sequencered release. Side 1 is sorta Klaus >Schulze-ish. So-so. > >SYNTHIMANIA (1981) 8, C62 8 varied aural tonescapes >Review: All tracks are sequencered with solos. Not so great. > >SYSTEMA NATURAE (1982) 6, C48 Portrayal of the living earth systems >Review: Side 1 is generator-like; side 2 has sequencer with solo and is >somehwat Klaus Schulze-like. Not so great. > >HORS D'OEUVRES (1982) 4, C62 Sampling of various aural palettes >Review: Good solos over evocative tones. Fairly good. > >NARCOLEPSIS (1982) 2, C48 Waves for the alpha and beta state >Review: Side 1 is especially good, structured space. Fairly good/Good. > >MIDWINTER DAYDREAM (1982) 4, C46 Mental wandering through a snowstorm >Review: Spooky drone. One of the best if you like ambience/atmospherics. > >TANZWUT (1982) 4, C46 Four multifaceted dancing tone clusters >Review: Side 1 is a mixed bag (so-so); side 2 has lots of sequencer and a >Klaus Schulze-like interlude (over-long; the 1st LP remakes, shortens and >improves this side-long track). All told, not too great. > >SHADOWLESS VEIL (1983) 2, C48 Ethereal drifting through spacetime >Review: Spacey with etherel solos. One of the best. > >SUBLIMINAL SAILING (1983) C48 Streams of consciousness >[I Haven't heard this yet] > >FORBIDDEN MONASTERY (1983) 2, C62 Two-part invocation of spirits >Review: Side 1 is great space; side 2 is space with a solo. Very good. > >SPRING HOLIDAY (1983) 2, C46 Two works of evolutionary complexity >Review: Side 1 is like Wavestar's 'Voyager;' side 2 has a boring solo >over sequencer (remade better on 1st LP). Not so hot. > >EVENING REPOSE (1983) 2, C46 Asleep in a meadow full of crickets >Review: Side 1 is like Tangerine Dream's RUBYCON with crickets underneath >and side 2 is great space. A must. . . . especially for Eno fans. > >TRANSLUMINANCE (1983) 2, C62 Contrasting images of light and dark >Review: Side 1 has bassy sequencer with a solo. Bleh. Side 2 is slow >with no perks to speak of. So-so, but almost a downer. > >CRYSTAL LOOPS (1983) 2, C26 Twinkling interplay of ice particles >Review: Both sides have sequencer with a solo. Each side is fairly good, >but the cumulative effect renders it merely fair. > >NIGHTCRAWLERS (1984) 4, C48 Cassette version of 1st LP >Review: Fairly good or fairly bad, depending on your mood. Similar to >Tangerine Dream's 1971-1977 work in feel if not execution or sound. > >2031 A.D. (1984) 2, C62 Floating journeys into the future of time >Review: Side 1 is brilliant evocative space; side 2 is loose space. Good >but not like side 1. Overall, one of the best . . . but ephemeral. > >SPACE SHUTTLE (1984) 2, C46 Music for repairing space vehicles >Review: Side 1 has pleasant sequencers; side 2 has sequencer and space. >So-so. > >OMBRA (1984) 2, C74 Pathways into other dimensional realities >Review: Side 1 is sequencer with hyper, repetitive solo; side 2 has >multiple sequencers & a fast solo in its 2nd half. The beginning of side >2 is the 2nd track on the 2nd LP. Almost a chore to get through; lengthy > >NIGHTWALK (1984) 2, C48 Twilight excursions into wild forests >Review: Side 1 is interesting space; side 2 is similar to Tangerine Dream >track 'Logos, Pt. I' minus guitar and is great. Pretty good, overall. > >CYBERSUN 231 (1984) 2, C48 Time warping into distant galaxies >Review: Side 1 is good semi-experimental space; side 2 is great space. >Interesting, atypical stuff: almost unique. A favorite of mine. > >SPACEWALK (1985) 4, C62 Cassette version of 2nd LP >Review: Side 1 is very professional and terrific. Side 2 is a lengthy >extended space voyage that ultimately proves taxing if you listen too >intently. Overall, a very good offering, though. Get it for side 1. > >SPACE RITUAL I (1986) 2, C62 Live concert sets from an ancient church >Review: aka SPACE RITUAL AT ST. MARY'S. Side 1 is psychedelic, while >side 2 has hot guitar. Both sides have guest (guitarist) Darren Kearns >(who recorded an excellent solo LP called OPTIMAL BEING). Great Stuff. > >THE LARGO TREE (1986) 4, C74 Interceptions of signals from space >Review: The middle of side 1 is great; side 2 has an evocative solo over >a wash, then an excellent inverse of Tangerine Dream's HYPERBOREA title >track, and then a lame title cut. Good overall, despite the dips. > >PARTICLE MIST (1986) 2, C62 Modern particle physics at its best >Review: Side 1 starts off great, but builds to nowhere; side 2 is good >(and is appropriated on the 1st 3rd of side 2 of the 3rd LP). Good. > >ENERGY TRANSFER (1988) C48 Contrasting energy patterns >[I Haven't heard this yet] > >ALONE AFTER DARK (1988) C74 Solo Anthology >[Haven't heard this yet] > > OTHER NIGHTCRAWLERS ITEMS OF INTEREST: > [Please note that CHOP'N'HOP, MEMORY BUBBLES, STELLAR--TUNNEL, > and SPACE RITUAL II are available, but the master tapes have > glitches in them, and hence their withdrawal from the list.] > >CHOP'N'HOP (1984) 2, C26 [deleted tape] >Review: Side 1 is sequencer with a solo. Feh. Side 2 has a repetitive >sequencer but a nice solo on top. So-so. > >MEMORY BUBBLES (1984) 2, C26 [deleted tape] >Review: Side 1 has innocuous sequencer and a solo; side 2 has a fairly >aggressive solo over sequencer and is good. Fairly good. > >STELLAR--TUNNEL (1985) 2, C30 [deleted tape] >Review: Not by the Nightcrawlers, but by Peter Gulch and a Canadian named >Steve Brenner. One could say that side 1 is Tangerine Dream's RICOCHET- >meets-Klaus Schulze's TRANCEFER! The other side is very good also. > >SOMNILITY (1985) 2, C38 Tom Gulch solo album [write & ask about this] >Review: Side 1 is great, and side 2 is very good. More like actual songs >than just side-long sequencer'n'soloing. Like SHADOWS OF LIGHT, this is >more professional and 'normal' than most Nightcrawler's releases. > >SPACE RITUAL II (1986) 3, C80 [never offered on a list; features Xisle] >Review: Side 1 has Xisle and the Nightcrawlers together. This is a long >tape with only about 7 (admittedly great) memorable minutes at the end. > >SHADOWS OF LIGHT (1987) 2, LP runs 47:58 $7.00; on vinyl only, for now >Review: Terrific stuff. Buy this! Here is a list of the instruments on >this dynamite LP> Oberheim: Matrix 12, Matrix 6, 2 Expanders; Korg: Poly >800, SQD-1, DW-8000; Casio: CZ-101, CZ-5000; Yamaha: DX-21; Sequential: >Prophet VS; Crumar: DS-2; Ensoniq: ESQ-1, DSk-1; Roland: Super Jupiter, >JP-6, JX-8P, MSQ-100, TR-707, MKB-1000, SRV-2000. A real must-have. > >FLOATING PREMONITIONS (1989) 2, C30 Peter Gulch solo tape >Review: Fair-to-Good. No comments one way or the other other than that. > >BARRIERS (1991) 12, two-C60s $15.00; 2 chrome tapes in 4.5' x 5.5' box >Review: More professionally recorded than most everything else they've >done (excepting SHADOWS OF LIGHT), but not all that interesting. > >| Here, now, is stuff written on a Nightcrawlers cassette list I have >|from late 1992: > > The Nightcrawlers (Peter Gulch, Tom Gulch and Dave Lunt) have been >experimenting with synthesizers and space music since 1980 and continue >to do so today. Drawing on works by the influential pioneers of the >genre (Klaus Schulze and Tangerine Dream), The Nightcrawlers have >produced a wealth of music both live and in the studio. Dreams, >nightmares, time travel, signals from space, interstellar travel and >portrayals of our own living earth are inspirations for the trio. > > The above cassettes are live, real time recordings made over open >air microphones on location, or at the Nightcrawlers' studio. They are >one-to-one copies from the master tape. All cassettes are $4.00 U.S. >Postage and handling are included. A limited quantity of the >Nightcrawlers' 3rd LP, SHADOWS OF LIGHT, are still available at $7.00 >each. Please note: foreign correspondents please add $1.00 per item for >postage and handling. Payment in U.S. funds is appreciated. Buy any >four tapes and get one of your choice free. Recordings are available by >mail. Contact: Peter Gulch; 1493 Greenwood Avenue; Camden, NJ 08103-2929 > >| And now, here, is an excerpt from a snail mail letter Peter Gulch >|sent me, dated November 2, 1987: > > First of all I would like to explain briefly about the sound >quality on the tapes. You are not the first person to object to the >overall sound quality on the tapes. You are absolutely correct. The >sound is deficient in many ways. Every single one of the live tapes was >recorded on a portable cassette deck and it has built in limiters which >can't handle the total energy of the raw live sound. So every time we >get powerful or bassy, the limiters would cut in and trim the volume >down. We probably will not be using that particular deck anymore since >it is broken. > My philosophy with the tapes was: 'Did they for the most part sound >listenable?' If they did, I put them out. They are not studio tapes >and are not up to that quality. Why? Our original emphasis as a group >was not on recording but on playing music together live. At the time, >we didn't really plan on releasing any tapes for anybody to listen to. >When we got more serious about recording, we started to do albums. Then >the sound quality was infinitely better. The huge tradeoff is that to >get superior sound quality on a tape also takes inifinitely more time. >We just didn't have it. So in the earlier days (up to last year) we >ignored doing studio work. > In the future, since we are always being criticized for sound >quality on the cassette-only releases, we have decided to go in the >direction of the studio only. This will probably mean that we may do one >cassette a year. So this will probably mean no more cassettes, only >albums. > On to another subject. I am aware that in Germany and Europe >someone is bootlegging all of our tapes. That is okay. At least people >will know about us. > We have just received the reference lacquer for the third LP, which >means that on the current schedule, we should have the album out in >January 1988. We took a long time with this album to get good sound >quality. It took almost 14 months, working on and off when we could. I >think that you'll like it. > >| Finally, here is the most recent note I got from Peter Gulch (dated >|8/24/92), when I received the BARRIERS double-cassette set: > > This is probably the last Nightcrawlers work. Dave got married and >is raising a family. Tom has osteoporosis of the spinal cord and is not >doing well. There were no other NC tapes or anything since SHADOWS OF >LIGHT. So you missed nothing. > I am still active as Synbion and work with Xisle. I think the NC's >are dead as a group. BARRIERS was our last jam together. But who knows. > >| Well, there you have it, folks. The lowdown on my favorite group >|after Tangerine Dream. I love Brian Eno's work dearly, but my love for >|weird sounds and atmospheres is better sated through the Nightcrawlers >|by virtue of their sheer output alone. >+ + + + + + + >ADDENDUM; NOTE FROM FEBRUARY 5, 1996 -- > A few added comments: I have listened to the last Nightcrawlers >(double-)cassette, BARRIERS, a few more times and have changed my mind >about it. It is better than I had first thought. Also, those who like >Klaus Schulze a lot (I'm not among them) will probably like these guys >even more than me in a lot of cases. > A valuable tip: pick up the CD called REGENERATION MODE, by a >pair going by the handle 'Van Zyl and Gulch.' This is Chuck Van Zyl >and Peter D. Gulch collaborating at peak form, and it was released >domestically in the USA on Chuck 'n' Pete's own indy label, Synkronos. >It's available via Eurock, Backroads, Mike Garrison, Of Sound Mind, >Minnette Music, and others. Go out of your way to get this! :) :) > >Steven Feldman -- 33 Brook Street, Apt. 3, Brookline, MA 02146; INTERNET: > BITNET: DREAMS WORD: >Electronic Dreams, POB 42385, Portland, OR 97242. The Nightcrawlers, c/o >Peter D. Gulch -- 1493 Greenwood Avenue, Camden, NJ 08103-2929. PERSONAL >FAVES: Tangerine Dream, Nightcrawlers, Ozrics, Jonn Serrie, Robert Carty. >+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ >OUT TO PROVE THAT 'THE KEEP' SOUNDTRACK WAS RELEASED TEMPORARILY IN 1984. >+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ > >------------------------------ > >From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >Date: Thu, 06 Feb 97 17:36:06 EST >Subject: Non-TDers it's Kosher to Talk About > >Really-From: Steven Feldman > >>Subject: TD: More members than Spinal Tap? >>From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >>Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 16:28:00 -0500 >>Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' >> >>[. . .] I made a list of everyone who's been in the band [TD], in one >>way or another. [. . .] > >[. . .] >>Fricke, Florian >[. . .] > > This means we can discuss Popol Vuh on this list. > >[. . .] >>Turner, Nik >[. . .] > > And this means we can discuss Hawkwind on this list. ;) I admit, >though, I don't recall Turner contributing anything to any TD albums. >Care to identify the contribution? > > -- Steven Feldman and > > >------------------------------ > >From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 19:22:14 -0500 (EST) >Subject: haslinger > >Really-From: ljones@h... (Lars Jones) > >those of you looking for haslinger's WWR or FP, you can find them at >Backroads music in calif. 8007674748 (24hour orders) or 415-924-4848 fax >415-924-0648 email: backroad@w...; > >they also have an excellent supply of legit td and related/solo recordings >(eg franke, schulze. froese, hoenig, jolliffe, lightwave, schmoelling (songs >no words and wuivend reit) etc. > >their service is prompt too! > >lars > > >------------------------------ > >From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >Date: Thu, 06 Feb 1997 16:25:50 -0800 >Subject: Re: TD: More members than Spinal Tap? > >Really-From: Mark Filipak > >tadream mailing list wrote: >> >> Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' >> >> 37 people have been in Spinal Tap over the years, and TD has had quite a >> few as well. I made a list of everyone who's been in the band, in one >> way or another. It numbers 35 people. Not quite as many as Tap, but >> close. >> > >Gee Scott. Do you really think that being a guest musician on a track >or two for one album qualifies someone as 'part of the band'? > >- -- Mark > >------------------------------ > >From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 09:29:25 -0800 >Subject: Re: Ed's guitar > >Really-From: PENFOLD > >- --=====================_855250078==_ >Content-Type: text/plain; charset='us-ascii' > > > On the subject of Edgar's influences on/in his guitar style. Don't >ferget to toss in a little of Jimi Hendrix. When I first saw TD in '86 I >was struck by Edgar's infamous 'Ghost Of Hendrix' style of playing. Nobody >could scream an axe like Jimi, but Edgar certainly comes close. > > > > > >- --=====================_855250078==_ >Content-Type: text/plain; charset='us-ascii' > >'The world of music is something on its own. It's absolutely dust-free, clear, and clean. Music is one of the most neutral things on earth. It symbolizes the 'highest frequency' of all art forms in its abstract, neutral >manner.' - Edgar Froese > >- --=====================_855250078==_ >Content-Type: text/plain; charset='us-ascii' > > >/^\ > | pete > | penfold@a... > | > | > | >YA .semi.random.sig.quote > >- --=====================_855250078==_-- > > >------------------------------ > >From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 09:10:05 +-100 >Subject: klaus schulze. > >Really-From: Kim Lykke Pedersen > >Could someone review or give me some information on these cd's of Klaus Schulze: > >1.irrlicht. >2.cyborg. >3.dziekuje >4.picture music >5.moondawn >6.body love >7.body love 2 >8.x >9.dune >10.dig it >11.miditerranean pads > blue >13.babel >tangerine dream: >1.rumpelstiltskin > >Regards Kim Lykke Pedersen > >E-Mail:kimp@s... > > > > >------------------------------ > >From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >Date: Thu, 06 Feb 1997 23:13:10 -0500 >Subject: Epsilon at Echodisc > >Really-From: Rich Maggio > >Someone mentioned the web site of Echodisc as a place to get >a copy of Epsilon in Malaysian Pale. I placed an order and >I was told that they sold out of this CD quite a while ago. >They need to have their web site updated. Bummer! > >So, if anyone else out there has any ideas of getting this CD >from there, you are out of luck. > >The search continues..... > >Rich Maggio > > >------------------------------ > >From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >Date: Thu, 06 Feb 1997 23:33:34 -0500 >Subject: Re: Ed's guitar > >Really-From: Rich Maggio > >I don't understand this comparison of Gilmour and Froese. I am >a very big fan of David Gilmour and to me, >they are totally different guitar styles. Yes, Gilmour isn't >into the flying guitar notes - he is more interested in melody >and subtle touches. But Gilmour is a guitar player - and he does >it excellently. This is not to say that Froese's guitar playing is >bad - it is just that he is not a true guitar player. > >When I first heard some Forese guitar, it was obvious to me >that this was someone that was playing guitar as a second >instrument. Froese's guitar sounds like what Gilmour's keyboard >playing probably sounds like. I'm sure Gilmour could hold his >own on a keyboard - but that is not his 'first' instrument. > >The only similarity between the two styles, as I see it, is >that they are very unique and identifiable with artist. From >there, I think it is a stretch to say their styles are similar. > >To carry this one step further, I think that Jerome plays pretty >poor guitar. He has a few good licks - but they are pretty >standard and there isn't much in there that is imaginative. >It is almost like filler. He plays the effects, not the guitar. >Take away his fuzz box, and he is lost. Personally, I don't like >guitar players like that. I admire people like Gilmour that can >really play the instrument and are not crippled by a lack of tons of >distortion. > >Anyway, that's my 2 cents worth. > >Rich Maggio > > >------------------------------ > >From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >Date: Thu, 06 Feb 1997 19:58:25 -0800 >Subject: Re: Ed's guitar > >Really-From: Mark Filipak > >On Thu, 6 Feb 1997 09:29:25 -0800, Peter Isaacson >wrote: >> >> On the subject of Edgar's influences on/in his guitar style. >> Don't ferget to toss in a little of Jimi Hendrix. When I first saw TD >> in '86 I was struck by Edgar's infamous 'Ghost Of Hendrix' style of >> playing. Nobody could scream an axe like Jimi, but Edgar certainly >> comes close. > >- -snip- > >I only (!) saw Hendrix once, at Aaron Russo's Electric Theater in >Chicago (yes, I'm ancient). I've always been a Hendix fan, but have not >read about him or his various techniques. What I _saw_ Jimi do (I must >confess that I was pretty spaced out at the time) was crank the gain >way, way up and turn his guitar to various small monitor speakers >scattered stategically around the stage to get feedback that he more or >less 'controlled' using his hand on the stings and fretboard -- >sometimes it would be very spacy-harmonious, sometimes, earshattering. >Is _that_ what Edgar did/does? Pending confirmation, I may believe that >is the case, but I _still_ don't see much correlation between Edgar's >style and Jimi's. To my mind, Jimi was much more blues oriented while >Edgar is closer to metal. -- Mark (Curious but skeptical) > > > > > This Digest is getting to so BOOOOOOOORRRRRING!!!!!! Ash From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 11:41 am Subject: Re: klaus schulze. Really-From: Michael Richard Hi! >5.moondawn Excellent! This is the greatest album i've heard from any electronic music i've heard. Two songs of about 25 minutes, the same synthesizer riff, a real good drummer and some synthesizer sounds. It seems quite simple, but it's really good! >6.body love >7.body love 2 Not so bad. Personally, i don't like body love, but i like body love vol. 2. It sounds a bit like moondawn, but no as good as moondawn. See ya! :) Michael (: (\__/) (..) _) Michael Richard - michael_richard@i... /\/\ ( BBS La Jungle : (819) 533-3520 (m__m)_) From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 12:45 pm Subject: Re: World Without Rules video Really-From: TWeibre361@a... In a message dated 97-02-06 11:20:27 EST, you write: << has anybody seen the video for the title cut of _World Without Rules_? >> this is in heavy rotation on mtvs amp fact, it was broadcast last week, so it will be repeated on friday (actually sat) 2/7 at 2am...its pretty decent... tom w np: plug - drum 'n' bass for papa From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 12:47 pm Subject: spinal tap; haslinger cds Really-From: ljones@h... (Lars Jones) >Subject: TD: More members than Spinal Tap? >Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' >37 people have been in Spinal Tap over the years, and TD has had quite a >few as well. Scott, Thanks for the great list. Eventually some anal list member is bound to point out that most of these are guest/studio musicians rather than full-fledged members of the band; you know that, I know that so I won't be _anal_ and say it. Anyway my point is that you forgot a couple: Ross, Diamond Virgil, Jacquie (they sung vocals on shy people) Any other additions anyone?????! lars (who wishes his name were on this list too!) Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 695 Re: spinal tap; haslinger cds Plumer, Scott Fri 2/7/1997 2 KB 698 Re: spinal tap; haslinger cds Plumer, Scott Fri 2/7/1997 3 KB 709 Re: spinal tap; haslinger cds dbrewer@a... Fri 2/7/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 1:15 pm Subject: RE: Non-TDers it's Kosher to Talk About Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' >>Turner, Nik > And this means we can discuss Hawkwind on this list. ;) I admit, >though, I don't recall Turner contributing anything to any TD albums. >Care to identify the contribution? He was briefly a member before EM was recorded. Ditto with most of those others you've never heard of. Scott From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 1:17 pm Subject: Re: TD: More members than Spinal Tap? Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' >> 37 people have been in Spinal Tap over the years, and TD has had quite a >> few as well. I made a list of everyone who's been in the band, in one >> way or another. It numbers 35 people. Not quite as many as Tap, but >> close. > >Gee Scott. Do you really think that being a guest musician on a track >or two for one album qualifies someone as 'part of the band'? They were as much a part of TD's sound on that particular album as any of the other band members, IMHO. WHat would Yellowstone Park be without Clare Torry? Tyger be without Jocelyn Smith? Cyclone without Steve Joliffe? Scott From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 1:19 pm Subject: RE: Brain Catalog Number System Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' >Hello all. Just a little off-topic so I'll be brief. My recollection >is that Brain's original issues had olive green labels and '60 xxx' >catalog numbers while the reissues had colorful labels and '0060 xxx' >catalog numbers. Can anyone confirm this? Assuming my recollection is >correct, if there is an album , 'Aqua' for instance, that is known to >have a catalog number of '0060 404', can I _assume_ there was also an >original issue numbered '06 404'? Thanks -- Mark I posted a lengthy article from Progression not long ago all about the history of Brain, Ohr and Metronome. Want me to re-post it? Scott From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 1:23 pm Subject: RE: spinal tap; haslinger cds Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' >Thanks for the great list. Eventually some anal list member is bound to >point out that most of these are guest/studio musicians rather than >full-fledged members of the band; you know that, I know that so I won't be >_anal_ and say it. Anyway my point is that you forgot a couple: >Ross, Diamond >Virgil, Jacquie My point was more to kinda have a lught at TD's expense, since they've gone through so many lineup changes. But I though of a few more. Can't remember the names at the moment: vocallist on Zen Garden and trumpeter on Bois de Boulogne. That brings it to 39! More than Spinal Tap! Ross MacLochness and Ronnie Pudding would be proud. Scott From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 9:23 pm Subject: more members than Spinal Tap Really-From: Armin Theissen >>Subject: TD: More members than Spinal Tap? >>Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' >>37 people have been in Spinal Tap over the years, and TD has had quite a >>few as well. >[...] >Ross, Diamond >Virgil, Jacquie >(they sung vocals on shy people) > >Any other additions anyone?????! > >lars (who wishes his name were on this list too!) > me and my cousin Bruno. We're the guys talking all the time on the Aachen 21.Jan.1981 fantape ;) Armin From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 2:59 pm Subject: THIEF SBM Really-From: Michael A Jean I passed on buying this disc while visiting it has turned up in a local shop...Are the differences in quality substantial enough to make it worth the investment? ANy comments are welcome... Mike J Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 702 Re: THIEF SBM Mark Filipak Fri 2/7/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 3:00 pm Subject: RE: spinal tap; haslinger cds Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' >>Thanks for the great list. Eventually some anal list member is bound to >>point out that most of these are guest/studio musicians rather than >>full-fledged members of the band; you know that, I know that so I won't be >>_anal_ and say it. Anyway my point is that you forgot a couple: >>Ross, Diamond >>Virgil, Jacquie >My point was more to kinda have a lught at TD's expense, since they've >gone through so many lineup changes. But I though of a few more. Can't >remember the names at the moment: vocallist on Zen Garden and trumpeter >on Bois de Boulogne. That brings it to 39! More than Spinal Tap! Ross >MacLochness and Ronnie Pudding would be proud. I thought of another! Can't remember the name, though: Vocallist on Kiew Mission. Scott From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 10:09 pm Subject: members... Really-From: Armin Theissen >>> I thought of another! Can't remember the name, though: Vocallist on Kiew Mission. Scott >>>> what about all the people singing and playing for the mellotron and samplers???? armin Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 701 Re: members... Mark Filipak Fri 2/7/1997 2 KB 703 Re: members... Plumer, Scott Fri 2/7/1997 2 KB 704 Re: members... Vincent Goudreault Fri 2/7/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 3:11 pm Subject: D: Next week Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' Turn of the Tides Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 1870 D: Next week Plumer, Scott Fri 3/14/1997 2 KB 2020 D: Next week Plumer, Scott Fri 3/21/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 4:02 pm Subject: Re: members... Really-From: Mark Filipak tadream mailing list wrote: > > Really-From: Armin Theissen > > >>> > I thought of another! Can't remember the name, though: Vocallist on Kiew > Mission. > > Scott > >>>> > > what about all the people singing and playing for the mellotron > and samplers???? > > armin What about the engineers? And what about the roadies? If it wasn't for them, there wouldn't have been any shows. -- Mark From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 3:57 pm Subject: Re: THIEF SBM Really-From: Mark Filipak tadream mailing list wrote: > > Really-From: Michael A Jean > > I passed on buying this disc while visiting it has > turned up in a local shop...Are the differences in quality > substantial enough to make it worth the investment? ANy comments > are welcome... > > Mike J I haven't heard any other issue of 'Thief' other than what I have, TAND12, the Virgin SBM. But based on what I have heard, and based upon the terrific job that Chop em Out did remastering Tangram (I have the original and the SBM) and the quality of the other TANDs that Chop em Out have done, my answer is 'yes.' But you should check out Pastel Blue's price on the net before you buy. Regards. -- Mark From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 4:38 pm Subject: Re: members... Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' >> what about all the people singing and playing for the mellotron >> and samplers???? > They probably don't have the slightest idea where their music was ever used. >What about the engineers? And what about the roadies? If it wasn't for >them, there wouldn't have been any shows. -- Mark I think we're getting a little ridiculous here. Whomever those other people were, it wouldn't have made much of a difference in the sound of their music. Scott From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 4:40 pm Subject: Re: members... Really-From: 'Vincent Goudreault' On Feb 7, 8:02am, tadream mailing list wrote: > Subject: Re: members... > Really-From: Mark Filipak > > > tadream mailing list wrote: > > > > Really-From: Armin Theissen > > > > >>> > > I thought of another! Can't remember the name, though: Vocallist on Kiew > > Mission. > > > > Scott > > >>>> > > > > what about all the people singing and playing for the mellotron > > and samplers???? > > > > armin > > > What about the engineers? And what about the roadies? If it wasn't for > them, there wouldn't have been any shows. -- Mark What about all the audience cheering during the live shows recording? ;-) But I'll stop there. This is getting vaguely ridiculous... C.B. Vincent Goudreault online since early 93, TD fan since 77 first exposure: Stratosfear, fave albums: Rubycon/Ricochet From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 5:22 pm Subject: Censoring nipples For as 'progressive' as the US tries to put itself, you still can't show the naked female breast (which they do in Europe) but one of the most ludicrous censorship is in the underarm deodorant commercials, you can't show the *armpit*. (Hell, in the old TV show 'I Dream Of Jeannie' during the entire run of the show, Barbara Eden was never allowed to show her belly button!) But on the subject of censor bars on nipples.....Does anybody remember the REM video for _Pop_Song_'89_? Michael Stipe, clad only in harlequin pants is shown with three other ladies clad in the same outfit. To cock a snook at the censors, black censor bars were placed over *all* visible nipples, including Mr Stipes'! Bad command or file name. You have 2 wishes left. /^\ | pete | penfold@a... | | | YA .semi.random.sig.quote Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 710 Re: Censoring nipples Plumer, Scott Fri 2/7/1997 3 KB 712 Re: Censoring nipples sean Fri 2/7/1997 3 KB 714 Re: Censoring nipples Anthony G. Francis, Jr. Fri 2/7/1997 4 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 10:30 pm Subject: Re: Ed's guitar/Jerome's guitar Really-From: Dennis Nigbur On Thu, 06 Feb 1997 23:33:34 -0500 tadream mailing list wrote: >Really-From: Rich Maggio > > >I don't understand this comparison of Gilmour and Froese. I am >a very big fan of David Gilmour and to me, >they are totally different guitar styles. Yes, Gilmour isn't >into the flying guitar notes - he is more interested in melody >and subtle touches. But Gilmour is a guitar player - and he does >it excellently. This is not to say that Froese's guitar playing is >bad - it is just that he is not a true guitar player. Well, he started off as a guitar player with The Ones, didn't he? Actually, as far as I know, he only got into synthesisers after Franke and Baumann had been interested in them for quite a while before that. The electronic means employed on the pre-Franke and pre-Baumann works were certainly not Froese's instruments of choice. >To carry this one step further, I think that Jerome plays pretty >poor guitar. He has a few good licks - but they are pretty >standard and there isn't much in there that is imaginative. >It is almost like filler. He plays the effects, not the guitar. >Take away his fuzz box, and he is lost. Personally, I don't like >guitar players like that. I admire people like Gilmour that can >really play the instrument and are not crippled by a lack of tons of >distortion. > >Anyway, that's my 2 cents worth. > >Rich Maggio Frankly, I'm glad they finally reduced their use of roaring beginning-to-end guitars on Goblin's Club. It's not just that they began to sound rather standard after Rockoon, it's also because you can't really appreciate the rest of the composition because you can hardly even hear it! I wonder if the change in attitude about guitars has come about by integrating Linda into the composition process (who is, after all, the only non-guitar player in the current line-up). Dennis From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sat Feb 8, 1997 12:45 am Subject: censored covers (off topic) Really-From: Armin Theissen (off-topic) > >For as 'progressive' as the US tries to put itself, you still can't show >the naked female breast (which they do in Europe) but one of the most >ludicrous censorship is in the underarm deodorant commercials, you can't >show the *armpit*. (Hell, in the old TV show 'I Dream Of Jeannie' during >the entire run of the show, Barbara Eden was never allowed to show her >belly button!) > But on the subject of censor bars on nipples.....Does anybody >remember the REM video for _Pop_Song_'89_? Michael Stipe, clad only in >harlequin pants is shown with three other ladies clad in the same outfit. >To cock a snook at the censors, black censor bars were placed over *all* >visible nipples, including Mr Stipes'! > > I had to laugh when I heard that in the US they censored the cover of the Black Crowes' 'Amorica'. armin From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 6:18 pm Subject: Ed's guitar Really-From: odean@m... (spidey) >>I think Edgar guitar style is more like the style of Steve Hackett (post-Genesis time). Just hear 'Spectral mornings' .<< Oscar From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 6:27 pm Subject: Re: spinal tap; haslinger cds Really-From: dbrewer@a... > Quoted From: ljones@h... (Lars Jones) > > > Anyway my point is that you forgot a couple: > > Ross, Diamond > Virgil, Jacquie > (they sung vocals on shy people) > > Any other additions anyone?????! > > lars (who wishes his name were on this list too!) What about Michael Bishop, who sang on the version of Shy People on the Prayer of Quiet Dreams boot? (I'm not sure where this version originally came from... the movie end credits perhaps?) Also, what about the female vocalist on Zen Garden (the name eludes me...I know, I should know it if I were a true fan! :-) ). Dave Brewer From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 7:00 pm Subject: RE: Censoring nipples Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' >For as 'progressive' as the US tries to put itself, you still can't show >the naked female breast (which they do in Europe) but one of the most >ludicrous censorship is in the underarm deodorant commercials, you can't >show the *armpit*. (Hell, in the old TV show 'I Dream Of Jeannie' during >the entire run of the show, Barbara Eden was never allowed to show her >belly button!) Actually, you CAN show all the nipples you want, including those belonging to women. Legally! The networks censor themselves after 8 p.m. Before that time, you run the risk of presenting adult matter to minors. The reason they don't show nudity after 8 is that they believe no one would want to run commercials during shows with nudity, lest the rabid right-wingers accuse them of supporting pornography on TV. The American Family Association (which, IMHO, is anti-American and anti-family) has repeastedly boycotted companies that sponsor shows they don't like. NYPD Blue, for example. Europeans, to their credit, have learned to change the channel when they see something they don't like, but we Americans must write a letter or organize a boycott. One of the great paradoxes of us Yanks is that we're titillated by the promise of sex, but offended by the actual depiction of it. The price of a free society,I suppose. Of course, we don't have government-imposed censorship on stories of a political nature, like almost every nation in Europe does. . . Scott Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 712 Re: Censoring nipples sean Fri 2/7/1997 3 KB 714 Re: Censoring nipples Anthony G. Francis, Jr. Fri 2/7/1997 4 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 7:23 pm Subject: List info. Really-From: 'Maxwell A. Croy' Hello, Does anyone know how I can get just a digest format of all the messages instead of seperate e-mails? Thanx, Maxwell (Cool as Ice Cream) From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 7:57 pm Subject: RE: Censoring nipples Really-From: sean You may be interested to know that a woman here in Toronto, Canada recently won a case in court in which she argued for the right to go topless in public. Of course, with our weather here, not many have taken advantage of the judge's ruling. > One of the great paradoxes of us Yanks is that we're titillated by the > promise of sex, but offended by the actual depiction of it. The price of > a free society,I suppose. More likely the result of America's puritan roots. I'm constantly amazed how persistent certain behaviours can be in a nation's psychology, even as it absorbs waves and waves of immigration from elsewhere. And of course, as you point out, the threat of boycotts scares off advertisers from running ads during controversial shows. > Of course, we don't have government-imposed censorship on stories of a > political nature, like almost every nation in Europe does. . . Oh no? You'd be surprised how much information that the American government suppresses, in conjunction with a compliant media. A media which is largely owned by military contractors that have no wish to annoy their sugar daddies at the Pentagon. But we're getting off-topic here, aren't we? Sean Montgomery 3D ANIMATOR 'Humour is truth, only faster' Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 714 Re: Censoring nipples Anthony G. Francis, Jr. Fri 2/7/1997 4 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sat Feb 8, 1997 3:04 am Subject: Porno Really-From: dhughes@g... (David J. Hughes) Hi all, >Many years ago, during the obligatory 'porno and video nasties' stage that >I suppose most adolescent males go through in the age of the VCR, What's this 'most adolescents' bit? Does this mean I'm too old to watch a mucky vid? >It had a really terrific synthesiser soundtrack composed by, if I recall >correctly, one John Harrison. I saw one such video not long ago and it too had a good synth soundtrack in the vein of 80's TD : the 'Canyon Dreams'/'Miracle Mile' era. The film was called 'Night Trips' or 'Night Games' or similar (the picture was a bit grainy) and the soundtrack was by a composer identified only as 'Burk'. The story, such as it was, concerned experiments to determine what was causing Miss Tori Wells such unpleasant nightmares. Answers on a postcard please... Anyway, who is 'Burk'? Has he/she written anything else? Is this actually Jerome moonlighting? How do you write a score to a porno movie? Do you work to the visuals or do they cut the visuals to your tune? Anyone willing to admit to knowing something about this? Normal service will be resumed tomorrow... Cheers David np : 'Dark Side of the Moog Part V' : superb... Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 723 Re: Porno Harri Ikonen Sun 2/9/1997 3 KB 750 Re: Porno Plumer, Scott Mon 2/10/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 9:43 pm Subject: Re: Censoring nipples Really-From: centaur@c... (Anthony G. Francis, Jr.) > > Of course, we don't have government-imposed censorship on stories of a > > political nature, like almost every nation in Europe does. . . > > Oh no? You'd be surprised how much information that the American > government suppresses, in conjunction with a compliant media. A media > which is largely owned by military contractors that have no wish to annoy > their sugar daddies at the Pentagon. Please don't start this. The first claim may be true in some respects, but it's guaranteed to cheese off every list member from Europe. The second claim is almost completely confabulated (to the point that it's hard to even begin to say how many things are wrong with it) but that's mostly for effect and contains enough grains of truth to annoy everyone in the States. Neither statement appears to have any TD content. > But we're getting off-topic here, aren't we? > Sean Montgomery 3D ANIMATOR Duh. But with all the 'I can't believe Yank prudishness' comments (from both sides of the pond, as I recall, so no blame assignment here) that the list was trading quite blithely earlier, I think it was only a matter of time before we started pushing people's hot buttons. OB-TD: Anyone heard the band _Lanterna_? Some of their material reminds me of the more 'traditional music' parts of _Force Majeure_; others are completely their own style, which varies from mellow e-music influenced rock to experimental sonic stuff. Anyone know whether they have released more than one album? I've had such bad luck finding 'TD-like' bands; it'd be a pity if this was their only release. -Anthony -- Anthony G. Francis, Jr. | cen.taur \'*)r\ n AI/Cognitive Science Group | [ME, fr. L Centaurus, fr. Gk Kentauros] College of Computing | 1: one of a race fabled to be half man Georgia Institute of Technology | and half horse and to dwell in the Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0280 | mountains of Thessaly. Phone: (404) 894-5612 | 2: nickname for this AI grad student Net: centaur@c... - From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Fri Feb 7, 1997 11:21 pm Subject: purplehaze/froese vs. gilmour ????? Really-From: 'teiwaz barana' Dreamers Really-From: Brian_Kirby@p... >Of course, the Hendrix influence is just as prevalent. And we've got >the cover of 'Purple Haze' to prove it. Doesn't Zlatko Perica play the guitar on that track? --TB --------------------------------------------------------- Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at --------------------------------------------------------- Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 717 Re: purplehaze/froese vs. gilmour ????? Christian von_Toerne Sat 2/8/1997 2 KB 720 Re: purplehaze/froese vs. gilmour ????? Mark Jones Sat 2/8/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sat Feb 8, 1997 5:43 am Subject: td-like bands Really-From: Amatodo@a... in response to a previous post regarding the difficulty in finding td like bands. i recommend everyone checkout ozric tentacles. if you have heard them, you can smile now. if not, check them out. there live shows are absolute madness. i don't know the name of their guitarist, but he wins the poll on edgaresque guitar style. back to your normally scheduled program....jeff Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 724 Re: td-like bands Steve Bell Sun 2/9/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sat Feb 8, 1997 9:59 am Subject: Re: purplehaze/froese vs. gilmour ????? Really-From: Christian von_Toerne > > Really-From: 'teiwaz barana' > > > Dreamers > > Really-From: Brian_Kirby@p... > > >Of course, the Hendrix influence is just as prevalent. And we've got >the > cover of 'Purple Haze' to prove it. > > Doesn't Zlatko Perica play the guitar on that track? Yup, he does. > > --TB > > > --------------------------------------------------------- > Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at > --------------------------------------------------------- > Chris Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 720 Re: purplehaze/froese vs. gilmour ????? Mark Jones Sat 2/8/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sat Feb 8, 1997 5:43 pm Subject: Really-From: 'Eduardo Nava D.C. (525) 230-2700' unsubscribe From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sat Feb 8, 1997 5:34 pm Subject: pushing the hot buttons/non TD Really-From: ljones@h... (Lars Jones) >Subject: Censoring nipples >Really-From: PENFOLD >For as 'progressive' as the US tries to put itself, you still can't show >the naked female breast (which they do in Europe) but one of the most >ludicrous censorship is in the underarm deodorant commercials, you can't >show the *armpit*. (Hell, in the old TV show 'I Dream Of Jeannie' during [...] >Really-From: Armin Theissen >I had to laugh when I heard that in the US they censored the >cover of the Black Crowes' 'Amorica'. Pete & Armin et al., At the risk of starting another transoceanic virtual nuke war (Ash, would that excite you?) like that of last August, please let me point out a few things 1) first of all, the issue is censorship v. self-censorship (scott said this too). MTV is probably the most censorious network on TV (ie: prohibiting the word 'fire' from ever being spoken again on Beavis and Butthead) that is because it is so fearful of any criticism/bad PR that might cut its advertising profits. Not only that but they are stupid, inane, greedy, etc. (in short the Evil Empire of the music biz). You'd be suprised at what other channels show; I've seen plenty of nipples on regular cable broadcasts. There are about 4 levels of cable TV here a) regular broadcasts where unfortunately you won't see nipples primarily because of self-censorship & NOT because the government says you can't; b) regular cable of which MTV is a cable station just like many other stations which do ocassionally show nipples and 'naughty bits' c) scrambled premium channels like HBO, etc. which can show real sex scenes including nipples (witness HBO's series 'real sex'); d) scrambled pay-per-view premium services like playboy or spice which although they might say they 'simulated' sex actually show the real thing (but not in the xxx-rated version). 2) I'm not really sure what you mean when you say 'For as 'progressive' as the US tries to put itself', do you mean the government? the people (do we actually walk around [your country] saying 'we're so progressive, phooey on you!'), or do you mean corporate entities through advertising, or do you mean something else? your point isn't clear here and tends toward the offensive. Is being 'progressive' something bad? Doesn't almost every country want to be seen as 'progressive.' Is progressive just another word for 'being able to show nipples on the tube' or is it something else? Let me read between the lines here: I think you mean 'we' say we're constitutionally progressive, that is, we have a bill of rights which guarantees freedom of speech but 'can't' show nipples. First of all, having a constitutional amendment (the first!) that guarantees freedom of speech IS very progressive--how many other countries REALLY have an amendment like this? there is still government censorship all over Europe and Asia. Just because these goverment censorship offices are more lenient about tits and ass on TV has little to do with being constitutionally progressive. Sure, there are a lot of right-wing 'prudes' in government and in business here and the result of this is fear of loss of income and a form of self-censorship which appears to be governmental censorship; these people are not, however, the majority of us nor do they represent all of us 3) please don't judge us (residents and citizens of the US) by what MTV does or does not do. MTV does not equal the US or its population in any way, shape or form. It is merely one of millions of cultural products of this country. It is one, however, over which us residents and citizens have little or no control (except to watch or not to watch; me, I very very rarely watch it) but which, sadly, gets exported in bits and pieces throughout the world. >> Of course, we don't have government-imposed censorship on stories of a >> political nature, like almost every nation in Europe does. . . >Sean Montgomery 3D ANIMATOR >Oh no? You'd be surprised how much information that the American >government suppresses, in conjunction with a compliant media. A media >which is largely owned by military contractors that have no wish to annoy >their sugar daddies at the Pentagon. But we're getting off-topic here, >aren't we? Having working in the newsmedia for over 5 years myself, I have to say that this is pure unadulterated paranoid bullshit. Beyond the 'compliant newsmedia' (then why are they so busy publicizing and creating all those scandals that continuously bring down those in power? why do so many go up against large corporations--including government contractors--and win?) this issue of a media 'owned by military contractors' suggests you've been watching and reading too many UFO-conspiracy books/films; free your mind, don't bind it. If you think you know them, list those media outlets owned by government contractors! Here, let me leave you same space to reply: [] This point is so ridiculous that it is not worth further comment. I'm sure most of you probably intended your comments, on one level, as a joke and I don't mean to start/continue a flame war or to insult you but I think the issue could be clarified a bit so that inaccurate and potentially offensive stereotypes are not used. Why use a shotgun (or a howitzer for that matter) when a needle will do the trick? to translate: why insult all of us in the US when your target is MTV, the music biz, the radical political right? lars From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sat Feb 8, 1997 7:27 pm Subject: Re: purplehaze/froese vs. gilmour ????? Really-From: Mark Jones On Sat, 8 Feb 1997, tadream mailing list wrote: > Really-From: Christian von_Toerne > > > > > > Really-From: 'teiwaz barana' > > > > > > Dreamers > > > > Really-From: Brian_Kirby@p... > > > > >Of course, the Hendrix influence is just as prevalent. And we've got >the > > cover of 'Purple Haze' to prove it. > > > > Doesn't Zlatko Perica play the guitar on that track? > > Yup, he does. Hi. This is interesting ... TD did 'Purple Haze' as an encore at the Scottsdale AZ show back in 1992 and Edgar had center stage for that. Or am I misremembering? Anyone else there who can clue me in? Reply to:> mjones@j... ********************************** From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sat Feb 8, 1997 7:57 pm Subject: Whoa there. (Let's keep this stuff on-topic...) Really-From: David Datta Okay folks, it's moved waaay off the tadream topic. Please stop with the censorship discussion. There are plenty of other forums for that discussion. -Dave From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sun Feb 9, 1997 4:27 pm Subject: Re: tadream-digest V15 #829 Really-From: ashok prema > > >------------------------------ > >From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >Date: Sat, 8 Feb 1997 13:57:36 -0600 >Subject: Whoa there. (Let's keep this stuff on-topic...) > >Really-From: David Datta > >Okay folks, it's moved waaay off the tadream topic. Please stop >with the censorship discussion. There are plenty of other >forums for that discussion. > >- -Dave > >------------------------------ > My feeling precisely! - good job the refs' stepped in - I was tempted to ask some questions on how to repair some electrical problems I'm having on my car!! Ash Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 730 Re: tadream-digest V15 #829 AslanFan1@a... Sun 2/9/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sun Feb 9, 1997 12:06 pm Subject: Re: Porno Really-From: 'Harri Ikonen' > Really-From: dhughes@g... (David J. Hughes) > > Anyway, who is 'Burk'? Has he/she written anything else? Is this actually > Jerome moonlighting? How do you write a score to a porno movie? Do you work > to the visuals or do they cut the visuals to your tune? Anyone willing to > admit to knowing something about this? As far as I've noticed, there isn't any special way to do that as I've even seen two x-rated movies featuring Tangerine Dream music! The first one contained a nicely looped version of 'Grind' from the Sorcerer soundtrack and the second was a Ginger Lynn compilation tape in which remixed versions of 'Exit' and 'Love on a Real Train' were heard. However, the strangest thing is that in both movies the music was credited to a totally unknown artist, not TD! I wonder if Edgar & co. know about this.... -- Harri Ikonen hikonen@m... From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Dec 31, 1969 10:59 pm Subject: Re: td-like bands Really-From: Steve Bell >Subject: td-like bands >Sent: 8/2/97 6:43 am >Received: 9/2/97 10:56 am >From: tadream mailing list, tadream@c... >To: tadream@c... > >Really-From: Amatodo@a... > > >in response to a previous post regarding the difficulty in finding td like >bands. i recommend everyone checkout ozric tentacles. if you have heard >them, you can smile now. if not, check them out. there live shows are >absolute madness. i don't know the name of their guitarist, but he wins the >poll on edgaresque guitar style. back to your normally scheduled >program....jeff Looks like we are suffering a Tange famine as everyone searches for wannabe,s. As someone who is also suffering a shortage of good material I,ve been looking around and the best so far for me is stuff from Ian Boddy and Andy Pickford. Checkout their 1995 offering called Symbiont. Nice. Also, and I,m not in the record trading biz just a customer, can I suggest giving my EM record dealer a call? Specialises in EM and can be reached on 0114 2864889 ( UK number ). The name is Synth Music Direct and are based in West Yorkshire UK. What appeals to me is that they produce synth sampler CD's every few weeks which allows us to sort through the dance crap and find the best material. A lot cheaper than paying full price for some unknown bedroom Casio Tange lookalike. steve bell steve@s... From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sun Feb 9, 1997 3:57 pm Subject: Bands In the Tangerine Dream Tradition Really-From: Jeff Kortsch Although no act (in this segment) has yet to approach TD for both length of catalog and diversity, there are acts that get close (and have learned a few things from the masters). One that I enjoy are Waveshape from Germany. They approach their music in kind of a early 1980's TD meets a mid-1970's Klaus Schulze. They have 4 CDs out and I have the last three. Very enjoyable but hard to get a copy of. They are currently signed to Cue Records in the Netherlands - a label that looks like they have a good selection of bands they want to compare to TD. Visit Cue Records at If you live in Europe, ordering might not be too expensive. From the US, that is a different story. I ordered Waveshapes' 'Zyklus' from the Laser's Edge. Jeff Dreams are what you make of them... Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 727 Re: Bands In the Tangerine Dream Tradition TheSmitter@a... Sun 2/9/1997 2 KB 731 Re: Bands In the Tangerine Dream Tradition TheSmitter@a... Sun 2/9/1997 2 KB 782 Re: Bands In the Tangerine Dream Tradition Thomas Fanger Tue 2/11/1997 7 KB 786 Re: Bands In the Tangerine Dream Tradition Plumer, Scott Tue 2/11/1997 2 KB 792 Eduardo Nava. 91(84) 16-80-20 Tue 2/11/1997 2 KB 826 Re: Bands In the Tangerine Dream Tradition Jeff Kortsch Thu 2/13/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sun Feb 9, 1997 3:45 pm Subject: Firestarter - Flashpoint Really-From: PERREAULT JOCELYN Hi! Just want to know wich album was release the first in 1984. Thanks, Jo Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 734 Re: Firestarter - Flashpoint Vic Rek Mon 2/10/1997 2 KB 747 Re: Firestarter - Flashpoint Plumer, Scott Mon 2/10/1997 2 KB 759 Re: Firestarter - Flashpoint Mark Filipak Mon 2/10/1997 2 KB 780 Re: Firestarter - Flashpoint Plumer, Scott Tue 2/11/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sun Feb 9, 1997 3:45 pm Subject: Re: Bands In the Tangerine Dream Tradition Really-From: TheSmitter@a... I like them also. For anyone in the U.S., you can order through Windspell 1-800-597-WIND. Try to find their first, Sigma, it's also very good. I was a little disappointed in their latest, Wellenformen. But it seems I read that the material was actually recorded prior to Sigma (making it their first) but I might be wrong about that. Sorry for the non-TD content. Larry << One that I enjoy are Waveshape from Germany. They approach their music in kind of a early 1980's TD meets a mid-1970's Klaus Schulze. They have 4 CDs out and I have the last three. Very enjoyable but hard to get a copy of. They are currently signed to Cue Records in the Netherlands - a label that looks like they have a good selection of bands they want to compare to TD. >> From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Dec 10, 1996 4:15 am Subject: SV: Wacky midi files Really-From: Kim Lykke Pedersen ---------- Fra: tadream mailing list[SMTP:tadream@c...] Sendt: 3. februar 1997 10:52 Til: tadream@c... Emne: Wacky midi files Really-From: G.K.Naughton@i... >Hello all, Recently I've had access to a marvellous composing program called _Band in a Box_, which maybe some people have heard of or used. Anyway, you specify a chord sequence and a melody and the program obligingly generates an entire arrangement in whatever style you choose. This naturally inspired 'Wouldn't it be funny if...' thoughts, so I decided to jazz up some TD pieces and run them through the program. The results tickled me pink and the midi files are listed below, together with the styles of the pieces: Monolight (Jazz) The Big Sleep in Search of Hades (Reggae) Dolphin Dance (Reggae) Streethawk (Country) White Eagle (Bossa Nova) The Jogger (Country) Now you may think that these are nothing more than gimmicks...and you'd be right. But they're *great* fun. If anyone wants them, e-mail me. And there most certainly will be loads more to follow. Small things and small minds etc. How about some Klaus Schulze next? Hmm - The cha-cha-cha< can you e-mail them to me? kim pedersen E-mail: kimp@s... From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sun Feb 9, 1997 7:59 pm Subject: Re: SV: Wacky midi files Really-From: Gabe Yedid On Sun, 2 Feb 1997, tadream mailing list wrote: (Glynn's fiddlings with Band In A Box and TD tunes snipped) hey Glynn, will the program be able to do a heavy metal arrangement of 'Bent Cold Sidewalk'? ;) Gabe btw, how big are these files, and what kind of software is needed to play them? (I'm interested in hearing them) From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sun Feb 9, 1997 9:01 pm Subject: Re: tadream-digest V15 #829 Really-From: AslanFan1@a... Okay folks, it's moved waaay off the tadream topic. Please stop with the censorship discussion. There are plenty of other forums for that discussion. AMEN! Let's talk about what this list is about, please. From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sun Feb 9, 1997 7:28 pm Subject: Re: Bands In the Tangerine Dream Tradition Really-From: TheSmitter@a... I like them also. For anyone in the U.S., you can order through Windspell 1-800-597-WIND. Try to find their first, Sigma, it's also very good. I was a little disappointed in their latest, Wellenformen. But it seems I read that the material was actually recorded prior to Sigma (making it their first) but I might be wrong about that. Sorry for the non-TD content. Larry << One that I enjoy are Waveshape from Germany. They approach their music in kind of a early 1980's TD meets a mid-1970's Klaus Schulze. They have 4 CDs out and I have the last three. Very enjoyable but hard to get a copy of. They are currently signed to Cue Records in the Netherlands - a label that looks like they have a good selection of bands they want to compare to TD. >> From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 10, 1997 12:07 am Subject: Mike Oldfield Really-From: Rich Maggio Are there any Mike Oldfield fans on this list? Like others here, I have been searching for other TD like bands. I had heard some things about Mike Oldfield (I think on this list) and decided to try some of his stuff out. It picked up Tubular Bells (which seems to be a classic), Incantations, and Crisis. Tubular Bells is really good, but my favorite of the 3 has to be Incantations. It was originally released as a 2lp set with 4 songs. To compare it to a TD piece, I would have to say Force Majeure. It is not as raw or 'in-your-face' as FM, but there are electric guitars and some good drumming in there. The only vocals are some choral arrangements - which add a really nice touch. I would compare his stuff to Jean Michel Jarre more than TD, but some people compare TD to JMJ also. So, if we follow that logic, you could compare Mike Oldfiled to TD. Mike uses quite a bit of flute on some pieces - which put me in mind of some the of TD from the Peter Baumann era. The similarities between Mike and TD (IMHO) would be the thought to composition and development of the music. He does play keyboards (electronic and otherwise) as well as about every other instrument under the sun. This is one talented fellow! The music is more mainstream than TD - more accessible. But, as a TD fan, I think it is really good stuff. Surpassingly enough, I found his CD's in the pop/rock section. Since his music is so varied, I guess it is hard to classify. Crisis definitely belongs in the Rock section, but Incantations and Tubular Bells I think fit the new age or 'adult/contemporary alternative' (who thinks up these category names anyway!) description better. Just wanted to see if anyone out there agrees with my assessment or has anything to add for those who are in search of other TD like bands/artists. If there are any fans of Oldfield's, I would be interested in finding out about some of his other CD's. He's got a pile of them out. Rich Maggio Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 737 Re: Mike Oldfield TWeibre361@a... Mon 2/10/1997 2 KB 744 Re: Mike Oldfield Vic Rek Mon 2/10/1997 2 KB 748 Re: Mike Oldfield TWeibre361@a... Mon 2/10/1997 2 KB 751 The New Stuff sean Mon 2/10/1997 2 KB 758 Re: The New Stuff Carol Harmond Mon 2/10/1997 3 KB 754 Orb (was Re: Mike Oldfield) Gabe Yedid Mon 2/10/1997 2 KB 767 Re: Mike Oldfield TheSmitter@a... Tue 2/11/1997 2 KB 776 Re: Mike Oldfield Marcel Engels Tue 2/11/1997 2 KB 785 Re: Mike Oldfield Dave Manning Tue 2/11/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Sun Feb 9, 1997 11:40 pm Subject: Happy Day - I found Pinnacles! Really-From: Rich Maggio Well, after attempting to order this through my local CD shop and CD Europe, I finally found a copy in a Tower Records in the area. My 3 month search has finally ended. What a fantastic CD! My favorite song on the CD is definitely Pinnacles. The part that they put on Beyond the Storm is good, but there is so much more to the song. I like the fact that it is 20 min in length, in the TD tradition of album side long pieces. I also snagged a copy of Miracle Mile. I think this is a good CD also. It has the sound of Optical Race. I hesitated in buying it, but I was afraid that I would never see it again, like has happened to me with Epsilon in Malaysian Pale. Now if I can find a copy of Epsilon, I will be VERY happy! Keep dreaming! Rich Maggio NP: Incantations - Mike Oldfield (a purchase of this weekend as well) Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 757 Re: Happy Day - I found Pinnacles! Mark Filipak Mon 2/10/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 10, 1997 12:45 am Subject: Re: Firestarter - Flashpoint Really-From: Vic Rek At 10:45 AM 2/9/97 -0500, you wrote: >Really-From: PERREAULT JOCELYN >> >Hi! > >Just want to know wich album was release the first in 1984. Firestarter - movie release date is May 9, 1984 Flashpoint - movie release date is September 5, 1984 From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 10, 1997 12:45 am Subject: Logotypes + other CD-R types Really-From: Vic Rek A while back I heard mention of the CD-R 'Logotypes.' Can anyone re-post any information on the contents of this CD-R? Also, I'm looking for the following CD-Rs: 1. The Dream is Not Always the Same 2. Dreamtime 3. Fragments (similar to 70/90, but worse???) 4. Transformation (same as Patrolling Spaceborders???) On these, please email me privately about availability at: torque19@m... Vic From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Dec 31, 1969 10:59 pm Subject: RE: porn and porc Really-From: Peter.Stoeferle@t... (peter stoeferle) >>> Harri Ikonen in Tadream Digest V15 #830: >>> As far as I've noticed, there isn't any special way to do that as I've even seen two x-rated movies featuring Tangerine Dream music! Do you know the titles/countries/dates of release of these films? The first one contained a nicely looped version of 'Grind' from the Sorcerer soundtrack and the second was a Ginger Lynn compilation tape in which remixed versions of 'Exit' and 'Love on a Real Train' were heard. >>> However, the strangest thing is that in both movies the music was credited to a totally unknown artist, not TD! I wonder if Edgar & co. know about this.... Probably they don't... even a 'Ninja' film (with music from 'Sorcerer') had been produced without their permit. Peter ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Peter Stoeferle DREAM COLLECTOR magazine eMail: peter.stoeferle@t... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 10, 1997 3:19 pm Subject: Re: Mike Oldfield Really-From: TWeibre361@a... In a message dated 97-02-09 19:15:49 EST, you write: << Just wanted to see if anyone out there agrees with my assessment or has anything to add for those who are in search of other TD like bands/artists. If there are any fans of Oldfield's, I would be interested in finding out about some of his other CD's. He's got a pile of them out. Rich Maggio >> just like tangents or drc, get his box set...the best overview possible...and, i doubt youll b dissappointed....tom w np: brotzman/laswell - low life From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 10, 1997 5:01 pm Subject: rumpelstiltskin Really-From: ljones@h... (Lars Jones) Does anyone know where I could find a copy of rumpelstiltskin? please! BTW on the subject of peripheral music -- I got Haslinger's World Without Rules & Future Primitive since so many of you have been raving about them. They're great! I'd give FP a 4AS+ and WWR a 3AS+ or a 4AS-; obviously FP is my favorite of the two. Really interesting stuff and definitely worth having. Parts remind me a little of Philip Glass but actually much more like what Lucia Hwong (who was influenced heavily by Glass) was doing in the early Private Music days (she is another artist worth listening to, especially her first album 'House of Sleeping Beauties'). ciao! PS one last comment on cens// MESSAGE TEXT DELETED SYSTEM ERROR 102554 ^#@\\_+*~33/> Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 749 Re: rumpelstiltskin Plumer, Scott Mon 2/10/1997 2 KB 753 Re: rumpelstiltskin Vincent Goudreault Mon 2/10/1997 3 KB 761 Re: rumpelstiltskin Vic Rek Tue 2/11/1997 2 KB 766 Re: rumpelstiltskin Kenneth W. Beal Tue 2/11/1997 2 KB 769 rumpelstiltskin Lars Jones Tue 2/11/1997 3 KB 771 Re: rumpelstiltskin David Datta Tue 2/11/1997 2 KB 773 Re: rumpelstiltskin David Datta Tue 2/11/1997 2 KB 6234 rumpelstiltskin Lars R. Jones Fri 8/1/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 10, 1997 2:33 pm Subject: Re[2]: purplehaze/froese vs. gilmour ????? Really-From: Brian_Kirby@p... >Really-From: Mark Jones >On Sat, 8 Feb 1997, tadream mailing list wrote: > Really-From: Christian von_Toerne > > > > > > Really-From: 'teiwaz barana' > > > > > > Dreamers > > > > Really-From: Brian_Kirby@p... > > > > >Of course, the Hendrix influence is just as prevalent. And we've got >the > > cover of 'Purple Haze' to prove it. > > > > Doesn't Zlatko Perica play the guitar on that track? > > Yup, he does. >Hi. This is interesting ... TD did 'Purple Haze' as an encore at the >Scottsdale AZ show back in 1992 and Edgar had center stage for that. Or >am I misremembering? Anyone else there who can clue me in? Errr, actually, who played the song was not quite my point (although it would be neat to get confirmation on the Scottsdale show). I'd be willing to bet a couple nickels that the 'Purple Haze' cover decision was made by one of the Froese's, just like the rest of the set. I get the feeling that Zlatko would have preferred Van Halen's 'Eruption' anyway. ;) -B. Kirby From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 10, 1997 5:19 pm Subject: Goblins Club or Goblins Dream? Really-From: RusterD@a... Hello! I have the Goblins Club bought here in germany, but i've seen in some Online-US-Mailorder-Websites, that they have Goblins Dream. Any difference between these two items? Or only a mistake? Greetings Dirk Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 741 Re: Goblins Club or Goblins Dream? sean Mon 2/10/1997 2 KB 765 Re: Goblins Club or Goblins Dream? Rich Maggio Tue 2/11/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 10, 1997 5:55 pm Subject: Re: Goblins Club or Goblins Dream? Really-From: sean > I have the Goblins Club bought here in germany, but i've seen > in some Online-US-Mailorder-Websites, that they have > Goblins Dream. Any difference between these two items? It's a mistake. I'm seen the missprint 'Goblin's Dream' on two or three mail order CD houses. I'm not sure how that one started! Sean Montgomery 3D ANIMATOR 'Humour is truth, only faster' From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Thu Jan 1, 1970 4:59 am Subject: Firestarter/Flashpoint: And While We're At It... Really-From: Steven Feldman >Subject: Re: Firestarter - Flashpoint >Date: Sun, 9 Feb 1997 19:45:32 -0500 (EST) >From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) >Really-From: Vic Rek THE KEEP - movie release date and LP is prior to May, 1984. ;) >Firestarter - movie release date is May 9, 1984 >Flashpoint - movie release date is September 5, 1984 Steven Feldman -- 33 Brook Street, Apt. 3, Brookline, MA 02146; INTERNET: BITNET: DREAMS WORD: Electronic Dreams, POB 42385, Portland, OR 97242. The Nightcrawlers, c/o Peter D. Gulch -- 1493 Greenwood Avenue, Camden, NJ 08103-2929. PERSONAL FAVES: Tangerine Dream, Nightcrawlers, Ozrics, Jonn Serrie, Robert Carty. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ OUT TO PROVE THAT 'THE KEEP' SOUNDTRACK WAS RELEASED TEMPORARILY IN 1984. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 745 Re: Firestarter/Flashpoint: And While We're At It Vic Rek Mon 2/10/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 10, 1997 6:28 pm Subject: Re: TD: More members than Spinal Tap? Really-From: dalane@b... (Dave Lane) 'Plumer, Scott' wrote: >> Gee Scott. Do you really think that being a guest musician on a track >> or two for one album qualifies someone as 'part of the band'? > They were as much a part of TD's sound on that particular album as any > of the other band members, IMHO. WHat would Yellowstone Park be without > Clare Torry? Tyger be without Jocelyn Smith? Cyclone without Steve > Joliffe? OK, then by the same logic, Eric Clapton was a member of The Beatles. --Dave From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 10, 1997 7:39 pm Subject: Re: Mike Oldfield Really-From: Vic Rek >In a message dated 97-02-09 19:15:49 EST, you write: > ><< Just wanted to see if anyone out there agrees with my > assessment or has anything to add for those who are in > search of other TD like bands/artists. If there are any > fans of Oldfield's, I would be interested in finding out > about some of his other CD's. He's got a pile of them out. > > Rich Maggio >> > >just like tangents or drc, get his box set...the best overview >possible...and, i doubt youll b dissappointed....tom w > I actually was disappointed with this box set, even though the packaging is very nice. As a matter of fact, I'll sell my mint box set cheap. Send me a private e-mail if your interested in the box set. Vic From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 10, 1997 7:47 pm Subject: Re: Firestarter/Flashpoint: And While We're At It... Really-From: Vic Rek >Really-From: Steven Feldman >+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ >OUT TO PROVE THAT 'THE KEEP' SOUNDTRACK WAS RELEASED TEMPORARILY IN 1984. >+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ > >THE KEEP - movie release date and LP is prior to May, 1984. ;) > >>Firestarter - movie release date is May 9, 1984 >>Flashpoint - movie release date is September 5, 1984 > Steve, I've seen you bring this topic up a few times about 'The Keep'. Can you post a summary of your evidence to date? Vic From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 10, 1997 8:21 pm Subject: RE: pushing the hot buttons Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' Stay with me, there's some TD content in here. . . >>Oh no? You'd be surprised how much information that the American >>government suppresses, in conjunction with a compliant media. A media >>which is largely owned by military contractors that have no wish to annoy >>their sugar daddies at the Pentagon. But we're getting off-topic here, >>aren't we? >Having working in the newsmedia for over 5 years myself, I have to say that >this is pure unadulterated paranoid bullshit. Beyond the 'compliant >newsmedia' (then why are they so busy publicizing and creating all those Well, it's not total BS, but it's an oversimplification. General Electric (maker of nuclear reactors, aircraft and missle engines) owns NBC. GE made the reactor at Chernobyl, and after the disaster NBC ran a special glorifying the US nuclear power industry. Westinghouse (another major defense contractor) owns (or did own, they may not now) CBS. If you watched much TV during the Persian Gulf war, there was very little news coverage before or after the fighting began that was critical of the US. Coincidence? I doubt it. Cause and effect? Who knows? But think about it: would an official from GE or Westinghouse come into the newsroom and tell the editors what to run or what not to run? They're probably a little busy for that. More realistically, the editors would be sensitive to stories that might offend their owners, and might shie away from, say, a story about GE grossly overcharging for engine parts for the B-2 bomber. Never reported on the Big Three networks. NPR ran a story about it, then about a month later, after they could find something interesting to look at, CNN did a story on the same thing. The Big Three ignored it. What worries me more about US media is how much newscasters, reporters and others are paid. It's hard to be objective about many stories involving money when you make $100,000 a year. By the same token, it's hard to take singers seriously when they sing about rebellion, the poor, the environment, etc., while they make millions in record deals. If you listen to REM, you'll notice a distinct lack of political songs starting about the time they signed with Warner Brothers. They recently signed the largest recording deal in history. The figures escape me. Which brings me to TD. :-) The lack of big money and major popularity has done little to dampen their pioneering spirit. Say what you will about their recent efforts, it's a damn sight better than the other stuff out there, and they certainly aren't bound by large sums of money to produce that which the record companies think 'consumers' like. Scott Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 752 Re: pushing the hot buttons sean Mon 2/10/1997 2 KB 755 Re: pushing the hot buttons Gabe Yedid Mon 2/10/1997 3 KB 756 Re: pushing the hot buttons sean Mon 2/10/1997 2 KB 847 Re: pushing the hot buttons Gabe Yedid Thu 2/13/1997 3 KB 851 Buying it for the name? sean Thu 2/13/1997 4 KB 764 Re: pushing the hot buttons David Datta Tue 2/11/1997 2 KB 784 Re: pushing the hot buttons Plumer, Scott Tue 2/11/1997 3 KB 800 Re: pushing the hot buttons Mark Filipak Wed 2/12/1997 3 KB 809 Eduardo Nava. 91(84) 16-80-20 Wed 2/12/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 10, 1997 8:51 pm Subject: RE: Firestarter - Flashpoint Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' >Just want to know wich album was release the first in 1984. Firestarter soundtrack released July 84, Flashpoint ST released February 85. Scott From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 10, 1997 8:54 pm Subject: Re: Mike Oldfield Really-From: TWeibre361@a... In a message dated 97-02-10 14:43:39 EST, you write: << I actually was disappointed with this box set, even though the packaging is very nice. As a matter of fact, I'll sell my mint box set cheap. Send me a private e-mail if your interested in the box set. Vic >> curious...why were u had alot of great stuff, even though most of it had been released... tom w np: toxygene - orb - disc 1 Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 751 The New Stuff sean Mon 2/10/1997 2 KB 758 Re: The New Stuff Carol Harmond Mon 2/10/1997 3 KB 754 Orb (was Re: Mike Oldfield) Gabe Yedid Mon 2/10/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 10, 1997 8:48 pm Subject: RE: rumpelstiltskin Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' >Does anyone know where I could find a copy of rumpelstiltskin? please! I got a copy of mine from my local public library. As long as it's still in print, which it probably is, I imagine any bookstore could special order it for you, since it's a book/tape combo. I don't know if it's available as a CD. Frankly, I wasn't too impressed. The music sounds like the bridge stuff they do live, and Kathleen Turner, being of reknowned voice, sounded like she just got back from a Beatles' concert circa 1964. Plus, her voice characterizations are practically non-existant. I would have preferred Rowan Atkinson or Billy West. Scott From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 10, 1997 8:53 pm Subject: Re: Porno Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' >As far as I've noticed, there isn't any special way to do that as I've even >seen two x-rated movies featuring Tangerine Dream music! The first one >contained a nicely looped version of 'Grind' from the Sorcerer soundtrack 'Grind'? Heh, heh. Scott From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 10, 1997 9:25 pm Subject: The New Stuff Really-From: sean Does anyone have word on general availability of the following items: The 'Oasis' video The 'Dream Mixes' video The Orb remix of 'Towards the Evening Star' ??? Sean Montgomery 3D ANIMATOR 'Humour is truth, only faster' Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 758 Re: The New Stuff Carol Harmond Mon 2/10/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 10, 1997 9:22 pm Subject: RE: pushing the hot buttons Really-From: sean > Which brings me to TD. :-) The lack of big money and major popularity > has done little to dampen their pioneering spirit. Well said, Scott! In fact, I think that the fact TD has retained a relatively small but still loyal following over the years is what has allowed them to keep experimenting. Sean Montgomery 3D ANIMATOR 'Humour is truth, only faster' Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 755 Re: pushing the hot buttons Gabe Yedid Mon 2/10/1997 3 KB 756 Re: pushing the hot buttons sean Mon 2/10/1997 2 KB 847 Re: pushing the hot buttons Gabe Yedid Thu 2/13/1997 3 KB 851 Buying it for the name? sean Thu 2/13/1997 4 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 10, 1997 9:45 pm Subject: Re: rumpelstiltskin Really-From: 'Vincent Goudreault' On Feb 10, 3:48pm, tadream mailing list wrote: > Subject: RE: rumpelstiltskin > Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' > > > >Does anyone know where I could find a copy of rumpelstiltskin? please! > > I got a copy of mine from my local public library. As long as it's still > in print, which it probably is, I imagine any bookstore could special > order it for you, since it's a book/tape combo. I don't know if it's > available as a CD. It is available as a book/CD combo as well. C.B. Vincent Goudreault online since early 93, TD fan since 77 first exposure: Stratosfear, fave albums: Rubycon/Ricochet From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 10, 1997 10:10 pm Subject: Orb (was Re: Mike Oldfield) Really-From: Gabe Yedid On Mon, 10 Feb 1997, tadream mailing list wrote: > np: toxygene - orb - disc 1 ahh, so somebody has purchased this...(gods, Tom, how much do you spend on CDs per week?) this disc received an all-round bashing on the Jarre list, comments ranging from 'we just didn't like what they did with it' to 'it sounded really amateurish and unspectacular'. Makes me wonder what to expect for the 'Towards The Evening Star' remix. It may just end proving yet again that nobody but TD can credibly cover TD, even for the recent stuff. Gabe From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 10, 1997 10:15 pm Subject: RE: pushing the hot buttons Really-From: Gabe Yedid On Mon, 10 Feb 1997, tadream mailing list wrote: > Really-From: sean > > Which brings me to TD. :-) The lack of big money and major popularity > > has done little to dampen their pioneering spirit. > > Well said, Scott! In fact, I think that the fact TD has retained a > relatively small but still loyal following over the years is what has > allowed them to keep experimenting. > I must offer a dissenting opinion. In the time I have been on the list, I can't help but think that TD has one of the most remarkably fickle fan bases anywhere, BECAUSE they keep experimenting. Let me also say that I think TD fans are some of the most critical (in a positive way), compared to the god-like worship I often see on the KW, Jarre, and Vangelis lists. Actually the V list is beginning to resemble this one as it is from time to time ('why can't he do music like he used to...why isn't he as good as (name favourite album here)...', etc. YAWN.) > Sean Montgomery 3D ANIMATOR Gabe Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 756 Re: pushing the hot buttons sean Mon 2/10/1997 2 KB 847 Re: pushing the hot buttons Gabe Yedid Thu 2/13/1997 3 KB 851 Buying it for the name? sean Thu 2/13/1997 4 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 10, 1997 10:40 pm Subject: RE: pushing the hot buttons Really-From: sean > I must offer a dissenting opinion. In the time I have been on the list, > I can't help but think that TD has one of the most remarkably fickle fan > bases anywhere, BECAUSE they keep experimenting. True....but we still buy the albums anyway, don't we? I mean, because they DO change their sound on a regular basis, you never know when it'll be something great. Sean Montgomery 3D ANIMATOR 'Humour is truth, only faster' Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 847 Re: pushing the hot buttons Gabe Yedid Thu 2/13/1997 3 KB 851 Buying it for the name? sean Thu 2/13/1997 4 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 10, 1997 11:14 pm Subject: Re: Happy Day - I found Pinnacles! Really-From: Mark Filipak tadream mailing list wrote: > > Really-From: Rich Maggio -snip- > ... I hesitated in buying > it, but I was afraid that I would never see it again, like > has happened to me with Epsilon in Malaysian Pale. > > Now if I can find a copy of Epsilon, I will be VERY happy! > > Keep dreaming! > Rich Maggio Congratulations Rich. You have now joined the club of dedicated collectors who, when they see something they want, grab first and think about their budgets second (or never) -- the only way to collect. -- Mark From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 11, 1997 4:07 am Subject: Re: The New Stuff Really-From: Carol Harmond On 10-Feb-97, tadream mailing list of tadream@c... wrote: tml>Really-From: sean tml>Does anyone have word on general availability of the following items: tml>The 'Oasis' video tml>The 'Dream Mixes' video tml>The Orb remix of 'Towards the Evening Star' I've just ordered Oasis in the UK, it was released for limited sale last week. Looking forward to the thump on the mat ;-)) -- __ Regards \ / \ / Hosts of the \\ \ // National Coastwatch Institution Carol Harmond \\ X\ // White Swan Video \X \X/ whiteswan@t... Norfolk UK \/\ \__/ #Updated 6/2/97# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Mon Feb 10, 1997 11:22 pm Subject: Re: Firestarter - Flashpoint Really-From: Mark Filipak tadream mailing list wrote: > > Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' > > >Just want to know wich album was release the first in 1984. > > Firestarter soundtrack released July 84, Flashpoint ST released > February 85. > > Scott You're a little late and a little wrong Scott. Here's the real deal (release dates, prod/dir, prod_co/distributer) FIRESTARTER [9 May 84] - EF/CF/JS Dino De Laurentis+Frank Capra Jr/Mark Lester, Universal FLASHPOINT [5 Sep 84] - EF/CF/JS Skip Short/William Tannen, Tri-Star/HBO Thought this was all cleared up a couple of days ago? -- Mark From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 11, 1997 7:17 am Subject: Edgar's missing millions Really-From: dhughes@g... (David J. Hughes) Hi all, >Harri Ikonen (hikonen@m...) wrote... >As far as I've noticed, there isn't any special way to do that as I've even >seen two x-rated movies featuring Tangerine Dream music! The first one >>contained a nicely looped version of 'Grind'... Wow! Was that ever a well named track? >...from the Sorcerer soundtrack and the second was a Ginger Lynn compilation > tape in which remixed versions of 'Exit' and 'Love on a Real Train' were > heard. 'Night Games' sounds so like material from TD's soundtrack work specifically 'Miracle Mile' and 'Near Dark' that I actually went and listened to both of these tracks to see if someone had tried to rip the 'Dream' off. >However, the strangest thing is that in both movies the music was credited >to a >totally unknown artist, not TD! It's a well known fact that the majority of porn films that come out of the USA are made by professionals who would otherwise be hard at work on Hollywood mainstream products. I guess that it doesn't come as too much of a surprise to find many film composers working in the same way. They have to pay the bills at the end of the day, same as the rest of us and it's also true that TD's kind of music lends itself to that kind of material quite well... >I wonder if Edgar & co. know about this.... Rumour has it that Edgar's lawyer is highly 'professional' and pursues Edgar's legal issues 'vigourously'. If Edgar were to find out I guess he might smile briefly, ask to see a copy of the film to check it on the grounds of artistic merit, potential ideas for the next album etc etc and then _sue_the_bastards! Something to think about...but not for too long... Cheers David From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 11, 1997 12:18 am Subject: RE: rumpelstiltskin Really-From: Vic Rek >>Does anyone know where I could find a copy of rumpelstiltskin? please! > ... I imagine any bookstore could special >order it for you, since it's a book/tape combo. >I don't know if it's available as a CD. > Yes, it is (was) available as a CD and it was released in a jewel case and a digipak version. Vic From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 11, 1997 7:17 am Subject: Tangerine Dream Wannabees Really-From: dhughes@g... (David J. Hughes) Hi all, >Looks like we are suffering a Tange famine as everyone searches for >wannabe,s. As someone who is also suffering a shortage of good material >I,ve been looking around and the best so far for me is stuff from Ian >Boddy and Andy Pickford. Thank God! At least someone else is looking around for other new acts! Actually, I would disagree with the above comparison to TD. 'Symbiont' isn't really like TD at all. It is excellent all the same. It has obvious TD influences but Andy's delight in melody is somewhat lost under Ian's pounding rhythms. I would recommend their individual solo works and in particular Pickford's 'Maelstrom' which is excellent. Mark Shreeve is another strong UK act which you should ignore at your peril. Our stuff (Tranquility Bass) is like late eighties TD but I guess you already know that if you're with SMD because Dave Law has been kind enough to give us lots of plugs in the past. Other UK acts seriously worth looking out for are : John Dyson Beyond the Gates (long, wonderfully crafted pieces) Paul Ward The Fear of Make Believe (Prog Rock, Steve Hackett..) Glynn LLoyd Jones Ocean of Serenity (Lengthy dreamy passages : the bizz) Micheal Shipway Spirit of Adventure (Jarresque with New Forest overtones) All of these are on the Surreal-to-Real label. Anyone into 70's style TD will find Redshift's 'Redshift' an unmissable purchase. It's like Rubycon...essential. AirSculpture are superb. And if I don't mention Ash Prema's stuff I will probably receive a lengthy e-mail all about non functional electronics on a Renault SpaceWagon etc... This is not just the opinions of someone desperately trying to flog crappy, badly written synth tunes in the vane hope that someone will like it : these bands are seriously worthy of any TD fans attention. Give them a chance. A number of people on this digest already have listened to many the above acts AND have lived to enjoy the experience. So don't just sit waiting for another 'bland, lifeless, emotionless, turgid etc etc etc' TD album to come along. Find a dealer who stocks UK synth music and GO GET SOME! Eurock, Minette and Windspell all stock or have stocked these albums in the past. Give some of the other up 'n' coming bands a chance. You will not be disappointed! Enjoy! David dhughes@g... Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 763 Re: Tangerine Dream Wannabees Mark Filipak Tue 2/11/1997 3 KB 777 Re: Tangerine Dream Wannabees Marcel Engels Tue 2/11/1997 2 KB 788 Re: Tangerine Dream Wannabees slawlor Tue 2/11/1997 2 KB 795 Re: Tangerine Dream Wannabees David J. Hughes Wed 2/12/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 11, 1997 12:58 am Subject: Re: Tangerine Dream Wannabees Really-From: Mark Filipak tadream mailing list wrote: > > Really-From: dhughes@g... (David J. Hughes) -snip- > Our stuff (Tranquility Bass) is like late eighties TD but I guess > you already know that if you're with SMD because Dave Law has been > kind enough to give us lots of plugs in the past. -snip- > Enjoy! > David > dhughes@g... Hi David. How about making your music available to us on the list? Besides the fact that there is another band of the same name, to my knowledge, Tranquility Bass' stuff cannot be obtained in the US -- I tried Tower and they never heard of you. Perhaps a deal can be cut that will allow us to sample your work without shipping eating us both alive. Regards -- Mark From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 11, 1997 1:32 am Subject: Re: pushing the hot buttons Really-From: David Datta In article <5do3mb$fmk$1@n...> you wrote: : Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' : Stay with me, there's some TD content in here. . . Scott, and anyone else who wants to continue this discussion: ENOUGH ALREADY!!!! Take it to private e-mail. A long off-course discourse followed by a little bit about TD that didn't need the long discourse in front of it is really, really, pushing it. From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 11, 1997 1:53 am Subject: Re: Goblins Club or Goblins Dream? Really-From: Rich Maggio I believe that it is just a mistake. On some of the earlier copies that I have seen in the store, the label that is on the top of the CD (you know, that really annoying sticky thing that keeps you from opening CD after you finally wrestle the cellophane off) read 'Goblin's Dream'. It is as though some database somewhere had the wrong title, because many of the internet CD shops (CD Now, CD Europe, etc.) had the CD title listed as Goblin's Dream. Go figure! Rich Maggio tadream mailing list wrote: > > Really-From: RusterD@a... > > Hello! > I have the Goblins Club bought here in germany, but i've seen > in some Online-US-Mailorder-Websites, that they have > Goblins Dream. Any difference between these two items? > Or only a mistake? > > Greetings > Dirk From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 11, 1997 3:20 am Subject: RE: rumpelstiltskin Really-From: kwb10@l... (Kenneth W. Beal) >Really-From: Vic Rek > > > >>>Does anyone know where I could find a copy of rumpelstiltskin? please! > >> ... I imagine any bookstore could special >>order it for you, since it's a book/tape combo. >>I don't know if it's available as a CD. >> >Yes, it is (was) available as a CD and it was released in a jewel case and a >digipak version. >Vic I got a copy from PROGTRON. I liked it, even tho it may be mediocre. Ken Beal (KoalaBare) From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 11, 1997 6:06 am Subject: Re: Mike Oldfield Really-From: TheSmitter@a... Of the half dozen or so I've heard, 'The Songs of Distant Earth' is easily my favorite. An excellent record! Larry << If there are any fans of Oldfield's, I would be interested in finding out about some of his other CD's. He's got a pile of them out. >> From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 11, 1997 6:53 pm Subject: Re: tadream-digest V15 #831 Really-From: ashok prema At 02:03 11/02/97 -0600, you wrote: > > >chance. A number of people on this digest already have listened to many the >above acts AND have lived to enjoy the experience. So don't just sit >waiting for another 'bland, lifeless, emotionless, turgid etc etc etc' TD >album to come along. Find a dealer who stocks UK synth music and GO GET >SOME! Eurock, Minette and Windspell all stock or have stocked these albums >in the past. Give some of the other up 'n' coming bands a chance. You will >not be disappointed! > >Enjoy! > David >dhughes@g...> > > Hear! Hear! Actually, Progtrons also a very good place to buy stuff - try asking for the Shreeve and Tranquility Bass albums and I'm sure they'll come up with the goods! They also stock some of the very hard to get 'non-official' releases!! GEDDITT?? Ash ps it's an Espace not 'Space Waggon'! Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 775 Re: tadream-digest V15 #831 Harri Ikonen Tue 2/11/1997 2 KB 778 Re: tadream-digest V15 #831 Maxwell A. Croy Tue 2/11/1997 2 KB 783 Re: tadream-digest V15 #831 Vincent Goudreault Tue 2/11/1997 4 KB 789 Re: tadream-digest V15 #831 Carol Harmond Tue 2/11/1997 3 KB 798 Re: tadream-digest V15 #831 Rich Maggio Wed 2/12/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 11, 1997 12:58 pm Subject: rumpelstiltskin Really-From: ljones@h... (Lars Jones) thanks to all who offered advice on finding rumpelstiltskin. Sadly, however, I've been told that rumplestiltskin is out of print and no longer available in either the cd-music or the cd-book version (but all other Rabbit Ears' products are still in print, just not this one!). I have looked for it unsuccessfully for quite some time locally and while traveling; it is also not in stock at the mail-order places I've checked on-line (including Progtron). So, I guess what I am asking is: Does anyone know of a place that still has a copy or two sitting around and gathering dust? has anyone seen a copy lying around in their neighborhood EM dealer/cd shoppe/cds-R-us/etc.? or do any of you who don't like this so-called 'bridge-music' cd care to part with it? I'm interested in either/both the cd-book version and/or the cd-music version. thanks again lars (you can e-mail me privately if you wish to avoid the wrath of The List Master) From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 11, 1997 1:33 pm Subject: Re: Orb (was Re: Mike Oldfield) Really-From: TWeibre361@a... In a message dated 97-02-10 17:16:30 EST, you write: << np: toxygene - orb - disc 1 ahh, so somebody has purchased this...(gods, Tom, how much do you spend on CDs per week?) this disc received an all-round bashing on the Jarre list, comments ranging from 'we just didn't like what they did with it' to 'it sounded really amateurish and unspectacular'. Makes me wonder what to expect for the 'Towards The Evening Star' remix. It may just end proving yet again that nobody but TD can credibly cover TD, even for the recent stuff. >> i would agree that, if one compares it to the original, it doesnt stand up...but thats not the point, imo...the orb does remixing and 'reconstruction' and, i think hes good at this one of his better releases? definately not, imo...but it wasnt meant, i dont think, to compete in any way with the original...(btw, the fila brazilia remix is the highlight)...the same will hold true of the td remix...if this list starts off by comparing it to the original its sunk before it comes out...if however, we look at it as an artistic re-interpretation of the original and hold it up to the light on its own, it may to my music addiction: lets just say i have a good supplier... tom w np: headz a disc 1 - (a mo'wax compilation; why should td stop with the orb?...can u guys imagine a scanner remix? or an aphex twin remix?) Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 846 Re: Orb (was Re: Mike Oldfield) Gabe Yedid Thu 2/13/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 11, 1997 1:39 pm Subject: Re: rumpelstiltskin Really-From: David Datta In article <5dnms8$blo$1@n...> you wrote: : Really-From: ljones@h... (Lars Jones) : : : Does anyone know where I could find a copy of rumpelstiltskin? please! : : BTW on the subject of peripheral music -- I got Haslinger's World Without : Rules & Future Primitive since so many of you have been raving about them. : They're great! I'd give FP a 4AS+ and WWR a 3AS+ or a 4AS-; obviously FP is : my favorite of the two. Really interesting stuff and definitely worth : having. Parts remind me a little of Philip Glass but actually much more : like what Lucia Hwong (who was influenced heavily by Glass) was doing in : the early Private Music days (she is another artist worth listening to, : especially her first album 'House of Sleeping Beauties'). : : ciao! : : PS one last comment on cens// MESSAGE TEXT DELETED : SYSTEM ERROR 102554 : ^#@\\_+*~33/> : : : From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 11, 1997 1:48 pm Subject: Soundtracks? Really-From: 'Richard A.Bílek' Does anybody know, where to order TD's soundtracks released through Varese Sarbande? I have V.S. address in North Hollywood, but it does not work... Thank you! agray@v... Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 796 Re: Soundtracks? Rich Maggio Wed 2/12/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 11, 1997 1:39 pm Subject: Re: rumpelstiltskin Really-From: David Datta In article <5dnms8$blo$1@n...> you wrote: : Really-From: ljones@h... (Lars Jones) : : : Does anyone know where I could find a copy of rumpelstiltskin? please! : : BTW on the subject of peripheral music -- I got Haslinger's World Without : Rules & Future Primitive since so many of you have been raving about them. : They're great! I'd give FP a 4AS+ and WWR a 3AS+ or a 4AS-; obviously FP is : my favorite of the two. Really interesting stuff and definitely worth : having. Parts remind me a little of Philip Glass but actually much more : like what Lucia Hwong (who was influenced heavily by Glass) was doing in : the early Private Music days (she is another artist worth listening to, : especially her first album 'House of Sleeping Beauties'). : : ciao! : : PS one last comment on cens// MESSAGE TEXT DELETED : SYSTEM ERROR 102554 : ^#@\\_+*~33/> : : : From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 11, 1997 2:47 pm Subject: Pinnacles Really-From: dalane@d... Dave Lane 02/11/97 10:47 AM To anyone who was looking for Pinnacles and Epsilon, I see that has Aqua, Epsilon, Pinnacles, Stuntman and BtS for sale. --Dave From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 11, 1997 2:35 pm Subject: Re: tadream-digest V15 #831 Really-From: 'Harri Ikonen' > Really-From: Peter.Stoeferle@t... (peter stoeferle) > > >>> Harri Ikonen in Tadream Digest V15 #830: > > >>> As far as I've noticed, there isn't any special way to do that as > I've even seen two x-rated movies featuring Tangerine Dream music! > > Do you know the titles/countries/dates of release of these films? As far as I can remember, the Ginger Lynn tape was called 'Ginger's Greatest' or something like that, but the other one is beyond recall. It's been years since I saw them and somehow the TD tracks are the only thing I can remember from the movies :) As for countries and dates, I'd guess they were made in the US sometime in mid-80s; after all, 'Risky Business' was released in 1983. -- Harri Ikonen hikonen@m... From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 11, 1997 5:49 pm Subject: Re: Mike Oldfield Really-From: 'Marcel Engels' > Are there any Mike Oldfield fans on this list? > Like others here, I have been searching for other > TD like bands. I had heard some things about Mike > Oldfield (I think on this list) and decided to try > some of his stuff out. Amarok is one of my favourites. One track of 60 minutes. Amarok is a very dynamically recorded CD. If you don't watch out your speakers might get blown. I like all of his instrumental music. It's a shame that he *had* to write popsongs from mister Virgin. Marcel Engels fsp@p... From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 11, 1997 5:53 pm Subject: Re: Tangerine Dream Wannabees Really-From: 'Marcel Engels' > Really-From: dhughes@g... (David J. Hughes) > > Give some of the other up 'n' coming bands a chance. You will > not be disappointed! I totally agree with you Dave. People who like to listen to 70s/80s electronic music should not buy new TD but look for other bands, which I think are far more interesting musically speaken. If people still think that Edgar or Chris will come up with another Encore-like album then they are wrong. Move on people, give the up 'n' coming bands a change! Marcel Engels fsp@p... Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 788 Re: Tangerine Dream Wannabees slawlor Tue 2/11/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 11, 1997 7:03 pm Subject: Re: tadream-digest V15 #831 Really-From: 'Maxwell A. Croy' Hey Dream boys and girls of course (if there are any), So what's the average age of people subscribed to this list and where are most of you from? You guys are all awsome, Maxwell A. Croy 'cool kids never have the time' -Billy Corgan From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Feb 12, 1997 2:20 am Subject: Really-From: ath@s... (Armin Theissen) >>>>>> Really-From: 'Maxwell A. Croy' Hey Dream boys and girls of course (if there are any), So what's the average age of people subscribed to this list and where are most of you from? You guys are all awsome, Maxwell A. Croy >>>>>>>>> Uh, seems that the last profile-action is already long long ago... Armin, age 30, German, lived in Spain, live now in Northern Ireland (and I'm still alive...) Armin Theissen ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Armagh Observatory email: ath@s... College Hill Armagh, BT61 9DG Phone: (+44) 1861 522928 Northern Ireland Fax: (+44) 1861 527174 Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 787 Re: Gabe Yedid Tue 2/11/1997 2 KB 797 Re: Rich Maggio Wed 2/12/1997 2 KB 801 Re: Steve McCready Wed 2/12/1997 3 KB 858 Re: Saa Sekuliæ/Sasha Sekulich Thu 2/13/1997 3 KB 817 Re: PENFOLD Wed 2/12/1997 3 KB 830 =?ISO-8859-1?Q?P=E5l_Westerma Thu 2/13/1997 2 KB 834 Armin Theissen Thu 2/13/1997 5 KB 835 Armin Theissen Thu 2/13/1997 3 KB 838 =?ISO-8859-1?Q?P=E5l_Westerma Thu 2/13/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 11, 1997 7:29 pm Subject: Re: Firestarter - Flashpoint Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' >> Firestarter soundtrack released July 84, Flashpoint ST released >> February 85. >You're a little late and a little wrong Scott. >Here's the real deal (release dates, prod/dir, prod_co/distributer) >FIRESTARTER [9 May 84] - EF/CF/JS > Dino De Laurentis+Frank Capra Jr/Mark Lester, Universal >FLASHPOINT [5 Sep 84] - EF/CF/JS > Skip Short/William Tannen, Tri-Star/HBO >Thought this was all cleared up a couple of days ago? Well, I got the message yesterday, but it may have come in earlier, since I subscribe from work. I believe the dates you have are the FILM release dates. The ST release dates I got from The Great Rock Discography. It has some track titles wrong, and the release date of Melrose wrong, so it could be wrong on the ST dates as well. Scott From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Feb 12, 1997 4:33 am Subject: Bands in TD Tradition Revised Stupid me! I put our wrong web address in my e-mail. Sorry.. This one's the right one: Hi dreamers, if you are interested in TD-related/influenced material please feel free to check out some of our 'MIND-FLUX' stuff. We try to combine our early mid 70's influences like TD, Schulze, Kraftwerk (to name but a few) with hypnotic beat structures. Maybe some of you like it. For more information have a look at Cheers Thomas MIND~FLUX Attachment ATTRIBS.BND Type: application/octet-stream Size: 1k Download Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 805 Re: Bands in TD Tradition Revised Hilmar Kraft Wed 2/12/1997 3 KB 863 Something Controversial(sp) Matt Williams Thu 2/13/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Feb 12, 1997 4:29 am Subject: re: Bands In the Tangerine Dream Tradition > From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list), on 09.02.1997 07:57: > Really-From: Jeff Kortsch > > > Although no act (in this segment) has yet to approach TD for both length > of catalog and diversity, there are acts that get close (and have > learned a few things from the masters). > > One that I enjoy are Waveshape from Germany. They approach their music > in kind of a early 1980's TD meets a mid-1970's Klaus Schulze. They have > 4 CDs out and I have the last three. Very enjoyable but hard to get a > copy of. They are currently signed to Cue Records in the Netherlands - a > label that looks like they have a good selection of bands they want to > compare to TD. > > Visit Cue Records at If you live in Europe, > ordering might not be too expensive. From the US, that is a different > story. I ordered Waveshapes' 'Zyklus' from the Laser's Edge. > > Jeff > Dreams are what you make of them... > > > Hi dreamers, if you are interested in TD-related/influenced material please feel free to check out some of our 'MIND-FLUX' stuff. We try to combine our early mid 70's influences like TD, Schulze, Kraftwerk (to name but a few) with hypnotic beat structures. Maybe some of you like it. For more information have a look at Cheers Thomas MIND~FLUX Attachment ATTRIBS.BND Type: application/octet-stream Size: 2k Download From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 11, 1997 7:42 pm Subject: Re: tadream-digest V15 #831 Really-From: 'Vincent Goudreault' On Feb 11, 11:03am, tadream mailing list wrote: > Subject: Re: tadream-digest V15 #831 > Really-From: 'Maxwell A. Croy' > > > Hey Dream boys and girls of course (if there are any), > So what's the average age of people subscribed to this list and where > are most of you from? > You guys are all awsome, > Maxwell A. Croy > > 'cool kids never have the time' > -Billy Corgan >-- End of excerpt from tadream mailing list I would say, form my 3 years on this list, that the average age is early 30's, but age of individuals range from 18 to late 40's (correct me folks if I am off-base. I believe that our most senior member was nearly 50 last year, last time someone asked that question.) As for where we are from, good taste in music knowing no boundaries, we are from all over the world: USA and Canada, Germany (of course), The Netherland, Armin is currenlty in Ireland, we have members in Spain, the UK, a couple in Poland, Autralia, etc. (this stands for all the other VERY fine countries that I did not mention...) We even had a few posts from someone in Iran, but we haven't had any news for sometime, so perhaps some big brother with no active brain cell (i.e. a religious fanatic) may have cut his access... I believe that the largest number of subscribers is in the USA, owing to the greater number of ethernet communication links (this is also where the 'tadream' server computer is located) and also, obviously, to the sheer number of the US population. Of course, we are awsome: we are fans of the greatest e-music band that ever was! C.B. Vincent Goudreault online since early 93, TD fan since 77 first exposure: Stratosfear, fave albums: Rubycon/Ricochet Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 789 Re: tadream-digest V15 #831 Carol Harmond Tue 2/11/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 11, 1997 7:45 pm Subject: RE: pushing the hot buttons Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' >> > Which brings me to TD. :-) The lack of big money and major popularity >> > has done little to dampen their pioneering spirit. > >> Well said, Scott! In fact, I think that the fact TD has retained a >> relatively small but still loyal following over the years is what has >> allowed them to keep experimenting. >I must offer a dissenting opinion. In the time I have been on the list, >I can't help but think that TD has one of the most remarkably fickle fan >bases anywhere, BECAUSE they keep experimenting. Well, we've covered this before, but I sincerely believe that the people who moan for the old days are the same folks who still wear leisure suits and disco pants. In other words, some folks are content to live in the past, and for them is classic rock radio, with its never-ending doses of Stairway to Heaven, Freebird and that annoying Peter Frampton song whose title escapes me at the moment (wait! They're ALL annoying!). I for one, welcome the changes they've gone through. I liked the Baumann era as much as Schmoelling and Haslinger, and I think Goblins' Club is the best they done since Melrose. Maybe better. Scott From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 11, 1997 7:59 pm Subject: Re: Mike Oldfield Really-From: Dave Manning <106546.1474@c...> try songs from distant earth or tubular bells II From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 11, 1997 8:22 pm Subject: re: Bands In the Tangerine Dream Tradition Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' I've always preferred Mark Isham's stuff to any of the TD clones. He's a bit jazzier than some, but he does some good e-music as well. My faves are Vapor Drawings and Tibet, both on the (Yikes!) Windham Hill label. He's done more soundtracks than TD, if you can believe it. I picked up an LP of his ST to 'The Beast' for $2. Scott Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 792 Eduardo Nava. 91(84) 16-80-20 Tue 2/11/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 11, 1997 7:41 pm Subject: Re: Really-From: Gabe Yedid On Tue, 11 Feb 1997, tadream mailing list wrote: > > > >>>>>> > Really-From: 'Maxwell A. Croy' > > > Hey Dream boys and girls of course (if there are any), > So what's the average age of people subscribed to this list and where > are most of you from? > You guys are all awsome, > Maxwell A. Croy > >>>>>>>>> Name's Gabe Yedid. I'm 21, have lived all my life in Montrea, Quebec, Canada. Am a biology student (minor Computer Science) at McGill University in Montreal. for those of you who didn't know Gabe who thinks he might have found a new sig From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 11, 1997 8:33 pm Subject: Re: Tangerine Dream Wannabees Really-From: slawlor I agree with this as well guys. I have all 4 john dyson disk, quiet point, glen lyod jones, air sculpture, and quiet point? Isn't paul ward in quiet point, because I think I remember something about that. Or maybe he is quiet point. It's all happening electronic music for sure. scott K. Lawlor From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Feb 12, 1997 2:20 am Subject: Re: tadream-digest V15 #831 Really-From: Carol Harmond On 11-Feb-97, tadream mailing list of tadream@c... wrote: tml>Really-From: 'Vincent Goudreault' I believe that our most senior member was nearly 50 last tml>year, tml>last time someone asked that question.) I think I just broke your record, but I'm not saying by how much, after all, a girl's age is her secret. tml>Of course, we are awsome: we are fans of the greatest e-music band that tml>ever tml>was! And still the greatest IMHO - another loyal fan since 1974 (Phaedra release), oh those were the days ;-) I did managed to go to Shepherds Bush in Nov 96, and despite possibly being the oldest on this list, there were some fans there a lot older than I. ;-) Your'e never too old or young to enjoy good sounds. -- __ Regards \ / \ / Hosts of the \\ \ // National Coastwatch Institution Carol Harmond \\ X\ // White Swan Video \X \X/ whiteswan@t... Norfolk UK \/\ \__/ #Updated 6/2/97# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 11, 1997 11:01 pm Subject: VIB Really-From: roland@i... tadream, This is a VIB (Very Important Bookmark)! The INTERNET-FLEAMARKET is the platform to expose the best offers in the market place. Publish your Special Offer or Service, sell what you don't need and reach out to all. Or just visit us! Have a nice day! From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 11, 1997 11:10 pm Subject: Looking for E-Musicians Really-From: Michael Richard Hi! I would like to try to start a musical project over the Internet. I play synthesizer since one year and a half and I want to compose e-music (like Tangerine Dream, Klaus Schulze, Jean-Michel Jarre, Wendy Carlos, etc.) but I didn't find any person in my area interested in playing such music. Now I try to start a band on Internet. If you're a musician (any instruments) and would like to play in a such band, please e-mail me: michael_richard@i... See ya! :) Michael (: (\__/) (..) _) Michael Richard - michael_richard@i... /\/\ ( BBS La Jungle : (819) 533-3520 (m__m)_) From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 11, 1997 11:11 pm Subject: Really-From: 'Eduardo Nava. 91(84) 16-80-20. Saltillo. Mexico.' unsubscribe From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Tue Feb 11, 1997 11:34 pm Subject: Re: tadream-digest V15 #830 Really-From: Tony Marshall At 02:02 10/02/97 -0600, you wrote: >It picked up Tubular Bells (which seems to be a classic), >Incantations, and Crisis. Tubular Bells is really good, >but my favorite of the 3 has to be Incantations. It was >originally released as a 2lp set with 4 songs. To compare it >to a TD piece, I would have to say Force Majeure. It >is not as raw or 'in-your-face' as FM, but there are electric >guitars and some good drumming in there. The only vocals >are some choral arrangements - which add a really nice touch. > Well, just to throw a spanner in the works, my favourite TD album is Force Majeure, and just about my least favourite Oldfield one is Incantations! 4 almost identical tracks = monotony, made worse by the fact that the composition itself isn't too hot.. > >Just wanted to see if anyone out there agrees with my >assessment or has anything to add for those who are in >search of other TD like bands/artists. If there are any >fans of Oldfield's, I would be interested in finding out >about some of his other CD's. He's got a pile of them out. > Everyone raves about Songs of Distant Earth, but it's not one of his classics IMHO (very Enigma/Deep Forest, which probably explains its popularity with newcomers to Oldfield). You must pick up Tubular Bells 2 - VERY reminiscent of the original.. Hergest Ridge has the same feel as the original TB, but is not quite as good (though the second half of the second track is brilliant). For something rather weird, but good, try Amarok. Fantastic recording quality - one to show off that hi-fi! Tony Marshall |#include ----------------------|--------------------------------------------------- My Mystery Tune Page Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 836 Re: tadream-digest V15 #830 TWeibre361@a... Thu 2/13/1997 2 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Feb 12, 1997 7:04 am Subject: More filth Really-From: dhughes@g... (David J. Hughes) Hi all, >As far as I've noticed, there isn't any special way to do that as I've even >seen two x-rated movies featuring Tangerine Dream music! I can recall seeing another 'short' a few years back that was sounded so close to 'The Park is Mine' that, having recently bought the disc, I have to say that I think it actually was! Syncopated bass sequences and slapback echo on the strings : pure Chris Franke! Ash Prema rang me a few months ago to tell me about a really crappy 'cops 'n robbers' film on Channel 4 which had a soundtrack which was so close to TD, again the Chris Franke style of sequencers very much to the fore, that we basically sat and watched the rest of the film just to see who did the music. Again, it was someone completely anonymous. I have a theory that many film producers will sit down with their directors, discuss several possibilities for the soundtrack then ask how much Edgar and the gang will cost to hire for a few days. When they get a final figure, they then go ask some bedroom musician to rip off TD as best they can for some mediocre sum. After all, who ever watches these crappy cop movies... Cheers David From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Feb 12, 1997 7:09 am Subject: Re: Tangerine Dream Wannabees Really-From: dhughes@g... (David J. Hughes) Hi Mark, >Hi David. How about making your music available to us on the list? >Besides the fact that there is another band of the same name, to my >knowledge, Tranquility Bass' stuff cannot be obtained in the US -- I >tried Tower and they never heard of you. Perhaps a deal can be cut that >will allow us to sample your work without shipping eating us both >alive. Thanks for your interest. At the moment, we're too small to get picked up by a major chain like Tower Records but the disc is available from a number of smaller dealers in the States. The nearest to you is 'Progtron' based in Saratoga if memory serves. Here's a complete list of dealers in the States some of which should have copies of my disc plus those by the other artists I mentioned in my earlier post. Minette Music Company c/o David Minton P.O. Box 2242 El Paso, Texas 79951-2242 Tel : (915) 598 2956 ProgTron c/o Ranjit Padmanhaban 19293 VIA Crecente Court, Saratoga, California 95070 email ranjit@n... Eurock c/o Archie Patterson P.O. 13718 Portland, Oregon 97213 Tel : (503) 281 0247 email : apatters@t... Windspell c/o Micheal Garrison 1293 N.W. Wall St Suite 1515 Bend, Oregon 97701 USA Hope this is useful. Please let me know how you get on. Most of the dealers have got small quantities left. Progtron is probably your best bet with Minette another good choice. I think Eurock have sold out. Haven't been able to contact Windspell. Progtron usually cater for more Prog Rock bands but do sell a lot of Shreeve, Boddy and Pickford. Cheers David From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Feb 12, 1997 1:13 am Subject: Re: Soundtracks? Really-From: Rich Maggio Richard, CD Connection has quite a number of the TD soundtracks. I have ordered both Firestarter and Wavelength through them (both on Varese Sarbande). They have them in stock, and their prices are more than reasonable. They seem to have just about anything in print in the US, as well as some imports. Their URL is Enjoy, Rich Maggio tadream mailing list wrote: > > Really-From: 'Richard A.Bílek' > > Does anybody know, where to order TD's soundtracks > released through Varese Sarbande? > > I have V.S. address in North Hollywood, but it does not work... > > Thank you! > > agray@v... From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Feb 12, 1997 1:18 am Subject: Re: Really-From: Rich Maggio > > Uh, seems that the last profile-action is already long long ago... > > Armin, age 30, German, lived in Spain, live now in Northern Ireland > (and I'm still alive...) > It must have been some time ago because I have been on this list about 2 years now and I don't recall any 'profile actions'. Anyway, I am Rich Maggio, age 29. I live in NJ and have all of my life. I am sure that some of you will offer condolences for that fact :-). I am a software engineer and have been a TD fan for about 5 years now. Keep Dreamin'! Rich Maggio From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Feb 12, 1997 1:21 am Subject: Re: tadream-digest V15 #831 Really-From: Rich Maggio > > Of course, we are awsome: we are fans of the greatest e-music band that ever > was! > Yes We ARE!!! From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Feb 12, 1997 1:55 am Subject: Edgar's birthplace Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' This thread surfaced a couple weeks ago, but I finally got some clarification on it. Ed was born in a town called Tilsit, East Prussia. When the Soviet Union defeated the Germans in east Europe in WWII, they took over a wedge-shaped hunk of land on the southern border of Lithuania, between Poland and Lithuania, and called it part of Russia. It's still technically a part of Russia, and ethnic Russians are the dominant group there, but it's part of an ongoing dispute between Lithuania and Russia. The current name of Tilsit is Sovetsk, or at least it was in 1993. This information comes courtesy of one of my student assistants, who is a Lithuanian national. Scott Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 812 Re: Edgar's birthplace Erik Sanborn Wed 2/12/1997 3 KB From: tadream@c... (tadream mailing list) Date: Wed Feb 12, 1997 3:12 am Subject: Re: pushing the hot buttons Really-From: Mark Filipak tadream mailing list wrote: > > Really-From: 'Plumer, Scott' -snip- > Well, we've covered this before, but I sincerely believe that the > people who moan for the old days are the same folks who still wear > leisure suits and disco pants. In other words, some folks are content > to live in the past, and for them is classic rock radio, with its > never-ending doses of Stairway to Heaven, Freebird and that annoying > Peter Frampton song whose title escapes me at the moment (wait! > They're ALL annoying!). Hey Scott. I still like 'Frampton Comes Alive' and every once in a while I pop in 'Candy-O'. -- Leasure Suit Mark who owns a total of 20 pop CDs. Replies Name/Email Yahoo! ID Date Size 809 Eduardo Nava. 91(84) 16-80-20 Wed 2/12/1997 2 KB