Date: Sun, 20 Feb 94 18:00:04 MEZ From: tadream (tadream mailing list) Subject: WDR1 Froese Interview! To: tadream Really-From: Hilmar Kraft Requests for add/removal from this list to INTERVIEW WITH EDGAR FROESE. INCLUDES INFO ON GRAMMY AWARDS AND THE FUTURE OF TANGERINE DREAM. Well, you can imagine my surprise: I was listening to the German radio show 'Schwingungen' on WDR1 radio, when it was announced that Tangerine Dream won the listeners award for 'best artist of all times'. Not only that, they called up Mr. Froese himself for a live telephone interview during the show. Well, I've tried to translate it for you, so here it is. Obviously, I am not a certified interpreter, so aplogogies to Edgar if some things are not 100% accurate... Hilmar ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday, February 17th 1994, 10:45 pm; the host of the show, Winfried Trenkler has just played parts of 'Tangram': W.T.:And now, the winner...on the phone. Hello Edgar, do I have you on the line in Berlin? ... (some talk about setting up the phone connection) My dear friend, you just know since a few minutes before tonight's show what is going on, what the purpose of this phone call is. I had just asked your agent for a telephone interview tonight, which you agreed to do, and only a few minutes ago I told you what this is all about. Therefore again, now in public: Congratulations to you for this great result of the poll. You are by far the most popular artists of electronic music! E.F.:That sounds very nice, Winfried. Also from our side a big 'Thank-you' to all of those that voted for us in this category. ... (longer conversation about the 10th anniversary of the radio show) W.T.:Well, we don't just have 'experts' listening on the radio, so let me say: Edgar Froese is the founder of Tangerine Dream, and he is the one who has always been with the band from beginning to the current day. he is the heart, the founder, the motor, the one man who represents Tangerine Dream more than anyone else. In the meantime his son has joined the band and you are now a duo, and wheneverGruppe: Pers”nliche ID : P8956@K0 Wg. : Tangerine Dream Digest V12 #75 Von : (Mo, 21.02.94 17:13) An : Klaus Beschorner @ BB (Fortsetzungsteil 4) necessary you take additional musicians into the studio or onto the stage, I think I put that in the right words, yes? E.F.:Correct! W.T.:You said a few years ago, after having won the YEARLY poll for best artist every time, I think you won 4 or 5 times in a row, you said in one interview here: 'Folks, please, why don't you vote for someone else for a change?'. And that is excatly what they did, since then, you have not been on top in the category 'best artist', well, you are always still among the top ones, but the listeners did exactly as you told them. But now, looking back onto your lifetime achievement (isn't that like with the 'Oscar' where the 'lifetime achievement' is awarded) and zap: by a wide margin you are again ahead... E.F.:Well, Winfried, that should please you more than anyone, it shows that your show has INTELLIGENT listeners, can we agree on that? W.T.:Yes, you can say that, ... ... (long talk about the quantity and quality of votes etc.) Let's look at more current news. I have been told (you said it before on the phone, and the news is already floating about in the press): You have been nominated for THREE Grammy awards all at once, can you descibe that to us briefly? E.F.:Well, that's easy to do. We have been nominated for the best long-form video for our 220-volt-live concert in Seattle a year ago, the second nomination is for best album, also for our 220-volt-live album, and the third nomination really surprised us the most, it is for the best rock instrumental, and we wanted to do this as a joke because we are still great followers of Jimi Hendrix from the old days, so we simply covered 'Purple Haze' and we used that during our American tour as the final encore, and it was then also released and also appeared on the album, and now it even got the nomination for best rock instrumental, that was the real surprise about it. W.T.:Just to add, the 'Grammy' is in the world of music the equivalent of the 'Oscar' from the world of movies. So I assume you will be flying off to the USA in the next few days to sit in the audience and eagerly and feverishly wait to find out if you will get one of the three Grammies. E.F: Well, I wouldn't call it 'feverishly'. It is the third year that we are part of it, but it is like that: On the first day is the ceremony in the Radio City Music Hall in New York, and thats an event where you can talk to all the people that you don't get to see throughout the year, because all the people from the music business are there, many musicians are there, and if you know each other from various tours and so on, it is always nice to have some 'insider' small talk. W.T.:Yes, but after that, when the announcements are made, aren't you real curious, or do you already know beforehand what is going on? E.F.:No, you don't know. Most people don't know this and many think that it is all fixed and they also think that about the 'Oscar'. But it is really like this: there is a lawyer's office in Los Angeles, and all 'voting members' have to send their vote there, and the results are kept totally secret under notary supervision until one hour before the envelopes are opened in the ceremony. It is impossible to 'buy' the information or something, and the academy that prepares the whole thing really consists of musicians only. It is really musician's business only, and if you indeed do win a Grammy, it is not even allowed for a representative of the record company or a delegate of the band/musician to go up on stage to receive the award, it HAS to be the musician himself. Otherwise it will rather be sent in the mail... W.T.:Obviously myself, all the people who are now listening to this and all of your fans, we all keep our fingers crossed for you, and hope that this will be a success for you. Just one more information, you mentioned that you had been nominated with the album 220-volts, but in what category, you didn't say that? E.F.:In Billboard magazine, there is a category called 'Contemporary Adult / New Age' and...well...with that second term, and your listeners know that for sure, we are a little bit at war with that term, but anyway, that's the way it is, and it is in that category that we are nominated. W.T.:Well, that is really the category 'Schwingungen' to keep it simple... E.F.:Eh, .... W.T.:Edgar, before I let you go, and I've heard that you are just this moment working hard in your studio... E.F.:Yes, that's right... W.T.:It is a regular custom in this show, whenever there's a review show (like the yearly review, and of course this one especially) that I am not alone in the studio. Sometimes we have a musician, sometimes a listener that has been especially knowledgable or has shown a lot of effort, anyway there are two people talking to you, and the other one here is Chris Hoeppner from Muenster, and he also has a question for you. C.H.:Good evening and congratulations, also in the name of all fans. One question, that is also very important for many fans: What is the future development in the music of Tangerine Dream, also in the long term? Will you stay with the more live-oriented and rock-oriented music, or do you intend to someday return to the more...spheric areas, which is where you come from originally anyway? E.F.:It is very understandable that these questions always come up, not just from you but from a huge fan audience. I would like to take this opportunity to clearly say how we feel about all of these issues. We believe that someone who seriously works on his music, (and I ask you to take this seriously and excuse me for saying it so directly) can really only do the kind of things he can stand for, and if we, today, in the year 1994, simply don't WANT to play the music that we played in 1978 or 1975, then I ask you to excuse us for that, but it is really a process of ongoing development. The music that Tangerine Dream made in all this time is a 'diary music'...our diary. And whoever wants to read in this diary with us is invited to do so. We are not upset when people say: 'Ok, we quit here, we don't want to listen to this anymore, this is not our thing anymore', ... C.H.:(interrupts) No, that is not the point. It is about whether you think that you will want to do this ever again, or if you believe that you are on a different track now which you will stay on for some time? E.F.:I can say one thing quite clearly: The times where the music we made was called 'meditation music' are definitely a thing of the past. I want to say this very clearly: We will not do this type of music again! We believe there are enough other artists, also in this field, that can play that kind of music very well. I think it is also only fair if the audience selects the music from there...where it finds the things it wants to have and likes to listen to. WE will go off in an even more experimental direction. The next album that we have just begun work on will go into a very different direction, we... C.H.:(interrupts) On the new label? E.F.:...nnnn...well, I don't want to say too much about that yet. But musically, it will make a complete turn, and I think that is the real adventurous thing about being a musician: you MUST allow yourself the freedom to cut right through the bushes, to march through the jungle for a while, but also to walk on a wide street if you want relax a while. I believe that this kind of fairness can in turn also be expected from the audience. Even is this fairness is not there...fine, the artist will have to do what he thinks is right anyway. C.H.:Yes, of course, this is how new music is created...people trying out new things. One more quick question. You have always been very active in the area of music for motion pictures, made soundtracks for some famous movies, is anything coming up there, any famous movie that you would like to score? E.F.:Our order books are full...but we won't do it! We haven't done any film music in over a year now, because we noticed that..., well, it is work like in an assembly line. You can make a lot of money with it, and it is also quite nice to be in that environment, people running after you all the time, but one thing gets lost, and I have to admit that here, and that's working with the things you really want inside. You always have to listen to directors, producers, all this Hollywood stuff, that's ok for a while, but when you come back to the point where you ask yourself: why are you making music to begin with?...then soundtrack music unfortunately gets in your way. We will do it again once in a while, but at the moment we have totally retreated from this business, and want to get back to the things we once set out to do, musically, and experimentally turn those ideas around with the means that are available to us these days... W.T.:We accept that, and I am sure our listeners too, that's why you have been voted, still today. Edgar, taking you by your words, we will always have the 'real' Tangerine Dream. That is very pleasing to know. All the best and good luck for your USA trip. Bye, and a productive night! Gruppe: Pers”nliche ID : P8957@K0 Wg. : Tangerine Dream Digest V12 #75 Von : (Mo, 21.02.94 17:13) An : Klaus Beschorner @ BB (Fortsetzungsteil 5) E.F.:All the best to you, Winfried and to your listeners. Bye. ---------------------END OF INTERVIEW --------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hilmar Kraft Phone: (+49) (0)5251-8-12272 Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme Fax: (+49) (0)5251-8-12279 Marketing Support/Product Planning NERV: hkraft.pad D3 Industry Marketing US-email: Fuerstenallee 7-9 EU-email: 33094 Paderborn / Germany CompuServe: 73627,3675 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 19 Feb 94 15:53:15 EST From: tadream (tadream mailing list) Subject: Wuivend Riet source... To: tadream Really-From: (John P. Battema) Requests for add/removal from this list to Hey all: A few people have asked me to try and get J. Schmoelling's WUIVEND RIET for them. Well, I just ordered it through Heartbeats Catalog, and got it in 3 days. So I would reccomend to anyone who wants this CD to try and get it from would be a heck of a lot faster than me ordering here and mailing to you all. They DO NOT have WHITE OUT, though, so I am still waiting for those to arrive. Here's the Heartbeats address/#: Backroads Music 418 Tamal Plaza Corte Madera, CA 94925 or to go ahead and order, call: 1-800-767-4748 for customer service: 415-924-4848 later all! john battema ------------------------------ End of Tangerine Dream Digest ****************************** -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To reply to the messages in this list, mail to Administrative questions to All of the opinions in this digest belong to the respective authors and do not necessarily agree with those of Datta Production and Development. Datta Production and Development is not affiliated with University of Wisconsin-Parkside. --------------------------------------------------------------------------